Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1??? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y H A T C H E T , T H U R S D A Y , AU G. 3, 1S99. EAST ANDSOUTH Miss Mary Sorber, who has been vis- Miss Betty Cheney is visiting friends D r . N i x o n , [%1 » » V . V. iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs R W. at Mountaiudale this week. VIA TUK |Traver. for some day«, returned to Sa- Mr. Millard Lownsdale returned D EN TIST, I lein Saturday. | Wednesday front a week's successful Hours The Continued Story of FOREST GROVE; Mrs. S A. Walker, who has been in trip on the Willamette. 9 a ut to I p. in Linn county visiting her mother, was i Saturday's Salem Statesman: J W. a W eek ’ s Happenings ... O regon . OF THE August 1. | expected home last evening. Karstetcr. of Reedville. Oregon, was in Maiu Street A part of Mr. Mortou's family, ac Subseriptions to the Oregonian and 1 the city yesterday, registering at the companied by Asa Fleck, started Sun Hatchet received by R. Cave, Hills . Willamette. day morning on a trip to tbe coast. HATCHET TELEPHONES: hwa l Mrs. Louisa Brand, of Dunkirk. N. LANGLEY & SON COLUMBIA, INDEPENDENT 15 e r. may uiay |Y , . . . who M was in _____ H Grove ~ .......... last . The independence express Forest year, , “ r* Harry Wllkens. who has been Indepeml- writes friends here that she Is home- *°iue carpentei work at Hill OREGON, MAIN 22. A TTORN EYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW change, instead of going to Ind . side. has returned home. ence may soon be changed to switch *lck for Oregon and expects to return " as News Always Welcome. K X I'K K S S T R A I N S K I N D A I L Y . Collections a specialty. at Whiteson and run to Sheridan, car- soon. She is now Mrs. I.. H. Tice. Miss Anna Morton is visiting with ' - rylng a freight car on Its, trip on the PresiJent McClelland was registered ^ , Sl*t‘“r8 iU ' ancouv‘>r and Portland. 7 Olio. 111. L n v t Cortland A rrive H:(MI a. m. Office:—Up stairs, room * i, a, and 3, Wagner Building. , Yamhill division. This will make no at tbe Hotel Gearhart |ast week la" " ' ..... ... . 7 1.1* in A rriv es Kr m e n Leave 7 00 p.m . A rrive O jd en A rriv e 1:10 p.m . . imp. in The St. Helens' Mist of July 28th difference in running time Sheriff Henderson, of \amhill coun- through Hazeldaie Monda°y afternoon t> t ip . m. A rrive D enver Leave (1:15 p m . I! 10* ul A rrive O in*ti* A rriv e 8:50a in. tells of the suicide of a maniac thought j Several hay balers are in operation ty, was in Hillsboro last Thursday on on their wuy home after a visit with 8 : 15 p. ill. Arrive ('lilc a g i Leave rt.SO p.m SMITH & BOWMAN, to have been a former Washington in the vicinity of the Grove. official business. relative« in Manning 7:110 *. ill A rrive L n A ii*elee.\ rv « 9:25 p .m . 2:82 p. in, A rrive El Pa»o A rrive 2:1 5 p .m . county resident. ‘Raineer people were Messrs. Geo. and E. L. Naylor have McMinnville Valley Transcript: An- Mrs. Charlotte Anderson, of Fort- A rrive v t W orth A rrive : in «.in. A ttorneys - a t - l a w , 15 p, m very much wrought up last Friday by j U8t finished harvesting 250 tons of I other man made happy. Mr. James land, and brother Robert Godwin, I 7:55 a .m . A rrive NOrlean* A r'v e 8:40 p.m . the presence of a crazy man. who made flrst-clas« hay on their ranch adjoin- , Williams, a pioneer of Washington spent Sunday at Mr. Fleck’s home, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. his appearance in the town about noon ing town. county, reports himself cured of rheu- After working a few months for D IN IN G UAHS. Room « 6 and 7 Morgan Blk., H i l l s b o r o , O r that day. and proceeded to terrorize Kev Mr Freeland who has been oc matism at Johnson’s Mineral Spring. Mr. Haldennan. Mr. Jasper Kline and O B S E R V A T IO N UAHS. men women and c h i l d r e n c u p y i n g the Congregational pulpit dur Tilamook Herald: Art Caples. Will wife have again moved to their home cenf acts and display of arms, ^ o m ,ug the past winter and spring. Boos and C. A. Chapman, of Forest ln Beaverton. We are sorry to see Pullman tirst-class aud tourist sleep H. T. BAGLEY, whence the man came nothing dednite prea(.be<1 his last sermon Sunday even- Grove, are over enjoying the invigorat- them leave our little dale, ing cars attached to all through trains. is known. It is said that he boarded f Monday morning went to Port- ing sea breezes. ! Misses Ada and Emma Hoffman 'Through Tourist Cars to Chicago A tto r n e y a t - la w and depu ty d is visited the last of the week with friends in this vicinity. without change. t r ic t ATTORNEY FOR WASHING considerable unpleasantness by refus- th* ‘'ompanl eJ by his nephew. Mr. Bullen, RCHKBITKU M A IL D A IL Y : TON COUNTY. Compare The Hatchet with the other ing to pay his fare, making his state- ^ u r h ¿* ^ 4 “ coma Went Newport today Leave— I A rriv e— ments decidedly emphatic by means ‘ a^p" p h p cb until the church Mlsa Ru88* 11- the deputy postmis- county papers for county news. Re Corwin ana Wooster Block, Upstairs, - ns nn "h ere he will | lea n u n ______ Cllll tress, will go to Portland Saturday for member tiat $1.50 sent to The Oregon Portland .. RoHelnir*.......5:20 p. ill of a Smith & Wesson revolver as an there secures a regular pastor. Sun- _ _ ... Hoseburg ...7:30 a. in | P ortlan d 4:80 p. m HILLSBORO, OREGON. ian, Portland, Or., (or your postmaster inilmi'jiwni to allow him to ride un- day morning the church passed resolu- a month s vacation, Mr. Woods and family, Mrs. T. H. will send for youl will bring you The -molpsted. Where the man left the tions expressive of their appreciation K. B. T o m g u b steamer no one seems to know. He left o f his valued services here. Rev. Mr. Adams and Mrs. John Caples went Weekly Oregonian and The Hatchet for D IN IN G CAR S ou OGDEN ROUTE. T h u s . H . T o n o u k one year, and both will stop coming N otary Tubilo Wednesday to Newport. his shoes on board and from that time Dunning. pastor-elect, begins his ---- pas Mr. H. D. Jones and family have re- when the time is out. remained barefooted. When an at torate September 1. THOtì. H. &. E. B. TONGUE tempt to capture him at Rainecr was The Forest Grove Times gave a good nioved to Portland ,to make it their j Pullman Buffet Sleepers made he defied the city marshal and write-up o f the city and county in its future home. Compare The Hatchet with the other ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW AND to Wilson i c°unty papers for county news. Re- everyone else in or without authority, last issue, making a paper quite cred- Mr. Mort Hallett went “ * * ! / » « « n n i n v i i n \r and his demands for right-of-way Second-Class Sleeping Cars were granted wunoiu uiwuniuu. • . . . . . _____ ______ . member that $1.50 sent to The Oregon HiLLsnoRO, O regon were granted without discussion. The (table to our successor. man was undoubtedly violently Game --- Warden Qulmby was in Mr. Hamer and family today started *af}; ' ’ottland, Or., ior your postmaster A ttach ed to all th rou g h trains. — ------------... ■ insane. -------- -- I Siate ~ --------------- O ffice Rooms S, 4 aud 5, Morgan Block After leaving Blanchard s wharf he town Saturday, looking after violations for the coast. ^ “ send for youi will bring you The at break-neck speed up the rail- 0f the game law and appointing a dep- Mr Graham and family leave the " Oregonian and The Hatchet for ra n West Side Division. see that _ the | ¡„ „ ¿ r pan o? t L week Voi t o u t i n g X / t h e time ta^utT ” ' road «rack and when passing the | llty for lbls vicinity E. R. GREGORY, LL. B. Smith mill he was observed and pur- jaw js enforced here. He has received by the ocean. B e tw e e n P o r t l a n d a n d C o r v a l l is Tuesday's Salem Statesman: Jacob Compare The Hatchet with the other sued by A1 Lee and George Lane. The inforrnation of parties shooting China M A IL TR A IN D A IL Y (E X C E P T SU N D AY ). A t t o r n e y a n d c o u n se lo r at law man. upon noticing that he was being pheasants out of season and chasing Sauer of Farmington, is among those ; county papers for county news. Re Portland *r | 5:50 p in member that $1.50 sent to The Oregon 7:30 a. m J Lv followed, turned on his pursuers and deer with dogs, and is now accumulat registered at the Hotel Salem. N O T A R Y PUBLIC H :lo a. m I Lv Forest (Jrove Lv | 5-12 p in warned them to approach no nearer. ing evidence to be used in prosecuting Tuesday’s Salem Statesman Rev ian' Portl»»<l, Of-, (or your postmaster 11:65 p in | Ar Corvallis Lv | 1:20 p.m C orwin A W orcester B lock. H illsb oro, Or. He emphasized the warning by draw these offenders. Mr. Quimby deserves i T Tfh6 D ivorce, P robate an d C rim in a l Laws, At A lban y and C orva llis co n n e ct wit ing the revolver and starting after the much credit for the vigorous manner D A. Watters returned from Hillsboro w elk T v'or^ on ian Specialties. and Cornelius on last evening's train. Qne y yftr aKnd ^ t i l .top c o m S trains o f the O regon C ential aad Kastern men. whom he chased for some dis in which he is enforcing the law. railroad. L oans negotiated In su ran ce effected. when the time is out. tance. This performance was twice Heal Estate bou g h t a n d sold B onds, Deeds, Born.—To the wife of W. C. David EXPRESS T R A IN D A ILY (E X C E P T SU N DAY ). WEDDING AT TIGAKDVILLE. m ortgage- and ah m an n er o f c o n v e y a n c in g repeated. The last time Mr. I^ee hid son. who lives four miles northwest of . ' --- and N otarial w ork ex ecu ted at shortest n o A NIGHT OF TERROR. himself in the bush while the man pur- - - - ......... ......... Lv P ortland Ar 8:2tia m tice. W ages, Notes. Bills aud Debts o f all sued Mr. Lane. The point reached by Greenville, on the 3!st, a daughter, Dr. 4:51 p ni "Awful anxiety was felt for the wid- kinds q u ic k ly collected . 0:58 a. ill MARRIED At the home of the _ . , 0:29 p m. L v Forest Uro ve Lv this time was almost up to Danby, |C. L. Large attending. A»* M cM lnnvitie Lv 5:50 a. id bride's parents. Mr. Rudolph Hoffarber <>w o the brave General Burnham of :H 0 p m where the man finally took refuge in t Henry Suisbauer. Allen Hayilon and oriiiv» paicuio. 1:50 a in c Machias, Me., when the doctors said h:30 p. m. Ar Independence Lv the river, when he placed the muzzle Pearl Williams made a hunting trip to and Mi=s a > • , ' ^ , day' she could not live till morning" writes D irect c o n n e ctio n at H»n F ra n cisco with Work the Best of the revolver in his mouth and quick- the Wilson river last week and report ding took place at Mrs. s . H. Lincoln, who attended her steam sh ip lin es for H a w aii, Japan, China. ly put an end to his troubles. His fish and bear plentiful. Prices the Lowest The P h ilip p in es and Australia. I T S m l. L 5,“ » ; »»t I » « '" body was at once recovered and re- , . , DD IPn . . .. , , ... . . was me icbi • must soon die from pneumonia, but C. H. M A RK H A M , turned to Raineer, an _ . .„ inquest ( \ w \ ‘ ednesday evening. July H sya.' „ cha? Mr. f ' - .. where . . . __j 2(>, Rev. The'bride was dressed in a beautiful *he begged for Dr King's New Discov- It. K O K H L K R , A sst U. F. A P A g’t. held by Justice Woodruff Reynolds officiating. Mr. William blue dress trimmed in light silk and e s s a y i n g J t had more than once M anager. i n t e r s o r papers were found by which ^ c h i t e and Miss” Louise Bennett, -V e d her life, and had cured her of P ortlan d, Oregon. 1 « _____ — . . . 1 ir li t h o iH PT1 f i f i p t l ............. U . a m i I t'C S i !iS . . . , J .1 P n n c l l rn n f i n n ft o r 4 h r o o a m n il ru in n Consumption. A After three small r l doses abouT 35 years o f age ^ a r ^ h a lr H ^ P s a W n 3 d S y 1 ,la,|KhlPr o t f " M r r «m l V Mrs. Silas Ben- wnite nnncm ean i m* . » . . . u. a . m , ,,,,, about .to years o f age. <iai k nair, sanay neU A fter the cerem ony the wedding (l " et o f bride's roses. The bridesmaid she slept easily all night, and its fur ____ : party repaired to the home of the wore a pretty white dress. ther use completely cured her." This mustache. Repairing a specialty. bride's parents, where a bountiful re- Immediately after the ceremony th* marvelous medicine is guaranteed to T H R O U G H T IC K E T S Next door south of Ur. Nixon’s office Letters remaining in Hillsboro post- past was served. The presents were many relatives and friends partook of cure all Throat. Chest and Lung Dis ltHte* *n d tic k e t , to Eastern p oin t* and many and valuable. | the wedding supper which was spread eases. Only 50c and ♦1.00. Trial Lot office. Saturday, July 29, 18«!»: E urope. A lso J a p a n , C hina H o n o lu lu and , ., , , upon the lawn near the residence, Mrs. E. B. Graves. he Ranler suicide is thought to Although the happy couple started ties free at Chas. Miller's drug store. A ustralia can ne ob ta in ed Irom I. G. Single A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER ton , agen t a t the d ep ot, F orest G rov e, o r 1. Mr. John Blum. have been Jack Hoover who was last out very young we wish them a long Will often cause a horrible Burn, Mr. F. W. Spinner, W. Patterson SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED. , heard of from the Nehalem country. and hnnnv lifp Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buckien’s Arni George N. Spencer , His brother, James Hoover, of Hills- ‘ __________________ Mr. RJP. Olivia, of Barcelona. Spain, ca Salve, the best in the world, will Mrs. H. Stokes, boro, went down Saturday to see if he 1 spends 'his winters at Aiken, S. C. Oregon Short Line R. R. kill the pain and promptly heal It. If not called for by August 12, 189«, --------- Weak nerves had caused severe pains Cures Old Sores, all Skin Eruptions. will be sent to the dead letter office. , could identify the remains. T H K DIRECT ROUTE T> in the back of his head. On using Beet Pile Cure on earth. Only 25 cts. H. SCHULMERICH. P . M. I Prof. H. Westphal. who is giving art Electric Bitters. America's greatest a box. Cure gu&ranteeu. Sold by Blood autLNerve Remedy, all pain noon Chas. Miller, itrugglst. Game Warden l , P. W. Quimby was ,o ,a S ? c h « ^ “^ a ^ c la ^ h e r e left him. He says this grand medi in H i l l s b o r o Saturday selecting deputies were gotten up The “ l e s s o r I cine is what his country needs. All THAT THROBBING HEADACHE for Washington county. Reports have " " reSi den ^ h .r e tfavem ng'daU yT o America knows that it cures liver and reached him that hounds have been town and thp painting of Mount Hood, Would quickly leave you, if you U lves c h o lc e o f tw o fa vorltes rou te«, v l» kidney trouble, purifies the blood, used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thous used by a , €^ M in Roe A- Buxton’s show window, shows tones un the stomach, strengthens the the UN ION PACIFIC F ast M*11 L ine, o r the ands of sufferers have proved their mountains north and west o f here Mr. (hat hp ,g g c)t(zpn Qf whom our p ,p nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life P IO G H A N D K Hcanlc L ines. matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Quimby says he will prosecute all of- , may wp], fpp| proud into every muscle, nerve and organ o f Headache. They make pure blood and LOOK AT T H E T IM E . . . fenders. „ „ the bordy. If weak, tired or ailing „ . . _____Superintendent Ball states that the strong nerves and build up your health. \\ilbur I . Cogswell has been gianted ■ annua| teacher’s institute will be held j you need it. Evey battle guaranteed, Days to S A L T L A K E Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 a divorce from Emma Cogswell. at Hillsboro, in the public school build only 50 cents. Sold by Chas. Miller, cents. Money back if not cured. Sold Druggist 4 Days to D E N V E R Jennie May Richards has filed suit ' ing. lasting five days. Prof. E. A. Mil- by Chas. Miller, Druggist. for divorce from Frederick A. Rich- ner, o f the Portland High School, will 2,1 Days to C H IC A G O ards. She alleges habitual intoxica- j have charge o f arithmetic and gram- HIS LIFE SAVER). tion cruel and inhuman treatment and mar: Prin. D. A. Grout, of the Park 4 Days to N E W Y O R K Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen SUMMONS NO. 2. abandonment. school. Portland, history, physiology I of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonder- and orthography, and Miss Mary Har- Kree H eclinln g C hslr Car«, U pholstered ful deliverance from a frightful death A beer drummer was in town Thurs- grave, of Kelso. Wash., will he instrur- In the Circuit Court of the State of Or In telling of It he says: “ I was taken T ou rist H leeplng Cars, and P ullm an f a l day, also the representative o f a Port- \ tor in primary methods and reading egon, for Washington County: with Typhoid Fever, that ran Into J. B. HORNER. A. M„ LIT. D. lire Hleep r», operated on all train«. land whisky house Saturday. Besides , state Superintendent Ackerman will jC. Large, Plaintiff, Pneumonia. My lungs became hard Hahn, representing deliver an evening lecture. The instl- The gifted professor of English lit- vs. these Mr. Wm. ------- . . ” ■ * * — * ------------ 1 n o ened. I was so weak I couldn’t even Benham. Trumbull & Co., the big Chi tute will begin August 28 and end h e p -, prature at tj,e State Agricultural col- W. T. Buxton and Ix>u Buxton, De- F or further in fo rm a tio n ap p ly to sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I tember 1. lege, whose lectures have so often fendante. cago distillers and dealers in Kentucky expected to soon die of Consumption, A S. V K N E N , The « whiskies, was here the latter part of ^ 1 >-vear-old son of Chas. White charmed Oregon audiences, has placed, A gent, Forest G rove. when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis rd_1 ♦ norf rtf lUnpnpv nannlo rtf rtnr atntP Iindw art- ^ ® th© r I)OV6 IldlllHl d©f©ndants, \ V . lust week and the representative of tiic who 1Jveg npar oiencoe. lost part o f literary peopie o f our state under art- covery. One bottle gave me great re O .T E R R Y . W . E. COM AN, Star Brewery made * „ his hand while loading a gun yester- <ie<l obligations to him for his recent j T- Buxton and Ix>u Buxton: In the lief. 1 continued to use it, and now G en ’ l A gent the fore part of ^ i s w ^ TTie attrac- day work on Oregon Literature, a 'elight- name of the state of Oregon: You are T rav. F a««. Agt. am well and strong, I can't say too 121 T hird Ht., P ortlan d, Or. hib"tion town offers lead even brewery Strangers wonder how it comes that fully “ '««ted and edited little book hereby commanded and require,! to be much in Its praise.” This marvelon» and dtatiBwv drummer, to seek out i a place so healthy as Forest Grove and p|lln« ° f a literature wonderfully rich and appear in the above entitled court ' medicine is the surest and quickest Forest^ Grote an ideal spot for rest which has so little need for doctor*. ' ° r y"" "K a state It is a pity, and answer the complaint therein filed cure in the world for all Throat and Ind haidlv a “ ay passes without the can support ihree drug stores The »houKh hat the authors modesy made against you on or before the expira- Regular size 50 cents In d ep en d en t and reliable—T h e O reg on Lung Trouble». vteD o f liQuor m£n h £ T and they al- fact Is that much of the healthfulness him . mil any reference to that lecture tion of six weeks' Publication of this ian. , and $1.00. Tial bottle free at Chas. e,,me « L in I8 <1»»’ to the use of patent medicine*. ,,n Robert Burns which was one of the summons upon you, to -w it :-t h e 15th Klrat to arrive with the telegraphic Miller’s Drug Store; every bottle guar w ajs come again. ^ the consumption o f patent medi- Kems of thf Gladstone Park Chautan- day of September, 1899, and you will anteed. n ew «—The WertrTy Oregonian. Some people have been inclined to cines ls enormous Such is usually the T ,a two years ago. Professor Horner please take notise that if you doubt The Hatchet’s statement that ragp jn prohibuion towns but, differ- | ‘8 a native sen and a graduate of Wil- fail to so appear and an- even without licensing saloons the city pnt from other towns where no-license lamette i niversiiy. swer said complaint herein filed n WIU1UUV II\.X5AAC.»»0 — ---------- ... ------ hi„h . .. . _________ — * » k i . i . v a re n o t ______________________________ _ against you the plaintiff will take tax rate for next year will be no hiKh- prpvaji8- beer and whiskey are not judgment against you for the sum of er. It cannot be without an act o f the go]d hprp nn(|er fictitious names, « O * ♦<>♦ ♦»>♦ ♦O # ♦'oA $51.50 with interest thereon from the “ 2d day o f June, 1894. a. the rate of 10 legislature. per cent per annum, the sum o f $50.00 B E A V E R T O N . courtroom for South The justice ---------- attorney’s fees and the costs and dis Hillsboro precinct. Tuesday was filled _ ............ ................................................. »O * ♦<>♦ *O v bursements of this action and for sale with an expectant crowd to hear the of the property heretofore attached by July 31. case of Julius and Minnie Peopples. the sheriff of Washington county, Ore- parents, vs. Joseph Rooks. The Peop j Misses Hannah and Ingrid Anderson, gon and described as follows, to-wlt: I New sof a Purely pies sued for $50. They alleged that | of Skookumville, were seen in town First tract, being a part of the dona- Rooks agreed to pay them this amount Personal Nature.. Monday evening. They were out for a tjon jan(j c |ajm 0f Samuel Shepherd if they would consent to his marriage pleasant wheel ride. and wjfe sections 16 and 17. town- with their daughter, aged about 16. Mr. Mason Cady was seen riding a gbip ) north, range 4 west of the Wil- ; Rooks and his wife were married last wheel the^same evening.____ , lamptl^ meridian. Beginning at the Salem Statesman: A. H. | l a d y s F. December., ¿mu and tux»/ they deny that Ltefemwr,, ----- any . . Saturday's _______ __ ____ Sacramento I ; sum was to have been paid for the o„tes and wife, o f Forest Grove, ac- ] Mr. Mr. F W. W. Cady Cany went went to to rmcramemo . ___ , . girl’s a rather , ompanled by Hiram C. Lydtck and , to meet hia his wife wife on on her her return return from from a a I cla , im ."* T r,._ nln_ , haa ‘ ,lona,l/ ,n *a"^ girl's services. services. The The bride brine ls is a mm*-, i compauieu uj m m ... v.. — meet - ---------- *. "«»*-—>*« »»rn in Visit to Kansas. They were -.i___ expe<ted ! , tunning thence south 20.38 » I chains, com el v looking German woman, and wife, of Tekamah. Nebraska, were in visit to Kansas. They were expected (,ha|ns th^nc© south 71 rl©Ki*©©8, west i for her her huaDanc. husbam. ¡Salem |8tlem yesteruay yesterday Dy by ICBIU, team, lUVniUB looking « over home this _______ evening hut were delayed by 22 (.ha|ns to , h„ t ¿ ^ n d a r y "^ f mad© a Rood witnes© for .v . _____ “ * — * — — — — » He * I _____ m r n t n o rtf a trP M t IP | 4 _ _ , ( n ^ ^ ^ instice Humphreys HumDhreys decided that the | the country and visiting former neigh- the burning o f a trestle. Justice hors. Mr. Lynlck is a prominent farm -: Mr. Frank Comstock has returned tunning up Gales Creek parents could not recover. Represents er. stock feeder and shipper in Ne- t from Northern California, where he a k t'\Pnce northely along the east- tive Tongue appeared for the plain braska. and is very much pleased has been working on the railroad. *V"n 'lol|ndary of said county road to tiffs Rev. W. H. Black, formerly editor of i wlth thp Willamette valley Mr. Earl Fisher has returned from ‘ o n ^ T d W| T W ^ T B u 'Z n . o , * . . --------- , 1 1 «, nnhlication Miss Tongue has been selected as ----- the * Tillamook, where he went to work In to t rang Dunlap, , y Buxt on and wife . saw mill thence westerly on the Othet Side, a populist publication | M*88 l^nresenT^miiaboro I» 8a»' mill. the southern boundary o f Dunlap land which suspended in Hillsboro, and ?be queen of the Mrs. Daisy Horsford m .de_«: fly n g , , (>f beK, nning. contalntlng 45 who has been in the Klondike S tripn npa,VPrton M" " ' lay’ re,Urnln,? ac,-». more or less Also tract second, 1897, returned to Seattle on the last ¡Astoria rega ta. Portland the same day boalnnlng at a nolnt 6 06 chains south boat from Skagwav He alleges that Mr. N R. Wells claims to have i Mf. M g Barnes, of Skookumville. »»Rinning at a point B.w cnaina soutn while enror.te he lost $1300 In gold threshed the first wheat o f th« season. hag hPK„ n work f>„ a new kitchen hlr^^.ianaMon^land elaH n ^ rn n n iM dust He had been in the gentlemen^ ^ g in n in g M ondar J w ^ v e acres ran Thp A tlgang bpld . meeting Satur- f ». 27- " chilnlTio t Z ‘ S S saioon. and upon his return to the ia- |:3° hushM. to t h e ^ ^ who )|ypd nPar tbe een the north in d south ha,ves of dies' cabin discovered his loss. No turlng in ’ the Interests of the United Catholic church, died .his week. Thus 8P£ >«• t «wn8T ‘ „In X n trace o f the stolen dust was found Artisans, in Grant and Crook counties. ; another pioneer is d i e d ,o h i. Ion, Washington county will receive came home Tuesday. Mr Llvlngood is building a new 20.28 chains; thence west 5.48 chains to of the state $8613.04 as its share oi me > u ir | -------------- the place of beginning, containing 11 school fund which is apportioned on a Senator Haines and family and Miss Parn basis of $1.51 per child instead o f $1.20 ____ Mary . .. Bailey went to Seattle Saturday , The secitlon men are wearing a : acres, more or less, to satisfy said Judg- I»— »1.0 as last year. °U — „ w w . vl*lreH n r 8 m ,,e n o w 88 t h e y w a <lay a ftP r n ,e n t - Rnndav The 'dwelling on Au* " 8t ,at- ln8,Pa<1 ' This summons is served upon you by Farmers from all over Washington n l r d Nor»hh Y^amhin Haying is nearly done now. and a pub))c]ltiaa hy those of Hon L A. county report that winter and spring- their farm near North Yamhill wa8 rB|n wou)d he very acceptable countv fudge of Washington sown grain has been much her "fifed by destroyed by fire, with the contents.! Mf W . E. Squires was busy Monday Rood ty J made and Washington county. Oregon, dated this the recent cool weather Much of the Saturday morning. ! evening plowing his garden, thus cora- 31«t day o f July. 1899. by which It Is grain was ripening rather too rapidly, Mr. J. S. Turner, postmaster at Hox Lining farming with his biacksmlthing and had the Interne heat continued, le. Kansas, and a brother o f Congress j Mrs. Edward Woodard Sundayed in ordered that said summons be pub lished six weeks consecutively In the a short crop would have been the re man Turner, spent from Friday to Beaverton. Washington County Hatchet, com sult. Miss Spaulding returned to Portland mencing with the Issue dated tbs 3d Monday visiting the Hoxle colony The mail service from Gales Creek to which includes Attorney fauigley. by Monday evening’s train day of August 1899. Illlngsworth. has been extended to sup Messrs. L. C. Pennell and I. W. Pat If you want the best local news sub GEO B BAGLEY. ply Wilson, increasing the route by terson. and Mr. W’ m. Jackson, of Dll scribe for The Hatchet. Correspond Attorney for Plaintiff. ents in all leading places. 1«/, miles. w . News in General. $ HAZELDALc. $ SHASTA ROUTE, SOUTHERN PACI FIC COMPANY E. BURTON Boot and Shoe Maker. Montana, M Colorado and all Eait< ern Points. J I About People. Miller’s F ilm Piar FILLS PRESCRIPTION S w ith absolute a cc u r a c y from the freshest and best drugs at reasonable rates. SELLS STATIONERY o f every variety in styles to suit every taste and can save you money in your buying. KEEPS FULL LINES o f Toilet Artiles, Perfumes, Soaps, etc. Handles Patent medicines o f Every Good Kind. Forest Gum's Leading Drug Store.