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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1916)
Jteai fa w fâqjreaa AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1, No. 4 $1.50 per Year FOREST GROVE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1916 team on their home floor last Fri Mrs. Schiffer Laid to Rest day evening by a score of 24 to Josephine, wife of C. E. Schiffer, 23. At the end of the first half, died at the Good Samaritan hos P. U. Wins at Me. the score was 7 to 10, figairst the pital, Portland, last Wednesday, The ladies of the Forest Grove visitors, but at the end of the As we predicted last week, our Jan. 26th, of paralysis of the There was a lively little scrap second half the Forest Grove boys basketball team won at “ M ac” Woman’s Club certainly have the n the sewer job, corner of Sec- had made it 23 to 23. In five Saturday. It is the first time P. bowels. The body was brought power to draw crowds to their d street and Third Avenue minutes extra play, a foul was U. has won over “ M ac” in years to this city by the husband entertainments and the reason uth, Monday afternoon, when called on North Plains and shot —and on their own floor! The Thursday and funeral services therefor was apparent to all who Turk who had been ordered to by Devlin of Forest Grove. This game was easily the best that has were held at the home of W. C. attended the presentation of the eep away from the other work- was the deciding score Ramsey been played this season. From Tucker, a brother in-law to de musical program a n d playlet, en, attempted to “ clean” one of was high point man for the vis- first to last the battle was fast ceased, Saturday at 10 a. m., Rev. “ Those Dreadful Drews” at the J. F. Ashley officiating. The body e city employes. Not getting itors, while Mays starred f o r and interesting. The score stood was interred in the Cornelius Star Treater last Wednesday night. ong with his cleaning as well as North Plains. People come to Woman’s Club 27 to 15, which indicates that the cemetery. desired, the Turk went to a entertainmen ts b e c a u s e they game was hard fought Our men Forest Grove North Plains Josephine Schiffer was born at ol box, picked up a metal Ramsey, (12) know they will be entertained. rf Mays, (17) did splendidly. Our guards were Fresno, Cafif., twenty-three years lumb-bob and was about to re- If Dye, (1) Davis, (6) great. Wilcox made some sensa ago and came to Oregon when! The first part was a musical, ew the fight, when his late an- Devlin, (7) c S im p s o n tional basket throws that sur twelve years of age. She leaves a consisting of an overture by the gonist pulled a revolver and Ashley, Although husband and two little daughters, Walker orchestra, composed of W a l t e r s passed expectations. rg rdered the bad man to come to 1 Barber, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Walker, R. C. Goodman had barely recovered D o r li n g Ig the latter seven months and four e city hall. Another Turk act- Walker, W . N . Sears, Enoch from an attack of grip, he played Substitutes, Sappington f o r d as though he wanted to take a Dye, Meek for Davis. Baskets, a nervy game. Simpson was the years of age. The family lived in Moore, John Frost, Arthur Jones, Forest Grove up to two years and and he, too, was taken to Ramsey 6, Devlin 2, Sappington star player on the “ M ac” team. Clarence Lenneville, Tom Todd, ago, when they moved to Port he hall. At one time the pair 2, Mays 8, Davis 3. Free throws, The second teams also played. 1 land, where the husband is em Everett Burnworth a n d M r . cted as though they were going Devlin 3, Dye 1, Mays 1. Ref In this game P. U. was defeated Walters; the “ Clock,” by the ployed. Mrs. Schiffer’s death will o rebel and their captor fired a eree, 0 . Ashley. by a score of 10 to 4. Consider be mourned by a iiost of friends in Melody Chorus, female voices; hot toward their feet, whereupon ing the handicap that our men Washington county, who will miss a piano solo by Russell Beals; The North Plains boys will hey moseyed along, without fur- come to this city for revenge Fri played against— the uncommonly her for the good she has accom VonSuppe’s “ Hail to the Dawn,” her parley. by a chorus of mixed voices, and day night and the game will be large floor— both teams gave a plished. There has been bad feeling called at the P. U. Gym at 8 good account of themselves. a cornet s o l o , Weber’s "Last Mrs. Mallory Entertains mong this certain bunch of work- o ’clock. Admission 10c. Waltz,” by Enoch Moore. All Two special cars were required Saturday evening Mrs. Mar en since last Saturday, when the numbers speak very highly of to carry the crowd to McMinn garet Mallory entertained a few heir foreman was discharged for Prohibition County Conference the musical talent of Forest Grove, ville. The trip both ways was friends at her home in a very en efusing to do work as per in- From 1:30 in the afternoon un enjoyed by all, but the trip back joyable manner. The evening and especially of the ability of tructions and a dozen of the til late in the evening, the prohi was enjoyed more because Coach | was spent in playing charades and the director, Mrs. E. E. Williams. urks quit work at that time, bitionists of Washington county Yakel allowed the players to ac other games, telling stories and Between the first and second laming the city employe who will hold a conference at the For company their girl friends, a priv disposing o? a very nice lunch, parts, Miss Farnham, Dean of jas assaulted Monday for the est Grove Christian church next ilege denied them on the way prepared by the hostess and her Women at Pacific University and vice president of the Woman’s ischarge, several of the Turks Saturday, Feb. 5th. over. Everyone was enthusiastic daughters. Those present were club, explained the operations of ave made threats against him The W. C. T. U. ladies have an over the trip as well as the victory Messrs, and Mesdames J. F. M c the Student’s Loan Fund, how it nd he went to work Monday hour on the program and will pro over our strongest rival of the Gill, Fred Wilcox. R. C. Hill, A. was used to help students finan L. Sexton, R. M. Taylor, H. R. cially unable to continue their nth a gun in his pocket. The vide “ eats” at about 5 o’clock. past. ____ Bernard, W. C. Benfer and Mr. O. studies. She mentioned a few en taken into custody—Jack Prof. F. C. Taylor will open the Exams are over! Hurrah! F. Weidenbach. The hands of the shining lights in the w.irld of art ero and Baras Chebo — were discussion “ Signs of P-ogress,” Dr. clock were close together, point and music who had been assisted Are we glad? Absolutely!!! aken to the county jail at Hills- J. S. Bishop will open the discus Monday was registration day ing upward, when the guests by the fund and told how some of ro by the sheriff, but later re sion of “ National Prohibition; by thanked their hostess for a pleas those assisted had struggled until . and the second semester work be ant evening and departed for they had paid back the amounts eased on bail of $50 each, put up Statute or Amendment, Which?” and J. Sanger Fox, state secretary, gan Tuesday. their homes. loaned them. M i s s Farnham y Mr. Elliott. Both Gero and will have charge of the conference Miss Nettie Davis and Miss thanked the people for their lib hebo were among the men who and will deliver an address in the CONDENSED NEWS NOTES eral patronage and then the fun Donna Mack have quit school on uit when their foreman was dis-' evening on “ Uncle Sam and began. account of poor health. A party harged and it appears they had Booze.” This is ground hog day. “ Those Dreadful Drews” were Good music throughout the was given in honor of each at Her o business at the place where the vehicles for conveying to the “ Uncle Thomas” Todd is re rick Hall last week. Both were session. Come. he fight occurred. ported a Itttle stronger than last audience the versatility and his popular co-eds and their many week at this time. trionic ability of Mesdames A. U. The city employe who was en- j “ Why Smith Left Home” friends regret that they cannot; Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark left Marsh, W. Pollock, C. E. Rich aged in the fight informs the The Junior and Senior classes be with us this semester. Monday for Modesta, California, ardson, and M. I. Mallory and itor of the Express that one of the local High School have the Misses Jenness Miller and Chas. L. McNeill, better known where they will reside. eason the Turks do not like him united to present their annual Manche Langley. So well did as "Stubby,” was here visiting old Mrs. Ella M. Miller, of Eugene, all the ladies carrv off their parts that he has several times repri- play at the Star Theatre, Friday, friends the week-end. “ Stubby” spent Saturday and Sunday at that Mrs. Elinor Sanford-Large, anded some of them for speak- February 18, 1916. The play to was a prominent Glee club man the W. H. Greer home in this city. who staged and directed the pro g to young girls, on their way be staged this year is the laugh two years ago. His old college | The High School basketball duction, must have spent con and from school. quintet went to Newberg Satur able three-act comedy, “ Why friends are wishing he could be j day and met defeat by a score of siderable time in selecting the la The date for the hearing of Ge- Smith Left Home.” dies who could best portray the with us again. 41 to 12. peculiarities of Mrs. Whitney and and Chebo has not been set. Prof. G. R. Thomas, who has The second big snow of this re Miss Marjorie Hesseltine de her daughter, Julia: Mr». Clark, had much experience with plays markable winter beautified th e1 parted Thursday f o r Topeka, Mrs. Roberts, Antasia Drew and Endorsed by Mrs. Shaw in connection with the work at O. esmpus and college buildings once Kas., where she goes to take a last, but not least, Ruby, the “ Smashing the Vice Trust,” a A. C., is coaching the cast and special course in music. maid. oving picture depicting the suc- promises to have it in shape to more. The fluffy, pure white Charles Show, who has been Long before the. curtain rose ssful fight waged against com- give best results when the curtain crystals piled on the bare branch working on the sewer ditch, met standing room was at a premium rises. es of the majestic oaks lends to with an accident and received a ercialized vice by Governor and many who would have gladly G . E. Richads of the Central our picturesque campus a dreamy, broken leg one day this week. 'hitman of New York, which paid the 25c admission w e r e school is leading the High school mes to the Star Theatre next orchestra, which will furnish music enchanting fascination. Blaine Hoskins, a Forest Grove turned away because of a lack of boy who is attending a dental room. The entertainment should uesday (afternoon and evening), for the evening. The members of An Interesting Lecture college at Portland, was in town have been repeated. s the endorsement of no less a the orchestra have been working The Congregational church was last week, being enroute to Chi rson than Dr. Anna Shaw, hard for this occasion and will They Are W aking Up well filled last Thursday night by cago to attend a fraternity meet metimes called “ The Grand Old render some selections worth ing. In addition to the six applicants townspeople and students, anxious Toman of America.” Mrs. Shaw hearing.! Just as the Express goes to for nominations mentioned by the to hear L. M. Graham’s lecture Mrs. H. B. Hird and two child ently wrote, “ Let us have press word comes that Mrs. Ab Express last week, the following on “ Japan.” The speaker showed raham Baldwin, one of the city’s oving pictures like “ Smashing ren, who have been visiting Mr. j himself well informed on his sub most respected women, has passed have filed: and Mrs. Clarence Kelsey, par e Vice Trust,” which show all E. L. McCormick, republican, ents to the father and husband, ject and talked very interestingly away at her home on A street. e terrible temptations and traps Lieut. Hird, departed yesterday of the life, habits and religion of Deceased has been an invalid for county clerk. id for young girls, without any morning for a visit with the lady’s Obituary n e x t S. N. Pool, republican, assessor. the Japanese people. He called several years. ggestion of lewdness. This pic- parents at Cody, Wyo. After week. James H . Davis, republican, re attention to the improvement of re teaches a better lesson than their Wyoming visit, they will The manager of the Express corder. the condition of the people in the has a nice present for every sub y mother could have taught me. join the lieutenent at Boston, he W. F. Boley, republican, asses having started for that port, provinces where the Congrega scriber who has pa'd a year in ad ny woman and girl is better via the Panama canal. Lieut. tional missionaries had introduced vance. Come to the office and sor. rotected by having seen it. In- Hird has been supervising the western ideas. The stereopticon make your selection. This is the Mrs. R. F. Lepschat entertained eed, this stirring photodrama placing of the machinery on the slides of Japanese life were beau last free distribution of papers; a number of the Royal Neighbors U. S. S. Bushnell at Seattle. nil probably educate mothers hereafter only subscribers will re at a woolpick Thursday afternoon. tiful and interesting. ceive the papers. ven better than their daughters.” | The rain of Tuesday morning, Some of the guests, who had been Prof. Bates will lecture tomor Governor Whitman appears per- on top of the heavy snow of the Friends of the Luce family who requested to bring their aprons, night before, broke in the roof of row (Thursday) night on Madura, formeriy lived on “ A ” street in had done considerable guessing nally in the picture. the Hughes garage, on First street, India. The public is invited. this city will be interested in as to the nature of the program, Win From North Plains and the awning in front of the The Albany College basketball knowing that Miss Laura Lucd but all accepted the task assigned The North Plains^school quin office of the Valley Realty Co. team will come to this city Satur was recently married to P. Egos- them cheerfully on being put to tet were defeated by the Chris-1 It is claimed that 33 inches of day for a game with Pacific U ni-, cue of Fields, Oregon, and the work. The lunch and good time snow fell during the 31 days of happy couple are living on a that followed the picking amply tian Sunday School basketball January. versity at the Gym. ranch near that place. repaid all for their labors. ARLIKE TURKS COME TO GRIEF The “ Dreadful Drews” Drew Full House Pacific University I