Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
Go to Hininan’s for machine <nl. ■— ÎÆi."!" on.f*m i|y *« usb K J . C . . . . Fot»cst Grove, Oregon, Pe,sons’. - _ TV,r ytrticnian who , n. yed tot congregate,, last ¿„uoav by <-ont,„ua|iy coughing wilt find relief by using One Minute Cou.ffi Cure i s s s s r - - - * * * « touiiN 6 ; Art Caples while at Long Beach a i Z a«° entere-' » bicycle race, with ten o contestants, from Long Carries the largest assortment of Perfumes of every de scription, Toilet Soap, Combs, Sponges. Also the lasgest stock of Patent Medicines in Washington county. All will be sold as cheap as they can be obtained elsewhere. Be fore purchasing, drop in and consult J . C. CLiARR, Froest Grove's Live Druggist. r" (M i <&■ ' " y,‘Z* ~ Bubbles or Medals. “ Best s.irsaparillas. ’ When you think of it bow contradic tory that term is. For there can be only one best in anything—one licst sarsaparilla, as there ir. one highest mountain, one longest river,one deepest ocean. And that !>est sarsaparilla is______ ? . . . . There’s the rub! You can measure mountain height and Clean depth, hut how test sarsaparilla? You could if you were chemists. But tnon do yo u need to test it? The World's Fair Committee te its 1 it — and thoroughly. They went behind the label cn the b.xlle. What did this sarsaparilia test result in ? Every make of sarsaparilla shut out of the Fair, except A y e r’s . So*it was t l i A y e - 1.; v.r.s the c::ty rnrsapartilr. admitted to the World’s Fa:-. The committee found it the best. They had no room for art tMtv; th-.t iv-s rot the best. And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa- parill 1 receive 1 the medal and awards due it.; merits. Remember tli 1 •• best is a 1 ubbie anv breath ca: blow ; but there are >:.ii t * -wink -w h I »;Miles. Those <•! <•; ;vc blowing more - oja: .-u- sa p a rilL ib u b b le ; since the Wcrl.’.'s Fair pricked the old ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has the medal. The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricks the bubble proves it wind. We point to medals, not bubbles, when we s a y : The best sarsaparilla is Ayer's. ThiW .aUkle’ #D'1 W° n by '»uite 200 vards. Keep cool at Wilson’s parlors. Died. The ,,rlze was a beautiful purse contain- Reed—At the borne of his daughter in Mr. Roach, formerly with the Oregon " ‘K »15 in cash, hut tl e contents were no more valuable than the case. ian but now representing the Denver & this city, Aug. 24, at 5 p. m., aged 74 Rio Grande R. R ., was in town yester years 6 months and 20 days, Mr. Abel The Free Methodists will commence a day. Reed. tabernacle meeting near Watts’ school Mr. Reed was born near Boston, Mass., Ladies, Take the best. If you are house. Commencing Thursday, Aug. on the 4th day of February, 1823. He and continuing over two sabbati s. troubled with Constipation, Sallow Skin, L i** !*1 for it»are«r Ic a v e n lii* -t r e t u t h and - was united in marriage to Miss Eliza All are welcome. and a Tired Feeling, take K arl’s Clover ' arfalueti» Assures I fie food »(ralust alum Ann Neil, at Dorchester, Mass., in Nov- j -ill forms of ad u lteratio n com m on to the Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by J. For a good quality of castor machine ember, 1848 and moved to Philadelphia, j „brands H > Y A L BAKING BOW D K R A. Brisbine. oil and black machine oil call at A T Pa., in 1852, from which place he enlisted 'SEW YO RK. Boos’. Chas. H. Friendly, the veteran hide in the 3d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery buyer made his regular trip to the in 1864 and served until the close of the abo u t to w n . <■ L. Ilaskell and his friend, Mr. Gil Grove Tuesday. war. He afterwa ds lived in Iowa and ; bert of Olds & King’s, Portland, Ore- lints, oils and glass at Abbot & R oe’s gon, went last week on a trip awl eel to Bread and all kinds of pastry at Wil Kansas, coming to Forest Grove in 1889, Any one desiring gun repairing done and from here be moved to Nehalem the son’s. llumook. Mr. Haskell returned Tues- . Cox and his son, Mark T., were should call on Dempsey & Kane. following year and has made his home day after visiting Forest G______ By v irtu e ; f au execution , rtecree and o rd er «ff nun on business Monday. rove campers Mesdames Ed. Dixon and Mary K. there ever since until about a month ago Forest Grove ¡9 still proving herself sale, issued out of th e C ircuit C ourt o f th e atafce on Nehalem beach near Garibaldi. \V ilson returned Monday from Oregon when he returned to this city to get the the best market for wheat. Last year o f Oregon, for W ashington county in fa vo r o r ioney to loan in sums to suit. Rootns Say, do you know that you car buy City, where they have been attending a benefit of medical treatment, and on account of the large demand here M. T . C ox and a g a n*t Sa ra h S. Parsons, fo rir« r* j, Shute Building, Hillsboro, Or. second band furniture at Smith’s Store? Free Methodist conference. was making h’.s home with his daughter higher prices were paid than at any lv Sarah S. K n ig h te n , and C h arles K n igh ten fiar the sum o f $ao.oo, costs, aud for th e fu rth er su4**« j, Mendenhall and fam ily came to He is in the rnaikct to buy and sells very Strayed.—From the Bond premises, in Mrs. Lida A. Brown, at the time of his other point in the county and today the o f I180.00, IT. S. gold coin, w ith in terest th ereon Tuesday on hi« way to Portland. low. Ail invoice of new goods in today. Forest Grove, two small spotted pigs. death. He was the father of four chil price is within six cents of the Portland at the rate of io p e r cent, p e r annum from th e 5th day o f F eb ru ary, 1894, and th e fu rth er sn ta • it have the very best line of oils and If you want anything in his line call and Finder will be suitably rewarded by ad dren one of whom a daughter, was buried figure. o f |3*.00 w ith interest thereon at th e rate o f 9 ,ts in the market. Also glass and buy cheap. dressing, Fred Witt, Forest Grove, in Iowa. His wife, daughter and two Hall’s Hair Renewer renders the hair p e rc e n t, p er annum from the 28th d ay o f Jnty«. sons survive him. a . T. Boos. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Oregon. and silken, gives it au even 1897, atto rn ey ’s fe s and fo r th e cost aud e x He was a kind husbaud, indulgent penses o f sale and o f said w rit. jit. Ada Pojte, of Portland, visiteil Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt color, and enables women to put it up in Mr. Otis, of Gales Creek, was in town parent, and good neighbor. N ow thereforc, by v irtu e aud in p u rsu a n ce «1C relief. For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. brotlier, Tom Bellingher, Monday. Monday. said ju d gm en t, d ecree and o rd er o f sale, 1 w ill, The funeral took place at 10 a. tn. a great variety of styles. on M onday th e 27th d ay o f Septem ber, 1897, ag The criminal case of State vs. Pern «iveyour fruit dried in Jones’ evapo- The Washington County Flouring th e south d oor o f the i ourt H ouse, in H itlsboro ' Candy, Soda water, Ice cream at Wil } from the home of Mrs. Brown, and was Patton, U. P. Ulm for his minor son be son’s. conducted by the G. A. R. Post of this i Mills here have been running on full W ashington county. O regon, at th e hour o f 1 » ing the prosecuting witness, was heard city, Rev. Mr. Starr, officiating. time, day and night, for the p u t week o ’clock a. 111., o f said d ay, sell at p ublic a u c tio n Fuller, of Kansas, father-in-law of H. G. Plymate, of Portland, was regis before Justice Dolstrum Tuesday. A and grain is coming in lively. The mill to the high est bidder for c^sh, th e fo llo w in g d e Eli Smith, is Lere visiting relatives. Concert in Marsh hall Friday (27) at has bought about box) bushels of new scribed real p ro p erty, to-wit: It b e in g th e south dozen witnesses from Patton Valley ap tered at the Western Hotel Tuesday. east q u arter o f » ction four (4) in tow n ship wee* 8 o’clock. Admission free. wishing to talk with Mrs. peared and Congressman Tongue repre Lunches at all hours at Wilson’s. wheat in the last two weeks. As the (1) south o f ran ge four (4) weat o f th e Willmmctte- ; to about the famous home remedy, sented the defendant while Deputy The Southern Pacific railroad com price paid has been from 62 to 85 a good m eridian con tain in g 160 aerea o f la n d , a ll aituntfe- A. Buchanan, of Portland, brother of in W ashington cou n ty, O regon, to sa tisfy t h e i, will find her at home on Satur- Prosecuting Attorney Harry Bagley as the surveyor on the Lower Nehalem, pany holds its charter from Kentucky deal of money has been let loose in this hereinbefore nam ed sum s, and for th e costs a wM Mail orders promptly attended sisted by W. D. Smith were the State’s expen ses o f said sale. was in town Tuesday returning from a and now that state has decided to tax all vicinity. attorneys. A tine of $50 wgg imposed trip to the ranch to look after matters such corporations 52^ cents on $100 ol Genuine Singer sewing machines are Said p rop erty w ill be sold subject to red em p tion as p er statute o f Oregon. but notice of appeal has been filed. there during his brother’s absence on a their capital stock whether they do busi handled in this and Yamhill counties it. hucett, from Portland, went out W itness ray hand th i* a<th d a y o f A u gu st i l g y ness in the state or not. This will have only by Geo. C. Easterly, McMinnville. Ice cream at the Home Bakery. large surveying contract. iiKslay’s stage to Hayward to her W. D. B R A D FO R D . to be paid for five years back, involving Write him. S h e riff o f W ashington C oun ty, O regon. land’s claim. Mrs. Howard Hill and two children Crescent Mills will clean and store a large amount of money. Sm ith & Bowm an, The half-tcne engravings which ap A tto rn eys for P lain tiff. S. P. Ry. is the oldest railroad, Los Angeles, California, who have been your wheat free of ch rge. We also fur 2»-fS- President Borda of the Republic of pear in the H a tc h et are fiom photo road bed, safest, and most nccomo- visiting in Southern Oregon and Corval nish sacks to haul wheat to the mill. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. «, of any railroad on the Pacific lis, are now visiting her sister, Mrs. Lewis You can either get these sacks at the Uruguay was yesterday fatally shot by a graphs and are made by the Forest Lan d Office at Oregon C ity , O regon, f young man, p esumaoly in the interest of Giove mill or at our store.—Haines & Bailey. Photo-Engraving Company. , Buy a ticket at Hatchet office. Shogren, and Mrs. Emmett Quick. A u gu st 20, i 897 .) the rebellion now in progress there. They print as easily in a newspaper as Patterson, agent. N otice is h e r-b y g iv en that th e fo llo w in g- Have you ever had in the morning | Congressman Thos. H. Tongue, of C. L. Large M. D ., answers calls night the coarser cuts made by inferior pro nam ed settler has filed n otice o f h is intentiuA* j. Jake Buxton and daughter are at what is fancifully called a "dark brown Hillsboro, was in the city Tnesday on cess and are the only engravings which to m ak e final p ro o f in support of h is c laim , asd * and day. Office Large block Fir St. ¿rt with Mrs. Buxton’s parents, taste” in the mouth. If so, it is effect legal business. are true to life. The average newspaper that said p roof w ill be m ade before th e C oun ig C le .k of W ashington C ounty at Hillsboro^- of a deranged stomach and liver, the best udMrs. Hampton. Wheat Monday was 84, Tuesday 85, cut is a mere caricature. Stop That Cough! Take warning. It Oregon, on October 7, I8#7, v is: remedy for which is a dose of Ayer’s may lead to Consumption. A 25 cent Wednesday 8r, today 82 in Forest Grove. i Southern Pacific offers a round TH O M AS RA VCR A F T . If you have ever seen a little child in Pills, together with a little discretion as 1 Kittle of Shiloh’s Cure may save your Flour is now I.2J retail. Oats are worth •krt to Yaquina for $ 5 .* 15 , half rate a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you Hom estead en try No. 10153, for tho s % o f a e~ to diet and mode of living. from 25 to 35 cents. life. Sold by J . A. Brisbine’s Drug and n e # o f s e o f section 21 and n w ^ o f ’ have been annoyed by a constant tick s w o f section 22. t 2 n, r s w. In honor of Grandma Smith’s 81 st Store F'orcst Grove. Call at the H a tc h et office and get ling in the thront, you can appreciate H e nam es th e fo llow in g w itn esses to p ro v e , 0 . Sloan is busy packing and birthday and Mr. L. E. Smith's 67th, a lion. J . A. Wheeler, a prominent re your hops insured. the value of One Minute Cough Cure, his continuous residence upon an d c u lt iv a t io n • ■ug his large crop of prunes, which very enjoyable birthday dinner was publican of Independence, was in town which gives quick relief. J . C. Clark, o f said land, v is: initially good. \ Messrs. Burt and Geo. Best went to given at the home of Grandma Smith. Monday and Tuesday. C harles Batem an, S . S. Batem an . T hom as druggist. Portland Tuesday to paint a thirteen Sm ith, Chas. I #. IV tin y, o f cíales C reek , O regon. s going East or South should get The afternoon was spent in an old fash R o r f r t A. M i l l k n , R egister. Blank notes for sale at the H atchkt room cottage there, giving it two out The concert Rriday evening in Marsh 22-27 ‘ over the S. P. Ry. I. W. Patter- ioned apple paring. Those present were: hall under direction of Prof. Heritage side coats. ■ xnt. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, Mr and Mrs. L. j l’rintery. Rheumatism, which is caused hv a« will be one of the best ever given here. -B. F. Bind came down from Carl- E. Smith, Mrs. Kate Taylor, Mrs. Eliza | G. C. O’Neil, of Moulton, Iowa, father- Mr. Partlow spent yesterday in Port P. U. male quartette, Ladies trio, In acid in the blood, is cured by the use o f Smith, Mrs. N. Yarksha, Misses Mattie in-law of Attorney May of Tillamook, land on business. Mrs. Partlow is e x Ayer’s S rsaparilla. External treatment nnluy to join her husband, who Peterson, Mary Yarksha and Master went over on Tuesday’s stage to visit pected to return from their cottage at stitute quartette, solos by Prof. Heri is of no avail. Until the blood is thor f opened a blacksmith and ma- tage, Mrs. Grimes, Misses Stewart and Hugh Noland. two or three month» wit. his daughter Long Beach by the end of the week. thop here. Thompson. Prof. Heritage will ring the oughly cleansed of all impurities, it is use less to expect the cure of any disease. Persons wanting machine oil should whom he has not seen in twenty years. to Abbott & Roe and rent a Cres- One and half bushels of wheat will I "E rl K in g” and "S h ip on F ire.” Ad Has cured others, will cure you. not forget that Dempsey & Kane carry a Doors, windows and mouldings at mission free. Public cordially invited. ycle and never walk home. ** - - ■ ; bring you the H a tc h et for one year.! Portland prices. Abbott & Roe. good line. D en tistry. Here’s a chance to have ’ dollar” wheat, j Fire in the slashing near Newton, present prospect for a good yield Mrs. John Baxter’s sister, Miss D ick-: Mr Russell has gone over to his ranch I Dr. R. H. Hovey having located to three miles beyond Hillsboro on the and hops anil good prices for Mr. J . H. Burgard, of Portland, who son, of New York state, is visiting her. to picks pruues. Portland side and extending a quarter of Forest Grove for the practice o f dentiatry •re tending to stimulate the price . as the representative of the Phoenix and Shaving 10 cents hair, cutting 25 cents Abbott & Roe sell Horse Shoe to- Home companies made such a slashing a mile, made travel by railroad very un takes this method of informing the jm W ng lands in this vicinity. comfortable yesterday as the heal was lie that he is prepared to do any workto at the Diamond Shaving Parlor, one liacco at 36 cents per iKJtind. ' in fire insurance rates here two years Drmpsey & Kane for hardware. almost unbearable for passangers on the that line. Office In Ingles & Portería door north of Hayden & Buxtoil’s ^ LandlordJCart, of the Western visited ago, was in town today. left hand side of the train as it was go building. Martin, who lately rented the meat market. Good work and courteous Portland yesterday. ing toward Portland. This morning the Summer Discount Sale—In Ladies’ property, in the east part of town, attention.—Allen & Sears, Proprietors. Hmall precautions often prevent great Oxfords in all styles and colors, from bridge over Rock creek burned and de son, has also rented t. e Beach mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers Mrs. J. M. Hall and little daughter, of j Mrs. Lizzie Schultz, manager of Wash layed the morning mail from Portland ji.ooan d upwards. See (».egg’s show and is renovating it pre- Seattle, are visiting her parents Mr. and ington county for the Viavi company, is until eleven. The McMinnville express are very small (fills in size, but are most window liefore making your purchase, re to occupying it himself. His located in the Dr. Large cottage east of Mrs. J. A. Thomas who live east of town. was on this side and the Portland train effective in preventing the most serion» •re at the seaside but will return the Christian church. Edward Alderman, who was recently | on the other so they transferred passen forms of liver and stomach troubles. City Drug Store is headquarters for opening of school. I convicted of larceny in tapping the till ! gers, mail and crew and backed on as They cure constipation and headach« Mr. M. I>. Markham is today in Port school supplies. and regulate the bowels. J . C. Clark, at Wilson’s confectionery store, was though each were the other train. reah Cured. A clear head and Mrs. Lou Knox was well pleased last ; land attending a meeting of the execu 1 Tuesday taken to Hillsboro and tonight ! druggist. breath secured with Shiloh’s Ca- tive committee of the grand lodge I. O. starts ¡or the Reform school at Salem I Mr. Grunt Hughes returned from a Remedv, sold on a guarantee, Tuesday, with the effect of ihe new rem week’s stay at Tillamook yesterday. G. T. with Deputy Sheriff Andy Vaughn. fetor free. Sold by J . A. Bris- edy administered by Dr. C. L. Large, for Something to Know. the extracti n of seventeen teeth which breig Store, Forest Grove. Yukon Eveprotections—The largest The American people seem to have It may be worth something to know Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Cure. ' had annoyed her for months. goods in the county at The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup j gone daft on the testimonial business. that the very best medicine for restoring Brice Wilson, who has a tannery Will furnish sulphur, burlap and funds Barnes'. All kinds of colored glasses, promptly. One million bottles sold last j Not eon tent with giving testimonials to tlic tired out nervous system toa healthy Ipper Nehalem, was in town to care for the coming hop crop. For eyeprotectors, goggles etc. k i ns Z uesday. year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by J. A. | soothing syrups, corn plasters, bicycles, vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine business s,-bools (to say nothing of is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone terms call on Edward L. Naylor, our Miss Hattie Rice, of Hillsboro, music Brisbine. H. Hovey, dentist. battleships) and wind mills, magazines to the nerve centres in the stomach, local agent, at his office at Forest Grove, instructorit Pacific College, Newberg, The money standards of American na now publish such ruhhisi as the follow gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneyr, Dwrien, mayor of Cornelius, will Or., or the J. M. Russell Co. Portland. is in town today. tions are: Silver— Bolivia. Central ing: and aids these organs in throwing off ®ftve to town, having rented Or. America, Columbia, Etuador, Mexico I "From my own exjierienee I state impurities in the blood. Electric Lit •ref’* cottage. You will find a box of Ayer’s Pills an Mr A. U. Marsh, superintendent of excellent traveling companion. For and Peru; gold— Brazil; gold and silver— j that in this lake (Crescent Lake on the ters improves the appetite, aids digestion Clover Hiiiit Tea, for Constipa- the Molkaoline Hill gold mine in Cala costiveness, indigestion, sick headache, Argentine Republic, Chili, Cnba, Haiti N. P. Railway) I have caught a larger and is pronounced by those who have •the best and if after using it you veras county, California, is spending a and nausea, they are prompt, safe, and and Venezuela. Uruguay has the gold variety and greater numlier of large tried it as the very best blood purifier ••o, return the package and get shert vacation here with his wife at the efficacious. Taken in season, they may standard without a gold currency, a trout than in many other of the fishing and nerve tonic. Try it. Hold for 50c ■T- Sold by J . A. Brisbine’s 1 home of his father-in-law, Mr. F- b. prevent serious illness and vexatious de million dollars in silver coins of various resorts of the world combine 1 in much or » 1.00 per bottle at the Miller Phar , Forest Grove. Barnes. denominations having been coined two , longer time.” Rear Admiral Beardslee. macy. lav and disappointment. years ago and another million now be City Drug Store for School Books. Dilwort 1 , principal of an Mrs. I>r. Hovey, Mrs. I)r. Contris and to rent—A room 10x50, good business ing issued. Paraguay h is no money Low F.xeursiou Rates to the Oregon for boys at Roseburg, is in Be Not Deceived. A Cough Hoarse 1 Miss Marion Contris, who have lieen location, next door to Post Office. For bearing its own stamp but usesthe silver HI ate Fair. ''ng the teachers’ institute. ness or Croup, are not to be trifled with^ coins of other South American Repub ■ 1 imping at Hoi la Springs, came home A dose in time of Shiloh’s Cure will save est Grove Land Co. The Southern Pacific will make a one \ today. A Roe sell Horse Shoe lics. fare rate from all points on their lines in you much trouble. Sold by J. A- Bris Hundreds of thousands have been in 11 cents per potind. Mrs. I). C. Howland, of Portland, who Oregon to the Oregon state fair which duced to try Chaimberlain’s Cough accompanies her husband to Klondike, opens September 30 and closes Octo- er 11 ami family, accompanied by bine. Notice to Contractors. Mv G a m m a s , th e P o r t la n d a t t o r n e y Remedy by reading for others, and hav There w ill be let to the lo w est bidder a l the is taking a school house with her and 'fre. Parish of Salem, went to 8. A big harvest and a big fair. A clean, ing tested its merits for themselves are w a s in to w n Monday n ig h t a n d T u e s d a y co u n ty court room in th e court house at Hills will open a school there. The building vigorous, delightful, and comprehensive Tuesday afternoon for a two today its warmest friends. For sale bv boro. W ashington com ity, O regon, on Sat ng w e n t by s t a g e to T illa m o o k . has a flat, sloping roof so snow can he exposition of everything pertaining to u rd ay. A iin w t 2 1 , 1S»7, at 3 o’clock p. in., a co n J . C. Clark, druggist. easily shovelled off, high windows to es the farm and the farmer Good race* Dvspepsia Cured. Shiloh’s Vitalizer tract tor b u ild in x a bridge in road d istrict No. XI 14 Soa have just received a cape drifts and double doors to shut out and amusement* of all kind*. Special Free concert in Marsh hall Friday in said county. Bids to he sealed. Comti is ' a * ,.1« relieves Sour St -maeh, e lie s binder twine and any one im m e d ia t e _ ly „r r pood si- ncrs reserve the rl-;!tt to reject an y or all the cold. Distress, and is me , e v e n in g , closing the institute. attractions every day. bids. SpeelflrsMoTt- m sv -ecu on »aid d ay at »ani • should give them a Com ing up o f rood • With the present crop prospects and ____ kidney and liver rented». Sold Multnomah county ha* just made rets great Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant c le r k ’s office A - l i s t apportionment of s c I h k i I funds the extremely low railroad rate of one H . I’. ( OIKEll 1», Bris la x a t iv e Regulates the bowels, purifies liy J. A C ounty Ju d g e . on a basis of I 2 ..VI per capita in addition fare for the found trip, the people of •re ioh >| om > if triflosl aw ay; the blood. Clears the complexion to the fl.tM of the state Joint districts Oregon can afford to patronize the State dangerously wasted if con- b e d s e a l is E a s y to make and pleasant to take H O E C A K E SO A P* with Washington county receive the fol fair that benefit* all claaaes. Popular ad- ¡Jtoy in ensos wfcere One Pure G r a n u la te d Potash 25 ct-. Sold by J. A. Brisbine. lowing amounts: 23 , C. K. Tigard, j mission of 25 cent». •('lire would bring imme- H A S NO E Q U A L Tigardville | 13 . 2 H; 42 1 1. \V, Prince, *•*' • 'lark, druggist. Made under U. S. Patent it mnst nec Sylvan $ 324 ; «2 .?. K. Smith. Portland, I SOAP FOAM IS Mr«. Krledrr’«. essarily be different from all other*. S* "tart to school go to the WW.HU; 84 . K. II. Whitehead. Glencoe I Hreu«l. h eiftiH lC tlw i. N«at an«I Wwty Queen «/I KitcnenandLauudrre Contains no starch, free alkali or worth $ 14 . 40 ;« 7 . J . A. Johnson, i WiUnd, **0rp and buy your school I »a* try. C h w j^ r t*> buy than bukF. pencils and everything and convenient. Pur. White, wi” not makes the clothes less filling. .1 litre. _1! ..i- nnr ¡-»-r. the finest lie . POWDER Absolutely Pure. SHERIFF'S SALE Oil F0BECL08H8E