Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Clackamas County news. (Estacada, Or.) 1928-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1941)
CLACKAM AS i, .1... - ■ — i- lt ; X» » « »nuisatx ■ ». « a ? . COUNTY NEW S F R ID A Y ,, A P R IL I t , 1941 lì, x * ,x*iaossaau< FOR SALE. Plow, wagon anl har C H R Y S L E R D E L IV E R IE S ts», $6 each. Van Houtens, Garfield. S E T R E C O R D SEE Ilaiold Shelhamer for paint ing, papering, kalsomining, carpen- I try, plumbing, plaster patching and house raising. Estimates gladly gi ven. First class work. Eagle Creek. Oregon. Tel. Estacada 22-4. FOR SALE CHEAP. 30 horses of all kinds, some saddle horses. W ill take in your horses or cattle on hor- ses. Base Line Stables, 1 mile north o f Gresham. F. T. Btntiey, owner We want giain or feed sacks at once. We have a large contract to fill. Bring us all your sacks now and at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, Currins'-'lle Oregon. ESTACADA, E AG LE CREEK Mrs. Mollie Bates and Ed Craw WANTED. A small iron or steel ford o f Estacada were Sunday visi safe priced reasonable. Merle Wade, tors at the L. 0 . Gerber home. route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner of Sa- 1 WANTED. 20 strawberry pickers. em spent the week end with Mrs. I 3 miles east o f Eagle Creek grange Dora Clester. | hall on Dover road. Will be ready to bliss Bette Bush student at Lln- pick in about a montn. Phone 16-2 or fleld college spent the spring vaca call at farm. A. N. Orke. tion with her patents Mr. and Mrs Carrol Bush. Bette has won several forensic honors at Linfield. Used Car Bargains J The Barton club new officers elec- lted at their meeting Thursday are as ' follows: Mrs. Leslie Wallace presi- 'dent; Mrs. Milsap vice president; and Mrs. Adolph Still secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hami and children Evelyn, Jimmie and Wayne of Salem were Sundry visitors o f Mrs. Dora Clester. DEPENDABLE RECONDITIONED USED CARS & TRUCKS 1941 Willys sedan, heater, clean car .............................................. $ 7 6 9 ? Main Avenue, I Gresham, Ore. GRESHAM, OREGON it a :t y. K » >t » >< CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE. 30 acres, AM a«r»e bearing filberts. Write owner 6523 S. E. 18th A ve„ Portland, Oregon if » « » W l i : « « » :: « « :: X X<X :t « FOR SALE or TRADE. Cash or terms. Marshall strawberry plants $3 per M. Will take live stock or farm machinery. O ff Bornstedt road - mile o ff Dover road. F. L. Case, rt. 1. box 66, Sandy, Oregon. D E P E N D A B L E U SED C A R S Get Your Fishing Tackle Here Retail deliveries o f Chrysler cars in the week ended March 1 were the Trot’ t fishing season opens next Saturday. Get your fun out largest o f the current model year ac- o f fishing this season by using our fishing tackle. We have every cording to figures made public by thing for a successful fishing trip. i Chas. L, Jacobson, viee president in charge o f sales o f the Chrysler Sales Keep out the flies. Now is the time to win the season’s victory Division, Chrysler corporation This is over those pesky house flies. If not for health’s sake then for com interpreted by Mr. Jacobson to pres fort’s alone, repair screens now and be fortified im the year. We sage the eurly opening o f the most have the best make and grade o f enameled and galvanized screen active spring selling season in Chrys- ings. Screens, Paints and Standard Frames at the lowest prices. ler’s history stimulated by the grow ing popularity o f Chrysler’» Fluid Drive. S Deliveries for the week ended on March 1 also were with one excerp« Oregon tion the highest ever recorded in any = Estacada, week exceeded only b,y those for the j • 1111111111111111 m 111: 111 < 111111 m m 11111111 h 11111111111111111 ti 111 r. 111111111 m 111111111111111) it final week o f April, 1940 which in- cidntally marked the close of a na tion wide sales contest. Chrysler cars are sold locally by the Hessel Implement company of Gresham. ESTA THEATRE FOR SALE. Road gravel and drive way gravel for sale at pit or deliver ed. Deep Creek Gravel Co., rt. 1, ,box 101„ Boring, Ore. Mrs. George Judd entertained the 1941 Plymouth sedan, heater and de Hilltop card club at her home Friday. Honors went to Mrs. Wm. Castile, froster. Mrs. C. L. Chambers and Mrs. Louis 1940 Chrysler sedan, heater and de Rivers. froster ..................................... $ 9 7 5 Fourteen tables o f cards were in play at the grange card party. High 1939 Ford tudor sedan, heater, Very scores were Mrs. Ben Johnson Mrs. clean car ................................ $ 5 3 5 Ed Johnson, Emery Ford and Bob Cross. The special award when to Ed 1938 Willys sedan heater ........ $375 Johnson. , Hessel Implement Co. Miss Irene Rivers spent the week 1937 Ford sedan radio and heater ......................................... $ 3 9 5 end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rivers. Miss Rivers teaches iin Washington. 1936 DeSoto sedan, very clean car ................................... ..$ 4 2 5 Chester Chambers lecturer o f the Eagle Creek grange announces that 1935 Chrysler sedan, good car $325 the picture “ Milk goes to Town” wil] 1935 Plymouth sedan,, heater $ 3 4 5 be presented at the June meeting in stead o f the April as previously an 1932 Ford tudor sedan, an A -l nounced. car ...................................... $75 Mrs. Paul Still entertained the Ea gle Creek card club at her home on 1931 Buick coupe ..........................$75 Wednesday. Awards went to Mrs. A. 1931 Chevrolet sedan, good car $65 D. Burnett,, Mrs. Oscar Judd and Mrs. Ed Johnson. 1937 Chevrolet 1 Vi ton truck. WANTED. Junior automobile sales 1939 Dodge coupe radio and heater. men. No Investment required, no ex 1937 Dodge four door sedan. perience necessary. Good possibilities 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan. Com pletely reconditioned, new paint, for Income. See Roy McCormick, al Douglas Holbrook son o f Mr. and 1930 Oldsmobile sedan .................$65 Ray Dunmire Motor company. 82nd 1936 Plymouth sedan, completely re Mrs. Earl Bolbrook fiaetured an arm j conditioned. Ave., and Clackamas River bridge 1929 Chevrolet coupe, a good Sunday while at play. BROCKWAY & N E L S O N Gladstone. cheap car _____ __ ________ $45 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith have mov D o d g e and P lym outh D ealer« ed to Portland where they will re Tel 207 G resham , Ore, TRUCKS main temporarily. They were guests You don’t need much money if 1937 International D-2 pickup, re- of honor at a farewell party given you buy a place from me. 40 acres, condiltioned ............................. $475 by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maertens in Es 13 acres been cleared, oldish bam, tacada. i fruit, well water. $1250, $150 down. 1930 Chevrolet piickup, a good The World’s Fellowship circle met 1 9 4 0 P O N T IA C D elu x e C oup e buy ................................. ............. $65 3 acres on loop highway, fair house at the home of Mrs. Nola Williams U n d er text H ea ter and D e fr o ste r some nice timber, $450, $100 down. Wednesday with nine members and 1935 Chevrolet pickup $ 7 7 5 .0 0 $3 25 Lots of other good buys. Geo. Beers. visitors present. Sandy, Ore. 19 38 P O N T IA C 4 -d o o r Sedan 1930 Chevrolet 1V4 ton truck,, has Carrol Bush has leased part o f the H eater and D * fr o * ts r ......... $ 5 9 5 .0 0 O R E G O N M U T U A L F IR E IN S U R flat bed ......... ..................... $ 1 2 5 Eva Glover ranch for nursery plant-1 A N C E C O . has L O W E S T R A T E S . ing. Robert Paine has been assisting! 19 36 P O N T IA C 4 -d o o r S edan at the nursery during the spring rush H eater ...................................... $ 3 7 5 .0 0 No assessments, why pay m o r e ? A s 1935 Ford V-8 1 V4 ton truck has flat bed ........................ ..............$175 season. sets over $918.660.61. A sk T H O R N E 1936 P O N T IA C 4 -d o o r S edan & W A L R A D , Agents. G resham .—A d v. Hessel Implement Company Lueila Smith played two numbers H ea ter ...................................... $ 3 9 5 .0 0 C hrysler P lym outh on her accordeon at the Day Musiij SAWS hammered at my shop or company In Portland. They made a 1937 D E S O T O 4 -d o o r S edan In tern ation a l T ru cks at your mill. Robt. Jonsrud. Tel San record o f her numbers and she got H e a t 'r ...................................... $ 4 9 5 .0 0 P H O N E 229 dy 20x2. to bring one home with her. Now she I $ 3 2 5 .0 0 19 36 C h ev rolet sedan Gresham, Oregon can play the phonograph when she Dependable Used Tractor*. „ FOR SALE. 10 nice, thrifty wean- wishes to hear herself play. U~ed Car Specials G eorge Koch O R IE N T G A R A G E T el. G resham 4 7 4 8 , O rien t, O ragon T e l. S u id y , ,4 3 1 , S an dy, O re g o n CUSTO M S A W IN G We will d° custom sawing at reas onable rates or will saw on shares. Shingles and rough lumber for sale at all times. Water W heel Shingle Co., Estacada, Ore., Tel. 38-31 We want grain or feed sacks at once. We have a large contract to fill. Bring us all your sacks now and at regular intervals. Tunnell & Sauer, Cuninsville, Oregon. Tractors and Horse drawn Implements Fred Blaisdell celebrated his 82nd er pigs. Also Minnesota No. 13 seed cam. 1 miles east o f Barton store on birthday last Friday. Cake and ice 10-20 IHC tractor ..................... $ 1 7 5 Carver-Estacada highway. W. P. Fer- cream were served. John Deere GP on steel wheels, rel, Eagle Creek, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. A lf Bell and Mr. and ] 2-14 tractor p lo w ............... $475 Mrs. Will Bell o f Sandy were Sun- j Cletrac W Crawler ...................... $ 2 5 0 FOR RENT. House and 3 acres day visitors at the Waiter Smith C’ letrac W Crawler ..................... $ 3 5 0 Barn, 2 chicken houses, well, good home. John Deere lw plow $4 50 garden spot on new land. Berries Mrs. Harry Sarver entertained the | Graveley cultilvating tractor $ 1 5 0 for whole family. $5 per month. P. Eagle Creek card club at her home “ 30” Caterpillar .................................. R. Russell, Currinsville. in Estacada recently. Honors went to R epairs Sales and S erv ice Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Joe Fuchs Hessel Implement Company and Mrs. Grace Still. Gresham, Oregon Quite a few of the ladies from Ea USED FARM ¡1—. ...... - —. gle Creek attended the Mothers Tea MACHINERY FOR SALE. 3 hives o f bees, $2.50 I given at the high school last Wednes per hive. Mrs. Chester Wright, Es day. P 1 R r v e r iib le disc ..................... $25 tacada, Oregon,, rt. 1. ¡ * 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 FOR SALE or trade, geese for any FOR SALE. Cook stove. Price $10 thing I can use, sheep, chickens, calf, J. J . Marchbank. Tel. Estacada 25-4. Fred Coffelt. Boring, Ore., rt. 2 near Boring at Holly Station in brown FOR SALE. 1934 Ford coupe, or- house. igirval finish. Heater, mohair uphol FOR SALE. Victor spring oats re stery like the day it left the factory. cleaned and sacked ready to go $1.65 See it M< Robert Motor Co., Gresham per 100; Gray oats sacked $1.60 per Ore.. Open Sundays. —Adv. 100. 2 new horse collars 21in.; one 6 mo’s old Guernsey bull calf $25 or 1 FOR SALE. Red raspberry plant trade for heifer. Fred Wade, 2*i j $3 per thousand if you dig. Edw miles east o f Eagle Creek Orange Maertens, rt. 1 Estacada, Ore. hall. Tel. 16-32 j1 ridin g c u ltiv a to r ..... .............$ 2 1 '{ w alkin g cu ltiv a tors, ea. _____$ 5 1 O liv e r chilled p low .............. $ 1 5 V O liv er tra ctor plow s. C ase 3-b ottom plaw ........-...$ 6 5 m ow in g m achine ........................$25 | sulky plow ........- ....................... $ 1 5 l < FARM EQUIPMENT COMPANY F nrJ T r r c lo * and Farm E qu ipm ent D ealer S U P E R H IG H W A Y A T GLADSTONE P h on e O reg on C ity 2-7891 P. O . B o* 127 ........ 111111111111II111111111i111111111111•* I III 1111111 | C. M. Sparks Hardware Co. FOR SALE. 1986 Ford coupe with heater. See it at Bob Cooke’s garage. Mrs. A. H. Miller in Helton house, Estacada. When it comes to year ’round power at unusually low costs, you’ll do better with a money-making John Deere Model “ L” . . . the tractor designed for the small-power user. Actually, the small, powerful, gasoline-burning engine o f the Model “ L” burns only about 1/2 gallon o f fuel per hour on most jobs. Simple in design, easy to adjust, economical to main tain, the M odel “ L” has the working capacity o f a 2- or 3-horse team. Because o f its flexibility, short turning, easy handling, and adjustable rear-wheel tread, this trac tor is especially adaptable to your row crop work. In addition, there’s a complete line o f integral equipment especially designed for the M odel “ L” . Come in today and learn how little it will cost for you to own a com plete John Deere power-farming outfit. : ii1111111111111111111] 111111111! B iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ii --- OREGON “ W h ere Y ou hear R C A S ou n d ” the “ Magie V oice o f Ibe Screen’’ end see the Beat in Pictures F rid ay and S aturd ay, A p ril 11 and 12 “ SOU TH O F SU E Z” -------- —O----------------- Plus the thrilling western picture " W Y O M I N G W IL D C A T " S un day, M on d a y T u esd a y , A p ril 13, 14 J and 15 Bob Hope and Paulette Godaard in , “ THE GH O ST BREAKERS” Phis, “ Nature’s Nursery,” “ King for a Day,,” and News W edn esda y an d T h u rsd ay, A p ril 16 and 17 B arg ain N ights The screen’s roariing cavalcade o f thrills “ LAND OF L IB E R T Y ” Cecil B DeMille’s great production wiith 139 famed stars, 200 scenes, 1000 thrills. Also cartoon Shop Here Where Quality is High and Price is Low EASTER EGG DYES IN ALL COLORS Fresh Eggs at SPECIAL PRICES CHOOSE SELECT BRAND HAMS FOR EASTER These hams are known for quality and our price is right. Sold in whole, half or sliced. CHOICE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR EASTER New Peas, Asparagus, Cauliflower, Radishes, Cab bages, Carrots, Potatoes, Etc. The market’s finest. Y A M H IL L OLIVES, standard size tall can.... 1 4 ^ BROKEN SLICED PINEAPPLE, No. 2 can ... 1 5 < ? FRUIT CO CK TAIL, extra delicious can ... 14<^ W H O L E KERNEL GOLDEN CORN, Yamhill brand, 2 No. 2 c a n s ...................... 2 3 < * CA LIFO R N IA M ACK ER A L, finest quality 2 tall cans f o r ............................. ............................2 5 c Get a Betty Crocker Strawberry Marmalade Jar. This beautiful jar shaped and colored like a straw berry for only lc when you purchase K IX , the nev vitalized cereal. , 2 packages of Kix f o r ........................................2 5 c H YDE PARK COOKIES, 1-lb. delicious assorted cookies for o n ly ............................... 2 3 C Tunnell & Sauer Formerly Currinsville Mercantile Co. Oregor Currinsville, PORTER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbard and daughters o f Hoquaim, Wash., were Sunday visitors at the home o f Mr and Mrs. Leonard Anders. Mrs. Hub bard and Mrs. Anders are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Eli View o f Portland were visitors at the J. O. Botkin home Tuesday. Vernon Botkin made a business trip to Portland Tuesday of this week Bob Hope and Paulettt Goddard and came back with his uncle an< aunt Mr. and Mrs. Eli View. J. O are shown in the side-spiiting cwm Botkin drove the school bus in hi« edy “ Ghost Breakers” at the Esta absence. theatre Sunday, Monday and Tues Wallace Atchison who is working day, April 13- 14 and 15.— Adv. at Detioit, this state came home ovei Order our special Easter Cake from the bakery truck driver when he calls o f get it at our bakery. This enke is our famous orange layer cake especialy decorated for Easter with * rabbits, eggs, nests and everythng. Giesham Bakery.— Adv. D o u b le B ill George Brent, Brenda Marshall, George Tobias in the week end and visited at the horn , o f his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Byron Anders. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sigworth am1 John Sigworth o f Chehalis, Wash., visited at the O. D. Bowman hem Sunday o f last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Andets wer business visitors in Portland Thurs day. John Ayers accompanied ther to Portland where he will leave fo Montana to resume his work as sheer herder. Leah Atchiison is staying with Mr>- Hector Anders. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Anders rnd children visited at the Byron Ander home Sunday.