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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
Vorrat (Irmi? îExttr^aa AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1, No. 2 ALLEY EDITORS I ENTERTAINED FOREST GROVE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19. 1916 OREGON PIONEER ' ANSWERS SUMMONS G R O W TH » 'PACIFIC UNIVERSITY IN R E C E N T Y E A R S I.Increase eÇ B t t i l d i n j t a n d E^u,i The^ semi-annual meeting ol lAlufc in. 1906.-- H D B M H M B I f 100,000.22 he WiRgmette Valley Editorial u SZ00.000.2S ssociatioH# held in this city last looX Im reate iturday, was quite well attended, onsidering the inclemency of the ¿.Increase of S t u d e n t s veather, there being just two Total ns dozen newspaper people in at tendance. Zi > er»tsi College Students W - m b b s 35 The meeting was held in one of ■ l O 1^ — 2 o o % rt«se the class rooms of Pacific Univer sity and was called to order at 2 o’clock by President Hurley, who •* 11 ’H ! * ® / 6 - D e c r e a s e -Academy being discontinued introduced Senator Hollis as one Muliebri ‘oï-mmmmmmamm S3 of the gentlemen who had been 'll- 103 - /& £ Tncroa«# selected by Mayor Paterson to Freshmen ,, ' U - M 31 welcome the scribes. The senator SH- - 7S%Zncr in < n « 5 « « r did the honors in his usual polished manner, expressing the opinion that no other factor had the ¿Increase of College Courses power to do so much for a com Number Departs ! ? % : - ■ ■ ■ ■ 10 munity as its newspapers. •< is wmmmmma 3>0 * IOO % On behalf of Pacific University, Number Credits ’o A : - B B M M H B I 290 President Bushnell welcomed the V¥:-l I 502 visitors, stating that he envied 7 3 % Tnerea.»e the editors their power, which was of T e a c h i n g Force almost immeasurable. Total Teachers Secretary Elbert Bede replied 19 for the editors in a neat speech. / 9H: ' ■ ■ ■ h ü 2 .9 - 50% Increase Phil S. Bates of Portland, sec College •• 10 retary of the State Editorial as 2.0 — /o o % sociation, brought greetings from that body and delivered an edify ¿ .I n c r e a s e o f E n d o w m e n t ing address in which he gave some Zalu-e in I0y8 ~l $ 1 0 0,0 00V good advice to the valley editors. On Mr. Bates’ motion, a resolu «> .. /9 /9 .- I tion was passed, thanking W. A. OT~ “ / So% I n c r e a s e in l¥9ff Jones and Mrs. Edyth Tozier The above diagram shows the growth of Pacific University, one of the foremost educational Wetherred for favors done the institutions of the northwest, during the past sixteen years and the editor of the Express is pleased to newspaper boys. A. H. Deute of Portland told learn that plans are being worked out to secure for the University an additional endowment of the editors how they could secure $200,000, Mr. James J Hill, the railway magnate, having offered to provide $40,000 of the amount. more “ foreign” advertising by co- This additional endowment would make possible a remarkable expansion in the size and scope of the operating with the local merchants University and the Express joins all the other friends of this excellent institution in the hope that and the manufacturers of adver- nothing short of the fondest hopes of the trustees will be realized, __ tised articles and the editors and game will be called promptly at publishers decided by vote that Typefounders Company; Albert K g I s GV . , 8 p.m . in the Pacific University five cents per line was the lowest Tozier and Edyth Tozier Weth- ^ Kymnaseum. and a lame crowd price at which advertising could ered; H. V. Meade, the Walnut, 3 should be on hand to cheer the be done at a profit. Orenco; G. E. Brookins, the Her- locals to victory. Several other business proposi- aid, Canby; C. C. Chapman, Ore- day afternoon Clarence Kelsey, tions of interest to publishers only gon Voter, Portland ; John G. Eck- manager of the Forest Grove “ Those Dreadful Drews” were discussed until 6 o’clock man, McMinnville Telephone- Planing Mill, had the misfortune The Woman’s Club of Forest when the newspaper boys and Register; G. T. Taylor and Mrs. to get his right hand caught in a Grove is preparing an excellent girls adjourned to the basement of Taylor, Molalla Pioneer; C. J. “ joiner” and before he could program for next Wednesday the Christian church, where the McIntosh, O. A. C. Press Bulle either extricate his hand or stop night, Jan. 26, for the benefit of Commercial club members were tin; G. L. Hurd, Stanfield Stand the machinery, lost the greater the Student Loan Fund, or “ Red hosts at a fine dinner. Here Pres ard; A. E. Scott and J. P. Hurley, part o f his right hand. All that Letter Day,” as it is known in ident Hurley, as presiding officer, Forest Grove News-Times; W. C. remains is a part of the thumb clubdom. A p la y,' Those Dread- called upon H. E. Ferrin. secre Benfer, Forest Grove Express; A. and o f the first and last fingers, fu] Drews,” under the manage tary of the Commercial club, for H. Deute, Portland; Phil Bates, the two middle fingers being ment of Mrs. A. U. Marsh, Northwest, Portland; Col- n address of welcome. The gen Pacific . ,T _ , TT . „ amputated close to t h e l a s t coached by Mrs. Ealinor Sanford m V. Dyment, Umversity of Ore- knock|e jo ln t tleman did the honors in a neat Large, will prove equal to the one speech and story and then visitors g0” ', _ , . Mr. Kelsey was taken to the given last year. A splendid musi The f present officers having where he he is ig resting restinfr as M and local people "«--‘ were called upun upon “ uu,uia* e .jdueu .----- ' . ° hospital> hospital, where cal program, directed by Mrs. for remarks. Among these were proven their worth to the associa- easj,y ^ could be expected. He E. E. Williams, introducing the Elbert Bede of Cottage Grove, G. tion, they were re-elected by is a popular and industrious citi- “ Melody Chorus” of ladies’ T. Taylor of Molalla, Phil Bates unanimous vote, as follows: zen and his many friends will be voices and the “ Harmony Chorus” J. P. Hurley, President. and A. H. Deute of Portland, pained to learn o f his misfortune, of mixed voices. Last year many Elbert Bede, Secretary-Treas George P. Putnam of Bend, Al were unable to secure standing Fast Game Is Promised bert Tozier and Mrs. Wetherred urer. room, but this year there will be of Portland, and Dr. Bishop, Rev. Local basketball fans will have a seat for every ticket sold. Pacific Basketballers Win Two Holmes and several other local a chance to see a speedy game on The play will be given at the The basketball squad of Pacific people. The dinner was attended next Friday evening, when the Star Theater. University went to Philomath by almost two hundred Forest McMinnville High quintet will at Friday and defeated the home Chester K. Fletcher, son of Mr. Grove people. tempt to lower the colors of the college team by a score of 29 to and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher of this Mesdames Hurley and Scott en Forest Grove High basket tossers. 16 and the following evening the This will be the last appearance city, and a graduate of Pacific tertained a number of the visitors P. U. boys administered a worse of the local players, at home, for University, was married at Mon- at lunch at the Hurley home Sat dose to the Albany team, winning over a month, as the team will mouth, III., Dec. 28th, to Miss urday noon. by 51 to 5. be playing in foreign territory Edith Miller, a teacher of Mon- The newspaper people present Next Saturday the P. U. team that time. mouth. Chester is principal of were George Palmer Putnam, sec goes to Newberg for a game with It is hardly necessary to say the Centennial school at P".eblo, retary to Governor Withycombe, the Pacific College boys. With that this will be one of the feat- Colo., where he and his bride will and owner of the Bend Bulletin; E. R. Brown, Oregon City Cour two fresh scalps in their belts, the ure games of the year, as intense reside. _________ locals will endeavor to make it ier; E. E. Brodie, Oregon City rivalry exists between those two The third installment of the three straight. Enterprise; L. C. McShane, Hub schools. McMinnville always has continued story, “ The Thousandth bard Enterprise; Eric W. Allen, Ralph Oglesby, o f Banks, drove in a ¿eam that ranks high in basket- Woman,” will be taken up next head of tne department of journal ^ circles- whi,e the Por? t when>* ,eft off ,last ism, University of Oregon; G. E. on to Portland where *he will viait for Grove quintet is an unusually It is a mighty interesting story, Carr and J. F. W’oods, American a while. fast, scrappy aggregation. The well worth reading. Watch for it. ns Is Bad V Maimed $1.50 per Year William M. Stephens, one of the best-known and most highly- respected citizens of Forest Grove, passed away at his home in this city at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, January 19, after a short illness with lagrippe. Deceased, who was one of five children born to Thomas and Elizabeth Stephens, was born at Madison, Jefferson county, In diana, July 8th, 1831. In 1845, with four wagons and thirteen yoke of oxen, he crossed the plains by the old Grant trail, locating where Portland now stands and four years later joined the gold- seekers in the rush to California. After prospecting for some time with indifferent success, Mr. Stephens engaged in freighting be tween Sacramento and George town. He served in the Rogue River Indian war of 1853 and, in 1855, went to Red Bluffs, Calif., where he remained for a year, leaving that place for Yuma, Ari zona, where he prospected for a year. In 1858 he returned to Tort- land for a few months, but soon moved to Yamhill county, and a little later went by water aud pack mule to the Frazer river country. The next year again found him in Yamhill county, where he farmed for about a year before he moved to Polk county and bought a farm. While here, (Aug. 22, he was un' te<* 'n marriage Ann Ue Lash mutt, a na- l ' ve Columbus, Ohio, who crossed the plains the year before her marriage. Three years later Mr. and Mrs. Stephens moved to • f t * “ “ the P ^ e n t town of Banks an,‘ two yearn later they a8am 18 " uw the town °< Bl“ ,on - He"> the couple lived and reared a fam ily until twelve years ago, when they moved to Forest Grove. Deceased is survived by his widow, two daughters and four sons, as follows: Mrs. John Allen, of Vernonia; Mrs. Nettie Car- stens, of Banks; Edward L., of Timber; Alfred L.. of near Bux ton; Chas. R .,of Banks, and Fred erick C., who lived with his father and mother in this city. Another daughter, Clara, passed away some time ago. • Funeral services will be held at the Forest Grove Undertaking company chapel at 11 o ’clock to- morrow (Thursday) forenoon, Rev. Father Buck officiating. In the death of “ Uncle Billy” Stephens, Forest Grove loses one of its most beloved citizens, the widow a devoted husband and the children a kind father. Peace to his soul. “ t,(l1"8 » hat William Thompson Called William N. Thompson, aged 57 years and nine months, suc cumbed to pneumonia at his home at Hillside last Saturday and funeral services were held at the Hillside church Monday, Rev. S t a v e r officiating. Deceased, who leaves a widow and several grown children, was a member o f Jerico lodge No. 183,1.0. O. F. o f Banks, and the burial service o f that order was carried out at the grave. J. S. Buxton o f this city prepared the remains for burial.