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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1896)
K V I ’I >1 I. * .. 4 . , 4 1 --------------------------- • '"iCbJSûl1 PûJïûlIDâT'iD JUNE 4,1896 I V “ When You Are Here, Love” . The ora tion o f Mr. Philip K. Bauer of the junior PO R K S '! G RO . K. F o rest K eSekah lod ge N'o. I class was entitled The Second Kmanci- A . (> \G to f /1 * nisi) in d ir m i i-'ii »bout n o s INC» o r T . n : s n i o o t v e a k 44 tweet» in Odd Fellow s h a ll on th e first and »I pation and was a forcible presentation of third W eil tit «day o f each m onth. Splio.ili I Serv ice otlerctl viti ’ Ho* AT T H E U N IV E R S r iY . V.'i S' ' »r<l the necessity for education of the negro ri IL L S B O R O .—M ontezum a lodge No. v> m eets N»»rii»-\V«*gi>. rn L in e ” foni) M int’ K l K ir f ».id tn H its h a d on ev e ry W ednesday evening. nn Coinmcnceuient week passctl oti to secure his real freedom. Mr. Charles ■ G : i c-wi « um capali.« anti S». Paul to Milw aukee G M. I -» in quietlyi though «onsidtrable nterest H IL L S B O R O .-W a thi.igton p m en t No » .j R. Bradley took “The Place of Science M i: r f i* U m eet* in Odd Fellow * h a ll on th e tecon d and C H R IS T I AN A SSO N A T IO N S ' E V E N IN G . anti < ?l)icago-ii’n a pl.->HKiirc. It was taken in it both by visitors and /Î. « * © l - fir un fourth Tu esday; of each m onth. n< Sunday evening he exercises were in in the College Course" fo- his subject K • W-.ftl you co n tem p late » trip K w h *. locally. All tin exuvi'isis were notable IV l1* H IL L S B O R O H illsb oro R e b e k a l. lod ge N -. F A '. •■'■ne cltarg i c f the Y jung W om en’s and and traced it from its sm a’l beginnings \ ’ V l l i O " M m eets in Odd F ello w s h a ll eve y Suturda» please tlrop a lint- *o K. ; 1 iili vhrc mo . their excellence* particularly the Young M en’s C iristiati Association. until it has reached its present impor A J D r e t t evening. I I' :l t » «11 m l 1 T rn v. I & P \«i , W If Men*: musical p irt. Cavipus and city were The vp** iker was ) r. Mahlou W illett, of tance in the curriculum. t ig a r d v il l e -C liar.ty Lodge No. 75 m eets » i <• '} y. * itlc in its h all on the ,, !*'■. y ■ looking at their best and made favorable first and th iu i S atu rd ays in | (Jen A gent. 2-IM WRaliDittt'Mi A quartette, Mias Lois Parker, Mrs. Oakla id, Cal. Hi* address dealt with each m on th . •*r I r. pressions on the. many vfsitot.»-. The Portland , Oregon, anti M tN ’f i v the necessity for i rganixation, showing Laura W ells, Mrs, Reed anil Miss Mer- « *» (.A ST O N . W apato lodge No. 40 m eets < 11 its i > . lit* h all on th e first, th ird and fifth S a tu rd a y s in I 11 tisi ruled Fold er, Free, ivi l> events o f the week .ire ti uteil «>. i.. de the helplessness i f individual efforts to ' r>’nian sa**g Last N ight” in a pleasing each m onth. tail T below n the order ti .* hich they if ii* ' attain that persor al iterfection which is wav* .lefail-t! in fo rm a ii*>i' almo ilo . F. Coi s o ) «a K. OF r. occurred. It. ’ V iv ili*!' The first of the graduating orations, ii « ' essent al a id unai ed to war against evil. fit ree superb train s leaviii F O R E S T G R O V K . - D elp h o* lodge No a, T C . Ted i • oil K L. G oodin ¡ m eet» in M asonic h a ll every S atu rd ay evening. The s ib jrct was i andled in a way that by Ruel M. Bisbee, The Relation of CO N S K R V A TO R V A N N IV K R S A i< V . M inneapolis ami Si. Paul ev«*.\ * »V i' ord I t .. H IL L S B O R O . P h o en ix lod ge N o. 34*u«eetHin d< »,'ora. ci. The forty-secord commencement of drew end kept the interested attention of the F a st to the W est, drew attention to tiny in lit»* week, together will* . ító -»vi*it ‘oin M asonic h all every Monday even in g. I III* the mutual dependence of the two sec the au lienee. . f r. ; \\ * .ox any special i*ii*»rmaiioti u n : may T lalatin Academy and Pacific University C O R N E L IU S . S im on id es lodge .'»0 34 m eets ! A « .,.n K Jn|its c a stle h all every S atu rd ay even in g. The beauty of the floral decorations tions of our country but the author i b'^gaii Si.tur<: y evening with the anni* . V. i - (lenire. Your Hom e ag en t will ii y I G L E N C O E .—G le n co e lod ge No. 22 m eets in | U . Io. V i ‘ -.'a versaiy of ¡he conservato.y of music. were as noticeabl* as at the morning thought that in financial m atters the tn its c a sile h all on « very a lte rn a te Satu rd ay. sell you tick«*» via tl»i- Hr i West should assert herself. Miss Ida rill; Miss Clara White Cooley, ard Mrs. W al service ciana lin e a id reserve \<<,i Sleep Eells in “ The Influence of Custom " , „ ter Reed id Portland, hrvehac charge of Hit Aïta o h tl. CHE U T K R ^ RY SO C IET IES. F O R E S T GKOVK D elpha te m p le, No. 7 ,. in g C ar Boi t Its in ntlvHiict , on this importaiu department and the cx showed how man was a subject to cus 1 m b* r. m eets in M asonic h a ll on th e second and fourth The annual address before the literary tom though often unconciously. even T If , a e«.c’ t i'îü M 'i. W ednesday o fe i.c h m onth. applica tion. etilene? of their work was demonstrated H IL L S B O R O , P h o en icia te m p le m e ets in M a .v in * t/rd n etd a y by the .success o f the evening, \ large so^*ieti«s of the yot ng women aud young forming by it his moral standards. The son ic hall itorium I men* * hiloniatheaa and Gamina Sigm a, benefit o f and necessity for the speed 'i « . 4 i audienc.' was ga .hered n the an litorium N O T IIÎK KO It m i U C A I ION A . O . . \V. wav bv Hon. C. E . S. Wood, of Portland. construction o f the Nicaragua Canal by Hi and. lixened with pleasant approval to FORJi.Sl (.ROVli huivst (»rove lodge No. The opening praye r was offered by Rev. the Uuited States was ably treated by Laud o il’«*«» al O repon i it» . O regon, i .»‘ lu i l i Ivt 1 *1 I« • > nierts in Odd Fellows hall otr« every Tuesduy th .veil rendered program: .«lay is , 1 sis. ( evening. Dr. W illett, Mr. . I vers’ solo which fo l-! Jo h n Macrum in “ The Gateway o f the . i N otice is luMvby given th at lb«* follow ing Schultz— “ Festival M arch," Two Pi FOREST tlROVK Degree of 11v nor lodge The subject of the P acific". Miss M. Catherine Lansing’s s e ttle r lut . li’.e«! n«»ii« e «»f h i- In i.-n tio ii l<» anini—Misses Cooley, Sara J rones, Char lowed v as encored n.eets in Odd Fellow s hall the second Tuesday name«! m a k e final ; roof in supiuur o f hi.» «daim, and address was “So tie Thoughts About essay, “ Local color in American F ic- i (it each month. th a t sai l t»r«»of w ill e m ade befor« etiun ly lotte Grab tm, Gertrude Marsh. iIILI.s JORO. — Hillsbor«> lo«lge No. 61 meets clerk of W ash i.igt »fi c o u n t , at l i l l M oro, « i • I-Cucken Hawlc-y—“ There’s One I Cove '-iterati re or an . Excursion into L itera tion” , was a literary gem and well de : in its hail «in the first ai.d third Frdavs in each g o n , on .1 • 11 v 1 !. 18;'*!, viz : \^ii»er L ugl’ month. D early,” Double Quartette, Vocal—Mrs. ture” . '.t proved tc be a veritable pleas livered. The last o f the seniors to speak Il A K it V f - r i ' i i A III), II. A. No. 87Ui' for th e mv •, mm 1 t 1 s r ô \v. Francis Lloyd, Mis> I^ois I’arker, T./rs. ure trip, enliven«« with apt quotations was Miss Em m a E . Stew art who told of w km SHKRWOOl). Sherwood lodge No. .'«> meet- ! lie n am es th e follow in g »« itu«*ssesto pr«»v>t 1*» Latvia Wells, M i.s Zul. Warren, I co n tin u o u s resident*** uj.* *i and c iu tiv u tino of, \;«r«*-h 1 e lls . i in it?-, hall every T1 ursd&y evening. Mrs Berta G rim es Miss Mil tie War «.it, from classic autho« i of various countries. “ T he I,ife and Growth o f Language” . j said la n d v iz : ¡’KiARDVlLLK. Tigurdville lodgt meets ‘.n | B. a >Hk«*». K«lv ard i»;n .e. .loh» B">«l, John Miss Blanche Garrison, . f C. G it Miss Kthel Art to the speaker was m an’s expression A duet, “ The Adieu” , by Mrs. Reed and , *s I all on the second and fourth Saturdays in i oberts, of Gaston, t >r. Merryimn. to man, best whet: simplest both in con Mr. Millard Lounsdale was exquisite. ¡Gi.ll S.'r .: pHd | eocn month. 10-21 R o b e r t V. M i u k k . R egister Ridomstein, a —“ Yearnings,” struction and expr ssioti, all the world’s President McClelland in the usual lorm »' tif ili TUALATIN. - Tunlnt'i lodge meets in its br.ll on the second and fourth Saturdevs in each Hawley b — ‘'Because I Love Thee great work of lit' rature have been na- conferred the degree of Bachelor of Arts N O T IC K r o | { I'U B l.K " ‘ T IO N . «nr*. i.h 'iK **'!> n ontli. S o ," Vocal— Mrs. Laura Wells. ; tional in character mil written in times on Misses Lansing and E ells, and Bache K . O. T . M. Land * lilicu at Ur« itv. Oregon / Jeusen-Nietuann—“ Murmuring Zeph-1 .... , . \v ti: McVarner. lor o f Science on Messrs. Bisbee and May is. 18 , 6. j F O R E S T G R O V E . -F o rest G rove te n t No. _ m yr i .* l';auo— Miss Bla. ebe Garrison. Pol,t' < al turmoil • n e ets in M asonic h a ll on th e s«.*cond aud fourth { Notlcv is h ereb y g i\ e r th a t th e foil »wing Macrum. R eference was made to the ii*« J.L let» S' Tuesdays in each m outh. B*m iei, n - - “ Wonderful the Power of] TI ta l a t i : : A C A D EM Y . . tunned <e rie r J ims fll«*d n o tic e of h is in '^ n tio n presence of the old flag made in '55 by flin'.l p roof in support *>f his Love.” R otder, b — “ Spanish Serenade,” H IL L SB O R O . Viola te n t No :8 m eets in Odd I to m ake T he exercises of he third year class of slid that said p *o o f w ill be \’«u ai—Mcs. Francis Lloyd. '0 ,r jv .. Snuff', t ellovvs lia i' on th e second am . fourth T h u rs 1 c la im , young ladies o f the school after a design i m ade lief o re cou n ty c le r k of W ash in gton day» in each m outh T ialatin Acailem were very interest co u n ty , a t H illsb oro, O regon on J u lv U. IVJ6. (iodard, a —“ I'Torian” Song ” by Dr. S. H. Marsh the first president. viz. I ai r-.8tftvpr.rt I». O F I I . “ b — “ Dost Thou it.emeniber?” ing. F.ifc lit young men and seven young Officers o f the Alumni Association HAiiAH A. H A U E R S T R O II. H illsb oro G ran g e m eets in ;ts h a ll on th e sec Vocal— Mrs. Chester Dolph. F o rm erly S a ra h A. L ittle . 11. A. SO T H ) for th e n\v women completed be course preparatory j we„ elected at . raertin„ held W ednes- ? l«;i > n . F-'.r- ond mid fourth S a tu ru a y s in m outh a t 12 m . ! * sect 12 t 2 n rft w 1 ich net'— “So n atin a,” P ian o — Miss to col'e^i ■ Tile j: «grain ol tlie after-1 ile tiHiues th e fo llo w in g w itn esses t o - r o v e h is day noon. L. C. W alker, president, J . g . %. r 4 S i » e r a im . con tin u ou s re sid e n c e upon mnl c u lt! 'Htion i i. Iiilyth Ransom. noon's eiercises w s: F o rest (.r o v e . J a n u s R. M atth ew s Post, No said la n d , viz: T. W halley, vice president, Mrs. Nellie Meyerbeer, a — ‘Roberto, O tu che 6, m eets in M asonic hull on th e firsi and th ird 1$. \|. C o llin s, E li S m ith , o f F ir, Or Thomas . “ B causo 1 Love Y ou , D e a r," Adams, secretary and treasurer. The Adora, {Cavatina fr o m “ Robert\ le ! V ocal Solo W ednesdays in ea ch m o n th . F .'«»»*. Jo h n W illson , of G ales * r.*«*k. Or! Mins F at h S c o tt. D i a b le .” ) 16 21 R jb k r t A. M iLi.gR, R e g ister corporation dinner was held at one XV. It. Palaib'.he, b —“ Cuban Hammock P ray e r. F o rest G rove. Ja m e s B M atthew s R e lie f I — o ’clock and alumni, faculty, trustees and «I v ' . re V ’ard or Song,” Vocal—Miss Lois Parker. O ration ......................L in co ln as a L aw y er • l c - the I ’e.icc ; Cor]>s m eets a lte riia te "h i'rsd a y s in t»«ld F«*l- invited guests partook o f a bountitul law*, hai». F r a n k H» .-din A dam s. A d m in istra to r’8 N otice. Goutipd, a —“ O that We Two Were C onstable feast followed by interesting rem arks. I. o . «.. r . ........................................................ E c h o e s Nmi *e is brruhv given that the uml rsigau«! I M alloy, b “ Children s O ration A pleasant affair was the president’s re F o rest G rove. F o rest ( G ‘» rov rove e lo 1 o «1 d k jp ? N o . in» bv mi Ian 1 illy . ntid legally lulinin- . P raters, \ ocal— Mrs. terta Grimes. ________ ly a aj.j.olnt«d p ,.„ ......... ............. F lo re n c e >: elle Edw ards. ‘•.teets 1*1 its h all every S a tu rd a y even in g. istrat«»r «»f th e vstnie *>f C aleL W oods dei-eosftiL I ception which occured a little later. Guriitt— ‘’R ondo," Piano— .Yiiss Char- .O ur T r e a rnent o f th e N ative R ace s and a l 1 (d tiin s a g a .list SHi«l e sl ite m ust >e pr • Sv;*^o . i H il shorn. Hillsbor«» lod ge m e ets in it s hn ' t seiiteo *0 m e v. (o rd tu g to .a.v at th e «'iti«e <.f l o l t e G r a h a m ( 1 s t 1 t a t i o i . Oaa Clark G a rlin g to n . oi t»a: c f sc' 1 '■very S atu rd ay . Ju v e n ile T e m p le , Sundays, Langley C H O R A L U NIO N C O N C E R T . S on , in Woods A C ap les' b lo ck , in Moszkow-iki a — “ Serenade,” Masche E ssay tp . m R u ssia 's Pla ► in th e W o rld ’s P rogress F o rest G rov e, W a sh in g to n ; c o u n ty , Or.*».on, on The comm encem ent concert of the >r b efore s ix m on th s fro.n t t ils c « ie ,g :\en und er roni, b —“ Woodland So n g ,” V ocal—Miss L o r e n :. G leason . W . O F TH K W . m y band th is 9th d ay of J u n e , 1 HW 6 . Choral Union was held Wednesday. Em m a Stewart. lo t} . F o re s t G rov e C am p No r,P m e ets in Odd Fvl- o ................T h e W itc h es’ D ance J am KM C. W oods . / The large auditorium was filled with an I »ws h al. th e first and tfiir«* S a tu rd a y in each Meyer-Helmund, “ M elodie,” Piano Adm'rjl.strutor. M iss C har otte G rah am . m onth. By W i L a n g l r y , A tty. ut•«."» Miss Anna Poe. H I RCH E ssay T h e Abu e o l th e K n g li.h T o n g u e : audience nlade o f » ‘« to rs, townspeople »R. Faure, a — “ Bonjour Stizoti,” J e s s ie »‘icefield . and many from a considerable distance à. tu. nit'» & * * Chamitiade, / — “ Wert I a G ard’ni.r,” E b s a y . T ie D evelop m ent o f A frica | around. The high order o f music which rvict. Vocal—Miss Rudi Scott d ay v s r \i.T.y W in ifr -d M arsh had characterized the preceding events Comes— ‘Merry, M trrv Are W e,” Vo O ration lou L« o r’* f1 a T h e H elvetian R e p u b lic of comm encem ent had raised the e x cal Duet—Miss Fmm a St *wart and Miss A lfred D .ih l S ch och . pectations and all the music lovers were wflc wût out. Nor were they disappointed. T he and Chorus from V ocal D u e t.................................... A N ig ht in V enice . . . . IS G R E E K T H E (xR IH ’E K 'S '’^ . ^ . altz . C V v 'l . M il * S tew art ind M rs. L loyd . ‘F au st,” T m o Pianos— Misses Cooley, __ [ *frr«$t. Union has been under charge of Mrs. B en ed iction . Garrison, Stewart mid Scott. W alter Reed and her efforts were re All kinds of (Groceries, Glassware and Stone- SC n . a f t 'l, :3» : ’»• ¡ io; > » , te e y Ferm es, a —“ The Lonely R ose,” As at other exert :ses o f the week, the warded in the generous praise heard on lo |ttC lit * A'» >• ware, Table and l’ocket Cutlery, Spoons. Neidlinger, b — “ Peggy,” Ladies’ music was a proi linent feature. The every hand. Mrs. Reed is not only Ut . IW -day. ill* Chorus. Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, essays and oration showed careful pre- talented singer but an effleient instructor III-’ Mesdame- Francis Lloyd and Chester Wood and Willow W are of all kinds. Fish p. ration at .1 traini lg. as her success shown in the concert t . I >i ; 3 o. V . *:i ni. Dolph; Misses Lois Parker, Em m a Stew Aav»n ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. a iu m n i a sso c ia t io n . abundantly proves. my T i n - d a y “vin- art, Laura W ells, Marie Tongue, Ruth K. » *.» *4\ ?v«ll- In the evm ing t! e Alumni association T h f program was the rendition o f T he ; b vi.d ay , Scott, Livertie Baber, Zula Warren, huh : s r cjKovK wuhiu'iton iimikc n i n eets i n ' I s h a ll every «very Monday even evenirne. in g. .8. ! N n I 'J V ' tr m i h in L I v / C l IV I , , . • I A Ì i / A F irst Class Grocery Store Tea ami Coffee a Specialty ani» preside ij * i . Helen Jam es, Eleanor Rusiell, Blanche charKf - Ho' • » “" e y W . Sco tt. Garrisoi’ . i E . l th el Merrvman, llerta ^ '¡ ‘or-in-chief o f he Oregonign, who U C J i U v I /. > .LilcA 11, IIC I Id | t I I V i A l P D ’ kJ t i l t 4 r|t 1 1 4 I ) 1 7 I V I A (irim ea, Minnie rimes, Mintii* Warren, Bertha Tongue, wa* Pr” :'lMit of the association last (' \l l\ .M e re d im ja e ,, -.,_____________ E lizabrtl. T o .g 0__, u e; Miss pre id.-d and delivered the princi- Merediill Ja m n ie ____ , it (lr»*v(v T -X L ._R- -E-U KJ M 1 1 1 *. l i l l I J I .... ^ nal adtlress which unmm> nthpr liich treatp«! treated among other ] Clara W hite Cooley, Instructor o f Piano, j at^^rcss» . p M. things of education and its necesaity, Organ and Thei rv; Mrs. W alter Reed, t o r MAIL'«. SELLS ONLY T H E BEST OF and compar 'd the * arlier with the pres- h 1 Vocal instructor. «oint-* Depans ent edvant. ges. Short speeches were in' BA CCALA U REA TE. nude by other alu mi, Rev. Dr. Myron « 1; n ts oh vhif W est s 4:30 ft :u A fair sized audience listened to the E ells, Hon. T. IL j ongue, L. C. W alker ■n 11 and Y<m o lli» : ; baccalaureate sermon Sunday morning. a n d j. P. W halley. cl I The absence of so many from town was if C O tL E G K ‘» R A D U A T K S. compensated for by the commencement •t i A RT U K H T . College gr iduath u exercises W ednes- The Country affords, in firoat visitors. A »’ter the interlude Psalm X V I in t Rapt«:1 t p p n k day morning were veil attended. After fite votltie {ï.-di- was read Rind then He r. A. Rogers read ur< givcii bc Lwr-n .................................................Variety and at Moderate Prices a chapter from Colossians. President prayer by D/. \\ i lit, Mrs. Reed sang re ! ing tn ih num re-, b#1',» McClelland preached the sc;nion. which pr* h r. tt»re« lapis. was based on a text from Rom ans: “ I Ai.i -I» Debtor Both to the Greeks and lo the Wholesale and Retail. H Barbarians, 10 the. Learned and to t.Te th n u t ai d I Done in a \11 Kinds of Dressed Poultry» Fat Hogs, Unlearned.” The pre-side»;1* »ermoti i 111; lc »Vft1.ll » xr . *» , treated largely o f the debt doe the world Spring Lambs ar a \ eal Calves. by every individual; that inis debt was lid i r a\ u\:f Jiatl due not to t'.ie great only, but to BUYER AND SELLER. enue.tnd ionth and stnal'«; in the Christian religion llo .ic do we fird the teachir < th at we M arket 20 a ’. i 1 FO R EST CROVK. are all brothers children of a common Farm e. :y father God. Thft logical conclusion i!l -T Oi IC E S . this teaching wa** the building ip of a Enver*«: ‘r \i C<»r eliti» pu bli: opinion which had compelled the ri attention of kings and rulers W hile the r. • \i* • »le i » h »; graduate faces a much different world, TtMsh.- 11 than Paul still thete is nuch th a lia e v ib >f «WW ii Vfutrrsif. GALES CREEK. Socialism an 1 popi.lisn ar° significant ’ ! she* * c >fl hi terms, and while they tm v stand for Tw lUh Len« X much that i? enil, he sain that-on the ro whole they show that the masses are f 1 thinking, and that thou»; in p wer in ist remember that they l ave a m aster to >i answer to. The Christian p u ljit i» not t; j: w , •o .ix moribund, tr- inf uence is felt. W itness iv fa f; L o « « t * r i ‘ ‘ >!*. the threatened rupture vith Great ; ■ P r o m p t l^ « ■ li» « • ^ > . ( ’HAS. HIATT. I’lo.iri 'for, Britain. fH.e air was filled with war h ■» • - * lit’« th .i Kx<—li«*n t Q 'l a l H y . clouds; or Sunday the Christian pul pi its Ik t of both countries we t unanimous in • eN o w t -«dty fir n their denunciation of war; Mon ¡Gy Ilf peace reigned. Ilf The President is an interesting speaker Ol , : ■ er» and the was a Tic, m aking a + r tl deep impression on the audience. \t «( Apr tv Ne. .ta its close the graduates stood while x ew I Ar« »ltd t » H O' ed p» All ti - V I V_A d l I 1 ' U r , ,11 \ \ \\ K K N K A | \| \ L K I Meats, Sausages, % Fish and Poultry A General Hhipping Basiness, TELEPHONE, THK DU» a I WILTKOIT MI LU; : All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. *• Hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Year. It Holy City, a sacred cantata by Alfred R . ( / '» * “ '• Part I, contem plation constated « * ■ . . • of the instrum ental introduction on the organ by Miss Cooley, chorus by the Union: tenor solo. Union; solo, Mr. Bover. Boyer, trio. trio, 1 Mesdames Reed, Coursen and Grimes; chorus by the Union; contralto solo by M rs- chorus by the Union. Part TI* Adoration opened with the instru- mental intenezzo by Miss Cooley; then followed two bass solos by Dr. A rcher, alternating with the chorus for the Un- » , .. . . .. . ion. A double chorus by the Union ami j a quartette, Mesdames Reed and Coursen an(j Messrs. Boyer and Reed, o f Portland, (Concluded on fourth page.) I