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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 2, NO. 34 MAUPIN. SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 2, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 CARAT PIONEER DIES IN AUTO EnroWe to Dalles Edgar, Sylvester Pratt of Wam ic,. aged 62, died , in- an, outomo: bile on the road south of Dufur last evening while being brought to this oitv by Dr. H. P. Shannon Of Tygh Valley. Mr, Pratt was suffering with acute intestinal obstruction and it was decided . to bring him to The Dalles hospital for an opera tion. J. C, Pratt, a relative, was sitting in the rear seat sup porting. Mr, Pratt, who suddenly became rigid in death, , Dr. Shannon continued the trip to this city and took the re mains to the Crandall undertak ing parlors, t The, -body, was sent back to Wamic " today , for burial. Chronicle, May 30., . Mr. Pratt was an 'party settler in the Wamic;etio,ot)jiy here, he has lived .sipce,, comuig to Jthat section with his;parents when a child. For the past several years ihe and his, . brother .'fy ., Pratt have resided a small farrn in the edge of Wamic. A, brother, Eu gene Pratt and family also live in Wamic Mrs. Katie Carson, a daughter, and Ruben Pratt sur vive him. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harphan, Miss Nellie Qtid little. Lawrence left Wednesday evening far The Dalles and Hood River. Mr. Kaiser will "have charge of the pool room and confectionery par lors during their absence this sum mer, and his family occupy their residence. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Let the other fellow experiment. You want to know what your prospective car will do. The record of Ford cars in the service of more than amillion owners is the best evidence of Ford reli ability, economy in operation and sim plicity in handling. Average two cents a mile for opea;tion and maintenance. Touring Car $440; Runabout $390; Coupelet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at Tr? Tl MAUPiN, ORE. IS : FOUND GUILTY i ' Hones, Matthew's ' Ewen McLennan, a prominent stock man of Shaniko, was found guilty on a charge of larceny of two geldings by a jury in the circuit court at noon today. Malcolm McDonald. .McLennan 's employe, was found not guilty on the same indictment. The jury went out at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon, deliberating until 11:30 this morning. The case involves the stealing and killing of two horses belong ing to C, E. Matthews of Criter ion. The evidence introduced by the state showed that the horses were st;en near McLen nan's ranch in August with his brand on them. In November the horses were seen in McLennan's pasture with ..other horses be longing to the defendant, ac cording to four or five witnesses. Word was left at the home of jMcLennan on the forenoon of November ?4, demanding the re turn of the horses to Matthews, The note left for McLennan was lelivered to him two days later COUNTY AGENT'S L Deliberations SERVICE AND SAFETY Service because we are the handiest Bank for you to deal with, we know your wants and are prepared to take care of them. Safety because you know our Stock holders and their circumstances. NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSURANCE Don't overlook us when you are lookingf or the best price for your wheat. MAUPIN STATE BANK By County' Agriculturalist Chase Two elevators have been plan ned in Wasco county. One at Rice station and one at Boyd and the companies are on a co-operative basis. Another elevator is being built at Maupin and there is talk of providing loading fa cilities at Wrentham, Friend, and other points. As a consequence of adopting the bulk system, farmers will build facilities at home for handling bulk grain. Harry Richards has a granary system all worked out and will start in a few days getting ready for a 5000 bushel capacity gal vanized tank, which will be lo cated about the center of his grain area, He will place jt on the side hill and construct a driveway below so that he can load from the granary by the gravity system. The granary will be placed on a concrete base The receiving pit is to built of concrete and will hold 120 bush els. It will be so arranged that he can back his wagon and un it Two Springs. The morning: bad in a few moments. He will 00 00$0$0000$06096$00OH$ o o o o o o 0 0 0 "Firestone" & "Goodyear" Casing's and Tubes "Veedol" the Heat Proof Auto Oil Buy you Gasoline from us at Portland prices , Plus the Freight Watch this space next week for the announcement of OUR BIG CLEARANCE SALE SHATTUCK BROS. STORE OF BETTER SERVICE 0 Q $ & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ne redeived the note, McLennan vent through his pasture to round up his horses and take them to the barn. Matthews .vent to the McLennan ranch No vember 27 to look for his horses. Not finding the two he claimed, he went through MrLenn&n's pasture and found the carcasses of the horses with their heads cut off and the brands peeled. Matthews and five other men, including Gus Reader, deputy sheriff of Shaniko, searched the whole canyon in which the car casses were, unable to find either the heads of the horses or the brands. The theory of McLennan's de fence was that the branding and killing of the horses on his ranch was a "plant" by his enemies, Matthews and McLennan, ac cording to the evidence brought out in the case, have had an ill feeling for each other for the past 10 or 11 years, The state's evidence showed that McLennan and McDonald were seen driving a band of horses into the canyon on the af ternoon that the horses were suppose to have been killed. This evidence was given by Dave Wilson, who stated on the stand, the two defendants remained in the canyon for about fifty min utes. It was largely on the tes timony of Wilson that McLennan was found guilty. F. V. Galloway was attorney for McLennan and McDonald, and R. R. Butler was especially employed to assist District at torney W. A. Bell in the prose cution. The argumenta of both aides lasted from 10 o'clock yes terday morning until 3:30 in the afternoon. -Chronicle, May 27- a bin will cost $373 lajd down at The Dalles: " ' The cabbage "maggot seems to be 'doing' sonre" 'damage. This is an insect that attacks the cab bagel faddish," turnip, cauliflower celery' anfj kale'.' Thi3 maggot comes from the egg of a small fly.1 Preventative measures are as follows; . 1.. Crop rotation with one of the above plants following each other. 2. Screening over the young plants to be transplanted- 3. Using hard disks around the base of the plant so that the eggs cannot be lajd close to the plant in the field. A complete discussion of this insect and treatments for the same will be found in College Bulletin No. 91, O. A- C, Attention is again called to the treatment for cut worms, the larva of which are very trouble some in many gardenB. The proportion for the mixture is as follows: Bran, 50 lbs; Paris green and white arsenic, 1 lb. salt, 1 lb; lemon extract, 2 ozs; water to mak a coarse crumbly mash. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck and Clyde Williams motored to The Dal Ins Wednesday night. Mrs. Shattuck and son will go of 260 bushel per hour. The granary will contain for bins and will be octangle in Bhape. Such Most P. 0. Orders Postmaster W. H. Talcott and Assistant Miss Emerson have completed a. thorough house cleaning of the office and lobbies of which they are justly proud. Mr. Talcott, during his experi ence as postmaster here, has turned in some of the most satis factory reports the Government postornce department ever re ceive, thus demonstrating hi acurate bookkeeping ability. This past month has been the banner period for money or have an elevator with a capacity flom there to California for an PRISCILLA CLUB TO GIVE SOCIAL Band Benefit, 17th Wednesday, afternoon was so' cial and election day with the Priscilla club. Nearly all mem bers were present. Mrs. D.. M, Shattuck and Mrs. Temple were the committee on eats for the, day and served an elegant lunch... eon of nut bread, sandwiches, salad, strawberry shortcake and, tea. The officers of the proceed ing term were unanimously re elected for the next six months. The club voted to give' an ice. cream social and program June 17th, for vyhich. Mrs. Staats has offered the use of her lawn, the social to be gjven in the evening with musio furnished by the band, and followed by a danco in the hall for the benefit of the hand- Mrs. J. S. Fraley was a guest of the ladies for the afternoon. The next session will be at the home of Mrs. Q. M. Shattuck. extended visit Una summer with relatives in different parts of that state. Airhart's work train has been busy this week with the steam .shovel filling in the old ferry land ing by the O. T. depot, cutting down the bank for that purpose. It will now be a covenient place for leaniH to turn around, You Can Afford to Build Now We Save You 25 to 30 Per cent of the Cost It Costs Less to Build Now Than Ten Years Ago The Tum-A-Lum Method makes lumber lower todiiy than it was ten years ago better in quality and you can by it as cheaply right here in your own town as yon can buy anywhere in the world. Your farni lands have DOUBLED and TREBLED in value you get TWICE as much for your grain but it costs you LESS to build NOW than it did TEN YEARS AGO. You can now put up the buildings you have needed, but Which you could not afford because lum ber was so high. Build Better Buildings for Less Money You pay the lowest possible price for honest building material when you build by the Tum-A-Luni Method and in addition you get the services of our building experts who show you how to make every cent do the most work. These men have made building their life work they KNOW their business and will help you save 25 per cent to 30 per cent on the cost of your building just as they have done for thousands of other people. Our Building Experts Show You How Our building experts have prepared a book of plans of buildings erected here in the Northwest. These designs embody many exclusive features that go to make the best possible building for the least cost. No matter what kind of a building you couletnplate building, you want to see this book. Our local sales manager will show it to you and will gladly quote you the complete price No extras guaranteed for any design shown. No Extras-Your Money Refunded for unused Material There are no extras to pay for when you build by the Tum-A-Lum Method We furnish all the building material necessary to complete the building. We' tell you EXACTLY how much your building will cost you before you spend one ceut. We furuish blue prints and material lists showing where every piece of Material belongs. THERE IS NO WASTE every piece is figured so that it cuts exactly no grtss vuik hi out 1 he eel) jilt te cost. Should any material be left when the building is up, you can bring it back and we will refund your money. The One Right Price to Everybody Everybody pays the SAME price at our yards. You do not have to pay for the man who doesn't pay his bills or make up the difference for the man who get a special price -you pay the actual cost of the lumber delivered aud ONE fair profit you pay the RIGHT PRICE nobody can buy for any less, "See Peter Kilburg about it" TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. The home of 'Tum-A-Lumber' 0 ders for this postoffice, about 220 00000 000000000000000400000 having been issued.