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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1916)
LOVE IN Hy liuylnic ilir»<-t from ua at wholraal* p tlc N ai.ii u v a ill« plunih«r‘a prtolta. W rit« ua to. your iimm I i . W# will plva you ou rrork- Iwtttmi "dlrart to-you" prloaa. f o. ti. rail or lami l*v ai iually aava you from 10 to S& par eonl. A ll piaala poarantMil. Northwvat liaa<*<|iiartora for la<ail«r W alar Syatcma and Kullar A Jolioaun Roalnaa. i U v STAHK-DAVIS CO. P o rtla n d . O r a g o n Try Chiropractic I f you hav® tritai oth®r m®tlto<U. tru*l®ft, rutta or *y»U*m* o f hcaliim and hav* not mcnivMl relief, you h a v» U M ih® wrong (himr, Chiropractor« hav® I jw ii au<*r®««ful In r«m a vln f th * rauM>n of diariMMi w I u t p oilier nm II ii »U faltad. I f you nr® nick or Mtlinir. h av« a IrouM* (>f Io n i aUimilhv, 1 will I«* i-U n w tl to roruMilt »m l irivr* you » apiiuj attaiyaia. which m t i you nothin». DR. II. L. CHANDLER 502-.T-4 Rru.ulw.iy Hid».. Cortland, Ore. Thia Trade Mark Meant Th*» flit not Violin*. Mandolin«, tin i»nr»*. Banjo* noil lU n jo Mimlollnii. ihut can I/*» mad». M ad« in Orriron o f Or®irhn Wood. which I« th® fin®nt In th® world. Dad violina mail® Into ifotjd on®n Writ® for illuMtrat* • n J circular« and d®tall» to THF. C O U L T F K CO.. z n 1 i »A e k ^ i« M . fw tu j. Ore T>tii Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires for junk. Ma»l® from your old on®a, I.aat Ion» L -• '*• w I l f W|. AlatU) HI V |‘ l 1» IIHFH. W® pay an high aa |0S f | - MB I MIn D TftMworth m M th** Ugkiil m rkfl Hhlp your Tima at one*« or w rit» ua. ot icon vuuanuinc co . s ^ o v »*®*« r.sw. o» HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK W e want all you hare W rite fnr prime ami ahlppma la y . IMt M. f . NO M fON ( O. 5 1 North *ruot St.. Portland. Ora. The Closed Circle. Young Girl— Yes. 1 feel an Intense longing to <lu something tor others. Friend— Just whom do you mean by others? "W ell, I suppose utmost anybody outside ot my Immediate fam ily."— Life. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, eweet, f reth. Happy, bright, alert -vigorous and vivacious-—a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from Illness are assured only hy clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realise the wonders of the morning Inside hath, what u gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pusty or muddy complexions; In stead of the multitudes ot “ nerve wrecks," “ rundowns," "brain fags’ and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-chcckcd peo ple everywhere. An Inside hath Is hail hy drinking, each morning before breakfast, »g la s s of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire allmen tary canal before putting more food into the stomneh. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness. nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a ipiarter pound of limestone phosphate nt the drug store which will cost but n trifle but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark able change In both health and appear ance awaiting those who practice in ternal sanitation. \Vc must remember that Inside cleanliness Is more Impor tant than outside, because the skin does not absorb Impurities to contam inate the blood, while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do. C. G ee W o fluccenaftil Horn« Rented I m His *uccv»»»ful herb al remedies cure »11 kind* o f nilmenfn o f men and women w ith out operation, used from the wonderful Chino»» herbs, root», bodfl and v»*et»bi® r. which »re unknown to the medical ncieno. o f thia country. W rite for bl»nk and circular*. .Send tU n p . C O N S U L T A T IO N FREE. A d d re«» The C Gee Wo Cheese Medicine Co. 1«2V* Pirat 8 t . rartiand. Ora. Mention Paper. P. N. U. W H E N w H H «* to " M m tkla papar No. ie, loie ORIENT An Easy W ay to Get Rid of Ugly Pimples llathe your face for several minutes with reslnol soap arid hot water, then apply a little reslnol ointment very gently. I<ct this stay on ten minutes, arid wash off with reslnol soup and more hot water, finishing with a dash o f cold water to close the pore*. Do In 8omp Tribes Several Swains Served this once or twice a day, and you will he astonished to find how quickly the Their Adored One* Until the One h'-itllng reslnol medication soothes Chosen From Among the Oth and cleanses the pores, removes pirn ers H is Been Deslgnstsd. pies and blackheads, and leaves the complexion clear and velvety. Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap Homo customs prevailing In certain purts of the Hudan have been entor stop Itching Instantly and speedily sores, burns, tttlulngly described In a serlss of let heal skin humors, woundH and chafing. Bold by all drug ters which an English travsler, a min gists. Inter of education, has written to hls wife who Is visiting America. lit; came across certain tribes where H A V E Y O U N O T IC E D the women, be says, "seem to have th » cv®r-lru*r» anm* number o f cr®»m »hip* m®nt* road® to passed the limits of even American H A ZE LW O O D CO.. PO RTLAN D women,” and be naively adds that but Can you wUh for a rru,ri- convincing proof that for the distance from Cairo and the our nurthuH* m uit I m * right or our regular ahip- |M-r* would not I m - airadily increasing and wildness of the country he "would wllk «la y in g with ua. .Send us uour next can and lngly pass several months In the midst gu v u j a M a i. P K O M P T K K T U R N S . of these good folk In ordor to learn the meaning of virtue In both the an Matter of Breeding. dent and thia modem souse of the Sam was reading the paper when word. "Due girl may have as many as from suddenly he snorted and addressed Mrs. Ham; seven to fifteen wooers, w h o court “ What tomfoolery, Marla! It says and flirt with her for a whole year In here that some Idiot has actually paid the sight of her parents. They not a thousand guineas for a d o g!” "W ell, my dear, those well bred only visit her In the daytime, hut re main ut night near her dwelling to dogs are worth a lot of money, you mount guard outside her room, going know," answered bis wife. “ Yes, o f course I know that. But a so far even us to keep watch wlthlu thousand gulneaa! Why, it's a good her room In order to be at her serv deal more than I am worth m yself!” ice In case she should awake. "Ah. yes. Sam. But those dogs arc " If she usks for water, as many well b red !” calabashes of water are offered to her Feminine Finance as there arc lovers In attendance Should she desire to pay calls on her Belle— What do they mean In finan friends the whole of her lovers offer cial talk by federal reserve? N ell— I suppose that means when to carry her palanqulu, and again It Is the aspirants to her hand who under money Is shy.— Baltimore American. take to anoint her with butter every Deliberation. morning The jierlod of courtship "Is a diplomat supposed to tell the lasts for a year, at the eud of which period the beauty must make her truth?" "Oh, yes. But he Is often permit choice. When she doee so the uu ted to take hls time about discovering successful wexiera go away to repeat it."— Washington Star. their performance with another girl." These maidens are block and, notn Inally nt least. Mohammedans, but In the matter of rights and liberties they have little to barn The Bbtlluks of the White Nile, on the other hand, are as far as possible from being Moham rneduns. yet their women have almP lar privileges ^ Always Get “ With the Shllluks It Is the women It to th* that rule the household, the young Bottom women themselves that choose their husbands and that, once married, us sume the post of command. The stronguet and most hot-headed man dure not boat hls wlfs, for hs would bs looked down upon Immediately and would be unable to find a second wife to succeed hla first. No missionary of A LI N I M S N T fort affects the Hhllluk woman; It Is practically Impossible to convert hor either to Christianity or to Islamlsm. For Galls, Wire for she is the guardian and depoaltory Cuts, Lameness, of the Hhllluk traditions, religion and Strains, B u n c h e s , historical customs."— Philadelphia In Thrush, Old Sores, qulrer U. S. Government Homesteads COLVILLE, WASHINGTON, INDIAN RESERVATION. COURTSHIPS T H A T GO ON UNDER . M ANY DIFFICULTIES, I D # Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g 1 2 1 2 t h i r d ¡llr a a l. THE To Cleanse Rusty Nail Wounds H A N F O R D 'S Balsam of Myrrh Nail Wounds, Foot R Fistula, Bleeding, Etc., Etc. PRICE, POSTPAID, $1.00. Cxar Honors Emir of Bokhara. The vnstness o f the Russian tm plre was emphasised when It was mads known that the czar had appointed Kmlr o f Bokhara, one of hls tributary^ monarchs. an alde-docamp general attached to his suite. Nicholas also sent the Emir a formal message thanking him for th# gifts Hokhnrn has contributed to Russian war funds and for the cars which tbs Asiatic prince has taken to see that no disorder in his stute disturbed Rus slutt iutemal harmony. Hls Quest. "You sny you are a wanderer over the face of the earth f " we asked the shabby, sad-eyed man with the utterly hopeless air. "Yea," ho answered with a sigh. "Seven years ago my w ife sent me out with a sample o f yarn to match, and I am still trying to match I t ” Diligent. “ Wbat bas he accomplished from studying art?" “ Wall, he frequently paints the tows red." Dealers S04-S McKay liuildtni, PORTLAND, OHLGON “ H E A L T H ” UK. K O K IN E K S KOW ¡CONDITION KR stimulate*! th® ^®n®rativ» organ* ami is a pow erfu l breading tonic. insures e *»y calvin* ami eU-anirift and prevent» milk f®v®r, inflamed baff and in fact any diaea*« that may attack a cow when in a weakened condition. K ow ¡Conditioner will incr^aae the flow o f milk 5 to 15 per cent without an increase in feeding. Dr. K ori nek's C a lf Scour and Cholera K®m- edy will insure your calve« against calf scours, white scours and calf cholera, and make them th rifty. Dr. Korlnek'r Anti Cow fUont Capsulas save hundred* o f cows yearly from dying o f a ifalfa & clover bloat. Ask your dealer for K O R IN F K '8 HEM EDI EH, they are k uarantet d. or write to KORINEK REMEDY CO., Kenton Station, Portland, Oregon IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD FAKE SALTS Says Backache is sign you have been eating loo much meat. Sore G rsnulafed Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo sure to Sun, bust and Riot quickly relieved by Murine tyekeraedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Muriae Eye Salve in Tubes 25 c. ForBookslibeEyefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Ca., Chicago U no more necessary th a n Sm allpox. Army TYPHOID experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effi- ctA harmle*m®*s, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It Is more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for “ Have you bad Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o id Vaccine* results frem use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. C SC 7, When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing ail the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of spdiment. channels o f ten get Bore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia. and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidney3, also to neutralize acids In the urine so it no longer irri tates. thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-wate:- drink. Salesmanship. “ I can see at a glance, madame,” said he, "that you would not be inter ested in the preparation I am selling, except possibly as a gift to some of your neighbors.” “ What are you selling?” she in quired with interest. “ A facial beauty preparation, mad am,” he replied.— Judge. IHC CUTTCK LABORATORY, BCRr.fI.EY, CAL. PSCavUCIM S VACCIN ES ft S C ft» B S UMCCft U. S. ftOV. U C I f t S S WEEKS’ BREAK-UP- A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggist. I t ’s good. Take nothing else.--Adv. Also Notes With Slippers. City minister— Do you preach with out notes? Country minister— Not entirely. 1 get a $5 note once In a w h ile— Boston Transcript. Dependable Assistance Being prepared a g a in st a spell o f S t o m a c h , L i v e r or Bow el This brings to mind the dependable as sistance to be deriv ed from a fair trial of H O ST E T T E R S Stomach Bitters A fa m ily r e m e d y fo r 6 3 y e a rs /N *,»• 1 m t S * T w eakness is an e x c e l l e n t id e a . # You may sL be famous for j^u your cooking, j ust a “ beginn In Either Case KC B aking P owder k ! OREGON HGMESEEKERS INFORMATION BUREAU, Composition of the CarroL Carrots contain a large amount of Made Since 1846. water. H6 per cent Their most Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 distinguished dtetetical substance Is to i i ■ » § OR W R IT E sugar, of which they possess near ly Vs per cent. Starch Is also found In small quantities, with a small por tion of albumen. The ancients used Would Give it a Fair Trial. the seed both of the wild and cultlvat "Money doesn't always bring happi Next Thing. ed carrot as an Internal medicine ness." “ I see that kilts are urged as a against the bite of serpents; they also "That may be true enough; but it's healthful garb for women. Do you guvs It to unlmala that had boon stung one of the things we all prefer to learn think they'll ever wear ’em?” by them. "A in ’t they wearing ’em now?” — by personal experience.” — Boston Louisville Courier-Journal. Transcript Changed Hls Mind. When my youngest son was about three years old he said he wanted to save hls pennies to buy a little slater, and one (lay he came running In all excited and said: “ Oh, mother, I saw something l would like much better than a sister. I ’lcasc let me buy It ” When I looked out of the window to son what culled Ills attention I saw the little monkey of an organ grinder — Cleveland Lender. AH 1,000,000 ACRES In the Famous Columbia River Basin and Okanogan Valley. Fruit, Dairy. Farm and Timber Land. Map showing Road». Lake*. Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, Indian Allotments and Mineral land. Rook of DcMrriplion, show» How to laxate any Homevtead of IfiO Acres on the Reservation WITHOUT THE EXPENSE OF A LOCATOR. will help you. Its goodness recommends