Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1896)
and CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, 1896. d ir e c t o r y . F o r est , G ro ve T F O R E ST G R O V E , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , OCT. S, I . O. O. F . FO R ESl GROVE.—Washington lodge No. j S meets in its hall every Monday evening. im e s 18 » « . M illions in the Hen. Binghamton Republican. FOREST GROVE. Forest Rebekah lodge No sTAX E o k O R E G O N . The United States census of 1880 ih ir'l'u “ , " hall ou the first »nti third Wednesday of each month. enumerated 2 >2,355,645 hen* and 23,234,- . Wm. 1 *. Lord ^ Montezuma lodge No. so meets 607 geese, ducks and turkeys and other R. Kincaid Çyüf Stall*......... Harrison . l'hillip Metscham in its hall on every Wednesday evening. fowls. The egg crop of 1879 is returned .. . . G. M. Irwin (jjc Iiistriietioi1 HILLSBORO.- Washington encampment No W. H. Lrvd» 24 meets in Odd Fellows hall on the secuud and as 456,875,080 dozens. The census of .Chas. R. Wolverton fourth Tuesdays of each mouth. 1890 enumerated 258,472,155 hens and ........K. S. Bean -Court < .............F. A. Moore H IL L S B O R O .— Hillsboro Rebekah lodge No. ! 26,816,545-other fowl. The egg crop of T. A McBride S4 meets in odd Fellows hall every Saturday ! 1 7 ; 1889 was returned as 817,211,146 dozens. tricl.. ...............T. J. Cleeton evening. John 11 Mitchell = 1 The increase of fowls in a decade was riG ARDVILLK . Charity Lodge No. -s meets .........Geo VV McBride in its hall on the first and third Saturdays in ! . Geo. W. Patterson each month. ! ! 53 P2r cent., and the increase of other « J j fowls amounted to 15 per cent. The in- G AS l ON. Wapato lodge No. 40 meets in its : hal on the first, third and fifth Saturdays in 1 crease of the egg crop amounted to 79 r,SIIIN «T <>N C O U N T Y . each mouth. per cent. At 12 cents per dozeu the eggs K . O F I*. H. P. Cornelius of 1879 were worth $55,000,000, and the FOREST GROVE -Iielphos lodge No. 30 U. B. Reasoner crop of 1889 was worth $98,000,000. T. G. Todd meets 111 Masonic hall every Saturday evening. J. A Imhrie HILLSBORO. Phoenix lodge No. 34~meetsiu 1 i f the egg crop continued to increase . \V. D. Bradford Masonic hall every Monday evening. l\. !.. McCormick in quantity until 1894 it must have been A B.Cady CORNELIUS. Simonides lodge No. 34 meets i worth something like <¡119,000,000; and George 1 !. Wilcox iu|its castle hall every Saturday evening. .. . .Austin Craig iSuperintendt the egg crop of 1895 must have been GLENCOE. Glencoe lodge No. 22 meets in 1 I. K. Wilkes FO R EST G R O V E .O G N . C. I,. Large in its castle hall on every alternate^Saturday. worth $!2 i ,000,000. ’ ^flSHINCTOÑj BEST The total annual production of silver K. S. FOREST GROVE- — Delpha temple, No. 7, in the whole world for 1894 was returned t C ock i Third Monday in March and meets in Masonic hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each mouth. at the commercial value of 1106.523,900. J fourth Monday in November. Thu commercial value of the world’s Qv C ourt First Monday in each m o n th . HILLSBORO. -Phoeniciatemple meets in Ma sonic hall total silver production for 1895, is esti ^.^ iunkhs ’ C ourt First Wednesday A . O. U. W . j Mondav iti each m o n th . mated at $ 1 14,327,600. FORl-'Sl GROVE Forest Grove lodge No. The total production of silver in the «0 meets in Odd Fellows hall on every Tuesday United States for 1894 is returned at V or O R K S T G R O Y K . evening. FOREST GROVE - Degree of Honor lodge $31,422,000, and tbe total silver produc meets iu Odd Fellows hall the second Tuesday tion of the United States for 1895 is re ............. Hon. S. Hughes. of each month. turned at $36.445,000. jiLMKN, To serve one year, A. T. Knox, H IL L SB O R O .— Hillsboro lodge No. 61 meets in its hall on the first and third Friday« in each j JainrsBuxton, C. L. Large, The great American hen is ai least 150 month. icnetwo years, T. C. McNamer. Hugh per centk ahead of the silver production SHKRWOOD. —Sherwood lod^e No 20 meets Smith, D C. Stewart, President. in its hall every Thursday evening in the United States, and several mil H . F ’ . O u tc liin y . Aaron Wells. lions of dollars annually ahead of the TIG ARD VILLE. -Tigardville lodge meets in j Yard 1 mile Northwest of Forest Grove. m '■ 1 c - ° reer its hall on the seeoud and fourth Saturdays iu ; silver production of the whole world. t ................................... T. J. Harris each month. Hurrah for the hen. Why not orga TUALATIN. — Tualatin lodge meets in its ( onmiMMS of Oily Council. D en tistry. hall 011 the seeoud and fourth Saturdays in each nize a campaign in her behalf to agitate -Cdbncilmen Stewart, Large and month. Dr. R. H. Hovey having located in the passage of a law by congress making K . O. T . M. Forest Grove for the practice of dentistry •veil eggs a dozen That would l>e on cuul Accounts Coimeilmen McNamer, FOREST OliOVK-Forest Grove tent No 21 meets iu Masouic hall on the second and fourth takes this method of informing the pub. a par with 53-cent silver dollar*. Guild Smith. Tuesdays in each month und Public Property. —Councilmen Smith, lie that he is prepared to do anv work in HILLSBORO.—Viola tent No. 18 meets in Odd that line. Office in Ingles & Forter's ¡and Stewart. Kip.ui ; Tabules cure biliousness. 1 Fellows hall on the second and fourth Thurs- ]tatl Water. -Councilmen Buxton, Smith I days in each month building. NOT C H E A P E ST I f e » i ! iM E n a i BUT THE BEST. Brick for Sale! 160,000 Good Quality Cheap G* a I» er U m i Police. -Cou ncil men Large, Stewart P . O F H. Hillsboro Grange meets in its hall on the sec- j ond and fourth Saturdays in each month at 1am. \ I TANTE 0 SE V ER A L l VITHFUL MKN ult - ml Means. —Council men McNamer, Bux- W Women to travel for rospon-ible est ih lished hou-e in Oregon. Sular $;x •, payable G. A . K. a Smith. $ 1 > weekly and expenses. Position permanent Forest Grove. James B. Matthews Post, No. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en -Cou ncil men Stewart. McNamer and I 6, meets in Masonic hall on the first and third velope. The National, star Building, Chicago ; Wednesdays in each month. mg people's meeting one hour before Sun- j jening service. ragers are always cordially welcomed, A First Class Grocery Store . . . . IS R R EER TH E GROCER’S ODIST EPISCO PAL CHURCH, r. D. A. W a t t k r r , P artor . ivery Sunday at n a. m. and 8:30 p. m. , ool at 1 a. 15 p. m. Junior league every ' p. ni. Kpworth league at 6:30 p. m , j raver meeting 7:30 p. m., Thursday, j McNAMER’S MEAT MARKET SKT.LS ONI.V THE BEST OP Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry Tbe Country affords, in Great UtST GROVE F IR E D EPAR TM EN T. G e n e r a l A l a r m —Rapid tapping Tbell. The location of the fire willbe indi- rj*y the number of full taps given between [piural alarms—corresponding to the num- »ards whose limits are given below. 31 far drill Three taps, pause, three taps. J three taps. .** f«>r meeting Five taps. ...............................................Variety and at Moderate Prices A General Shipping Business. Wholesale and Retail. Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, WARD LIM IT S. North o f P a c ific a v e n u e a n d east ^ T eW ay. ' '' »ard North o f Pacific avenue ami lM Way and B street. »ar*j -N aylor's addition. . { nh Hard - Between Pacific avenue and Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. BU YER •urtUtte itntiii. *1 sard-Between Second avenue and isoutn tddhioo. h ward—South Psfrk addition. po st o f f ic e s . inking t o n c o u n t y -Grove , Home “ Creek •f» Ferry «Tin* Buxton Centerville Dilley Farmington Greenville Gaston Laurel Mountaindale Reedville Blooming Thatcher Phillips B ea ve rto n Cornelius Fir Glencoe Glenwood Hillsboro t e l e p h o n e THE M idd leton Progress Sherwood Tualatin Leaox Civic SociptifH. All AND SELLER. F O R E ST G RO VE. . old w il t r o u t m il l G ra d e s o f GALES CREEK. _ . Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. A. M. >rook Lodge, *day before the full xlve No. 6, meet« in after the full moon .n lodge No. i « ■ at Tuesday in each ir< r.. is• •0*0. Tualatin Chapter meets in th< mvM d and fouith Tuesdays in *Y » GROVE— Foreat Chapter J?- ,a Masonic halt on th% first a»d third > b «aeìi matita L o w P r ic e » . P r o m p t D e l iv e r s . E x c e lle n t Q u a lit y . ( HAS. HIATT. Proprietor. Hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 ajear. 27 , V o i. V i l i , N o . 3 « Death of Mins Janies. The opening local teachers’ institute Miss Sarah V. James died at the home of Washington county for this school year of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R . was held at Sherwood last week and was Jam es in South Park, Forest Grove, at well attended. As one of the missions seven o’clock Friday evening after hav of the local institute is to interest par ing been a patient sufferer for several ents and the general public in public years. She was aged twenty-six years school work, Friday evening’s session and six months. The funeral was held was of a popular character. Interesting in Fortland from the residence of her addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. aunt, Mrs. M. M. Spaulding and con Eldridge, of Sherwood, and Frin. Ticer, | ducted by Reverend Messrs. A. Rogers of Hillsdale. Mr. Rogers, of the Sand and II. L. Bates. The burial was at Fit school, read two excellent selections. Lone F ir cemetery. Her parents, two Remarks were also made by Supt. Craig. sisters and two brothers who survive her Interspersed through the evening’s pro have the sympathy of the community in gram were musical selections of a high their loss. order furnished by a Sherwood chorus Miss Jam es was a student at the Paci led by Frin. Tipton. Through the fic University and its allied conservatory courtesy of its owner, the new hall was of music and for some time assistant lady principal. Her friends mourn the used, and every seat was occupied. Saturday’s sessions were on topics re early death of a young woman of estim lating to teacher’s work, but were largely able qualities and whose life seemed full attended by others as well. The discus of bright promise. sions were on practical topics and were taken part in by all the teacherspresent. Obituary. The excellent paper on “ The Child in Mrs. Sarah J . Mull died at her home His First Term at School” by Mrs. near Reedville Sept. 26, 1896, aged 69 Salltis, of the Middelton school, w as a years, 11 months and 22 days. notable feature and is given in full in ! She was born in Hopkins county, K en another column. The formation of a tucky, Oct. 4, 1826, and married to A. J. teachers’ reading circle was favorably Masters Oct. 1, 1842. In the spring of considered. 1843 3he, with her husband, started i across the plains, arriving in Oregon in the fall of the same year whore she has <ass-Hall. resided until her death. Married.—On Friday, Oct. 2 at the Her husband died in Oetoher, 1858, home of the bride’s parents in Scoggins and in 1857 she was married to Rev. Valley by the Rev. Mr. Hatch, Miss Henry Willoughby. She afterwards Mable F. Cass and Mr. Earl A. Hall. married Noah Mull who died April 1, Mr. and Mrs. Hall will reside in the val 1894. ley. She was the mother of ten children, eight of whom survive her. When about fifteen she made the good confession, R ip a n s Tabules cure dizziness. was baptized, and from that day till her R f^ a n s Tabules: one gives relief. death lived a pure and devoted Christian life. Our word« aloue euunot express The feelIiiK '4 of the heart, I11 such an hourof deep distress When dear ones are forced to part. But one has passed the • hudow arch And goue her way alone— Filed into the spirit arm y’« march Up to the great white throne. We mingle here our offerings fair, The purest gift of God, And raise to him a solemn prayer To guard the silent sod One link is severed from the chain Of holy ties on earth. And one fs added o'er the main As pure as e'er had birth. (scale)- ;. fabc.üóív g Bushels Potatoes j roumin ihe United Itk States ari d rkßted in We leave the corpse within the Hand That rules the kingdom dead. Assured that she again shall stand And glory ceown her head. Tliat Tliaf(*lu*i* Matter. In your last issue of the H a TCHKT there was an item in the Thatcher news I to which I would like to send a reply. It is the following: It seems to some of the folks in this neighborhood that the correspmident of Thatcher would do during the two jiscolgears ! more good for the country and comtnun-i ending June 30 ity if she would attend strictly to her ; own affairs and not meddle w ith other and ' people’s business. Ami if she wishes to | publish anything ab o u t the New School • District to publish the whole matter j from beginning to now, as it would be 'goo) I quite a boom to the town of Thatcher '000,000' Bushels Bush and people would know liow to start new school districts iu the future. * Foreign Countries 1894 Tea ami Coffee a Specialty I*IVAL AND DEPARTURK OF MAIDS. id from Portland and all points East: De- '10 a. 111. and 4:2op. ra. Arrives 9 4 ° a- m# up. in. »rvallis, and points South: Departs 8:35 Arrives 5:05 p. m. eenville, Manning, Buxton and Vernonia: 'ii a. 111 Departs 1 p. m. Creek Arrives 11130. Departs 1 :3o Teachers* Institute at Sherwood. All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stone* ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, Fish ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. r service every Sunday at 11 a. m. and . Sunday school at 10 a. m. Aaron pt. Prayer meeting Thursday even- 10 p. in Sr. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday even io p. 111. Jr. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday | Ht 4 p. in. Sylvia Edwards, president. , ic ar< cordially invited to ail these I J W H EELO CK M A R S H , P. M. V o l. I I , N o. ; W . H. C. Fire Warden Forest Grove.—James B. Matthews Relief j Bucklen’s A rn ica S alve . iLcabo........... I Corps meets alternate Thursdays in Odd Fel Justice of the Peace j boistrom........ The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, ................... Constable | lows hall. I Vaughn........ I. O. G . T. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Smith i ..........School Directors j Forest Grove Forest" Grove lodge .No. 110 Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands meets in its hall every Saturday evening. Smith. S Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup ...............School Clerk Stewart ...... Hillsboro.—Hillsboro lodge meets in its hall .. .Principal of School ¡Thomas, A.B every Saturday. Juvenile Temple, Sundays, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no 3 p. m pay required. It is guaranteed to give W . O F T H E W. perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Church O ire rto ry . Forest Grove Camp No. 98, meet* iu Odd Fel lows hall the first and third Saturday in each Price 25 cents per box. For sale by month. Chas. Miller. UNGRKGATIONAL CHURCH. A. R o g e r s , P a s t o r . es every Sunday at n a. m. and 8 p. m. school after morning service, meetings every Thursday evening at A O ffice o f F o r e s t O ro v c . . ‘(00,000V - BtilhfK. 1895 estate ordered closed of record upon fil From the Pike Hoptieldn. Uonrt House News. Probate— III the matter of the »state ing receipt of Alice Williams for $57.63. j E ditor H a t c h e t : of J . R. Shepley, deceased . petition filed ! Estate of John Strowbridge, deceased; Flease allow me through tin- columns of your valuable paper after a siege of asking that an order herein and hereto executor's report filed and approved. fore made setting over cert a n property Marriage Licenses—Earl A. Hall and | 19J4 days hop picking, to return my from his estate to the gn r jaiuliip es Mable A. Cass; Clarence G. Swift and 1 many thanks to our little colony of trusty tate o fj. R. Shepley, due«; «»!; witnesses Annie McDonald; E. M. Gardner and | hop pickers for their good morality, as examined and the mailer l inen under Alice E. Ford. well as veracity and clean picking. They cannot be surpassed by any, and are ex* advisement. celled by none. In re estate of H-rnry it ,r liiur, de K .solu tions o f liespecl m - u .I tlon- They regaled us with a taffy pulling of ceased; Orpha M. app n’ ud the latest type, furni hing abundance of administratrix will» bonds lix •. at la W ith k h a s . In view of the loss we have taffy and nuts at intervals of the taffy 400.o>; hotel 111« «1 with J I'. I • : i * - t*« surety, au*l Hpprov, il. W li t #. -. i. su-tained by the decease of our flcfft- j pulling. More than 120 enjoyed the oc- J. Willis ami l> llarvt v il. |s- frit*ii<l ..mi »fhoolmate Haltiu Belle | easion. We were also favored with mu Fhillips, and > 4 ' ihv still heavier loss sus- sic by Prof. W. (»errish, Hon. W. Child j,raisers. In re estate of Ira I.yon, .lerea-i.l, . •- l.tilted I v thoae who are nearest tincl and K. Obys. Every article oij the pro gram was in first-class shape except one, count lile.l anti approved; halance on iiear< >t to her; therefor, I k * it R pw h’td. That it is but a just tribute to and that was caused by the absence of har.l >230.90. Same—petition filed praying an order the memory of the departed, to say that Rev. Mr. McConky. authorizing administrator herein to *«11 in regretting her removal from our Truly yours, S. S. O r y k . rial propei ty belonging to estate. Cita- midst, we mourn for one who was in P i k e , Oct. 7, ’96. ! tion ordered to isuse citing all^parties in every way worthy of our respect and re- terested in said estate to appear on N ov, gard. Resolved, That we sincerely condole a, 1896, at 10 a m., to make objection», De<Uh of Win. Wutnrfi. with the family of the deceased in the if any, to said proceeding. Mr. Wm. Waters died at his home in In r : estate of Jacoo Keirn, deceased; dispensation with which God in His Forest Glove on Wednesday at 10 a. in. wisdom has afflicted them, and com continued for receipts to be filed. of injuries received by the fall men In the matter of the estate of John mend them to the source of Infinite tioned last week. The fun^r^l service was Tursmar, deceased; petition filed pray Wisdom for cr nsolation. the M. E Churcn thin afternoon at 2 ing that dower be set off to the widow. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimonial ami burial at Cornelius. of our sympathy and sorrow be presented Citation ordered to issue to the heirs at \fr. Waters had been a resident of to the parents of our departed friend and law. returned Monday, Oct. 14, 1896. Wathington county for njf>re than twenty In re estate of Jacob Steiner, deceased; copies thereof be furnished to the county years. A wife and foi|r children survive administrator s report filed and approved; papers for publication. him. Though advanced in years, he was KlLLA HF.NDKKSON, real estate on hand cash active and vigorous up to the time of the D k l l a H a k w o o i », $131.42; total ii& t.u . accident which carried him away. He E cho / a n m , Kstate of Win. Jo lly, deceased; sale of was a man of strong, character and up J o h n N o l a n d , real estate confirmed and executor di- right. and will be tnisaed in the com KORP.RT IRMHKK. reced to make deed upon receipt of pur munity. chase money. Estate of Gervaase Williams, deceased; Kipans Tabules: far aonr stomach. Ripans Tabales: at druggists. final account filed and approved and Kipana Tabulea curt llvar troubiaa, Ripans Tabulas eure dyspepsia.