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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1917)
The M Pullishd Eevery Friday at Maupin, Orgoa, Mrs, V. L. Mukrieo::, Publisher Subscription: On Year. $1.50, Six Entered as second class mail post offic.3 at Maupin, Oregon, FOOD CONTROL BILL PASSEOJY HOUSE Measure as Passed Contains Far-Reaching Prohibition Provisions. 'Washington. The administration food control bill, giving the president broad authority to control the distri bution' of food, toed and fuel for war purposes and appropriating $1 52,000, 000 for its enforcement und adminis tration, was passed by the house utter far-reaching prohibition provisions had been written Into It. The vote was 365 to five, Represen tatives Mcl.cmure, Sluyden and Young, of Texas, democrats, and Mocker, Missouri, and Ward, New York, republicans, voting la the neg ative. The prohibition amendment, accord ing to statements of house members, will reduce the government revenues by more than ?3uij,000,OUU a year. Tho food-control bill was rewritten by a senate agriculture sub-committee. 80 as to give President Wilson tha power and responsibility of deciding whether the nation shall be "hone dry" during the war and to place Iron and steel and many other products, In addition to food aud fuel, under Gov ernment control. Both advocates and opponents pre dicted passage by Saturday. As a Bubstltuto for the house pro hibition sections, which, without qual ification, forbid the manufacture of foodstuffs into liquor, the committee adopted provisions which would pro hibit manufacture during t lie war of ull intoxicating beverages aud em power the president to commandeer existing supplies of distilled spirits, but would authorize the executive In his discretion to permit manufacture of malted, fermented and vinous bev-iraK'-S and fix their alcoholic content. RUSSIANS OFFOSE. SEPARATE PEACE Washington. Ambassador llakhme tleff, In ad of the kusslan mission, em phatically declared In an address be fore congress, usscinbled III th" hall Of the house, tluil the lttlsslun people themselves oppose a tspjratu peace v.lih Germany. The ambassador's declaration cmuo at the end ot tiie must kablc and demonstrative reception yet I'ivcti any of the foreign missions In either house of congress. Shouts and cheoi:; canic from floor and rallerl.'S. Meiub.'TM of cougreHs who on previous visits ot missions have applauded or remained yuletly iu their acatu, cheer, d loudly. The wiibur tailor added: "Humors of a sepurate peace Without foundation In fact. Itussla'ti endeavor is for a bulling peace be tween democratic nations. Triumph of the German aiitocriuy would render mien pi nee InipuHsibli'. l'.tusl.i will not full to he a vvoilhy partner iu the l.iuruu of Honor." Cocctil Confesses Murder. Koine. lluunted by remorse for his fiendish crimo and confident in the belief (hut the Italian law would bar his extradition to the 1'iilteJ Xiutcs to pay the p.'nalty for it, Allied, i Coi tal bus con tensed to llu murder of limit Cruder In Nov York, Kcl.ruarv U Tee secretary of war p-j:U tn con fcrc an adverse report on the pro Heed improvement ot the Willaui' I'e rlwr from (Vrvullis t l.e-oic. The iei l eiieli.ier .1 uu il i xpeiuilt ill e ol JliHu ( r m. ;,.. ni.J reinovluit utlnr o! : .:rueiio:i. bi,t tl.j river and hoLor lourd I . ,1 i ' tout it U linpn. h lo i p n tin .retch tf river t ueul ci. "(uv.i Ut more thai few j.u.r i .ic(.t Lj U.kt i.iel duiius. B.'vialut Pirii PtcJpit.ili Tict. I'.too - I. .t )ui -leuta u'u. .i.. J a f,. itt.ult l;uje In I.. v. tit 11 . .1 HcRci'd till a lai it- .uui.i'.itlu a Til-' liik ef Ilia m.'.r.r -n v. no bin K.n ly tit oiv.ii ... i 4u.i I t of ...i ifermcd olJ..'( tivl n Uu. ui (... Did ttU.'.i. i.,,n... trUipkJ m. mid IiU;mii u:i.l turnuthihg tn th sk!I.; in trw tn Park tquart is line a itto thj itrceu end luracJ. aumn I imes Months 75cts, Three Month-, SO matter September 2, 1914, at the under the Act of March 3, 1879, EUROPEAN WAR NEWS In the eastern war theater there are indications that important fighting may avaln soon be under way. Gradually tho forces of field Mar shal Hatg are hemming in the town of Lens, the center of the great coal deposits. General l'etain has resumed his dashing operations on the Ai.uie front and reports a brilliant success lor his troops in a surprise attack northwest of Hurtebiae. In the Macedonia theater only small engagements by patrol parties have been reported, ulthoueh east ot Lake IJrenba the enemy has violently shell ed entente trenches. While the Italians have let up in their attacks in the Trentino, the suc cess of their recent assault which re suited in the capture of the Important height of .Monte Urtigara, is empha sized in the announcement that the Austriuns lost some of their heavy ar tillery, as well aa suffering other loss of magnitude in the operation, fr'uur guns were taken by General Cailorna's troop.!. Mighty artillery duels between the French and Germans are still in prog ress on several sectors of the front between SolssutfM and Jtl'iehiis. Ap parently the (iormaus, alter their ex perience of last week, when they suf fered heavy casualties, have ceased their Infantry operations, as the latest French official conituimlciilion makes no mention of fresh thrusts by the crown prince. Cantonments to Be Ready On Time. Washington. There will lie no ser ious, delay in construction of the 10 cantonments lor the national army, said tfocretury linker, and all of the establishments probably will be ready about Sopleniber 1, the date consid ered for Buniiiioni'ng the first GlTi.lniO men. Selectln;; the m"ii, the secre tary indicated, probably will begin early in July. Porto Rican Regiment Filled. San Juan, I'urto lino. I'orto Itico has brought its regiment of infantry of the United Slates army lo full war strength-T'.l.'iO men- by the voluntary enlistment nf (Hid men w ithin less thai: one monlli. A total Increase of ap proximately H.'U men !n leas than a year whs made. Irrigation Dam Breaks In Ulsh. I'alrvlew, i'tuli. The dam of the i'rice lllver lrrieatiuu company, U' miles (rem here, broke. There was no loss ul life ill the towns or ischo field, Helper, I'aslle Gate ami Colli. u. which were In th" path of the 1 1. mm aere feet of water that was release a In tha break. Soldiers Reject Separate Pence. lJolro:;iu:l. A resolution categori cally rejeiii'.i;; any none lor a s:'par ule pi aee between Germany and Uus ei.i lias been cilopie.l I y an over viheimiiu; majority by the Congress ol We' l .m -it's 11 tul 1-vmlien;' deputies ol all l.ussia. P.ecruita Ar Few. Wasliiie ton.- Itespotues to rnsl dent Wil.-otfj iiioelani.illon calling tor Vn.i'on war volunteers for tho reg ilh'.r army aro coining slowly. Summer Tourist round-trio fares DENVER $62.50 t'MArtA 67.50 KANSAS CiTY .... Crt.SO ST. PAUL, C7.30 SI'. r.".i!'. via Omahs . . 72 ."0 Sr. LOUia 7S.70 ch;caci ITi.O.T Ol.lX) VA.jili,-;CTCri .... l!e00 Ki".W YCKH 118 JO iii;tAt';i(A .... m:o rci'tOM who 1 . : -Mt" W. J..K 1. 1, . . : 1 .1 . . i , . .1 -i.i,.i,- It.f cue. I Iu .--ji..'. I ll.i.C. ,l. t.ll ,! H, ll.ll I Ol el i s . i.-i, I.S..IS. rtuU au.i4:t I ..; n . , , I. ton. mi Mk System . I , l-. ! - e I .-'.(. '! K II hi I.L. I Al.r SI. h.UTI.i S t.. iOOI'ti I f. i 4 t A , l i iD, ii0 HOW SILL WE PAYFQRTHEWAR? A Construct ivs Criticism on tlis House Revsnya Bill. LOANS BETTER W TAXES Five Reasons Why Exceeoive Taxes at the Outset of War Are Disadvantage ous Crest Eriiain Example Worthy of Emolation How the Taxc3 Ghould Be Apportioned. By EDWIN R. A. SELIGMAN, McVitkar Fiol'eKsor of Foillical Kcon omy, Columbia Cnivi rsity. On May -3, 1917, the House of I!fe resentatives passed au net "to provide revenue to defray war espeie-osi and for oilier purposes." In the original bill as presented by the OmmiiUee of Ways and Means, the additional reve nue to lie derived waa estimated at $1.-SlO.-iai.OOO. Tiie umendment to the In come tax, which was tacked on to the hill during the discussion lo I lie I, was expected to yield aunlher .VlO.dOO,- 000 or S'ol'.OiJO.ikiO. In discussing the House bill, two problems arise: I. How much should lie raised by tnxalioiiV II. In what manner should Ibis sum be raised? I. How Much Should Ce Raiced by Taxaiion? How was the li'.'iire of l,.S:)O.o;i0.000 arrived ut? The answer is simple. When the Secretary of I lie Treasury came to estimate I he additional war expenses for the year 1!UY-1S. lie culeiihited that they would auiount to s.nee ;;;;,00.), imjMi, of which J-.O'IO.O.'AOWI was, to be idlollcil (u the allies, find ...",.i;uii,- 000. 000 was to he utilized for the do mestic purposes. Thinking that it would lie u fair proposition to divide tills latter sum between loans and taxes, he concluded that the amount to be raised by ta.'.es was fl,,W), 000. There are two exlieme theories, each of which may ha dismissed with scant courtesy. The one is licit ell war o peiiililurcs should be defrayed by loans, nod Ihe other Is that nil war expendi tures shniilil be defrayed by taxes. l!aeh theory is untenable. It is indeed true that the bunions of tbo war eiuaihl be borne by the pres ent rather tlnni the future gi ncriiiion: 1 nit this does not meiin that tiiey thuuld be borne by this year's taxation. Meetlie,' ail vv ar cxpem cs by t :i Xi; 1 i-n makes the taxpayers in o':t or two J'enis hear the burden ef benelils that ought lo I.. ih-.i.ibuled ut lea. t over a within Ihe same g.n' ration. In the second place, when exp' t'di tiires npprciK h lee fie.antii sums of preseiil-dii.v warfare, the tux-only pel icy would require inure Hum Ihe total surplus of social income. Were thi;, sbsoluO y ne o-'.-ary. tiie eusniiig li.iv oe iu II 'include ie ef the cooaiiuiii :y would Pave to be e,n',;ired. l'.ul whir' the disasters are so grout and at the same time ho unueces-nr.-. the tax-enlv policy limy be deep. nil im ifaclieable. Seerelary Me.'doo had the right hi nt. :c t neil h'e.'il.v eola.i' le eoli,'-it-.e in i'e. idii,.: that a '' i.iUs.l p or nl b I. of tbe revenues should 1. e (h . 1 . 1 d from taxatiou. l'.ul when he lot open Ihe plan of jl '.'l per cuil . that is. uf raising one half of all dn aii'.'l war evp, o.lparcs by lax. s, the l.i' ::!! llii is be did l ot ;.;o loo fur. The illative pi'opiiti.ui of loans to taxes is iifler nil n purely bu-iticss piopu itii n. .Vol In rely lo a I. u se ex le::t en loans ut (lie nin et uf u war is il !.:: dak..'. Disadvr.r.t ;c;.'3 cf Evcasivo Taxes. T'iie dead . s i f exce- sive laKii ut the i.i:: el of tiie war me i.. follows: I. liiee -,iu' laxis on consumption Will cause pop-.ilar re-.e;,imeol. 'J. l!eeMVe luxes on iodiislry will i!i.-.anvn bu-iiie.s, il uan cnlhieia-in end ivl. iel tiie spii it uf entei ju is... nl Ihe Viiy lime when II, e opposite Is jlil'dl !. T. G'.ee" .a? el ea ilicomi-: W ill de plete lb" Miiplus itvailal'le for iuv. d me il i mid iolei ose wlili Ihe d:ici:.i uf the I'i'i'i'i. ues loans whi. Ii nil! be invi s jary l'i i:ny event. I. I'. ,oiii' la vet mi v.ea.iii will eaii e ii .! ilifii'iiiih ti of tl In ii'ioes v. el. .'i uie ill pusei.t lai.;.' d.a.-.ii v., for tl.e .i.;M!t uf i luca ii .l:;l :iod p'lilaot in opie eutei pl i i s. Jlil'Vllrr. Ci.-m- vollieei uf support Wie M I... lb!, I up pre, !y ut (!,,.(, me h. a t ,e r, . v. o : I i i--, si; e ;'. 5. f imiiii t .mlioii at t!,c oi.t-.ct of ti c w vdl I -ii-'. o th c1.; .'.,,'. i a nl. .ill'.- tor t'.a in. O-'ol iominoi tlv.l are i.-..-.t la ( . i-e. Cis'fiS Crit.:ie.'j Po.i.-y, T.e ti.. ! i:.,:eoi :,s l,o . . it,, I'li.i. !' c to I . -,r el i:., V..; r l. h, I . . - ' I i,; M . i :e : '. ; , ; . i i ; I i Is i eli ii i i . . rt t , Ii l'i" ". the ' I v...r V e , I p, pew is , . ..:,y li r,,.i. ,.f ,r v.i t -p s-i . i M i- li e ll;,,,l v n I V .1 I '. i... !,, .!, I I.,-.. :' I i i - v r ii i c'i i i ' . tiv 1 ;. t': M W . r l'"t. ef be v. , i i -s s !! r ' .; t :.! t l i ' e. ;e i't i'.i t '.' uf s- v. a- t :.-. f-. -i. :..t ii .' t- . I v tr it v. - a i f . la ;... -' . i -,: t I f ! '. 'e.,i I'", is ! ' - I 1 e !.(, ' '( ,' i ! ii -in..! . : i' : t. lii '! .- it , ',' 1 I i 1 a -'is 1. ;''t. Ii e.-r eplaiJii. I.' do u .! mniM. In o.r..s',ikr:ns the app'jr'.ieuiacat cf t the e'itracidii.ary burdc :i of lapn In ' war times certain seietUiiio piiuciltiei j are deGnitely estublis'ai J: I How Texts Should Ee Apportioned, j lii The burden of tiWes must be j :;;':i.sid as far us possible oV,;r tha , whole ci'inimuiity so as to cause each j individual t- share in the t-'aerifii.-os ae- j cording to his ability to pay and as cording to his share iu the Gov: anient. i2i Taxes on consumption, which are necessarily borne by the community at large, should be imposed as far as pos sible en nrli' les of qeasi-ltixury lather than on th ise of necessity. I'.I) Excises should he impost d as far as possible upon commodities iu the hands of the linal consumer rather than upon the articles which serve pri marily us raw material for further prcduetion. (4) Taxes upon business should be imposed as far as possible upon net earnings rather lhau upon gross re ceipts or capital invested. (ii) Taxes upon Income which will necessarily lie severe should be both differeut luted and graduated. Tuitt is. there should be a ilislfuetion between earned and unearned iucomesantl Uiera should be a higher rate upon th-; larger incomes. It is essential, hovrever. not to make the income into so exees.ive as to lead to evasion, ailiiiinistnitive diliicullics, or to the more funilaiiieiOai objections which have Vrs-on lilted above. (0) The excess profits which are due 10 the war constitute the roost obvious and reasonable source of tvvcano dur ing war times. Hut the p:imiple upon which these war prolit taxes are laid must he eu.uituble In theory and easily calculable in practice. The Proposed Tax, , Tha additional income tax as passed by tiie House reus up to a rste of 0.) per cent. Tins' is n sum unheard of In tbe history of civilised soejely. It must be remembered that it was only after the firs' year of Ihe war that Great ilritain increased her Income tax to the maximum of o4 per ee?it, and that even now iu tbe fourth year of the war the income tax does not exceed 42',$! per cent. " It. could easily be shown Hint a tax with rales ou moderate incomes sub stantially less than iu Great Britain, and on tho larger incomes about as high, Would yield only slightly less than the $r,:J2.WiO,')00 originally estimated in (lie House bill. 11 is to bo- hoped that the c'emite will reduce the total rale on the lilglie-t in comes to ", 1 per cent, or i.t most to 4 1 per cent, mid that ut tbe same time it will reduce Hie rate on the smaller in comes derived from personal or pl'ofes sioaal earnings. If tho war continues wo shall have to depund moro and mora upon tbo in come tax. By impoiiritj excusaivo rates now we are not only etidange-inci the future but aro inviting all manr.r of rlirfielLiea whidi even Great E. ititi lias fccc.i ohle to cs:apo. Cincluiiton. Tiie Hon,-," bill contains other funda mental defi-els which may lie summed i,p as f illows : (t) It pursues an erroneous principle in imposing r"lrtelive taxes. (:!.) II M'hvbs :,u unjust aud unwork able crile: loi: f..r the evi oss proiits tax. i ii It pro o. 1 1 1 to im iinh-sril of i'.ei ;bt in I lie iiicea;e tax". (li It impa-es iniw 'ii-ranli 1 burdens the eoustinijitiou of liie cu.amu nily. ("i I! is eal rJab ! lo throw bis'iees !:i!e e,e!'ii..;e,i by (evyiog ts s mi gl'OS iec. i,iis i::- te::: of eoaeni'sil les. I.'.i It fails lo taal.o a p.o,.oi use ul (7i It f'l'o-'s an t !;--:" i ( i t ': - 'V-.teu ia il i r.iie uu iiupoi't j. I - i li iia s a multiplicity of pe! ly and uii!ue;.i;,ve taxes, Ihe ve:.u;lou u . -: u! v. hi' h is out uf all p:ii..ji;ie..i p. I n' iL...:i:;e t.c y pi ; iie e. i The fui'.d.iniiiilsil lines uu Hit lloii -e bi'l shoi'ld be ia, diii. d are s um is. .! up ben v ilh: ill 'Ihe alisiii'it uf new laxtiliu:, sin uhl be limited to ?l.-"'i,'i o.')iO-oi at I'.e oulM't t.i .f I..", .ii.ii, i n. To ch usee lhau thi - would l o as unwise ns it Is uniieri ary. T) do ev,n this would be lo d.i mote than lias evei l.i en ('one bv any civil: . 1 Govern lea at iu ti . e of sll.'-s. (2i The ;. i s pn.,1'-. tn" bsssd upon H "uill.d s; :lc l,t eii 'ht to ;, !e'd ahoal e.s IU.",; i, l-!t 'fbe iirume t.:x s du'e ouslit t i e re, I .1 v. Mi a I .e , r't ,.f the i.itc . u can;.' 1 is i:,i. i b. I ov Vio.i (I, l: .,j v. ..ii ioi as lie . i li.' ; i ;" rale; en the h! .!. u 1:. o'.i, s. i s ; i,,,; l i i v.t" 1 .",1 p- e, .,(. , :u, ral . al ese.l ' II : ! ;;a is. o o I.U i' 011 l.i' ' Wu'lhl y'ehl !:.l...e ;;i.".IIO HI. i 0 o,:.i .h, si. th 'i : e ! :' oil v, I,;-! y d : '"i . "C t. l 'i I I'lS'i'o J:a st.-'y o, li is T.'d'l :l J ' . 1 of l,!.u'. tj;: I '..HI. I 'I'll. ..' 1 ::-. UX"S. o- l'i, J' Willi ':e si, !.:;: t . i ;it I e (1... ), iv r.:!e . f tl,. lie:! e I ail. . v i I ixiGi an an !ei:-u! i'e t ,. v. id i 1 I o, r JI'.V'i. MHO. V. hull 11 :;: it II." ::!,! caul uf lo ue' The i t- ve j r. ism woe i'( bur t'i-eiy VMtli ,i' i. -ii-. ( 1 . i "!! .!':' st ('. It t-l do nv.jv v. it Iv ail!-.: ! ..f t! e .'u'se' it:.n tl .it n.-e I , It -r ii'::-'d tic..'.;, f 11. e pre-. ot it vlli r fr, -u f;i in t.:'. is ; lie' . a . a t'.-n ef .,- '"IT It v. il thr a i't I ii :r bud' i upon ih i'.'i, I 'i v ol not im t.i ,! ! r'.lii'i;"i ,.f .. i, on I; vvii .' rl.iie da . .ii, n v, ; U I ,.! ee v l.ii iiiil:iihi . -1 ihv hi U pr- i'mi-p, ,u ,,( (S,. I o-i '., ,i , y, it v::i r .ii; u t -i' i..;.,u ,. ( ! a ! .'Ot p- I 'a- - ins! v. ii I,, fl- i-lll'l to t' e ii; . ,- ui' up; r M h'l.'J lifer tin. t.i ;!: i.., - f js,, .:,n. no's l-'i ; ,i t-..... . ,.. t l,., Ba !'-!': I ,t ' I. .: - n !u 'h VV.'. te '..,. ,,, , . l,, jt,ly dr irtr. ? tl. ar l ro xv-ii i Ma Tickc'ls and infoinvitioii upon application to P.. B. UKUo Agciil, Maupin Music Festival July 5. O and 7 National Educational Con vention July 7 to 14 Dedicatisifj Portland's Grand New Muni cipal Auditorium For Those Events from Maupin Ticket Sain Daily July 6 to 13 V Hear tho Superb Festival Chorus of 2"i0 Voices and tho Portland Symphony Orchestra of GO Pieces Prominent Ivlucators in Attendance at the Ivducation Association Convention. Hear the Symposiums on Civil uiul Military Service and Preparedness See Local Agent Vacation Fares to Clatsop Beach Circuit trips East thru California Auto Passi'tigor Service Auto IVlivery Truck Prcparpil for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN. 50 cords of wood see or write Edward Disbrow Vamic Local Items W. If. Stunts is tualiii .1 flying trip lo Purt lain! this ninrtiini'. Mr. and Mr". ,1. '!. I'.rovvn were in Mimilav alien. linir Km,!; Flock holder-.' luei tiiiu. Mi" Till ie Malliitt i.J ettiphiyed it Ihe .Miller Hold. V.. .1. i'lvi rei l ived a fresh line of t.tiii'v niiti and candies this V. eel:. For r:t!. 1 ivnik iniili'?, v. eli Iri-te,';l.t It'tl, :: to years -I I. Clan 1 Wihon, Cakeuvtn. y V.h I iteiiiis in irak blocks m l hi. lie tdiues at"'.' Store. Foriaie '!iiit a.'ttt mar Criter "i.;. 1. ...;:i.e ,.t .ii.s ciil. , It V 11 I U, I .1.11,0 l:a!-V I'ii es to rji-e, eo li.iiir.ey, y..a can (iv if', t IritVi -t It v.iil Wi h. " .' I'i'.'er '. .'(; can't! not f'r t'r i.'v'.-;i lfi-.:! it ( L'h i,on. ."r .' ourth of July excursions Round - Trip Tickrts at Reduced Fares On Sals July 3 ar.i 4, refum limit July 5, to points within 2G0 miles on rail liaes of UNION PACIFIC O. W. K. R. Cd N. CO, America's Great Railroad Win. MeMurr.'iy; G. P. A., Portland EGON TRUNK CENTRAL GS&G3H LiKE - OREGON The farmer don't seem to be ratislied nnlesR tliey are ekinneil. live DaM Cotile a chance. He buys all kinds uf pelts, hides "kins and wool. ' p Tho concrete work is pretty VY II in for tho new elevator. .Mrs". Pyer is Buffering an at tack cf blaod poiHon in one hand. Wanted -a o-jjallon galvanized iron bucket, and a porcelain dip. per, laken from this olliee during nir nii.o'nee Mnne limn ago. If it is tu t returned we cannot loan it to (lie ball boys again. Tin? Haehvood ice cream parlor received a coat uf calcimine tho t r '! of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lminons epent the t,lh at Pen, I. Piirthnd Painless Dentist. We Kxtrnct, Crown, at.d Dridge your teeth nbsnluifly Painles?; we em ploy only I.xpnrienced and P.egig li rl men; fifteen years guarantee "it all W' ik. Seventeen years ron liiniul pt:tcice i Portland, Ore. Prim; this card with you, it jg forth turn. y. Portland Tiices. P.utiniel I'litil,. I)enti?f fJ05 f"fnn 1 ft.. Tl.e Dalles, Ore. Op po ile A. M. WillintLS Co. Fhoue M ul ti'll.