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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1897)
b efo re the dew 0 > S 0 ? ’- ‘fa ll«.- W e lik e ,tw. S fg H S S goes Into the mow. Neither should sue- be SST le ’t du t the | i hroou^l “ •¡'te* |M| t»I — -H o a rd s B a tte r M a k in * . In herk n i *e with, "OnieDt'ij iiuee, * „ 1 'uaj , «Upping ij A D a U c t o n a Fruit. washing ^ [type of berry in c u ltiv a tio n in but them | [places Is the ilew tierry , w hich is a Bn* form o f the b lack b erry. T h e Cnr»«i« (dewberry is the L u e re tia — named ' summw| jin honor o f Mrs. L u e retla Gar- iw i* The fruit is ea rly, o f la rge size, «id thoaei ¡"attractive in ap p earan ce and Its id hem« dug habit o f g ro w th m akes it val- ily dn as It affords op p ortu n ity fo r • The! Puff an) I e curtaui,| S color o On thiil from the| ' floor a) 1 stem, pen wild J result. int«. i hanli in watt t softa us. three» ÏL ÍV -’ ■ee oumti ay be, «a« and i i Is will | •III be I duenre, root inai u g it u l krSTKR OF T.tTC R K T IA D K W B K R R IK 9. ¡¡ter protection. It is v e r y fru itfu l, ecanes and lo w e r sides o f the leaves I eery thorny, w hich m akes picking unpleasant, but p rop er pruning mulching la rg e ly ov e rco m e this. Illsing Is o fte n resorted to and fo r «11 plantations can be e a s ily adopt- ] but for Held culture it is not deem- lidrlsahle I t is usual to plant about jtrfeet apart each w a y aud cu ltivate Itii the new canes get so lon g as to Vent It. T h e old canes a re rem oved rrime a fte r fru itin g , but i f trellises i used the y ou n g canes are not tied kuntil the next spring. In the north, [¡swell to p rotect w ith lig h t cover- ; during w in ter. A m ulch Is often under the canes to keep berries iu and the w eed s d o w n .—F a rm and a«. in«n. at 5 c would i C a as tb would •y-madef g thus e ueedle, t in eiei rturiB ellectoi am Hei »■ oue s tniore ,, Um,,liDg Uext or enees Th- , “ f Xt haulln* <om- ment es. This is to let the steam sans up and out Into space. Keep the barn ■V. Care o f the Iceb o x . i care o f a r e fr ig e r a to r involves ■than the ob viou s necessity o f see- f that no accum ulation o f foo d is al to sjtoil therein. A prudent «w ife w ill lik e w is e d ire c t that the tItself, in e x tre m e heat, be covered i newspapers, than w h ich there is ^ better p re v e n tiv e o f its rapid rnelt- lawa.v. She w ill see that the shelves 1 frequently scoured and kept per- ttly sweet, but th at no hot w a ter is bployed fo r this purpose. She w ill [reorders that the d rin k in g w a ter be by being placed under the ice, I not by h a vin g the Ice put into it. last o f all, she w ill en d eavor to «wince the m aids that th ere is no tie preservation on top o f the re- Igerator and that that p articu lar spot |b<iite as w arm as an y oth er part o f storeroom; also that the coolest bee in the box underueath is under- *th the ice—th at Is, on those shelves ath it—and not, as so o ften sup- on top o f it. Thus, an yth in g over the cak e o f lee is much •nner than w h at is put a w a y within s refrigerator.— St. Ixn iis Kepublic. R oad iid e W a t e r in g P lace. [A simple plan f o r m ak in g an attract- s wayside w a te rin g place is shown In i Illustration here reproduced from Country G en tlem an . A hogshead a close, crowded and llly-ventl- lated stable, where there Is too little air space fo r each animal, the air becomes oul from the exhalations, aud this a f fects the milk, as well as the health of ie animals. The remedy in this case s to provide more room for the stock aud better ventilation. T h e stable should be kept as clean as possible, and the cows well bedded and clean. The utmost cleanliness should la* observed n milking. A ll dirt should be brushed rom the cow before beginning to milk, ami it is best to dampen the udder and ank of the cow. so as to prevent the dust and line dirt from falling into the milk. I he milk should be strained im mediately after milking, and not al lowed to stand In the cow stable any A good strainer is indispensable, and one o f cloth is much better than one o f w ire gauze. Milk pails should alw ays be made of tin, and the seams should be soldered smooth, so that there w ill l>e no places for the dirt to lodge where It w ill lie difficult to remove. Th ey, as well as other dairy utensils, should be thoroughly cleaned every time a fte r us ing. Tin artieles should be washed tirst in cool, then in hot water, aud a fte r that thoroughly scalded w ith boil ing water or steam. T hey should then be dried in fresh air, and, if possible, in the sunlight. In cleaning the butter howl, ladle, worker, churn and any oth er wooden utensil, they should be first washed with hot water, then scalded with boiling water and steam. R iv er and canal im provem en t is an im portant subject in France. One o f the latest propositions is to im prove the Loire and its canals at a cost o f $24,- 000,000. T h e Rhone and G aronne have already been im proved and the heavy expenditure is ju stified by re sults. Frofessor Forbes calculates th at the first cataract o f the N ile at D high N ile represents 500,000 horse-power, and at low N ile 35,000 horse-power. V8E F e e d i n « f o r th e F a ir . A first ed ition o f Shakespeare’ s “ M erchant o f V e n ic e ’ ’ sold in London the other day for $1,575. I t would be interesting to know the sum the great poet received for his w ork. DRUNKARDS a a fc. R OAnsinw w a t e r in g p i . a c k . is the w a te r th at is brought to it * pipe. T h e sides and top are boxed a ro o f is carried up o v e r the O ver this vines are trained un- , _ > > * Httle b u ild in g is fa ir ly hidden 1 It m ay be th ought »hat this ®***|derable trou ble to tak e fo r a W ^w M w lng place, but e v e r y th in g that en- , the b eau ty o f a roadside en- the valu e o f the p ro p erty adja- t° It and increases the respect o f U***” fo r those w h o liv e adjacent. ** constructed roads, w e ll kept road- •ttra ctlve w a te r in g places and ly m arked guldeposts indicate »trinity o f cultured, th r ifty up-to- »••Meats. « Ju p iter is five tim es as far from the sun as w e are attd the years on that The swine quarters are often in build planet are each as long as tw e lv e o f ings connected with the house, and in oura. such cases are likely to become offen H O W ’ S T H IS ? sive during the warm weather o f sum mer. It Is wise in such a case to con- W e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for A S n tn m e r H o * P e n . any cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. C H E N E Y A'CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last là years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trasaetlons, and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made bv tneir firm. At'rsr A Tat'sx. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. W a lo in g . K i n n a n A M a r v i n , Wholesale Druggists. Tsledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mneous sur faces of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold bv all druggists. Testimonials free. H all's family pills are the best. F o a TUB HOGS. stm et summer quarters out In the or chard. The cut gives a suggestion fo r a cheap little house and yard. T h e end Some naturalists are o f the opinion o f the yard has a sloping top. so that that the w h ale was once a land an im al, the pigs can lie out o f doors from the and that it was forced to take to w ater sun. The roof o f the little house can as a means o f protection. lie of matched lumber and le ft uushii» H O IT T ’S ________ C o - o p e r a t io n . There should be more co-operation among the farm ers; co-operation in buying, as well as in selling. H e a fty . intelligent co-operation is the farm er s onlv weapon o f defense against the middleman, the speculator and the commission man. By co-operation there is retained in the community not only all the profit which the speculator and commission man make, but also the wages which are paid to the men who do all the labor o f handling the pro duce. Let us talk the m atter over un til every one Is interested in it. and has some outlined plan o f association. —The Agriculturist. The hens that cease laying and which arp intended for market, need not be sold at a loss- Just before selling them let then. be confined for ten days nr tw o weeks, and g ive them all the wheat n the morning and corn at night that thev cat. eat. with a mixed ration at noon Do not confine them In coops. 7 p . . t a number together in a yard. Thev will if made fat. not only I k * a pound 'o r tw o heavier, but b rin g more tVntn the market price per p ou m l.- Maine F a r m e r .^ K ill the • 'i 0 “ * h T w o vears ago. a fter losing a half- maining '' •?f t placed a P 7 7 In P1®0**; ' | saturated some near the stem o f each e ,lpon lt to keep It As an additional precaution ' ,tn netting over all. and „e v e r lost a bill a fte rw a rd s .-A g ric u V turist. -------- N. rrt« . U i « A P la n t««* - T. , , ; T b a d weed in pastures and T S i , though as it is easily killed meadows » b g ^ ^ ^ cu,t)T. ted C lo v e r H a y . ' * » * r I* at Its best w h en In fullest but Is b e tte r cut tw o d ays too - than one d a y too late. But do a wi It when w e t w ith d e w o r rain, * most o f th e m ak ing be done In **ta drow o r cock. Cut in the rald- [ J ’ he aftern oon . It m ay be raked right away after dinner the Ad ■ bouts be pat late cocks CAN BE SAVED The craving tor drink is a disease, a marvelous cure for which has been discovered called “ Anti- Jag,” which makes the inebriate lose all taste for strong drink without knowing why. as it can be given seoretiy in tea, coffee, soup and the like. I f “ Anti-Jag” is not kept by your druggist send one dollar to the Renova Chemical Co.. K6 Broad way. New York, and tt will be sent postpaid, in plain wrapper, with full directions how to give secretly. In fo rm a t io n m a ile d fre e . I grouod. L^nd I “ t 1» es*led En* 1Uh sn<l when cut fS7 while e n U « " h * ' kes very fa ir bay. It should young it d plowed before It * i U‘ 0r,hL „ e i « a ^ very numerous, seeds, as «be w r I| seeded ^ g a i t e r with this weed it “ — friwn tt. SCHOOL FOR BOVS W ill commence its seventh year August 10th. It is a first class Home School, prepares boys for any I’niversitv, or for active business. Address, Ira O. Hoitt, Ph. D„ Buriingame, Cal. W hen a person fa lls in to the w a ter a common fe lt hat m ay be used as a life preserver, and by p lacin g th e hat upon the water rim dow nw ards, w ith the arm around it, pressing it s lig h tly to the breast, it w ill bear a man up for hours. _____________________ ) I believe Pino’s Cure is the only medicine that w ill cure consumption.—Anna M. Koss, W illiam sport, Pa., Nov. 12, '96. Queen V ic to ria rules 11,475,054 square m iles o f te rrito ry , and_878,725,- 857 o f population. ABOUT IRREGULABITY. p a t t e n O ld H e n *. 'f i (iK N T I.K .K K H S . Be gentle in stimulating the kidneys, other* wise you w ill excite and weaken them. The happiest results follow the use of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit ers to overcome renal inactivity- Avoid the uumedicated, fiery stimulants ot commerce. The kidneys have a delicate mem. brane easily irritated, and upon this the action of such excitants is pernicious. Malarial com plaints. indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia and biliousness succumb to the corrective in fluence of the Bitters. “ In fitting Berkshire» fo r the show ring select good animals to start with. Place the show herd to them selves on good pasture. Feed ground corn and ground oats o f equal weights, and to this add equal hulk o f shorts and bran. Feed just what the pigs w ill eat up clean. The feed should be soaked well, but not allowed to sour. Feed tw ice a day to within four weeks o f the fairs, then feed three times a day. Should the pasture become dry, feed stock beets, and give plenty o f exercise. I have made more sales as a result o f showing at the fairs than by any other mode o f advertising. W e have a lw a ys got our share o f the premiums, com peting with all breeds in the sweep» stakes ring.” —Farm er aud Breeder. gled. One Guess E le c tric H e a tin g . T h e extension in progress in the va* rious applications o f electric heat is hardly realized by the general public. A great number o f electric heating ap- paratus are being supplied by the m an ufacturers for shoem aking m achinery, heating silk-fin ish ing rolls and leath er working m achinery, and during the Past year and a h a lf alone 14,000 e le c tric car heaters have been installed. A blankbook m anufacturer has had in use since 1894 from 85 to 40 electric glue pots, and starch-makers are now em ployin g electric-heat apparatus exten sively. In one piano m anufactory in B altim ore 20 electric heaters were re cently placed and nealry a ll the large cloth ing houses o f the country now do most o f th eir w ork in certain d epart ments by electric irons. Such irons have also been supplied to state asy lums in Indiana, M ioh igan , W isconsin, Illin ois, N ew Y o rk , Massacuhssetts, M aine and M aryland. E lectric rad i ators ate found very con ven ien t where it is desired to heat a room, or a oorner of it, for a lim ited period, as the heat can be instantly turned o ff or on. One o f the most popular uses o f electric heating today is for curling-iron sets. Three hundred and eigh ty-seven o f these were ordered fo r the dressing rooms of tw o com bined N ew Y o rk ho tels, 72 sets for a Boston hotel and a large number for the A m erican lin e o f steamers across the A tla n tic . A Chat W ith M iss M arie Johnson. The balance wheel o f a woman'a life Is menstruation. Irregu larity lays the foundation o f many diseases, and is in its e lf a symp tom o f disease. I t is o f the greatest importance that regu larity be accom plished as soon as possible a fte r the flow is an established fact. L ydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound is the greatest regulator known to medicine. MMy health be came so poor that I had to leave school. I was tired a ll the time, and had dread fu l pains in my side and back and head. I was also troubled w ith irregu larity o f menses, end lost so much fleah that my friends became alarmed. <• My mother, who from experience is » firm believer in the Pinir ham reme dies. thought perhaps they m ight bene fit m e T l followed the advice Mr*. Pinkham gave me, and need Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compemd end liv e r Pills and am now m w ell as I ever Z m L. Fa ! I ' i P e o p le whose opinions am ount to an yth in g n ever lik e to see a man w ith out means blow h im self just to keep up w ith the procession. "I>oes you r m inister practice w hat he preaches?” " H e has preached lt so o fte n he doesn’t need to practice lt any m ore.” — D etroit Journal. "W a lte r, lt is alm ost h a lf an hour since I ordered that tu rtle soup.” "S o r ry, sir, but you know how slow tur tles are.” —London T id -B its. Baas—W a s that baby talk you r w ife w as talk in g as I cam e In? F o g g —T h a t w as m other tHlk; no baby I e v e r saw Indulged In such gibb erish .— Bostou Transcrip t. T h e Chaperon— You should never run d ow n you r frien d, m y dear. T h e C hap eroned—N o d an ger o f that; they can till beat me at scorching.—N e w Y ork E v en in g Journal. D octor (to fe m a le p atient)—Y ou have a sligh t touch o f fe v e r ; you r tvmgne has a thick coat----- l ’ atleut (e x c ite d ly )—Oh, doctor, do tell m e how lt fits.— .F a ct and F iction. M istress— N ow , you must a lw a y s sw eep w ell behind the doors, M ary. M a ry — Y es’ m, trust me fo r that; P ’s the on ly w a y one can get the dust out o f sight.—Plck-M e-L’ p. T e a c h e r—I w ant each o f you to make a sentence, using the w ord "d e lig h t" In it. Sm all boy (colo red )— D e wind com e in de w in d er an’ b low ed ouì de lig h t.— P h ilad elp h ia L ed ger. H e— I w ond er I f that couple a re m ar ried. She—C ertain ly not. H e--H o w can you tell? She— W h y, th ey’ ve been talk in g to each oth er fo r nearly h a lf an hour.—N e w Y'ork W orld . " I s this a healthy portion o f the S tate?” asked a tra v e le r In Arkansas. " W e ll, I should say lt Is. J’ here lias been nobody hung about bt re iu three m onths.” —T e x a s Siftin gs. Mrs. S w ee t—D o yon find it econom i cal to do you r ow n cooking.' Mrs. Burnem —Oh, yes; m y husband doesn’ t eat h a lf as m uch as be did when w e had a cook.— Boston T ra ve le r. " W e have much n ew and valu ab le in form ation coneerirfug the llittite s , the H iv lte s , the Jebusltesand the M oab ites.” H is frien d — H o w about the M osquttobltes .'— H ousehold W ords. “ P o o r chap! B righ t fe llo w , but a hopeless Idiot, I judge, from his ta lk ." "N o , indeed; lie’s m erely qu otin g a lit tle passage from the latest Scotch nov el.” —C incinn ati C om m ercial-Tribuue. for every yellow ticket— in every package o f tea. Don't send coupons; save them for something else. R ales o f contest published in '.arg* advertisem ent about the first aud m iddi« o f each month. atS Lord K e lv in , the great B ritis h scien tist, declares th at the earth is 80,000,- 000 years old. Schilling s Best AN OPEN LETTER To M OTHERS. W E AR E ASSERTING IN T H E C O U R T S O U R R IG H T T O T H E EX C LU S IVE USE O F T H E W O R D “ C A S T O R IA ” A N D " P I T C H E R 'S C A S T O R IA ,’’ a s O U R T R A D E ’ m a . « ; . I, D R . S A M U E L P I T C H E R , o f Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator o f ” P I T C H E R ’ S_ C A S T O R I A , " the same that has borne and does now on every bear the fa csim ile signature o f wrapper. This is the original “ P I T C H E R 'S C A S T O R I A , " which has been used in the homes o f the. mothers o f America for over thirty years. L O O K C A R E F U L L Y at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought S l t f //^ j V on a n d has th e s i g n a t u r e o f fé c /c /tiM wrap- per. Mo one has authority from me to use m y name except The Centaur Company o f which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. * . ^ March 8, 1897. ’d n , j ) , Do Not Be Deceived. D o not endanger the life o f your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more peonies on it), the ingredients o f which e v e n h e does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. R E A S O N S FO R U S IN G Walter Baker & Co.’s Breakfast Cocoa. 1. 2. C lara—A r e 1 you not afra id , Maud, to m arry old D o d d e rly ? I bear he gets h orribly Jealous w ith out any cause. M aud— D on’t lie anxious, dear; I ’ ll take care he n ever does that.— Plek-M e-L’ p. " I t ’s funny the sh u rref ain ’t scourin' the country fo r them stage rob liets,” said the postm aster. ” 1 guess.” ven tured Rubberneck B ill, " that he a in 't got the sand.” —Indian apolis Journal. W ig g in s —W h a t m akes you so certain o f B a w le r ’s patriot.Um ?— B oggs— W h y, he Just 1 lolls o v e r w ith indignation w h en lie hears o f tile w ron gs o f fo r eign ers that w e have no interest in !— Truth. W id o w — Is It true, captain, that a sailor has a w ife In e v ery port? Old T a r (s a v a g e ly )— M adoni, the sailor needs the tim e he has ashore fo r rest and am usem ent.—P h ilad elp h ia N orth A m erican . P ro fes s o r— W h a t ie the liest cure fo r p rolon ged em anciation? M edical stu dent—T h r o w the patient in the atr. P ro fe s s o r—«E h ? W h a t? M edical stu d en t— H e ’ ll com e dow n plum p.— N ew Y o rk Press. "M y good man. do you e v e r d o a n y th in g to b rin g lig ia and purity into the h o m e« o f you r fe llo w m en?” " Y u s — lots.” "Y o u d istrib u te tra cts?" "N o t 1 clean w in d o w s aud beats C a rp e t«."— Illu stra teti Bits. Mrs. D e S ty le ( f o r e ffe c t)—N orah ! N o ra h ! D id yon put m y Jew el case a w a y ? N orah — YIs, rmun. Ot did. T h e re on’y fo iv e cam ph or I tails lift In It. Shall I Skid fo r som e more, mum? —N e w Y o rk Journal. I “ G eorge, I w ish you'd leave this little package a t the exp ress office.” “ M e ca r ry a bundle? T guess not. Besides, I ’ ve g ot to lug both m y tires and a handle lia r d ow n to the rep air shop." —C levela n d P la in D ealer. H e - Y o u say you m arried a w estern m an? She— Yes. “ A n d that he n ever d rin k s? " “ N ev e r.” “ N or sm okes?” “ No, sir.” “ N o r loses his tem per?” "T h a t's w h a t I said.” “ W h en did he die?” — Y ank ers Statesm an. M ickey D orian — H nllo, B ill! H o w did you lik e being a caddie? B illy N olan — A h ! I d idn’ t like it at all, at all. F irs t de fe lle r be to w k l lie ter kape nte e y e on de ball, den be g a v e me de ball io d e eye.— H a rp er’ s Bazaar. ” 1 surely had a royal and noble tim e,” said he recapitu lating. " I had fo u r kings, and in the row that ensued I had to put up m y dukes and the up shot o f It all w as th at I w as Indicted on three c o u n t*.-In d ia n a p o lis Journal. T e a c h e r—C an you tell m e In w h a t y ea r Caeaar Invaded B ritain ? P u p il— Y e «'in . T e a c h e r—W h a t y ea r waa it? P u p il— Y o n can ’t exp ect me to an s w e r tw o questions in succession. T h a t question belongs to the next in the class.—Boston T ran scrip t. " I t seem « to me.” nald one young w o m a n “ th at H a rold talks m ore c le a r ly on the ta r iff than anyone else l h ave ever heard.” “ Yea,” replied Mias C ayenne. “ H e has the a d v a n ta ge o f n ot k n o w in g enough about it to ge< hia ideas co o fu a e d ."— W ash in gton Star. ••It»« I I I V l a d , ” Ktc. Brother Tom—Cheer op. Bobbie; I’oe got good new« fer y er. De doctor told mom to wot* d o o monta wc’t y er «Ick wid u ’ «Ut ito «U sât giva y er « talk far • N e a p o lita n C ru e lty . N ea p o lita n s have a I tad reputation fo r ill-trea tm e n t o f anim als, and th « N ap les society fo r the p revention o f oreu lty to anim als seems to have p len ty to do. D a rin g lust year ita agents stopped 44,321 carts ior c a rry ing too heavy loads, and in nearly one- h a lf th e cases had the load reduced; th ey confiscated 41,011 sticks used fo r b eating an im als and 887 spikes nsed on curb chains; 2,282 c o n vic tio n « for cru e lty w e re obtained. 3. 4. 5. Because it is absolutely pure. Because it is not made by the so-called Dutch Process in which chemicals are used. Because beans o f the finest quality are used. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor o f the beans. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent a cup. Be >ura that you get the genuine article made by W A L T E R B A K ER A CO. Ltd., Dorchester. M a » . Established 1780. sseseees se e e e e e ii CHEAPEST POWER. .JUT m AN D G ASO LIN E ENG INES.... 405-7 Sansome St.. ÍERCULES GAS San Francisco, Cal. T h e Russian m in ister o f the in terio r, a c tin g under instructions from tiie czar, has alle v ia te d the se ve rity o f tiie press laws in a ll tiie larger tow ns and c itie s o f the em p ire, in fact w h erever th e pop ulation is o v e r 100,000, by e x e m p tin g the newspapers from th e ob lig a tio n o f su b m ittin g a ll articles on p o litic a l sub jects to the censor before pu tilication . H ith e r to o n ly a few o f tiie p rin cip a l papers at St. P etersb u rg, M oscow , W a rsaw and Odessa h ave en joyed th is im m u n ity. ENGINE WORKS Make moiier by 9 1 1 0 f*H8 ul Mpeoulatibn in f'h ii’Hico. We buy ana Kell wheal There oh roar* Fortunes have been made «»n a small beginning by trading in futures. Write for full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev eral years’ experience on the Chicago board of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi ness. Downing, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Beattie, Wash. WHEAT BASE BILL GOODS Spacial Ratas T O CT*!?H 4. W e carry the mo«tcomplete line of O y m n a sia a and Athletic Ooods on the ('oast. SUITS A*>U UNIFORMS MA0K TO OSOCfl. Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. T h e G erm an m ilita r y au th orities have decided th at in fu tu re h II b ic y W I L L a FINCK CO., cles for the arm y shall lie constructed 8 18 -82 0 M a r k e t Hi., San V rsn cla oo , C a l« in th e g oven m en t establishm ents. T iie im p e ria l gun factory at Spandau w ill ac c o rd in g ly be fitted up w ith the neces 9 u n u tor cninir»*n u-ctning. lu otu iics the child, soft- 8 me rmiu.M»!*- • nd r«l|p,a?id oollc,and la it i Û sary m achinery in the course o f a few a enM the gum*. a II* th »U p«tn. ctrre* wind itjr tire a J a th«» beat rrm edr for diarrhoea. Twenty !«*• centi *■* days. f bottle. It In the beet o f all. s a a e a a kJ k «A A A A A *A A A A A A A i State Agricultural College... A BOON TO MEN. OF OREGON S C IE N T IF IC ' F fit ’IP M E N T T H E B E S T IN T H E S T A T E . M ilitary training by United States officer. Twenty-two instructors. Surroundings healthful and moral. Free tuition I No incidental fees! Expenses, Including hoard, room, clothing, washing, books, etc., about |l:t0 per school year. F a l l T e rm O p e n s S e p t e m b e r 20. For catalogue or other inform ation address T H O M A S M . G A T C H , P r e s .. Corvallis, Oregon. W eakness of M en Q u ic k ly , T h o r o u g h ly , F orever C o re d by a new perfected scientific m e t h o d that cannot fail nnlene the c m « is beyond bom an aid. Yon feel im- ed the first day. feel a At every day, noon know nrself a king among men body, mind and heart. Drains and losses ended. E v e r y obstacle to happy married life removed. Nerve force, will, energy, when failing or lent, are metered by thle treatment All weak pertfons of the body enlarged and strength ened. W rite for oar book, with eiplaaatioae and proofs. Sent reeled, free. Orer 3,80 reference» K C EK MEDICAL CO., SGWiSI’l.l- FREE PATENTED S U S P E N S O R Y ^ Yä REGULA« OR FO R i f : 'f e W ITH 1 WEAK MEN. EVERY BELT Restores Vitality, Gives New Manly Power, Checks Wasting Strength It in worth its weight In gold to the old or man who finds the vital spark grow ing J onng aint. It fills the body with the fire o f youth. A complete cure of all weaknee* is warranted in three month». “THKEE C LA SSE S O F M IN ," A free book, with valuable information. for it. Call or address 9end SAN DEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. 2 5 3 W e n t W a s h in g t o n S i., P o r t la n d , O r*