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About Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1??? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
W A SIH N G TO N COUNTY HATCHKT.TH URSDAY, AU(¡. 3, 189!). We firmly believe that maintaining a continuous course of The Oregonian was the first telegraphic swer or further plead herein, and no ; Mrs. H. and family went over last Frl- understood. parents will be in favor of it when it Is study in schools. A record should be newspaper In this field. I t keeps the lead. answer or other pleading having been day. filed to the complaint, upon motion of Miss Helen Bennett, of Portland, is introduced by an enthusiastic and tact- kept of the classes which each pupil ful teacher. That similar courses have enters, the time of entering, his stand- plaintiff's attorney this cause is re- visiting Miss Lizzie Milne this week, SUMMONS NO. L. Janies " Butler will some tim e' been successfully introduced in many lng in each class, his promotion, and ' ■■■ leave ■ 909 909 909 909 909 909 909 ferred to Chas. E. Runyon to take and report to the court the evidence in this ' this week for an extended visit in states there is no question, and It is suggestions to tthe succeeding teacher. In the Circuit Court of the State of Southern California. | believed that the teachers of Oregon For this purpose registers will be pro- July 31st suit at this term of this court. Jas. Wheeler and family left Hills- j can do likewise Every school in the vided which should be scrupulously Oregon for Washington Couny. Weather.—The highest temperature Wilbur F. Cogswell vs. Emma E. C. L. Large. Plaintiff, 80 far this year prevaild during the Cogswell. Decree of divorce granted, boro Tuesday afternoon for Hood Rlv- state is classified under the present kept, for a proper classification de V8. week. On Friday, the 28th inst., cool- Burleigh R. Dozier vs. Lillie R. er, wl.ere they will take up their resi- arrangement and it only remains for pends on neatly kept reports.” W. T. Buxton and Lou Buxton, De th e te a c h e r to ta k e th i3 c l a s s i f i c a t i o n , __________________________ er weather set in, continuing until Dozier. Trial resumed. Following dence. fendants. Sunday. Thunderstorms prevailed Frl- named witness was sworn and testi- Quite an interesting trial occurred co m bine classes an d m a te ria lly sim p li- To the above named defendants, W. day night throughout the Willamette fled an behalf of the plaintiff, to-wit: before Justice Humphreys, Tuesday, fy the work. A careful stedy of the DO YOU KNOW T. Buxton and Lou Buxton: valley and The over rainfall the northern coast R. Dozier, plaintiff rests his Whf * counties. was light in Burleigh direct ~ testim ony and the following partf brought an action course will disclose the fact that class-1 consumption is preventable? g e l , - uireci lesumoiiy, anu me loiiowiug against his son-in-law for$.»0 alleged to es may be grouped in geography by ence has proven that and I In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby commanded and re most sections, although reports indi Ufie'd <!>n>*lmha|Bf or defendant '"iV lje due for relinquishment of the daugh having all tile advanced classes study neglect is suicidal T V . ---- 1----- , j ---- quired to be and appear in the above cate a fair amount in Clackamas, Ben Williams W H Lyda Jos Campbell C?r 8 services, she being under age at one continent instead of having two or COUg h can be oCh>«|d .,°r entitled court and answer the com ton and Marion counties. The mean H B Chesmore N A I ,llv H* W the tln,e oi marriaSe- After hearing three classes study each one separate- Cough and r n n . i i m ! « « ! Sh o h. ! plaint therein filed against you on or ■■ ____ ,y the evidence the case was dismissed. ly. * o s m BU,“Ptl0J l r Cure. temperature for the week averaged 70 • ■ ■ Thus . - two or more recitations are on 0,1 p itiv e guarantee fo o v e r Sold fifty before the expiration of six weeks pub degrees, which is 5 degrees higher Burke, Mrs. H. W. Burke and Mrs. W. . eliminated. year8. For sale at the Pioneer Drug lication of this summons upon you, than for the preceding week and 4 low H. Lyda. After which this cause was UNIFORM COURSE OF STUDY FOR " rhere should not be separate reci- Store. to-wit: The 15th day of September, er than for the corresponding week referred to Chas. E. Runyon, the of p i - u i ic- a c u n n i a tations in mental and written arith- 1818», and you will please take notice last year. The maximum tempera- flclal stenographer of this court, to :, s c h o o l s . i nietlc. In considering a written topic For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, that if you fail to so appear and an tures ranged from 08 degrees to !»3 de- take the testimony of the remaining . in arithmetic the class should have eczema, skin disease, and especially grees, and the minimum from 50 de- witnesses for plaintiff and defendant j The new course of study for the pub- one recitation daily, in the mental, dur- Piles, DeW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve swer said complaint herein filed grees to iMi degrees. The winds were whereupon court adjourned until Wed- |jc schools of the state, which has just ¡ng which time the written arithmetic stands first and best. Look out for dis against you, the Plaintiff will take north to west in direction and gener nesday, August 2d. This cause then betn completed by State Superinten- should be laid aside. When the topic honest people who try to imitate and judgment against you for the sum of ally light in force. proceeded before the referee and the dent J. H. Ackerman, will insure uni- , ¡8 comp'eted in the mental then the counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement 8279.50 with interest thereon from the ra‘ n which fell on the following named persons were sworn _ jormjty in gtateis educational work mental should be laid aside and the of a good article. Worthless goods are 2nd day of March, A. D., 1897, at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum and the 2Hth inst. was of great benefit to the and testified on behalf of defendant: and is a big stride forward. Oregon written taken. This will eliminate one not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch vegetation, but was not considered to J. H. Stephenson, A. B. Phelps, Lulu teachers for the first time have a man on more recitations each day in arith- Hazel Salve. A. B. Thomas, Druggist. costs and disbursements o f this action and for sale of the property heretofore be sufficient in amount to answer all Dozier and Mrs. Lillie R. Dozier, de of their own choice, a teacher at the melic. attached by the Sheriff of Washington fendant. Plaintiff then introduced head of the state department of in- requirements. "When the pupil comes to study his- W ill pay cash for wool and mohair County, Oregon, and described as fol The wheat crop continues In excel in rebuttal testimony by the fol struction, and in six months of his ad t0ry as a separate study, geography (goat’s wool).— Edward L. Naylor, For lows, to-wit: lent condition, especially the fall sown, lowing named witnesses: B. M. Col ministration more has been accom- should lie laid aside and taught only est Grove. First tract. Being a part of,the Do which has filled well and is of good lins, John Helsler and William Mc plisheu than was done in ten years by ¡n connection with history. This will nation Land Claim of Samuel Shep quality. In some sections reports as Fadden; and plaintiff and defendant his predecessor. Had the tiAcheis been (|0 away with at least one recitation herd and wife in Sections 16 and 17, to the condition of spring grain are rest their case. consulted in the . formation of the each day. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 18Y8— Township One North, Range Four not aB promising as they were. The Wednesda. August 2 revision of the school laws we would "The course does not contemplate the West of the Willamette Meridian. Be NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. warm weather and lack of rain have W. L. Archambeau vs. P. A. Mar not now have that wretched bungle at use 0f the advanced geography, gram- 1 ginning at the Northeast corner o f said prevented filling to some extent, and quant et al. Decree in favor of plain- legislation which u-as hurried forth in niar or physiology in grades below the United States Land Office, Donation Land Claim, running thence the outlook Is not encouraging. The t|ff for #,,250 with interest thereon the closing days of-last winter's session high school. If the pupil fully under Oregon City, Or., June 10, 1899. South 20.38 chains; thence South 71 damage appears to be confined prln- from j , lne :i, 1894, at ti per cent, per and whose defects are daily showing stands the amount of matter provided Notice is hereby given that in com degrees West 22.50 chains to the East cipally to that sown on summer fal annurn. Plaintiff's lien decree., to be for in the smaller works, together with pliance with the provisions of the act boundary of County Road running up themselves more gltrringly. r?.*, Oats n„e,re are in excellent no.r condition. « 8t.rlbed fl,8t next "P"'> The manual provides a course of thcsupplementary work, which should of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled Gales Creek Valley; thence Northerly rust. after the ‘ he lien 14.» o f acres defend. de- but need more rain. Harvesting has ant8 John w Kea8 and s B Huston. study for teaching the following: be given, he will have what the course "An act for the sale of timber lands along the Eastern boundary of said commenced and much of the faii-sown no execTûon or order“of s ^ Heading, language. arithmetic geo was planned for. viz a go<^ common- In the states of California, Oregon, Ne County Road to the South West cor vada, and Washington Territory,” as ner of land heretofore conveyed by W. wheat is in the shock. Some thresh- 8ha„ lB8Ue on s-ia judgment and de- graphy. spelling writing physiology school education in these branches 'It is earnestly recommended that extended to all the public land states T. Buxton and wife to Frank Dunlap; ing has been carried on during the cree of plaintiff until on or after Jan- and hygiene, history, civil government and nature study and science work the fifth reader be discontinued and in by act of August 4, 1892, Johanna M. thence Westerly on the Southern week in Southern Oregon. uary 31, liMtO. Klint. of Grace River, county of Wah Haying is practically over, and the Chas. F. Casteel vs. Tualatin Mill Each branch is divided Into three di its stead masterpieces of literature be kiakum, State of Washington, has this boundary of Dunlap land to place of beginning containing 45 acres, more most flattering reports are received re- q 0 Cause dismissed and plaintiff al visions- primary. intermediate and ad substituted.” In regard to classification and pro day filed in this office a sworn state or less. Also Tract Second. Begin garding the excellent, anil abundant ,0wed 60 days in which to file his bill vanced. With each division there are very explicit suggestions to teachers, gram of public schools, the manual ment, No. 4006, for the purchase of the ning at a point 6.06 chains South of crop secured. The second crop of ctov of exceptions. NW ■ !4 of section No. 14, in township the North East corner of said Shep- er and alfalfa is being cut. James Hume vs. Isaac Allen. Cause and tests for promotion. In his intro says: _ 'A program should be carefully pre No. 5 north, range No. 9 west, and will heid Donation I-and Claim running duction. Superintendent Ackeiman says l n X l ! ' l,„bS , ! ! n,1« hPV! r ar' dismissed, defendant to recover costs, in part: pared and posted in some conspicuous offer proof to show that the laud! thence South 20.27% chains to the line in a healthy condition. Spraying was Anna c o „ a,.Kenbush vs C H Run. "Object—-The one great object of the place and followed closely. If possible. sought is more valuable for its timber between the North and South halves of continued during the week In all the „eVi Order of S i t yards, which, aided by the high ten.- „ VV Hesse vs N A Barrett et al course is to so arrange the work that secure your predecessor's program and j or stone than for agricultural pttr- Section 10. Township One North, ‘ poses, and to establish her claim to Range Four West of the Willamette peratures, practically destroyed the getting aside conveyance made the children, especially those of the study it carefully. At the close of * the lice. by N. A. Barrett and wire to Lucinda rural sihools, may follow from time to term, the program should be entered said land before the register and re Meridian; thence East 5.40 chains; thence The hot weather has been favorable ( Jackson. Lucinda C. Jackson to time a plain, simple, progressive line in the register in the space provided ceiver of this office at U. S. Land Of thence North 20.28 chains; fice, Oregon City. Ore., on Wednesday, West 5.48 chains to the place of be to the growth of corn. have lien on the land described in said of study to the end that, at its com for that purpose. ginning, containing I I acres, more or "A temporary classification should be the 20th day of September, 1899. Potatoes are in hlosom, but need ,|eed for all moneys paid out by her pletion, they shall have a good com She names as witnesses: John Fin less, to satisfy said judgment. made the first day of school, assign more rain. Indications point to a thereon. mon school education. This summons is served upon you short crop. Gardens have made good Estate of T. R. Cornelius, insolvent Aim—Its constant aim throughout ing pupils to divisions, making as few ley, of Olney, Clatsop Co., Or.; Geo. growth; rain is badly needed. Order made allowing assignees to sell ¡8 to introduce nothing that should not classes as possible in the divisions of McFarland, of Olney, Clatsop Co., Or.; by publication by order of Hon. L. A. There is no change in the fruit pros certain real estate to the First Nation- |)(» taught; to make ... the classification time, the same number of pupils in the Christ Peterson, of Olney, Clatsop Co., Rood, County Judge of Washington pects Reports received from Benton a, ,Jank of Hillsbore. ' intelligible as possible so ; advanced division will require more Or.; John Chedwood, of Astoria, Clat County, Oregon, made and dated July sop Co., Or. 31st, 18!)!). by which it is ordered that county state that there will be plenty i onn|p Vîav RirhantHnn v « - kypî , ~.ï^ be ---------------- ------------- '— - - -• W - \l\ “ ,a‘ * ;:r “ fhall easy to follow and al3o ----------- | time for ■ a recitation than in the prim Any and all persons claiming ad- l sa‘ d summons be published six weeks of apples and pears for local use. but jrk A Richardson. Decree of divorce. : sq<-h as lo lighten the teachers’ bur- i ary division, but a large number in in the Washington none for shipment; the estimate Is Dpon affidavit of plaintiff, district at (|en8; to regulate the steps so that pu- the primary division will require more tersely the above-described lands are consecutively placed at about 20 per cent, of a full I torney’s fee remitted. pi Is shall not only be interested and time than a less number in the inter requested to file their claims in this County Hatchet, commencing with the office on or before said 20th day of i?su?_d5‘ ed *be '*rd *^ay August, A. rtp e ^ M ^ JohnS" Ï Ï 'X l e r b, ^ t.h~at shaii aj'so m edU te^r "advanced. If there should September, 1899. D., 18!H). p ‘ .n. .‘ le a,,u“ |ern cat ion of summons. ... e 11 credit for their work; to be so many classes found in the school CHAS. B. MOORES, G EX). R. BAGLEY, le- uce to a minimum the usual waste | that justice cannot be done to each, Register. counties. Cherry picking is over, Attorney for Plaintiff. Edgar Milner vs. Margaret Milner. o. i me and aimless effort attendant let some of the classes of the upper di 15-24 Blackberries continue to ripen; indi Decree of divorce. upon the frequent change of teachers; vision alternate. If some classes are cations point to a short crop. Pope, Anderson A Co. vs. J. F. Hay- ,T7,7,*T k ----- .......................................... nle et al. Defendant J. F. Haynie up- u> 1 _ 1 le 80,1001 w°rk of theptate up. small and the groeps working near to The large onion crop of Washington peared In court in obedience to the or- " u a. 0O,nmon basis so that th$ methods : gether in the same study, it will not county promises well. der of this court and testified under j ll8 e < 1,1 ‘ a ch in g the several branches, J be necessary to have a separate recita- Pastures are drying up. <— ----jibe amount of work accomplished, the j tion period for each group; but, on the S p e c ia l A tte n tio n to C o m m e r c i a l G oo d Se rvice , F a ir T r e a t m e n t Stock is in fair condition. oath concerning his propei ty. | system of reports, etc., shall be the contrary, the groups may be combined T r a v e l e r s ’ P a t r o n a g e ............................. a n d M o d e r a t e R a t e s ................... Excepting the burning of spring Tnomas J. j . Hramel nr a me i vs. m. Isaac mam Allen. , — 1 ,„ , tl, ,, „ ____ i. . „# . _____ _____ so that one recitation period will serve Thomas ----------------- t - V----------------- -------------- — 1-------------- grain, which has_ occurred in several ^ for , rtai for , he first day of ‘ h« Im inver a ,u ^ m (L ' V°cX"tf| ^ P7mi »tronger and more effective and °o to for two or more groups. This will not countiee of the State, the crop pro» next term. only save time, but will accustom the enlist the interest and sympathy of pects of Oregon are in a fair condition. Beard vs. Tongue. Testimony to be classes to work together and thus lay The rivers continued falling during taken by the referee before October 1. them better acquainted with what the the foundation tor the combining of parents and guardians by making the week and are rapidly approuehlng schools are endeavoring to accomplish classes which the watchful teacher COURT HOUSE. their normal height. should ever be on the alert to do. for the children. < A. B. W ALLABER, Bond filed and approved in re Wins ‘•The program should be so planned Plan Two plans have been follow Acting Section Director. Portland. Or. low H. Brownson estate and letters or that no pupil will be called upon to ’ n \ “ % “ ‘‘ “weaThei-id ed in the preparation of the manual— dered to issue. l. ». wea . ijjjp (]|v ision and the yearly plans. The recite in two consecutive recitations, if \ W. V. Wiley and C. S. Deichman ap division plan contemplates the division u n ioiviu | it ran be possibly avoided. The first / ---------------------- pointed appraisers. - | I ° ‘ ‘ *,e 8Cl)°ol into three groups with | recitation in the morning should be by W agonette to a nd from all Special Rigs Run Over the Resignation o f Susanna Kern aB ud about three years' work in each divi the primary pupils, unless some other tra in s. W ilson River Route to mlnistratrlx of the estate of John Buh- sion. The division plan is recommend classes can be depended upon to pre T illa m o o k at any and ler, deceased, accepted, and C. E Kern ed for schools of but one room; the pare the work out o f school. Oregon and C o lu m b ia ’ Phones. all tim e s ......................... appointed administrator de Bonis non. | yearly plan for schools of hiore than “ The following classes are all that with bond fixed at $1600. should be found in the average school i one room. CIRCUIT COURT. GEORGE W. BACON A CO., Executor's report of Barnard Kenna FOREST GROVE, ORE. "The divisions are named respective- of one department. The number should estate filed and approved. Balance on j ly. primary. Intermediate and ad- be reduced if possible. Thursday, July 27 hand $42.85. “ Reading Blackboard work and first I vanced. Wm. Lung vs. Rebecca J. Pomeroy W. H. Wehrung appointed guardian "Pupils may be in different classes second or third reader, two recitations et al; sale of real property upon exe of John D. and Elizabeth Thomas, min in a division, but they should not be daily In each. Fourth and fifth reader, cution. confirmed. ors, vice former guardian resigned. allowed to take up the work of the or supplementary reading, one reclta- S. B. Huston vs. W. W. Williams and Bond noon next higher division until the work o f 1 tion daily in each. wife; default and decree of foreslosure, MARRIAGES. Writing—One general daily exer I the lower division is completed. There $467.60 and $12 costs. A. H. Mundorf and Margaret E. may be exceptions to this rule in rare cise. Zera Snow and S. B. Huston vs. Edith Howe “ Spelling—Tw o classes; one recita cases where the age of the pupil or Monroe et al.; demurrer argued and George Harrow and Antonia Hon- some adverse circumstances work a tion dally. In primary division teach submitted, and taken under advise ziak. hardship upon the pupil, but under no spelling in connection with reading. ment. “ language—Two classes; three rect- j circumstances shall a pupil be classi \f$iriiiOut)U QI pç J ç r , The name of John Hall entered In fied in a higher division or receive a tations a week: more if possible. the records herein as attorney for de "Arithmetic—Four classes; daily re I certificate until all the work of the fendants. 909 ♦ < * 909 909 909 909 909 lower division has been mastered. Training School for Teachers. citations. Thos. .1. Brammel vs. Isaac Allen, "Geography—Two classes; daily re- 1 "Under the head of Course of Study, by agreement of the parties hereto, by New Buildings, New Departments. i will be found the work to be done by citations. their attorneys, In open court, demurrer "Physiology—Two classes; three re Ungraded Country School Work. is wtihdrnwn and plaintiff allowed 10 909 909 909 909 909 ieaeh division, and the Roman numerals indicate the year. That is to say. the citations. days in which to file an amended com July 28. work opposite (I) is supposed to be the I "History—One class; daily recita- ; plaint herein. Graduates secure good positions. .Strong The following named teachers have work done during the first year, and tlons. James It. Hume vs. Isaac Allen. J. C. courses. Well-equipped training depart been employed to teach in the Corne when the school is classified according Civil government—One class; dally ' ment. N orm a1 course,quickest and best way Hare administrator of the estate of to state certificate litis schools the coming terra: Mr, to the yearly plan. This will enable a Jas. R. Hume substituted as plaintiff I recitations. Expense for year from »120 to *180; on John Beal, principal; Miss lionise Moc»' teacher to use the course readily in "General lessons—One general dally i herein. board *2.50 to *3 00 per week. Tuition *6.25 per term o f ten weeks. berry, first assistant; Mrs. Drusie True, any graded school. Burleigh R. Dozier vs Lillie R. Doz ' exercise. Fall term begins Sept. 19. Summer term By ________ branches the time should be ap- : cond assistant assistant. "Following the course of study will __ ier. This cause coming on for trial by j second June 27,"lept.l. The ■ ' lecture by Professor Moon, last i*» found 'Suggestions.' which are de- , portioned about as follows: To read the court, plaintiff appearing In per- For cata'og, address, son and by J. J. Johnson, his attorney; Friday evening, was well attended and signed to be especially helpful to young ' ing 105 minutes: to writing 15 min- the defendant appearing in person and [ enjoyed, enjoyed Recitations by Misses Altda teachers and to those who do not have utes: to spelling 15 minutes; to langu by Geo. D. Young and R. C. Graham, Alton. Mary Studevunt. Stella Miller, the advantage of close supervision, age 40 minutes: to arithmetic 50 minu- her attorneys, and after hearing the and Echo James, were pleasing feat- ( While the manual is not a book of 1 tee: to geography 35 minutes; to his- testimony of the following witnesses urea of the evening. ¡5 *4 1 methods, some effort has been made , tory 20 minutes; to physiology 15 mio- Or W . A. W A N N , Secretary of Faculty. for plaintiff cause is continued until Miss Mynta Bayles is visiting friends to give methods along a few lines. In utes; to civil government 20 minutes; tomorrow at 8 o'clock. Witnesses: In Cornelius this week general these are designed ti> he sug- to general lessons 10 minutes; to open Wm. R. Lyda. Robert Johnson. Mrs. Rev. Lttse. wife and child, were pas- Ktglive and well worth a tririi'. ing exercises 30 minute«." Henry Johnson. J. F. I-afferty. Thos. sengers to Portland Saturday evening • The 'Tests of Promotion" are in- For high schools the following course Johnson. Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker were in tended to be a guide as to what the of study Is suggested by the superln son. Mrs. (, Mrs. H. ( ampbell, attendance Chautauqua tendance at the Chautauqua. pupil should know when he has com- tendent: Nick Monner, Stephen Blank. Ernest Miss Echo James, of Portland, is ¡»¡eted the work of a division. If the First Year. Dozier. Thos. E. Ouire and Henry spending vacation with her aunt. Mrs. s, bool is classified according to the First term—English grammar, phy Oelser. T. R. Cornelius. | yearly plan, the tests may be so dl- sical geography. English history, com- 1 Friday. June 28- c W e are pleased to note the presence y;tied as to correspond with each year's position, literary reading. Belle Freeman vs. T. S. Cornelius, of Mr. James Suess again In our town. ! work These teets should be g ’.ven by Second term—English grammar, al demurrer of plaintiff to defendant's Miss Stella Miller, who was called the teacher when the pupil has corn- gebra. physical geography, ancient answer overruled and plaintiff allowed home by the serious of her brother, re- ______.. p.eted the and In- history—Greece and Rome, compos!- . work , of the primary , . to file reply to defendant’s answer. turned to Baker City. Wednesday termedlate divisions and by the county | tion. literary reading. The Oregon Mortgage Co.. Iod.. vs. Rev. Ballentyne, of Hillsboro, preach- superintendent or a committei appoint Second Year. Oromel Johnson et al. Plaintiff allowed cd in Wtedewltche's hall. Sunday. e l by him upon questions pr-oarc-1 for to amend its supplemental complaint Born—To the wife of Ijutrence Bat- that n u rn o» h. ,h „ , Fir» ‘ term—Composition, medieval - • ,hat PurP080 « ‘ her by the county sup- | history, physics, higher arithmetic, lit In order that it may dismiss as to the ley, Saturday, the 22d. a daughter. erintendent or the state superintend erary reading. - b o u t It husband of defendant. Sarah Glllett, ent when the pupil has comple’ d the j Second term—Physics, modern his and correct the mistake In the name advanced division. j tory, composition, botany, geometry— of the defendant Joined herein as An "Certificates should be given when plane, literary reading. » 'M r * V . » > < k » V nie Agnes Johnson, and Join Earl pupils have completed the primary and Third Year. Montgomery, the husband of the said intermediate divisions and diplomas at First term—Geometry—plane. United defendant Annie Agnes Montgomery, the completion of the advanced divl- I States history, literature, constitution, formerly Annie Agnes Johnson. Those diplomas should admit ! literary reading. \ j MCI sion. Jennie May Richards vs. Frederick pupils to any high school wlthiut fur Second term—Bookkeeping, geomet A. Richards Demurrer of defendant ther examination. August 2. ry—plane, literature, word analysis, overruled and the defendant declining The Epworth 1-engue held an ice "Many of our best educators favor constitution, literary reading. to further answer or appear herein, The necessity of a complete record Is and the district attorney declining to cream social at the court house lawn the division plan for one room schools plead this cause is referred to Chas. R. Tuesday, and the Rebeccas had a so- and the yearly plan for all others, urged In the following paragraph, Careful attention given to any order, Runyon who is hereby appointed a clal gathering at the residence of Mr. | The division plan Is the on« recom- found - n the last page of the manual. “ In most schools it has been cus commissioner to hear the evidence of and Mrs. R. H. Green on Wednesday i mended by this department, as it al evening. lows more flexibility. By this plan the tomary to make a record only, of the the wltneesea herein. City council held 1U regular monthly individuality of teacher and pupil ta name«, ages, attendance and deport large or small. Ella K. Dearborn vs Ernest W. not Interfered with to sue . an extent ment of pupils while but little If any Dearborn Demurrer to complaint meeting Tuesday evening Colonel Eddy, o f the Forest Grove as In the yearly plan. attention has ben paid to keeping a overruled and defendant, by hla attor Get our prices before taking yonr Advantages —The manual cannot record erf tueir classification and pro ney. W. D. Freeman, refusing to fur Times, tranaacted business here Tues add one burden to the overworked gress. The record of their classifica ther plead at this time, and especially day. S. B. Huston and A. M. Carllle do teacher, but. on the contrary It will be tion. progress and promotion of pupils waiving any time prescribed by law or work elsewhere. the rules of this court In which to a n -1 parted for Newport Tuesday morning. of great asaistanceto him when rightly la essential to the establishing and 0 * 909 909 909 W ee k ly Crop B u lle tin ! ♦ T f "! repT? °f 'a î h l w i n i ï w u ^ey j Fashion Stables Lmry, Teed and Sales Stable C ) jr th Î J 33 N 3A/S. I t e m ! i© à § § ! 5 I CORNELIUS J P . L. Campbell, Pres. Do You Need Printing? Thompson & Son The Forest Grove Printers HILLSBORO. I 6000 WORK PROmPTLY DORE HT LOW PNCES