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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
URGE WHALE MEAT AS . wnf ywwii Unin A movement to urge the people to eat whale meat as a substitute for beef, lamb, and other victuals has been begun by the American Museum of Natural History. Statistics submitted by this Institution show that this whale meat can be marketed for about 12 cents a pound and is Just as tasty and nourishing as any other meat. It has been used In Japan as a foodstuff for the past 20 years, and has proved satisfactory. Should this new eatable appeal to the American people It will undoubtedly result In i tremendous expansion In the whaling Industry. The photograph shows the enormous tongue of a Gray whale. TELLS OF NIGHT LIFE IN THE TRENCH Correspondent Gives Thrilling Description of First Ex perience at Front. LIGHTED BY STARRY BALLOON Night Watchers Trust Nobody But Themselves Both Sides Watching the Flaring Bombing and Ma chine Gunning at Intervals. With the French Armies In the Field. Night life In a flrst-llne trench has Its little bag of thrills for the begin ner. Pollus say night trenches are monot onous, but all Pollus have seen livelier things than trench life. To on American correspondent, spending a first night on the fringe of No Man's Land precisely as no doubt hundreds of thousands of Ameri cans will before the end of the war, a nocturnal trench has all the melodra matic elements to keep up Interest and drive monotony away. Darkness seems to settle down quickly over the frowsy, weedy, gray strip In front, which nobody owns and nobody treads In daylight. A battery of French guns bark sharply In the rear. Firefly flashes wink a mile behind the enemy's wire. The French gunners are saying "Good night" to a Boche battery, and the dull "boom," "boom," "boom" then the squeal of enemy Bteel above tells you the Boche Is answering. Unless un foreseen things happen tonight, the gunners will "rest on their arms" un til daybreak. On "quiet" sectors like this It often happens. With darkness down, the night shift Is eating supper In their dugouts and rigging out In sheepskin Jackets to begin the silent night watch over the parapets. The dugoutB corrugated steel and sand-bng construction at In tervals a few yards back of the first line are smelly and dark, but filled with life. Its human life and Insect life, the latter making little difference so long ns steel and sandbags shed va grant shells. Men say they can get accustomed to Insects, but the bite of a shell Is different. 8lgn of America. The correspondent found the Inevi table American sign In these dugouts tonight. Penciled names on the wood en bunks suggested New York's East side, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Milwaukee and other purer American names sug gested early settlers on the prairies of the middle West. In fact, It was In the trench Just outside that a small body of American "Sammies" on No vember 8 fought desperately against overwhelming German odds In Ameri ca's first battle of the big European war. The night Pollus have taken their places a few yards apart along the parapet, The day Pollus have filed Into the dugouts for food and rest. A machine gun Is "rat-tat-tat-lng" Its evening tryout. All machine guns are frequently tested at night. A fainter "rat-tot-tat-tat" shows that the Boche Is doing It, too. A bright, fiery streak roars np nearby and a small white parachute floats gently down with an Incandescent flare lighting up No Man's Land for a hundred yards around. Somebody saw a suspicious move beyond the wire, an officer ex plained. The officer orders a few rifle grenades fired as a warning to prowl ing Boches, perhaps trying to learn something or to cut the wire. The Pollu heads, silhouetting over the para pet at Intervals against the blackness beyond, "duck down" for an Instant while the grenades explode with cav ernous roars. These missiles fly Into a hundred pieces each and wipe out life for rods around. More machine guns are tapping their warnings or having their "tryouta" here and there along the line. The Boche again, as if nervous, li doing It, too. Nobody Is Trusted. A half-hour follows without a single park of fireworks. But It breaks out again both sides watching, flaring, bombing, machine-gunning, suspicious things In that uncanny black stretch of No Man's Land, fringed on each tide SUBSTITUTE FOR BEEF with night watchers who trust nobody but themselves. Another period of silence except low voices of men talking In "trench whis pers." They've learned to "trench whisper" by constant practice. A Pollu apologetically explained, as he rear ranged his nest of black egglike hand grenades on the trench shelf before him, that American soldiers talked too loud at first. But they finally learned tp "parler doucement" he added. The Boche Is active again. A flock of hand grenades roar themselves Into silence on the other side as fiery light streaks perform arcs like Roman can dles and then float gracefully down under their parachutes Into the Ger man wire. A rifle grenade explodes half-way across No Man's Land and Boche machine guns take up the tune. The Boche having told the French by the display that no German soldiers are prowling In this part of No Man's Land, there Is silence again until time makes things uncertain. "The Boche has no reason to be nervous yet," whispered nn officer. "Our first patrol goes out at 2 o'clock. Would you like to go along?" Patrolling Is one of the milder games of hide and seek id No Man's Land at night and It's something most all American trench soldiers will learn before the war is over. Sixty Gothas in Passengers Arriving in United States Give Thrilling Ac counts of Attack. FAMOUS BUILDINGS WRECKED Bombs Tore Up Streets During Two Hour Siege In Inky Darkness Death Toll 245 Drop Nine Tons of Explosives. An Atlantic Port. Thrilling eye witness accounts of one of the tremen dous German air raids on Paris, were brought by passengers arriving at this port on a French steamship recently. One of the passengers, In a position to know all the facts, declared that more than 200 men, women and children had been killed, that 60 fast Gothas had taken part In the raid and that over nine tons of explosive bombs had been dropped during a two-hour siege. One American ambulance driver alone, according to a passenger, picked up TO bodies during the night "The Germans picked out the dnrk est night In a long time to make their raid," said this informant, whose name cannot be divulged. "Their squadrons cume over Vlncennes, and headed for the heart of the city. Fought In Dark. "It was about midnight when the popping of the antiaircraft guns woke me and gave the first alarm. I looked out, but nothing could be seen in the blackness, except the flash of the de fending batteries, In every part of the city, and, occasionally, the sizzling trail of a bomb. "French machines had risen to the attack at the first signal, but they were greatly handicapped by the dark ness. The rattle of their machine guns could be plainly heard and there were several clashes, but for the most part the French filers went winging blindly and at random through the dark. "For two hours the city was pelted with bombs: Hospitals were hit and convalescent soldiers wounded. Fa mous public buildings I am not al lowed to tell their names, but they are known all over the world were badly damaged, and some of the famous boulevards and public squares were torn up as by an earthquake. Death Toll Put at 248. "From Information I gathered the toll of death was nearer 245 than 45, as the official statement says. An American ambulance driver, a friend, worked through the night with other members of the corps, scouring every part of Parts, for the whole city was LONDON HAS NEW CRIMINAL He Gives Poisoned Candy to the Wom an Conductor of the Mo torbuses. London. This city has a new kind of criminal. He will take rank with the "Ink squlrter" of New York and possibly "Jack the Peeper." Thla new est brand of criminal has been giv ing poisoned candy to woman conduc tors of motorbuses. He is described as middle aged, of gentlemanly appear ance and suave speech. Several of his victims have been taken unconscious to hospitals, but all have recovered. At least a dozen young women have received poisoned candy from him and without exception they have been taken violently 111 soon aft er eating It. His custom Is to wait until he is the only passenger in the bus and then to open a box of chocolates and invite the conductor to help herself. Usu ally the woman says she will, because candy Is scarce and costly In London and the conductors do not make hand some wages. He usually asks the In tended victim to take as much as she wishes, and a moment or two after ward leaves the bus. AH the women say they could Identi fy htm. The police are making a dili gent search for him, but their search does not prevent him from carrying on his operations. There are thousands of motorbuses In London, and the field of operations Is therefore large. Y. M. C. A. DUGOUTS AT FRONT Eight of Them Established In Trenches Taken Over by the United 8tates Troops. Chicago. Eight T. M. C. A. dugouts have been established In the trenches communicating with the battle line which American boys In France have Just taken over, It was announced here by the National War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A. At these stations along the way to the front the Sam mies are able to procure hot coffee or chocolate and other edibles as well as to mall letters to the folks back home. Often, It Is said, the Y. M. C. A. sec retary Is the last man to bid the boys "So long" and the first to greet them or dress their wounds when they come out. The Y. M. C. A. has been charged by both the French and American arm ies with the conduct of the entire can teen system In France. Rich Man Seeks Service. Denver, Col. Courtland S. Dines, millionaire broker, of Denver, has undergone an operation on the nose and throat that he may qualify for service In the aviation division of the National army. Raid On Paris under fire. He picked up TO bodies, In addition to scores of wounded. "The next morning I found that three of the bombs had fallen and ex ploded on the doorstep of the house where I was stopping, tearing great holes six feet In diameter. I found several unexploded bombs nearby, of the shape of footballs, but consider ably larger In size." After the attacking squadron had retired, according to the passengers, It was found that one of the enemy planes had been brought down. The people of Paris, the passengers said, were of the opinion that the raid was by way of reprisal for what French fliers had done over German cities." POLITICAL LEADER IN RANKS South Carolina Legislator Waives Ex emption and Enlists In the Ma rine Corps. Port Royal, S. C Side by side men from various walks of life, Len A. Scott, three times Republican repre sentative from Hardin county, Ten nessee, and minority floor leader In the lower house of the last two legis latures, fe rapidly learning the fine points of Marine life. He enlisted In the Marine corps re cently for the duration of the war, waiving exemption on the ground that he was a state legislative officer, and was sent to this station for prelim inary training. Scott is well known In political cir cles, It being remembered that he was the author of the first resolution in troduced In the house of representa tives, pledging support to President Wilson when war with Germany be came Inevitable. FINDS LONG-LOST SISTER United States Gunner on Transport Says De Kalb Has Sunk Many U-Boats. Pittsburgh, Pa. Searching for his sister, whom he has not seen for ten years, Floyd Long, aged 33 years, gun ner on the United States steamer De Kalb, formerly a Pittsburgh boy, ar rived In this city and shartly after ward ascertained that his sister, Mrs, Alfred Ward, resides at 1T0T Laporte street His brother-in-law, wire chief for the Bell Telephone company, HI land exchange, met Long and the re union of brother and sister followed at the Ward residence. Long related to them the story of several battles with German subma rines In which he has taken part He asserted the De Kalb's guns have ac counted for many U-boats and dis played a medal for sharp shoo ting. WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of. Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Thingi Worth Knowing. President Poincare has refused to pardon Bolo Pasha, convicted of trea son, acording to an Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Paris. The Belgian relief ship Ministre de Smet de Naeyer, 2712 tons, sank on Saturday in the North Sea. It is re ported she struck a mine. Seventeen of those aboard were saved and 12 were drowned. Officials of the Dock Truckers' and Warehousemen's Union in Seattle Wednesday announced that their mem bers had voted to strike next Thursday morning if their demands for a wage increase were not granted. The official announcement Tuesday that no casualties resulted from that day's bombardment of Paris by the Germans, says the Petit Parisien, was not in strict accordance with the facts. It affirms that there were victims eight chickens. M. W. Kirwin, Royal Flying Corps cadet, was killed at Fort Worth, Tex., Tuesday afternoon on the eve of his squadron's departure .for Toronto. His home was in Nova Scotia. He was 21 years old. Kirwin was flying alone, and no one saw the accident. When subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan were called for at a Washington theater Tuesday night, the first subscriber was President Wilson, who occupied a box in the audience. Announcement that the President had taken $1000 worth was followed by prolonged cheering. Another day, Tuesday, of lively sen ate debate on the sedition bill which would punish disloyal utterances and attempts to hinder the army draft and Liberty Bond campaigns, resulted in the adoption of amendments designed to meet the objection of senators that the measure might prevent legitimate criticism on the war. The landing of Japanese and British forces at Vladivostok and the Bolshe vik objection to the move promise to cause the State department some con cern. When Japanese occupation of Siberia was proposed recently this government assumed a "hands off" policy. The Russian National Council of Soviets has announced its purpose to protest to the United States against the present step. The masses in Austria are showing signs that they consider their war aims have been attained through the signing of peace with the Ukraine and with Roumania. Not only the labor element, but also the bourgeoise, have expressed their desire for immediate peace. Emperor Karl has emphasized twice his desire for peace in his mes sages to the kaiser offering congratu lations on the results of the western offensive. With the nation entering the second year of the war, congress works this week on important legislation designed to make its powers more effective at the battle front and at home. While the house gives right of way to bills extending the draft law and other army legislation, the senate's schedule includes final disposition of several bills aimed at German spies and agents to curb mob law against dis loyalists and to stamp out propaganda. A revolution has broken out in Southern Costa Rica, Jorge Volio has invaded Costa Rica territory from Pan ama and a force under him is attack ing Villa Concepcion Perez, a town on the frontier. i Miss Emma G. Mullen, of New York, was killed in the Paris church etruck by a German shell on Good Fri day. This increased to five the num ber of Americans who lost their lives in the church. In the week ended March 80 Teu tonic submarines sank three Italian steamships of more than 1500 tons and destroyed one sailing vessel of more than 100 tons and nine sailing vessels of a tonnage under that figure. Charles Cole pleaded guilty to a charge of appropriating $12,000 worth of Liberty bonds from the Federal Re serve bank at San Francisco, where he was employed, and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment at McNeil's Island. Germany's bombardment of Paris by long-range guns will only serve to strengthen the resolve of the French to resist toe last man if necessary to Teutonic invasion according to a report received at the State department from Ambassador Sharpe at Paris. There was a sudden and marked de crease in the losses to British shipping through mine and submarine in the past week. The admiralty reports that only six British merchantmen of 1600 tons or over and seven under that tonnage were sunk in the week ended March SO. HOME-RULE FOR IRISH Conscription Linked With Long-Coveted Measure Offered Ireland by Premier Lloyd-George. London David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, Tuesday made the boldest stroke of bis career by coupling home rule for Ireland with conscription of Irishmen. This unexpected disclosure is an ad dress by the premier in the house of commons, in presenting the new con scription bill to parliament, swept aside all interest in the details of the conscription scheme which already had been forecast by the newspapers. The premier said that the man-power act would be extended to Ireland under the same conditions as to Great Brit ain and that a measure of self-government for Ireland would be introduced. It was announced in the home of commons that the government had de cided to extend the time for discussion of the man-power bill until Tuesday of next week. This was a concession to a request of Mr. Asquith after a vote had been taken and the bill had passed its first reading amid cheering. After the premier had delivered his address, Mr. Asquith said that if, as he believed, the gravest peril which ever had menaced the empire was now confronting it, there was no sacrifice parliament was not prepared to make. He appealed to the premier to give a little more time for consideration of the bill. Ireland is the only subject talked of now. The only question asked is, how will the Irish parties and their British sympathizers take to the new policy? There was a test of strength in the house of commons when Joseph Dev lin, Nationalist, made a motion to ad journ. The government then moved and carried closure on his motion after a brief debate by a vote of 310 to 85, and Mr. Devlin's motion was defeated by a vote of 323 to 80. A few pa cifists voted with the Nationalists. This preliminary vote means little. Everything depends on the nature of the proposals for self-government for Ireland to be adopted, as the premier said, "without violent controversy." The first impression was skepticism as to whether the War cabinet could frame a measure which would stand that test, and the fear that the country might be plunged again into the old fury of Irish quarrel while fighting for its life against enemies outside its walls. It was because of this fear that the Asquith government shelved the old home-rule act and the Nationalists have blamed that shelving for the fail ure of more Irishmen to enlist. TO BUILD STONE SHIPYARDS Congress Asked for $50,000,000 to Es tablish Concrete Plants. Washington, D. C. Fify million dollars will be asked of congress by Chairman Hurley, of the Shipping Board, for development of concrete shipbuilding. The plan is to establish at once five government yards two on the Pacific Coast and three in the South. The sites for the plants are already under consideration and will be an nounced shortly. The three in the South will probably include one al ready planned for Wilmington, N. C. Transportation facilities and easy ac cess to cement and sand will govern the selections. The first vessels turned out by the government yards will be 7500-ton tankers, both because of the shortage of oil carriers and because, in the pres ent Btage of concrete ship develop ment, the board is more confident of success with the tankers than with general cargo craft. German Caught Mapping Harbor. Tacoma, Wash. Caught in the act of drawing a map of Tacoma harbor, showing location of shipyards, promi nent lumber mills and warehouses, John Nagley, aged 49, a German, is held incommunicado at police head quarters, while government agents in vestigate. The German was captured in Fire men's park, on the bluff overlooking Tacoma harbor, by military police. When searched Nagley was found to have hidden in inner pockets a copy of the Morse and Continental telegraph codes, and a regulation army code of flag signals for wig-wagging on the battlefield. Another code of Greek letters was found also. Air Nets Protect Paris. Paris Captive observation balloons of the sausage type have been rising over the region of Paris on recent nights and there has been considerable speculation regarding the purpose of this move. It is now explained that the balloons are used in connection with a system of metallic nets as de fenses against air raiders. The bal loons first were sent up on the occasion of the last attempted raid on Paris, but the enemy having been fought off before reaching the capital, the effec tiveness of the system was not tested. Aircraft Shake-up Hinted. Washington, D. C Reports that there will be an early reorganization of the government's aircraft produc tion machinery persisted here Wednes day, although officials were reticent to discuss the subject. If changes are made, it was said they will not come about until a report is made by the commission headed by H. Snowden Marshall, appointed re cently to inquire into the organization of the aircraft work. BLOCK HUNS' PLANS FOR VICTORY War Department Asserts French and British Upset Schedule. RESULT IS UNCERTAIN Position of Allied Armies Declared to Be Better Strategic Standpoint, but Attacks are Expected. Washington, D. C. French and British tenacity has upset the ambi tious plans of the German high com mand for the battle of Picardy, says the War department's weekly military review Sunday night, and now the enemy determined to get in some sort of success at any coat, is throwing fresh forces into the battle in an effort to win limited objectives. Because of this, the situation is expected to re main uncertain for some time to come. General improvement in the strate gic position of the allies is noted, and the review declares that under General Foch the allied military machinery is working smoothly and efficiently in stemming the German assault. There is no mention whatever of the American troops reported hurrying to the front to join the British and French, though the department again mentions that several American trans port sections have taken an active part in the battle and that the American aviation service is co-operating with the British artillery. "At the opening of the third week of the German offensive, we find that the enemy is still far short of attain ing his principal objectives," says the review. "It is now evident that the Geqnan high command contemplated over whelming the British at the outset be tween the Oise and the Sensee, and driving a wedge into the Franco-British forces. "The enemy fully expected to achieve a decision in the field in the course of one great battle. "Evidence of prisoners tends to con firm that the enemy hoped to gain the line of the Somme by the evening of the first day of the offensive. As a matter of fact, it took the Germans 10 days to cover the ground they expected to overrun within 48 hours. "Under the leadership of General Foch, the allied military machine is functioning with precise smoothness insuring greatest economy, harmony and efficiency in the use of all the forces now united in stemming the German assaults. The morale of the allied troops remains high. "The German offensive has not spent itself and the situation will continue uncertain for some time to come. However, the general strategic posi tion of the allies is becoming more favorable. "After a period of relative calm early in last week, during which the enemy waB busy bringing up his heavy guns and repairing the wastage of battle by replacing tired units with fresh troops, another powerful attack was launched along the segment of the line now held by the French, stretch ing from the Amiens Roye road to Grivesnes. The enemy was able to make Blight headway. Fierce fighting continues. Allied forces are massed to check the invaders in this area. "The Austrian armies, with the ex ception of the few units operating in the Ukraine or in the western area, are now in the Italian theater"" Hun Future is Uncertain. London The Birmingham Daily Post says that if statements in Hamburg newspapers are reliable, the prospects of German shipowners after the war are uncertain. It is considered prob able that for some years they will have difficulty in again obtaining a foothold in several important trades which they at one time almost monopo lized. Commenting on the same subject the London correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Poet says German mercantile marine, which aggregated 3,072,993 tons when the war began, has been de pleted to the extent of nearly 3,000, 000 tons. Shooting is Best Remedy. St Louis Declaring that any per son in the United States "who has en joyed the privileges of our government and still has the slightest pro-German feeling, should be stood up against a stone wall and shot at sunrise," Gov ernor Gardner, of Missouri, opened the Liberty Loan campaign in this state with an address at a celebration here. The ceremonies, which were postponed Saturday on account of rain, were wit nessed by what is believed to have been the largest crowd ever assembled in St. Louis. Turks Drive in Caucasus. Constantinople Turkish troops are advancing over a wide front in the Caucasus, says an official statement is sued Monday by the Turkish war office. Virtually all of Turkish Armenia has been cleared of Russians. After vio lent fighting, the announcement says, the Turks occupied Ardahan and posi tions west of Sarikamish, Russian towns in trans-Caucasia, and crossed the anciept Russc-Turkish frontier in the direction of Batum.