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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1896)
Washington F o r e s t a n d Ä . 1“ : CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, 1896. D IR E C T O R Y . »TEOF OltKGON. County Hatchet G r o v e T i m e s . FOREST G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , OUT. 1, IHSMi. Vol. II, No. 2 «, Vol. V i l i , No. :tS i. o. o. r. FORKST GROVE- Washington lodge No. 48, 1 meets in its hall every Monday evening. INGERSOLL ON MONEY. not cheapest FORKST GROVK. Forest Rebekah lodge No. ! 44 meets in Odd Fellows hall on the first anil ' third Wednesday of each mouth. up its hand and sw ear, ‘ I k n o w th a t m y redeem er liv e th .’ ” — D etroit Post. Noted Infidel (¿uoteft Scripture in Sup port of Sound Currency, The ijuailnint Land rase. N u m b ers o f th e persons interested in I th e su it o f th e U n ited S tates vs. th e Ore- ¡g o n & C a lifo rn ia R a ilroa d C o m p an y, to A m le r s o n - H n b b e r t. T h e rich est w ord -p ain ter o f a ll old er , M arried— A t th e hom e o f th e b rid e on j M^iet title to som e 200,000 acres o f land p o litical sp eakers, R . G . In g erso ll, is : W ed n esd ay, S ept. 30, by th e R ev . I). A. in W ash in gto n co u n ty , in w h at is known ü IoitructioM still in harness. H is n o m in a tin g speech j W atters, M iss EUa C. A n d erson and Mr. as “ q u ad ran t c a s e ,” are co n stan tly at th e C in cin n a ti con ven tion o f 1876, in H erb ert Ilu b b ert. A fte r th e cerem o n y se e k in g ft r in form atio n in regard to an w h ich he eu logized J. G . B la in e as th e w h ich w as w itnessed b y m an y relatives act con gress, a p p roved M arch 2, 1896, ¡ District “ plum ed k n ig h t,” w ill liv e forever in and friends, an elaborate d in nor w as | w h ich h as a b e arin g on th eir case, and is District the h isto ry o f p o litical ca m p a ign s. served . Mr. and M rs. H u b b e tt le ft 011 | e n title d “ A n a ct to p ro vid e for the ex- f a «t- - H ere is h is u tteran ce on th e m on ey th e e ve n in g train for P ortlan d w h ere tension o f th e tim e w ith in w h ich suits « - m question: “ I am in fa vor o f honest GASTON. Wapato lodge No. 40 meets in its I th e y w ill spend several d ays and th en re- m a>' *>e b rou gh t to v a c a te and annul hall on the first, third and fifth Saturdays in I m oney; I am in favor o f g o ld and silver, a lX O T O N C O U N T Y . each mouth. ♦ .urn to m ake D ille y th eir hom e. T h e lan d p a ten ts, and fo r oth er purposes.*' and paper w ith go ld and silv e r behind bride is th e d a u g h te r o f Mr. John A n d e r T h e a ct is g iv e n e u .ir e below : K . O F P. B. P. Cornelius it. I b e lieve in silver, because it is on e j ‘ ‘ lie it en acted b y th e sen ate and FORKST GROVK. Delphos lodge No. 39 I). B. Reasoner son, now ru n n in g th e old P u rd y & Dud- meets in Masonic hall every Saturday evening. ( T. G. Todd o f th e gre a te st A m erican prod u cts; and n ey store, form erly p rop rietor o f the house o f rep resen tatiu es o f th e United J. A. Inibrie HILLSBORO. Phoenix lodge No. 34'meetsin | I am in fa vor o f a n y th in g th at w ill add F o re st G rove F lo u rin g M ills. T h e groom S tate s o f A m erica, in con gress assem bled. W. 1 ». Bradford 1 \. !.. McCormick Masonic hall every Monday evening. ; to th e v alu e o f an A m erican p rod u ct; but A . B.Cady is th e son of M r. C lias. Ilu b b e rt, pro T lia t su its b y th e U n ited S ta te s to vacate c o r n k i, 11 s Simon idea lodge n 0.34 meet« I w an t a silv e r d olla r w orth a g o ld d o l George II. Wilcox injits castle hall every Saturday evening. p rietor o f the F o rest G ro ve D a iry. Both and a n n u l a n y p a ten t tp lan ds hereto- Austin Craig lar, even i f you m ake it or h ave to m ak e GLKNCOK —Glencoe lodge No. 22 meets in . 1 .. H. Wilkes yo u n g people h a v e been p rom in en t in fore e rron eou sly issued un der a railroad C. !.. Large in its castle hall on every alternate.Saturday. it four feet in d iam eter. N o go v e rn m e n t th e social life o f D ille y and h av e a h ost j or w agon-road gra n t sh all o n ly be croN s best " can afford to be a clip p er o f coin . W hen It. S. o f frien ds w ho w ish them a ll jo y and I b rou gh t w ith in five ye a rs from th e pas j FORKST GROVK- — Delpha temple, No. 7, ou r m oney is o n ly w orth 80 ce n ts on th e ¡C ourt --Third Monday in March and meets in Masonic hull on the second and fourth sage o f th is act, and su its to v aca te and happiness. Wednesday of each month. d ollar, w e feel 20 per cen t, below par. Siarth Monday in .November, a nn u l p a ten ts h ereafter issued sh all o n ly H IL L S B O R O .-P h o e n ic ia tem ple m eets in Ma W hen our m on ey is good , we feel good. ftocst—First Monday in each month. be b ro u g h t w ith in six ye a rs a fter the son ic h a ll Death of a Pioneer. W hen our m oney is at par, th at is w here iwf . rs ’ C ourt First Wednesday d ate o f th e issuance o f such paten ts, and Mrs. Sarah J. M u ll, one o f th e old est A . « . if . W . unday in each mouth, we are. I am a profound b e liever in th e , tn e lim ita tio n o f se ctio n 8, o f ch ap ter FOREST GROVK Forest Grove lodge No. d octrin e th a t for n ation s, as w ell as m en, O regon pioneers, d ied a t R e e d v ille Satur- 561, o f th e acts o f th e secon d session of 60 meets in Odd Fellows hall on every Tuesday h o n esty is th e best a lw a y s, e ve ry w h e re ; d ay and was buried in H illsb o ro cem etery the 51st con gress [ of f o k k s t « r o v e . evening. and am en dm ents and forever. W h at ‘ ection o f th is M on d ay. Mrs. M ull w as w ith in a few th ereto is exten d ed a cco rd in g ly as to the FORKST GROVK Degree of Honor lodge meets in Odd Fellows hall the second Tuesday cou n try, w h at p a rty w ill k'ive us honest d ays o f 7 ° years o f age. S h e w as born Hon. S. Hughes. of each month. paten ts h erein referred to. But no pat- F • m oney— h on or b rig h t, h on or b righ t? I in K e n tu c k y in 1826, and cam e to Ore- * en t to a n y la n d s h eld b y a bona fide pur- Jrx. To serve one year, A. T . Knox, HILLSBORO. Hillsboro lodge No. 61 meets in its hall on the first and third Fridays in each liave been told th a t d u rin g th e w ar w e 8on w ith her h usban d, A. J. M asters, in , ch ase r sh a ll be vaca ted or an n u lled , but »Buxton. C. L. I.nrge. month. Wtwo years, T. C. McNamer, Hugh had p le n ty o f m oney. I n e ve r saw it. I i 8 - T h e train she ca m e w ith w as th e th e rig h t and title o f such p u rch aser is SHERWOOD. Sherwood lodge No. 20 meets jjth. 1 ). C. Stewart, President. lived for years w ith o u t seein g a d ollar, w as the .argest th a t ever crossed th e h ereb y con firm ed ; p ro vid e d , th at 110 in its hall every Thursday evening. ............................... Aaron Wells. ! I saw prom ises for d ollars, but not d o l- ! plains, n u m b erin g 300 w agons. S h e set- su it sh a ll be b rou gh t or m ain tain e d , nor TIGARDVILLK. Tigardville lodge meets in ¡ Yard 1 mile Northwest of Forest Grove. J. C. Cireer. | its hall on the second and fourth .Saturdays in lars; and th e gre e n b a ck , u n less yo u have i l ‘ ed 011 Dle ° ld don ation lan d claim at sh all reco v ery be h ad for lan ds or the .................................. T. J. Harris i each mouth. th e g o ld b ehin d it, is no m ore a d ollar a t th is place, w here she resided u n til her value th ereo f, th at w ere certified o r p at j TU ALATIN . Tualatin lodge meets in its nmittws of Clt.v Council. Dentistry. hall 011 the second ami fourth Saturdays in each than a b ill o f fare is a d in n er. Y o u ca n d ea th . S h e w as th e m oth er o f 10 c h ild en ted in lieu o f o th e r la n d s covered b y a k-Councilmen Stewart, Large and month. Dr. R. H . Ilo v e y h a v in g lo ca te d in not m ak e a paper d o lla r w ith o u t ta k in g ren e igh t o f w hom are liv in g — Jo h n W ., gran t w h ich w ere lost or relin q u ish ed by K . O. T . M. W e m ust M ary E . L ystrop, T hurston L-, W illia m the g ra n tee in con seq uen ce o f th e failure w Accounts. Councilmen McNamer, \ FORKST GROVE. Forest Grove tent No. 21 Forest G rove for the p ractice o f d en tistry a d o lla r’s w orth o f paper. meets in Masonic hall on the second and fourth takes this m eth o e fo f in fo rm in g th e p u b h ave paper th at represen ts m oney. I ! **•» E liz a b e th J a c k , Lau ra S te ep le s, of th e g o v e rn m e n t or its officers to w ith Krinith. pPwUkProperty.—Councilmen Smith, Tuesdays in each month. lic th a t he is prepared to do a n y w ork in w an t it issued b y th e go v e rn m e n t; and ®a ra ^ Cu rran and C h a rles H. draw th e sam e from sale or en try. HILLSBORO.—Viola tent No. 18 meets in Odd istfwart. that line. O ffice in In g le s & P o rte r’s I w an t b eh in d e ve ry one o f th ese d ollars “ Sec. 2. T h a t i f a n y person c la im in g I Waitr.—Councilmen Buxton, Smith Fellows hall on the second and fourth Thurs days in each mouth building. R ip an s T a b u le s cu re d izzin ess. eith e r a g o ld or silv e r d olla r; so th a t j to be a b on a fide p u rch a ser o f a n y lau d s I». O F H . “ Police .—Councilmen Large, Stewart R ip an s T a b u le s: one g iv e s re lie f. e ve ry gre e n b ack under th e flag can lift 1 erron eou sly p aten ted o r certified sh all Hillsboro Grange meets in its hall on the sec ond and fourth Saturdays in each month at 12111. \ \ ’"ANTED SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN OB present h is claim to th e secreta ry o f th e %a«.-Councilmcn'McNamer, Bnx- \ \ Women to travel for responsible estab in terio r prior to th e in stitu tio n o f a suit lished house in Oregon. Salary $ 780 , p a y a b le 1 G . A . It. $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. S-Councilmen Stewart, McNamer and to ca n ce l a p aten t or ce rtifica tio n , and i f Forest Grove.-James 11. Matthews Post, No. Reference. Unclose self-addressed stamped en 6, meets in Masonic hall on the first and third velope. The National, Star*Building, Chicago, j it sh all appear th a t he is a bona fide pur Wednesdays in each month. ch aser, th e secretary o f th e in te rio r sh all W . It. C. request th a t su it be b ro u g h t in su ch case ....... Fire Warden Forest Grove. James B. Matthews Relief Buckleu’s Arnica Salve. Justice of the Peace Corps meets alternate Thursdays in Odd Fel ’ a gain st th e paten tee, or th e co rp oratio n , lows hall. T h e Best S a lv e in th e w orld for Cuts, ismillion .............. Constable » * company, person, or association of per .1— I. O. G . T . Bruises, . Sores, U lcers, S a lt R heum , Is B arréis imitéis sons for whose benefit the certification . .School Directors Forest Grove. —Forest'Grove lodge No. no F e v e r Sores, T e tte r, C h a p p ed H an d s 76 < n meets in its hall every Saturday evening. was made, for the .yalue oi said land, C h ilb la in s, Corns, and a ll S k in E r u p - , School Clerk Hillsboro. Hillsboro lodge meets in its hall which in no case shall be more than the . Pi incipal of School every Saturday. Juvenile Temple, Sundays, tions, and p o sitive ly cu res P iles, or no minimum government price thereof, and 3p. in. pay required. I t is g u aran teed to g iv e i the title of such claimant shall stand con- W . OF TH E W. perfect satisfaction or m on ey refun ded. Churl'll re cto ry . Forest Grove Camp No. 98, meets in Odd Fel 1 firmed. An adverse decision by the sec F o r sale b y lows hall the first and third Saturday in each Price 25 cen ts per b ox. retary of the interior on the bona tides month. Clias. M iller. gfCREGATIONAL CHURCH. of such claimant shall not be conclusive A. R ogers , P a sto r . of his rights, and if such claimant, or I every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8 p. 111. H do I after morning service, one claiming to bo a bona fide pur leetings every Thursday evening at Barrels chaser, but who has not submitted his eople's meeting one hour before Sun- claim to the secretary of the interior, is Jng sen-ice. nare always cordially welcomed, made a party to such suit, and if found by the court to be a bona fide purchaser, HODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, tv. D. A. W a t t e r s , P a s t o r . the court shall decree a confirmation of peverv Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8:30 p. 111. All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stone the title, and shall render a decree in Jioolat 12.15 P- hi - Junior league every Forks ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, 4p m. Kpworth league at 6:30 p. in., ^ behall of the United States against the Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m., Thursday. Hrooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, patentee, corporation, company, person, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. or association of persons, for whose tiene- Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, Fish ( service every Sunday at 11 a. m. and fit the certifusion was made for the ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Aaron value of the land as hereinl>efore pro pt Prayer meeting Thursday even- lop m. Sr. Y. P. S. C. K. Sunday even- vided. Any bona fide purchaser of lands P p. m. Jr. Y. P. S. C. K. Sunday 4 p. in. Sylvia Edwards, president. | patented or certified to a railroad com K are cordially invited to all these pany, and who is not made a party to such suit, and who has not submitted Offlcc of Forest Grove. his claim to the secretary of the interior, may establish his right as such bona fide | VHEKI.OCK M A R S H , P . M . purchaser in any United States court IVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. SE L L S O N LY T H E B E S T O F having jurisdiction oi the subject-matter, ‘from Portland and all points East: De- r*.m. and 4:20 p. 111. Arrives 9:40 a. m. or at his option, as prescribed in sections m. 3 and 4 of chapter 376, of the acts of the illis, and points South: Departs 8:35 ives5:o5 p. in. Local Teacher’s Institute. Oregon Congregational ists. second session of the 49th congress. ?, Manning, Buxton and Vernonia: T h e first o f a series o f lo ca l te a c h e r’s T h e O regon C o n g re g a tio n a l associa “ Sec. 3. That if at any time prior to ]Iia. m. Departs 1 p. 111. : Arrives 11 ¡30. Departs 1:30 tion m et in a n n u al session a t Portlan d in stitu tes w h ich w ill be held so as to the institution of suit by the attorney- T u esd ay. R ev. C. F . C la p p w as a p co v e r d u rin g th e y e a r th e en tire co u n ty to cancel any patent or certifica The Country affords, in Great poin ted a m em ber o f th e com m ittee on w ill be h eld at S h erw ood F rid a y and general tion of lauds erroneously patented or ST GROVE FIRE D EPA R TM EN T. n om in ation s, and H on . I. A. M acru m on S atu rd a y, O ct. 3 and 4. F rid a y e ve n in g certified a claim or statement is pre ^-G eneral A l a r m —Rapid tapping ..................................Variety and at Moderate Prices The location of the fire willbe mdi- • resolution s. T h e sta n d in g com m ittee a popular m eetin g w ill be h eld in th e sented to the secretary of the interior by 'the number of full taps given between “»1 alarms -corresponding to the nura- on P acific U n iv e rsity reported in d ica h all and addresses d elivered , p ro b a b ly, or on behalf of any person or persons, ms whose limits are given below. tion s o f in creased p ro sp e rity and con b y E x -R e p re se n ta tive T yso n and R e v . corporation or corporations, claiming ^drill—'Three taps, pause, three taps, ~retaps. tinued effort to secure th e $100,000 Mr. S keels. A n e x c e lle n t m usical p ro that such person or persons, corporation meeting—Five taps. needed to ta k e up Dr. P earson s offer o f gram w ill also be rendered. S a tu rd a y or corporations, is a bona fide purchaser, WARD LIM ITS. . . . . Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, $50,000 to its endowment, and expressed the institute will begin at 9:30 and con- or are bona fide purchasers, of any pat -North of Pacific avenue and east SWay a desire for a more hearty co-operation tinue until 4:30 with one and one-half ented or certified land by deed or con ? ward North of Pacific avenue and Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. on the part ot the churches of the state, hour intermission at noon. The work tract, or otherwise, from or through the Allege Way and B street. |*ard—Naylor’s addition. Rev. Daniel Staver, the registrar, gave a will be of a practical character and taken original patentee or certification was is •*ard—Between Pacific avenue and narrative of the churches. Rev. E. P. part in by local teachers. >nue south. sued, no suit or action shall be brought Between Second avenue and South FOREST FROVE. Hughes, of Hillsboro, was welcomed as In the region conveniently adjacent to to cancel or annul the patent or certifi t e l e p h o n e , S Ä *« ?*- *rd— uth Park addition. one of the new pastors and responded Sherwood are ten districts with $10,000 cation for said land until such claim is happily. Rev. John S. Griffin, the Hills- worth of property and an enrollment of investigated in said department of the boro pioneer preacher, gave the parting scholars and a daily attendance of interior; and if it shall appear that such «TON COUNTY POST OFFICES. benediction of the morning. Rev. A. 268. These schools are above the aver- person or corporation is a bona fide pur Beaverton Ilnxton Cornelius Centerville Rogers took part in the discussion of age for the county paying $41 a month chaser as aforesaid, or that such persons Fir Dilley Glencoe "The Opportunity of the Church in Solv- to men teachers and $34.50 to ladies, on or corporations are such bons fide pur Farmington Glen wood Greenville ing Present Every Day Problems,” as an average nearly 20 per cent, higher, chasers, then no such suit shall be insti Hillsboro Gaston Middleton Laurel did Rev. C. F. Clapp in "Denomina- I-ocal institutes are a material aid to tuted, and the title of such claimant or Progress Mountaindale Sherwood tional County or Competition— Which?” teachers in enabling them to exchange claimants shall stand confirmed; but the Reedville Tualatin ¿Jerry Blooming In the evening Prin. Bates delivered the thoughts and profit by one another’s ex- secretary of the interior shall request Lenox Thatcher Phillips associational sermon. For officers of the perience and training. The next insti- that suit be brought in such esse against Woman’s Home Missionary Union, Mr?, tute will probably be held in a fortnight. the patentee, or the corporation, com Civic S o c ie tie s. pany, person, or association of persons C. F. Clapp was elected treasurer. West ------------------------- for whose benefit the patent was issued side vice-president, Mrs. E. D. Thorne, Deceased. A. F. AN D A . M. or certification was made for the vahar of Hillsboro; other members o f the exec Died— At her home in Wilmington, S . S * VE -H olbrook Lodge. No. jo. utive committee being Mrs. F. R. Cook J1*11 the Thursday before the full L o w P r ic e s , ., Aug. 31, 1896, I.ena, beloved wife of the land as hereinbefore specified.” — r*** month. Prompt Delivery, and Mr». Wallace Hurlburt, of Be.ver- of Tho„. o ’H .r . and daughter of Wm Oregonian. Excellent Quality. mSS?-—T— IHy lodge. No. 6 meets in ton. Wednesday a letter from Mrs. H. and S. J. Tompkins of this county. C - p r t a y on or after the full nloon I). McClelland, “ Greetings from the Tetter, eczema and all similar akin - P S ’■ - Beaverton lodge No. 100 meets East,” was read and Supt. Clapp de Mrs. L. R. Patton, Rockford, ., troubles are cured by the uaeof De Witt’a ‘ on the first Tuesday in each ll rered hit report. These are the pro writes: “ From personal experience I Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, ceedings in so far as they affect Wash O. E. 8. can recommend De W itt’s Sarsaparilla as and restores the tissues to their natural to -T u a la tin Chapter meets in Ma- ington county. Where no address is ■ thc Second and fonith Tuesdays in a cure fur impure blood and general debil condition, and never fails to cure pilea. ; given Forest Grove is to be nnderstood. J. C. Clark, druggist. ity .” J. C. Clark, druggist. Win. I*. Lord HILLSBORO. Montezuma lodge No.50meets ^ Harrison K. Kincaid I'hillip Metscham in its hall on every Wednesday evening. Q m Irwin HILLSBORO. -Washington encampment No. 1 W. II. Leeds 24 meets in odd Fellows hall on the second and j Chas. K Wolverton fourth Tuesdays of each month. K. S. Bean K. A. Moore HILLSBORO. Hillsboro Rebekah lodge No. T. A. McBride 54 meets in Odd Fellows hall every Saturday | T. J Cleetou evening. Julia II Mitchell TIGARDVII.LK. Charity Lodge No. 75 meets > .Geo W McBride in its ball on the first and third Saturdays in | Geo. W. Patterson each month. /State i t î m e s i m m FOREST GROVE.OGfl. i n B I T T H E BEST. Brick for Sale! 180,000 Good duality Cheap 43 It. F \ C t ile liin g . (6,536 9 9 1 151 B arrs B o rre 'i 1 >1 110 »Mon j A First Class Grocery Store Wh . . . . IS GREER THE GROCER’S ( r Tea and Coffee a Specialty McNAMER’S MEAT M ARKET Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry A General Shipping Business, Wholesale and Retail, BUYER AND SELLER. 454 TH E OLD W IL T B O U T M IL L GALES CREEK. A ll Grades of Bough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. 9 111 “*11 Hatchet GROVE — Foreat Chapter No i f hall on th e first and third * c b m&oth. 111 CHAH. HIATT, Proprietor. and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Year. I