Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. i ; E. B. TONGUE Humor and Philosophy ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bv DUNCAN H. SMITH Hillsboro, Oregon. ------------------------------------------------ -----♦ Copyright, 1904. by Sampson-Hodge* Co. Office: Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Morgan Elk W. N. BARRETT Some travelers are so blase that they think the river Rhone a chestnut. It Is hard to pay a three-year-old >111—if you haven't the money, r Everything goes l>y contraries in (''Li ra, particularly the women. Hillsboro, Oregon. Office: Central Block, Rooms 6 and 7 BENTON BOWMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hillsboro, Oregon. Office, in Union Llk., with S. B. Huston ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC While we are in the grip of the icc king South America is in the grip of the ice mail. Which would lose by a trade? Especially does the man who sells goods on the installment plan love a lover. Lives of great men remind us that they have their failings when writteif by their private secretaries. Office: Rooms 3, 4 and 5, Morgan Block Hillsboro, Oregon. & SON Briçk LiVcry, Fcçd arçd Sale Stable pe r t p a r a g r a p h s . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T H O S . H. T O N G U E JR. JOH NSON United States Land Office, Oregon C ity, O re.. Oct 22, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in com TH E.. ffianee with the provisions of the act •jf Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber land* n the States of California, Nevada >nd Washington Terriory,” as e? ended to all the Public Land State? >y art of August 4. 1892, Columbia Good Driver.- Finest Rigs Best Her: \V. Cowan, of Portland. county of Mul' lomah. State of Oregon, has this da.. I Drummers’ trade our specialty. lied In tills office his sworn statemen See our ad. in the T . P. A. Guide. ; No. 6223. for the purchase of the NEV. Our ’ Bus meets all trains. Carries U. S. Mail. ■f SE’ i, Sec. 12. T. 2 N.. R. 6. W., and Baggage and Freight called for and delivered. lots '. 2 and ;; of Sec No V in Township 2 % N„ Range No. 5 W., and will offer - - Forest Grove, Ore. proof to show that the land sought 1? Corner Main and-Pacific Ave. more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to esttabllsh his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore., on Friday, the 8th, day of January, 1904. He names as witnesses: James B Houston, W. A. Trites, L. R. Houston W. A. Gordon, all o f Portland, Ore. Any and all persons claming ad versely the ahove-deseribed lands are requested to file their claim In this of fice on orliefore said 8th,day of January 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Receiver It depends on whether you are going to bed or getting up if 2 o’clock a. in. Is early or late. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Hillsboro, Oregon. United States Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon. Nov 27. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, The best assortment and largest stock of Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Knute Westberg, of Portland, county of Mult nomah, State of Oregon, has this day W e make a specialty of Seeds, and can filed in this office his sworn statement in the County. No. 6258, for the purchase of the W ^ give you full information as to mixtures, and how of NW% of Section No. 28. in Town ship No. 3 N., Range No. 4 W., and will and when to sow, etc. Cahoon Seeders for sale. offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its stone Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Ore. or timber than for agricultural pur- i poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 11th, day of February, 1904. # He names as witnesses: Robert T Sifnpson, Adam Simpson, Thomas J. McFarland, M. Mlddattgh, all of Bux 3d ton, Oregon. è Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are j requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 11th, day of W hen you come to Forest Grove stop at the i February, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Colonial H otel. Everything first-class. Best , --------------------------------- | Office, upstairs, over The Delta Drug Store. Office hours—8 to 12; 1 to ti, and in the evening from 7 to 9 o’clock. J. P. TAMIESIE, M. D. S. P. R. R. SURGEON IHiMsboro, Oregon. Office and Residence, corner Third and Main streets. Office hours, 8:30 to 12 A. M., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. Telephone to residence from Brock & Sels’ drugstore at all hours. All calls promptly attended, night or day. F. A. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. Truth is stranger than fiction when the fishermen hand it out. F IE L D Since the laying of the Pacific cable the earth may be said to be wearing an electric belt, and we will see whether it is cured of earthquakes and such in ternal disorders. A congressman is apt to consider his constituents as a necessary evil. Martin’s Seed Store, A political economist who uses words of less than six syllables receives no consideration. Were the weather not always on Office: Morgan-Batley block, up stairs, rooms 12', 13 and 15. Residence hand as a topic o f conversation some S. W. cor. Base Line and Second sts. people might as well he deaf and dumb. Both 'phones. F. J. BAILEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hillsboro, Oregon. The man with a new sealskin cap takes the open winter as a personal affront. Pride goes before a fall, but not to s o f t t h e way. of service. The Opportune Time. Low round trip rates have been placed In effect between Portland and Forest Grove, in either direction. Tickets will be sold Saturdays and Sundays, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate of $1.05 round trip. Call on Southern Pa cific's Agents for particulars. W hen stock is g ein e high. Then bu y; B efore It <lrups pelimeli. Then sell. H e w h o ca n know H ow it will go W o n ’t have to grind his life aw ay At three per day. P erhaps by patience you n ay do M ost an yth in g you try, But the m ost patient y ellow 1 hen M ay sit and sit and sit ags,ln Upon a door knob, but the -.riels W ill not produce a single cpick. 1 w onder why. The Loan HVd. TVas the oyster supper a success1” ” 1 should say so! Everything v> is donated except the oyster, anti lie was so Well preserved that they can use him twice more.” Gets There Occasionally. New Feed Mill ready — I am now prepared to tlo your feed gri ding with a first class grinder. Will grind all kinds of feed every Saturday. Bring in your grist, our charges are reasonable. W. F. Hartrampf, Pac. Ave. Finest Grove, Ore. Ladies— Nobby tailor-made suits made at Mrs. Maxon’s for 13 75 and up. Silk waists $1.75. Wool waists ll.CO. Perfect fit guaranteed. Mr*. M axon. Pacific Ave. Forest Orove For Sale —Some choice lots in the Wagner addition. J. P. Wagner, Forest Grove. Both Phones In The News Office I f you have any news call us up. E rror d ocs not a lw a ys triumph. T ruth not a lw a y s m eets m ishap: T ru th is som etim es on the sn iftold T y in g error for the trap. ir # Rates reasonable, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given, (hut the under signed Executrix of the Estate of Charles V\ S itli. deceased, has this day tiled with the Countv Court of Washington County. State ot Or gon, her final ac count in said estate, and that said Court LODGE DIRECTORY. lias set the 1st day of Feb uurv 1904, at the hour of 10 o ’clock in the forenoon of (Cards, $5 a year; Resolutions and said day. at the County Court House in Their Bread Was Buttered. Meeting Notices free to advertis “All of the great: stars have been list II illsboro. Oregon, s the time and pi ce for hearing objections to said filial account ing Lodges.) ed,” complained the young astronomer, and the determination thereof, and the “and there is nothing loft for us to dis final settlement ol said Est te. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 28th RUBY ASSEMBLY NO. 26, UNITED cover but the minor ones.” 1903. “ It appears to me,” said the sympa day o f December. ARTISANS. (Signed) JOSIE W SMITH, thetic friend, "that the ancient astron Administratrix of the Estate of Charles omers have taken the cream off the W .Smith, Deceased. Hillsboro, Oregon. E. B. Tongue, Attorney. (33-37) milky way.” , Regular meeting on Monday evening NOTICE TO PATRON'S. of each week at Odd Fellows' Hall, Where Patience Fails, Iffilaboio. Members please attend. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Forest Grove and Portland. \fâ Coloni i Office: Morgan-Bailey block, up No man who turns ills cuffs is a gen stairs with F. A. Bailey. Residence, tleman in tlie eyes of the laundry- N. E. corner Third and Oak sts. man. C. L. LARGE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of women a specialty. Forest Grove, Oregon. SEED S L A Surer Thing. “When I get to be a man. I am going to run a pen nut stand, and then I can have ail the pea nuts 1 want.” “Huh! When 1 I get to be a man. I am going to be a policeman. That !■ an easier way.” AU In the Season. In su m m e r s h o i d i n g s n o w a p p e a r s A p le a s u re s u ite e n tte tn e : In w in te r y o u w o u ld r a t h e r tafco T o u r fu n w ith o u t th e Icing. Most Too Much. Twenty year case genuine Klgin “ So Jenkins ts a much married man or Waltham movement $12. Your now?” “ It seems to. I understand from i money hack If our goods ar« not a- we represent them . Abbott A 8on, eiose friends that be finds he has war- j I fled the whole family." Forest Grove. - Forest Grove, Ore. i i 'V 'W W 'W W . Buy and Store all Kinds of Grain -— s » Manufacture All Kinds of Grain Products, Chop, Stoch Feed and Flour Per 500 (on 10.00 order add one-half.) Bill Heads, lti lb.'tis..............................$2 25 4s.........' ............. 2 80 3s............................. 2 75 j 2s............................ 3 5t Statements ................ 2 j" Note Heads.............. 2 50 Letter Heads, low ................................ 2 50 m edium .................. 3 0(1 good . 3 50 Cards, $2.00 to $3.00 per 500. ............... Railroad Street, ÄPLIN MILLS COMPANY On and after January 1, 1904, the printing offices and newspapers of Washington County will make thp following charges for jo b work and legal advertising: E n v e lo p e s H . V illig e r Silver Dust Flour Boat Oregn — A blend of choice hard wheat and soft valley wheat, making the best of Hour. Farm Feed Chopping a Specialty. APLIN MILLS COMPANY C ornelius , O regon . . . . 2 50 Tags, $1.75 to $2.50 per 500. Tickets............................................... 2 00 Tickets, numliereil, perforated— Manufacturer of all kinds of Rough M00 ........................................ 3 25 and Dressed Lumber. Delivery on 3000.......................................... 8 00 short notice. Stock on hand. Prices (Add $2.50 per thousand.) reasonable. Write, phone or call. Prescription blanks, 1000, padded 2 50 Gales Creek, Oregon. Additional 1000...................... 1 50 Topic Books, etc., 100, per jwge. . . . 75 (Cover counts 2 pages.! Window Cards, quarter, 50 ............. 3 00 100 ............. 4 00 Sale Bills,.......................................... 4 00 Bankruptcy legats............................ 2 50 By Michigan People. Divorce Summons.............................10 00 Executors' and final notice............. 5 00 ' Mr. and M rs. W . R . W h itn ey. All other legals. per inch................. 8 00 j G. M. HINES, Undertaking Practical Undertakers and Embalmers. Calls answer ed day or night. —^ R o e Both Phones. Buxton Forest Grove, Or. . - W c b ig a o N o C iS c .. Forest Grove T im »., Hillsboro Argus, Hillsboro Independent, Washington County News. Subscribe for The Independent . ^ Good Meals. Forest Grove, Good Board. - - W . 1ST. S E A R S , CEBDin« BARBER SHOP Up-to-Date Haircutting and Shav ing. Laundry agency. Main Street. Forest Grove. Oregon ----------------------------------------------------- [ Always open — The Pacific Restae- Downa’ best popcorn. • rant, next door Wertx' tarber shop. •