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About Broad-axe tribune. (Eugene, Lane County, Or.) 189?-189? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1894)
1 f, r;rrv Take no Substitute for Royal Baking: Powder. It id Absolutely Pure. Alt others contain Cleopatra's II Hal. Tho bc.mtiful tV't.iti.t, t! wife of the g.rvut p hi, t'tit weak and litf.i nions, Antoiiius, w.t .1 woman of rarv personal int. untT and moral worth. When Antoiiius the aeooiid tim.v, and thi irri-Uioiiably, foil nnder the war of tlw iuctuuitaralile uu of CUsalr Dotavia! not only main tained tho diKtiitv il her huslwuid' house ainl tik care of 'horowu and Au- " toiiitu' children, but also thoau ho had had by Fulvia, cue itf hi provjou " wive. Of this Fulvia rutarch slyly re marks: It was her ambit iou tl govern those tbat (-ovemod aii.1 toconituand the load era of armies. It was ( I'olvia that I'leoitatra was obliged W.toacliinis An- (.mitt dne submisMon to female author- ity. He had roiio ITiToTTi rm-h a curse of dies-inline a made hnu perfectly tractable whin he ram into her baud. Wcstiniin'tcr Kcviivr. A IVrtccl Leaf. , Tho teacher of a cla'si a one of tho Now York ; )i oW 0:100 said to tho pupils vi u 1 werv leaving for the auui mcr: "I waul each of you to search for a perfect leaf ami hrinjf it to me wheu school rvH'i us. K -tth iiiNt it mast bo porfivt ev. ry bMih r.i;'it. Dot to apoak of mol l or I or discoloration, m4 a vein lrok 11. " Tin y s. arvho14ithful ly, but 11 oik found a pt-rfivt though titer learned 3 rn-t d. al about leaies while tiny cvu:.:iic-1 tin m thus carefnl- 1t. Now York Tim-. Iaipnt:. n.v turns .1:1 atie into a fe v.r, if.i.r t.illii !.;a, fivar into dt ijia.r. suij;. r into t-.,z leas into madness and om w to auiax. mont. Joremjr) TtW N Society women often f-l the effect of too tnntb itayety ' bailft, lhetre. and teat la rapid ncretMon find them worn out. or ''run-down " by the end of the sea Mia. Thcr suffer from nervoune-i k lceplene and imTrulantwa. The mile and rood apirit take fiiuhL . It i time to accept tike help offend in IVk-Iipt Fierce a F Torite rrrcription. It a medicine mh:th was diMrovfrctl and ued br a prominent pbricin ftr manr yrAr in all casea of ' irmale complaint" and the nenrou di order which are fmm it. The ' Pre acriptKm " i a powerful uterine tonic and mrvinew erKciallr ad.ipted to woman a delicate want f.r it rrgulate and promote all the natural function builds up, invif oratra and curtx Many vumrn suffer from ncrroo proa trauon. or ei jiau-li.n. wrmf to cona;etinq or to diord- r (' the reciaj funrtiona. The watte prixi-Jit iiould be quickly rot nd of. the local source of lmutton relieved and the r-lrra tnirorted with the " Pre acnption. " Ii not tke the ao called celery compound, and nervine which only put the nerves to sleep, but ret a iatme ntre with Dr. Pierce a Favontc .rescnptioo FEMALE WEAKNESS." Mr. WitxiAM Hoove. o( RrllnlU, ftukland Co . '. wntes: " I had bem a creat sufferer from female wraknt ; I tried thiee doc tors : thcr did no rood : I tliourut 1 sraa an invalid Uk ever. Tlut 1 herd of Tr. Pierr-e s Fa Tonte PremTiifn and then I to him and be toM me just how to Use tt. 1 took cm at bottles. 1 I now fe. entiri-W" well. I could stand Huwaa on my feet only a short time, and now ail my work for my family of five." I do Lung Troubles how a tendency ' toward Consumption. A Cough is often tho beginning. Don't wait until your condition la more serious. Take Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, ei nee '! Overcomes all the conditiony that invite the Consumrion Germs. Phy ticians, Lh world over, en dorse It- ' Dca't li .enrred kj S.bstltifts! PMaana kr hai a bns . i Always Buy r the sbmI rellahU wlih Ik larae asaars. awsl, strim a will 4 aasl fall valaa far faar aaawefs mJiml. IIXM Is A. Fcldenhcimer'St Car. rirsl aa4 Marrlsasi Ciraata. ponxi.aarK osu t.lEtl CR. UB!C & CO., Sfccul twin far Qmlc, Ifo't id Ituii Lob. t tasMf-s lsienrse mrmmmm rmr ee . n il WmSMs. mi M.Hh-4 Sna fr r .4. 1 1 1 i itvr" rrwM.f.t S.-4 Pf-i. an Sm sttrrs III lulls a'.asm ssf rvsana . M lit. l ll 11 tarttl. SIV . iMtt tr-m Ut Bn f m swfUHni rnpuHM eel1 srt-es eauearf a., artvate winsts aa Haasa at., aaa rraai ises. Ski Ar ' . I J itlfcai alum or ammonia. 1 SPOUSE OF A SIOUX PRINCESS. Charles P. Jordaa. atssla frraral Cast aad a Tjplrwl lsarler Krat. Tho qtuvu of t'.io Sioux i tho wif of w hi to man. Ni ttltor of thorn ta or has any rvam to Iki ahanuil of it Kod Cloud, without (juotiou th. jrroatost Indiau rhii f of this p iioratiou. gave hrt away nt tho altar on tho Sunn ro- crvatlon. Tho Sioux otui'ii hulunl u (.'harhxa V. Jorlati, tirothor of Ltcuton ant C'olonol Jordan, I'mtol Statoa ar my, a couxin of ti. noral I'usti r and ono f tho nuxt tritsl n'jir.'titativia tif tho pororumotit iu tho Indian country. Ho Ikat-s tho Ium.r of U tun tho mtly white man who wan ev. r oltvttsl a member of tho Sionx iMtuicil. In their daya of piw er. before harlly akinlo white faixi hal Kvn sis n wcit uf tho Miouri river. the D.ikotaa (Siouxi vtn one nation, rulol by one chief. Tho last of this au tocratic i-n.vtT waa OM Smoko, who Jiitl in 1 !."'. after aiH-inc his peoplo pushil woKtwsnt and hi power cnrf:nl eL Although the hnband of more than ouo squaw, ho left but one chihi, a tiny Birl. who could hardly coo when Old Smoke rot readr to float upward to tho : happy hunting frrviunda When dyitiK. . he touk hr tn his arms and named her I The Beautiful Woman, and ao alio haa taince N-en known. The Beaut iful Worn J an waa a prim-v. ii)n did uo work, I but learntsl of misfionayiea. acornel dog j meat and kept her naila trimmed and I her glorioua black hair plaited and eombe. Bhe grew to womanhood, hijrh I spirited, proud and capricious an ideal i atjuaw. But aa uo idl chief came to woo her alio aoorued alliance with 'any common membsT of tho tribe. ' - Young Jordan, a tall. liriKht eyed I fellow of good educati n and adtlreea, ) canto west aa clerk to the Indian ageut at PiDe Rido. He fell in lore with the ' prlnc, and his love Waa rtvipnvated ; by the ftoux maiden. And so they were married by a pneet in stole and suri'liee and with all the formalnw-eof iImkIuw man's law and customs. The l iC Sioux chief came from mi Km around to attend ' tho welding, tne army effinrrs frm the noisbboritiK ts jinN-d their pura in the Old Yirninia nil. which followed the oenelirtiou. and the pretty Sionx que n has simx lt n plain Mrs. Jordan. A Ix-vy of black eyed children blef the alliance. Charlea F. Jordan, the Sioux quetn'f bntati'l. haa lived on the fron tier for many yearn. He lit still in his prime, and his adventures would fill brs k or several of them. He haa been seal ped, shot full of arrows, haa bsx'n terturetl and even condemned to divath by the hoetilcs. Thirty milea from Ro bud agency ho haa a fine farm and stork ranch, well wooded with oak, -elm, h and box elder. Th'Te is a big orchard of s-ulti rated fruits rbse j and a Mtiea of artificial dams down the valley, in which beaver are eno n rived to con truct tlH'irown rscnliar fortifleationa Sioux City Juurual Wastv la the Taaslrartloa of llnassa. In this day cf inipruvenirnts and conven irat appliance of ail stirta it Is a ra'her rmivkable fait that some way ia not de vised whereby the dwelling boose can be male mure cniufortable during tb winter aeaeon. One miibt almrmt fancy that builders and doilers in furl were In league with each other, so tally built and faultily arranred is the average dwelliiiK bouse. Chimneys are so situated that their enor mous bulk of bricks and mortar absorb a Large portion i f the beat, and these, with ono aide exposed to Ibeyweattier. draw from the bouse a lartr share of the warmth tbat la Deeded to comfort w ilhin. To real Lie this one has but to glance at an ordinary brick buildinic during a heavy rain. The chimney on the outside of tha bouse will be dry, while the remainder of tba wall la reeking with wet. v NooMMrniiMjrrtta bav devised any way to utilize this yrrat waste which Ik ko ing on In almost ail of the public and prt vate eiliflcea all o rr discount ry. The value of tba fuel tliua alisolutely wasted might astonish the carelesa and IhfHighlleM could they but for one monirnl be tronght to re alise just what this means. Almost Intol erabl J bot in sumrnerand rrtrrespoftdingly erdd La w inter 11 is sometime a wonder to thuaa who give the matter due considera tion that the dw.Jlers In thes plaeea enjoy even a nnslerale degree of health. New York ledger ' SHOULD THE COVtr.NMENT ACT Ta laearasa Fraaslataat Astvartlsessaata f Wsrls'i relr AwarasT letters fnn lioth the Chief of Awards (on Arrlrnltnre) at th. Clmago World'a Fair, 11 r. J. H. Ilrownlnr, and th. Judge of Awards on iiaking I'owdrra epo th. falaity of the claim made In lelialf of Clin ago baking powder that It re ceived the highest award for leavening power, keeping iualitMs, pbnty and gen eral eicellrnee. Th. Judea of Awarda aavi that this claim ia (alee; that no eucb ward waa given to that baking powder. Mr. Browning in ina letter already pnbliahed aao aliowa that there waa nn award given to th. Chicago romny for Ui. baet liaking powder. It now appear, further that the analy se, of th. powder exhibited allowed baking powder made In New York alto gether th. superior of lb. Chicago pow der in tlh parity and .trengUi. 1 - government haa prohibited the new - advertising purpose of (he med als awarded by the lair. Il Would Iss a great protection to th. public If the gov ernment wonld also prohibit th. publi cation of false rlaime, inch as tboaa that hav. Ien ei poeed in relation to aueb awarda. Th. only ofticiai aosnpaUUva tewt tA national character, from which consoen era ran obtain t'ia actual la'ta aa to th. relative value, of all th. principal brands of baking powder of the country, I Dial mad. by th. Agricultural I ejeiliiieiit at Washington, D. C It ao happen that this waa conducted by th. same eminent chemist who acted aa Judge of Awards at the Chicago Columbian Fair. A haa already been published, at thi .lami nation th. Koyal Baking Powder waa f Kind to be th. superior pow lr and highest in leavening strength. -' The Wlla Laads ef Malae. ' Th lirwision 'Me.) Journal aaya tbat the wild lands of Maine would make 11 states as larf ss i'.hode l'iwd, two aa lsrga aa New Ilnmiisliir and Vermont and on twice aa large aa M sssai.hqsctt. NVELL-KNOYN PEir PROMINENT PERSONAGES FROM FAR AND NEAR. Peapla Wha Have tlalaaw IMstlarllna la Partlealar Bphsra la I. If. 1 ""a la This t'aualry aa Abraail - J Prises Alii. ' Trim-e. Alix of II esse Parmstadt. the future Ctarina of Kussia, i the young- eet (iater vd the reigning tirand IViko of ' Heeso lwrmstadt and the faroritrabd-' daughter of i In.un ' Victoria llandv t ear, of age. she has I lfc!Uf t lli . .(TOV Xn U""Hl ,M n' ' I klVff ,,,0", Ulu,l,ul li' s' clever ami sniritetl ' l'rincesse of the royal IKhh1 in all Fu rope. Sho was edu cated on strictly Lutheran linos, but j alio must put on a new religion aith her rown and le japti-cd into the Uri'ek Chnn h. Frol witanev I'iiihtm Ahx showe-t a marked character and in dividtiality o( her own. Her mother, who waa so popular in Kngland, was "the 1'iimves Alice, and died when her, child was only 6 year ol age. Trinces . Alix is sympathetic, impulsive and sen- suivr, alio ucr ovu iTf iter friend and companions in a perfect slate of merriment. ttarua J t'aurell. The strained relations existing be tween France and Fngland male Baron do Coiircil, French Amba.-sa.lor to tireat ' Britain, a person of interest. Baron do ) Coiircil is very w idely known. It will le re- Cv memliered that he was , the principal hero Ipi crelions" iieriwIratiH! by the Figaro a few months ago. He was President of the late International l ourt of Arbitration at Pari on the Bchring Sea seal fishery dispute tetwren Fngland ant America. Baron do tourcil nas a peculiar ,unm nt; on iu-ii. hiBtotv. Mis original name waa Chatidrun, and hi father, a i-ountrv attorney, was family solicitor to tne i aiieyranoa, i no attorney oegge i Talleyrand lo take his clever sou to r up land as one of ins seretaries, which the "JAll-t finattT did after having pro change ol name ami a title (or ' 'orney. Since then the pres- rise ha been rapid. Il fo, presented France at l'-erhn. Mr. Joha Waller. Br the 'death of Mr. John Waiter. proprietor of the Times, the' greatest F.mrltsh newspaH'r, Fngland loses one of her I ,ot notel journalists lie Uletl ,ovemler o, age.1 76 years. ' lie w a a grandson of the founder of the Tunes. The Paper was found ed January 1. 17HS, w as very unprotitabl at tint, but under the founder' son ascend ed in public favor and political iutliieiio, ami eventually came a highly remun erative concern, t'n le death of this gen- Ma. Jon w'altkh. tleman his son, then vear ol aire, ba-l just b-en returnol to l'arliament a the l.iU-ral Conservative meinlier for Nott ingham. He had been educate. I at Fton ami Fxeter College, Oxford, was a bar rister at Lincoln's Inn and ha-1 made a "grand tour." He did not take supreme control of the Time for some years alter hi father' y-ath. lie waa elected to Parliament in loH. 1x74 and I -). and was known as an excellent public speaker. Ilr. Xakharla. The death of a famous man is usually followed by a "row " among the physi cian who attended him. The rase of th. Ctar of Kussia i no exception to the rule, as Ir. Zakbarin and Prof. Ieyden hav. had violent quarrels, each accus ing the other of giving th. Cxar improper treatment, it will I remembered that f r. Zskharin treatet th. great man during the earlier part bi hi last illness, and waa dis missed for his brutal (ran knee in telling him of hi condition and for hi defiance of i n. r ir court eti'nette. For the latter he is no torious It is said he appeared at the Cxar' bedside in a dressing gown and peasant' l!. These peculiariUe have earned him the title of "The l!uisn Aherncthy." To rich patients- he is said to charge exorbitant fees, but piefer to attend, on th. ixr, and bis salary s professor at the I'niversitr of Moco is devoted to a fund for poor students. A. P. Ciaaarlitga. Accompanying thi sketch is a picture of Hon. A. F. Goodridge, Premier of Newfoundland, who has been of un usual interest during the crisis the govern- -v ment has passed f -""" s through ri en tiy. It Is sal. I Its eii- nriHc X 1 Is unparalleled in (or rnpiiin. Jhegovern Hient of Nealouiid land is simply a imni alure of that of l.r. si Britain, consisting of ttovernor, appoint-e-l by the I roan, a lgls!all (Ioiiih il of e- niteen memis-rs, ap jtf pointed bv tba Lot. A. - ots, r 111 1 h. 1 w . a, i,i nui i I sr I'l fne for lile. and a lions, of of thirty six mem lrs, ela. t. every lour years by lnsl suffrage and aecrel bsllot After th. fall of lie ministry of W, V. W Mie way, Hon. A. F. loslrldg waa isllvd ln by trveriior O linen to form a Ministry, a lib h be del Mmh U in li clal work haa lawn done and a compar atively i lean government established. rilss Measy W.ll aaaat. When tba wealthy and tal.-nlcl i, Var of Ikstton w. tb. ssi ,,,,, , her "Boniola" at IU water mI.,1,1 lion, thcr waa mm Ivpioting ,,( ,, jj, Ileal "To I1I111 that bath al.all U given." lint th. gra. I'.na 1, ), wlnn.r ba be owed tlus entlreauioiii.t. UnQu I ' wtthnolncoiisl'leisMesumfroiubeTowi, I rineM niMiii a l.u. I., li . , I , , - - ... , i-.iwi wnoliaasv u.ri uaii a is. auoa i..r ia year, loeny " Pl Olid Al.lXr bridal w-rrffjBMai ner to man. trip to Kurupe. j aalages 1st alaga. ji on. uuoetioned alio thounlit of th. r wtinioti, alio anld: J'l, V-stion tho most dlr- flVult TV espcvlully dinieull toau aJ upl""! iy tn. publio itvaoful. n exeepliotially uo- my work with all my heart, aiL F'l ungracioua in ..... . ...Tl e.r,i.-iiu-lv of Iha tilunk ,lj(.u ujTVjr' l m "p. Still thor. ta ,lot g, tor aetn sa In tho world who will not Ix .ir ru out w hen I say that only tiieiuU n of the profession ' can fol m anv e-lliate of the dllH.'llltiee. tno to vi ''";",1' '! ut.imfiU-. which urronud ,h,w wh' " .,,,,.,,,r ,'r',"r He atllKO, .llie h.ui. inv oraiiiniio fultv is naftiral. and do what they will they cannot k.vp it down. Still lake au ...i .. h.himii ts-bo lots lir liv. 'tin; to irn and comimro hat her life will K if she ts'io's to tuition aa an alter native to the lv.irds. 'A good g,-ernesa ia treuti-d aa, an is t ruiml. for survh no woiiuiu wotil.l pnx her rhildrt li voih a jrovernesa sho Citld , , , I Hot reei'W" ,uiJ trust. If alio Is ill, she is taken care .tn l II uei ' may laxe a holiday. lVu1!.i-t her lot w ith that of nn unknown vtn "s. who is constantly thrown out of employment f.-r month at it time unJ n n-t nppi'iir at the theater at the ; j j v. . 1 1 . -1 time no matter how ill alio is, I if ceui'-c the leiupMrarv salary is higher, an It tie little k'.miw she wears H-s Rouhrvttc tre iuruiNlu'.l bv tho man-ain-iueiit. liat if Die gul fall ill she often t.wo l.rr place altogether, or her underatiidy, if of a snwrtiT appearance, may b r in faor. 'Then in I' (lit re is little aj'p.r- tuuity for trvtiing. for there is no con.ti wrvatoiro for k;u.Jv. Tflo would l at' t ress has tin a.n rnativo but to get i aa goo-1 a the .u r asslio can and lo cm tent if sho can k'1 1 nothing Is tier to do than just to i on and otT as sus-r. If 1 bad my i-.fe to Is gm over again. I would study in Pant. Tho conx-rva-toireha pr. aly cdiirateil the Frem h Hiplo w here theatrical matter are con cerned. After all, ucTitii: t art. and s pie should not f: to act N fore tin v have Iss'ii taught to il i so, any more than they wonlj think M . ;nm in gnmd opi ra before rfcy kid st itdio.1 with a good master. V "As for tlie iMlt".i atioin essential to aiiccc.. on the i-'.ae, a certain amount of ' draiiiuc jUn ks are iiitm t iV ii.-e.-ary, gol an nui-rt.u.t. and g.-l lieaitn is everything. I plv """''" to think that sn s.trrvi is i.. ..--oily an .tudi wlual with, hl.aUy ri'TV. ai. 1 uncertain heal'li. when tie- truth. ( it i- that all of us fio havo made i i;r mark m the world liave bes-u well Kilaim-1. healthy women; noon. w h.i ihu- i strong can U-ar the terrible strain wl.i. It Is put n-.n all actr'. Th.t tune in which the public ... ..-! . r. ..I . I .... r ii h.n ii 1 1 I .rt t. ill f ulir ftuue. With the learning new part-, tie' co-tuiuers, etc., we lit. rally 1e n.. js.a. c. and eveti when wo lire u. n -ful ht lidays coin, few and far l-tv.-cti." In .-p. aliii: ; of itKirnae, Mr. Kendal says. "All my v; ri. n. in lite teaclica tne tl. it two . f a trade always n.-ns in the married state, ! w mild have a tailor marry it dr. -n:a!. r. a painter marry a sculptress, nn 1 -.ion. 1'is.i le are never ao happy nsw h n t lUing sl.op, and I think It Is a disastrous thing when an actns-s n am. s a man who take no m t r-t in her success, or when an actor has to go I. ;;. to a woman w ho prefer n.-l to In ar t.,-tiie.iti r mentioned. On the whole, t :. in. -.1 unit.-d married coil-pl.-s I hate kreoMi l l'.n to my own prof.sss..u I mi i. i-e:uit an act res can be mute s g.s-lawif. and Ii..iii mother as any other Woliuui. rjth. r l t ter rha-. than lu r more doim-stic sis ters, f..r sh. thvai s has to have her wit about her, so I that bclpe b. r in daily life. f eaeil r aglaeers. Insanity is viry frequent among rail' wav inplot.s. Two ilrninatio illustra tions can ! Bieutioiu'd. Th' re Is living in New Jt rw y, uut far from Philadel phia, a mn who for ninny years was the fon iu.t pasM np-r engineer bet wit-n New York and Philadelphia on the Peniiylv.inia railroniL Ho rail all the pieia! imil tswt trains, and in 10 year net. r had an accishnt. Due night in the .'li 3111 i.f tho headlight h saw a woman. IU bad only II inn to si ss her hands r ixd and to hear ln-r cry, and before, he mule pot hla hand npon the lev. r I." ft It ) rk under the wheels and km w that all waa over. Hunt! that n 1 k" ' be Ii i never lri on an engine. For in.tnihs he del not shs p and laU-r became rirtically Insane, but only ou the one p. nit of ailing and hearing the Woman his engine kilhsL sow he gs al-.nt li'iri'desmly ami aimlessly, but ba ha to I. k' ,t away from railroads, and in bis fr-'ful slis'p he aw 11k. a with cthw and .r 11 of horror. , The other rasi. I. thai .,f a man w ho waa conductor of a trim on the I'nmdcii and Amlsy, w le s. ir iiii hstl nn aeclrb nt, lie came out ull ri.'i.t him-i lf, but It preyed ao 11 pi 11 Ins mind t lint one night ho I -ft hi home, nii l o ting to Ihn (siiut w hern th. sv .i.l. i.t ..curr. d threw lilinsi If In front of a p is-ing train. rss Ivlng In juries fr .iri which he died. Phllailel phla Tom a The l.i.sls ml I leftrls Nallraails. "'I In growth of the Use of electricity a iii .titti p.wer Is remarkahln, " aald L. I. .ir-.n, an i bs'triclan f lhaitoii. "T wo y.nrssgo there were only Ifll 'hi-lrie railway In the lnitl Hlato. while no- tlHre are over boo. Niyeara ". au 1 1. trie car with two motors cost I. '.on. w bi In the bid fof the Inat Con- tr t I km w to li K'ven ran from I'MO to f r. .'.'mi, nnd the f.sriiwr waa the price t w hi. h it waa given, tlrh manufactur rs Is uj reliable men. It aeeuia singular lliat Willi ant h a constantly Incri-aelng .1.. .. I. siiell s, ,, IM'I I . j ..' II. .1. 1' I lll'TST s. - , - Moll as ., fun pri'vw ll'rwil OMHiet steyriini of what waa ald slty.tam M bill such is the (.u-saiid Is'ft. It tosi there will .. .,ry f"W line, of atrial rallr...! 111 the rountrv not run l y elK-lrlclty. " I nn inn f 1 Cixpiilrer. sally Ostlalask rrley Is-llaved In Ui Jn ut' causes IJ. Would not 4bn-wlsM. At on. lima. o retain Mm and was s cns.ked diitlii' t a Jtiow, when the Judgn k,y eiclalmlng. "I think ink. mn Infisrnal anmn- .l,Jr .T I f1!' I V I ll.e of 1 V j r hars if Slil's.11,1 ar.. f' that otln- sr" rranclat Ar- A PKMIINKHT I'AltAOMsl'll. ."Our couutrj. If right, should he kept right ; if wrong, should ha put right," Is a political niailm which, paraphrased, ap plies to other coirlltliuis id lite, thus: our heal lb, If right, should I kept right; if wrong, should le put right, especially In hodilv alluienla, sueh as pains ami acnes, Willed hi. Jaootts I ill promptly cures. Many out of work should heed lo give II a ohauoe to mire, and il will gi Ibrin a chance In go lo work cured. Another adage Is: "be dor lb Iwst who itoeih well." Well, ol course, you want lo lie well from all sorts of aches, and the Itctl thing lo do Is lo toe the great remedy, lie ho does so Is doing sell Indeed. The In taller V rllers. An cutvi prt-itig i-oittift v piibli-lu r. u ho has lemai ki l that Imim iimi iiuiii U ra 'f -,.ple Mill, r trout no nlni..t uu is.ii.jiu rablu r pugiijiieo to htter writ lug, has prep. ovd a c lal po-t card for the uo' of lasv eom Kiiiileiils. The back of the cud is jii ideil lengthwise into 10 lll.e.ll.ll spaces, nud the energies of lite reluctant s. nisi sie spurn d by tho fiiilow mg siigostive headings, one - rfn l, s ,,,,, I., tho - 7 ... . ,..'...,-.,, II II l'l 1,1. II I I I 111' III! l-tt'ili. 1. 1 '1.1 IV 3. r.xctiso f or not ha iu, w ritten sisiticr. :t. Statu of hiiilili- in' of self, (bi of family t The i iter's i. c, nt . xjs rl clui s. fc. New I. Family go-sii. 7. tiie-l ion to he i.i'i-u. ri d in your nex. S. I.o.e to ji t. ..ii. from . 10. on-. ') !ou Tit Hits. II. t What has I . I I . call b. i. ill.l. ling,, of tli it man w ho -o oft.'n to sis. you'" ide tf b. r bolls, i. rv I l -.k'l' , e.; I:.- n oy ttf.11 to Ms mo Use. -;..! Mis. La nut, it tat In r "II.. IU C li -II t . L'J1 I It.atwcd," was the sa.1 re- i v. : Oh. ho V. Il.t h.. "- I.' .....It. I'.-t ci.ii il. d, has he? Whom ' "Me. .IS S'f Ill's. t. .1 ,1 i mi I . ..t.iilearss, 1 ; h. ii.s np. n arriving u-.' of I'.. . a! ni .sslo. Tho ii-ua'.lv i . . tt. I I y fi lends 1 1.. I ki ' s the in t pleas Vanv abroad l: tli st ru- -and I'i Pi..: II S' I- 111:;! .Mitt lining the Wold "uMu tt. ii. " w ! I li m W. II. g. - d i",iw . -Alio lla. sufo and It is -up;-, cd t KCIII' II . f I' 11 III' not .1 t.: -i tin. for t.i. la-t w .1 I latrrr f a- htoti anittug th. t.ual pais of a t th- .r 1 n .lih ctiou - It-ion uis. iipr, ' list Ml lt .s tistlll'.'.t l....t.e tn t-rn.-U'-., n. tiur.i. tiite .Is. a l M.ttf Ihl.'S l'l Sk'ssO I , t"it sit lie In i.lnsl r 'ttritr-1 with ll.e t'lrs trts: ni stimrnt U I...'lr ! s f-'"ttsrfr Iri-i'ti too no I Willi lu.l- II. I lit H'f .I'-.llti el iiM-hi ll e It. rtir, I. 'ti:r s nii.'l n.rit. ..I tti.Mt.nt.sM i.. s!th"tth n. r...- fi'a!r I faiotrt- li'll.-l I elti itisnT ,1 1 fieri-li 1 . .tiri-.-i a...iM s .ti. I M-..S. 1,1 I'l.titr ll.e .I'..ll II . teller si. ..tis. It Kilters It, .l.-iiit.i i'r-itt'1 Us sl.llti ut otr'..'Hi. .lis 'Sfi s, ritt.iliMitlitli. Il . er a.,. a 1.1-:. V tr tt.l.l. milsr mi i'.iu(".l(ti S't.l n.'tit.u.t.r... siel It r- e.r-l. I . 1. 1.- r titett : In tie- e rs'lve I. it. ... ta it i t It'.il lo sr set lis trlit l.i s.r ..t.e Ire ii 1. 1. -I a it It r II Ii. r ml tl:r .U.i e stlinn.l.. ri.-ri sliro.u.-n Mi i-i. vl. rff .rti ta ..ta.i.i ri itit- lisl sl.l li.r Is-rt. Irulrl, i I ie I s llh - r. lil.-n, r. Hi- lllllt-ri a.,1 rote, no I Its ui-al ulaiutsl.- CS.CS. " t tt ! arre ll.e Is. II. of t a s s nl I. nee me lr. In I.- .?' -'Wer. ll.'t? I 4..t. i Uli. tr il.ste I .... is ttipt. i ...i, In the It. tint- lit asah t .lis s'ltta. - i I I IMi Itlsk. ; N '-. With the ilii-rease.1 fsi-tt tiess f..f iratrel anil trie great number of trsvetsis, there lta tecn natursily a gri-al Increase in the risk o( s.'i l.lents. Hyery one, a ho fr any reason is r in- K-llrd to IrtC'ir these risks, should keep by 1 1 iii a supply uf Ai t. -h a s p. a .1 I'i is. rsas, f..r they .tr a wonderful spec he in strains of Mis t ' k r lintl.s, sin h as are allltosl lllrt ils'le tn case of arcl'lenl. Anv tine sisrtli g on a long Journey should base ..its as a part ..I his equipment. I'onitiiUters on BUiiurisn train should keep litem Istih at h'.n.e aittl in tfie office. Am 1' I's I', wis I'i sr ta hae rei eat- etlly j roitd Ibrir great taiue 111 time of nee-!. Us .sl it' 11 ' I'll is remote all liupurllies. 1 he .l.s't.trs a rt Ins rrtsit hires, tits ii.urr dls-aM-s Itr it Ismuil lu hsi When Others Fail ll.s!'t Sirs.ipar lla builds up the rhal lerisl rit'Tn tl irons s.; lotto. Ih ibu' s(u,i orrsns, rre-ilimr an sptiewtr Slid put-.fyltig the bio .1. Ills p-epare-l by lllo-h-ril ll.vthiMts tsr-si-sse the grrs'e-l lira. 10 powers, ami has the lun.t wonder fill record o" artuil lU-isofany niedl.ln. ill He sur - t i gel only It.ssl s Hood's Sarsa- parilU lloosl's Karsa. ICures ItariUa Is II Issst liie.Hr ri. I bay ever taken for blood punlier. I hail a tired feeling. Ve and was resiles ut night. I feel much lartter sine laku.g 1 1. -I s bsrss,,snll .. I bay taken a many other medicines, iml they hat e given mn no ralief. My wife and children lists also Isker Ifrewi a eiarsapa rills for purlft 11 g th I.I.--1 with tnr ttcial results. KaiL h.H 11, Hist her, I II. Hood. PHI. are .urely vssUbla J&. KARL'S AA"-nVlTTI w Anaarasahsslatativwanil nrNVKTiiNlil, a.. si I.f I;tsor saul l.y snail. BWi.,uo and i.uui uai kaaw. hauisi fnss, irft If S .Th. Fsvoell. tOCTl fCTTlI UU i t i for U I mu aaa Urwos,aaa, yaw r 1 rzf I J 'Vfje' I rn. p Ut u t ,w T.w t DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHRAPER IN THE END. I MALARIA I Hiili., net. Ir. It I PIANOS AND ORGANS 1 .! hMulans lacs I'nril.inl, or raW W Ml. ba.allltil III HOW TO SAVE MONEY. hay your ' Ho' liir stt t Hot soaa.. us lmsIs sii.l drill. Ires In trsll.s nr ImiS'S snr atlisi fltia la tl ei.uiio 1 I new fries on rt a ill 1.. i.ui s.n Ws ..I-i ... . .. ,n ln w rt m-i m 1 I. nl atttil hi Isoral . s IA list ol aksl fi.a assst. miin mm .111 MARK L. OOriaj CO., US RaW WAY KAT-NU Ill'IT. tea East from Portland, I'sndlsUin, Walla Walla via O. It. A N. lo Hpokans and Ureal Kottbern Kallway to Montana, liskolas.Bl Paul, Minneapulls, t'hliiago, Oiuaba. HI I uuls, Kast and Houlli. Kotik ballast track t tin scenery ; new eUlpliilil , Ureal North ern I'slses Hleeper ai t IMnera; Family Tmirlsl Cars; llullst Library far. Write I'. I' Ihinavan, lleneral Agent, Portland. Hre on, or K. I. Whitney, (I. V. A T. A., t-t. Paul, Minn., for prlnlrsl mailer and In forinatinii als.ul ralrf, route, etc. 1 hs tlg cliri Bsiiiheiiiu a .lecnistl.sly osrs s Ml eosl Isls-I, l.tll II Will I.I'VSI linens is; h-eliug tor ll.e iuss ol II. e Sti.lSIt UVVI.HMll. htits r nni.i. rity or Tm i.e I l'l IS I ..I KIT rStSS J. f'MSSSV mskes lh lltsl hs Is Ills I M..t.r psrtner ill the firm ! T i i ns-sv A . o , g l.iLlneM l.i Hie ellv nl, ts.illi' Iv sii.t Hlsle stt.rissl.l, llis! ssl'l Arm will si Hie ion el liNK III Milan out I, t Hs fur esetl Sl.ii every esse i.f I'lV.ssH lltsl rstilu.l U' ii iv. I hi Ihs uis id .I.MKIIII rilANK J. I llXShV. to iMifors ats sti.t ulMi'rll.l lit ntv l.rra-iiia this Slh ilsy ut lfsiOiilsr, A. II. I sit. l.l.L 1 A. W. 1st KlH.IN, ,V.ila. ft. Mi'. Ilstl's I'slsrrh l urs Is Isl.'.i li.ierl.sllr . slid sets Ulteetl) uu the t.luiiil axtl mtieitlis smlSAHts uf ll.e STsl.'Hi. Heutl lur ltsttlni.e..tsU, frt . r. J IlktikY A I'll., Tulv.lti, O. fajr Hottl ttjr ilrMgStsls; h Cents. t'ss tiiiBsMnsHloTS IMllsh. B0 4ust,D0tiaall Tar Osiaas fur brwakfaaL OOWLKDCR Prinirs comfort and improvement anil ten Is to is reouat rnjoyment when -1,,-Vly iiw.l. 'lhejjiany, who lite Is-t-t.-r than others ami enjoy life more, with V-a expenditure, by more promptly id iptui the world's la-sl pn-lui t to he nods of physical Is inp, will attest he value to li.uitll of the pure ll.Uid .native . principles etnluantl lu tint f.-mcdy, vrup nl Figa. lis excellent' is due to its prcsrtlllng In the form m.sat acceptable ami plrss a it to the taste, the rcf resiling and truly Is 11, I'uiul pn.s rtu s of a rf.s t lax ative; ctlectually cleansing the systrni, dists lling 11. 1. Is,' lo sdst lies ami levers and s-rmaiientiy curing constipation. It ha give 11 satisfaction to millions and met with Hie approval of the iiiedual prof, suit, 11, Is-cause it act on the Kid neys, Liver and lU.w.U without weak ening them and it 1 perfectly free from every objectionable sultetance. Syrup of I'lgs is for sale by all drug gist in oH' anilll Is.tllea, but it is man ufa.'lurvd by the t'aliforma 1 ig .'yriip t'o only, whtssi- name is printed 011 rvrsiy p ickage, also the nnine, fsyrup of Figs, 11 'id Is-tiig w. ll inforinrsl, you will nut a 1 pi any substitute if ollercl. Jt 11 f ri..f.rine astr d'J 1 I'.rn .it, s. Il m,OJ tfi Mrt11 I'i- y-iM ' t'lif t r Ve.iMi tiiui u .IS infrtt, .lief il tf't ni, (Vtf ir W.ii'ned hi if -'. II' .s';cr v, ,! rf.rr.f , mn. ELY'S CREAM BALM l'sna i)4 r1rsnri tti Na. raaMgri-a, AtUyt rait atiti iiiiunim-itioM n, in tn. f.t ttt'U ihm U.-tn bnintw frum arii'lt KrvUir h Nrn'M of 1 a. it atisl i-mril fh Haim ia klf IttNtf tsr atcl ttv fr Irt Olif. A stitiri ia ft.ii.l into rart. n.swtril, and la flr-tli. I'i Uv '-U iiU at rigTll. or ty M Wrrm rtrrcl, Nw Vori SMOKE QOLMN " WJT Is a risking row-ler Usl Usaj alt ether la parity as Isavsa log anwer. Ask year grwas tor IIM t arlssa. at will tlxakHCT A PIVIU, rertlaaa, Ol. 5, ib.5 lTOTr..TTAf., aoTtet.nn ftBswlaa'sWh ds. wmsiows VvTO mf'ta',ANsNsht Q Dr. MU RATS RBif 1 SrseVW r aatf. vs. U'm rtw-i . ., s.m. S. r , V ........ IwwH. r.MIMn .... IlisS S- W tH.l, s.4 .s.s m I SV. Vera a ail Mar sisuiti t,Misa,a,Mii,u POM LAPItSI I. IJ IMll.K will 1 as 1 4 by Ihs Haeh stansleal l a. lur S"f essa ol lerssle asaknrai thsl will lint il.l.l 10 .H I a K'S II 4 N1 srlll .ANtfiVkK I'.ialigg. f rte. 1 1 au ael f..r ssl l.r sll ilratiisia 1. Y. N. U. f No. 672-M. Y. N. U. No.tMO tl(! r ff;3.S UiifAnr IfiMmnin i iiwnnl ull lllllln I ; saw a aj 1 a a a 1 v 1 PLUO CUT fJ l .HU r Kr.L It A I T IHIKM YlUK HACK acbeT line, evarr step seem burden T Von neexl MOORE' HEVEALED REMEDY. WHI1S fl'H I'HIiS tit ralHirlns s I M h A 1 I srs ! assy Vi kiuMsl 1. sssnnlsetiirars. fseins lll.islrsleil I sl.l.sytis. Ires naa.. m aait srsalll rs ynn aiansv s hsaills Ihs Kaal 's Ws saA sail f. B1..1 easa, siel sell s.swit rkssisH astel Hstxtir nsais siol sil.irsss, sti4 as alii rnsil yrnt .ar 1 W. ..rfr 1.. a.y I iimas lol ssra, w ess is irat aounl sail srs hi .Ut I l.,lars, u ess is trar aoanrl Is l.u.k .s s is ITsa r U.1.1J s.. n. . ail till 11 ease . . si SB at.ks r" 'peels! sue. AA.Ireas our errlsrs 16 fr.nt Strt, P.nian., Or. ALCOHOLISM It k DISEASE, THE FITTZ CURE 1 It (' mt Cvrtaln MHdy. HI salt t't alltlUlO t 99 II I - Mo !. rlolv - Nu lulrrwilltM of ) rk Nu tiJu rluua KiTrrl uf Ami Kut lciV'l. I -.III... I ... THE CURE CUARANTCCp. tm Umm ltltra frum lmlliirf ttiitra ni tturfct. ,, fniu ihit It-tMn ctnil fi tun tiuHilrHl f tllwil, nil Iftliiifl Hi urr f Ha rfrl, mnitl, immIi ful rurti. 1 'trrttii Mdvitr .1 rl II 9 rtlltliiill.l. It tiai lti tlislu'Ctrliirlll of lid Mit ItliMtl TiHal AtllMrlt HiM-i tyiif Ht(oii, MARMA1III HlcrT n", or IC I'tlt- ItftV l-UM lmirit 1,111) t.f tllv H I 1 4 I it K tu given lo I tl ifti I rrMtit tslUti'ltHl Willi Mi ill avt ir stlrtlhuHwIH Il U VkltUlll lit rvaclt nf Tf) l 1 lit lu I all hn hi nr wilt u fr t-allniuiilc,l. H. J. BIOli I. A O . hmiW 7, fUnu tlllliHtigt, Hll frtslirtM'tt, . ai.. (iUl A -! fur I .trlflr I I. sir NVOHin'S-IAlK w MIK.III.HP AW.VHD! .. (( t, -,,f tJ- ' sTr - - s-y jvv cd 1 c: 1 rvi s. Nil Jutlly .)uirrj Hie reputation ol bcin Tho 5a I valor for I 1ST VALI The.-Aged, Ai mi titrs sai.i AnefM tor the Cuowta 111J I'Hitti tnj of IMAMS anJ -oh i ld rt e:m A Viprtiof nutrilitr In fontinud tcttrv. And a reliable remedial agent In all gastric and enteric disease ; often In tmHnm 1 10i1tuH1ttt.11 nrr pitu-nti whot disrttue i.iKiiit were lc iluicd to tuih a low 111J riiiiitr i--.n.tilii.ii that th. IMI'I WIM. IlKAM M waa the only nourishment the atomah would tolerate when I I I I'. seemed depending on Ita retention; And iv a KMXI it would be ditluult to oxurite t .'ithin' piUul'Ic. f-w hv DRl'sMIIS TS. bairr-n lTs. JOHN CAIrl I! A WINS. New talk. W. L. Douclas S3 SHOE ia tmc .tar. No aawtasisKk 3. CORDOVAN, U raters I I W tAJ . M..MvfirCAUiioikwa: Z.9 POLICE 2l LAD ICS ty W n if lfPV. f (-AO r am t AT Ai OA t M W DOUOLA1 ROCKTOH MA.l. T. I.. DmiIii $3 OO mttmrn. Mm, a ar tba taffsj tnuf iiirvra if jMaflraksUssf Vat b wtwU.ih. gruarffttil Ut r r --ffcit U lun ! .f. ttk ll I", wklrt. tneswrt T litlMl kig b rh taut aMva tt.ktduna a ur -iul rti.M irfi tm iMiltv fflttlh a4 rl-.g u.iMbv-.s be a-M vvvrywiH-r aiiwr .rtt f.r tm svlu gfi vsMi .j..., attv otifr ik. T,a- . .vuj mutim. It ynu 44ui s4u.ia m. jtw rilU YOII TRAVEL? IF BO, VUU WILL FIND THE I3IG FOUR ROUTE THE BEST LINE VtBTiaULI TRAINS. ILICANT OIAINQ CARS. QUICK TIMI. Ask for Tickets via Biff Four Route. I. D. weCMwICk. D. . aMItm, Pas. Trsffie Msnsser. Urn I s.s A IkL All. I'lM'INNAl I. CHICKEN RAISING FAYS ifv.H..,h.r.ta-.r I V atarJ Hftif. MakC ataVeHwjr Whltt Mhrrf at ( ing ttm trA pWkwmmr it antl dvarrthra mvrty The"nRIG" tf4 hatiiratlv h i ntfi 1'iniletl an oil r I ira rai ihc ttmmt hmmtm. hi. i la rsu kAlM.aBAtlC-ti llt IV Mrlaaarrlsin tva tr .nviTiwiRiti. ruiiuai IsTluiittji c , ratal an. a Tal l.m IMItttasi4 rvvra4. Mfhl k lwwlt, f h ataMu. y, tira f , asaj tatai? ata4 kf nun -en f avwas .swsav 1 ha liia $tm a4 il furc a f ftlaai aaJ A..r llglvai vigctf, Hi-r a rl ifl ia iba nt uiSnt mi rami acbii 1 ba mnM rnn- Aawfssl., (....... f f ta tan r U VS. ..( 'f t, L H.iara filSv sl la sl.l it '., sr st k 7J "z."" 1 ha al-' a Bal- 4 a 4 riaaa, jta (haaaiaa4, $ a Vara aii1raa aj-aty hi. OPIUM iV? kiss Nahlt ta I. llHlal. ISkssaa, Ik.s blS rfTJTTT I ri sAl,lAk.t-.4l wnli IS tsHtS ariHa. i'.Il'.'.'I I.. H ht 1 1 " a. 14 i 1 oyVJ w iLeW A V Il l BW I 111 Imusm'IiM I 1 IU ".l.aguC -! sJaW at . . I vrjyr v j i L4 C f