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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Strong earthquake shocks have been felt at Messina, Reggio and Calabria, Italy. While only $450,000 Is to be expended now on the new veterans' hospital at Walla Walla, It is expected that an additional $750,000 will be made avail able soon tor further Improvements. E, It. WInans, aBslBtant attorney general of South Dakota, was killed, and C. II. Bartlett, prominent attor ney of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Ole Hoagland, editor of a newspaper at Platte, S. D., were Injured In an auto mobile accident near Platte Tuesday night . J. A. Urbanowlcz, agent of district No. 1 of the forest service, comprising Montana and part of Idaho, was placed In Jail In Missoula, Mont, following alleged disclosures of a shortage in his accounts, said to be as high as $100, 000. A group of oil operators who called at the state department Monday to protest against the increase In export taxes on petroleum in Mexico was as sured by Secrotary Hughes that he would give the subject careful consid eration. The battleships Arizona, Nevada and Oklahoma were ordered transferred from the Atlantic to the Pacific fleet by Secretary Denby. The battleship Maryland, now under construction, will, when completed, also be sent to the Pacific fleet. The toll of death In the explosion In the Mont Cenls mine near Heme, Westphalia, Germany, Sunday, reached 83 Tuesday. The injured aggregated 100, some of whom It is reported may not live. The disaster was due to an explosion of fire damp. Handcuffed and chained to each other and guarded by three officers, seven Industrial Workers of the World, convicted of the Centralla American Legion murders two years ago, ar rived at the penitentiary Tuesday af ternoon to serve 25 to 40 yearB. Des Moines, la. C. O. Johnson of Tacoma, Wash., Monday declared be fore the Northern Baptist conference In Des Moines, la., on evangelism that "the United States and other countries are being held back from world peace becauso of the lack of enough religion." ' The Norrls bill to create a federal farm export corporation with a capital of $100,000,000 to finance movement of farm products to Europe waB IndorBed Monday before the senate agriculture committee by Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture under the Wilson administration. The Johnson bill to permit aliens who sailed on or before June 8 lust to land at American ports was passed late Monday by the house. The excess admitted over the June quota estab lished under the percentage immigra tion law would be charged off against later monthly quotas. The deadlock between senate and house over the navnl appropriation bill was broken Tuesday by conferees with a virtual agreement to lop off about $90,000,000 of the $98,000,000 added by the senate, and with the right of the house to vote directly on the Borah disarmament amendment. The cost of living in the United States dropped 2.3 per cent in May, according to figures made public by the national Industrial conference board. The total decrease from July, 1920, to June 1, 1921, was 20.8 per cent, leaving the not increase between July, 1914, and June, 1921, at 61.9 per cent. Permission to make the first photo graph of President Harding seated at his dosk In the executive offices was granted to Benjamin Grey of New York, a wounded soldier, trained in photography by the federal vocational educational system. The appointment was made by Chairman Kahn of the bouse military committee. A new angle has developed to the Murray will case in Butte, Mont., through the statement published In San Francisco that, In the opinion of -handwriting experts, the instrument Is a forgery. James A. Murray, pion eer of Montana, whose estate Is estim ated to have a value between ten and fifteen millions, died recently at his home In Monterey, Cal. I STATE NEWS TIM T3T3TTTTT www www ww ww ww ww www ww Salem. The loganberry market opened here Saturday at 90 cents a crate of 24 boxes. Indications were that berries of this varlenty would touch even a lower figure when the peuk of the harvest is reached some time this week. Salem. More than 12,000 boxes of pears will be produced In the orchards of State Senator LaFollette, according to S. H. Van Trump, county fruit in spector. The earlier varieties v111 commence ripening next week, and the harvest will continue late In Sep tember. Medford. The city council has placed on the market for immediate sale through all-licensed real estate dealers of the city, 70 Medford prop erties, mostly vacant lots, which fell Into the city's hands through unpaid delinquent city assessments of be tween $400 and $500 on each prop erty. Grants Pass. The tourist season at the Josephine caves has commenced and every day numerous parties from ail parts of the country go through the caverns. The government has started work on the new highway to the caves and it is expected that this work will be completed this year, in stead of taking two years as previous ly intended. Roseburg. Mat Ryckman of the fish commission arrived In Roseburg lust week to start work on the state trout hatchery at Rock creek. The state has appropriated $15,000 for this hatchery, which is to be built within a few months. T. H. Mills, superin tendent of the first hatchery on the North Umpqua river, will be In charge of the new hatchery when completed. Salem. Fire losseB In Oregon for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1921, aggregated $2,185,329.01, while the Insurance of the risk totalled $29,675, 538.43, according to the annual report of the state fire marshul's department filed with Governor Olcott Saturday. Fire losses for the previous 12 months aggregated $1,884,871.55, showing a substantial Increase In the destruction of property. Baker. P. II. Hoffman, mining en gineer employed at the Bay Horse mine below Huntington and on the Oregon side of the Snake river, a sil ver property recently taken over by Spokane interests under lease and bond, reports the Bay Horse is now under extensive and practical devel opment and that it is making a re markable showing In values and ex tent of ore bodies, Condon, Tho second 1921 Condon wool sale will be held at the A. B. Robertson warehouse here June 29. Probubly more than 300,000 pounds will be offered and a number of buy ers will he present. The first sale In Condon was held on June 10, when 20 V4 cents was the top price. It is estlmutcd thut a million and a half pounds of wool will pass through the Condon warehouses this season. Sulem. That a number of Oregon money lenders have approached vet erans of the late war and advanced the proposal that the veterans assign to them claims for cash bonuses to be paid under an act passed at the last session of tho leg islature at from 50 to 75 cents on the dollar, was the accusatlou made here hist week by Henry Boyd, commander of Portlund post No. 1, American Le gion. Cottage Grove. That the possibili ties of tho Bohemia mining district have never been overadvertlsed is In dicated by samples of pure gold brought out this week by William Ed wards. He and Ralph Aubrey had been working at the Peek-a-boo prop erty on Jackass ridge for 18 days. They have but a one-stamp mm and rather crude equipment but they brought with them partially refined gold of a value of about $200. Salem. Walnut growers of western Oregon this season expect the larg est crop In many years, according to Earl Penrcy, president of the Oregon State Horticultural society and promi nent member of the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association. Mr. Peurcy said the walnuts promised to be of ex cellent quality and that market con ditions are favorable. Mr. Pearcy Bald the people are beginning to real ize the superiority of the Oregon wul nut' Portland. Oregon Is the only state In the country with a lurge pear aore age that has prospects of a better crop than a year ago, according to figureB of the bureau of crop estlmutes, based on conditions June 1. Estimates on the pear crop of Oregon one year ago were for 75 per cent of a full yield. This year estimates are for 78 per cent. One year ago 17 states had bet ter conditions than Oregon. Today Oregon stands at the head of the list of pear producing states. RISH TO CONSIDER E Ulster Cabinet to Act on Brit ish Invitation DE VALERA IS SILENT Ulster Men Want Discussion Strictly Limited With Subject of Re publicExcluded. Belfast A meeting of the Ulster cabinet has been called for Tuesday by Sir. James Craig, the premier, to consider the letter of Premier Lloyd George, Inviting leaders of North and South Ireland to a conference to try to bring nbout a conciliation. In reply to the premier Sir James Informed Mr, Lloyd George that he was summoning a meeting of the Ulster cabinet for Tuesday. Sir James was In conference with his chief supporters. The general feel ing is that the Ulster men will demand that the terms to be discussed shall be strictly limited, especially exclud ing the subject of a republic. Sir James and members of his cab inet received through the Associated Press the first intimation that the in vitation had been issued. They ex pressed surprise that the letters of in vitation had been launched through the press before those invited were first sounded. Dublin. After a day of conferences in connection with Premier Lloyd George's letter, it was considered im probable that Eamonn de Valera would make any statement now. It was said his conferences were not completed. In Sinn Fein circles, It Is consid ered probable that if Mr. De Valera confers with Premiers Lloyd George and Craig, one of his colleagues Is sure to be John Joseph McKeown, who recently was tried on a charge of murdering District Inspector Mc Grath. In speaking of the premier's letter, one high Sinn Felner said he thought It an insult and as implying accep tance of partition. Other political leaders saw in it an abandonment by the premier of his bar against certain Sinn Feiners. Cardinal Logue, primate of Ireland, said he could not see much use of a conference, but as the government also was involved, there might be some hope, although it would desirable for the government to release from prison moderates like Arthur Griffith, found er of the Sinn Fein. The Sunday Independent says: " "The premier's letter is a welcome admission of the fact that an hon orable peace Is achievable only through direct negotiations with the elected representatives." G0MPERS ELECTED AGAIN BY LABOR Denver, Colo. President Samuel Gompers, America's veteran labor leader overwhelmingly defeating his first seriou8 opposition since 1894 Saturday was returned to office with his entire administration for another year by the American Federation of Labor. This sweeping victory, the labor chief said Saturday night at the close of the federation's 41st annual conven tion, demonstrated that the American trade union movement "will not submit to dictation from the forces of corrup tion or greed neither the Hearsts nor the Garys can chart our course or select our leaders. "Our movement is united. It Is prepared to be aggressive in defense of the rights of the tollers. It will not be swerved from Its course. It will be a sad day for the aspirations of the working people of our land when corrupt and Intriguing interests can either divide our movement, change our course or destroy its lead ership. The vote today has demon stated to the world that we have not yet come upon that day." TroUky Predicts War. London. A naval war between the United States and Great Britain as a result of maritime rivalry will occur In 1924, according to Leon Trotzky, bol shevik minister of war, in an address at Moscow Friday, said a dispatch to the Daily Herald, the labor organ. "A swollen gourmand" was his de scription of the United States, while he declared that Great Britain was losing her position of world significance. PROPOSAL Copyright. All RigJvb EeseiVed CHAPTER XI Continued. ia "It's all quite easy," Gardiner con tinued. "And If it should full there are a dozen other ways Just as eusy. But we won't let it full. We mustn't let It fall, on your account." , "On my account? What more ac count mine than yours?" "Well, you see, Harris, no doubt, has your letter stowed away some where, and it would make bad evi dence for you. I don't think it men tions me at all. Besides, I know a way through a pass in these mountains', and If it doesn't turn out right why, I'm glad I know the way. You see, I've nothing to lose, nnd nobody to worry over me. But It's different with you, Hiram. You have a wife and a fine farm down in Manitoba, und it would be Inconvenient for you to slip away without notice. So I say that on your account we mustn't let It full." "You didn't say nothln' about that before, I notice," said Riles. "You mustn't expect me to do your private thinking as well as that of the Arm," Gardiner retorted. "You had the facts why didn't you patch them together for yourself? You're In a mess now If things don't go right. But, as I said, I'm going to stick with you and see that they do go right." They rode along in silence In the gathering darkness. Had they been able to read each other's minds they would have been astonished at the co incidence of thought. Gardiner was planning to make awny with the mon ey when he got out of the building. Why should he divide with Riles Riles, who would only hoard it up, and who had plenty of money already? Not nt nil. Riles might sue him for his share, If he wanted to and could find him, to serve notice I On the oth er hand, Riles' slow wits had quick ened to the point of perceiving that there lay before him a chance of mak ing $20,000 instead of $10,000, if he only had the nerve to strike at the strategic moment. When he got the Harrises out of the shack, by hook or crook he would leave them and follow Gardiner. He was much more than Gardiner's match in strength nnd he had little fear of the revolver, provid ed he could take his adversary una wares. If the worst came to the worst, and he could not give the Harrises the slip, he would take them with him, and they would all come upon Gardiner red-handed with the loot. Then he would explain to Harris how he had discovered Gardiner's plot and frus trated it. The Idea grew upon Riles, and he rode along In a frame of mind bordering upon cheerfulness. It was now quite dark, and the horses picked their steps carefully along the hill side trulls. At last Gar diner drew up and pointed to a heavy clump of trees. A faint glimmer of light shone through It. "That's the shack," he whispered. "They have a lantern there. We bet ter get off the road and tether our horses In this coulee." They turned down a narrow ravine with scarce room to walk single file between the branching trees. They tied the horses where the woods closed nil about them, nnd there seemed no chnnce of discovery. "Quietly, now," said Cardiner, as they stole toward the old building. "Tilings seem to be working out as we planned, but we must make sure of every detail, so that we cun change the attack If necessary." The two men stole up the rough road leading to the hut. The glow of the lantern enme from the building, shining In a long, fading wedge" from the sashless window, but seemed strangely obscure nbout the door. As they approached this mystery was re vealed; a blanket was seen to hang over the doorway. "That's a good sign," whispered Garldner. "One, or both of them, are sleeping. That's why they feel the cold. If they had stayed awake they would have built a fire and perhaps walked about outside." They paused for a moment to listen. The night was moonless and starry, except where a bank of clouds came drifting up from the southwest. A moist breeze, smelling of soft, moun tain snow, gently stirred the trees about them. But from the shanty no sound could be discerned. They ap proached nearer, and still nearer. "Now, you go to the door, and I'll take the window," Gardiner ordered. "Shove the blanket aside a little and size up the situation before you speak. We must make sure they're there, and there alone." Gardiner waited until he saw Riles fumbling carefully with the blanket that hum? In the doorway. Then he darted quickly to the window. While Allan snt In the little cabin he gradually became oppressed with a sense of great loneliness. From time to time he looked at the face of his sleeping father, and suddenly the knowledge struck him like a knife that It was the face of an old man. Allan could, see plainly the deepening fur rows in his strong, still handsome face. As he looked a vast tenderness min gled with his loneliness; he would Auikor of 3 'The Cbw ftmchen lie. Wuti'cition by Irwin .Myer have stooped and caressed him had he not feared to disturb his slumbers. He looked upon the sleeping man now, with the wealth of a lifetime's labor at his side, and the bond of trust and confidence between them seemed so tight it brought the moisture to his eyes. He thought of the past yeurs; of their lubor on the farm together hard labor, but always relieved by their comradeship and mutual ambi tions. HIS memory carried him still fur ther back buck to the days when he was a little child, and In the mirror of the darkness he could see his own small figure trudging In the truck of the plow and hanging to the rein ends that dropped from the knot on his fa ther's ample back. Back to the old sod shanty, with its sweet smell of comfort when the snow bent ngalnst the little window and the wind roared In the rattling stove pipe, and his mother sut by the fire nnd plied her flying needles. Old lullabies stole into ills bruin ; a deep pence compassed him, and consciousness fuded thinner and thinner Into the sea of the Infi nite. . Allan sat up In a sudden, cold chill of terror. Hud he been asleep? Wliut cold breath of dread hud crossed his path? He was no coward; the sense of fear was almost unknown to him, but now It enveloped him, stifled him, set his teeth chattering nnd his limbs quaking. He had heard nothing, seen nothing. The gun was in his hands as it hud lain when lust he remembered it; his father slept by his side, and near the wall lay the precious satchel. And yet he shook In absolute, unrea- Allan Sat Up In a Sudden Cold Chill of Terror. Had He Been Asleep? soning, unfounded terror. His eyes wandered from the lantern to the door to the blanket hanging limply in the door; and there they stared and stayed as though held in the spell of a ser pent. Subconsciously, certainly with out nny direction of will of his own, he raised the shot gun to his shoulder and kept it trained on the sagging blanket. The blanket seemed to move I It swayed at first as though a light breeze had touched it and yet not as though a breeze had touched it. The impulse seemed too far up about the height of a man's shoulder. The blood had gone from Allan's face; he was as one In a trance, obeying some Iron law outside the realm of the will and the reason. He cocked his gun and tightened his finger on the trig ger, nnd watched. And then, so plain that It must have been real, he saw stealthy fingers feeling their way about the blanket. Then Allan fired. In an instant he was wide awake, and wondering terribly what had hap pened. The explosion blew out the lantern, and the building was In utter darkness. Ills father was clambering to his feet with "Allan, what is it? What Is it, Allan?" The blanket had been torn from"lts hangings as by a heavy weight, and something wns writhing in it in the doorway. Allan sprang up and would have rushed upon It, but In the darkness he collided with another man. His fingers found his adversary's arm and ran up It to his throat, but before they could fasten in a fatal grip there was another flash of light, and a hot pang stabbed him In the breast. There was a strange gur gling in his lungs, a choking in his throat, a spinning dizziness in his head, as he 8tnggred over the mass In the doorway and fell into the night. Gnrdiner had reached the window Just in time to see Allan's gun trained on the doorway. For nn instant he stood dumbfounded ; there was some thing uncanny In the sight of the young man sitting there in silent absolute readiness for the attack. He drew back to warn Riles, but he was too late. At that moment the gun spoke; there was the sound of a heavy body railing, nnd stilled noises bore ample evidence of the accuracy of Allun's ulni. But even In Unit moment of un certainly Gnrdiner hud not lost thought of their purpose, nnd ills quick eye took In the sleeping form of John Harris and the location of the leather bag beside the wall. Without an in stalnt's hesitation he vaulted through the window and, revolver in hand, be gan to steal his way softly toward the treasure. He hud not taken three steps when Allan plunged full force Into him. He staggered with the shock, but recov ered himself only to find the young farmer's strong fingers clutching for his throat. It had been no part of Gardiner's plnn thut there should be bloodshed in the currying out of the robbery, but he was a mnn of quick decision, who accepted conditions as he found thorn. A slight pressure on the trigger, and Allun fell, cough ing, through the door. Gnrdiner retulned his sense of loca tion, nnd slipped silently to the wall. Harris was rushing about the rotten floor In the darkness, crying, "What is it, Allun? For God's sake, what has happened? Are you shot?" und for his own noise he could not hear Gardiner's steulthy movements. Gardiner's hand fell on a log of the wall, and his keen fingers traced their own way along It. Five steps, lie Judged, nnd the bag would be nt his feet. At the fifth step his toe touched nn object on the floor ; he leaned over and raised the booty In his bund. By this time his eyes had responded to the Intense darkness, nnd he could discern a square of gruyer gloom where the window admitted the night. He moved rapidly and silently toward It, but almost with the last step his foot slipped through a broken spot on the floor, and he staggered and fell. The revolver was thrown from his grasp, but he wus able to pitch the bug through the window as he crashed to the floor. The sound arrested Harris, and be fore Gardiner could extricute himself the farmer was upon hiin. At first lie seemed to think It was Allan, and felt about in the darkness without attempt ing to defend himself. This gave Gar diner an opportunity; he wus able to clnsp his arms about Harris' shins, and, with a quick turn of the body, ' cast his adversary headlong to the floor. At the same moment he freed himself from his entanglement nnd made another dusli for the window, But Harris, still numbed from his heavy sleep, now realized that some kind of tragedy had occurred, and guessed enough to believe that Allun was a victim. From his prostrute po sition, with one powerful leg he Inter rupted Gardiner's flight, and the next moment the two men were rolling on the floor in each other's arms. Har ris was much the stronger man of the two, but Gardiner was active and had some skill in wrestling. Besides, Har ris had been taken wholly by surprise, and had no idea who his antagonist was, while Gardiner had full knowl edge of all the circumstances, and the struggle was less uneven than might have been supposed. Inwardly cursing the luck that had thrown the revolver from his hand, Gardiner sought In the dnrkness for his adversary's throat, nose, or eyes. Harris, seizing the younger man by the waist, lifted him bodily from the floor and crashed him down ngaln upon It, but the next in stant Gardiner had one of his hands in both of his, nnd, bringing his knee down with great force on Hunis' el bow, compelled him, at the risk of a broken arm, to turn face downwards on the floor. Gardiner again wrenched violently' to break free, but Harris' grip was too much for him, so with the quickness nndury of a tiger he threw himself upon the farmer's back and wrapped his free arm nbout his throut. With ills uir partially cut oft Harris released the grip of his other hand, nnd Gardiner instantly took advantage of tills move to bring both arms to bear on Harris' throat. Things began to go badly with the farmer; fuce downwnrds on the floor, he wns unable to shake his adversary off, and was losing strength rapidly wKh his chok--Ing. Gnrdiner no longer sought an opportunity to break awny; his blood wns up and he was In the fight to the finish, ruled at last by his heart In stead of his head. Had he been con tent merely to retain his present ad vantage unconsciousness would soon have overcome his victim, but he tried to improve his grip, nnd the attempt proved disastrous. His thumb, seek ing better vantage, fell into Harris gasping mouth. Harris wns no more depraved than most of mankind, but when fighting for life, and choking to death in the hands of nn unknown en emy, he was ready to seize any advan tage, and with a great effort he brought his jaws together upon the In truder. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Lake's Peculiar Migration. Near Valdosta, In Georgia, there is a lake three miles long and three quarters of a mile wide, with an aver age depth of twelve feet of water, which disappears every three or four years and then comes back again. 'It disappears into natural subterranean pnssnges, taking two or three weeks in the process and leaving a beauti ful sandy basin. After a month or so the water begins to come back, and in a couple of weeks it Is the same old lake. Booze In Baby's Bottle. Magazine Story He was an only son. His father, heavily alcoholic, had died In his Infancy from pneu monia contracted during a spree. Boston Transcript. A girl doesn't necessarily lose hei head when she lays It on a young man's shoulder.