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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
¿Forest (iron? ^Express an Vol. 1, No. 13 in d e p e n d e n t w eekly n ew spaper FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1916 OREGON PRODUCTS The County Seat SERVED AT FEAST Wnahirurton C ounty Editorial Aaaorlatlon N ew s H u rttu $1.50 per Year Mrs. Clark a splendid hostess. Those present were Mesdames Shrock, Conger, Woodcock, Jack- son, Knox, Sparks, Tumbleson, Fox and Clark. Y. W. C. A. CONFERENCE The e hi« i > ik feature of “ Home Pro The Azalea Club met with Mrs. . Ihe Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Con- Edward Schulmerich has filed ducts Week,” so far as Forest U. Male Quartet he introduced suit against R. L. Sears for the Winnifred Aldrich Saturday even- ^erence for the Colleges of North Grove is concerned, was the fine one of the most enjoyable features ing. After a business session, a ern Oregon will meet here thi3 h iiiciuet served to sixty Couples St of the evening. Before the aud satisfaction of a note dated in social time was held and refresh week-end, beginning with Friday the First Congregational church ience would allow Messrs. Stanley, March, 1911. Plaintiff demands ments served. T h o s e present night and continuing through till ig I by the ladies of Morgan, Webb and Livesay to judgment for the sum of $443 50. were : Anna Togue, Miss Newell, Sunday Tuesday evening - afternoon. . .... _ The , _ schools ., the Woman's Club. While th» cease, they had sung four numbers Miss Mary WoelI, Violet Glaysier, reprwented wdl be Reed College, In the case filed by Rudolph members of the Commercial Club one of which was in honor of Hoffarber vs. Emma J. Derrick, Belle Darling, rimer. Dee Grace Pacific College, Go.lege, Oregon State Dee Darlincr. Darling, Grace Normal, McMinnville College, had a small finger in the arrange Judge Hollis and his candidacy for Newton, Mrs. Z o a Hartrampf, plaintifr alleges that a contract ments, practically all the work circuit judge. Mrs. Maud Buxton, Mrs. Inger- Newberg High, Dallas High, Pa Toastmaster Hurley made a was made with the defendent in soll, Mrs. Hazel Carmack, Mrs. cific University and Forest Grove and planning fell to the lot of the club women and that they did nice little speech, in which he in volving certain lots in an acre M. E. O'Neil. Mrs. Lulu Bayne, High. Friday evening will be the re their part well was attested by troduced Senator W . H. Hollis as age tract southeast of Tigard, for Mrs. Mabel Giltner, Mrs. John the variety and quality of the “ our next circuit judge," and the the sum of $1100, which the de Stewart, Mildred Carmack and ception for delegates and local high school girls in Mar-h Hall. viands served It was a real ban judge proceeded to boost Oregon, fendent still owes. PlaintifT asks Mrs. Hill. Saturday morning, hible study quet, well cooked and admirably its people and products in his in for payment of remainder of con Mrs. F. A. Moore gave a party hour and technical addresses and served, and, what is more to the imitable way. He considered Ore tract and costs of suit. Monday afternoon in honor of technical conferences. At noon point, practically every article on gon a much greater country than its neighbor on the south and Forest Grove Planing Mill vs. the second anniversary of the the Conference luncheon for del the table was from the soil and E. M . »Sober and Mary R. Sober, thought all it lacked was adver birth of her little daughter, Thel egates and Y. W. C. A. members, waters of Oregon. The tables tising. He kept out of politics. suit for judgment on note given ma Lueen, entertaining six little will be served at the high school were beautifully decorated with After another speech by the in 1912. girls and one little boy, between by the Domestic Science class. white and yellow flowers. While First National Bank of Forest one and four years of age. The Plates, 25 cents. the banquet was being eaten. toastmaster. Professor H. E. In low made a very nice talk on Grove vs. Duncan M. Macleod; little ones were accompanied by Walker’s Orchestra played. Saturday afternoon a series of school matters, saying that, in his judgment on note for sum of their mothers, who a ct«! as chap short addresse will be given a. The banquet was followed by an opinion, the most important pro erones, and each guest brought a the Methodist church. excellent program of music and duct of a state was its intelligent $ 1000 . present for the guest of honor, E. J. McAlear vs. Anna Ber- short talks, with Presklent Hur citizenship. Saturday evening an address The public school rile, satisfaction on tax lein. who reciprocated by giving each ley of the Commerci d Club as was the birthplace of this citizen will be delivered at the Methodist guest a picture of herself. The toastmaster. Dan Cupid seems to have fared little folks spent two hours play church at 7 :30, to which all towns ship. He deplores! that Oregon L. M . Graham was the first had not more money to spend on very well the past week, as only The ing with dolls and other toys. people are cordially invited speaker called by Toastmaster its schools and mad” several sug one suit for divorce was filed. In Saturday afternoon meeting is The guests were Misses Roma Hurley. Mr. Graham represent gestions for remedying the defect. this case it was the man instead also open to all. Gardner, Mildred Carmack, Ad ed the city administration and Sunday morning the delegates In an ther speech, Toastmaster o f the woman who complains of eline Meiesse, Cornelia L o r d , told of a few of the things done Hurley t h e n i n t r o d u c e d Dr. cruel and inhuman treatment. Helen Hartrampf a n d Norma will attend the Congregational by the present and previous ad Il<times as a man who ‘alway The complainant is Geo. Harding church in a body and Rev. O. H. ministrations d u r i n g the past had something interesting to say,” vs. Amelia Harding. The couple Benfer and Master Reiner Shogren Holmes will give tne address. Wirtz. ___ thirty-five years. He deprecated and Mr. Holmes fulfilled the pre were married in 1912, from which The Vesper Service for mem At the beautiful country home too much criticism of the act* of diction. He plead for more har lime they lived happily together bers and delegates led by Miss of Mr. and Mrs. William Kapple, city officials and pointed out that mony among the people and for the ensuing year. Then, the Jessie Burton, Sunday afternoon the beds of the mayor and council- wondered if there were not a few complaint alleges, she began to on Davids Hill, Sunday, April 2, will close the session of the con men are not always lined with things for the benefit of the com display an uncontrollable temper, at 2:30 p. m , occurred the chris ference. tening of their granddaughter, roses. munity that could be carried which she turned loose without About forty delegates, besides Toastmaster Hurley then made through without opposition from the slightest provocation, using Evelyn Barbara Ahlgren, daugh a nice little speech and introduced the "kickers." He mentioned get- abusive language and applying ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahl speakers, are expected and will be * entertained at various h o m e s Mrs. A B. Todd, who talked of together picnics as ? possible so vile epithets to the defendant gren. Rev. Berthold conducted Lesser about town. Our townspeople “ Our Woman’s C lub." The lady lution of the problem. She also displaced tendencies the services, Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Holzmeir attended the are showing their appreciation of told of the aims of the club women The Lou unaater reported that 1 found only in the most rabid foot and plainly showed that, while there was a possibility of securing ball enthusiast— namely, that of little one. Miss Emma Holzmeir this coming conference by willing sang "Father in Heaven.” At ly promising entertainment t o they might at times criticise, such the 1917 encampment of the G. lodging her pedal extremity force 6:00 o ’clock a b o u t 50 invited delegates. criticism was intended for the A. R. ?». ’ W . R. C. for Forest fully in the most appropriate best. Mrs. Todd called attention Grove and asked if the people place, which, the plaintiff alleges, guests sat down to a delicious Mrs. C. J. Bushnell will be the chicken dinner. The remainder of to th* fact that "Northwest Pro presiding officer of the Conference. would promise to house between caused him much anguish and the evening was socially spent. The speakers will be Miss Scrib ducts W eek" was originated by a severe injury. He asks that the 1400 and 1600 visitors for three or Four generations were present, ner, Y. W . C. A. secretary of Woman's club in a neighboring four days. Several spoke in favor marriage be dissolved and that he consisting of Mrs. Sybilla Haage, University of Washington ; Miss state, and that many other meri- j of the proposition and, on a vote be given full right and title to Mrs. Barbara Kappel, Mrs. Ed torinus movements were started by Jessie Burton, Religious Work being taken, it was the unanimous certain lots located near Beaver ward \hlgren and Evelyn Barbara Director of the Portland Y. W. C. club women. ton. opinion that if the veterans will A ; Miss Lina B. James, General After another speech by the In the estate of Rosanna An- Ahlgren. came we will see that they have trastmaster, C o u n c i 1 m an Mc- Secretary of Portland Y W. C. A; der.-on, petition has oeen filed for places to sleep and plenty to eat. "The Passover" by E. L . Ash Mrs. Wilma Pearl Crownse, of Cready told of a number of good Prof. G . R. Thomas was down the appointment of J. M. Hiatt as ford, an oratorio of the flight of the Portland Municipal Depart things accomplished by the Com administrator. The e s t a t e is the children of Israel from Egypt ment of Public Safety ; Miss Hop mercial club and its energetic for a vocal solo, but he sang three valued at about $2,000. and their safe passage over the kins, Northwest Student Secre president, Mr. H u r l e y . Good of them before the audience would In the estate of George B. Sage, Red Sea, will be given in the Con tary ; Mr. Boughton of M cM in roads, county fairs and boosting give him up, and he deserved it, value $2000, petition has been gregational church April 19. A nville College ; President Bush for he is a pleasing singer. for town and county in general filed for the appointment of Clara large chorus and five soloists, ac • nell and Miss Farnum. The commillee which arranged were attributed to the efforts of A. Sage to act as administratrix. companied by Walkers’ orchestra, for the banquet was composed of this organization. Mesdames Miller, Abbot, Hines, The only registration for can (Mrs. Wiliiams. director) will sing A Reply With another neat little speech, Opportuni ies to Chowning, Hesseltine; Miss Min didacy the past week was that ot this oratorio. It has been, and will be my Toastmaster Hurley introduced hear the oratorios are rare, be purpose, during this campaign, to I)r. Mary F. Farnham, dean of nie Myers and Messrs. W . J. Me- Clarence Barber for constable of cause of the many weeks of hard Cready, C. A. Littler and R. W . ! the Hillsboro district. appeal to the voters of Washing women at Pacific University, who On Saturday, April 1. there was practice necessary. We believe ton County in an honest and spoke on "The Growth of Civic ; Reder. The committee to serve was a total of eighteen fishing licenses Mrs. Williams presented Gauls gentlemanly way, and without Idea's," calling attention to the' composed of Mesdames Hoskins, granted, and on the several days “ The Holy City” several years misrepresentation or abuse. improvement in appearance and Thornburgh. Lovnes. Allen, Hur prior to the first, numerous others ago, the first oratorio ever sung I do not know that the matters comforts of the city since 1892,1 here; the “ Passover" will be the discussed in the published state were issued. when she assisted in organizing ley, Hoar and second. All the food served was donated ment of District Attorney E. B. the “ Civic Improvement Society, Much trouble is being met with by liberal busines. men of F bral Tongue are of much importance. which startea many of the im in the county clerk’s office over However, I wish to assert just as provements the city now enioys. Grove and Portland. the new restrictions on citizenship ____________ emphatically that he i n n empnaticaiiy tnai ne did aia make mane the me Toastmaster Hurley made a papers. An estimate has been Dollar Day IS 3. u0 positive statement to me that he nice little speech in introduction made and the figures show a pos The next step in the boosting of Miss Peterson, who favored the As the result of a conference was not, and would not be a can- sible 600 votes which are now un game will be taken next Sasurday, available. audience with several vocal selec held Monday evening between d i-: didate, and gave as his reasons tions in her usual accomplished when the merchants put on their Mae Enoch, an eighteen-year- rectors of the Commercial Club that he woulu not consider the of- manner. Dollar bargains. j.out a deputy, old girl, resident of Orenco. was and the Washington County Fair i After a brilliant speech of intro association, it is now an assured The discussion occurred at the committed to the asylum at Salem Miss Celine Cappoen, daughter duction by the toastmaster. Dr. fact that Washington county will c° ur* house just before we argued of Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Cap the past week. The affliction was C J. Bushnell, president of Pa see a county fair held at the old t*ie . matter of the injunction brought on by disappointment in cific University, spoke in his usual poen of Cornelius, died at St. a love affair. stand some time in September, a? a|nst the Sunday closing law polished and logical manner of Mary’s Institute on last Friday during the latter part of January, Registration is coming in very this year. The Commercial club and at that time he had been the aims and needs of P. U. He morning. She had been ill with will assume a portion of the re slowly, and unless there is a rush without a deputy about three felt that the people of Forest tonsilitis, but was not considered before the 18th of this month, sponsibility and a meeting will be weeks. Grove were behind the institution serious, and the news of her death held in the near future to arrange only a small number of the voters There was no opportunity for and this fact gave him consider came as a shock to her parents will be prepared to cast their the details. and friends. Celine was not quite misunderstanding; was no misun able satisfaction. He anticipated votes in the primaries. The regular meeting of the W. derstanding and no necessity for some great »improvements for P. eighteen years of age, and had entered St Mary’s Institute two C. T. U. will be held W'ith Mrs. further discussion, as I had every U. in the near future. Phillips, corner A street and Sec reason to and did believe that he SOCIAL NOTES With another of his brief, but months ago, intending to finish ond avenue north, Friday, April meant just what he said. polished addresses, the toastmaster her high school studies. She was Mesdames Conger, Woodcock 7th, at 2:30 p. m. Report of mid He is now closing his second introduced A. T. Buxton, who buried April 1st from the Catho ’ term, making eight years service spoke of the relations that should lic church, Rev. Father Buck and Shrock gave a surprise dinner year executive meeting will be as District Attorney. M y declar- exist betWeen the townspeople and singing the requiem mass and Rev. party last Thursday. March 30, given. the farmers. If the townspeople Father LeMiller of Verboort pro in honor of Mrs. Charles C lark.: Miss Edna Iler visited with her ation was filed February 9, and wunted the patronage of the nounced the words of absolution The table was very pretty, with grandmother Saturday and Sun my case, as all others, does not rest with any man, or particular farmers, they must maintain a and preached the sermon. In the huge birthday cake with day at Gales Creek. set of men, but with the voters, market for farm products. W. K. terment was in South Cornelius candles r e p r e s e n t i n g the past birthdays. A very pleasant after Harry Reeher and family have w-ho are the sole and supreme Newell spoke along the same lines. cemetery. I teaching : noon was spent, each guest d e -, moved to a sawmill at Scoggins arbiters. When Toastmaster Hurlev in Miss Myrtle Porter is V parting at a late hour declaringj Valley. 13-tl H. T. BAGLEY. troduced the members of the P. school at Vesper, Oregon. i The County Fair sure