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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1916)
MAUFIM TIMES Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 3, NO. 9 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1916 t 11 ' I I 1 - i i. i -HMHMHHHHHMBM THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN BY OUR Wapinitia Items Tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riehrrdson is quite sick this week. " - Mrs. Leander Walters is quite eick with lagrippe. Dr. , Shannon iH attending her." Mr. and Mr?. Henry Delco came out from The Dalles Wednesday 1 i be at the funeral of Mrs. Delco? mother, Mrs. Richardson. They returned home Monday. " Jamie Abbott came home from rtlaud lust week und snout Thanksgiving with his parents. Miss Vida Evans who is teach ing echoel at Bakeoven is the guest of Miss Lois Batty this week Lester MoCo.ik!e w ho has been p,one the past season returned to his parents home here u few days ilr. Pratt of Wamic came over Wednesday to get Miss Crystal Pratt who is teaching school at Susan's Home and took her home to sped Thanksgiving She re turned to school Monday. Miss Annie Bryant of Calif, who has been visiting relatives here the past month, h ft Saturday for Montana to visit relatives' there. The funeral of the liille seven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark I; -.ill ma i' as held at the home Thursday by. Rev, M. H, Staines. A surprise party was givn h-st'it MeCorkle at his home iasl Saturday evening. Several from this burg attended. . Mr. and Mrs Chas, Crofoot were up from Mau. pin for the occasion. Much uneasiness is felt here among the farmers about the fall sown grain that isn't up; Severa here report that quite a lot of the wheat has rotted in the ground The recent cold weather without any snow to protect it is believed to be the cause. Tuesday morning dawned with a snow storm raging which kept up till. about two o'clock when nine or ten inches of the beautiful had fallen. Robert, Vincent and Winnie lapp came home from Dufur Wednesday evening. They start ed back to Dufur Sunday, but had only gone about eight miles when they met with quite a accident to the car. A chain on a front wheel caugl t on a , bolt, locking the steering wheel, causing car to run into a bunk, bending the nidus rod, and; doing considerable other damage. They returned h6tne and left again Monday for Dufnr. ' P. J. Olsen, our road supervisor ha-i been working on the road near Kelly lately. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olsen is quite sick. Lu Woodside is on the sick lifct thin week. The funeral of Mrs. Richardson who passed away Tuesday of last week was conducted at the Kelly church Thursday by Rev. G. E. Wood. Intermrnt was made in the Kelly cemetery. Mary Cath erine Stephens was boru, July 9, 1861, near Eugene in Lane county Oregon, Site was married to William Cox in 1877. To this hSh We Are Thankful for your sake, because our own prosperity depends on what we do for you , , i THAT"we have succeeded, as far as we have, in making our business more of A HELP TO YOU; THAT notwithstanding the natural difficulties of our business, we are more closely attaining the ideal for our mutual benefit. THAT whereas we handle only RAW MATERIAL, yet we are now equipped to help you make such a use of those materials as ' will con tribute to your comfort; health and prosperity; THAT we have been able to make ourselves, through our Architectur al, Engineering, Plan Book and Service departments, an economic nec essity to this oomunity and thus justify cur being here in this busi ness; THAT we have passed the experimental stage of SERVICE and can devote our efforts in the future to being of still GREATER HELP TO YOU IN SOLVING ALL OF YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS; THAT we can bring to pass your hopes of a home properly heated, , or a BARN or a SILO or ANY AND ALL BUILDINGS; THAT it is again "Turkey Time" and we hope that yours will be large, fat, sweet and juicy; AND WE ARE ESPECIALLY THANKFUL THAT WE CAN BE THANKFUL FOR ALL OF THESE THINGS. PETER K1LBVRG, MGR. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. As tie is king of the sea and there is so much sea area he has a mil lion and one things to do. There are sharks, bass, cod, flounderers, and many other fish down here in the ocean. I am go ing nearer the shore to shallow er water. Nearer the shore are oysters. clams, crabs, lobsters and hun dreds of other fish. Ohlby the way, I encountered a coral reef and say, the ceals are pretty. I was talking to one and it said that it was afraid that the aeabottom might subside and it would be buried. It said that the other coral reefs all around that one were afraid of the same thing. Hello Mr. Oyster. What are you looking so sad about? This I said to an oyster that I met. "Oh, a fisherman just came along and he very nearly got me with, his rake," said he. "You must have to be on the lookout all the time don't you?" "I certainly do," he answered, (Concluded on last page) MAUPIN HAS OPERA HOUSE Maupin can now boast of one ot the best opera houses in the coun ty without exceptions. Shattuck Bros, have kept A. C. Moad employed the past several days in the interior completion work of the hall over their general merchandise store, with the result that it is now dressed walls and ceiling with a tint plaaterhoard pannel effect, the wood work being stained oak. : The stage covers the full width of the frout w'th an approach from either side into commodious dressing rooms. The round. front of the spacious main scag with the shaded font -lights adds much to the wh-ile appearance. The whole is electrically lighted from the Delco system in the basement of the building. - -- CANDIES for Christmas. The big g'est and best assort ment in the city. See my special on ail Christmas Candy ord ers, it will pay you. A wonderful delight for a Christmas gift or any occasion. A glance will convince you LAKE'S CASH STORE For Pleasing Service SEE US FOR ft RUBBER FOOTWEAR We have the Famous CROSSE UUE o None Better Prices Riant O - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o o o Ball Brand Wool vSox for Men SHATTUCK BROS, union seven children were born, all of whom are living to mourn her death except one sou who died in 1891. " Mrs. Co Was sepa rated from Mr. Cox and later married Benjamin liichcrdson. Two children bless this . union, both living at the Richardson home. Besides her children, nine grandchildren and her husband survive. The living children are: Jesse and Charlie Cox, Mrs. Hen ry Richardson, Mrs. Nannie Delco all of thiB place, Mrs. Ida Rains in Calif., Mrs. Bertha Carlisle, Miss Alia Richardson, Frank Richardson. A music rehersal was given by Mrs, M. H. Staines and her clace at her home Saturday afternoon. Ben Richardson, Frank and Alta Went to Maupin Saturday to spend two weeks with relatives. Bakeoven W. B. Brow's threshing ma chine pulled in after sixty days' successful run, having threshed 60,000 bushels, lozing only one day for breakage and three days on account of bad weather. Harvey Thorp has been quite ill with rheumatism, but is'improving Tony Conroy had over 800 sacks more of grain than he expected. W.B.Brown purchased a span of 8-year-old mares of Roy logan. Several of the Bakeoven people attended the Thanksgiving masked ball at Shaniko. All had very good time. The maohine threshing in the Spring Gulch neighborhood broke their horsepower, but borrowed W. B Brown's, bo the delay was no', serious. SOME SCHOOL A Dog's Opinion of Cats (Maupin Pupil) I am a little Colly puppy and my name is Wooly. I have long b'ack hair and am two months ol, and am very much abused. My mistress is a great lover of cits and last Sunday she brought home a black and white one she calls Fios.-y. She thinks an awful lot of it and takes it up on her lap and pets and talki to it as if it Were a baby. She used to do me that way but she don't any more, I don't believe Bhe likes me like she used to, because I chase Flos sj. lint I don't care, for I don't Ike flossy anyway( I don't like any cat and I don't see what'good they are. My, I'm dreadfully hungry, T haven' i hud anything i'ood to eat since Flossy came. Mistress gave me some bread yesterday for din ner, but 1 don't like bread, so I went and buried it, because if I didn't Flossy would get it. This morning ; Mistress set a - bowl of milk out on the porch for me and I didn't more than get started drinking it till Floosy came and took away from me. I snapped at her. and she scratched my nose. That made me angry, so we bad a fight, r; Then Mistress eame out and thnt me in the cold celtar I barked and pawed on the door, but it didn't do any good. The other day I chased Flossy up a tree and then I sat down und. t it and barked, at her. -1 had her pretty badly scared and was be ginning to laugh to myself when Mistress called mej bhe gave me an awful whipping, but it wouldn't have hurt half so much if it had of been anyone else that whipped me. I think an awful lot of Mia-' tress and we could get along if ft was not for Flossy. Under the Sea (Maupin Pupil) It is dark and cold under the sea, There are numerous mon strous fisbep, Bubples are rising here and there and fishes of all sizes are swimming about. They open and shut their mouths just like they thought they could catch scything In that way, I spe old Neptune, He is tall and dark, and has a long white beard with long white hair; Kin eyes are dark and his eyebrow o are bo shaggy and lofig that I Can't see what color they are. He has on a long white fur trimmed cloak and a cap to match. The cap he wears on the top of his head for bis hair ia ho long and heavy that he can't pull it down over his ear". He carries a septer in his hand. Now Neptune likes seaweed for dinner. He tells his servanis to watch aud catch all that comef along. That is why two of his servants are after the piece that is floating by now. I only spent a few minutes with Neptune and he told me of come of the things that he has to dc Imas Dance Sat Dec. 23rd New Years Masquerade BaU Sat. Dec. 30 Six Piece Orchestra Special Decorations Supper at Miller's Hotel i ! I i i n m 1 MAUPIN STATE fo) O) mil m m wuv i rescnptions filled Rifcht at the Maupin Drug Store We figure the best is none too good, so we buy only the best drug's and chemicals When in Mnnnin mU vr.nrcclf t VinAiA t lY,n flD!!"1 CTAf) tr FISCHER ' the FOR man Is also agent for the follow ing Popular Cars STUD DODGE BU1CK ----- . f . . . SftV UVIIK Bb .119 lIWU I Vlb Let him tell you afcout terms o 00404 004404444444444444444 .