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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1908)
L O C A L N KW S I Have Openedthe New Year on Cash Basis A benefit dance is to take place at Magie Creek on the 14th. Clackamas “ Sk at.” Best there is. It makes Mrs. F. M. Gill is spending the you healthy. Sold at Howe’ s. week with her people in town. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Raney were An 8-inch tile culvert has been Portland visitors Wednesday. placed under the railroad track at Mrs. A. E. Sparks is getting over foot of Main street. a miserable siege of poison oak. The wood that was attached in Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Belfils have the Forbes-Lovelace case anti which received their piano from their old was to have been sold on the 28th home at Roseburg. is being readvertised for sale on the If you are looking for Good Goods at Low Prices, Call in County TAXES A city firm hung out a sign, B oy W. N. Forbish, representing the Filer music house, has had several Wanted, Iu less than five minutes pianos shipped here, and will open a red-headed little chap stepped in to the office with the sign under his a salesroom. arm. “ Say, mister,” he said “ did John Bourbonia has quit barber- you hang this out?” I did said the ing and is soliciting agent for a proprjetor. 1 ‘Why did you tear it Portland tailoring firm. down?” Back of his freckles the The railroad company is having boy gazed in wonder at the man’ s the ties and cedar poles that have j stupidity. “ Wh> ' lie replied‘ T in jlieen piled along the right of way the boy.” An v roved to be.— iu town shipped away. Farm Journal. 11 . \ ¡k ^ o rth » « GROCERIES, DRY GOODS The CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY AND SHOES PERSON OR BY MAIL. CALL AND DUPLICATE TAX r o l l . k x a m in e p h o n e s m a in I 2056 or hom e .\2056 Bv our Wayside Reporter and Invite you to examine them Sparks’ Store THE BANK OF ESTACADA T ra n sa c ts A G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s s m> I Capital, f I ft “ has ottered offered to iv e the the exhilerating air and sunshine. Chil to g give Mayor Heylman was at Portland, cemetery has dren that havebeen housed up ell winter \ ! Millwaukee, Oregon City and way ground if the people will clear it. , ....., ___________ _________ are brought out and you ___ wonder where I points on legal business Tuesday. The board of trustees of the M. they they all came from. The heavy win- clothing is thrown aside and many Mrs. H. V. Adix and son, Vic- E. church met with the pastor, Rev. ter she(, thejr flannols. Tllen a coM waVe | tor. spent several days of last week M. B. Parounogian, Monday even- comes and people say that grip is epi- with relatives and friends in Port- ing and talked over the proposition damic. Cold at this season are even more I land. of a parsonage for the preacher and d an gero u s than in midwinter, as there is c much more dangerous of pneumonia, , . 1 . . The dance of last Saturday even fa m ily . A com m ittee w as appoint- V lake Chamberlain s cough remedy how- ing, given by the Estacada Band, ed to find out what a new residence ever a|1(, yoo wiI1 llav(. nothi„ K to I was greatly enjoyed by those who would cost. I his committee is H. it always cures, and we have never known trip the light fantastic. Not a very Cooper Win. Dale and E . F. Sur- a cold to result in pneumonia when it was used. It is pleasant and safe to take j V [ large crowd attended. The band face, Children like it. For sale at Estacada i played a few numbers for the danc- drug store. Announcement j ers, which seemed to please won derfully. In announcing my candidacy f ° r £3,000 to loan in amounts to suit The FJstacada fire department is representative I wish to say: the borrower. Bank of Estacada. FLOUR — I am for statement No. i first. ------------------------ E ST A C A IT A , O REGO N quite active lately. The company J. F. L O V E L A C E ----- is taking regular practice drills, and last, and all the time, Cupid Flour is made by the Hood River Milling Co. Hood River, Ore a committee composed of George F. I believe in preserving the initia- gon from the finest hard wheat that money will buy. The Hood River Shultz, B. O. Boswell and J. R. tive and referendum and the pri- Milling Co. takes special care in the manufacture of this special Stand Cassidy has been appointed to get niary law, and of extending the ard Brand of high patent Family Flour. E very sack is guaranteed or lip a card of Alarm Signals for the power of the }ieople still further if money refunded. When you get Cupid F’ lour, you get the B I.S T use of the public. These are to be need be. posted in every building in town. I favor the “ Recall” amendment I F 1 m /r ia r p ' s our A&ent at Estacada, you wifi make no mis- Harmon Green and Frank Mor- to the constitution. ^ J. I . L U V t l d L C in usjng Cupid Flour. Try it today, Price ris and families are getting ready to I promise to pip < the people’ s is reasonable move out to Idaho where they each interests above everv .the. consid- We are equipped to manufacture have some irrigation land which eration. froln 4 « .« » to 50,000 of the l»est they purchased last summer. It I favor the e*‘ M ; . nt of States Cedar Shingles each day, and will will be necessary for them to get Savings Banks 1. on time deliver them iu Estacada at on their new farm homes by April deposits and lo • he noney on Or the purchaser can get them at Cause of Stomach Trouble CRAWFORD BROS. first. They are advertising their mortgage secunt , at. <■ , the net the mill, ....AND POSSON.... When a man has trouble with stomach household goods and other property proceeds of the bu-iness to lie dis- yon may know that he is eating more here for sale. tributed annually to the several When wanting shingles examine than he should or of some article of food C O N T R A C T O R S & B U I L D E R S John Tracy went to Oregon City public schools of the state (This these, Orders filled promptly or drink not suited to his age or occupa ~ . plan is favored by J. H. Ackerman, Are now ready to take work tion, or that hia bowels are habitually Tuesday evening. Y . . . . . . . constipated. Take Chamberlain's stom ............................ state superintendent of public in- on any kind of building, give The old Bourbonia barber shop I structjO Ij ach and liver tablets to regulate the bow estimates, and figure otv any has been moved into the room in els and improve the digestion and see if I favor good schools, good roads, building proposition. the trouble does not disappear. Ask for the drug store building where Dr. and economy in public affairs. ^ ----PROPRIETOR---- sample. Sold at Estacada drug store. Haviland’s office was. Estacada Agent A. Morrow O r e g o n m v,lan u s otnce ' * - F . M. G i l l . Estacada, CUPID FLOUR CUPID FLOUR CEDAR SHINGLES $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 sEEB LISTEN D A L E ’S —• M A Y NOW BR P A ID A T T H E O F F IC E S OF The Ladies’ Aid of Currinsville met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Erickson, nearly all the Wc wish to thank opr many patrons members being present. Mr. Ephraim G ill spent a few The sawmill which Everett Mil- j Mrs. Ada Lootn-v who has spent of Estacada and vicinity for their jle rh a s been operating near town the winter in Washington is visiting days last week with his son F. M. stopped work Monday. The mill Mrs. Golfings at Barton, and Mrs. Gill at Garfield and left Saturday Splendid Help during our February is owned by the Western Banking \ \ r p, Ferrill at Eagle Creek. She for Montavilla to visit his sons there Co. The shut-down fs said to lie will go to California for the summer before returning to bis home at only temporary. and live with Mrs. MacVan who is ' Dufur. Sale, and we want to help you still Dr. W. C. Belt, a resident of Sell- in very poor health. J- c - Duns and one of his sons assisted Saturday in surveying the further while you help us wood, was in town last Saturday, Will Give a Drama road which is to be made from the shaking hands, and getting signers Eagle Creek bridg’ west. to his petition. He is a candidate ; Mrs. Kate Irvin wifi soon be off i ‘ ‘A Royal Friend” is the name for senator from this county and | of a play which wifi be produced in the sick list. Multnomah. Max Kleatch has rented his place Garfield grange hall on Saturday The first raddishes of the season evening the 14, by the Garfield to a man named W. II. Young who are on sale at Sparks’ and they are Grange I)ranlatic C, A basket has moved onto it. __ _ ________ _ ub. 11 " " just the 1 social will take place after the play. delicious. Small, C. Krigbaum is laid up with the size, crisp and fine flavor. * The entertainment wifi lie free, but grip. are Portland grown. the receipts froip the sale of baskets 1 M. S. Kelley, and A. G . Har- E V E R Y B O D Y L I K E S A P R E T T Y HOME Henry Johnson, an old resident of luncheon wifi be used in inprov- batigh are surveying for a railroad ; up Eagle Creek to convey logs to farmer of George, was taken to a ing the hall. W E W IL L H E L P YO U M A K E I T SUCH Alspaugh’s mill. Portland hospital last- Saturday for I F YOU W IL L COM E A N D S E E US. WE Quiet Sunday; 8 ft. cougar; shep Furniture and Goods For Sale a surgical operation. A son and W IL L T E L L YOU HOW herd dog; handy tree; Bent SaTver; daughter accompanied him. We are going to move to Idaho a gun; dead couger; finish, Cashier Geo. Estes of the Esta j soon and are offering for sale any cada State Bank, and his sister, part of our household goods and Harmon Green wishes to sell his Mrs. Lucinda Christman, have tak- furniture.— II. W. Greenand Frank residence property. The place will __ en up their home in Estacada and Morris. pay $ 10 a month rent which makes © <£ 5 ® < S i ® < S > ® < s S ® < £ | ® ^ ® < 2 S ® ; & ® < ^ i ® < £ 5 ® © i ® < S 5 ® © are living in the residence formerly it a good investment for someone at occupied by Cashier and Mrs. Fra- The people in the Zion charge of ?8oo the price he asks ley. the M. E. chjjrch are planning on _______ Mr and Mrs. A. F . Shultz were adding another acre of land to their l)o Not Crowd the Season out froiji Portland last Saturday re- ---------- chUrch cemetery. David -------------- Briden- ---------- , . -------- The first warm days of Spring bring j I newing acquaintances. stine w h o ow ns th e land join ing the with them a desire to get out and enjoy HOW? /, W. P. Ferrill paid us a pleasant! 9th at 9 ° ’cIock Miss Anna Leone McBride, pupil f>o6-6o8 c h a m b e r o p c o m n e r c e ; visit last Saturday. He was just re- of Frederick Zecli, and teacher in PORTLAND j covering from the mumps. the v o n Meverinck Conservatory, Robin Redbreast who has been . _ s t a t e m e n t s o e TAXES W ILL BE gone so long is back again singing g iv e s , p ia n o . . . o r , o r g a , n le s so n s m Fs- FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION IS tacada on Wednesdays. the same sold song. Blue Ribbon Flour, $5.10 a bbl. Cheese 20c a lb Oyster crackers, regulai $1.35 at $1.05 Tomatoes 3 cans, 25c Choice Hams 17c 5-lb pail Columbia Lard 75c Breakfast Bacon 18c Dr. Prices’ Food 3 pckgs25c Sugar 181bs $1 All other Goods Reduced Proportionately * « « « W E HANDLE THE BEST IN Money to Loan on ■ — - Real Estate ,|, |. INSURANCE This bank has the local agency for some of the very best Fire Insurance Companies. Let us write your policy. : : If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. • If you have Real Estate for sale, list it with us, as we have no property of our own for sale and can push your sales Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind ( ( ( ( ( Our rate of Exchange and Discounts wifi be gov- erned entirely by the Estacada Money Market. We shall try and govern our business so that the rate wifi be as close to toe pr * 100 as possible, it being the usual rate throughout the state ) ) ) ) ) W. A. HEYLMAN, Cashier. TRY si {AT 1 5c — A T ------ C. F. HOWE H. R. Mill Co. Why not subscribe today? JIJLIIS KRIEGER t