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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1916)
HE MAUPIN ES Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 3. NO. g MAUflN toTHEM WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. PECEBER 1,191$ THE YEAR $1.50 'Ifapgh of This Mrs. p. L. Harphan who has Court House Notes Smock Items Local Items Deeds, Chas. P. Mullinger to, Claud Wilson, w. d. w 1-2 nwl-4. nw 1-4 sw 1-4 See. 17. ne 14 ne 1-4 Sec 18. Tp. 5 S R 16 United States to Gustav Balzer. Patent, wl-2 sw 1-4 Sec- 24, wl-2 nw 1-4 Sec. 25Tp.3SR12E Franz Balzer and wife ten Gustav Balder, w d e V? sw 1-4 nw 1-4 se 1-4 Sec. 24 ne 1-4 nw 1-4 Sec, 25 Tp, a S R 12 & Henry Peterson and wife to. Wasco county. Deed. Strip 20 f.jet wide in swM Sec. 16, TP- 5 b, R 12 E. - John Ward to Wasco county, Deed. Strip, 0 feet wide in ne J-4, Sec, 17, Tp. 5 s. ft 12 east. Correspondents For the four months' corre Bpondent's contest ending last "week, 'Smock, Wapinitia and White River come so near to the same score that it would seem practical to make an equal divi sion of the one $6 and two $4 awards between them or $4.35 each. Bakeoven scores next for the $2 and Wamic comes in on fourth for $1. With this issue commences an other four month's contest, and we would like to have a good newsy weekly letter from every section of Southern Wasco coun ty. New subscriptions sent in add to credits also. Mrs. Mayme Smith and children have moved to the 0. T. depot res idence appartments. ' John Howell has. returned home after several weeks in Portland where he went to re receive medieal aid and benefit by the climate. We are pleased to aay he is. greatly improved in heath. G. W. Bargainbolt and Chas. Marlin were Maupin business vis itors Thursday v Glen Large met with a very painful acoident last Wednesday while chopping- wood, a stick striking him in the left eye and cutting his face, A. J. Hill with his Ford, took him to Maupin, where Dr. Elwood attended the wound. At this writing, Mr. Large is not suffering any great pain, hut It will be some time ere he will be able to get out. C. A. Bargainholt came home from Sherman county Sunday, returning with 2800 feet pf lumber for Chris Clupty, having two wag ons and six horses. George Duncan is engaged in hauling wood to Sherman county, takinw thirteen ricks using two wagons and six horses. T. J. Whitcomb and son spent Sunday with C. S, Mcorkle and family. His littledaughter Leone is staying with them. Walter Ledford and Miss Ella Syron want to the Flat Sunday where she resumed her sohool Monday. Chas. Cline and N. E. Whit oomb were Maupin business visitors Thursday. Revs. Marlin and Larsen closed the servioes here bunday evening They spent Monday with the Thanksgiving' Is Not Complete without a well filled table Now is the time to make your selection of good thing's to eat at the right price. A full line of every thing' that delights the palate. . Favor me with your holiday order LAKE'S CASH STORE For Service and Price We Are Thankful for your sake, because our own prosperity depends on wh,at we. do for you THAT we have succeeded, as far as we have, in making our business, more of A HELP TO YOU; ' THAT notwithstanding the natural difficulties of our business, we. are more closely attaining e ideal for our mutual benefit. THAT whereas we handle only RAW MATERIAL, yet we are now, equipped to. help you make such, a use of those materials, as will con tribute ta your comfort, health, and prosperity THAT we have been able ta make ourselves, through, our Architectur al, Engineering, Plan Rook and Service departments, an economic nec essity to this oomunity and thus justify our being here in this busi-. ness; THAT we have passed the experimental stage of SERVICE and can devote our efforts in the future to being of still GREATER HELP TQ YOU IN SOLVING ALL OF YOUR BUILD JNG PROBLEMS; THAT we can bring to pass your hopes of a hom,e properly heated, or a BARN or a SILO or ANY AND ALL BUILDINGS; THAT it is again "Turkey Time" and we hope that yours will be large, fat sweet and juicy AND WE ARE ESPECIALLY THANKFUL THAT WE. CAN BE; THANKFUL FOR ALL OP THESE THINGS. PETER K1LBURG. MGR. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Rev. Wajton, a brother of Grandma, Cook while here for a few da,ys. vt, with, relatives preached in the church a week ago Sunday evening He was en route frftm his JUinpis home to to spend the winter in California Mrs. Q. R, Ellis and children left Monday for Portland where she will visit her parents for a few weeks, going frp,m, thence to Rtfthton', Minn, to join her husband, who went there a cou ple months ago. The Christmas Holiday fare will be ope and one third rates to all points in Oregon, Wash ington, and Idaho via OWR& N Railroad Pecembes 21-26th. with finial return limit January 3th. 1917- . Miss Agness McShane left Monday for her home in Moxee City Washington after a Bhort stay at the home of her brother R, W. McShane, Finishing the interior oi Shat tuck's hull has been in progress this week and will be most beauti ful with pannel effect and a round stage in front. The Misses Confer who are at tending high school in - The DalleB came home to spend. Thanksgiving with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Moad have mqved back to town and for the present taken up resi dence in one of the Q. T. section house. Another son arrived the 15th. at the J. V- Martin home, this being their 13th child, been so seriously to past two weeks is now repoyering, beipg able to sit vp in bed. Miss L. Brittoh was in from the Flat the fore part of the week car-, ing for. Mrs. Hafpban, Several of ha tc folks and ipme. of the big pnes are still en tertaining the whooping cough. Miss petel Emerson and mother who have beeu quite ill for several days are recovering. The Maupin 'Times printer at fempted a couple days of lagrippe and thanks to Mr. Leean being a man of the trade, that the little sheet is out in usual time, And we used sufficient wood and paper in the stove to get the hoise warm Contractor Wilhelm and Job Crabtee have been delayed in their work on the fatty hotel hy la? grippe. And it is suggested we put the rest of our friends on this list too., We hope not. ' Bichsel family, going Tuesday to Maupin to take the traiu for their respective homes, Gateway and Silver Lake. Tuesdav F. E. Spoor took sev eral head of horses to pasture six miles east of Maupin. Mrs. Mary Spoor accompanied him as far as the Chas, Crofoot home, visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Crofoot. T. C. Jones has charge of the work putting in the bridge across Gate creek at the Barlow Gate ranch. i Dalles last Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Coberth, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krebs and little Helen also Mr. Jack Frantz, all of The Dalles spent Sunday at the Coberth home. White River Wapinitia Items $40060000460 000000000000 OO o o o o o 4 6 O 6 O O O O 6 O O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o s o o o o o To Reduce Our Stock We Will Offer Hood River Yellow New town and Spitzenburg Apples at 85c per box SHATTUCK BROS- Mr. and Mrs. George Woods spent Friday night at the Wilson home going to The Dalles Satur day, with Wilson returning Sun day. Mrs. J. G. Tunison, Mrs. Em ma Morrow and little Mabel at tended Quarterly Meeting at Maupin. Mrs. Tunison went to Frieda where she will spend Thankgiving with Mrs. Haines. Mrs. Morrow expects to spend the holiday at C E. TuniBon. Miss Ruby Wilson came home Wednesday for the Thanksgiv ing holiday also Donald who is attending school at Wapinitia. Charlie Conley and Bert Brown were in The Dalles on business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Coberth visited with Mrs. Grover Webb this week since Mr. and Mrs. Webb returned from her sister's home Mrs. Ryan of Moody. Mrs. Alford Ferguson and ba by . returned home from The A fine rain fell here Sunday night and Monday, J. I. West, Ben Forman and several other cattlemen attended the Stockmen's meeting at Tygh Thursday. The Ladies Aid Sale, and chicken pie supper was given in the School house Friday evening, a good crowd was present con gidering the weather, and so much sickness in the community, About $80. 00 was realized in the evening. Mr. & Mrs. James Uray are visiting in The Dalles at present Mr. & Mrs. Walter Driver and son w ere over from their Criter ion home last week visitiny Relatives. Chester Britian was over form Wamic Sunday, returning Mon day. Grandma Peterson has been quite sick the past few days- Quite a severe epidemic of La grippe and bad colds, has structc this community. In soma cases whole familes are sick. Word reached here this even ing "Tues" that Mrs Ben Rich ardson who has been sick for several weeks passed away at her home about four miles west of here. Funeral arrangements have not heen made yet. Henry Peterson made a trip to Maupin Thursday. brinrincr home a new range stove. Joe Graham came out from the mountains the last of the week About one inch of snow fell here Monday night, Lewis Woodside was peddling beef here Tuesday. Sidney & Don Wilson, Mr. Mrs. G. E- Wood attended the C, E- Convention in The Dalles Saturday, they made the trip in Sidney's new "Studebaker" Mr. & Mrs. V. B. Tapp, and Rey. Staines started for The Dalles Saturday morning but had to turn back, the roads be ing so slick and icy, Wednesday at 10:30 the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mack Hollman passed away Funeral services will be held to day, Thursday, at 3 o'clock in the church here. Interment wil be made in the Wapinitia ceme tery, The little one had been sick sor several days, but was not thought to be serious, and even Wednesday morning was thought better. A father, moth er, three brothers and three sis ters mourn. " Among those from neighboring towns attending the dance here Wednesday night were: Miss Con ley, Percy Thompson, Konrod Hauler, Verle Bonney, the Mor row and Brittain brothers of Tygh Miss Lois Batty and a girl friend from Wapinitia; Vernon Norval and Jim McCoy of Watuio. Rev. L. B, Belcher pastor of tl e Free Methodist Church of Madras Qre. and his wife who were here attending The paljes district quar terly conference of the Free Meth odist Church, returned to their home Tuesday afternoon. Much appreciation is expressed qf the drawing and art lessons giv en the local Bchool by Mrs.. Mor? genien. C, H, Yfipkey and F. E, Spoor of Sracipk were in Maupin Friday, MAUPIN STATE At Your Service Hunts Ferry Warehouse Go. Ash for Our Prices on Wheat The Times, $1.50 a year. Prescriptions Filled Right at the Maupin Drug Store -V 1 We figure the best is none too good, bo we buy only the bestdrugs and chemicals i When in Maupin make yourself at home at the DRUG STORE FISCHER the FORD man Is also agent for the follow ing Popular Gars: STUDEBAKi DODGE BUECK Let him tell you about terms I 00000 000000000000000000000