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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1917)
. k e y fcu A 1 IJUa, lv&nLWl 111 Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco' County VOL 3. NO. 39 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 6. 1917 THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN II OUR 5- It- Smcck Items The board of appraisers for Fed eral Loan were at 'I'yli Valiwy, Waiiiic, Maupin, and Wapinili.i . lust Thursday. O. J. Dnriinyaine and family" ol Tygli Valley were cullers a t V. 1 1 . May field's Sunday. Godlii'b Tesc.hner of Wapiniiiu w;ia a Sunday caller at G. W. BargenhoUs. F. E. Spoor nmrori'd to TIih Philies Saturday, return'm;; Sun day bringing Mrs. lli-ll and iiltle niece vvijo are at C A. Syren's. Ftank Fleck and family and mother of V,a';i'-o visited several days with O. I!. Fleck and family The two familiea motored to Warm Springs, Antelope, Gateway and Grafs Valley. Several families of this plare spent the Fourth at Tvgh Valley. 8. G. Ledford returned from the mountains Thursday after ."pend ing a couple weeks prospecting mines. Claud roberti) tuu with him. II. C. Staked was a ,Suiid:i) caller ut T. E. Farlow's. F. 15. .Spoor and A. Trait fell a large pine tree which has been the covering for Mr. Spoor's faun im plements for years, Whiteumb & Syrou'u machine diverted it into Wood which Mr. Sppor expects tn deliver in Aiaupin later on. Elaine Eisbrovv is working on Ih r ditch for John Gordon. I'hey ettpect to have the waler out a fir as the Chat1. Duncan place the 1 i :t cf t!w week. Wr.p-;r.:'aa Our hopes el June rair.s have wnhed. This, is Hie second time ill over years lll:Lt it has failed to rain sotii1! doling June. Even with a raiu a few days, crop will hs very short as the heads of tin grain me all formed and headed nut and in tnot-l places there isn't tuillicieiit moisture to fill it. Ira White of Hood p.iver wat visiting relatives' here and at Wain io- this week, lie returned I'nesdsy, M. II. Staines and fan ily oami. out here fi'nni The Dalles Tuesday t'j pack up their hoiisebold goods They are preparing to move li The Dalle where Mr. St lines lint taken the pastorship of the U. I!, church. Word was received here that tin pastor appointed for this year was not coining, so we will be without a p n : 1 1 r !or a while at least. Vincent Tapp who wan operated on at The Dalles rome time aec relumed to his home Tuesday mid is feeling line. Mi to show yoa a full snappy line of men's new hats and caps for ike fourth, something- startling, entirely new. Look right when you cele brate. A bigger, feller: line cf staple groceries every day. 1 ain prepar ed to meet you? wants. A trial is all 1 ask. LAKE'S CASH STORE At Your Scrvics st In A FINE LINE OF bummmer oats and i.aBS hire several days rgo for the mountains. The rond to Clear Lake is now open for auto?. Joe Graham suc ceeded in making the trip last in his car. Mr. and Mrs. G. E.'yood, Mr. Pratt and Mrs, Paul Pratt' spent the 4ih at Clear Lake, Mrs. 1 1). Morris of The Dalles was vititing at the home of Olie Both well last week. The well driller who has been drilling a well ut Yoltiey F.iidcrs hy's struck Waler at a dept h of 1G0 some odd feet , and about 'Jo feet of water is reported. This is he leatt. depth of any of the drill ed wells on the Flat. U. Kndcrtdiy and Jesse Cox el urned from their trip to South ern Ongon Sunday. i Mrs. Birdie Cox is the possessor if a new organ, having brought it home last week. 'Most every one around here are planning on attending the celebration at Tygh the -fib. Mrs. Mary Peehelle lost her milk cow a few days ago, The work of cleaning on! the nig out oiHlie ditch was completed Saturday and a part of the water was turned in Monday. It is ex pected to reach the edge of the 1 fl.d in a few days, Sophia lapp returned home from While River Monday where she has been staying with Mrs. Tunison. Lenard Wilson of this place, but who has been in The Dalles wil pasi lew nionins, nas ten tnere and is employed at Arlington. He is laid up for a few days with pieco of steel in his eye and was in The Dalles Sunday receiving medical treatment for it. Mr. Cyr went to Tygh the f.rst. of the week to make preparations to run a stand there during the celebration. John Lewis is at Tygli this week preparing his Nigger baby stand for the ph. Some hot weather has been ex perienced the past few days. . Quite an exodus from here Fri uav tinu .-auuuay 10 atleint me big circus in The Dalits, but ail w.sre sorely" disappointed a lln show failed to appear on accourt of the railroad track being torn out eat-1 of there. Among those going from here were Mr. and Mrs R. W. McCorkle and sons' Mr. aiid Mrs. Floyd Eubank Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Tapp and. l'obert. and Mrs. 1).. Woodddft, Katii Amen, Vivian Barzte, Mr. anc Mrs. ifose Delore, Mr. ami Mr:;. Ilarlmtui and Crystal. Mt. and Mrs. N. 'y'. blinn aiie son Clyde went to The Dalles Fri day morning, returning Sunday. K. !. lledin and W. B. Keen w-'iit to Portland Monday niorninj: lo attend a trial then'. Frank Richardson had the mis fortune Sunday afternoon to gel ins of bis lingeis shot up quih badly while handling a '2J riflle. t" some, way the gun was dischar ged while his finger was over the end of the barrel. OHie Vcherg took him immediately to Tygh to :av it diesreil. Mr. and Mrs. h. L. Foreman went to The Dalles Friday, return ing Saturday. Mr. Foreman is receiving' medical treatment theie very week. Airs. Frank Gubel accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Knopf were'callcd to Portland Saturday by tho death of Mrs. Knopf's f it her, Mr. George who resides in VVn. 'Mr. Delore look them to The Dalles in his car. Mrs. Lizzie Davis and children returned to their home in Madras vYedne? day. Frank (label who has been in The Dalles a numher of months rceiving medical treatment cau:e o'it, to Ins home here Saturdsv with Mr. Foreman's and stayed till Sunday evemmr vi hen his eon Harry took him back to The Dalles. Mr. (label is getting iloiu! fine and lias of soon being able lo return to Ids home. Pearl Fvick made a trip lo The Daih-s Saturday, returning Sunday Miii'iv Hollanian uml daughters Giennie and Svlvia acconmanied him. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Maynard, Mr. Doyle and family lift here Tues day For Beaver creek lo came over !he!:h. Chwance Alexander was trans acting buines" at Mailman's saw mill Tuesday. Mack llollalimi and John Wurd left hero Tuef.biy For a fishing trip lo Char Lake. K I Davis biilchtied a fine biif:1'"11 i laid week. Arthur Bice left Tuesday I-rISSISKSE liend. . i i,'A The Union Pacific Sy-:tem hrs just issued a folder map nf the U. S., which on account of its cor ven i nit form a :U the important in formation it contains should at this particular time b of uiiu-uial value to tlfe public. Copies will bo sent without co-it on application to agents. SJfi E SATURDAY After -Lorp Illness Mrs. Philmlee gnvo a party for Florence who was eight years old yesterday. A number of her little Friends were invited and enjoyed a fine time on the banks ni the Bake oven. A good home dinner ac companied by somo sweet meats was enjoyed at noon. , Slants' store had the distinction of being the only bu.-iness home in town to close up and go to Ty; h Big Celebration Tygh Valley held the National f stivlties ofj the - year for ihi.J county. '1 he inviting picnic loca tion of the fair grounds attracted many from all .section, to go and enjoy one or both days. Tlie program and sports win S'luiwhat brief, but if they were lacking in anything, the half do:: en stands on the grounds were not and were hugely .patronized by the crowds on the grounds. Vanderpool Bros.' have employ ed the service. of an expert me chanic, Wallace Muir, formerly of llii' Walther-Williams garage. The Dalles, and lire handling die most .implicated car troubles to the satisfaction of all. We'll soon have a rain I J, M. Conklin is spending the week in the metropolis. Thus. Flanagan and da r.Blf.ti-8 ; tjlw national colors verv handsom- 1 o I.1! ... : . .... t . ami r. o. I'luimti:' were in iro n After a year's Buffering with tuberculosis Mrs. Ona Morris died at their home jn The Dalles Satur day about noon. The remains 'were brought to Tygh Valley, her old home, and laid to rest in the llauser cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. G. H. Harrison conducting the rervicee, attended by a largo number of friends and relatives. Airs. Morris was tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Steers of Tygh Valley, and is mourned by a host of friends and relatives. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to the , friends who offered their assistance, and sympathy during the illness and death of our wife and daughter, and for the floral otl'crings. It- L. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Sleera. The Wapinitia stage has worn were in Bakeoven yesterday afternoon, The Oregon-Washington work train is making fine bhowing on the excavation for the big flour mill. y the past Few days. The people of Criterion arranged" fol- a free picnic and free treats tho ilth by community contribu tion. A wagon load wont up from hern Tuesday. A Straight Tip On The Fuel 'And Lumber Situation. We are in the Grip of the Worst Shot-tape Uie World ha3 ever known and potting Worse. Ninty per cent of all Fuel Shipments will le made duiing the Summer months. Next to Find, shipments of Silo and Granery material will Irive prtn'ocdonce over all others rr; tnis tend:.; lo increase the coun . try's fcotj supply. iYl.iy we 3u:c:ro:il, that you anti cipate your want i and order your EiipplioH at once, We will ' be phased to talk llfse mutters over in pert'oi:. "See V'lt i- Kilhurj; about it' Tiii! a ma mm co. .SHATTUCft BROS, THE STORC OF CLTTF-R SLTiVICr." and Mrs. 1). Wiight lefi Tygh Valley (rover Webb in now Ihe owner o a new Chevrolet ear. Grant Mays Was al his ranch Friday. Mrs. P.. D. Hewitt has bun ipiil" sick during the past week. Mr. and Mis. (iin. W'nndrulV made a luisiue,-', trip to The Dalbs 1'iilay. A 1 1 r "0 psily of yotiic,' people ti urn r T.t-i iii i'i county iiune over ! S ue! iv to en mp for a w-i k nnd t ik" io ll.f e h br-tiuli. Will rrnley went lo Miupin S i'ui' jy i,i 'bt v.h'-r.j be ha j u po ition in the P iiik. A ecod in any p(f,pe id tbi-. pi ice wn.i to T,h D ilhs SjllirddV l.i ! tl tin .!, I ul n te bdly dc nj p' ifilcd. M.-x Velnn rfi'. V of Gr..- VbII' v n v.jdiiij l.i' iidi nl tbi1 p'.t . M''. J r-ire.e Mirror and tb.l dicn ot Wa co nr vi-ilitiK fra uds ,a -.1 r jlatiTcj at t Li jdjec. A Safe Place to Trade Itl C TB It B 1) rug PURE DRUGvV At Reasonable Prices PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY somc or tii:: thcgs tiia.t we ca.:-i no roR you IK) Yfliili NOTARV WOILC, SELL YOU I 1 AL.M FOU YOU, KENT YOU A SAFKIY LKPOSIT V.t'K, BUY YOUR WHEAT. KALI F.Y A!-!) OAT.-. TAKE CAP.E OF YOUR LANKL'G LI ' DO YOUR UNITED STATUS COMfliONi:i: U;;;C. GIVE US A TRIAL, VK I'AN AND WILL MAKK COOD' MAUPIN STATE! IBANK j ,