Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1910)
Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling !... Local Reporters of the Press Prof. Ferguson made a trip to Boys youths and mens clothing Portland Friday. at Andersons. A. J. Hoffman made a short Pres. Ferrin was in Portland trip to Hillsboro Tuesday. Saturday on business. IN M A N ’S I STOVES I J STOVES I H H A R D W A R E STORE The cold weather demands proper protection within doors as well as without. You can secure indoor comfort at a low cost in fuel by using the right stoves. W e have them. Chas. Shipley ran over to the Matt Hines, o f Gales Creek, Grove from Banks Tuesday. made a visit to the Grove Tues day. Those overcoats at Anderson’s The “ AURORA”, a handsome heating stove, with look good these cool mornings. John McCoy o f the Kansas bronze urn and full nickle trim. Swing top. Remov 0 . Holt o f Gaston was a busi City section, was in Forest Grove Tuesday. ness visitor in the Grove Tues able front panel with nickle screw. Draft Register day. A concrete walk is being con and Hot Blast Attachment. Nickle foot rail. A structed around the new Metho Mrs. Jessie Knight is rapidly dist church. recovering from her recent ill splendid heater which will give sure satisfaction. ness. Car! Clapshaw was one o f the Hillside residents who visited the Attorney Tom Tongue, Jr., of Grove this week. The “CHARTER OAK” Hillsboro, was a Grove visitor Friday. range is carefully m a d e Everything in furniture can be had at Roe and Co. Come in and Harry Gibson, from the Hill inspect the goods. throughout of “ Hammered tf side district, was a Gro*e visitor Planished Steel”, the finest Monday. Clay Trites, the popular Hotel n an of Gales Creek, paid the grade that is made, manu The David’s hill fruit grower, Grove a call Tuesday. Dick Folscher, dropped into town factured ecpecially f o r Tuesday. Miss Lida Brown, formerly of these stoves. The pven is this city, is reported quite ill at Miss Helen Chalmers attended her home in Portland. strong and rigid and i t s the reception at Herrick Hall Saturday night. Speciai sale of Bracelets, solid construction such as to insure the best possible results in Geo. Chapman came over to gold and gold tilled, at Booth baking. I he flue box is cast iron, extra 'arge, with ample the Grove from his home in Gales Jewelry Co. this week. Creek, Tuesday. Jack Killen, the reliable veter | opening; the damper is very simple and impossible to burn The flpti-known Hillside far inary of Thatcher, was visible up- j I out; reservoirs are porce ain lined. All ranges are full mer, Car Wilder, was seen on on our streets Tuesday. nickle t i«n an:l will STAND THE TEST OF WEAR. oi r streets Tuesday. Jake French, one of the Hill J. F. Love, a well-known hop side farmers, was a business call j rower o f Thatcher was a Tues er in this city Tuesday. day visitor to the Grove. 8 Charter Oak and P ractical N urse open for en Webb Hughes, one o f Dilley’ s prosperous farmers, transacted gagement. Mrs. Amanda Artley, 15 North 4th St. Phone 55x business in this city Tuesday. “ W ood” Superior H o n an Eaktr was in fiom J. S. Semones, o f Caldwell, his home in the Kansas City dis Idaho, visited his brother, Dr. trict the fore-part o f the week. Semones, o f this city, Tuesday. Jack Farkins, o f Gales Creek, C. L. Hinman has a full line of who conducts an extensive hop- ranires and heating stoves in yar was in borest Grove lu es- . , stock. Make your selection now. day. See the ‘ ‘Charter Oak” . tf Now is the time to purchase A. J.Prideaux.Mr. and Mrs. W. tha. range you want. The best B. Shi vely.J.R. Ward, T.B. Denney that are made can be had at and Misses Silverman and Heidel Hintnan’ s. tf A son of W. J. McDonald, from witnessed the Alumni game Sat Seattle, is here on a visit,and will urday. pro1 auly remain in the Grove J. B. Matthews wishes to show permanently. you the new “ Union” jack; for F. A. Hannisof York, Neb.,vis lifting, setting tires, stretching ited with Ed. Seymour over Sun fence and many other uses. Al day. Mr. Hannis is looking over tf the state with a view to invest ways handy. ment. William Holland, o f Kenton, a c c o m p a n i e d by por scientific horse-shoeing go Fire Chief Lenneville made a O h i o , special trip to Portland Tuesday his cousin Clifford o f Portland, is to Bryon Markham, Main Street. tf to purchase a gong for the ¡e- visiting at the home o f C. A. Dick He guarantees results. built hook and ladder truck of ison near Dilley. the department. j Mrs G. L. Bash ford, grand 1 Notice to Farmer*—Bring in mother o f Miss Grace Dickison, your chickens, eggs and butter Æ ' jg who has been on a several weeks to W. F. Schultz and get cash vis t at Fern Crest Farm, has re in exchange. Produce o f all turned to Vancouver, Wash. kinds wanted. tf Judge J.W.H. Adkins, of Gales Alfred D. Hocking left Tues Creek, was i n town Tuesday. The Judge had a decided limp in day for the state of Kansas. Mr. his walk, caused by the kick of a Hocking has been visiting his refactory horse. No serious dam father, Jas. Hocking, o f the aged though. Grove, the past four weeks. Jas. Hocking, o f this city, has Anybody wishing Accident and bee in Portland for the past few Health Policy; or policy on the days. In conversation with a representative of the P ress , Mr. 10, 15 or 20 year plans in one o f Hocking expressed himself a s the oldest and strongest Insur too well satisfied with Forest ance companies in America will Grove to ever care to leave ‘ ‘the please write or call on J. H. prettiest town in Oregon.” Stream, Forest Grove. The Civic Improvement society Why burn $4 wood when you o f this city met Saturday after noon, and after mature deliber can buy a ton of Mendota coal for ation, turned over their work to $7.50, delivered. Little soot and the Civic Committee o f the Wo little ash. Keeps an even fire. man’s club. Ten dollars, which was in the treasury, was handed No splitting, no sawing, equals over to the Hose festival commit- two cords of wood, Give it a trial tee of the same organization. Roswurm and Moulton, Forest E v e r y d a y WC’ rC m a k i n g tf Mrs. Francisco Da\ id died at Grove- FINDS % THEM HEIÎE her home in Thatcher Tuesday morning o f organic heart trouble. Mrs. David was bom in Germany 69 years ago and had lived in thifl neigeborhood the past 40 years. Two sons, Wilhelm and B n rjr, and a daughter, Mrs. Mar e Th itcher. smvive her. Fm -ral services w r° held this n v - ’’ ¡ g a* 10 o’clock Rev E.V. Stivers officiating \v;th interment in Buxton cemetery. FOOTPRINTS Mrs. A. M. Lenneville, mother Qf popular blacksmith o f Pac- Come in and fet your share ific avenue, is visiting in Med- of the GOOD THINGS ford with her son John. “ Orand- ma” went back to North Dakota , In DRY GOODS BARGAINS a short time ago, but Oregon’s _ climate could not be resisted,and 3110 she has returned to the balmy ®tate for keeps , as the boys Forest Grove, Ore. say. Hountdll AllCD Company The Progressire Store H E A T E R S Stand at the head of all corn- pet tors. Give a greater a- monnt of neat at a lower ex penditure for fuel. Come in and examine them. HIMAN’S HARDWARE ST0RÉ] MP&ci ic U n iv e r s ity ] Offer» thorough instruction in college and preparatory courses. Its Laboratories are well equipped for science teaching. Conservatory gives superior instruction in Music. Typewriting, Stenography and Commer cial Branches are taught by competent in structors. Clean athletics and various student activ ities are encouraged. The new gymnasium, fitted with all mod ern appliances, including a fine Running Track and Swimming Pool, is added to the equipment for the coming year. Stop that cold and cough A. D. S. Cold Tablets, A. D. S. Cough Remedy Is the dope that does the work Dr. Hines’ Drug Store