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About Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1910)
LISBON CAPTURED; KING IS PRISONER mm Army and Navy Bombard the Royal Palace. Thro’ Time Elgin Means Right on Tim e Elgin Watches are Unsurpassed in Accuracy & Quality Features Sold by Arthur Shearer The Main St. Jeweler FASHION STABLES J. A. Brown, Prop. Commercial Trade Solicited Spscial Conveyances Over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged Ind. 744 Phones Pac. 33 Forest G rove, O re. ALW AYS PLEASED y ■ W That's the verdict of those w ho patronize OUR GROCERY O ur Stock Is Complete O u r Clerks A re Courteous O u r Prices A r e Low Let Us Please You, Too H . T . Giltner Ind. Phone 701 Pac. States 26 Main Street Forest Grove The Press Prints Letter Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards. Calling: Cards, Statements, Bill Heads, Circulars, and Blue and Green Flag of Revolution Ists Placed on Palace and Roy al Standard Hauled Down. P O R T U G A L IS R E P U B L IC . Braga Lisbon, Oct. 6.— The capital is now completely in the hands o f the Repub licans, who have formed ¡a provisional government, with Théophile Braga as president. Ajnew national flag o f red and green is flying over all public buildings, including the town hall. This afternoon a proclamation was issued by the provisional government to the Portuguese people, announcing “ The people, army and navy have succeeded in proclaiming a republic. The Braganza dynasty,mischevious and disturbing to social peace, has been forever exiled from Portugal.” King Manuel, with the Queen Moth er Amelie and his grandmother, the Queen Dowager Maria Pia, has taken refuge at Mafra, 23 miles from Lis bon. Already the Spanish minister, in full uniform, has called to pay his respects to the Republican leaders. It is impossible to estimate the num ber o f those killed or wounded in yes terday’ s fighting, but it is expected to London, Oct. 5, 3:40 a. m.— Definite news has been received here that a revolution broke out yesterday in LiS' bon, the capital o f Portugal. Most of the army and navy are with the revo lutionists, warships having bombarded the royal palace, and report has it that the king, Manuel II, is virtually a prisoner there. The royal standard has been torn from the palace and the flag of the revolutionists flutters in its place. The royal palace stands above the river Tague in the western part o f the city, and the attack upon it by ships of the navy is understood to have been simultaneous with the uprising in the city. The Santander correspondent of the Reuter Telegram company confirms the report o f the revolution and adds that the rebelB have captiyed the palace, taking the king prisoner. A dispatch from Santander, Spain, says that the German steamer Capo Blanco, lying off Lisbon, has sent a wireless dispatch to the effect that the rebels have hauled down the royal standard from the palace and hoisted a blue and green Republican flag in its place. This report says warships began the bombardment o f the royal palace as soon as the uprising in the city began. The Times, in its issue this morning, does not confirm the report that the king is a prisoner. It contains no dis patches from its Lisbon correspondent, but it prints the Matin’s wireless dis patch and says it has reason to believe GOV. CHAS. K. HUGHES that the news of the revolution is true, Of New York, who has been appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. although the rumors that the king is a prisoner are not well supported. reach several hundred. The city has “ We have given King Manuel notice been considerably damaged by the to quit. The coming revolution will bombardment o f insurgent warships. be a kindly affair. We shall kill the The buildings occupied by the minis least possible number o f persons.’ ’ tries around the Praca do Commercio In these words Dr. Alfonso Costa, and the Necessidades palace were the ryost advanced o f the Portuguese made the particular targets and today Republican leaders, warned the world show broken walls and turrets. The o f the intentions o f the revolutionary tower o f the church attached to the party immediately after the general palace was demolished. elections at the end o f August. Part, Thus far, however, no attack has at least, o f his prediction seems to be been made upon private property and verified in the brief undetailed dis it is reported that the banks are being patches at hand this morning. guarded by bluejackets. No word has been received from the province, as communication has been largely cut off, and dispatches and messages of all kinds have been suppressed. TRAINMEN DISOBEY ORDER; THIRTY-SEVEN ARE KILLED Staunton, 111.— Thirty-seven persons were killed and from 16 to 25 were in jured in a collision on the Illinois Trac tion system two miles north o f here. At least three o f the injured will prob ably die. The collision was between local train No. 14, northbound, and an excursion train, No. 73, loaded with passengers on their way to view the parade of the Veiled Prophet, at St. Louis. The accident apparently was due to the dis regard of orders by the crew o f train No. 14, in charge o f M. A . Leonard, conductor, and John Lierman, of Staunton, motorman. Train No. 14 had orders to pass train No. 73 at Staunton. The latter train was running in two sections, and the orders given to No. 14 were ex plicit that it wait for both sections. The first section o f No. 73 had passed when the crew o f No. 14 pulled out on the main track and started north. At Dickerson’s curve, a sharp bend two miles from here, the two trains met. Hills rise north and south from the curve. Train No. 14 and the second section of No. 78, both on the down grade, were making 40 miles an hour when they met at the sharpest part o f the curve. Confronted with death, the crews o f both trains set the brakes and jumped for their lives. All escaped without serious injury. None o f the passengers had a chance for life. Signal Sent 5600 Miles. New York— A new long-distance re cord for wireless transmission is claim ed by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph company, which announced that the officials were informed in a dispatch from London that Mr. Marconi, who is pow in the Argentine republic, has successfully received signals directly from Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, and from Clifden, Ireland, at the high- power station now almost completed in the Argentine republic. The distance covered is estimated at 5,600 miles. W . F. Schultz M arket and Grocery m • mmmammm mammmmm mmmmmmm Call or T eleph on e Y o u r O rders Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Vegetables of All Kinds Free D elivery to A ll Parts o f City ■ÇvAHIUAaiWClÎ,| Both Phones Pac. A v e Forest G rov e ^AMSÄMRUMOil . »osnane.eatcan. Cash Paid for All Farm Produce Booth Jewelry Co. T h e B ig S t o r e P acific A v en u e Forest G rove, Ore. P A C IF IC HOME MUTUAL FIRE PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON W ill Save You More Than 25 Per Cent If you w ant up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy plum bing fixtures installed, or repairs made, get in touch with the practical plum ber H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phones P acific A v en u e Residence 4525 Forest G rove, O regon R E V O L T M AY SPREAD. Spain Is Badly Worried and European Monarchs Anxious. Paris— The Sud express train reach ed.Paris Wednesday minus its Lisbon section. Crowds awaited its arrival, hoping to get news o f the outbreak. Members o f the Portuguese legation were among those disappointed. Travelers from Spain say that Bil bao and Barcelona, Spain, are in a state o f effevescence. Republicans and Carlists are following the trend of revolution with undisguised satisfac tion. General Weyler, captain general of Catalonia, has taken stringent meas ures to preserve order. He is hurry ing troops to .Republican and Carlist strongholds, where an outbreak is feared on October 13, the anniversary of the execution o f Ferrer. The Spanish-Portuguese frontier is the scene o f extraordinary animation. A stream o f carts is entering Spain, | laden with chattels o f the wealthy and poor, all fearing pillage if they remain in Portugal. The presence o f a British warship in the Tagus greatly comforted King Alfonao, whe feared King Manuel would fall a victim to the revolution. Today’a train for Lisbon was crowd ed, the passengers including represen tatives of French business houses with interests in Portugal. THIS IS THE MAN YOU NEED If the hoofs o f your horse need to be shod. I have the metal, the knowledge, the skill and the will ingness to put your horses right when they need a firm footing. I also do General Blacksmithing, anything and everything. Joe Lenneville Home Baking Co. Finest o f Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day W e sell 6 loaves o f bread for 2 5 $ Free D elivery to A ll Parts o f the City Pacific A venue Forest Grove Mine Camp Fire-Swept. Trinidad, Colo.— Delegua, one o f the largest o f the Victor American Fuel company’s camps in Las Animas coun ty, was swept by fire, entailing a losa o f more than $300,000. The fire will tie up oprationa in the camp for seve ral months. Practically all o f the mine buildings, including the powerhouse and mine tipple, were destroyed. * 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Sugar Plant Burned. Franklin, La.— Fire destroyed the Adelaide Sugar company’s plant here, Ts x on Franchise Fails. Atlanta, Ga. — The Western Union loss about $300,000. Anything else that can be pro- Telegraph company waa held not liable Fire Destroys Four Tow ns. luced with ink and paper. Let for taxes on a Federal franchise valua tion of 1950,000 by an opinion handed St. Paul—The towns o f Gracetown, >s have your next order. We down in the United State# Circuit Williams, Swift and Roosevelt, Min will deliver you a satisfactory and Court of Appeals here in the case o f nesota, on the Canadian Northern rail the Western Union company against road, near the international boundary W. H. Wright, controller of the stats line, have been destroyed by forest fires. No lees of life ia reported. I of Georgia. A n Artistic Job Canned Goods Proclaimed President — King Flees From Capital. YO U AUTO T r y our invigorating and refresh* *! S O D A with pure crushed fruits for ITTITT i I||III ~ Y ou are not 10 fruits. ever- OuR C hocolate I ce C beah * * * and N ut S undaes are simply delie«**- W . E. Prickett Pacific A v e. Fore* &•* Subscribe for the PRESS, no*