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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
2 • 2 LOCAL HAPPENINGS 1 Furniture upholstered and repaired A. W. Johnson, the “ Market M an” Mattresses made to order at Harris. Two doors south of Vert’ s Hall. That fine new gun cam e from Goff Meats— The best in town delivered Bros.’ store. Frank Brown, the cartoonist, to your home. is in E. A. Ives, of Glenwood, A. Saelen & Co. Mr. Fay Harrington, Tillamook this week. who has been sick with typhoid fever is still very ill. paid this Atty. office a pleasant call, Tuesday. S. B. Hillsboro, were See Goff Bros’ . big stock of hard Huston and wife, of visiting in our city, Saturday. ware before buying elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler, of Gales W. B. Logsdon, of Manning, was in Creek, the city Tuesday on business. were in this city on business ■ Saturday. Dr. Frizelle and H . W . Russell, of Gaston, weie down Friday on business. Watch for our wagon. It will be at your door during the week. A. For a fine Sunday dinner go to the c aejen & Qo Colonial. Dinner served from 6 to 7:30 The parlors of Mademoiselle La- p. * m. found at The be Course can A. Baldwin, of Mountaindale, was in Laughlin. the city Saturday shaking hands with It is said that oil of Goldenrod is a old friends. If you wish to keep on the good side of your wife get a new steel range Rev. J. J. Patton will occupy Rev. L. F. Belknap’ s pulpit at the M. E. Mr. and Mrs. -4 T. H . Rodgers Monday for M cM innville feft to take a vacation of a few days. Prof. J. as it is often called. M. Garrison has returned from his nothern trip and reports large classes in penmanship and good sales for eggs and fancy birds. Frank Gordon resigned his position with Jackson & LaCourse as salesman and is now with J. E. Bailey in that capacity. Claude Smith formerly employed at Plibbs’ store in Gaston, is again at home and working for McNamer & Johnson. Mr. W . I. Haney and gents’ furnishing goods store in the Odd Fellows’ building. Mrs. Baber and daughter Josephine church, next Sunday. V¡7 sure cure for poison ivy or poison oak, Watch for the opening of the new at Goff Bros. Mr. Vanors- dale, the two em ployees of the P. C. left Saturday for Newport where they will remain several days on pleasure and business com bined. Messrs. James and Clark have been Tw o doors south of Vert’ s Hall. May Hardin, of this city is visiting in Cheeney, Washington, this week. H . Anderson, engineer for Orandorf mill at Buxton was in town on business Tuesday. A letter addressed to Mrs John R ey nolds remains uncalled for at the postoffice. Upholstering and mattress making at C. F. Harris’ s, second door south of Beaver City, Nebraska, Las purchased the H iggins ranch near Dilley, and S t a g e M ir r o r . a scene in a play above a fireplace, in a sideboard or a cabinet one is almost sure to hear somebody usk his or her neighbor w hy the glass has been smear ed with whiting or soap or something that dulls its surface completely. All sorts of reasons are hazarded or sug gested. Sometimes It Is stated that it Is done for luck, at others that they did not intend to leave It dirty. The real explanation is, however, a simple one. The glass is dirtied to prevent the illusion of the scene being de stroyed, as it certainly would be if the audience saw in it the reflection of themselves or, worse still, the reflec tion of the people in the wings carry ing on the business of the stage.—Cld- rago Tribune. Vert’ s Hall. O n io n s F o r D ip h th e r ia . In cases of diphtheria onions in the Deputy Sheriff Kane was in Eastern form of a poultice and a sirup are said Oregon last week attending to mining to have an almost magical effect. The poultice in this case is made of the raw interests there. onion pounded to a pulp and bandaged around the throat well up to the ears, Mrs. Dennis of Portland, is spending changing ns often as the mass becomes several days at the hom e of Frank dry. A poultice of the same on the 30le of each foot reduces the fever. The Satnders of this city. mucilaginous properties of onion juice Mrs. Will Lambert and son Herbert make it specially soothing to the in- I left for St. Louis and other Eastern flamed mucous membrane and there- | fore acceptable in case of whooping points for an extensive pleasuie trip. cough, croup or diphtheria. An excel Exclusive line of gents’ fine furnish lent w ay to make the sirup is to cut | the onion into slices, sprinkle plentiful ings will be found at W . H ousem an’ s ly with sugar and press between hot new store in I. 0 . 0 . F. building plates and a heavy weight until all the | juice is extracted. soon. M ir r o r , C r y s t a l a n il Sw ord. The State President of the W . C. T . U. will be in Forest Grove next week to inspect the J. B. Matthews corps. the Kane-Hubbert logging camp this recovering. winter has purchased the Oscar Bald Miss Pearl Ramsey of G lencoe left win property on the corner of Second yesterday for Beaver City, to visit her and First Avenue. Consideration, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hardin. $ 1200 . Mrs. Ramsey was accompanied by Rev Olinger, well known here and Miss Emma Severe who will remain in who resided here until his recent move Beaver City. to Sheridan, was in town Tuesday C. C. H oopes, one of the progress visiting old friends and saying goodbye who were badly burned, previous to his departure for Christo pher, near Tacoma, where he has are slowly recovering. charge of a church. Atty. John F. James and wife of Mr. C. 0 . Henry, recently from Portland, are spending a vacation with of this city. Mrs. The Whenever a looking glues appears lu M embers are requested to be present Mr. E. E. Mink is suffering with an at the meeting. affliction of the hands and arms caused 0 . W . Lloyd of Banks, is in town by being poisoned while in the hop this week. Mr. Lloyd has been a long fields either by the hopvines or some sufferer with rheumatism and was in poisonous weed similiar to poison oak. the Portland hospital for several Mr. Elliott, who will have charge of months. H e is now better and is fast C. Milk C o., Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clark, Harris G et prices on stoves at Harris H ard ware. was in Portland, Monday. lis & Hawks. tinware at Hardware. j at Harris Hardware. Money to loan on real estate, Granitware and The three symbols of the imperial! house of Japan are the mirror, the cry* j tal and the sword, and they are carried| in front of the" emperor on all state oc casions. Each has its significance. I “ Look at the mirror and reflect thy-f self,” or, in other •words, “Know thy-l seif,” is the message of the mirrorJ “ Be pure and shine” is the crystal’s in-j junction, while the sword is a reminder^ to “Be sharp.’ The ive farmers of near Gaston was in town Wednesday. Mr. H oopes is a veteran of the civil war and has always taken an active part in local politics, being of the Roosevelt persuasion. Attorney J. N. Hoffman recently S e a r c h F o r S n ccea i. This is my advice to young men seem ing for success: Fix your eye on Enjfl land, fix it on Alaska, fix it on thfl moon, collect beetles, desire tram tictfl ets. demand lost boot laces, die for (lea J cats—do any of these things and yoB may lia’^e your will. But do not f i l your dreams upon success, for thB bones of those dreamers are wreolB along the shore.— G. K. Chesterton London News. U n n a lly . It is usually the young woman wlB wouldn’t have the best man in tlB world who snaps at the first offer, a n the man who is the most cynical abo^ matrimony is pretty sure *o propose the first woman who gives him an o | Vortunity.— Boston Transcript. hunting several days and report good will at once take possession and have secured a pension and $400 back pay F l i n t a n d S te e l. his family com e from the East. This for Calista B. Smith, mother of Byron luck in bringing down the “ China.” Mrs. Hlgftmore (with cold dlgnitylj ranch is splendidly located and Mr. and E. D. Smith of this city. It has To what am I indebted for the honi « Philip Waters, the youngest son of Henry expects to grow fruit etc., in required nearly 3 years of untiring of this visit? Unexpected Caller—T Frank Water, who recently moved which work he has had a good many effort on the part of Mr. Hoffman and your careless servant, perhaps, madat I dare say she forgot that you were nl from this place to Walla Walla is the necessary evidence was very diffi years of experience. rt home.— Chicago Tribune. reported to be very ill with typhoid cult to secure. The new store building of Chas. S w a l l o w * a n il m ie r o o e * . fever. Their many friends of this place Miller, located in the center of Main Swallows and other migratory bir Orton Griebler an employe of Tim will be pained to leam that there is a invariably shun those places which street is rapidly being com pleted. A W . Thompson on the repair work of serious question as to his recovering. in the slightest degree infected new plate glass front will soon be in the Gaston mill race one day last week noxious microbes. Thus they are net The following persons of this city stalled as well as a new furnace, which was accidentally caught by a heavy to be found in districts where choloB attended the Fairbanks-Dolliver rally in is now on its way to Forest Grove. It timber crushing one of his hands sev yellow fever, the plague and other off Portland, last Friday evening. Senator will be some little time yet before it is erely. The E. W. Haines, B. H . Laughlin, Judge com pleted but it will be one of the amputation W . H . Hollis, J. W. Thornburg, finest stor; buildings in the city. As zelle was in Atty. J. N. Hoffman, Dr. Chas. Hines, soon as it is com pleted Mr. Miller will the work. S. G. H ughes, N. Johnson and move his eniire drug store stock into Dr. Fnzelle Clyde Wellman. the new store. ing. thumb was injured so that was necessary. Dr. Fri attendance and performed The patient commends highly and is fast recover (ta n k diseases prevail. The distril which they select as their tempera homes are In all respects the ml healthy that can be found. It k o dent from this that persons who I afraid of catching cholera or other fectious diseases ought not to li'jj places which are shunned by t birds, ___ j A