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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1897)
W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY H ATCH JBT. TO nmmmiH. CUBA IN TH E SENATE. »M« O y fiU tw i lh * v a to Sfwrgaa'« Rf l i l l — . i lid ih i m F IR E ON THE LEONA. Th. ___ I la Have B»w> •nm-rd 1*7 «he fare- PRO TE C T M , , 11 . tre a d CITE O r it r r f g t o r t * * , H onduraa, . j I Washington, May 11— TW| Washington. May 12.— T V Morgan New York. May 12 . — There was a Turks Force Them to Re- of the U nit«! State* oitizens^j Corte«, the seat o f the re», Epitom e of the Telegraphic"Cuban resolution*• wr** s issel at Sixteen Burned to Death on grewaome sight present«! on the Mal treat From Pharsala, Honduras, w ill be looked For lory steamer L*-«»na t<»lay. Thirteen 9 hews of the World. ' the first time ^ since \ the »* * debate •"“ * began, Steamship Leona. cruiser .Marblehead. Thev„ belies. blackened by fire and smoke, r » j v from Key \V. .t 0||g were lying in the steamer’ s steerage. the opposition sentiment expressed it- •elf. The ip w e h n were not ot a kind The men and women on deck looked a* ß O T H SIDES L O S E H E A V I L Y ing been given her command*! t e r s e t i c k s f r o m t h e w i r e s to ftim slate the galleries, being in the T H I R T E E N W E R E i r f S T E E R A G E though thev had pasc-d through an aw day to proceed at once. Th^J main calm and dispassionate review* of were iseu«l at the request of J ful ordeal ‘ Nobody waa allow «! either the situation in Cuba. to leave or board tile vessel until after lirrrk* Transfer T h e i r S u p p l i e « department ofllcials, w im fe||* rue Aa r .lU r tlM o f I tarn. F row B ***4 F rom W ow Y ork t o the coroner view »I the holies and gave Hale maintained that it would be I« E v a c u a t e d — U nit«! States should be t, f,j to D o n i » k » * - V o l ° a ire * « ■ a * « I k . 0 1 4 M « r l 4 l a a i most unwise to cm bra*** the president C s l r n t o a . W u O H D e l a w a r e C a p e « permission for their removal. there by a warship, so that if J I’ u a h luK S o u t h . E d b e i n |*a*ha S tit t by the adoption o f the resolution st a should arise there might hen,J T~-~*----- -* aa4 (a a ria k e a a iia l o r a Coroner Hoeber. as a matter of form, w kea Ftaste« W ere Diaco«ere4. Larissa, May 1 0 .- A dispatch from affording the neoeaaary p„ i time when he was investigating the placed Captain Wilder under arrest. TI m Brussels exposition ha* b«w subject. He intimated also that the New York. May 11.— The Mai lory- He was paroled in •ustoly of Mr. Mal- Pharsala. date! M A. M. today, de citisen# of this government. form ally o p e n « ! King Leopold am acceptance o f the resolution wool-l line steamer Leona, which left her pier scribe* the battle there, which begun lorv. Latest information receivajj tfes diplomat: corps were present. j lead to the withdrawal o f the 8juiri.-ii on Saturday, bound for Galveston, took Thomas Doyle, ag»l 67, of Paterson, Yesterday morning- A Turkish corps minister of the Greater fo fire at sea. pet back and a rriv»i in port Frft k * Bismarck was h onor»! a minister, and a termination of diplo N. J.. who wa* on his way to Vallejo, appeared »n the summit of Mount this city is that the rebel, „ ■ Fiiuffiich«roi.>-. Germany by a torch matic relations between Spain and the tonight with sixteen corpses on board. Cal., to see hi# uncle and aunt, will be Tt-kke vester!ay morning- Securing a Cortex were awaiting the shi» light I n e w i d i given by bis townsmen ‘ United 8tale*. The senator said few The dead were thirteen steerage pas detained until the inquest. Doyle was formidable entrenched position on the arms from Belixe, British H.» ’ llte agricultural department crop re real American* were imprisoned in Cu- sengers and three members o f the crew, among the steerage passengers who oc hillside, they attacked the Fourth regi- about which some trouble had ( port poke the cood illu a of a neat at M l ! . 1 «. He had never h-ard o f a genuine who succumbed to a terrible fire which cupied bunks on toe starboard side of ment of Evinnes about noon. The lat owing to the representation! t against SI.4 last month and 72 on Ma; Yankee being among them. They occurred off the Delaware capes at an the vessel. He sai l that among the ter made a strong resistance, but were the officials of that country. Jij, 1 laafyear. were all Sangmllys or Delgados or early boar this morning. passe niters who could speak English finally compelled to slowly fall back. Salvador, it is said, alrstag The horror of the story can hardly was a young Irish girl. Lizzie Sullivan, The Turk* then cannonad«! and de The interests of United States citi Kuiss. Returning to b it associate*. dispatch«! troops to the seen, gfl am * at Puerto to n e * . the seat of tlx Hale said that no one ever beard of a be told tonight. Those who are dead on her way to Los Angeles, Cal. stroy»! the village of Ordskiniwof, hie, hut as the journey is | | unuolution in Honduras, w ill be lo o k « Jones or s 8mith or a Frye a* a victim were penned op below decks, and, al Doyle stated be was lying asleep which is about two hour*’ march north one, it is probable that they LJ after by the cruiser Marblehead. Tb. o f one o f these outrages. The senator though frantic efforts were made by early Sunday morning, when awakened of Pharsala. The crown prince having yet arrived._____________ ' l l the officers of the vessel to save them, soaael »* now on her way there. said the real motive for the Morgan by a suffocating feeling. The apart order»! the army to draw up in line of the had gained such headway before S l a b b e d a t a D a n e«, resolution was shown in the recent ment was fill«! with smoke. He made A petition is now being circulated it battle, the Greeks advanced about 2 Lafayette, Or., 3Iay 11.— Mew York and signed by bankers ant statement of Morgan that the passage the danger was discovered that all es for the companion way leading to the P. 31. upper deck. A t the entrance to the tasiae«* men, urging President McKin o f the resolution would prevent .Spain cape was cut off. The Turks, numbering 30.000, imme stabbing affray occurred * h J The steamer carried in her cargo companionway the steward was shout ley to do all in bis power to effect .• from making a loan, and thus prevent diately descended the slojies of Mount mib-s north of here, on the W lJ opeedy settlement of the Caban insur her from patting down the insurrec many bales of cotton. It is not cer ing. Doyle started up. and found two Tekke and plant«! batteries, which be place, at 2 o’clock this morsiX tain bow the fire originated, but when men preoed»! him. Lie fell back, hav tion. gan to bombard the regiments. Owing neighborhood dance was in pJ discovered it burst forth with such fury ing lost his balance, and when he start Gallinger dissent»! from this state to superiority of weight, the Turkish and the Garner brothers, of Ltd Lewis L. McArthur, member o f th* that it was impossible to reach the legal firm o f Bronaugh, McArthur, Fen ment, showing the question o f a loan steerage. Even then the steerage pas ed up again was assist» 1 by some one cannon inflict«! heavy losses upon the were there. They seemed toki| Greeks, and especially near the station. isfied with everything from < to o St Bronaugh, of Portland, Or., six waa but one ground on which the sengers were apparently unmindful of from behind, who push«! him up. On reaching the deck, Doyle says The Turks continued to advance until ing until the dance en d «i in ,r<J owe o f the prominent lawyers o f tb< friend of Cuba had favored the recogni the danger, else the smoke and flames There his first thought was for Lizzie Sulli they came into dose quarters, and then seems a certain dance was call» state, died in Walla Walla, Wash., o: tion o f Cuban belligerency. were, he said, other and higher grounds. had reached them. The saloon passen van. He start«! into the women's side others want«l a different danot | heart disease. gers were first roused, and in such a o f the steerage to rescue her, but was the crown prince decided to retire to Morgan also dissent»!. the row l*‘gan. The men were» more commanding positions. The supreme court of the Cnitec manner as to occasion little alarm. Referring to the report* that another pulled hack by members of the crew. use on a porch, and ihajl All the ammunition and supplies States lias decided the Berliner paten’ Spanish loan was being negotiated, When it became apparent that the fire The crew w ork«! like beavers to put have been transport»! to Domokos, on about six or seven of them, all] ease in favor of the Bell Telephone Turpie said: bad cut off the steerage, the captain out the flames. The matches, burlaps, the heights of which the Greek batteries ing. Pistol* were brought ort Company The decision is against the "S|*in is now on its last legs finan and his men poured great quantities of etc., which caught fire, Doyle says, - were used. A fter a ||»1 were prepared for action. government and has been pending since cially. Shall we fill up her treasuiy? water down the ventilators, and the were stored only a short distance from The Turks have burned the village W ill Hiii sai 1 he was stabbed lfit l. According to the decision the Are we charged with supporting and most frantic efforts were made to aid the steerage apartments. of Tatia, and have massacred a priest abdomen, and went over to whnt| Boll Company will control the patem maintaining the Spanish credit? It is the escape o f those penned up In this Samuel D. Schillraut. from Hungary, and the entire family in the village of Garner was -tanding, and, with, fo r too years. our duty to rapport me armies and way eight steerage passengers made on his way to settle at Columbus, Tex., others, accused him o f being Uuj Dioskani. _________ Frank Bars, his two sons and t navies of Spain on land and sea in her their escape. The dead are: said: ant. Hills's abdomen was cml S teady A d v a n c e o f th e T u r k s. toother, Chris Bars, prosperous Ger vain efforts to subject the patriots of Bridget Sullivan, R. Catine. Mrs. C. “ Many lives might have been saved man fanners of Kedfield, 8. D., wen Cuba once more to the oppression of the Guzza, Miss Guzza, Miss Hannah Solo- if the crew had done anything to help Lodon, May 10.— The Daily Mail’s gash lieing about two inches long] asphyxiated in a well on their farm. Spanish yoke? I think not. But the maneon. Mrs. Valicks, Miss Valicks, the smothering passengers.” correspondent with the Turkish forces doctors say there is very little the man reevering. gome oil Frank Bars was overcome by gas while senator from Maine says that if we pass Sophie Schwartz, Maria Wade*, two un Schilleraut says the general impres at Pharsala, telegraphing yesterday who participat«! in this row rk in the well. The others de the resolution, the Spanish minister known children, two unidentified; A l sion was that the fire was caused by a morning, says: l l one at a time in an attempt u mill ask for bis passports, breakup dip fred Hardy, waiter. New York; Alfred lighted match dropped into the cargo. Yesterday’ * battle was the most de d,-r tiie influence of whisky. i him, and all met the same fate. lomatic relations and go home. I do Long, waiter, New York; H. Hartman, He declares he saw members of the cisive of the entire war. It was not ner brothers were arrested this i ________________ _ The British ship County of Had not sttach much importance to that butcher, New York. crew smoking, and they were very care intend«! at the beginning that the ing. The steamer left here Saturday at 3 less in throwing away matches. Ministers have hereto fight should be a regular pitch«! en diogton, which ha* just arrived out al consequence. S H O T F O U R MEN. Cardiff. Wales, reports a terrible acci fore received their passport* and gone p. m. She ha-1 eleven saloon ; aseen- Along the shore today it was thought gagement, hut on the arrival of Edhem gers and e a r n »! a general cargo of mer away without destroying the political, Pasha at the outjiosts a furious firing dent which happened last Decern tier, strange the fire was not discover«! S e n s a t i o n a l A f f r a y in W h i c h a f j j * a as the vessel was getting away from geographical or physical equilibrium of chandise. Captain Wilder was ic com earlier. It must have been smoldering began. The weathrer was cool and the A c t e d t h e L e a d i n g P a rt sky somewhat cloudy after a thunder tha Columbia river, after letting gr the American hemisphere. 1 do not mand, with First Mate Wallace ar.d for several days. Little Rock, Ark., 3Iay 11.—j l the to g ’s hawser. Four seamen were attach the slightest importance to the Second Mate Sweeney assisting. The The bodies o f the victims were taken storm. The village of Pharsala could rational shooting, in which a J engineer was Taylor, with three assist fact that the *>pani*h minister may be be see, huddled, as it were, under a aeot aloft to unfurl the main topgallant to the morgue today. shot and seriously wounded fourf m il, and one of them named Eiward instructed to ask for bis papers, sus ants, and a crew o f seventy-five men. line of low, peak«l hills. Higher and MAY VISIT THE WEST. occurred at Lowell, A rk., tod»j.[ Butt slippei and fell to the deck, break- pend diplomatic relations and go home. including firemen and deckhands. roundabout were black hills rising be shooting w;» ¡one by Mr*. Da«| Vest secure! an agreement to a reso dag his neck and both o f iiis legs, death hind the others, while between ns and I’ m i d f D t I n v i t e d t o A t t e n d THE SHIP FRANCIS BURNED. and the wounded men are T. M lution directing the committee on com L a k e C e l e b r a t i o n . being instantaneous. The body was the village ran the small stream known O t Lowell, and three c itizens of H buried at sea the same day, and the merce to inquire into the causes of the F i r * D i s c o v e r e d W h i l e OIT t h e N ew to the ancients as the Raipeus, crossed Washington, May 12.— By appoint dale, names unknown. whip proceeded on her way, making a recent flood* on the Mississippi river J e r s e y C o a s t —C r e w S a v e d . ment, a large delegation of Western by a bridge at the railway. The shooting was the result cl l and report to the senate next December. good run borne. Between the stream and the village Beach Haven, N. J .. May 11.— The senators, representatives and prominent ions excitement caused by i d Among the favorable reports was one fu ll-rigg»l ship Francis, o f New Bed were the Greeks, in an excellent posi Aoonrding to a dispatch to the Lon men ca ll«] upon the president just be known a* Mrs. Benedict, w h otol don Mews from 8t. Petersburg, a ter for a public building at Aberdeen, S. ford, from San Francisco for New York fore 10 this morning to invite him to tion, well defended by earthworks. bolding a series of "holiness merif D., to cost #100,00«. Their advance line consisted of two rible crime, the result o f superstition, with a general cargo, caught fire in her attend the semicentenary celebration of Mrs. B-d Chandler, from the committee on bold while off this coast yesterday the founding of Salt Lake City, Utah. bridges, and their reserve of two half- in the neigho’ hood. baa been committed at Tirespot, it gathered about her some tweifffl the government of Kherson, where are census, re[iort»l a bill for taking the afternoon. She was headed for the There were among the callers. Senators brigades, altogether about 20,000 men. verts, among them Mrs. Duerling.1 a n uni Ur of hermitagec occupied bj twelfth census. beach, where she struck last night. Cannon, Rawlins, Shoup, PerkinS, Against them were 50,000 Turks. Citimf A resolution was agreed to reouest- The artillery began the engagement, deserted her husband. oaetarian* Recently, seventeen of the Her captain and crew were safely land»! W hite, Warren, Carter and Wilson, hermits disappear»!, and it was be ing the secretary of war for information by the Little Egg Harbor lifesaving Representative King. Delegate Mark the Greek practice being much better Springdale decided to run the lieved that thev had emigrated in fear as to the steps to locate a deep-water crew. The vessel was bnrn»l to the Smith, Judge Burch and P. H. Lan- than usual, but after two hours they Tye county. The posse followed | Of the impending day o f judgment. harbor at P o 't Los Angeles, or San water's edge, and the cargo will prove nan, proprietor of the Salt Lake Tri began to retire across the river. This Ben«iict and Mr*. Duerling toil) was a great mistake, as they were thus at Lowell, where the women iod But a hermit named Kowalin has con- P »lro, Cal., in accordance with the a total loss. bune. themselves, and when the men i leased that he w a ll»! them up alive in report of the commission. The fire was first discovered at 4 P. The president received the visitors inclos»! between the river and the Mrs. Duerling fired on them witkj response to their- earnest entreaties, mountains, with no room to deploy. M. and was burning fiercely in the hold. cordially, had them shown into the In th e i l o u t f i that they might receive the martyr’ » The sight was superb. In many volver. She was arrest«! and ch A ll hands were ordered on deck, and cabinet room (a rather unusual cour Washington, May 12.— The house the pumps manned to extinguish tin- tesy), and seated them at the cabinet cases the Greeks fought with the cour with attempt»! murder. «tow n. The |iolice have examined the today resumed the transaction of public flames, bi.t they had gain«) too much table apot and verify the story. age of despair. The great black masses S u b u r b a n M a il D e l i v e r y . Mr. Lannan presented the invitation forming the rear guards to hold the A collision occurred at theOirdlenees business, which had been suspended headway, and it was as much as the Washington, May 11.— A via since the Indian appropriation bill was men could do to prevent the fire spread to the celebration, plainly but neatly bridges covered the whole rich green policy of extending the mail bd lighthouse, near Aberdeen, Scotland, between the British steamer Coldyne sent to conference, three weeks ago. ing so rapidly as to necessitate their engrossed on one large sheet of parch plain. The endurance and dash of the for the suburbs of the large citiwl ment paper, bearing at the top a repre Turks was magnificent, too. I reached as po-sible by both steam and eW the Grangoe. The Coldyne sank The consideration o f the senate amend taking to the boats. The captain saw that his only hope sentation of the buffalo skulls which the battlefield with a regiment whose cars has l>een adopt«) by Second J I eleven of her crew were drowned. ments to the sundry civil appropriation bill wa* entered upon under a special lay in reaching shore, where he could formerly dotted the plains in every di men imm«liateiy began to run for A ponderous rock, weighing ten tons, order providing for a recess each day possibly have a chance of saving the rection and were used by pioneers as ward, dancing under fire, and shouting ant Postmaster-General Shallenb. w h ile being swung from a flat car, Many ot the big cities w ill liawel_ until disposed of. • ship and part of the cargo. With this i signboards for the benefit of other like children when they saw the en- esaebed through the sides o f two cars Simpson pursued hi* tactics of the end in view, he headed the Francis to travelers. On this skull was the in emv. The Greeks repnls«! them vigor tional service for the suburbs ill an the westbound Chicago Sc Alton residents of those plains « h « last few weeks, attempting to harass ward the beach, while the crew kept scription: ously and follow«) np the repulse. passenger train near Chicago, wrecking w ith the department to make it the majority with points of no quorum, pouring water in the hold. It was well 1 “ Pioneers camped here June 3, 1847. The Turks had form «l in a semi-cir the cars snd injuring a number of peo- but without success. Nothing was after dark, and the position o f the men A ll well; made fifteen miles today. cle of thundering batteries and crack cess, and the statement will b*l| ple. ®ome announcement to name done except discos* the various amend on board was perilous. With her bow- Brigham Young.” ling battalions. The division on the Another citisenship question ha* ment*. places, where feeling is evi need l pointed well on shore, the ship struck The invitation itself began with the extreme right tried tocutoff the retreat — arisen UMween this governnx-ut and lemanda of the suburbs snl hard and fast. Meanwhile, the fire statement that the delegation had come to Domokos, while the remainder of the Germany. An American citisen named met. Mr. Shsllenberger is giviH G R E E C E 'S G R E A T M IS T A K E was raging even more furiously than in the name of the p«>ple of Utah and force flung itself upon Pharsala. Mayer has been impressed into military matter careful attention, and as m before, and all hands were forced to the whole intermountain country, to The battle was but little like the bat Service by the German government. O n t h « E t d a t V i c t o r y , t h e R e t r e a t itiative has just made contra«] leave with nothing but the clothes on urge the president to visit the state the tles described in books. There was no > state department has requested his F r o m L a rlfifia W a « O r d e r e d . their backs. They were assisted in 24th o f next July, the fiftieth anni firing of volleys, no bayonet assaults, Pittsbnrg for additional train irt na mil urbe there, witH* London, May 13.— The Athens corre- reaching shore by the life guard*, and versary of the entry of the pioneers into no cheering, no rush—in ly a steadv^ '• ‘ V range of alcont thirty miles fro« Kigbt-year-old Ktnelia Kilssling.who spoil-lent of the Daily Chronicle says: were su p p li«! with needed clothing the valley of the Great Salt lake. The leisurely advance into the open in per drank sbme lemonade which was kept The real and only cause of the Greek and nourishment. formal invitation was read, and then fect order. There was some individual city, whereby from one to three L in a tin bucket over night, died at retreat to Pharsala waa the blunder of 7 Will result from the use of ■ Today, the tugs Merritt and North the members of the delegation added firing, and the soldiers shouted, “ Allahl IMnville, Cal., from the effect* o f the , one o f who mistook the retreat of the America arrived, and endeavored to strong verbal requests that the presi modation trains, i caiij Allah! ’ until the constant repetition paisnst. Eighteen scholars who drank enemy for a forward movement de put out the fire. They were unable to dent should make the trip. swelled into one heavy, montonous figure largely in the future postal4 o f th »stu ff are rick. The ladies of the signed to outflank the Greeks, and accomplish anything, and finally gave The president express«! a strong de shout. I saw men suddenly fling up ations, owing to the large numW skah lodge used a |«art of the lemon- therefore ordered a hasty retreat it up. The captain and mate left on sire to aco«1e to the invitation. It their hands and fall face downward, but settled districts where tlie steam at asocial. The remainder was | Crown Prince Constantine left Larissa one o f the tugs for New York, and the would not, however, he said, be pos do not touch. the Greek fire in the main was ineffec »tail to the school childreu next | because he believed the exaggerated re crew w ill go by train. sible now to make an engagement so tive. Major McNamara Killed Itimw* day- port* of danger to hi* force*. It is a far in advance, but he could promise to Kansas City, Muv 11.— Major 1 Before 5 o’clock, the last village L a u n r h l n c o f t h e I m a t ilia R e e f. Consul-General M clvor, at Kanaga- fact, however, that on the evening of attend the celebration if, at the time north of the river had been taken. McNama reran of the Hi Portland. Or., May 11.— In the pres wa, Japan, report* to the state depart- the retreat, Edhera Pasha, despairing set, congress was not in session, and liu*n the village of Vasili and the en- e l Canada in ISOM ence of a great crowd of cheering sp»-- nt that, according to current re|»,rts, o f breaking the Greek line*, had order- the state of public business would per trenchments near the river was who w as latefffi Japuiie-e government i* alsiut to »1 his army to retire to Elassona, while tators, who stood on the shore, on mit. storm«l, with considerable loss to the ¡'rent in the Invincibles, the C’loK steamers in the river, on building* and commission to Washington for the sultan had dispatch»! a special fthonld A m en d K rT rn u e T ax R ate«. Turks, and the battle ceased at night- Gael and kindred Irish societies, W the purpoee of influencing a reduction commissioner to the Greek government. on barges, Umatilla Reef lightship No. Washington. *Iay 12.— In reply to ,a . ’ ‘ k.e flanking division having estab himself last night rather than ■ 07, was successfully launch»i by o f the increased import duties, which, The state o f the Turkish army at the a senate resolution inquiring as to the lished itself behind the Greeks and cut the disgrace of being sued for » aanording to the American paper*, it moment w u simply pitiful, and terror Messrs. W olff & Zwicker from the debt An acquaintance who k* ways at Steffens’ yard at 2:50 yesterday effect of the present rate of the internal off the best line of retreat to Athens. la proposed to levy on silk. The im- reign»! at the Yihlia kiosk. him the money threatened arrest I revenue tax on distillation o f spirits, afternoon. Not a hitch nor a pause ’lal diet has pasned a hill allowing a K d h e m Pa«h;» A n n o u n c e « It. collection of revenue, etc ,' Secretary were not paid. 3fcNamara had 1 marred the launching of the vessel. u* to exporter* o f raw silk. T h e I r r h h U h n p a t **•#• Q u e n t l a . Constantinople, May 10.— The min- n'ne to secure work, and c o o l From the knocking awav of the first Gage tolay replied that according to 8an Francisco, May 13.— Archbishop There will be an encampment of the tables o f previous years the highest and. Major M N l . !t*lrT. u T ar h » rp,viv,H the following meet the prop under her tow to the moment Oregon National Guard this year. It Rionian v isit»! San Quentin peniten when the last obstacle was removed, revenue rate would be TO cents a gal dispatch from Elhem Pasha, the Turk- was bO years old, and came W est I w ill be the latter part o f June or first tiary today and, in the presence of and she gradually gathered headway lon. He recommends a rate of »0 cents ish commander in Thessaly, dated yes Boston. He was a newspaper 1 J o f July. It w ill continue from six to 1,000 convicts, administered the sacra for her plunge into the river, every and if a reduction he made, to return terday evening; an I had done more or less wo.. ton day*. An effort is being made hy ment o f communion and confirmation thing moved with the smotiiness and to the bon d«! period of three years. "T he Turks today won a great vie- dailies in the Southwest for veara the agricultural board at Salem to have to sixty-two, who con*titut»i the tri regularity of clockwork. The launch Among other changes he recommends t ! f II Sh<>lls are «»nraencing left a widow. th e encampment postponed until Sep- ennial class. Great interest was man ing was witness«) by fully 5,000 peo is that a special tax o f not less than to fall near Pharsala. Details will b ! A M o n tr e a l F ir e . ifested by the prisoners, the majority tain her 30, and to have it then held on ple, and such a shouting, hurrahing $500 or more than #1,000 a year be im 7 T r r ‘ " r- ^ *»7« a division Montreal. Mav 11.— Fire the state fair grounds, in conjunction of whom were present to witness the and waving o f ban-(kerchiefs has sel- ! pose! on the industry of distilling, to Turkish troops commanded by Hakki With the fair. The selection o f a place ceremonies, and all devoutly followed dom attend«) any public celebration in be determined by the capacity of the P.»ha earned the first line of Greek wreck»! the bni'hling of E. A the service from beginning to end. wholesale clothiers, c has been left to General Beets'. distillery; that only stills having a ca defenses at \ elestino and the attack is , Portland. 11 '• The damage to the bu proceeding agamat the other lines.” pacity of twenty gallons or more shall The effect of the action o f the finance R « « h l n f in M e v l e a n C a t t l e . P l a t a * o n t h * t h i ir e « « F r o n t i e r . stock is #125.000. oatamittee of the senate in throwing Kansas City, May 11.— The prospec be en title! to registry and permitted Retreat Began at Night. Paris, May 12.— It is reported that mot the house provision in reference to S h o e F a c t o r !* » « D e « t r tive duty on Mexican cattle, as pro- to operate. The secretary says the th e Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, has several case* o f buhonic plague have pos«i in the pending tariff bill, has re- ! present rate of U x had the effect of sala 'M S Before Ph» - Feabrook, N. J .t Mav 11. darbreak h * i. *** ^certain«! at t e a the «abject o f some comment. been discover»! by the Token official* suited in an unprecedent«) rush cf greatly increasing illicit distilling. toy break that the Greeks evacuat«! morning burn«l the shoe One member of the committee say# it is on the Chinese frontier, and just with Mexican cattle into the U n it«) State*. I i during the nijht A • Poor & Dole and W. H. Bi C h in B o r e H to D r»th . th e intention of the committee to deal in th« boundaries of the colony. Spe The report* of ti>e Kansas City office of of the Greeks f „ r c j Trl ret ? aJOn,-T ! lre* •^joining buildings Greeley, Colov, May 11.— Virgil, the with the matter hereafter. The effect cial precautions are being taken to the bureau of animal industry of the Ekminko«. The b o g ^ L " d " . « H ° " burned. Loss, #20,000. at the hill ae it «tand*. be say* will no prevent the spread of the disease. United States department of agricul- i 4-year-oM son of O. T. Austin, a farm took the main n Z T hi *IV '7 A M a lt h n u a e B a r m doubt ba to impoae a doty on Hawaiian the hills. ' Th ,nfan‘ ry tare show that imports o f Mexican cat er living twelve miles northeast of this ■ C t p lo a lo n In a W in s . Detroit, May 11.- T h e n city, waa b orn «! to death in an okl «agar. 8om* amendment to regulate London, May 12.— An exploeion has- tle for April were 72,344, the greatest stable today. It is supposed the child Honry Reicltel & Co., was thie w ill be prepared, but juet what occu rred at Shaffel lead mine. Isla o/ in the history o f this country’s rattle vas playing with matches and ignited ** ^nr'n u,ion *} *• estimated tl form it will take baa not been deter trade with Mexico, as compared with Man. Twnty minera were killed. the building. «he death o f one of iU c i ^ 0? . ^ m ined. m o !' °J roa,t *»• destroy« 14.906 in April a year ago. toe of 117 year* U*en* ' ti,e building ia # 20 , 000 , fire «I THE C J le s a a r * * o f i k e C ! * * •