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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1922)
WATCH MAUPIN GROW THE MAUPIN T Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 8, NO. 37 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1922 THE YEAR $1.50 Antelope Chautauqua and Miss Helen Smith, pianist, are capanie assisting artists io Mr. Bates. The Patricia Trio is built around Miss Patricia Hale, dramatic soprano and possessor of a glorius voice, whose work in the east has attracted wide attention. The Junior Chautauqua, as usual, will be a big feature, and already there is considerable in terest manifested among the children of the cits. The Chautauqua season of 1922 is an important one in the history of the Ellison-White Lyceum and Chautauqua Associa tion as it is the Tenth Anniver sary of the establishing of their Chautauqua business in the West j To build a program which would j fittingly celebrate this happy j event was evidently in theminds of the Ellison-White Manage-1 ment when the program for the j coming season was arranged. The dates for the Antelope! Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hennehan Chautauqua have been definitely left Wednesday afternoon for a set for June 29 to July 3. j 10 days outing. They will visit The Loren Bates Company and I at Hepuener, Spokane, Golden; the Patricia Trio are two musical dale Centralia and will be ac entertainment companies which compained by Mr. and Mrs. P. will meet with popular favor. W. Knowles of Dufur, and Mrs. Loren Bates is a clever young Alice Batty, characterist who specializes in Mrs. C. F. Butler from Cor "wig and grease paint" work, vallis is here visiting her son P, Miss Leatha Shriber, soprano, C. Butler- Stop at Andy's Refresh yourself with an Ice Cream Soda This season we are going in for the best line of Confections and Fountain Goods money can buy Always Fresh Bnd aJre Clean Ice Cream and Soft DrjnRs of all kinds Lunch, Goods and Restaurant Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Hall in connection H, Anderson Maupin, Ore. A Rousing Fourth All Wasco County is invited to celebrate July 3 and 4 at Tygh Valley. There will be two days of real fun or in other words forty-eight hours of rest or riot, and people will be able to enjoy a real old fashioned Fourth of July with plenty of fire-works, dancing, music, sports, oratory and other things. Two baseball games are sched uled. They will be between Wasco and Dufur, and Antelope and Maupin. A display of fireworks will be one of the features at night and a lt-piece opchestra will play for the dancing in the open air paviU lion. Splendid camping facilities can be easily obtained for the out of town visitors, as, Tygh Valley 1 1 noted for its beautiful camping grounds. to C. B Dahl for a 10-round box ing bout and preliminaries. K. L. Hauser will be marshal of the day and no disorderly con duct will be allowed. The committees in charge are as follows: music, H. F. Wood cock, advertising, BatesShattuck entertainment, N. G. Hedin; grounds, H. A. Muller; baseball, Willis Norval; races and sports, J. C. Thrall; decorations, J. H. Fitzpatrick; fireworks, R. E. Wilson; concessions, H. L. Mor ris of Maupin. Tygh Valley will hang out a welcome sign to all Wasco county on these two days and hundreds are expected to attend. BatesShattuck, F. C. Butler and H. Kaiser have added a con crete sidewalk which greatly im proves -the looks of the town. A concession has been granted Lets keep the good work going COMING Next Week Frank Mayo in - . "Tiger True" Hunting big game was his hobby, but he forgot to aim when he encountered a girl with the gentleness of a dove the heart of a lion and the grace of a gazelle. . Whether you you hunt your game in the jungle or the park, you can Lake a man out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of a man. See Mayo in Tiger True Watch for Posters Admission 20 and 40 Cents !f l I chance SU j g rjr it Uo pov r on oarth can save your t p when once tho flames e -weeping over tho fields-,, B- : you can protect yourself i om money loss through JH ;brd Gnu'n in Field Imuran The c68t i federate, the protection compete. From seeding time to harvest your crop is covered frn , nil dan gers df fire. If yourr; op burns, the Hartford pays Hue loss promptly and in full. Morris Bros. Smock News Strawberries are ripe and a heavy crop despite the frosts. There is snow on Badger Mt. but the days are very warm in the valley. D. M. Stancliff returned to Mosier to look after his orchard and garden. Monday was annual school meeting day in Oregon. Quite a number turned out on Smock. Albert Hill was elected director as Iona Filtche's three year term as director had expired she was elected clerk, suceeding J. C Bradway. The district is out of debt but no teacher has been hired as yet. V. T. Fcilch with his sister and mother made a business trip to Dufur on Friday. The Smock Sunday School Supt. and a few others met at the church on Monday and clean ed it preparatory to having a meeting in the near future. Miss Myrtle Mulvaney return ed home Friday from Douglas Co., where she has been attend ing school. A. H. Berry visited bis family last week returning to his work on Saturday. Glen Large is working near Antelope. Mrs. W. Mayfield has been quite poorly. C. N. Farlow spent last week on his farnnear Wamie where he harrowed summer fallow Mr. Oervin and son Clifford are hauling wood to Sherman Co. Mrs Jessie Woodcock is at home after a two weeks visit with relatives at Warnic. New Today- Wanted by Forest Service Men to work on roads near Clackamas lake. All summers job. Wages $3.50 per day with $1.00 off for board. No board charged on Sunday if men remain in camp. No guns or dogs allowed in camp Call me up through Tygh Valley central- Joe A. Graham For sale or trade 3 good work horses. Will trade for wagon, hogs, or anything I can use on ranch. Roy Batty, Wapinitia. Wanted Horses for pasture. -Ed Kramer, Criterion, Oregon. "SNAPPY"-Four piece or chestra for dances and entertain ments. Call Chas. Brown or Leon Frasier. Dufur, Oregon. Straw Hat dye all colors 25cts. Maupin Drug Store. Portland Painless Dentist. 305, Second St. The Dalles Oregon, All work guaranteed. W. T. Slatten D, D. S. Proprietor Phone Main 4821. Don't waste your time using "Bum" Fishing Tackle. We've got the kind that gets the Fish. Maupin Drug Store. To Fanners Union Membera Our next regular meeting is on tne zltn ot June. BiVery body come and bring your crow bar, spade and hammer as we are going to tence the ground. It you want to know what the Union is and what we are doing come and join. Be progressive. R. El Batty. President. Remember this is the time of the year to paint your buildings. We've got the Best paint at the Right price. -Maupin Drug Store. Clifford Morrow lias returned home from Corvallis where he attended (J. A. C. For Sale With or without power Advance - Rumley 20-36, prac tically new with blower elevator spout, long and short feed, com pletely belted including 125 foot driving belt. Cash or Terms. Inquire at Wasco County Bank, The Dalles, OregoTi. For Sale-One 3 and 3-4 Half Truck Kushford wagon 125 bu. bulk grain bed One Davenport 5 ton capacity Roller bearing steel wagon 125 bu. bulk grain bed. F. S. Flem ing, 404 Webster St. The Dalles. Lost, strayed or stolen Four sheep, 2 Lincoln ewes and 2 short wool sheep, unsheared. Harry Lewis, Wapinitia. Reward. Mr. Dinges, a carpenter from Corvallis, is here and will build the new house being erected by Mrs. G, F. Butler. Allen Canfield formerly of this place, is now in a Portland hos pital after another operation on his knee in which a piece of bone about 4-1 inches long was' taken out. r xxc: New Machinery or Repairs j) WHICH? Q We Have Both I HARVESTER THRESHERS H McCORMICK - DEERING Twelve and Fourteen Foot Headers Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Binders H I) H A Whether vou want to fix up till a mighty new one. NOW 1 SHATTUCK old one or buy a good time to do it. BROS. Around Maupin That the "Baby Combine" l as come to stay is proved by recent sale3 by Shattuck Bros,, Local agents for these machine?. Crabtree Bros., Tunison and Head and S. N. Morris having purchased the new 1922 Deering Combines. These aggressive young men have found this the best and most econimical way of harvesting, all of them having had previous experience with these machines. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morrison returned from Portland Wednes day where they have spent the past week attending the Seventh Day Adventist Camp Meeting. Win. Bolton is spending this week in J ne uanes. A J. Conroy is in The Dalles this week. g H. L. Morris is a Dalles busi ness visitor this week. Don Gilbert who has been em ployed in the Maupin Drugstore ! for the past three months, hat ' accepted a position with the Geo. C. Blakeley Co. in The Dalles and moved to that city Tuesday Lewis Derthick has taken his place in the Drug Store here. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown were Maupin -isitors today. MUST IN AUPIN I will be in Maupin to do DK. DAK E w Eental work on and after JUNE 24TH J BANKING at HOME Is the Best Policy Keeping your capital in your community; thereby benefiting each individual and the com munity at large. We are here to render any ser vice consistent with lawful, busi ness like banking. Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval 1.