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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
I wl In 11 II illLd Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 7, NO 37 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 23,1921 THE YEAR $1.50 1 1 Your Harvest Supply of Lubricating Oils and Greases Should Be BECAUSE Lubricates Better Costs Less Goes Further IN STOCK No. 1-35-7-9 in Bbla. and less quantity Our Prices are Standard Oil Co. Prices plus 5 cts. per gallon freight SHATTUCK BROS. Maupin Holdups Foiled. While K. L. Hauser's car was parked on the roadside near Tygh Valley Sunday a couple chaps in a car from Yakima re lieved it of a gun. Mr. Hauser returning to his machine in a short time missed his gun and took chase, overtaking the boys at Tygh and recovered his fire arm. Upon being informed that they would be placed under ar rest, the young men left their machine andj proceeded down Tygh creek, making their emape It is alleged the machine . was stolen at Yakima, Notice Anybody wanting farm labor ers or harvest hands notify W. 0. Miller, Post Commander, American Legion, Maupin Post 73. These men are ex-service men and need the work. The following teachers were elected for the coming year: Principal, A. M. Winn; inter mediate, lea Derthick; Primary, Jeannette Graham Wertz, from Estacada, Oregon. . School will start September 12th. AT HOTEL MAUPIN Sanitary and Commercial Rooms Remember we run on pre-war prices -home cooking, neat and clean Meals Served: Breakfast 6 to 8; Dinner 12 to 2; Supper 6 to 8. PHONE 8A82 Our Motto is SERVICE Warning Reyersed State Game Commission, Port land, June 20, 1921. Mr. Robert Carland, Maupin, Oregon, Dear Sir: Replying to your inquiry of the 18th instant, will say that a woman is not required to obtain an anglers' license to catch the game fish of the State of Oregon with hook and line. A woman does not have to have a license to Cmh for game fish in the National Forests of the State. The Forest Ranger is mistaken. A woman will have to have a license, however, to hunt deer in order to obtain the tags to put on the. deer when she kills it. We have written the Forest Warden about this as you sug gest. Yours very truly, State Game Commission. . By F M. Brown. Chief Deputy Game Warden. Among Southern Wasco county residents visiting The Dalles the last of the week are A. G. Har vey, Wamic, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wing, Maii"i Allen, Tygh Val ley, N. G. lledin, Wapinitia, E. H. Snodgras?, M. L Shearer, A. J. Connolly, Maupin, D. Conroy, Shaniko. Now for Che Fishing Tackle. It don't pay to bother with bum stuff. We've got the kind that gets the Fish. Maupin Drug Store. Mrs. Harry Anderson and children returned home from Portland Thursday afternoon. Base Ball The Maupin ball team spent last Saturday and Sunday in Moro, playing a same of ball each day. For this special occasion the management of Moro had col lected a bunch of star players from Portland, Corvallis, Wasco, Condon, Arlington and Grass Valley, in fact, every place ex cept Moro. Saturday was rainy and a bad day for base ball. Our Maupin J-toys held the bunch of stars to a 3 to 1 score until the last of the 9th when everybody seemed to go to pieces, letting in 3 runs. 'Sunday was an ideal day for hall playipg and the Maupin boys went in with the intention of winning the game and won it, shutting out the all Btar players to the tune of 4 to 0. The batteries for Saturday were: Maupin Morrow and Ren- nick; Moro Kewpie dough, Portland pitcher playing for Wasco, and Mad eras, Grass Val ley. Sunday: Maupin Arthur Mor ris, Oscar Rennick; Moro-Lefty Baldwin, Condon, Maderas, Grass Valley, Wilson, Corvallis. Next Sunday, June 26th is the last game to be played at Maupin this Eeason. between teams from Antelope and Maupin. These teams are evenly match ed and will surely put up a good game. Be on hand for next Sunday's game. Admission 25 and 50 cents. Mil's Cash Store Freight is getting so high that I will quote yo'i Portland prices so that you can compare them with mail order houses. I have the following supplies always in stock Tomatoes $2.65 case, equal to about 11c each by case Corn $3.85 case, equal to about 16c each by case String Beans $3.50 " " " 14c each by case 10 lbs Coffee $2.25 " " " 22 l-2c per Lb. Pink Salmon $5.75 " " " 12c eack by case Bacon 18c per lb Karo Syrup per gallon $1 Sugar handled on very small margin. Beans, Rice, Dried Fruits, canned Fruits, Crackers, Peas and general line of Groceries all coining down It will l)e worth your while to let me figure with you on your harvest bill. "Your Money Goes Farther at Hill's Wapinitia, Oregon Carrying your surplus money around in your pocket is A BAD HABIT Putting it on Time Deposit with us at four per cent Interest is A GOOD HABB1T Start today MAUPIN STATE BANK Wamic News' Miss Erma Morris of Maupin spent several days with Miss Alda Norval. A band of sheep belonging to Jockel brothers of boyd passed through here Thursday, going to the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson f Madras spent several days at the C. S. McCorkle home last week. Mrs. Anderson was Miss Doratliy McCorkle's first teacher Mr. Anderson is the secretary f the Madras Irrigation com pany and has been to Washing ton D. C. to interview Congress in behalf of the irrigation project. The fanners here have an abundant alfalfa hay crop this year. Rill Johnson has so much liay that he thinks of seeming 100 head of three-year-old steers to fatten on the hay. Many persons here witnessed the air plane Fridav, passing this way from Portland to Ante lope. This is the first air craft to pass over this place. Ed Driver busied himself last week looking after the irrigation iatterals. The ditches are all full this spring. A heavy rain fell here Friday night. Light showers fell Sat urday and Sunday. Eugene Pratt and Miss Crystal Pratt arrived Friday from Oak land where they have been some time with Carl Pratt and family. Among thos who went from here to the Stampede at Ante lope were Mr. and Mrs. Vard Norval, Miss Crystal Pratt, Housty Johnson, Miss Claris ?umwalt, Belvie Patison, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wing and Miss Lena Wing, Mr. and Mrs. uy Brittain. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Chastain were over from Juniper Flat Sunday, guests of Mrs. Emma Chastain. Hauser & Dahl sheep passed through here today in charge of l THRESHING-MACHINES L: ' Yxjz'ti Case Grain-Saving Vamhtvs Case tMhi.ilt ihnther with irop'r mentg u-hlch we ore prenared fo futnkh it'll thresh till gmint and seeds ptvirn, TASE thresbera are sturdily built of steel, v insuring long life. Steel construction also prevents total destruction by fire. Rotting and warping is impossible in a Case steel thresher. Distorted frames and disalignment of shafts and bearings from the pull of main drive belts are avoided by the Case method of construction. Gal vanning prevents rusting. Add to this the fact that Case threshers in sure the cleanest of threshing:, thorough sepa ration, perfect cleaning: and unequaled saving and you have the reason why more Caw threshers were built and sold bt sason than in any previous year of the history of the J. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co. We suggest you place year crdst for a Caas thrthr 89 early as possible. If you buy a Case you will b satisfied. Come m and let's talk it over. R. E. WILSON CO. COMING, June Wapinitia 24, Wamic 25, Maupin 26 lace i-vcecSo in , Valley of the Giants A picture of the Big Things of earth, Giant Men, Giant Trees a struggle of Hearts' Wits and fists, a tale of the Big Outdoors and the Redwood Lumber Camps of the West. Sennett Bathing Girls Comedy Poland Comedy Admissission 20, 40 mm pi s U fct f k4 "IS You've filled Machinery to your Farm THEN WHY NOT let me (it music to your home Ii. ANDERSON Maupin, Oregon W. A. Zaik. E. C. Fitzpatrick (to last page)