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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1927)
TKursilay, April 21,1027 THE MAUPIN TIMES Page Thred A A Different Combine Nearly one-third of all the grain threshed on the Amercian continent is threshed with machines manufactured by the J. I. Case Threshing Ma-, chine Co. All the knowledge and experience that has been gained in three generations in this spec ialized business have gone into Case Combines. Case Combines have distinct mechanical features that no other machines have. They are exclusive ly Case. i Among these is the balanced header requiring no springs or auxiliary weights. The header floats in perfect balance with the thresher unit, making in slant and delicate adjustmenst a matter of finger movement and relieving the machine of strains. The secondary fanning mill is located under the eye of the operator . This makes a perfect adjust ment of the machine possible at all times. Waste can be eliminated and better cleaning accomp lished. These and other features so essential to good work make thcCase a different Combine-offering grain growers the cheapest known method of preparing grain for market. R. E. Wilson Go. NOf ICE, TIMES READERS The publishers of The Maupin Times are about to make radical changes in the make-up and num ber of pages in the paper. Heretofore we have contented ouraelvcs with printing four pages, and ths ha3 at times greatly crowded out important news items. . Again with the small paper we could not give our readers anything in the way of even ing reading, being compelled to "boil down" all items of news i norder that we might get all possi bio in the paper, Beginning with the issue of MAY 5th, 1927 we will begin the publication of an eight-page par per, the additional pages being devoted to serials, farm news, news' of the world and especially ar ticles of interest to the housewife and all other members of the family. In order to do this we must have money, and in -order to get in some of the back subscriptions will give delinquents until the first of June to eome in and square up. After that date the subscrip tion price of The Times will be $2.00 per year and must be paid in advince. . All who are paid up ' may secure the paper for another year at the old price $1.50. After the first of June all who are in arrears will be dropped from our subscription list. 7 Rubber Ho vertising pays la concrete and con- "What's good for my wife's fallen vincing. arches?" "Rubber heels." "What shall I rub Pittsburgh First. 'cm w 0 00 oooooooooooooooo ooo iO PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN o ! OoooooooooobooooooooO PERSONAL MENTION D. B. Appling was down from his Criterion much Monday. x A. T. Driver from Wamic was in Maupin on business Suturday hurt. Johnny Karlcn was in from his iheep ranch a short time yesterday. o Mi Minnie Starr succeeds Mis Rcgina Muller-oh waitrens at Hotel Kelly. o U. W. Richmond, wife and son, Everett, drove to Portland on busi ness Friday, returning Saturday. o J J. G. Kramer, wife and sons, Syl vester and ErnuMt, were in from their Lukeview ranch on busineas Monday. o W. E. Hartley, of the state fmh de partment, was looking after mutters connected with his poiiition on Friday lust. o Miss Reginu Muller left on Wed nesday for Moro, whero she will be in charge of the culinary department of the Moro hotel. Mrs. Lester Crofoot came dawn from Cove Creek last week and spent several days at the homo of her father, C. A. Tttnlson. on Wapinitia riains. ' The Ladies Aid of the U. B. church were entertained by Mrs. L. D. Kelly lust Wednesday. o (iamn Wardens Averill, Hadley and Grarnse were registered ut the Hotel Kelly during the past week. Marion Lister ha accepted a posi tion as section hand and may be ad dressed at Mile Post 37 hereafter. o George Roe, whd has been confin ed to his bed at the Hotel Kelly the past week, is on the road to recovery from his illness ' Morris Leach and wife were among those who were in East Mau pin and tried their luck in the river lar.t week. The daughter of Mr. and Mn. Markham,' with her husband, from Metolius, spent tho week end with her paVentH in East Maupin. Miss Regina Muller, who has been waitress at the hotel during the past three months, has gone to Moro, where hJic will fill a like position in a hotel. MATZENAUER AT THE DALLES Famoui Contralto of Metropolitan Opera Company-to Appear Friday witnessed all the Maupin fitihermcn who could tear themselves awn y from business or! tho river. We shut up shop and with Tom Henne ghan went up tho river to favorite holes. We fished hard, so did Tom. We pulled out one lOVinchcr; Tom two. Wo left honie between four and five o'clock a. m. and got back at 10:30, Our son went out at 8:30; fi.shcd two hours, came home 14 fine on'-s. He and hi.i dad to gether got 15 we got the odd one. Have you tried Barkhsfm's"I!ig B" pancake flour? If you haven't you are behind the times. Ilis formula requires ho baking powder, sulnra tus or sour milk, r.nd at the same time makes the mrst delicious hot cakes to ever pass between lips. Get a package at any store and make life worth the living. i If George Tillotson's new garage is not a business puller it will not be because of location or style of struc ture. From present appearance it i designed to be the last word in gar ages and will be equipped with every thing necessary to make it a first class place to have your car repaired or at which to buy gas, oiis, tire;, or other auto accessories. Doctor Short is in town. During his stay here he will be kept co bmsy that he will have to put all ideas of iroine fishin' out of his mind. The doctor is one busy man and it seems that all of our -people have something or other the matter with their teeth, and desire the attendance of our fisherman-dentist. Joe Kramer might not be much a believer in the efficacy of adver i A. Lincoln Hartman is waging a J selling campaign with hjs improved ironing board. He has made connec tions with several grocers in towns up and down the Columbia and each has promised to exert himself in in troducing Line's product into the homes of his customers. Frank McCorkle, long believed a fixture in Maupin, has decided that living nearer The Dalles will be bet ter than dwelling on the banks of the Deschutes. Birf Frank' forgets or does not incline to the fact, that his place will be hard to fill by any one else as janitor at the Maupin i f.Jinnla nnrt that his successor may ,!(. i .. V 11 t r.f Kir tho Mil. dents as he is. Maupin may be a "stick town", but when called upon to be up and doing is always there with bells on." i This was shown at the recent track meet, when our youngsters walked away with the honors and with points to spare. x No, Harold, the item in this col-1 umn last week telling of a prospec tive wedding did not refer to you. It was aimed at some one more popu lar and a better "catch" than you will ever be. x We listened to a dissertation by Clarence Fargher on marking of lambs one day lately. Clarence ie well versed in the sheep game and if the little lambies are to be handled in the way he says, well, we will be content to remain in a print shop. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Mrs. Chas. Brown and children were guests of the, lr.dy's aunt, Mrs. 0. P. Webcrg, a few days of last week. The visitors also spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Brown's parents at Wapinitia. Miss Lavelle Yiiacktl, sister of Mrs. Clarence Ziggcnhagen, camo in from Th? Dalles Saturday and spent Sunday with her sister in Maupin. Miss Yeackel was on her way to Top penish, Washington. 1 Mrs. Clyde T. ltonney was a wel come caller at Tho Tmcs office Mon - day morning. Mrs. Bonncy compli- mcnted us on tho oxeellenco of our paper, all of which wc try to deserve r.nd which we' greatly appreciate. o G. S. Foxworthy, representing the Western Newspaper Union, out of Portland, was in Maupin yesterday and concluded a d:al whereby The Times will increase, (its rges to eight from four, giving ur readers several new features, all of which will go to make & larger and bett er paper. On May 1, 1 will again take charge of the Maupin garage. I will carry everything needed by autoists gas, greases, tires, tubes, accessories, etc. The repair department will be in charge of a competent mechanic and I will endeavor to turn out the Wasco county lovers of singing will be given an opportuinty of hear ng one of the world's greatest con traltos in concert, when Mmc. Matz- enauer, or the Metropolitan upera company appears at the Civic Audit orium at The, Dalles on the evening; of Saturday, April 30, Inoneperform nnce only. The appearance of this wonderful artist is sponsored by this Monday Mucical club of The Dalles. George Vause, a well known panist, will accompany the singer and will also be on the program for a number of instrumental solos. Prices have been placed at $1.50, $1.00 and 50c, tax free. best work at a minimum cost. I will Using, but when this paper, in telling j welcome all my old customers as well in the news columns that his show , as new ones, and will accord them wil open at an hour later than sclie- the same accommodations and terms doled, and Joe is told of it being j ns formerly, read in the paper, the fact that ad- B. D. FRALEY HEY! YOU DANCERS, WAKE UP! EAST MAUPIN NEWS Miss Florence Cavan i n new em ployee nt tho Hotel Kelly. Mrs. Clark Richardson spent Sun day with friends in Maupin. A large aw ortmcnt of wall paper patterns. Let us flRnre " your work. Maup Drug Stoic. Fair Luck Opening Day. Early Friday morning scores of fisherman sought favorite holes in the river as well as going to moun tain streams after trout. A cold west wind was blowing and the river was somewhat muddy. , At that several fine strings of rainbows were tak-n. Saturday tho river' was' r.l moi.t black, but that, did not deter ardent anglers from trying their luck. Some few fish, were caught, but all are willing to wait tho com ing of warmer weather and a cessa tion of wind. . How would you all like to be entertained and be given a chance to assist in the dedication of George Tillotson's new garage, yith good music and an air of, welcome to make you feel at home? Well, that is just what is in the wind, as George is considering entertaining his friends with a big opening dance on the concrete floor of his new building. While everything has not been definitely set tled, yet, if music can be obtained for the occasion next Saturday night, April 30, will be named as the date for a o-rsmrl frpp (hnco. with our irenial school clerk as host Job Crabtreo says the floor is smooth enough to play ice hockey on, and'that being the case it stands to reason that all vh are entertained. at a dance will enjoy that sport to the idlest. Watch next week's Maupin Tmes for definite word as to whether the'tlanco will be pulled off Tr not. Optician Coming. Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Opticial Co., 301 Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. Eye Sight Specialist, will be in Maupin all day and evening Saturday, April 30th, at the Home Hotel. Sec him about your eyes. i Crandall Undertaking Co. o QUIET SERVICE o. This Dalles, Oregon. Phone 35-J c LADY ASSISTANTS- lie greatest' car values m eacliprice class CHEVROLET $525 to $745 The quality car of the low priced field. 3-peed transmission. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Fullyequip ped. 7 models. Also TRUCK CHAS SIS: M-ton, $395; 1-ton, $495. v PONTIAC $775 to $975 Most powerful "six" in its price class. Fisher Bodies. Duco "I finish. Beautiful lines. Value proved- by unprecedented sales. 5 models. ' V OLDSMOBILE; $875 to $1190 A fine car at moderate I, cost. Powerful 6-cylinder motor. Hand-. , some Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. 4-wheel brakes. 11 models. OAKLAND $1095 to $1295 A"six' that is win ning and holding goodwill on perform ance. Eeautiful bodies by Fisher. Duco finish. 4-wheel brakes. 7 models. BUICK : $1195 to $1995 Famous valve-in- head 6-cylinder engine. New model vibrationless beyond belief. Fisher Eodies. Duco finish. 18 models. V i LaSALLE $2495 to $2C85 General Motors' new x and beautiful car designed and built by Cadillac. 8-cylinder V-type engine. Eodies by Fisher . Duco finish. 6 models. CADILLAC $2995to$9000 Pioneer 8-cylinder car. 50 body styles and type3 by Fisher and Fleetwood. 5C0 color ana upnoistery combinations. Duco finishes. ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORIES GENERAL MGTCRS stands back of 'these quality cars. A double guar antee back of every' one. Decide which car best suits your purse. Then clip and send the coupon. We will send you free full information about that car, together with a wonderfully interesting illus trated little book about General Motors' Proving Ground where its cars must prove ' their superiority before they are offered to you. Act today. Mail the coupon NOW, before you forget: GENE RAL MOTORS CLIP THE COUPON' -GENERAL MOTORS (Dept. A), "Detroit, Mih. CHEVROLET rCNTIAC OLDSMODILE OAKLAND BUICK LaSALLE CADILLAC Please send, without eny oWigatio to m, illustrated literature Un.-noir.E live Ciencral Motors product I have chicled together with the name of the neret dealer in case I may wish demonstrwiou. .1LSO YOUR rROl ING GROUND UVUK. Name Address.. 1, friqidaireD Electric Rerigtralcri PELCO -LIGHT EJectvu- riants J 7 r " ' t- I t