Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
dk part tbe sceptre of power which a his inexpiable lust f r the spolia- THE HATCHET. I at the post-office at P o rra l G ro v e , O r. aa Second-cl a «a m ail matter. 'I he Pleasnrer of OlHee. grateful people have placed in its tion o f our state in her pride and A racy i>ersonal correspondence tie- hands. I f the Republican party glory in the councils o f the nation. : tween Congressman longue and .1 reput halts or falters tn its great work as I f weakness may palliate the crime a nmU of the flght over u e Corvallis TKKMM TO HUBSCRIHKllS. mapped out in its platform, then o f wanton revolution in violation j postoffice. The congressman prefer« K. Poatage Free. w ill it deserve a retribution for its o f our constitution then the weak- J M. Davidson for postmaster and the local > year • I« jo He a t » m o n t h » ....................................................... 75 violated pledges and vows voluntar- ness o f our state government to re- statesman prefers someone else. month» . . . ^ ............... 40 i ily made with a full knowledge o f sist the temptation o f venal gold I ®ent'y Mr r°nKu>- wa" toM ln a 1 tu r lt in A d v an c e . , , . ,,, ■ he secured the appointment he sought, — ----------------------------------- , all the facts m tbe premises. W e may secure immunity for its late j that even the gileU Indians who elected «P®® tbc Republicans o f this offenses which have humiliated jhim in the ^ campaign could not again save him from defeat in a second race for t a . money we can m »ke. state to stand four square to every every citizen in this state. n»m» o f general interest gratefully received. k j a s t tfaa t s h a n come f r o n , t J,e rot- V erily they shall have their re congress. Mr. Tongue replied, in a Brtttor’s h o bbies and op in ion s on this p a g e , a ll ! twelve page letter that was vehement in t k e m i t fa c t s -im p a r t ia l a n d uncoiored. ten Oregonian by H arve Scott who ward. Our governor has risen to Mditor last home in his sanctum, H atchet 1 j (Q assail this plank o f the distinguishing d ig llit V o f b e in g j !*" "V " t’<’ ' '' *! ' '* '.L , i:.. JMlding, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to to p. m. r 6 f> ft . * 1 he hail always been able to make a llt- m each week day and always glad to talk and the Republican platform as he is to hated and despised b y thousands o f ! ¡ny before fie went to congress and that bw talked to. assail tbe character o f all good citi-1 his late comrades in arms. This lie could do the same thing again. Tbe local statesman wrote back that zens whom he cannot control for the has given the utmost satisfaction to 1 H U K D E V E R Y W E E K IN T H E Y E A R ON in the event Mr. Davidson si ould lie ap corrupt purposes o f his arrogant, the Oregonian which conceals no THURSDAY PROM THE HATCHET pointed that it was the earnest desire of wilful and reckless heart. I f any secret good w ill for our lord, but a number of Benton county* constituents P R IN T E R Y . plank o f tbe Republican platform on account o f his abject abasement that Mr. Tongue at once introduced in i f you fail to receive your paper it will has any binding obligation upon before H arve Scott and in return congress a bill appropriating money for hr • favor if you will notify us at once. the president it conveys that same for his surrender o f his manhood the purchase of 10,000 fishing poles to be used by patrons of the Corvallis postotfiee imperative urgency and demand and his powers H arve has graciously A M b T IM C R A IG , EDITOR AND PROPRIUTOR. in getting their mail. It is now the con and is obligatory upon every mem - 1 refrained from an open assault and gressman’s turn to file a rejoinder, and C o u n t y O f f ic ia l P a p e r . RADABLE ELI a b l e " JX R ight P ages . . W eekly e p u b l ic a n .................... . . — --------- OREGON AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. E very political party should be jndged by its history, by what it has done and by its pledges for the future. The Republican party as ber of our party. From this thtre destruction of his character, a noble is only one escape, an escape by fabric which H arve Scott thought tbe door o f desertion while our ’ had been already too long the ob- party is under the fire o f the enemy, ject o f public admiration. In this But this cowardly conduct has more conclusion the people o f this state than once given a distinguishing will heartily agree And our gov- dye to the conduct o f H arve Scott, ernor w ill soon be labeled and That the Oregonian w ill desert stored away under H a rv e ’s bed the principles and pledges o f the with that other piece o f broken Republican party there is no rea- crockery for which no use, nook or son able doubt to be entertained, corner could be found in the United nay more, this copperhead and trai- States senate, a national organization has reasons tor to his government, whose great- A oovER NO R’S PREROGATIVES. to be proud o f its origin, its history est regret is that he was not per- _______ •nd its pledges past and for the mitted to plunder more from the Governor Lord thinks he can ap- future. Standing at the threshold government which he had other- point a Senator when the legisla- «rf the twentieth century the Re- wise disgraced while entrusted with ture fails to do its duty. It isquite publican party can survey the pro- a federal office, w ill attempt to consistent for him also to think press o f a great nation whose con- carry out his transparent scheme that he can appoint a railroad eom- atitution it has saved from ruin, embodied in his false issue o f 16-1 mission when the legislature fails to whose natural resources it has de- dragged before the people to divert elect. G ov. Lord used to be on »sloped and whose industries it has their attention from his foul con- the supreme bench o f Oregon, and fostered to a degree before unknown duct which resulted in the conse- he is accounted a most excellent in- in the history ot the civilization o f quent loss o f the prestige and power terpreter o f law. Has H is Kxcel- the globe. o f this state in congress and with lency lost his legal cunning in liis It can be asserted truthfully that the national administration itself. greed for political power? Does he ifc has kept its pledges to this nation Th e approaching campaign w ill misinterpret the meaning o f “ or which it has made in the past and try all men and journals o f this until their successors are elected in ke >ping those pledges a race o f state as with a refiner's fire and the and q u alify” into meaning “ term skives have been made free citizens sequel w ill be a heap o f cinders expired?” — Portland Evening Tri- o f the republic and the safety, se- composed o f H arve Scott and. his bune. «n rity and prosperity o f this nation political parasites “ scotched” and SIMILITUDES. have been firmly established upon cooked, parasites memorable among the principles formulated in the demagogues, illustrious for their H arvey Scott wants the ju ry sys Declaration o f American Itidepend- llSe o f gold, their gins and toils to tem abolished. H e is awfully afraid •wee. W e may . therefore , , , as , a corrupt and overcome the weakness Q fa ju ry especially a Portland state w tsely trust the pledges o f the c f our present state government j u Republican party under whose which stands charged with the am-1 W m . M. Evarts, who was noted guardian care the laws o f this na- plest demerit. A state government for his longand intricate sentences, toon are being honestly admims- bereft o f the faith and confidence « p lie d to a criticism o f their length „ W11 o f our people by its overt acts o f that the only people he ever knew Th e Republican party o f Oregon lawlessness, a slate government tQ ^ especially opposed to long Itos a duty to perform as a part o f bereft o f virtue, wisdom and valor, sentences were the criminal classes tbe great national organization to a chief magistrate o f this common which it belongs. T h e crystalliza wealth who has forfeited the fel’ow- [ lion of all our forces along certain ship and recognition o f the dignity , well defined lines o f action w ill o f his high office by thousands who J ' die guess is that it will be exceedingly interesting.— Corvallis Times. It is always grHti'yin < to receive lesti- monials for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when the endorsement is from a physician it is es pecially so “ There is no more satis factory or effective remedy than Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy,’ ’ writes Dr. R E Robey, phy sician and pharmacist, of Gluey, Mo.; and as he used the Remedy in his own family and sold it in his drug store for six years, he should c< rtainly know. For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. national party organization It should tie a source of pleasure to every American citizen to know that there was a return of prosperity to the country. The cause of the present lioom in the West is undoubtedly due in a great measure to the large crops and high prices caused by the failure of crops in other countries. But the fact that pros perity has set in in the East cannot tie accounted for in any other way than by the wise policy of the republican party in restoring a protective tariff. The present lioom is not spasmodic; it will continue to increase, and not only the manufacturers, but dealers generally will soon recognize that with a protec tive tariff and sound principles tiie coun try will be prosperous and remain in that condition. own great seal which gave her tbe fatal harvest o f shame and reproach in the councils o f the nation which has so far refused to recognize the validity o f his opprobrious acts, committed to gratify a notorious boodle politician in conspiracy with H arve Scott to break down and overturn, and render nugatory the The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. that has borne and does now on bear the fa c sim ile signature o f wra^ This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA, * which has foj used in the homes o f the Mothers o f America fo r o:er thiA uears. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that jfl a _ . . u the kind l/OU have alWaijS OOUqni a nd h as th e sig n a tu r e o f w/J per. No one has authority from me to use my name ej cept The Centaur Company o f which Chas. H. Fletcher Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepti a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer yi (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the gredients of which e v e n h e does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought"! B E A R S THE F A C -S IM IL E SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MUNRAV STHCCT. MCW YORK CITY. Hatchet and Weekly Chicago Inter Ocean, '$ — 1.0 0 W t h e — $ 1 . 0 0 : I h I t e r e e k l y O c e a N. The Greateub Republican Paper of the West. I T is the most stalwart and u n s w e rv in g Republican Weekly pub lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest fe- poris of all political affairs. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the New* > r r y r i and the Best of Current Literature. (c & IJ Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its South’s Department Is the tinest of its k in d . ..................... It brings to tho family the News o f the E n tire W o r l d an d gives the best <\nd ablest discussions of all questions of tbe day. The Int*»r ocean gives tw elve patres of reading mutter each week and being published in « hicasro is better adapted to The needs of the people west of the AUexhany Mountains tnan any other paper. S I.0 0 $100 he Daily and Sunday Edi- ons of The Inter Ocean are le best of their kind . Beerybotljr Say» 8«. is the most effective and economical poi Cured. / DR SAMUEL PITCHER, o f Hyannis, Massachuseti m s the originator o f “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,- the m RIPANS may temporarily lose the co-opera which treacherously betrayed this THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. tion o f one o f its constituent parts state with the debasing use o f her Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be J. C. Smock, Agent, Sherwood. For sale composed o f a state organization. This loss may not work the disin tegration o f the national party itself but the causes which tend in the direction o f disinteg ration and disorganization are full o f political peril to the state which may be acting out o f har mony with the pledges and purposes of the national organization. T h ere fore the best interests o f Oregon lie directly along the line o f heroic e f fort to carry out the pledges and policy o f the national organization of the Republican party as fore shadowed by the pledges contained in the party platform uttered at St. 3 s s a s ' s r s ‘? „ ;H E w S r T4 T s T O R iTA™ “ P IT C H E R 'S C A S T O R IA ," AS OUR t r a d e mark . It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. -Portland Evening Tribune. shorn and plucked by his own hand To MOTHERS. President McKinley on Prnsp<*i ity. give dignity, power and concert were once proud to salute him as V k h ^ .w !K »S Save Yonr Grain. which are the essen tial elem ents o f com rade, but now shunned and des- cleansing the entire sist, m, dispel colds, . f _ . . . . . . . . . 1 curH lieailuolie, fever, Imldtuul unustipation Few realize that each squirrel destroys strength and en duran ce ot the Re- pised, w ith ou t p olitical p restige, ami biliousness. Please buy and try a box . . . I l l ... . • ,1 ■ , . j ... . , , of C. C. C. to-day; 10 , $V. M)cents. ¡Sold uud $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake- publican party in th is state. w ith ou t com elin ess o f character, [ guaranteed to cure by all druggists. lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator A AN OPEN by J. C. Clark, druggist. For Constipation take K arl’s Clover An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Onr Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier- Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions Readers. on the Face, and makes the head clear as The distinguished New York chemist, a bell. Sold by J. A. Brisbine. T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his discov Tho Grandest Remedy. ery of a reliable and absolute cure for I Price of Dally by mall..................... 14.00 per year I Price of Sunday by m ail.................. 12.00 per year ) Daily and Sunday tiy m ail...............$6.00 per year $ Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. J Hatchet and Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean Buy a Farm, Buy a Lot. Buy a House and L| M oney O r A n y O th er K ind R E A L to of + E S T A T Mr. K. B. (Ireeve, merchant, of Cliil- Consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) • • OF THE • • and all bronchial, throat lung and chest howie, V a., certifies that he had eon- diseases, Stubborn coughs, catarral affec sumption, was given up to die, sought constitutional method o f choosing tions, general decline and weakness, loss all medical treatment that money could United States senators. A ll o f these ‘ of flesh, and all conditions of wasting procure, tried all rough remedies he misfortunes have befallen this state, away, wilt send TH REE FR E E BOT [■ onId hear of, but got no relief; spent W e have many bargains and now is the time to in| TLES (all different) o f his New Discov many nights sitting up in a chair; was but justly because she has followed W rite for Price List. eries to any afflicted reader o f the H a t induced to try Dr. K ing’s New Discovery, the leadership o f the Oregonian c h e t writing for them His "New Sci and was cured by the use of two bottles. FOREST GROVE, OREC whose editor was cursed at concep entific Treatment" has cured thousand« For past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. K in g’s New permanently by its timely use, and he tion with a blight o f moral virtue, T o C o r e C o n s tt p n t lo n K o r e v i i . Instruction by mall, •d^ * 1 with inward gifts o f manhood para- considers it a simple professional duty to Discovery is the grandest remedy ever T a k e P : , e t s C a m lvC sith .irllr ]im o r » Method»approjnH suffering humanity to donate a trial of mude, as it has done so much for him It t . L . C. tail to cure, ilr u s s .M » rifu n u «noun In*n,lncat«ni. E xpan«“ 1 Louis. These party pledges are lyzed, liorn without the faculty of andeom oatant laatrart- P and also for others in his community. ! his infalliable cure. ora. Tnlianaparnttm»0“ 1'; L T h ree eonn ae Prepnrato-1 b o w being vigorously administered judgm ent, a creature whose artifi- Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed Science daily develops new wonders, ry,bneinee»,colleee. K n 0P" . T V A N r E D - S K V E R A L F . W T i m - : MEN ,)R portnnity to bolter > on r con j *nd verified by President M cKin cial capacity has dictated his career and this great chemist, patiently experi- for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. , K m,'n. ,° ir"v*'1 f,,r «wpousii,.,. d itio n end proepect«. Stn ll«h«Hl bone In Oreiron. s»l»rv 47so, narahte and grsdua'es It don’t fail. Trial bottles free at the $l.i weekly nnU expenv». Position p rm«iien ley who has won the admiration of o f political degeneracy and degrad menting for years, has produced results AT dents everywhere, w w n . years Aucceee. F oil Miller Pharmacy. as beneficial to hum anity as can he a rtic «la £ , tree. the leader o f the Democratic party, ation with only one root infixed in velope. Th.- National. -Unr Rnlldine. Obli a»,, The New Tariff Law. expressed in his recent speech com his malevolent nature, the admira claimed by any modern genius. His as sertion that lung troubles and cousutnp- Which has just been signed by the mending our president for his fidel tion o f his own greatness, which tion are curable in anv climate is proven ity to the pledge contained in our w ill be demolished and his arro- by “ heartfelt letters of gratitude," filed president, mav be appropriately consid- i ered an Industrial Declaration of Inde- ! national platform, to establish in- gant importance w ill end with the in his American and European laborato pendence. An official text o f the law To the persons who make the greatest ries in thousands from those cured in all ternational bimetallism as the best close o f the next campaign, has just been published by the American mtmlier of words out of the phrase, parts of the world method o f settling the silver and Special pleading has lieen made Protective Tariff league, and should be laten t Attorney Wedderburn.” For Medical experts concede that bronchial, gold question by the twenty-eight ¡»t this office in liehalf o f Harve chest and luug troubles lead to Con carefully examined by every citizen. particulars address the National Re,-or civilized nations o f the earth. Scott on account o f his well known sumption, which, uninterrupted, means Protectionists ought to have a few copies der, W ashington . D. C. of this law for distribution. Five copies W hoever assails this plank in our weakness which is inbred and hence speedy and certain death. will be sent to any address for ten cents. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C., T o h T c ,COr* . r ° n'* " ” ,,,o n Forever. platform assails the integrity o f the inherent in his nature for which a Oascarets Candy t at; ---- 1 10c or ‘~>c Ask for document No. 30 ai$d address 1$ V?*® C. t . C. fail to cure uruKCtRtR 98 street. New York; giving post- T* * D* - r. fnn.1 money Republican party, for if the party single friend pleads extenuation for W. F. Wakeman, G en'l Sec'y. 135 West O «««5" office and express address, and the free c o p t * ,ck” foils to keep this pledge as faithfully his offenses against the state. I f medicine will tie promptly sent. Suffer Street, New York Anyone sending a »ketch and d e * r qoickly ascertain, free, whether •sail others as publicly made and en- weakness may excuse H arve Scott, ers should take instant advantage of his Constipation, an exceedingly danger probably patentable. Coeim'1" ^ , , * a confidential. Oldeet agency forjjecm j dorseri by Mr. M cK inley in his letter what malefactor, what traitor and generous proposition. ous condition of the bowels, is nearlv tn America. W e here » W » h t n « i£ j Patenta taken through Munn « ] Please tell the’doetor that you saw his always the result of carelessness and ot acceptance, the party no longer sacrilegious fiend hut mav plead it? 4peciftJ notice in tbw . For Infant« and Children. offer in the H a t c h e t . inattention to the calls of nature. To deserves the faith and credit o f the All wickedness is weakness, that SCIENTIFIC AMERJt correct irregularities and restore healthy beantlfnllr lUnatrated. ljrgejt R i Dans Tabnles care headache. people and w ill soon find its historic plea therefore with us and with this wientiae Journal. ’■ ka movements, the best aperient is Ayer's «IX months.___sp — i -,'_''n. r a*” RI Dana Tabulea cure headache gone and with it w ill de state w ill gain him no remission for K o s P ATBST* «out free. PilU. They are easy to take. Ripana Tabnles cure bad breath F orest G rove L a n d C o . Study Law HolUBeqSSHaSBSK CASTORIA E M U N N A COo 361 Brond ».tv. 1 S