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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
, r jt M -w ifntrst (Iron? ?Expr?0B AN INDEPENDENT W EEK LY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1916 Vol. 1. No. 17 CONDENSED NEWS NOTES COUNTY BOOSTERS Mrs. F. J. Miller is reported quite ill. Mrs. Martha Sutford of Dilley was in the city yesterday. Delegates from six Washington, W'. K. Curtis entertained fount y tuwriH met at Hillsboro the Mrs. M. E. Monday and took the initial steps afternoon. Aid society yesterday toward organizing the Washing- Mrs. Louis Misz is this after ton County Development league, noon entertaining at her home the an organization to fxxMtt for any- fhing and everything that the G. L. R. club of Dilley. Mrs. S. E. Fayram and little members think will benefit any (laughter of Hillsboro, visited with part of the county. Dr. R. M. Ewing of Hillsboro Mrs. B. Whited on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Grindle of presided at the m«*eting and T. W. Zimmerman of Beaverton was Banks spent last Sunday with secretary. The delegates were as Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams. follows: Mrs. J. M. Barber is not recov ering from her protracted illness Forest Grove—J. P. Hurley. L. M. Graham, W. H. McCready. as rapidly as her friends had hoped. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley, Beaverton I,. I,. Gilbert, 8. H. former residents of the Gaston dis- Davis, T. W. Zimmerman. Huber W. J. Alexander, C* J. 1 trict, are here from Redmond for j a visit. Rose, J. Henry Wells. Mrs. C. A. Broder.sen of Dilley Orenco—H. V. Mead, J. R. leaves next Monday for Grants Gilby. Pass to attend a meeting of the Banks—W. O. Galloway. state grange. Hillsboro—W. Mahon, R. M. Manager Hoffman has moved Erwin, Sam Wells. the curtain of the Star Theater A committee which will report back twelve feet and m »de other a constitution and by-laws at the improvements. next meeting was composts! of S. | An 8-pound son was born yes- H. Davis, of Beaverton; J P. ; terday at St. Vincent's hospital, Hurley, of Forest Grove; D r . Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mumford, of Banks; J. Henry Ferrin of this city. Wells, of Huber; H. V. Meade, of Because of the small sale of Orenco, and Sam Weil, of Hills tickets, the concert to be given boro. last night by Hutchinson, Piper The next meeting, at which the . and Konrad was declared off. report will be received, will be The members of the Washing held at Hillsboro, Monday, May ton County Veterans' Association 15, and all organizations in the county, including the granges, will are holding t h e i r twenty-third be invited to be present and a annual reunion at Hillsboro today. The McMinnville high school jxTmanent organization effected. President Gilbert, of Beaverton, 1 base’.rail team yesterday afternoon extended an invitation to a boost defeated the local high school er meeting to be given by his club team, in this city, by a score of on the evening of Thursday, May 14 to 0. The plant of the Cornelius 11, at Cady Hall. Speakers pres creamery is being converted into ent from Portland will l>e J. E. a loganberry juice factory and it Werlein and C. W. Hodson. is said the crop of four large vine yards has been contracted. Young People Wed The attraction for next Tuesday At the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. R W. Steigleder, and W e d n e s d a y at the Star (Oakhill Farm) Rev. 0 . H. Holmes Theater is “The Song of the Wage of the Congregational church last Slave." Herbert Butler Deuell Sunday united in marriage Mrs. will recite from “The Spell of the Pearl B. Macknxlt and Guy F. Yukon," by Robert Service. Morley, both of this city. Only There will be a special train to the relatives of the contracting McMinnville at 8 a. m. tomorrow parties and a few of their most in ^Friday) to carry the P. U. base timate friends were invited. The ball and track team and friends groom is the sop of Mr. and Mrs. and the general public is priviled L. G. Morley of this city. to accompany the train Rates, The bride and groom are two of 95c round trip. McMinnville’s Washington county’s most popular May Day celebration occurs to young people and they have hosts morrow. See or phone “ Happy” of friends who will wish them well Morgan for reservations. in their matrimonial venture. W’ill Martin, aged 23, son of They received many handsome William Martin of Haines Station, and useful tokens of friendship was hit in the head by a pitched from their admiring friends. Af ball while playing at Banks Sun ter visiting at the home of the day and sustained a fractured bride's mother for two weeks, skull. He was rushed to this city Mr. and Mrs. Morley will make and from here to the Good Samar their home at Buxton, Mr. Mor ium hospital, Portland, w h e r e ley having a position with the several pieces of bone were re Standard Box and Lumber com moved. At last accounts he had pany. better than an even chance for re covery. _________ ___ High School Baseball league SOCIAL NOTES Succumbs to Illness $1.50 per Year Despondent Woman Takes Own Life After an illness of four months with cancer of the stomach, Joseph R. Reynolds passed away at his Mrs. William Feldt, aged 44, home on South B street at an wife of a f a r m e r residing three early hour Monday morning, aged miles n o r t h w e s t of Buxton, 71 years. and the mother of six children, Deceased was born in Indiana the youngest eleven years of age, in 1845 and when but a child ac met death in a well at the Feldt companied his parents to Iowa, home yesterday morning and, where he grew to manhood and on though the coroner's jury pro August 13, 1869, was united in nounced the death as due to ac marriage with Susan A. Glad- cident, it was evidently a case of fielder. To Mr. and Mrs. Rey suicide, for the woman was taken nolds have born six children, ...u,. been with ., : from the well five of whom, the mother had jumped ¡n> Tuesday after she survive, as follows: Arthur vr ° f Yesterday morning, when the North Plains, this state; husband and father left the house Bessie McCain and Mrs. Mary for the field, he instructed an McCain of South Dakota; George eighteen-year-old daughter to keep of Hawarden, Iowa, and Miss Jes watch over her mother. During sie of this city. He al o leaves the morning the girl went to a one sister in Iowa, two sisters and neighbor’s on an errand and when a brother in Nebraska and one she returned her mother was in brother in Canada. tne well. dead. T h e husband Deceased came to Forest Grove was called and recovered the body six years ago and during his res from the well, which was 22 feet idence in this city has, by his deep, containing about eight feet amiable disposition and neighbor of wrater. ly spirit, made many warm friends, The funeral will be held from who will extend to the bereaved the residence at 1 o’clock to family their heartfelt sympathy morrow afternoon. and condolence. He was a kind husband, an affectionate father f n Cf ftn OrlH E ollnw c and a nob’e man. He was a mem- Ud^ LUI1 UUU TCUUWb ber of Gales Grange, but no other orders. Funeral services were held at Last Saturday evening the Gas- t he family r e s i d e n c e at 1:30 ton Odd Fellows of the Subordi- Tuesday afternoon, Rev. R E. nate and Rebekah degrees cele- Dunlap of the M. E. church con- brated the ninety-seventh anni- ducting the services, u’ith singing versary of the founding of Odd- by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gardner, Fellowship in America w i t h a Mrs. Webb and Mr. Andrus. The nice program a n d banquet, to remains were followed to their last which they had invited a number resting place in Forest View cem- of their brothers and sisters of etery by a large number of m ourn-, Washington and Yamhill counties, ing friends. as well as a number of towns- • A party was given in honor of Enoch Moore and family Thurs day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E E. Williams, by the mem bers of the Congregational church choir and a few other friends. The forepart of the evening was spent with games and s honograph music. Fred Jones gave a read ing and came back wi* h some de lightful encores, Mr. M ore played several beautiful selections on the cornet, and his daughter, Reine, furnished some piano music. Prof. Thomas and Mrs. Jones delighted the company with some vocal selections. O. H. Holmes pre sented Mr. Moore with a book, which was a gift from the choir in appreciation of his faithful work with them. Those present were then requested by the recipient to sign their names inside the cover of the book. After the delicious refreshments m a n y heart-felt goodbyes were spoken to this es teemed family, who will be greatly missed in various circles of our town. Mrs. Elva Watson Saturday afternoon entertained a half-dozen little boys and girls in honor of the seventh birthday anniversary 0f her daughter, Doris. T h e youngsters enjoyed themselves several hours at games, a f t e r which they partook of a nice lunch. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bryant, elt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hesseltine, Mr. and Mrs. Will Schultz of this city and quite a number of people from t h e surrounding country visited the Burpee-Elliot poultry farm, two miles west of Gales City, Sunday. The company has Veteran Soldier Called ^ a? 900 laying hens and 1600 baby chicks, making the largest poultry Edwin Cole, a veteran of the the meeting and t h e program farm in Washington county. Civil war and one of the m ost.opened with a vocal solo b y r e si d e n t s o f!George Withycombe, w h o so Mrs. H. C. James of this city highly-respected Washington county, passed to his pleased the audience that he was planned a very pleasant surprise reward last Saturday, at his home birthday dinner for her brother, on David’s Hill, after an illness of recalled. Mrs. Ben Ward played Frank Emerson, at his home on several months w i t h stomach the accompaniment. Miss Little of this city then Wednesday of last week. On re trouble gave a reading which earned her turning from work Mr. Emerson Deceased was born at Batavia, the recall she received. found the house fu I of relatives Earl A. Knott of McMinnville and the table laden with every New Y'ork. August 9, 1840, and thing good to eat. A social ev when twenty years of age moved then gave a very interesting ad- ening was enjoyed and before the to Wisconsin, where on July 3, dress on the history and excellen- guests departed they wished him 1860, he was united in marriage cies of the order, indicating that many returns of th*‘ day. Those with Miss Hannah Moore. To he had given much thought to his present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter this union were born three child- subject and was thoroughly in ac- Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs Harvey twoof whom survive On Sept, cord with the principles of Odd Baldwin and boys, Mr. and Mrs. 21, 1864, Mr. Cole enlisted in Fellowship. Snort talks were then made by H. C. James, A. Baldwin, Mrs. Company D, F i r s t W isconsin W. E. Prickett and children of heavy artillery and served the A. A. Morrill, E. L. Moore and Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. union cause until the end of the E. L. McCormick of Hillsboro war. In 1877, deceased, with his a n d Mayor Spence of Gaston, Frank Emerson and family. family, moved to Iowa, where they after which Miss Storey favored While Miss Mary Corl was a t resided for some time before mov the audience with an excellent tending a business meeting at the ing to Minnesota. Seven years vocal solo, Methodist church on Monday ev ago the family came to Washing- Then came a few short talks by ening, a number of friends as ton county, where they have re- Mrs. Bernard, Mrs. Ortman and sembled at the Wheeler house on sided ever since. L. M Graham of this city, a song North Second avenue, where Miss Deceased is survived by his by Miss Storev, remarks and a Corl has rooms, for the purpose of widow and two sons, Walter of reading by W. F. Boley of Hilis- helping her celebrate her birthday Thatcher and Milton, who re- , boro and a talk by Dr. Marshall anniversary. A telephone mes sided with his father and mother. of the same place, and others. sage soon brought her home and He was a member of James B. Thw banquet was served by the the party went to her rooms where Mathews post No. 6, G. A. R., men of the subordinate degree, a very pleasant evening was spent under whose auspices the funeral who refused to allow the ladies to in social conversation and refresh was held. Services were held by do any of the work, and it was a ments. A very pretty May bask the members of the Christian good one, in spite of the number Editors Entertained et was given Miss Corl. Those Science church at the Forest Grove of cooks in the kitchen. The Washington County High With only one member absent, present, were Misses Clara and Undertaking company chapel at School Baseball League has played Those from t h i s city were the Washington County Editorial Alma Sage, Joan Pierce, Christine 10 o’clock Monday morning and Messrs, the following games: and Mesdames B. Ort Orenco vs. Banks at Banks, (» association met at Corneiius for Mackrodt, Mary Corl, Theresa the remains were interred in For man, L. M . Graham, Dan Pierce, their quarterly meeting last S a t-' Beahen and Vesta Greer. est View cemetery, where the to 2 in favor of Orenco. L. Sexton, S. G. Morgan, R. urday. The band was out to wel-1 Dr. R. P. Nixon will give a lec- burial service of the Grand Army A. C. Hill, H. R. Bernard, W. C. Dilley vs. Beaverton at Beaver Benfer, Miss Little, Mrs. Inger- 1 ture to school children at the Cen- of the Republic wras read. ton, 8 to 8 in 9 innings, rain . tayor . holt, and Recorder W?l° Wil j tra| building Friday afternoon on Edwin Cole was a kind hus soll, Chas. Odell. R. P. Nixon and stopped the game. cox, and the best part of the ses- (<Th Care J f the yTeeth » and in band, an affectionate father and A. A. Bryant, who arrived home Orenco vs. Beaverton at Orenco, sion was the dinner served by the c i •wiinu’ Civic r ’ivi/» Improvement Club the evening at 8 o clock, at the a good neighbor and his place in about 1 o’clock Sunday morning. 4 to 2 in favor of Orenco. i Ladies’ High School building, Dr. S. E. the community will be hard to fill. Rebekahs Nominate Gaston vs. Dilley at Dilley, 4 All that mortal (temperance) man Todd will lecture to parents on could wish was on the table in the the same subject. Both lectures Card of Thanks to 0 in favor of Dilley. At last night’s meeting of the The undersigned desire to make local Rebekah lodge, officers were The Goff Bros. Hardware com way of food and drink and the will be illustrated with lantern pany of Forest Grove is offering a service was excellent. slides furnished by the State Den- public acknowledgement of their nominated as follows: After the editors had transacted silver sup to the winner similar to .. . • „ « I tal association. The ledtures are appreciation of the many favors Noble Grand—Mrs. H. R. Ber the one they gave last year. Dil ! wh “ r a s under the auspices of the Parent- shown them during the illness and nard. to after the death of their husband the meeting, they passed a res- Teachers’ association and admis ley won the cup last year. It Vice Grand—Mrs. Floyd W. and father, the late Edwin Cole. looks as though it would be a olution thanking the ladies, the sion is free to the public. Allen. members of the band, the city ad Mrs. Edwin Cole and Family. very close contest this year. Mrs. Charles VanDoren, who Secretary—Mrs. R. C. Hill and ministration and Editor Bray of F. E. Tanner and William Ober Mrs. Ingersoll. S. A. Walker and Mrs. Winnette the Cornelius News for the court was operated on at the Good Treasurer—M rs . Wright and Walker played for a dance at Ver- esies extended and accepted, with Samaritan hospital several weeks were arrested in Portland last boort yesterday afternoon and ¡thanks, the invitation of t h e ago, was getting along nicely un week, charged with stealing a Miss Tolke. After the business meeting, Mrs. Mr. Walker reports a big crowd Orenco Commercial club to hold til yesterday, when she sustained quantity of copper wire from the and a good time. Webb Hughes the next meetiug in that town. a slight relapse. It is hoped, how Haines power plant, west of this Bernard’s committee put on an conducted a pie sale and furnished This will be on the last Saturday ever, that she will soon be home city. They were later released amusing pantomine, entitled, “Ad- ivertising for a Wife." again. on bail. / considerable amusement. in July, at 10 a. m. ! \ iSTp“ Zl? Observe Anniversary