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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
BâlOW ifl BROS. G. H. Baldwin, Brick Laver of the robbery. On his way to For- J • W ' B aldw in’ F e s te re r. O. Baldwin, Carpenter est Grove Monday tveniog gets off train at Hillsboro and tells Editor Austin C raig, Editor. Gault that be has investigated and ia Lime, Sand and Cement always on baud convinced of K ’s innocence. He R e p u b lic a n in P o litic s. CHAMELEON CHANGES OF A CLER -tiy s Kennedy’s friend till Wednes GYMAN. day when an ‘‘Oregonian” article Published every Friday at The Indep critic’s « his alleged betrayal of confi endent Printery, Hillsboro, Oregon. dence. He is twitted by some in A man who puts himself before Forest Grove, turns, pitches into K. OFFICES: the public ought not to complain it and from then on is bitterly opposed Forest Grove: Abbott Building he is discussed publicly, and when to biro. At the trial is subpoenaed Forest Grove, Orci Phone: Main 93 he has made high professions he by the state as a witness, supposedly Hillsboro: Masonic Temple. may be judged more critically than to contradict the landlady’s deposi his fellows who have not so thrust tion, but is not put on tbe stand, the Phene: Main 165 themselves forward. For these prosecution having had one of ins The leading place in the county for reasous t seems not unfair that Hev- own witnesses impeached and per Circulation guaranteed to exceed 2000. ireud Cephas F. Clapp because he is a haps not caring to risk another. It. -lergyman and the Home Missionary the courtroom Mr. Ciapp is very Advertising Rates: Display, 60 cents Superintendent of the Congregational bitter in his free discussion of the an inch, single column, for four in ;hnrch in Oregon should be the case and wheo a cl u-ch member | Notions Toys and ■'porting Goods, Pianos, Gr sertions; reading notices, a i« a y ■iobject of an article in a newspaper, suggests his aw aiting the outcome, ol starred (•). nr.e cent - word -a cans and alì :m d ot' musical instrum ents for Insertion 'noinirg . ..a 13 to see how much his course comports the trial hotly declared “ You can’t sale on easy payments. Wheeler dc Wilson and c e n ts/' ,<rrf , 'c olc Inch wit lx rev, rt-iiej and if possible deter muzzle m e.” L a ttr discusses the Si "• . .. lodgj card ’, : mine if the chur hes of tbe Cougre Domestic sewing mac tim-s sold on payments of evidence to K ennedy’s disadvantage j .-.-I Jtiie quariertv ' • . ... jvw* gationalists in O. egon find in him the in the hearing ot the ju ry with one $3 per month. Victor and Columbia talking ma- best possible htad to advance their Lsndess, the witness who was im chines; a hi tock of records always on hand. interests in our state. What as a peached, and when the foreman ol - ' t . u a j , JANUARY !» * private citizen may be entirely with the jury suggests the impropriety in his rights perhaps would not com of such prejudicing, the perjurer only OL'K S M A L L CONTEMPORARY. port with the dignity of Webfoot has the grace to apologize. The •eadership in the saving of souls after pair walks off arm in arm, Rev. Supt. Forest Grove, Ore., Jan. 4, 1904. Calvin’s w ay. Clapp, president of Forest Grove’s Hon. L. A. Rood, Judge Co. Court, A Congregational clergyman was Good Citiz nship League and Lxn- Dear sir:—I respectfully present to your honorable court a request to 1» de last Fall in jail in this county ou a dess, the Eugeue barkeeper whose signated as one of the papers to publish -erious charge. The Superintendent presence is by many attributed to your official proceedings and other court vas called by some of the church Albany’s worst element whom Rev. nembers, who were devising mean- Mr. Kennedy antago- ized when at house news during the year 1904. I will do the work for $4.00 per month to secure his release, and H ev. Mr. i he head of a reformatory movement and «ill guarantee to give as full and Clapp visited R ev. Mr. Kennedy in there. accurate reportaof your proceedings, etn nis cell, a f t'r he had heard on the The ju ry , not matte u p of brother as any other paper in the county. I w ill street the report that the ladies ol also send to tho county judge and each lie | illaged household had positiv ly clergymen, brought in a verdict of Lea< quarters for fim tationerv, Cigars, Driu acquittal. The freedom which Mr. Commissioner a copy of the T'mes each identifi ■ I the prisoner as the h n . - K ennedy did cot owe to Mr. Clapp Liquors for Medicina s o . Prescriptions week so that they may tee that lam do ing the work as per agreement, and if iar. “ As a friend and spiritual j enab|e<j him to accumulate evidence filled with the best drugs only at any time they find I have not compli •lviso , s t i l o i - missionary super | by personally retracing his course on intended, “ tell the truth a mui i: and ed with this agreement then they shall i the fateful evening and findi- g make such deduction from my bill as •onfess your sins. Remember you ; mrlies wtiose testim ony could not nave a soul to save, ‘Blessed is tin ■therwise have been gotten, for I t they deem just. I respectfully represent that the Times nun that sweareth to his own hur I ¡new not their names nor they lu- is thaoily paper printed in Furest (drove nd changeth not ” M r. Kennedy I With what credit does Mr. Clapj Main Street, Forest Grove, Oregon that this is an important part of the utlined his alibi as given at the come out of this »flail? county, and that a great many taxpavers preliminary hearing but asked that It has been SHid that c< mpetem will have no opportunity to know what :t be not mentioned till his attorney j clergymen who did not how to th< your proceedings are unless they are i-ame and his advice had beeu taker. j superintendent have not found Ore printed in the Times. I would further respectfully represent Report had it that Mr Clapp at gon a congenial field. Mr Clapp ha- said real estate; and d ecreeing th a t said lauds he SUMMONS. sold, a t p u b lic Hule, by a re le ite to oe a p p o in te d that I am one of the largest taxpayers nice went to those interested in plunged passionately into local move by the c o u rt, and th a t th e proceeds of sttid s», e among the newspapermen of the county, the prosecution and the defendant’s iiieiit*, and his heated arguments In the Circuit Court of t h e State of he ap p lied as follow.«: 1. To th e paym ent of th e costs and expenses of .»aid sale. 2. To the ex pen- and believe that should have some con •orfiilence was street talk in an hour \ nave at times had to be retracted at Oregon, in and for Washington ses of th is suit. 3. T he residue to be divided ms 1 follows: To A nna M argareta N ierm ann. o n e -h a lf sideration in making this award. The Hillsboro church people by tin j cooler moments. His pulpit cheer County. thereof; to C h ristin a .Melzer a n d A delheit Luh- m a u n , each one-sixth thereof; to H erm an pape, Y’ours respectfully, Suptrintendent’sadvice, tofollow tn fulness has been criticised as buffoon M. W alton, Plaintiff, Louis Pape, Jo h n Pape, K a tie ---------- (form erly ery and cheapening piety. Some (Signed) Walter Hoge. -ame report, declined to go the parts of his missionary field have D avid W ashington, M ary W hite and T hom as K atie Pape), and A nna Craw ford, each one-thir* tie th thereof, an d th a t plaintiffs have such o th e r Boggess, D efendants. Then a Forest ¡frequently j profi-ed ( >r suflered) ty To David W ashington, Mary W hite and T hom as e ‘u 1 ta l/lc!C "rh l^ J u tn m m . 1 h f' e^v! d upon v o u ^ i Editor Hoge, of the Forest Grove minister’s bail. H. Boggess, the above nam ed D efendants: pu b licatio n by ord er o f Hon. L.A . K<i>d,c< u m v Times, desired his paper to lie made Grove physician, indignant at what | bis presence, while others have had In th e nam e of th e State of O regon, 7011 are j Judge of W ashington C ounty, Oregon, w hich to get along without the superin hereby he had heard of the affair, and plac- j required to a p p e a r a n d an sw er th e p la in I order w as m ade a n d dated on Ja J a n u a ry 27, 1904. county official paper until h«« found tendent’s encouragement because h<- titf's c o m p la in t herein on or before th e la -t day S. B. HUSTON. the commissioners’ court had to dee ing tit le confidence in Mr. Clapp, I was too busy. The Congregational of th e tim e prescribed in th e order for pu b lic a 87-42 A ttorney for P laintiffs. tion of th is sum m ons, to w it: on or before the iguate the newspapers of largest cir who was a resident of his own town, Church in Oregon has not kept pace e x p ira tio n of six w eeks n e x t from a n d after the of th e first p u b licatio n o f th is sum m ons, th e culation and his subscription list secured Mr. Kennedy’s release with the growth of the country, and «late first publication th e re o f being ou th e 29ih d a y of CITAI ION. ’he denomination seems getting no J a n u a ry , 190-1, and if you fail so to apt»ear and Follow now th9 Superintendent’s must be produced in court, then he er, tbe p la in tiff w ill apply to th e court for nearer to have its work here grow a th nsw lie f d em an d ed in said c o m plaint, to wit: dropped tne matter. His innocent course: Wednesday comes as * out of the missionary stage where a T h e a re In th e C ounty C ourt of th e State o f O regon, for t th e p la in tiff h ave a decree of said co u rt a d C ounty. In th e m a tte r of the e sta te d g in g th a t you, and each of you, h av e no es o W f ashington oflfer of a free copy of the Times to friend, hears street rumor and be superintendent could be dispensed ju Asa W illiam s, deceased: CITATION. ta te , right, title or in terest in or to the East h a lf of To Sarah K. C row ,M alltida Thom pson, I te n r e tt lieves K . guilty; Monday goes to with. In the light these recent of the South East q u a rte r o f Section 7, and the each of the court as an extra induce West h a lf »cS* of th e ¿“H so u th i* West r o f Section 8. Thom pson, O. O. W illiam «. E ttle W illiam«. J I„ ' 4 q W. u a rte ment recalls the methods of securing Portland, talks with landlady, writes events IhisCephas called Clapp seems | Will. M er., con- W illiam s, B ertha K ymal, G race W illiam s, Frunk ................. p la in tiff is , ...... the .Shepard, Oren Abel, Ahbie Abel. Bessie Mai an, attorney that sh- to have been a block Ip the P«*r«>*s ow npr in fee sim ple, an d th In a t th th e e posse: public business of one Eddy, a for t . defendant’s attorney of s a id 4 --------M ahan, (husband of Be«sia M ahan;. Ro a I of Congregationalism in Oregsn, and prem ises, and th a t th e p la in tiff have icssicn and recover j P urdin and W. G. Pu d n, and to all oth r p e :- remembered K . distinclly and is mer fim *s editor, who ouc^ tried to it might be wise for the Home Mis off a n d from d e fe n d an ts his costs an d disburse- j ^ous in terested iu »md e>tate, U ieetlug. e a ts h erein, a n d for such o th e r and fu rth e r re- In the nam e of th e rttat*- of Oregon, you are get a delinquent tax list. The news positive he was in his room and sionary Society to roll the stone out m lie f as to th e court m ay appear e q uitable. This hereby cited a n d required to appear in th e Coun- sum m ons is served upon you by publication by tv C ourt o f the State*of Oregon, for ihe Count v of paper plants of the county are assess remained there from 11 to 7 the mght of the road. o rd e r o f Hon. L. A. Rood. « ounty Judge of Wash W ashington, a t the c o u rtro o m thereof, at Hi Un- in g to n C ounty, Oregon, w hich o rd e r was m ade boro, in th e C >ur»ty of W ashington. State o f O re ed as follows: Argus, $750, Times an d dated ou J a n u a ry 27, 1904. gon, on Monday t ie 7th day of M arch, 1904. a t 10 $750, Independent, $1,000 Mr. Hoge o ’c'ock in the forenoon of th » t day. th e n an d 8.B. HUSTON a n d J. F. BOOTHE, Carnation Day, January 29. th e re to show cause, if any you have, w hy an 37-42 A ttorneys for th e P laintiff. also used his new positiuo as mayor o rd er of said Court should no t’ be m ade a u th o riz in g and d ire c tin g th e a d m in istra trix of said e s of Forest Grove to appoints printing ta te to sell the real estate belonging to said esta te described as follows, to wit: ’The South W est SUMMONS. committee which ¿should designate q u a rte r of Section 21, Tow nship 3 North. Range 4 West, co n ta in in g 160 acres, ail in W ashington his publication as the city official pa < ountv, O regon,” as prayed for in the p pel e titio n of In the Clrcuit*Court of the State of the a d m in istra trix of said f estate, filed herein. per. S cretly his application was W itness the Hon L. A. Rood, Judge of tb e Oregon for Washington County. w id e and approved by the commit-1 C ounty Court of th e «State o f Oregon, for the v \\Y a C h ristin a Melzer, Fred M elzer, h e r h u sb an d . A n C ounty o f W ashington, w ith th e seal o f snid \ W i \ v tee, and at the first opportunity pre- i n a M argareta N ierrnan, and Carl M erm an, her C ourt affixed, th is 2/>th day o f Jan u a rv , A D. 1904. GEO. A. MORGAN, h u sb an d , H erm an Pape, an d Jo h n Pape, P la in eeuted to be railroaded through the, 37 42 i ' hkal ] Clerk. tiffs, vs. council. Unfortunately, however, A delheit L uhm an, A nna Crawford, an d D J. neither mayor-publisher nor his com Craw ford, h er h usband. Louis Pape, K a tie ----- N O T IC E FOR P U B L I C A T I O N . (form erly K atie Pape), a n d ----------- , h e r h u s mittee had taken the usual precau band, D efendants. To A delbelte L u h m an , A nna C raw ford, an«l D. tion of investigating, and ran up D eyartm «nt o f Die In terio r, J. t 'raw ford, th ree of tb e above nam ed D efend L and Office a t Oregon City, Oregon. ants. against a contract which does not ex i - In th e n am e o f th e State of Oregon, you are Ja n u a ry *¿4, 1U0L pire till next June, so the News will hereby req u ired to a p p e a r and answ er th e plain Notice is hereby given th a t th e f Bowing tiff's c o m p la in t h e re in on or before th e last «lay continue for a few months to publish of th e tu n e prescribed in th e ord«*r for pu b lics nam ed se ttle r haa filed his in te n tio n to tion o f tbi« sum m oui, to w it: on or before th e ex the offl-ial news of the city as well as I pi ration of hix w eeks n e x t from an d a lte r the m ake final proof in su p p o rt of his claim , i «late of th e first p u b lication of th is sum m ons, the and th a t8 a id proof will be m ade before th e ot the county. However, the News i first publication th e re o f being on the 29th day of makes this offer: Let Mr. Hoge al I J a n u a ry , 1901, and if y«tu fall so to a p p ea r and an- R egister and K eceiver, at Oregon C ity, j sw er th e plaintiffs will ap p ly t«»the c ourt for the Oregon, on M arch 10, l'.O*. viz: f r a k O, low the entire council to examine I relief d e m a n d -d in tbe com plaint, to w it: fo ra d • ree adju d g in g th a t pla in tiff* an d d e fe n d an ts are B arton H . K. No. 13702 for the N. W. ^ and verify his subscription list, the j th e ow ners, as te n a n ts in «’om rnon. of th e follow of sec 12, T 8 N H 6 W. | m g described real estate, to w it: th e South East News will do the same, and if the re I H e nam es th e follow ing witnesses to q u a rte r o f th e N orth East q u a rte r o f Section 30, to w n s h ip 2 South R ange 1 West o f th e W iliam prove his c o n tin u o u s residence upon and * i't does not prove that the News e tte M eridian, c o n ta in in g 40 acre*: also p art of th e Ea«t h a lf of th e South East q u a rte r o f Section c u ltiv atio n of said land, vL : has three tiroes as many bona fide i 20 in T ow nship 2 booth, R ange 1 West of the Wil R obert T. Sim pson, of B uxton. O regon, subscribers as the Times, thi News | lam ette M eridian, and particu larly described as Fred o . W on den " *' | follows, to wit: c om m encing ten rods west of the will make no further ¡charge for its ! q u a rte r post b etw een Section* 20 an d 21, in Town* Rice M on f agi.«, o f T im b er, O eg>n. I «hip 2 South, Range 1 West of th e W illam ette Me- official publications till the end of the Moses M iddatigh. M ilan, in W ashington C ounty, Oregon, a n d run oing th en ce West 70 rod-. th en ce South 160 red*, ALG ERNON & DRKHHKR, contract period. Here is a chaoee lienee East 71 rods, th en ce N orth 160 rods to th e Receiver. place o f beginning, c o n ta in in g 69. •0 acre*. T hat for the msyor to make a saving f t ! th e plaintiff, A nna M argaret* N ierm sn, is the •wrier of an u n d iv id e d o n e -n a if o f said real es tin city, if he has the sut rcriber/. Frtp fo Em ployers— Farmers, unti tate. th a t th e plaintiff, C h ristin a Melzer. and th e Of course, if the Times has not a d efen d an t. A ileiheit L u n m an n , are each the tti*nf logger* and dairy men esn get ow ners of an u n d iv id e d one-six th o f zaid r-n! < • gfKvl help on short nolle** from the th irl of the subs-ritiers which the fa te , th a t to** plaintiff*. H erm an I'ape a n d Jo u n W Write or I’a.sf, e n d th e defends«»1*. A nna « raw ford I / ” * P io n m Employment IV», News has, he had better n o t m " - j I Pat*» au«l K a tie ----- < form erly K atie Pap . .a r e * r I Z\7 j ..I rriêon Ht , Portland, Ore. Gone, but not forgotteu. i each the ow ners of a n uudivi«l«ed one th.r'.i lh of his list, had better drop the city of* t W ill French, Publisher. fieiul paper ambition as ho did that of county official paper when be found it took subscribers to get the designatiou. Forest drew*, Or. THE BAZAAR School B ook s and S ch ool S u p p lies K. N . ST A E H R Dr. Hines’ Drug Store t