Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1896)
'lí<; KST IN ( IK- ■ n KATION O P I Til ¡: VOI V M M ■ n i : \\ s r \ i * k K s o i t i m : w i i . i ,. County Hatchet I ■ m i r t i: i \ \ l - I L E V ................... *V"rI¿HMÍ:.^i,r»V,49n¡CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4 , 1896 . I. O . O . I . F O R E S T GRO VE- W ashington lod ge No . 48, I meets in its hall every Monday evening. S T A T E <>E O IS E O O N . F O R E S T GRO VE- Forest Kebekah lo d ge No. 1 44 inccis in Odd Fellow s ball on the first and I third Wednesday o f each month. unie Court I e* Fût h Districi rnt V Fifth District Wni. P. l.unl Harrison K Kincaid P h illip MiTscham .G. M. Irw in W. II. Leed* Chas. !•;. W olverton K. S. Dean F. A. Moore T. A. McBride W. N. Harrell John II Mitchell ..Geo W McBride ¡W A S H I N G T O N COUNTY. II. P. Cornelius D. II. Keasom i T. C. Todd K. B, Goodin II . P. Ford !•;. !.. McCormick J.W. Sappitiuton lie o rg e II. Wilcox Austin Craig I.. F. Wilke « W. D. Woods C o M iin -scn ' i - ss: K )1 Superintendent J*. f|eh 'Y or kokest [vou lH LLSIiO RO . -Montezum a lodge: No. 5:1 meets in its hall on every Wednesday evening. I I 11 , 1 ,SHORT). W ashington encampment No .»4 meets in Odd F ellow s hall 011 the second and 1 fourth Tuesdays of each month. IIILLSH O RO . H illsboro Rebekah lo d ge No. ! S4 meets in Odd Fellow s hall every Saturday evening. T IG A R D Y IL L E . -Charity Podge No. 75 meets in its hall on the first and third Saturdays in each mouth. G A ST O N . Wnpdto lodge No. .;o meets in its : hull on the first, third and fifth Saturdays in each mouth. K . O F P. FO R KST G ROVE. Delphos bxlge No. » meets in Masonic hall every Saturday evening. HIPPSHORO. -Phoenix lo«lge No. 34 meets in Masonic hall every M onday evening. C O R N K P Il’ S.- Simonides lodge No. 34 meets iu|its castle hall every Saturday 1 veiling. G L E N C O E —G lencoe lodge No. 22 meets in in its castle hall on eve ry alternate Saturday. W ednesday IIILLSH O RO . -Phoenicia tem ple meets in Ma sonic hall (¡uovi:. A. n . \X. FO R KST GROVE Forest Grove lodge No. to meets in Odd F e llow s hall on every Tuesday evening. Hon. S. Hughes. NCil.MKit, T o serve one year A. T. Knox. James Buxton, C. !.. Large. ■ T o serve tw o years, T. C. McNainer, Hugh Smith, I). C. Stewart. President. FOREST GROVE,. D egree o f Honor lodge meets in odd Fellow s hail the second Tuesday o f each month. IIILLSH O RO . —H illsboro lodge No. 61 meets in its hall on the first and third Fridays in each m on th . 1 SHERWOOD. Sherwood lodge No . Aaron W ells. | in its hall every Thursday evening. ?o meet-' J. C. Greer. T 1 G A R D V IL L E . -T ign rdville lodge meets in I its hall on the second and fourth Saturdays in ................................John S tripliti j each month. , Com m ittees o f C ity Council, T U A L A T IN . Tualatin lodge meets in its \riinames. — Councilm cii Stewart. Large and ! hall on the second and fourth Saturdays in each month lox K. o. T. >!. finirne am i Accounts; Councilmen M cN auur FO R KST GROVE. Forest G rove tent N o. it |xton and Smith. meets in Masonic hall on the second and fourth treets ami Public Property. Councilmen Smith, Tuesdays in each month. ox and Stewart. IIILLSH O RO . Viola tent No. 18 meets in Odd 'ire aa.i Water. -Councilmen Huxtou. Smith FVllows hall on the second and fourth Th u rs days in each month ■ftl M cNainer ^ m ealik mmi P olice. Councilmen [«arge, Stewart r . o f 11. H illsboro Grange meets in its hall on the sec H b Knox. Ways am i Means. Councilmen McNainer, llux- ond and fourth Saturdays in each month at 12111. p and Smith. Printing. Councilm en Stewart, M cN ainer and -j Fire Warden Justice o f the Peace Constable e Lcabo ^ fu iig h e s . Sappi ngtoii. ^ H v i d Smith i G . A . II. Forest Grove. -James IP Matthews Post, No. 6. meets in Masonic h all on the first and third W ednesdays in each month. W . K. 1 . Forest Grove. James IP Matthews R elie i Corps meets alternate Thursdays in Odd Fcl- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . Laud at Oregon City, Oregon, ( May l.\ l»% .f Notice is hereby given that the follow in g : 11:1 in».-« 1 settler lias filed notice o f M s iu ie n tio ii to make final ; roof in support o f h i- » laim , and that sai l proof w ill e made before county cleric o f W ashington co u n t«, at H ill-boro, o re gon, 01a.1111\ It), is. ft, via: H A R K 1 S o I T h AUD, II. A. No. 8707 for the cw *4 sect 4 t 1 s r •'» w Me names the fo llow in g witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cu ltivation of, snid land, viz: 1 !. A. Oakes, Edward Drake, John Boyd, John ' Roberts, ot G aston ,«)r. hi-Jl R o b e r t a . M i l l b k . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC iTION. 1 nod Office at Oregon ’ itv. Oregon. 1 M ly 18 . lS'.iti. ) Not let is hereby given that the follow in g named se tler has filed notice his intention to make liuel proof in support **f liis eiaim, and that said p -ooi w ill be made before county clerk o f Washington county, Ht Hillsboro, Oregon, on July U. 1 sin*, viz: S A R A H A. M A B EIISTRO II, I'ornu rl\ Sarah A. Little. II. A. 8 t »50 for the n\\ 1, sect HI 1 1! 11 r w . He naniestlie follow in g witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of. said laud, viz: B. M. Collins, Eli Smith, o f Kir, O r.; Thomas Frost, John W illson, o f Gales Greek. Or. 1 ft 21 UuiiEKT Y. M i l l e r . Register Administrator's Not ice. Notice is hereby giv en that the undersigned Forest G ro v e .-F o re s t Grove lodge No. 11 has beni l awf ul l y and leg ally appointed admin ■ iP le > 1 meets in its hall every Saturday evening. H o L Sm ith.) Istruì«ir o f the estate o f Caleb Woods deceased, School Clerk < and all claim s against suiti estate must be pr« ■ n H illsboro. H illsboro lodge meets in its hall sente<l to m e a cording to law at the office o f Principal o f School H. Thom as. A.H every Saturday. Ju venile Tem ple. Sundays. Langley «k Son, in Woods A Capíes* block, in Forest Grove, W asliington county, Oregon, on 3 P »» or before six months from m is d a te ,g iv e n under W. OF THE W. m v hand ih is i»th day o f June, 181 * 6 . O hun*li D ir e c to r y . Forest Grove Camp No. 98, meets in Odd F e l J am es U. W oods , lows ball the first and third Saturday in each Ydininistrator. mouth By \V. M. L a MILKY, A tty. llKifi C O N iik K i*.A T IO N A I. C H t'R C ll. ........School Directors h A. ROOBM PAST! ^ ^ ■ c rv ic e s e v e ry Sunday a t n a m . a n d flp m uday school a fter m orning service; ocial m eetings every Thursday evening at K ||B Clock. T Young people s m eeting one hour before Sun- ■ v evening service. I strangers are alw ays co rdia lly welcomed | A First ( lass (Jroeerv Store a* . . . . IS GREER THE GROWER’S M E T H O D IS T E P IS C O P A L CH U RCH ~ R i v . d . a . W a t t e r i . P astor ervices eve ry Sunday at 11 a. in. and 8:30p. m. «day school at 12.15 p* Junior league every inday at 4 p. in. Kpworth league at ¿»:30 p. m., jnday. P ra y er m eeting 7:30 p. ni., Thursday. K E A ll kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stone ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow Ware ot' all kinds. Kish ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. C H R IS T IA N CH U RC H . egular service every Sunday at 11 a. m. and » ]>. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Aaron 11 s. supt. Prayer m eeting Thursday even- at 7:30 p. in. Sr. V. P. S. C. Eb Sunday even- at 0:3 d p to. Jr V. P. s. C. E. Sunday rtioon at 4 p. in. Sylvia Edwards, president. ■ public are co rdia lly in vited to a ll these itings Host O ltio e o f F o re s t G ro v e . J W H P .K L O C K M A R S H . P. M a r r iv a l and PB PAR TU R B ok Tea ami Coffee a Specialty McNAM Eli'S m ails I T o and from Portland and a ll points: Departs J 15 a. m. A rrives 9:30 a m. I T " Corvallis, Salem and all points on th r West ■ dr Departs ft 3 $ a U Ir iT v e a 4 (OP* ® To G reenville, Manning. Buxton and Vernonia: d r iv e s i2 m Departs 1 p in. FO R EST g r o v e : F IR E D E P A R T M E N T lA R M S :—G e n e r a l A l a r m Rapid tapping the bell. T h e location o f the fire w illb e indi- .ed by the num ber o f fu ll taps given between o general alarm s corresponding to the num r o f wards whose lim its are given below ‘all for d r ill—Th ree taps, pause, three taps use, three taps. ( MARKET Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry The Country affords, in Great ..........................................Variety and at Moderate Priees A General Shipping Business. Wholesale and Retail. W A R D L IM IT S . ^ ■ | C i; o irxt lle w g e ard W j N o rth o f P a d III iretrai >1 ^ ■ S econd ward North o f Pacific avenue ■ tw een C o lleg e W ay and It street TTh ird ward N a y lor's addition. Fourth ward Between Pacific avenue and jfcond avenue south. [Fifth w ard—Between Second avenue and South rk Addition [Sixth ward South Park addition. M EAT SELLS O N L Y T H E BEST OF !all for m e etin g —F iv e taps . . . . Done 111 All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. BU Y ER AND SE LLER . TELEPHONE, FOREST CROVE. ■ W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y PO ST O FFIC RS hanv lar M ills xie rest Grove rden Hum » .les Creek litoti tuning llriKl, o il’s F errv Igar.lville y ward. lii-avn l< Buxton C e n terville D illcy Farm ington G re en v ille Cornelius Fir < lencos , ; 1 s , 1 W,S m 1 Middleton l'rogrcss Sherwood Tualatin U no, Laurel M ountam dale R eed ville B lo o m i n g Thatcher P h illip « r i v i e S o rie tie s . \ . »■ . \ > !» \ N. ■ "Kl'T II f t * i l i t i h all th e Th u rsday ion in radi month. ■ IIL L S B O R O before L«»tv I’ riees. P rom p t OHivor.v, « HAS. HIATT, Proprietor, Beavertoa lodge-No. : - j meets : . « O . K . H. J ll.L S B O R o . Tualatin C hapter meet.« in M i Me han «ir the second and fo ii:th Tuesdays in month * All Grades of Roiiiih and Dressed Lunilier. Kiln Dried Lumber a Sjavialty. E x c e lle n t to n ality . [G ra n g e hall on the iir»i f>*ith I G ALES CREEK. the full Tu a lity lodge. No. 6. m eet« in ■ '•ach month BEAVERTON THK Old) WILThMH T -MILL. H ills',o r o Gaston GROVE torco Chapter t^ t« m M assaie k i l l o a th e ftrnt sn days in each mouth No 1 IM E S . Hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Vear. Vol. Il, No. IO, Vol. A'III, No. 1» •> 00 Must Pay Taxes. J P 1 I SIM SOI! C W OdflI ¡! ®(| Judge McBride held a special ses- June Term. .1 1» Martin (i oj sion at Hillsboro Monday. The prin- Report of R B Goodin,county clerk, T C Parson* 7 do oipal mailer to come before the court H P Fork, sherill’ anti E L. Mci’ot- K S (¡aylord 2 il l was the legality of taxing certain land miuk, reconlur, vxamituil untl up W M Ja. kson 0 0o >f Si. Mary's Home. Briefs had been S A Durliam proved. John Voet 0 00 submitted by the opposing attorneys. Petition of Isaac S Rrowii for dam- B <i Leeay o (Hi : The case appears on the court docket ages disapproved. \V K Sliaver t> U0 I as “ W. H. Gross, Roman Catholic » 40 Report of aftrieafora of damagea on A W tlnines archbishop of the diocese of Oregon, vs. 11 00 road No. 345, petitioned for by M. S. Isaac Hall Geo Galbreath 8 00 Washington county” and is one of ma- Burnt1*, et al , approved and road or V Cimino 0 00 'erial interest to the county. In 1882, dered eatahliahet! on payment ol $75 J U Henry 0 00: 700 acres of laud near Beaverton were by petitioners, county to pnv Imlance. I, 1* Speneer........ 10 Oo assessed lo plaintiff, the 30 acres of 0 40 land on which the buildings of the St. Road 346, petitioned tor by .) \V II B a k e r ................. 0 0.) Mary’s Home stands, together with Shiite, et al: wupplenienluiv majority M I, Vincent. K M White li 0J i lie buildings, being exempt. The report of viewers received, issued and ti 00 orderedjtlmt road he esitihlisheil, old Josepli McKobert* f. oo taxes not being paid, the land was, Charles Bamiord road to be left open until May 1, 181)7: C Bacon 0 20 August 9, 1893, after having been ad expenses ordered paid. Cha9 Mason 0 to vertised. sold to Washington county 0 00 for delinquent taxes. A few days be Roiul 347, petitioned for by Geo. G 1* Niekell 0 00 fore the two years had elapsed, at the Taylor, et ; report of viewers read T < 1 Meacham 6 00 end of which the sheriff would have twice and ^proved, change ordered S Barnes 2 00 executed a deed to Washington county, W Greiig . ........... established \oen expenses are paid by J D. Merry nmn 0 20 ihe above-mentioned suit was brought petitioner- J W Sewell « 00 ti 00 enjoining the sheriff from executing Rond 34N, petitioned for by .1 N Hite, E M Bice 0 (M) tlie deed. The decision in favor of rend twice, ordered located and ex W W McKinney li (H) ■ lie county will compel the plaintiff I L A Long penses paid. Thomas Kmrick 2 (H) at the end of six months (o redeem Road 324, petitioned for by Kristina , 1*’ 8 Barnes 0 0 tlie land by paying th« delinquent Nelson, et al— viewers report approved W 11 H Myers li 0J ■ mount and 20 percent added, or the and change ordered, petitioners pac O L Ahlstrom... 0 0,1 heriff will execute a deed to the Henry Wirtz ing expenses of survey and change. 7 20 county, conveying title. The original 0 00 Change in Taylor Ferry road in dis I H I) Stewart......... I \V S Hudson 2 00 amount of taxes was $330 and the trict 2, petioned for by A Krause, su , N I* Oakerman 7 0u costs, $11 10, making a total of $341- pervisor read twice and change or 11 Basraussen li IH) 10, the umounl for which the land dered made und expenses paid. | J O’Meara (i 0,1 was sold. To redeem at the time in li 0.) junction was sued out would have Change in comity road in district 7, J B Imlay........... 1) K Wheeler... (i 00 cost the diocese $444 43. in 1893 and petitioned for by .1 VV Tigard, super S II Humphreys li 20 1894 the assessor did not assess the visor read twice and change ordered (i (Hl 0 C Zook property, and in 1895 it was put on made and expenses paid. Wm Hay............. (i (H) Report of T E Cornelius, supervisor, Geo Schulmerich (i 0.1 the tax roll, but the tax has not yet (i (H) been paid, and will be declared de E B Tongue approved and resignation accepted. 3 50 linquent in a few days. Geo Wilcox tiled petition from him- W II Bender This matter has attracted more than L li Smith ü 00 •»♦•li tnd 47 others for county road 341), 11 T Shorb (i 00 usual interest as it was a test case up proof nf notift* and bond tiled, Wallace 1 E l’ urdin........... 7 20 on which hung a number of similar Mnr*d), \V B Wilson and Henry Dooley J 11 Dolstrom ti 00 taxation questions. It means that all appointed viewers, and L E Wilkes | II H Clark (i 0 property not actually used for benevo surveyor, to meet at tlie commencing j S lllank 2 00 ti IH) lent purposes must he on the tax roll point- of s till prupi,seil r.uil on Mon- 1 U Wilkins W II McCormick. 7 00 and hear its share of tlie expenses of tity. June Jo, at 10 n in. W Sehiilmcrich (i 00 lie government by which it is hone- <irOrmii tlmt h tiupliraie warrant In.* 1) Bnrkhaltor (i 0,1 fitted. A considerable sum will ho i i . . . 1 mi Dr S T l.inklt-ior to roplHce F Simpson (i 0 added to the county treasury as well l o . i otn * f o r S|t 10 ilit t e il A i i v n . t it, 1 M 9 S. t C Raymond 8 4'.: as equitably distributing the burden Louis W i l c o x ................... (i 01, of supporting the county. Comity warrant, ordered drawn for the Edward Best ...... ti 03 month oi J mie, IS!«',: E X llarding li 0 I AMgeepintc and collecting— (i 00 C W Hudson ............... Coart House New*, li IH) Wm Pointer ... $ 48 0 1 J J Buratti ....................... S J Klimili ........ 33 00 W Batchelder li 00 l’ rohate.— Estate of Albert Pelers K II Humphreys . . 45 00 I B Darety 7 20 dec’ll, final account tiled and same set li OH ^ìeo II Il,*ox . 73 00 John Hansen ................. lor hearing on July C, 1896 at 10 (i 00 it Crandall 43 00 Thomas Connell... Joseph Jack 7 4u o’clock a. m. Bridges and roads : Estate of Walter S. Lyon, dee’d, G. C W Hodges ti oo T E Cornelius 05 0 I William Ingram Marsh appointed administrator ti 00 W W M Mi-1,cod tfc Son 7 7>H Ford Groner....................... ti oo and bonds fixed at $1500. Bond tiled Wilkes Bros . . 5«) Wm A Jack li 00 and approved and John Lyon, T. It. J aim’ s Young......... 53 00 J l* Gustili 10 00 Cornelius and Geo. R. Bagley ap M D Markham 1100 i Carl J lleuer...... 0 I HI pointed appraisers. J O G ustin.......................... 4 00 C T Hall . . li 00 A S Vaughn.......................... 4 0. F A Olds Ellen Porter appointed administra (i (K> C True .... ... 4 00 J C Smock (i 00 tor of the estate of J A. Porter, dec’d, J W Hess ...... 3 00 E X Harding..................... 8 40 with bonds fixed at $7400. Bond tiled A J Hess 4 00 ; J 1 Knight (i 30 and approved and Henry Buxton, M E C h ase..................... 4 00 Glass & Prudhoinine . 13 (10 R. W. LanceAeld and 8. T . Crow ap Fred Banger . 4 0j Hillsboro Pub. Co ....... 08 04 pointed appraisers. William Shaver 3 00 J C I.ainkin ...... 2 25 James Woods appointed administra John Burroughs......... 3 00 00 (H) tor of the estate of Caleb Woods dec’d. Ford ......................... C K Tigard ....... 3 0,1 J H R P M ille r ......................... 3 oo ! s \V Tigard ......................... 2 0v> Alfred Young Bond fixed and appraisers appoiuted. 1 00 Oliver Galbreath 3 Oo Estate of John \V. Strowbridge, Fuel, light and janitor : A w Haine*... 3 « k » dec’d. L. C. Walker appointed execu 30 00 I tor to serve without bonds. Charles L E Wilkes........... 88 80 N A B arrett...................... T R Imbrie ....... 3 0 j The Hillsboro Light & Water Co 13 53 ¡ Roe, Anton Planner and W. N. Ferrin Wm Keehn....................... 3 ho 1 Insane and inquest : appointed appraisers. Wm Nelson 4 00 1 G M Hines. Petition filed lo sell realty belong M S Barnes ...... * f!1! H G Parsons .. ... ing to the estute of Jesse Cornelius, Wm l’utz 7 , (1 | , J P Tam Seele dec’d. Citation to the heirs ordered L I . Whitcomb........... Û ,;n Paupers and prisoners : A M ( !o U im ......................... and made returnable, July 27, 1896, 5 (H) and W. 1). Smith appointed guardian 3 00 A ( Ilsen............... ... K II Vlalker 6 00 J W Slmte ......................... 3 110 Harriet I-ousignont 15 00 adlitem (or tlie minor heirs. J 11 McEldowey....................... 3 (Ml Geo L Smith ............ ...... Bcnj. Schofield appointed adminis- (i 89 It it i im d Connell 4 40 H P Ford ............................ 13 30 traior of tlie estute of Tilden Beau Alex Gordon ................. 4 80 Bryan Laidlaw C o............. 111 Oll champ, and with bonds fixed at$7100. 4 SO John Northrop J C Bearli . 5 Il I ...... Estato of Albert Wilcox dec’d. Thomas Tuckei.................... 1 , 50 Rosa I ront ........... •r> 9" Nelson Wilcox appointed executor John Northrop (I 50 W A Hutchinson................. <i 50 J 1* Carstens . with bonds at $4000. Bond 6led and Recorder and conveyances : 4 0 , E L McCormick Arthur Flint ............ .......... 17n in approved and George Hancock, R. W . Herman Metzentine............... 4 00 Stationery: McNutt and Wm. Walters appointed B F W o r d ............................ 4 00 Hillsboro Pub Co '. V° \ appraisers for Washington county and I, L'O Austin Craig Patton Bros........................... !i 59 Clarence Reed, Thomas Pettyjohn and Thos D Humphreys ........ 10 00 Hatchet............................... 2 ¿¡J Malt. Johnson for Columbia county, County court ; E I, McCormick............... . iq .,-! Inventory and appraisement filed I) B Keasoner 13 g l) H P Ford ......................... 7g) in re estate of John W. Strowhridge, ......... Tlioa G Todd 111 SO E B Sappington 5 :tr, deceased. Value of all property $546 - R B Goodin ................. County elerk : 5 (H> GO. Examined and approved. Ex Argus................................. It B Goodin 350 O.) ecutor granted leave to sell personal Sheritr : County treasurer: 275 on property. H I* Ford . E B Sappington 50 0J Estate of David Dapp, deceased. State cases and witnesses : 12 80 | Final account approved, bondsmen County s. hool superintendent II P F o r d .......................... and assistants : James Anderson 4 On discharged and estate closed of record. ",4 do Mike Keisner 1 51 Estate o f J. R. Shipley, deceased. Austin Craig . . . 13 5.1 J C Smock ............ Catherine l-nnsing I 111 Citation to heirs to show cause etc., H L Smock Elections : ordered and made returnable August .. ... I> II Rickard .............. J <1 A Young i “ ! 4, 1896. a m C II Heianey J Wistner II Semi-annual account tiled in re , Elton Montgomery H Thompson | 50 estate of Christian Carl, dec’d, show- Clifford Young W M Miller 50 45 ing expenditures to be $91.56. Ap J I Knight W It Young “ W N Barrett ia (H) proved. J N Fisher 7. ” , W W Annans .............. 36 On Estate of David Monroe,dec’d. As- G W Stitt . . ! W I» Smith 6 signment of Tabitlia Cooper, one of I) E Bush , I. K Adams l the heirs al law, hied, assigning Iter J A Reid . '! ' W M l-anglev C W Allen j. .,,, interest in said estate lo Robert 1 m- IJ ; M L Vincent I »Purser 7 lo brie. Also assignment of David Mon- - F UlTerty Joseph Kenny. | 5n roe, another of the loirs of said de- T o t» Hines S Paisley I 5:t ceased, filed, assigning hi* interest in ! ” Mat Hines .. E E Stin ker 1 511 »sid estate to J. J. Morgan. ! , »¡nés ........... A I, Stephens .. ... Max Crandall. .... C A Peterson G N Hale : 1 2;t Did You Ever .. E C Brown E H Waters I ... Joe Schulmerich........... ! ’1! Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for yottr F J Keiling i E W Pruyn ! - 'troubles? If net, get a bottle now and E S McNutt ~ W W McKinney...... A " get relief. This medicine has been found A A Phillips . !; ; T A Fleck 7 „ to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and T E Cornelia- - .... Joseph ^ ell ., 1(, cure of all Female Complaints, exerting J R May ",, Ktnmu Taylor .... ¿ «fe ,, " ' a wonderful direct influence in giving < >eo ? ; Frank Taylor strength and tone to the organs. If youf A K Watson ! , ' Chris Olsen . have loss of Appetite, Constipation, W B Wilson ! „ Mabel Dillery. „ Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner- John Ialiti» 5 J J Brngger 7, . vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy E P Cornelius ¡J |(, John A Poote _ “ or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric H C Carstens 1111,1 County: Bitters is the medicine you need. ( has Herb d dj C W hitmore .,0 On Health and Strength are guaranteed by Pianici Baker its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Miller s A1 1 re. 1 Spreadborough li 110 Indigent : 900 Pharmacy. II dO J B Matthews Post Albert Watson Commissioners' Court. to 1 1 d 11 i s 1 1 information about Spl' iiili I Sprviuf* oil'ered via “ The Nortli-Wester 11 Line” from Minn eapolis and Si. l\tul to Milwaukee and Chicago—it’s a pleasure. If you contemplate a trip Earn, please drop a line to F. C Savage, Trav, 1* & 1*. Agt., W. II Mea<! (ien. Agent, 248 Washington St. Portland. Oregon, and receive III uhi ruled Folder, Free, with detailed information about the three superb trains leaving Minneapolis and St. Paul every day in the week, together with any special information \on may desire. Your Home agent will sell you ijcketM via tbi* liro class line and reserve you Sleep ing Car Beit ha in advance, on application FO R KST G ROVK. Delpha temple, No. 7, meets in Masonic hall on the second and fourth First M onday in each m outh. Wednesday o f each month. iMMlSSlONEKS' Cot r t First r first M onday in each month, <>KOVK No trouble Il* , i t r Cot'K r T h ird Monday in Marcii an ! and fourth M onday in Novem ber. bc.NTV C o u r t KST FOREST U R O V E, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , .JUNE I I , 1SÍX». D IRECTORY. ruut rtary «>i Stute Mirer . public liiHiructiuii Print» i K ok AN D LA KOKST IN CI K- C UL ATI OX OF TH E COUNTRY N E W S P A P I RS OF T H E W I L L A ME T TE V A L L E Y ...................