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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1927)
I Page Eight Me mAUpin times iS.. n Jlhl U a 4 ZnUt I r4 Vronly Informed. In our lat weeks wue ot The Times we printed an articla which stilted that a strike had oecured at the Connolly shearing pens some time 'previous. Tony Connolly tells us he heard the report, which Is all wronR. JU says the stearert were paid the agreed price and that when through each member of the crew expressed a desire to return next season. Mr. Connolly says that ecr wwa sthe best they ever employ ed and that relations between the firm and the shearers were of the most sotiafactory nature. Rodent smokers praise integrity of Camels THIS is the age of frankness and plaln-tpealdng, amMt rates Camel first among cigarettes. ' For Camel is that kind of, a smoke. Camel is all quality ancl no false front or show. Camels are made of the choic est Turkish and Domestic tobacco grown--no substitutes. And the finest blending ever given a cigarette. O It is Camel character that has won the smokers of today uch honesty of taste and fragrance as never was known in a cigarette before. You'll find all dreams of smoking pleasure realized in this modern, quality cigarette, "Have a Camel!" mi CLASSIFIED LQCALS TO TRADE A 1922 Bulck Six au tomobile, in good coifltdion. Eight good tires and tubes; looks like new. Will trade for cows or heif ers, or will sell for $200 cash. E. W. Ashley, 80-tl Sherars Bridge, Ore. FOR SALE A four-burner Bon Ami oil stove and an all steel crib bed. Both are in good condition. Price for stove. $12.00; for crib, $5.00. Call Mrs. Dave Wilson. 30-t2 tow FARES n 'Si HtlMMKR KXCURMON fARBS 1M KFFKCT MAY 11 TO 8KJT. JO ROUND TK1F TO MI:! KANSAS CITY.... J M B?S MOINES SI.IS CHIC A irriini CINCINNATI CHICAGO f,l (H I ri rvt l.AND TORONTO ATI ANTA , WASHINGTON an lit 110.40 I11.H9 lis.os llie FOR SALE Wood timber, at $1.00 per cord. Call R. R. Dodge, Linn's mill, six miles southwest of Wapinitia. 30-t2 vHtUdn- r ii i I 3Sm I. ix r x ill i i T i a . i Iff w Ml Mil f NOTICE FOR PUaLICATlOlT Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1927. Notice is hereby given that William Edwin Hunt, of Maupin, Oregon, who, on Aug. 12, 1925, made Homestead. Entry under a.., tw !i Ifllfl No. 022.892. for Lot 2, See. 31, Township 6-South, Range-15 East, Willamette weriuian, has filed notice of intention to make flnnl throa vnnr nronf to establish tr. tKo in ml nhuve described be fore,, F. D. Stuart, United btatei Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th day of Juno 1927. Claimant nam?s as witnesses: A. I M onn A K. Trnutman. Hueh Knight, J. B. Kidder, all of Maupin, Oregon. ' ml2-j9 J. W. Donnolly, Register. piutAPiiTiiiA BOSTON . Low fares also to otlwr points In Middle West, South ami East. , Liberal itopovn permit vkttlng Zlm national Park. Oraatel CanyoaNatlonal Park YaltowatwM H-tlonal Park lUeky Mcontaln Nat'l Park For Illustrated Booklets, Reservations end Information, address Agent named below. UNION PACIFIC .IKlVVUUAnvnvvta R. B. BELL, AGT., Mnunm. Uie. yu.i Ed..H. McAllen.T.F. & RA., Bend, - - - Oregon Thursday, June llffl ' Read The Times. $2.00 the ycarv 'Lxxs. ' ' NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS i. nnhllnhud In this paper two weeks ago we will alse ths sub acrlptlon price of the paper to $2.00 per year, beginning the first of Juno. We havo severa aeun nuenta n our books, somt of whom have told us they would soon corns In and settle. Others havs meas no i-f fort to meet their obligation to us, therefore if they fall to re ceive the paper after the abovs date they may know they havt been cut off because they failed to pay -a Just debt. Several ! lliniuonts mav be served with notices from an atterney, In whost hands wo propose to plact thslr dulinnuent accounts. Wo have supplied the paper for nearly two years and now that wo have made decided improvement In it, we must havo our money or Ink mennureS to collect It ComO In and pay up, you delinquents PAPBOW - Restoiraimt Wli.r to laewt Maa CoU Pall lotkfxlion SnOttT ORDERS Any Time ;RY OUR SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNERS Ice Croaas. CU4 DrUL asM Read The Maujin Times and Get All the News at Geo. Buraside Ranch 1 mile west of Pine Grove school house, on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th. Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1927. Notice is hereby given that Wilbur M. Bolton, of Antelope, Oregon, who, on April 10, 1925, made Homestead Entry un der Act Dec. 29, 1916,, No. 023,520, for EE, NW4NK',i, E,NWi. Tf 9 sv 7. WUW'-j. Sec. 8. N"m NW14 Sec. 17, NE!NEtt Sec. IS, SEHNWVL, Sec. 20, Township 7 S., Range 18 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make nronf. to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, umtea otaies at AnteloDe. Orecon. on the 22nd day of June, 1927. , Claimant name sas witnesses: Henry E. Rooper, David B. Crab tree, Edna F. Bolton, Frederic H. Rooper, all of Antelope, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, M12-J16 Register. YVAPINFflA I. O. O. F. lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night In I. 0. 0. F. haU. Visiting members always welcome. o. f.'renick, N. G. E. R. RICHMOND Sec'y. , THE BANK HOTEL . The on. plac. in Th. pall.s to make the rancher and out-of town follow f..l at homo. at 1:00 P. M , the following are to be sold: Hood Tires ARE GOOD TIRES The Largeit Stock of Tiros Io Town Richmonds' Serv. Station I OREGON BAKERY The Home of Harvest Bread Also all kinds of CAXES, PIES, ROLLS, DOUGHNUTS, ETC. and everything else in THE BEST PASTRY The Dalles Oregon Tim. S.badul. No. 1. Nov. 26. 10M THE DALLES -MAUPIN STAGE LINE ' Dopaadabl. Service Botwooa THE DALLES, DUFUR TYCH ai Maupin. Read Down Bead Up Morning Trip A. 00 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. 11i4S 8:40 DUFUR HiOS 0:15 TYH VALLEY 0:30 9.45 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. 10:00 Afternoon Trips , 4:00 Lv. THE DALLES Ar. S.00 4:40 DUFUR 7)20 i 5.15 TYCH VALLEY 64S 1 5:45 Ar. MAUPIN Lv. 6:15 FARES O. W. R. T. Th. Dollo to D.fur......$1.00 $149 The Dalles to Tvsjh $2.00 $3.tO The Dalles to M.plo....f 2.B0 4X9 Connections at Bank Hotel, la Taa Dallos for Portland, P.ndl.toS , NOTICE , ' Mod.rn Equlpm.nt Coartoes Trosit moot and Car.ful Driver CHAS. BROWN . Maaagor Staga Depot at Rainbow Rostamraat 6 Miik Cows, 1 Jersey Heifer, 1 Team of Horses, 1 Set of Harness, 1 Wagon with Hay Rack, New Mower and Rake, Sickle Grinder, 1 Walking Plow, 12-inch, 1 15-gallon Oil Drum, Pitchforks, Shovels, Crowbars,.Wiro Stretchers, T,Afld Rars. Loff Chains. Garden Tools and other articles too numerous to mention. 1 Knitting Machine, About 10 Pigs, 1 Cream Separator, 1 Heating Stove, 1 Bedstead, 1 Spring Couch, 1 Set Springs, Some Dining Chairs, 2 dozen Hens, About 4 dozen Young Chicks, 2 Cords Pine Wood, 1 Player Piano Bush & Lane Some Fruit Jars, Some Alfalfa Hay, 1 Singer Sewing Machine, 1 standard Mountain Buggy. TERMS OF SALE: Amounts under $10.00, cash; over $10100 cash at 5 discount, or bankable notes at 81 interest. ED. SU.ATHEWS, W. C, HEDIW, Owner , Auctioneer FRANK D. STUART, Clerk. , MV V ujim I Jk aMViMa. 9 y m MAY 22(1 and gooj all sumnur ROUND TRIPS St PAUL, $75.60 CHICAGO, 90.30 NEW YORK, $151.70 Othrr point In proportion Choice of Fine Trains Yours!" NORTH COAST LTD., 9:30 a. m. from Port land via S., P. & S., N. P.; C, B. & Q., and ORIENTAL LTD., out at 8:00 p. m. via S., P. & S., G. N., C, B. & Q., both following the famous Columbia River scenic water level route through the Cascades, and with co ordinated service east of Chicago. Let Ut Help You Plan Your Trip E. W. GRIFFIN, AGENT , t J. C. WRIGHT, Trav. Passenger Agent Phone Main 122 Loy round trip fares to the Portand Rose Festival, JuneJ3-18 TRAVEL BY STAGE Suit. 15-16 Voit Block T.l.pon. 111-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST t Slrlctljr ttaLARHUE OPTICAL CO. Tba paUaa, . . Oragaa loncPorflan beauie Your Watch Haywire? If it It, not doing its wnrk briny; it to The Times ofl '.ce and Mr. will s ;nd 4t to GUY A. POUND nauwcariurinpr Jewalflr . and ffatebn.aker SucMViW to 1. Llndqufat THE DJLLEfl . OREGON WF.RNMARK SOE STORE and Repairing ' Wasco Coun ty' Exclusive Shoe Stoni . , Shoes for the Whole Family 1 Genera Repairing I The Dulles, Ore.