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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1916)
Jfforvat (Bravt iExpreas Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W . C. Berifer, Editor and Publisher. Entered as second-ciass matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the Oregon, under the Act of March jatoffice at Forest Grove, 1879 W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 9, 1916 N O T E S A N D California 4 TRAINS C O M M E N T S How One Oregon Town Is Being Regenerated “ I see you are trying to instill in your readers the spirit of home patronage," said a traveling man to the editor of the Express a few days ago, “ Well, there is no better work for a newspaper and none that promises more returns to the community. I recently visited Oregon City, which, but a few months ago, was one of the dullest towns of its size in the state. Hut things are changing now and Oregon C ity promises to be known from one end of the state to the other as a ‘ live one.’ “ The ROAD OF A T H O U S A N D W O N D E R S ” towns in Oregon,” continued the traveling man, “ and I hope to see it tried in Forest Grove. N o town in the state has a better chance to be prosperous, if the people just make up their minds to make it so.” W hat think you of this story from Oregon City, business men of Forest Grove and residents of Washington county? Isn’ t the plan worth trying? The Express has no desire to force prosperity on you, but it is willing to help those who are willing to help “ H ow was it done,” asked the themselves. editor. Six Months Round Trip Tickets on Sale DAILY Many attractions for the visitors to California in February. Bathing at the beaches, picking oranges and lemons, motoring, playing g o lf or tennis. The beautiful exposition at San Diego open all the year. Trips to Mt. Lowe or Mt. Wilson, Ocean trips to Catalina or Santa Cruz Islands. E veryw h ere the door o f hospitality stands open fo r you. from PORTLAND Ask your local agent or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC license fund. Washington county vehicle owners spent $2,659 for licenses last year and it cost o f McMinnville $528.75 to collect the licences. Is the Great Home Insurance Company of Oregon The probable receipts from this that has adequately solved the problem of furnishing protection source in 1916, by the way, is an for a minimum cost and building up a Reserve Fund that amply other item that was not given in protects the assured. It has more than $260,000.00 in first-class assets, as shown by examination recently made by the Insurance Patronize the Advertisers the annual county budget as by Department o f Oregon. “ By getting together and under Forest Grove, Feb. 7, 1916. law required.— Banks Herald. When insuring your home, remember the slogan, “ Patronize standing each other," replied the Editor the Express, Home Industry.” tr iveling man. “ They have orga Forest Grove people who tried Forest Grove, Ore. Agent for Washington county nized what they call ‘The Live W e very much appreciate your to buy candies, cigars or tobacco Office, FOREST GR O VE, OREGON W ire club’ and the members meet paper and wonder that your ad last Sundry were up agarnst it, once a week at a banquet. At vertising patronage is not far in for in pursuance to instructions first only the business and pro excess of the pre.'ent showing. from Sheriff Reeves, the confec fessional men met and they ac Your paper has many enthusiastic tionery stores were closed and supporters and readers who would complished little, for they only drug stores were limited to the gladly support your advertisers. had one side of the question. sale of medicines. This action S u b s c r ib e r . Then somebody had a brain-throb comes as the result of Judge Bag- For the benefit of “ Subscriber” and suggested that they invite T A I L O R FOR M E N and others who may feel as he ley’s dissolution of the injunction their customers— the farmers and S U ITS M A D E TO O R D E R F R O M $20 to $60. Perfect fit does, the editor will say that there heretofore granted against the en laborers. Well, they did it, and Guarnteed. C L E A N IN G , P R E S S IN G A N D A L T E R IN G are several reasons why advertis forcement of the blue laws. The the first time one of the merch SOUTH M A IN STREET FOREST GROVE ing is hard to get at this time. court is of the opinion that the ants got up and complained about First, business is a little quiet people have had plenty of time in the farmers sending away for right now and many merchants which to repeal the law if it is ob merchandise that was carried in make the mistake of advertising noxious, but admits that its pro the local st ires, a hard-headed old only when business is booming visions are unfair to certain classes farmer got up and said he was one (when they don’t need advertising of business. So far as the Ex of those who sent away for goods, as much as when business is dull); press can learn, the only com but explained he learned the habit second, a number of merchants plaint local confectioners have is from the business men of Oregon have agreed not to patronize any that the law is not enforced in C ity. thing but the newspaper trust un- Multnomah county and several “ The farmer told them that he t.l some time in March. A fter the other counties of the state. The had observed that the clothier first of next month the Express way to get an obnoxious law re sent away for his sugar and other will have more advertising and pealed is to enforce it. If a groceries, the grocer sent away more job printing. In the mean majority of the people think the for his clothing and the farmers time those who want to help the Sunday closing law obnoxious, had not been slow to follow suit Express should pa ronize its ad they will probably put it to death m arket an d grocery and send away for everything. next November In the mean vertisers. Right then and there the mer time, buy your cigars and candies W. C. R e n f e r , Manager. “ Home” of Government Inspected chants began looking at each on Saturday. Meats and “ A ll Good Things to E at” Have you registered yet? If other with anything but friendly Quality First is Safety First glunces. It looked fo r a time as not, do it today. Dates to Remember though the ‘ Live Wire club’ was T w o men who fought for a job As this is to be a year of poli Originator of Penny Change System in Forest G rove. One going to bust up in a row, but in Portland were arrested and Order will convince you. t ic » it w’ill be well to remember Phone 692, FO R E ST G R O VE, ORE. several other farmers and laborers locked up. the following dates in connection told of their experiences; one la The grip epidemic has been a with the elections: borer said when one of the mer boon to those California lemon April 18— Last day to register ! chants built a new home he had growers who were not victims of for primary election sent away for carpenters, plaster the malady. April 19— Last day to file peti- i | ers, etc. He didn’t believe, under tions or declarations for nomina- ^ How many of us ask for Oregon the circumstances, it was wrong AT HOME tions for county offices, district for the working people to send products when buying pajH'r bags, and justice of the peace. their money away when they wrapping paper, etc? There is a spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance 0 seeing it again ; you may even handle it again Even if wanted goods Then somebody paper mill at Camas, using Oregon M ay 19 — Primary election. you never see it again, some of your neighboS w ill get it told a funny story, several others wood and employing Oregon labor. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. startwl to sing ‘H e’» a Jolly Good Let us encourage this industry. No^ matter*°wheth “ P F ° reSl autoSoWtesor grocerie3’ ''»thin*, shoes, Fellow' and friendship took the M ay 20— Rc 'pening of regis \ ictor Murdock, national chair place of hostility. Before the man of the progressive party, says tration. meeting adjourned a committee that his party is so far from dead June 4— Last day for condidates wus appointed to go among the that thousands of Bryan demo- *° statements of expenditures farmers, laborers a n d business crats will join it this fall. How of Primaries. people and ask that they all re are they going to September 28— Last day to file get T ed d y’s form, that they go to work to consent tt> come in? pronwted°*to'^he°city Cdass^by the S j a -h-S been certificate of nomination by po refusing to send fh ~ “ build up Oregon C ity and help litical party or assembly for A man who would write poetry county and district. each other, instead of trying to the “ Beautiful Snow” in the live off each other for the benefit of U 7 -I. . October 7— Last day to register W illam ette valley would be tak- for ‘ of th e catalogue houses. T h e general election. The Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n \ W. P. Dyke E. G. H O E F E R Express Phon is GILMORE’S Keep Your Money * Gf * A Job Printing % & *££ THE EXPRESS farmers and laUiring people ac oepted the challenge and things have bet'll coming nicely for the town since that time And the merchants have nearly all agreed to patronize the paper mill at Camas when they want paper bags, wrapping paper, etc., and they are asking the merchants of ,n* hi* life in h » hands. And yet * e haven t heard o f any fatalities, 'vhm>in we arv nH' ^ fortunate l*lan California, where more than ,^ ,-v P*°P*e were drowned by And over in Montana l ^e Pt'°P 't‘ rejoiced when the mer- cury ^ not get below 40 less notbing. October 13— Last day to file certificate o f nomination by in dividual electors for county, dis of taste and'jSirernen/*n &11 C*?88eso* -¡°b printing, printers any kind of station«? th en S sflS T l -a n d - y o u can get almost Come and see. ' m st exact,nR fancy might crave. trict and precints. Novem ber 7— General election. Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8. p. •zing t h e E x p r e s s m l -°U bave 30 P10 reason fo r m. Novem ber 22— Last day for candidates to file statement of ,lu WMhingtoo county in 1915 r c expenditures. \\ hat has boon done at O n * ™ ceived $2.150.25 from the Mato at. Typewriter for sale, See it at C ity can be done at most o f the its portion of the automobile the Express office. A d vt not patron- Either will do^ore^for ^For *° the other local °ffice- concern outside the city or i S n t ^ ® than 30,116 pmtin* W E RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING H vst of the New I. O. O . F . Block h° n*’ S ~ * Forest Grove, O r e * »»