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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1908)
THE K ST AC A DA N'RM SIIKI) THURSDAY NEWS MORNING II. A. W IL LIA M S gntered at the po;toff!ce In Estacada. Oregon, as V, second c!aas mail SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year Six months . MARCH 12, $1 00 50 1908 C. I. Ferry an 1 wife have taken _ the Fort!. nJ Restaurant to manage Spraying your fruit Trees? The sunshine’ s change to showers Tuesday evening was a welcomed j variation. F. M. Oil! attended the county grange convention at Oregon City, T uesday. Mrs. J. M. Davis cam.- up from Boring for a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Alf. Cooke. WE HAVE THE BEST SOLUTION MADE FOR IT J. VV. Reed, Ed. Miller and A 1 Is public sentiment ¡11 and around Lindsey are working on the latter's Estacada for or against Statement cottajre on upper Main street 1 of the primary primarv tlection law? Are Everett Miller is considering the the people in favor of legislative : candidates pledging themselves to plan of building a residence on his | lots on the brow of reservoir bluff. Vote for tlia t person for U. S. Sen ator who receives the highest mini- Mrs. A. Demoy has lieen appoint- ber of votes at the general election [ ed substitute mail carrier for rural regardless of what political party route No. 1 out from Estacada of lie may belong to? It lias' lieen which Mr. Demoy is the regular suggested that a public meeting be carrier. held for the puqiose of talking the Julius Melike of Springwater was question over. transacting business in town Satur What is Estacada going to do to ward getting a part of the Eastern jieople who crime West this Spring to locate in this part of the state? Wfr have,farm lands equal to the vt. y liest in the state for general pdVposes, and at reasonable prices. Our farming community can sup- ]>ort thousands more This fertile and beautiful country, lying under the dome of Mount Hood, is within an hour and thirty minutes’ ride 011 the electric car line from Portland, one of the world’ s best markets. Notice C,: Eali day and called at The News shop. Mr. Melike is about through with his Spring grain seeding and said that the early outlook for this year is bright. V Standard 1LIIME and SU L PH UR Solution T T V T T T T T T T T T Y t The Estacada Drug Store PROFESSIONAL CARDS $ By our Wayside Reporfer Miss Linda May Winner is now teaching school at Dover. Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys at Law Nortary Public, General Law The Clackamas Coi n v Teachers' Association will hold a local teach Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, A b stracts furnished ers’ institute in Estacada on Satur day March 28. M ONEY LOAN ED The following went into the I. O. O. F. lodge last Saturday evening; Dick and Win. Githens, Hugh and o f f ic e s : 2, 3 Sc 4, ANDRKSKN BED. Win. Tracy, L. Kitchen, G. C. and O regon C i t y O kkgon Ed. Heiple. Arthur Brantner, who purchased- a piece of the Dridcnstine farm last Fall, is busily engaged preparing a part of the land for cultivation. He calculates to build a new residence on the farm this Spring. Frank Stormer has bought a piece of land of his brother, John Storm- cr, across the river, and will move onto it, build and put the place uu- iler cultivation Mr. Stormer has l»ecu living on the Mathews place. TO LOAN Chamberlain's cough remedy has no superior lor coughs, colds and croup, and ilie fact that it is pleasant to take and it contains nothing in any way injurious has made it a favorite with mothers. \V S Pelham, a merchant of K irksville, la. says: “ For more than 20 years Cham berlain's cough remedy has lieen m y lead itig remedy for all throat troubles. It is especially successful in eases of croup. Children like it and my customers who have used it will not take any other. For sale at Estacada drug store. T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights &e. Anyone Rending n sketch end description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Comm tin let», lions st riclly confident ini. HANDBOOK on 1‘Htents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patente. Patents taken through Mutin ^ (,’o. receive tprcial notice, without c harge, iu the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. la rg e s t clr- culntion of nny s< ientldc tournai. Terms, a your; four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers. NIU NN & Co.36,BreaJ">- New York Branch Office. 636 F HU Washington. D. C. National Bank Idea Killed by A n d rew Jackson. Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, will j receive bids up a n d until noon, March 20 , | 1908, for the construction of a Howe Truss bridge across the Clackamas river applicant appearing in person before this United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, Dec court has given her testimony in her own ember 31, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in behalf, from which testimony and state compliance with the provisions Of the act of congress ments of counsel for the applicant, the of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim court is fully advised that there are suf ber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, ficient reasons consistent with the public and Washington territory" as extended toall the pub lic land states by the act of August 4, 1892, John interest and satisfactory to this court to G. Peteison of Kensington, county of Douglas, state entitle applicant to the change of name j of Minnesota has this day fled in this office his sworn requested, And the court being fully ad- ^ statement No. 7647 for the purchase oftheSouth- vjse(j __ j east Quarter of section 34 in township 2 S. range _ .’ 6 E. W. M. and will effer proof to show that the land It is therefore ordered, adjudged and sought is more valuable for the timber or stone there decreed that the name of Aneita E Horn- on than for agriculture purposes and to establish his shuli be changed to Aneita K. May, and claims to said lands before the register and receiver t is further ordered that public notice be at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 17th day of March, 1908. He names as witnesess; given of this change decreed by publica Herman Herbers of Portland, Oregon tion thereof in The Estacada News for Fred Brakenbush of Fritz Brakenbush of four successive and consecutive w eekly Edwin Westerman of insertions, and on return of proof thereof . Any or all persons claiming adversely the above this court w ill grant certificate under , described lands are requested to file 1 heir claims in seal of this court that the name of Aneita | this office on or before the 1 7 day of March. 1908, Algernon S . Dresser, Register K. Hornshuh is changed to Aneita K. J9 Mch 12 May, which name shall thereafter be her legal name. Dated February 29, 1908. Notice for Publication Signed: Grant B. Dim ick, Judge. Land office at Portland, Oregon, Feruary 29, 1908 Attest: this 29 day of Feb. 1908. F. \V. Notice Is hereby given that Fiances Peshall of San Greenman, County Clerk, by B. A. dy. Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to Sleight, Dep. 111532 make final five year proof In support of his claim, viz: f ,N SPRINGWATER LAND SEE A. M. SHIBLEY S P R IN G W A T E R at 6 per " “ •• •• “ “ Bank of \ Livery, Feed & STABLE Sale W. P. Mclntirc and party num bering nine persons have gone into W. A. JONES camp on the Mclntire timber claims PR O PR IE T O R 12 miles east of Estacada They have several hundred acres of valu Good ri|<s «nd direful drivers always able timber, and intend to devise a SP EC IA L A TTEN TIO N w a y of getting the lumber to mar Given Hunting and Fisliinj. Parties ket. The tract of timber adjoins that of Dr Charlton who has re fund an offer of f 23,00c for the WOOD & LUMBER * 1 or. her claim. Locnl and Long Distant'! T« !« plume T is not creditable to the country that the currency question should recur so Ot 1 LX, hut ns the government of tho coun try is democratic-republican »hero is NO ONE TO BLAME 1H T OLLSLIA I-.S. Banks in the past have played the devil with currency. They have the power — gone the limit. X It is necessary, almost, foi business men to have. Printed stationery is a convenience, a recommend, and it is better fend just as cheap as buying store stationery, a little at a time. The News prints all kinds of TH E NEW S 5 2 weeks, $1 Less than 2c a week THE NAT IONAL BANK OF THE UNITED S T A T E S W A S KIL L E D DEAD FORE VE R BY A N D RE W JA CKSON AND NICHOL AS BIDDLE. A N D R E W JA C KSON DID NOT KN OW MUCH, AND BIDDLE DID NOT KNOW MUCH MORE. T H E R E IS NO REASON W H Y WE SH OULD NOT HAVE A NA TIO NA L BANK OF THE L N IT C O S T A T E S IF WE W A N T ONE, BUT JA CKSON HAS PUT HIS FOOT ON IT SO H E A V Y T H A T THE IMPRINT REMAINS INDELIOLT I T HIN K T H E S Y S TEM OF THE IMPERIAL BANK OF G E R M A N Y IS AD MIRABLE . Our polities and our currency are AT WAR ALWAYS, and the former comes out the stronger. This congress will he full of currency, ’iverv member will have a serrate bill when they set the thing loose. God only knows what will come. I think we would better stick to what we h ave. T1IB PRESENT CURRENCY IS R A D , IT IS TIN SCIENTIFIC, IT IS NOT CONNECTED WITH SPECIF., AND THERE IS Vo TRUE B A SIS FOR IT. Ith tiegro ^ t "■ >’ get ready f.'T some GRAND REFORM, bul until wc <i > let us hang «n to what wc Lave. BUSINESS , STATIO NERY TIME CARD | 0. W. P. & R y. Co. K8T AC A DA-PORTLA ND Cars leave Estacada for Port i :! land: 7:22, 9:22, 1122: A. M. and 1:22, 3:52 6:2a. 9:15 P. M. ; Ì f B y W I L L I A M C . S U M N t R . P r o f r u o r o f P o lit ic a l a n d S o cia l S c ie n c e . cent. “ “ " Estacada. OREGO N STATIONERY! j B. F. Crocker now 84 years of age, and for tw enty years justice of the peace at Martinsburg, la, says: “ I am terribly af flicted with sciatic rheumatism in m y left arm and right hip. I have us. <1*3 bottles of Cham berlain’s pain balm and it did me lots of good. Sold at Estacada drug store - homestead entry No. 1 3570, made Apr. i 9. 1901. for the Northeasth Quarter of section 24, town ship 3 south, range 5 east and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Portland, Or egon, on April 1 5 ,1 9 0 8 . He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Llnhart of Sandy, Oregon Charles Llnhart of Jacob Leuthner of T. F. McCabe of Algernon S Dresser. Register PRINTED Dated this 1st day of February, A. I). 1908 . G R A N T B. D IM IC K , County Judge. F6-M5 R h eirn atlc Pains Rem oved. o R -— Real Estate Bargians Yale University. 5400 5600 5 8 oo 51500 See Notice for Publication • J. W. Antrim purchased an acre HENRY V. ADIX, IM. D. u ■■«»■*» *- »• ••■-.M 1 In».if 1 tract of land adjoining the original Physician and Surgeon townsite of Estacada west from 7th # # # ** Miss Freda Dims lias gone to street last Fall. He put up tempo Office and residence, up stairs in the Ks Portland and expects to remain tacada P h a r m a c y Building rary living quarters, hut is iffiw there about a in mth. getting ready to build a fine resi Entrance between drug store and Sparks Posters are tip for an entertain store, on Broadway dence-oil the place. ment at the,Garfield school house Local and Long Distance Telephone Supt. O'Malley of the bureau of The doctor’s phone can be connected on March 14th. A goad time is fisheries is establishing a sub-station with your lumie phone at night if re promistd and the Garfield young on Eaglecreek for the season's work quested. One long ring. folks are known to be able to make with steelheads. The department good that promise. Filbert Culture has not operated on the creek for a Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coop we fit Dr. J. V. SCOTT, The growing of Filbert nuts in couple years. Eggs secured here to Portland Saturday to attend the D EN TIST Oregon is not an old industry for will lie hatched at the Clackamas semi-annual conferenceof the church Of rooms 41-2 Hamilton Bldg. Portland the state, but it i . on; of the promis station. of which they are members. They ing new branches of the state’s ag The attention of contractors and Will visit Estacada from Saturday I returned Monday and Mrs Gilbert, ricultural classes, and, 110 doubt, it i builders is called to a notice, in an at 1 till Sunday at 5:30 p. 111. a Portland friend, and three of her will become one of profit and pleas other column of this paper, from 4.^. [children came home with them for ure to those who engage in it. Mr. Clackamas county asking for bids Office with Dr. H. V. Adix a visit. J. W. King, who purchased the on the construction of a Howe steel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j Maliel Antlers, while riding in a George Lockt-rby place of J. W. truss bridge across the river at this wagon, let one of her feet hang ~ Henry Cromer, road overseer ( f j down; it got caught in the wheel, Reed, has put out 150 6-months old place. Springwater district, was in town Filbert trees which he expects will O11 Monday morning at 9 Deputy yesterday and took home with him j is now sore, and its owner is laid have some nuts on them this year. Sheriff Delap sold 80 cords of the four road scrapers that his district 'up. The King farm, which is now An ent rtainment is planned for Forties cord wood to settle the ac had bought. known as the “ Hill Top" ranch, is at the Currinsville school house on Order to Show Cause count held by J. F. Lovelace. J. located seven miles southeast of Serveral bridge builders have the 28th, after which the principal, In the County Court of the State of Ore B. Bowman paid 5 7 5 f°r 5 ° cords, Estacada, in a very beautiful section gon ior the County of Clackamas and W. A. 20 cords for been here taking measurements of expects'to resign her position to of a fertile country. The only other the bi i lge site. accept one as teacher in the Phil- In the m atter of the Estate of * Filbert farm which we know of a- $ 33 - * James and Mary Shibley and Ed lipines. John Holm paid The News a vis Wesley Smith, deceased. round here is owned by Dr. King Dr. Charlton is back on her Now at this time this cause coming on of Portland, and is near the town of it Saturday. Mr. Holm is building win and Sarah Bates were elected homestead; Mr. Mclntire and fam to be heard on the petition of J. P. Smith delegates and alternates to the state up his farm he purchased east of Eagle Creek. These Kings deserve ily are with her and the doctor is the duly appointed, qualified and acting town. He still owns his farm near convention of the Patrons of Hus success. having a wagon road built to hgr administrator of the Estate of Wesley Warren, Minn., blit he says this bandry. Sm ith, deceased: place. climate is way a head of that of the It appearing to the court from said pe Mrs. Wnf. Wilcox has gone to tition that it is necessary to sell the Lloyd Yocum in Accident Badger state. • Portland to a ss ist h e r daughter, j whole of the real estate of said decedent LOST Country property, lands, farms Mrs. C. p. Smith in caring for Dr to pay the debts erf said decedent and the This community was saddened, A heavy, woolen lap robe was Smith who is quite poorly. bargains in them town lots, hous expensed aif'd charges of the administra Tuesday when it was learned that tion. es, for sale must be sold. W. A. lost out of »*iic of AV. A. Jones’ liv I.loyd Yocum had been hurt by get It is therefore ordered by this court ery rigs last S.itirday between Es Hey 1 man. The Rebekahs had an important that all persons interested in the estate ting one of his hands cut in the tacada and G.iriie'd, Reward for meeting last evening at which sev- of said deceased appear before this court planer at the woodworking factory. The Big Dance a Success its recovery. ! eral were taken in and given the on the 9 day of March, 1908, ^t the hour A double bludded ax which lie had of 10 o ’clock a. m. of said day at the initiatory degree. been using became entangled in the The big ball given by Wilson & court room of said c#urt at the court Mortgages for Sale running gear of the machine and Gerber at the park pavilion Satur house in the city of OregonCity county of started revolving at a terrific speed day night was the biggest social af Clackamas, state of Oregon, to show 5500 5 years’ time, 6 pr. cent. ^ BUY C L A C K A M A S cause why an order should not be grant and before M r. Yocum could get his fair that lias taken place in Estaca 52000 3 “ “ 6 CO U N TY FARM S ed to said, administrator to sell the fol hand away lie received three bad da for along time. Over a hundred 5-8oo 3 “ “ 6 lowing described real estate at private cuts 011 the back of the right hand numbers were sold, and the big ball 5500 2 " “ 6 sale, to-wit: Beginning at the N. W. T etter. S alt Rheum and Eczema and wrist. Dr. H. V. Adix was was about full. People came from Also private money to loan on These are deseases for which Chamber corner of the W 1-2 of the S 1-2 of the at once summoned and dressed the the numerous neighboring towns to terms and in amounts to suit bor lain ’s salve is especially valuable. It W. 1-4 of Section 31, T. 1, S. R. 4, K. of wound. After a thorough examin take part in the dance. A splendid rower. Certificates of deposit on Or quickly allays the itching and smarting tlu W. M. running th, nee H 40 rods t. ation a surgical operation was seen time was had by all, amidst quiet egon City Banks taken in exchange and soon effects a cure. Price 25 cents. the division line between the N. 1-2 and for first lien real estate mortgages. Sold at the Estacada drug store. i the S. 1-2 of the S. \V. 1-4. thence S. 16 to lienecvssary, and he was taken to and perfect order. Landlord I.auryy Call, write or phone ■ rods; thence W. 40 rods; tlieuce N. 16 Portland. The injury was found of the Hotel Estacada served the JOHN W. LODER, rods to the place of beginning, contain to be a bad one; most of the tendons dinner of the evening to 147 guests, Attorney at Law it Abstractor of ing four acres, more or less, and that a 60 Y E A R S ’ EXPERIENCE were cut in two and the wrist bones and it is needless to say, it was one Land Titles, Oregon City, Oregon : copy c f this order be published not less j than four consecutive weeks in The Fsta- were l.udly broken. Mr. Yocum of the most pleasant features of the C h am berlain 's Cough Homed is BotC A- cada News. A w eekly newspaper in'said limy return 1 o ue today. evening. g re e a b le and Cllective county and state. Milwaukie has raised the county division question again. Charles J. Bradley of Portland Oregon J . W. Webbof Necanicum, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above Notice to Bridge Contractors I described lands are requested to file their claims In ! ihls office on or before said 7 day of May, 1908 Algernon S Dresser, Register. Notice is hereby given that the County I F27-a30 . i i i - i United States I and Office, Portland, Oregon, Feb. a t th e o ld b r id g e s it e o n t h e C la c t a m a s | 5 Noti ce Is hereby given that Thomas F. r iv e r a t E s ta c a d a , C la c k a m a s c o u n t y , O r- McCabe cf Sandy, Oregon, hasfiled notice of h isln - e g o n , a n d w h ic h b id s w i l l b e fo r a b r id g e ! tentlon fbmake final five year proof in support of his Notice for Publication to b e b u i l t a c c o r d in g to t h e p la n s a -td ! claIm vi2: Home«#*! .m y No. 13495 made Apr I. Land at Portland. Oregon, March 7 1908. , I 1901. for the Southeast quarter of section 2, town- rln se 5 eMt , nd that Mid prooiwmh. Notice is hereby given» that Martino Pezzelo ,-p c iiic a t io n s now o n f ile m t h e c o u n t y | , hlp 3 ^ c l e r k ’s o ffic e , C la c k a m a s c o u n t y , O re g o n . made before the register and receiver at Portland, of Barton, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support pf his claim viz: A certified check for five percent, of I Oregon, on March 28. 1903. He names the follow hcm jsteadentry No 14622, made Nov. 1, 1902, the amount of eack b id must accompany ing wltnessns to prove his continuous residence upon for the Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter of and cultivation of said land, viz: Clackamas county re W. L. McCabo of Sandy, Oregon. section 26, township 2 south range 4 east, and that each sealed bid. serves the right to reject any and all bids said proof will be made before the register and receiv J . Leuthner of er at Portland, Oregon, on April 21. 1908. He J . Llnhart Sr. of Dated this 4th day of March, 1908. names the following witnesses to prove his contin P. Pashel of C L A C K A M A S CO U N TY, uous residence upon and cultivation of said '.and, viz: Algernon S . Dresser, Register By Grant B. Dimick, County Judge. Mario Eoitano of Sandy, Oregon f20-m 26 John Lewellen, Commissioner. Antonio Garborino of Portland Luigi Vaiarette of Sandy T. B. K illin , Commissioner. Timber lanp Act June 3, 1878 Pietro Vaiarette of Attest: F. W. Greenman, (Seal) Notice Tor Publication Algernon S . Dresser, Register. County Clerk. United States Landofflc, Portland. Oregou. Jan 8 , 1908. Notice is herby given that in compliance with TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3 , 1878 the provisions of the ict of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands Notice f Qr Publication NOTICE in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and United States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, Feb ruary 27, 19C8- Notice ¡^hereby given tliat in com I11 the County Court of the State of Ore Washington territory." as extended to all the public land states by act of August4,1892, Thomas H Ruddy gon for the county of Clackamas pliance with tLe provisions of the act of congress of of Sellwood, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, June 3, 1 878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber In the Matter of the change of Name has this day filed in this office his sworn statement lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and of No 7655 for the purchase of the South lA of the Washington territory," as extended to all the public Northeast l4 and the South M of the Northwest M land states by act cf August 4. 1892. William H. Aneita E. Hornshuh to Ancita E. May. This cause coming on to be heard on of section 28. in towbship 2 South, range 6 east, Patterson of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn application of Ancita E. Hornsliuh for , and V"\°,I’ T ,0 \how ,h*' l,nd, souch' * 1 . I more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrtcul- statement Nc. ; 7 '4 . fo.’ the purchase of th e N 'io f cliangc of her name to Aneita F . M ay, tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land s e 11 and s t o f i e ' 4 of S e t. 26 in tcwnship3 south range 5 east, and will offer proof to chow that the land the applicant appearing in person and by l before registerand receiver at Portland, Oregon, on •ought Is more valuable of its timber or stone than for her attarney John W. Loder and the state Monday, the 30 th day of March. 1 9 0 8 . He names as witnesses: agricultural purposes and to establish his claim tc of Oregon appearing by O. D. Ebv, dep L. Wear of Cherryville. Oregon said land before the register and receiver of the U S uty district attorney for the fifth judicial Peter Swan of land office at Portland. Ore, or\ We nesday the 20th Tom Leonard of Sellwood district. And it appearing to the court day of May. 1903. He names as witnesses: M. Stone of Cherryville that public notice of the time and plcae Jam es A. C. Tait cf Portland, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above James P. Bltizer of Clatskanie, Oregon has been given, proof which has been described lands are requested to file their claims in Edward N. Lovegren of Stevenson. Washington duly filed, as required by law, for all per this office on or before said 30 day of March, 1 908. Homer B. Ballou of EagleCreek, Oregon Algernon S . Dresser, Register. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above sons to offer and show cause, if any they J2 3 described lands are requested to file their claims in have, w hy the same should not be grant this office on or before said 20 day of M sy, 1908. ed. And it appearing that no person has Algernon S . Dresser. Register filed any objections thereto and that the ml 2 -m 14 Notice for Publication mi2-a9 I T T.mb#a lind Act, Juna 3. 1 978 Notice of Final Settlement \o ticc lor Public ¿lion Notice is hereby given that the under Land Office at Portland. Oregon. Feb. 17. 1^06. signed Adm inistratrix of the Estate of Notice ia hereby giv-n that in compliance with the Andrew F. Peterson, deceased^ has filed j provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, in the county court of Clackamas county, I entitled ’An act for the sale of timber lands In the State of Oregon, her final account as such states of California. O'egcn. Nevada, and Washing administratrix of said estate, and that ton territory," as extended to all the public land states j by act of AuguST 4. 1692, Kate Sheaffer of Oregon Monday the 30th day of March, 1908, at City, county of Clackamas state of Oregon has 10 o ’clock A. M. has been fixed'by said j this day filed in this office her sworn statement No court as the time for hearing of objec 7692 for the purchase of the W!a of sw lf, seh of tions to said report, and the settlement j ew $£ of Section 5 in township 3 South, range No. 7 East, and will offer i raj£ to show thereof. that the land sought is morp valuable for its timber SOPH IA PAULSON, nee ; cr stone than for agricultural purposes and to estab- Sophia Peterson, Adm inistratrix of the | lish his claim to said land before the register and re Estate of Andrew F. l ’etersog, deceased. c e iv e r at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday the 7 day of May, 1908. She names as witnesses: IT Ren & Scbuebel, Darwin Bradley of Oregon City Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix, f20-11119 B. L. Commons of Oregon City, Oregon ¡11 the County C om t of the Slate of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas In the Matter of the Estate of Wesley Smith, deceased. Under an authority of an i rder of sale granted by the counfy court of the coun ty of Clackam is, State of Oregon, dated March yth 1908, I w ill sell at private sale the following described real estate, t> wit: Beginning at the N. W. corner of the W I - 2 of the Si-2 of the S.\V\l-| sec 31 T. 1, S. R. 4, F. of the W . M. running thence E. 40 rods to the West line be tween the N. i-2and the S. 1-2 of the S. W. 1-4; thence S. 16 rods; thence W. 40 rods; thence N. \6 rods to the place of beginning, containing four acres, more or less. The sale will be on or about the 4 day of May, 1908, and bids will be received at my residence about one mile north of Boring in Clackamas county, Oregon. Terms of sale, cash. J. P. SM ITH , Administrator of the Estate of Wesley Smith, deceased. And would be pleased to print yours * The Estacada News Job Printery Cars leave Portland for Esta- cada: 1 7:15. 9:i5, 11:13 A. M. and I 1:15, 5 4 5 . 6:15. 7 :3i F. M. ! Way freight leaves Estacada ! in the morning, daily except Sun. returning in the evening. Main office« of the company: 132 t-2 P in t St. Portland. Otvgon. ■ f H • H *4 1 • v t* •?*■ » •F'HH Pays for The News 52 times sent to your address. The best newspaper bargain of today