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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1916)
i m *4 *P *l+ *M t (ürmtp fcxpnsB AN IN D E P E N D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 1. No. 25 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 29. 1916 TROOPERS RELEASED, CLASH POSTPONED Deeks-Ralston $1.50 per Year BURGLAR PEPPERED AND PUT TO FLIGHT The marriage of Mrs. Mary Gray Ralston and Mr. James E. I leeks took place last Thursday evening, June 22, at 6 o ’clock, at the home of the bride. Close Washington, June 28.— An im On .Saturday night just a few mediate break between the United Everybody Leaving Town Laid 1« Rest friends and neighbors assembled | minutes before ten o ’clock as Ar States and the de facto govern - Forest Grove will be practically to withess the ceremony which The funeral services for James thur Caples was returning home IdimicewithThe Amer^an^demand 1 d‘‘scrk*d next Tuesday, unless the was read by Rev. 0 . H. Holmes M. Enschede, mentioned in last from his store, he saw a light flash for release of the 25 troopers cup- wt'at^er man sends us another The house was appropriately dec- week’s Express as having died in the back part of his house. He tured in a light at Carrizal. batch of bad weather, for those of orated with flowers and ever- suddenly at Stevensville, Mont., immediately guessed the light to Whether a state of war has our people who have not planned greens. The bridal party entered were held at the family residence be made by an invader, as the been prevented or merely post- to go to Hillsboro, Halm Grove or to the strains of Lohengrin’s wed- >n this city at 10:30 Monday' family is sojourning in Astoria. poned no one here would attempt some other place where a celebra- ding march played by Miss Alice morning, Rev. Dunlap of the M . He ran the remaining distance to t b i t l i S l ' ( / “n m i *i°n J* held, will take to th e; Gray Ralston who also accom- E. church officiating. The Ma- o the house, entered the front Carranza wus lacking. Until his woods for picnic dinners or chase panied Mrs. VanAntwerp who ^ n ic buna! service was carried door, and as quickly and quietly response to Secretary Lansing’s the elusive trout in his damp sang “ I Love You Truly.” Re- out at the grave, W. H. Hollis as possible, reached the dining note, dispatched Sunday, making huunts. freshments were served. taking the principal part. The room, where his shotgun was kept. two peremptory and distinct de-1 Many of our people will make After the ceremony, Mr. and pall-bearers were E. W. Haines, He then proceeded into the kitch maml» m received, there w.H be two d o( in to Hi||»boro Mrs. Deeks left for a short trip ,, C. L. Bump, J. H. McFeeters, en, which act took some bravery, no decision on whether Hresident , . , Wilson shall lay the crisis before Monday and to some other point but they are now at home to A. E. Scott, H. E. Inlow and J. considering he knew not the num ! their friends at the Deeks home, C. Latta. Interment was in For- ber or position of his foes. He Congress. ^ on the Fourth. 1 corner First street and Fourth est View cemetery. calculated that the marauder, if San Antonio, Tex., June 28— MfirP Fiuh fnr Avenue South. James M. Enchede was born in alone, would have to both hold General Funston received tonight 1IU1C 11311 IUI a report from Brigadier-General The invited Suests were Holland May 1, 1850, and died at the light on him and shoot, and George Fieli, jr., at El Paso, which T .J I . Craig, rv fi h car r supennten- Tint n and Mr8‘ Krohmer of G aston,, Montana. June 21, Mr. Caples figured upon making T fish Me8dame8 Freun(j Coving> Po,J Stevensville, - stated General Hell had ls-en noti- 1916. Deceased came to America it interesting for him in the mean fled by Mexican Consul Garcia dent for the state fish hatchery hemus, Hudson, Doty and Waite, when thirty years of age. In time. that the Americon prisoners taken at Bonneville, accompanied by Portland; Messrs, and Mesdames 1884 he was united in marriage Apparently the burglar ducked a l t a r r o a l m» » . « « thnr uuUtanU. lut Tuesday C. R. Lasham, Wm. VanAntwerp, with Sya A. Van Cross, who sur out the kitchen door when he north to Juarez and probably i , , . . . . , would arrive there t o m o r r o w brought to this city and trans- J. S. Loynes, Smith, Abbott, Eld- vives him. With his family, he heard some one enter the dining ; ferred to the feeding ponds near morning. _ , _ , „ er, W. G . Ralston, S. H. Cook, came to Forest Grove from Ala room, so Mr. Caples followed on Gales Creek 200,000 young trout .. . Chownim/ Knivht Mar- Says It Means Extermination bama seven years ago, during the to the back porch and into the of the Steelhead, Eastern Brook n in- , n \trl’ v r u“ 1“ “ ^ VCU T f ? w’ uur," K1 L" c yard and saw the figure of a man El Paso, Tex., June 28.— ‘ ‘All nnfl and Rjiintt/mr Rainbow v.rihfiuc varieties. There i^n. f*n ’ Mre. Simpson, Mrs. F. G. greater part of which period he the good people of both countries Ralston; Misses Esther Lasham, has bepn employed as horticultur- rapidly retreating through the ought to get together and work were 175 cans of the little fellows Alice Gray Ralston, Lenore Deeks, ¡st for the Bitter Root Valley back yard. for jieace, for this war, if it comes, and .three trips with a big dray Frances and Minnie Myers and Irrigation company at Stevens- He was called upon to halt,but, will be hell on earth while it lasts were required to take the fish to Messrs. O. H. Holmes, Windsor ville. The family was left in this as he did not do so, Mr. Caples — and it will last a long time, the [Kinds, where they will be fed Ar}drf ’ Garcia, the Mexican Con- t'wo' m; nth3 ¿ ¿ o r e ' ¿ ¡ ng lib- M ° ° - e’- Wright’. .M ?• Markham’ | city to permit the children to en- fired. An object f e l l to the sul at El Paso, said today. ' The A . £ k . A . , * O f t o £T\ a" d J° hnSOn’ a" ° ' F° rKt ^ 7 the educational advantages o, ground, but immediately after United States will have to face a , ward a moving figure could be the local schools. Gladys Todd Married united people, and a people de- ton c o u n t y . Another consign- A widow and seven children seen still retreating, so the con termined to tight to the last ditch. I ment of equal size is expected Miss Gladys Todd, daughter o f , tents of the shot gun were thrice Besides, we have more than 200. j early n’txt week. E. W. Howell Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd of this are ,e ft,to m° urn th? “ ddei\ de* more discharged in that direction. Z t T X Z - X L 'Z 'M f u Z look after , h e ,¡« .e v h a p , for city, was unitvd in marriage with ¡ £ J g“ ^ Mr. Caples then hastened to the of our peculiar natural conditions. tw0 m onths by which time they Ernest DuBois of Vancouver. . * . F . , ’ nearby home of Mayor Paterson The Americans w i l l encounter will have developed to a point Wash., in that city on Wednes- be,"£ y \ L heavy losses in exterminating th e ! where they can, to a certain ex- day, June 21st, Rev. Collier per- ol *iood River, Robert, who ae- and told him to watch that street. ■ for ' .. t - i tent, take care of themselves. By forming the c e r e m o n y in parted ten days ago for Ketchi When they returned to the spot Mexican people; that . • is what the war this tjme next year most of the Luke’s Episcopal church. The kan, Alaska, Florence, Rhoda, where the thief had been at the Martin, John and Ruth, the last- time he had apparently fallen, his fish now being planted will be of bride has been teaching in the city Doctors Wanted named five being at home with package of loot lay on the ground Washington, J u n e 28 — Ad-1 the length of six inches, when schools of Vancouver for the past in a condition indicating the mis the mother. ditional medical men to examine they may be legally caught, five years and is considered one of creant’s sudden decision to leave refugees from Mexico and to care _ , . Card of Thanks the most efficient members of her it. for Mexican prisoners in event of LOftftnDCrry profession The groom is con- We desire to express our sincere hostilities are being sought by th e; ® ™ A dish towel, which had been nected with the DuBois Lymber thanks to all our friends and to United States Public Health Ser simply carried by its four corners, mt — — , — _, , company and is a young man of Holbrook lodge, A . F. & A. M ., vice. and containing Mr. Caples’ silver The Hoff man Evaporator of ^ oharacter , / d Examinations f o r physicians excellent for their sympathy and assistance) ware, field glasses and various the past prospect3. and surgeons will be held in the this city has during at the death of our beloved hus- principal cities of the country month been equipped to extract, small pieces of jewelry, contained The father, mother and broth- band and father, probably e a r l y in July, it is sterilize and can loganberry juice numerous holes made by the shot, ers and sisters of the bride motored M rs J. M. ENCHEDE | announced. and some of the pieces of silver and Manager Hoffman informs to Vancouver Tue.-day to attend AND FAMILY, were dented by it. The nearby the Express that by the first of Oregon boys Enroute the wedding, returning home M iss Emma PenfieldT'Miss Bag- fence also bore unmistakable signs Camp Withycombe, Ore., June next week the plant will be ready Wednesday evening. stad, and Mrs A u . Marsh and of something having happened. 28. (Special) Six hundred more i to handle the big loganberry crop After a wedding trip to Seattle daughter,Arlington, went Tuesday Oregon troops are speeding south that has been raised this year. It Sheriff Reeves was notified and tonight, with right --------------- ht of way over all wa^ expected to begin extracting n R k \ l ^ to Rockaway Beach, where they came early Sunday morning and trains b e t w e e n here and San ^ hut the chilly weather DuBo,s w,n bt‘ at home to their wi|i Spend their vacation in Miss made an examination of the sur the Mex- r m we*K* j>ui tne cnuiy weather friends at Vancouver. m u * r ™ Diego, Cal., for d luty u t y on __________ keDt the berries from ripen rioen- — ------------------ i Fen field s c o t t a g e . Miss Bag- roundings. He has notified neigh ican border. j has kept stad gave an entertainment in the boring sheriffs and peace officers They are moving as two contin- ing as rapidly as if the weather ^ S<LWIYlill OWIIGT Rockaway c h u r c h Wednesday to be on the look-out for a man gents, in separate trains, o n e had remained warm. u ' bound for Calexico, Cal., right on ,,u „, i ., jw c i * j carrying a handful of No. 6 evening. the frontier, and the other tor Between 8 and 9 o ’clock last Tuesday t h e Dibble family chilled shot sprinkled over his San Diego, where the Third Bat- The W a s h i n g t o n County , talion of the Oregon infantry,! Poultry Association has engaged Friday morning, while Watt A. [started for their new home in person. Sheriff Reeves has followed up which entrained yesterday, is pre- Murray of Portland to act Hall, owner of a sawmill near North Dakota. They made many several clues, but this morning in ceding them. as judge of a)I pou!try exhibits at Manning, was engaged in trying friends during the few years of % « » I » T O T , , ? " 1' the Washington County Fair. Mr. to start a log jam in the rollway their residence here and will be formed the Express by phone that pris lscnUBattery A, Field Artillery, . . _____. ^ ..____ , * _____ . _____w*____su ____ a m t .i v A fnr^pil f « . he had not yer been able to fix for Calexico w h i c h entrained Murray »* a licensed judge and near his mill, the logs rolled upon greatly missed. A farewell tea first, and the Second Battalion of has officiated in this capacity in him, crushing out his life instantly, was given in honor of Mrs. Dibble the burglary on anyone. He still the Third Infantry, with Troop Washington county before. , Deceased came to Washington by the Congregational Ladies’ , has hopes, however, of finding a A, Cavalry, for San Diego county last March from Trout Bible Class, Thursday afternoon man marked with shot. Washington County * • c . . c • a . I * w ■ * /* ! I ( * U 4 *1**1 t 1 | n ♦ / * t M A 4 h IK O f m i l l L.' n n / i f \\ Mr- t »*■ n n 1 il 1 f Jlll66 Will Be Canned Poultry Judge Selected Accidentally Killed j j. c. The Governor at Hillsboro j, w. Lake, Wash., where he had oper- at the home of Mrs. Connett, Fred Ristman, the jitney driver The secretary of the Hillsboro ated a mill for twelve years, and Hughes sold on consign-! who was murdered presumably by Commercial club informs the F^x- press that Governor Withycombe p% cha*ed the 0akes & Garnahan ment yesterday at Portland 68 the passenger h e w a s driving through a lonely, wood-lined road . .i * ..................... mill. He was 43 years of age and head of pure bred Jerseys for the In addition to the F’orest Grove has accepted an invitation to ad- leaves a widow and six children, Columbia Jersey CattL club near Tualatin, May 15. left an es boys who were members of the dress the people of Washington residing, near the mill; a father Monday he sold for Ben Ward of tate of the value of $3500, ac Nationat Guard when the mobili county at the Hillsboro Fourth of and mother, also t e n brothers Gaston 18 head of graded Jersey cording to the petition for letters zation order was given, at least July celebration. You are all in- and four sisters. The body was cows and secured good prices. He of administration filed yesterday a half-dozen have enlisted within vited to Hillsboro July 3 and 4 - 0 . , . r, reports that grades are bringing' shipped S a t u r d a y to Battle much k„ ff___ fu;„ better prices in this section by his widow, Mrs. Minna Rist the past ten days. Three— Rich There will be a Tru-Blu demon Ground, Wash., where the funeral than in any other part of the man, in the County Court.—Ore ard, Lou is and William Bush— stration at the A. G . Hoffman was held Sunday. Willamette valley. gonian. went one family, weni from irom one uum.y, leaving .« ayrng for ior the remainder of this week M r. Hall was a good citizen and Camp Saturday Tomorrow (June 30) is the last v vcwi . i * Withycombe ,, ......... j and __ , , j o ........ x .. j . . . . . Judge Hollis and daughter. Mrs. since that date Roy Devlin and I — Thursday, Friday and SiiUmtay., the members of his family have Howes, and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. day on which premiums will be Ross Beckwith have enlisted and Gome in and sample the Tru-Blu the sympathy of all their friends Roe took the Columbia highway given for S. & H. trading stamps. Bring in your stamps quick. Alvin Brown says he will enlist, i products. It I and neighbors in their great loss.! trip last Sunday. Forest Grove Boys to the Border