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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1916)
Jteat ( H r t v a Sxprraa A N IN D E P E N D E N T W E E K L Y N EW SPAPER , No. 12 FOREST G R O V E . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 30. 1916 funny some of the spectators are still laughing. And John Temple- IGHTS OF PYTHIAS CELEBRATE BIRTH DAY f i S S K H E e ‘ ‘brave men” of the local . of P- lodge have had many en joyable celebrations in the past, but <he t w e n ty -fi f t h birthday party celebrated M onday night edipied anything heretofore at tempted. Hughes, M r. and M rs. Jack Latta, M r. and M rs. Geo. G . Hancock, M r. and M rs. J. J. W irtz and M r. and Mrs. J. W . Hughes of Forest Grove. ------------------ ------- Landscape Gardening historv. On the fir^t Wednesday evening in April M rs. Tem pleton’s division will show what they can do in the entertaining line. * . ... , . A delightful surprise party was given M rs. B. F . W hite M onday evening, when the Congregational CONDENSED NEWS NOTES J. E . Pogue has returned from a visit at Salem. R ev. R. A . Dunlap made a trip to Portland M onday. Herman Bernard was in Hills boro on business M onday. M r. Elmer M ay was in Hills boro on business Taesday. J. N . and Carl Hoffman had business in Portland Tuesday. Miss M ary Beach, who has been j confined to her home with a sprained knee, was down town to day. Both the Pacific and Schultz markets have purchased auto de livers wagons to make trips into the country. Clinton M cGill, who returned from Eugene last week, suffering from an attack of typhoid, is get ting along nicely. Prof. A . L. Peck of the O A Choir .and, a few otber fri? nds The fun started when Knight C . Extension Course gave a very i mystenousiy appeared a t h e r of Gaston lodge led the and instructive illu s-: beau.tlful suburban home: T h e ---------interesting singing of a martial song, support- trated address at the Star Theatre eve!ling ^ ’as baPP''y passed with I*» - -- ------ various diversions. Delicious re- M onday afternoon. Mrs. Wilbur , . . . . . the audience, M cEldowney beautifully rendeced reshmtints magically appeared big feature of the program “ I Hear You Calling M e .” The ruom s0™ aud ab enjoyed next, when Grand Chancel- W om an’s Club Melody Chorus the evening immensely. mmander Willard B. M arks Bad Boys Come to Grief ted veterans’ jewels to H. then sang a very pleasing selec nson, E . B . Sappington, E. tion. Emma Craft’s violin solo Two Forest Grove boys, aged 13 alone was enough worth going to V ll.lillU U O V .U j lia i X V J IO U U livi 1 leitzhausen, Harry Gist and i and 15 years, M onday plead guilty W escott, surviving charter I near. ers of Delphos lodge. The . Tbe conversion of back yards before Judge Reasoner of Hills- Shearer & Son have rented the wo named are still residents m tobeanty spots was one thing boro to breaking into N . B . La- rest Grove, M r. Heitzhauzen i ? u , . e T u P o n aad some interest- j Course’s store in this city on the i Naylor room, north of the Rus sell shoe store, and will move their oved to. Portland, but still possibilities iff: ® this ^ line. « JUS t T k h ? e ; night of March „ 6th and . carrying jewelry store some time next week. along , _ ^ . membership in the local Dosslbl,ltlea a,nnor th,s bnp Thp' 3 * address throughout was interest- awa>’ between $5.00 and $6.00 in M r. and M rs. Irving S. Phillips while M r. Gist has trans- to Yamhill and M r. W es- ing and helpful and much en- money and a quantity of tobacco, spent Tuesday night with rela* to Gaston. The chancellor joyed and appreciated by all those The court sentenced the boys to tives in Forest Grove, and W ed present. the industrial school at Salem and nesday morning went home to T il ander is a good speaker and ! they have by this time been taken lamook City. the presentation in a frater- i to that institution. S O C IA L N O T E S d impressive manner, The Charles Martin who has been Sunday night the K . of P. hall employed in the store of A . G. ns were then given three M r. and Mrs. George G . Pat-|was broken into and some money Hoffman & Co., will go to Buxton s. r W n iu . ' erson entertained a number of taken out of the till, so it appears ; the first of April to take up new ^ ; fien d s at dinner Saturday e v e n -! there are some other people who ! duties there. ° f P elph° - -lodge’ ,tb? n 1 ing After a sumptuous repast, need watching, Totten, the magician, who was on the recipient.- of the the guests spent the evening at ' to appear last night as the last for remarks and each spoke cards and music. Those prt,sent [number of the Lyceum course, gly of his fealty to the order were: M r. and M rs. Cecil Creel, failed to arrive and the enter is appreciation of the honor M r. and Mrs. Cornelius Richard-j tainment will be given at 7 : 1 ."i rred. i son, D r. and Mrs. Samuel Todd, tonight (Thursday), Marsh Hall. Walker favored the com- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meresse, D r. W hen it was reported in the with a v o c a l s o l o ; Mr. and M rs. Earl Brookbank, M r . meeting of the Forest Grove Com - e did likewise, the entire and M rs. Arthur Caples and M iss mercial club on the evening of any sang “ America” and all Langley. March 13th that a lot owned in to the banquet hall, where a M rs W i l b u r ^McEldowney this city by the federal govern- Spring vacation is over. E very cafetena| entertained the Fleur de Lis club ment was about to be placed on one was back M onday refreshed P Thursday evening. Delicious re- the market and sold, it was sug- and in fine spirits, glad of the od cheer radiated diated during the freshments were served and the gested that a number of the mem- rest, but just as glad to be back Ing and a number of talks evening was spent at needle-work bert wrlte Congressman Willis C. in school again. made by visiting Knights and political discussion. Hawley, asking that, ins ead of Miss Nettie Davis has returned ‘officers, as well as by local selling the lot, the government for a week’s visit with old friends M rs. House’s home was the transfer it from the department of bers. and incidentally to attend the scene of an interesting affair Tues Indian Affairs to the department e members of the Yamhill Kappa Delta party Friday even presented M r. Gist with a day afternoon, when the Adult of Agriculture, so that it might be ing. bible class of the Congregational used in connection with the boquet of carnations as a The members of the Glee Club of their pride in his years of Sunday School entertained the X - bureau of entomology, a branch rays. The rooms were prettily of which has been established in report a fine trip, every minute of e. which was enjoyed. They sang d e c o r a t e d with camellias. A this city. ring the evening Commander before full houses and had a very musical and literary program was Under date of March 21st, made an a d d r e s s on given, and refreshments served to Congressman Hawley writes the successful trip in spite of the rain. fiian Service” that was much the following guests Mesdames [editor of the Express as follows: Coach Yakel is busy getting ed. Randall, Ingersoll, A . P. W est, Washington, D. C., March 21. the men in shape for baseball and ong the distinguished visit- Prof. W est, Frost, Gibson, Hawke, ••Mr. w . C. Benfer, field meet work every afternoon from abroad were Grand Philip, Rogers, Alexander, Bi-hop, “ Manager, The Forest Grove Express, now. The men are turning out icellor Commander Marks of Livingston, Hunter, Russell, Pot- Forest Grove, Oregon, well and show grea enthusiasm. n y ; Walter G . Gleason, grand win, Thomas, Hoskins, Pringle, “ My Dear Sir:— I have introduced a Prof. Kenneth Latourette of r of records and seals, Port- House, Connett and the Misses i bill, H. R. 13166, which I expect to and J. M . W ahl, of Hills- Lizzie a n d Jennie A rm sto n g , call up today before the Committee on Reed College, who has lived in Indian Affairs. I have conferred with China and whose early home was past grand chancellor, Crook, Staley, House and Master the Commissioner and Assistant Com in Forest Grove, gave an inter ton sent twenty knights to John Norman W est. missioner of Indian Affairs and they esting talk this morning on “ W hat said they would report favorably on celebration, Yamhill fifteen The Spelling Bee at the Con the proposed transfer. When they have W e Owe to Our Ancestry as A p illsboro an auto load. In gregational church Tuesday even made such report I think the Commit plied to Citizenship.” ere were ninety knights in tee on Indian Affairs will report the ing was a great success in every bill favorably to the House. dance. They Made Good way. First was a suit case race, “ With best wishes, I am, was an occasion that will The members of the P. U . Glee followed by the spelling. “ Patience “ Yours truly, e remembered by all so for- Club have returned from their in Hathaway” and “ The Professor W. C. H aw k ey . ” as to be present. terstate tour and Manager Glenn from Boston” were great hits. Morgan reports that they made Can’ t Keep Him Down The old fashioned idea was carried Their China Wedding expenses at every place they j _ t t • j t „ out in costume and program. The H . C . Decius, who was frozen o dozen of the friends of M r. coj|ege ma|e qUartet gave three played, i n c I u d i n g St. Helens, Irs. . . Jackson, living beautiful selections, the Congre- out of the Forest Grove Restau Camas, Washougal and Vancouv ile east of Hillsboro, assisted . , . - gational church orchestra played rant several weeks ago, refused to er. The members of the club also a8t|?? ,ngJiD and wasenchored. Clarence Len- be forced out of business and has sang in Portland Friday, the men partnership with appearing at Jefferson and Frank 3 ^ neville gave a vocal solo and Fred entered into M rs. J. Dixon and rented the lin high schools and the girls at c i t v r c n n r M v tb,e Ru.est> Jones gave several comic readings, venine* P t a 6ry enjoy‘ M r. Walker played some old time Corl building, on Pacific avenue. \ Washington high, being enthus r o k , - , i music. Lester Jones’ bass horn where they will open a new res iastically received. taurant about M onday of next serv ^ r a fte d w h jUPwr “ * } r by * "• ,A p * S A t T u e s d a y night’s special - • ■ and doughnuts were served in the week. jes of this city presented the meeting of the city “ dads,” the The place is now undergoing re old time school room lunch pails. s of honor with a fine dinner pairs and furniture and fixtures matter of purchasing a street Ethe gift of the guests. After The Royal Neighbors have pre have b»en purchased to equip a grader was discussed and the and M rs. J a c k s o n had pared a program and refreshments neat little eating place. Quite a purchasing c o m m i t t e e was in ©wledged their appreciation for the Modern Woodmen, to be number of citizens have asked structed to ascertain the cost of le gift, cards were produced pulled ____________ off at M L O. O. F. hall to' these people to open an American »uch a machine. The city engi the remainder of the evening morrow evening restaurant and they promise to neer will be asked to make a new spent at cards and music, survey of fractional lots to be Tuesday evening the pupils of keep an up-to-date place, with a traversed by the sewer, in order guests were M r. and M rs. menu that will appeal to Ameri Emerick, M r. and Mrs. the Purdin school gave an excel that the council may know how can appetites and pocketbooks. >b Milne, Dr. and M rs. Smith, lent entertainment of music, rec much of the cost may be assessed and M rs. Miltenberger, M r. itations and other features at the Mrs. LeRoy Needham and son, to the property. Somebody hav M rs. Henry Schmeltzer, Dr. David Hill hall. More than 100 Arthur, who have spent the winter ing complained that the city team M rs. Chas. Pollock, M rs. H . persons attended the entertain in Forest Grove and Oakland, was keeping people awake nights -an, Miss M attie Roff and ment. ________ Cal., left Tuesday for their home in by pawing and kicking, this m at Taylor, all of Hillsboro; M r. After the regular meeting of the Arnold, Nebraska. They were ac- ter was discussed and several Mrs. O. G . Holmes of Port- Rebekah lodge last .evening, M rs. companied from here by Grandpa councilmen thought the noise M r. and Mrs._ Flint of Aldrich’s entertainment commit- A . H. Needham, who goes came from a stable just west of and M rs. S. oils; tee put on a farce that was so there to spend the summer. the city barn. N o action taken. J Letters to Hawley Are Bearing Fruit Pacific University $1.50 per Year Postmaster Wirtz; Treasurer Moore N ext Saturday morning, April 1st, 1916, Robert P . W irtz will become postmaster of F o r e s t Grove and on the same date : Enoch M oore will become city [ treasurer and lignt and water col lector for the said city of Forest Grove, positions now held by JNir. Wirtz. M r. W irtz was appointed post master during January, but his commission did not arrive until last Friday, at which tim e he handed M ayor Patterson his res ignation as city treasurer and light and w a t e r collector. A t Tuesday evening's council meeting the resignation was accepted and the mayor appointed M r. M oore to the trio of positions being re linquished by M r. W irtz. The appointment was confirmed by a unanimous vote of the councilmen, who fixed M r. M oore’s bond at $5,000. Ever since Friday Postmaster Hines has been showing his suc cessor the ropes about the post- office and, between times, Treas urer Wirtz has been doing a like service for M r . Moore in the treasurer’s office. Asked if he would make any changes in the working force at the postoffice. M r. W'irtz stated he would not, as he considered all the employes efficient and faith ful. Will Banquet on Oregon Products N ext Tuesday evening at 6 :3 0 , at the Congregational church, the members of the W om an’s club and the Commercial club will serve an “ Oregon P r o d u c t s Banquet,” where all the food served is taken from the soil and waters of Ore gon. Preparations are made to serve about sixty couples and those who care to attend should see R . W . Reder, chairman of the committee on r e s e r v a t i o n s . Prices, 50c per plate. MENU “ M oore" Salmon Loaf, Mr. Bailey Hines’ (Not Heinz) Pickles Boiled Ham W e Three—Caples, Hoffman and Pacific Murket Scalloped Potatoes, a la F. J. Miller Saltine W afers and Vanilla W afers From “ True Hlue" Biscuit Co. I " in ic B lu e" G iltn e r Co. Oh ! W omen’s Club Baked Beans White Bread, a la “ Our Mayor” The " Q u n n V Browh Bread F. G. W . C. Salad * Uncrowned “ Royal A n n " Cherries “ Mont-Ore” Prunes “ H azelnut" Butter, via Schultz Cream de Carnation Forest Grove Ice Cream, all the Time Club Cakes, by the Women The Kings’ “ Golden W e s t " Coffee “ Meadow Grove” Cheese “ Our Oregon D r y " (Evaporated) Loganberry Juice Walnuts There will be a program of music, toasts and other features c leulated to promote loyalty to Oregon products. County Treasurer Sappington attended t h e council meeting Tuesday night, f r o m force of habit, and stated to the dads that he had decided to give them the city’s share of the special road fund to use on the street inter sections, as in the past. I.ast year this fund amounted to about $2,700. There were those who claimed a change i n the law would prevent the city securing this money, but Treasurer Sap pington felt it his duty to come across. M rs. H . B . Luce from near Newport, was here the first of the week visiting friends and looking after business matters. Mr. and M rs. Luce formerly were residents of Forest Grove, and still own their old home property on South A at poo t