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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1915)
MAUPIN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 1, NO. 48 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1915 THE YEAR $1. SO The excavation 14x28 above the O. W. R. &. N. depot ' for Shat tuck Bros.' oil and gasolene stor are room is completed and building will soon be underway. The following Southern Wasco people will serve as jurors at the September term of court; C. L. Irvine, Wapinitia; Claud Wilson j1 Slianiko; J. W. Mace, Typh Val ley; G. H. Woodruff, Tygh Valley; E. A, Snodgrass, Maupin. Nick Carolus came back from the mountains Tuesday, Mr. B vnes having remained there. . Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield are domi ciled in the cozy little tent house by the spring. PENDLETON. OREGON SEPT. 23-24-2S, 1915 EXCURSION "Wild and Wonderful PONY EXPRESS RACES BRONCHO BUSTING INDIANS, COWBOYS OUTLAW HORSES Get Fares and Particular's Furious and Exciting New Contestants for Glory Old Champions, man and tisast, held you spellbound with tl.rfr nerve and daring From Agent 0-W. It &N. SENT IN BY OUR Correspondents! Beginning August ist the Times opened a four months' correspond ents' contest. Cash prizes will be awarded, credit being given accord, ing to newsiness and regularity of letters, special news stones sent in, subscriptions secured, au 1 general interest in the welfare of the Times displayed by the correspondents. News and regularity scoie the highest always, Amounts will le paid fit the close of the four months to those scoring highest. First $6; second $4; third $2$i. This plan, it is hoped, will give a good news service to our renders and partly compensate our energetic news rustlers of the different sec tions of Southern Wasco county. Blacksmithing, Wagonmaking and Auto Repairing Fraley L Vanderpool Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing and Wagonmak ing. Share grinding and sharpening. All kinds of Repair Work that will suit, With a Guarantee That Will Stick. Try us If your wagons, bug gies or hacks need overhauling, bring them in, we'll save you money, Wo rarrv a full line of Automobile Supplies and are prepared to do all kinds of Auto repair work Ore. Laura Kibby the past two weeks. Secra! parties who have return ed from the mountains recently, say there are plenty of huckleber ries this year. Criterion Chronicles Smock News Maupi n. 1 1 D(DCBWDWJIUI0 A. F. Martin Has opened his blacksmith shop in Maupin and is now pre pared to do all kinds of shoeing' and General ! Repairing' f All work done neatly and promptly j at a reasonable price A fair share of the patronage is. solicited o Marion Farlow made a trip to Wapinitia this week. A. Russell, G, Thornton, B. Disbrow and W. Leeford went to the mountains to tight fire last week. G. K. Noble's are visiting rela. tives on Smock. A. F. Russell returned from the mountains with Geo. Thornton, nho took sick while up there. It is with Regret we learn of Willie Gesh's death. Chas. Marlin made a trip to Portland, returning this week mid is a guest at the Russell ranch. The boys made a. trip to Wamic Wednesday. Orin Farlow made a trip to Ma.ipin Sunday. , ;; G. E. Noble made a trip to Ta- coma, Wn,, last week. Mulvatiey's and Bargainholts returned from the mountains last week, where they secured berries and a buck deer. School started Monday with Mr. Murry as teacher. F. li. Spoor tnacie a trip to Mau pin last week. Geo, lluncaii was called home from the mountains on account of the death of his brother-in-law, Willie Oesh. Geo. Baigfiiuholt made a trip to Wapinitia this week. School began Monday with Miss Herding in her usual place and a good enrollment of scholars present, P. O. Kirsch, D. B. Appling and W. M. Snelson are hauling their wheat to Maupin. A cousin of Miss Bertha Herri' ing is here to remain with her dur ing the school year. Edwin aiid Ida Kidder left Sun day for The Dalles to resume their high school work, E. H. Taylor aud fumily left Sunday morning to spend a week at The Dalles. J. E. Miller and A. A. Canfield met with tne Lounty Lourc on Wednesday last, relative to roud aud precinct matters, County Superintendent Bonney and office force are busily engaged in preparing the educational exhib its for the annual fair. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Young of The Dalles spent a few , days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Dale Bonney. Roy Castor and family will go to the mountains for a few day's rest after a busy harvest time, P, TOURIST PARTY HOME FRIDAY Nearly 2500 Miles Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly and Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield arrived in Maupin Friday evening after an absence of thirty-four days, spent in sight-seeing with Mr. Kelly's Cadilac car, having tra eled 2480 miles, two times cross ing the Hockey Mountain range. They stared from here August 1st, going by way of The Dalles, to Noi'Vh Yakima, where they visited Dr. Hatfield's parents, fJom thence to Kennewick, crossing the Columbia river to Pasco, then to Ritzville, arriving in time to discover and give the alarm of the big fire there, which destroyed two warehouses, a cold storage plant and a num ber of freight cars, laying in cinders property to the amount or $260,00(1. Arriving next in Sprkene, Dr. and Mis. Hatfield remained stopped with Mrs. Hatfield's sister, while Mr and Mrs.' Kelly took a trip nortlrto Cattle Falls, visiting Mrs, Kel; ley's brother, Bert Crofoot and family. From Spokane; the trip to the park was made by way of Wallace, Idaho, Missoula, Mon- Deer Lodge, Liv , .Mi. Curts, the hog dealer was here yesterday aud bought and shiped to Portland about 300 head of swine, over 20 farmers bringing the animals in the morning, which nearly filled thee cars. Mrs. T. A, Connolly of Maupin is in this city. She expects her sistei to arrive from Ireland this evening. The sister will make her future home here. Chronicle, Wednesday. A meeting was to have been held at Wapinitia in which to elect an eleventh grade for that school, M, Xaines to teach the clas, but re sults have not yet reached this of fice. School will commence theie Monday with W. J. Patterson and Miss Thilis Fischer as instructors, Moses Web of the Tygh V lley section was a business vi, tor in The Dalles Wednesday. X;. J. Kirsch was taken to Man-! tana, Albert, pin Tuesday to be under Dr. Fran-1 ingston and Gardner, the en trance to the park. . Alter trav els care for a time. TSu fodk b mi - 1 .1 I hie hmo hiflrnrer than tv$T A Thorougbred Sarnie Items. luNbe Cement and Lime All Rinds of Build ing' Materials vvnai Wron g with, investing some of this year's Burplus in a good home of your own, built just to suit your taste? Nothing is nicer or a belter investment Bv means of our plan books, prospective home build ers are able to get an idea as to the cost of a home, de signed exactly as they wan to have it. It will cost leas than you think at the home of TUM-A-LUMBER Willie Gesh is dead after a hard struggle against an attack of ty phoid fever. He was thought he itnproviusr. but a sudden hemor- hage of the brain Sunday inornhig resulted in his passing away the following night at 12 o'clbch. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Emei-t Gesh and about 23 years of age Much sympathy is felt forthe be. reaved parents and family. School commenced Monday with Prof. T. J. Sctirvin as piincipal and Mrs. Veva Driver as assistant Prof, and Mrs. Sciuvhi, who re cently arrived from Portland are occupying Mrs. M. ftanford' house. Jack Fraley, Frank Magill and TomSv ift were engaged the past two days in hauling the household furuitme and other articles per taining to the farm, for Ted Sell fert, who has purchased the farm of F. M, Driver a mile and a half from town. Mrs, Veya Driver fb spending the week at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Magill. A parly from Dufur accompa nied by Ted Wilson of Tygh were fishing 011 Badger Sunday, By Edward J. Denneen Stranger! She's the durndest thing Risin' four year old this spring, Bought her in Detroit one day,, Drove hir home here all the waj . She's a beauty, black as ink, Set of eyes that never blink When your on tho road at night, And the goin isn't right. Over roads both good and bad She just tears away like mad, And no matter what her stride Ne'er a drop is on her side. Jghtening struck Si Perkins' barn. Got there first and gave alarm Took out every horse and cow, Most the wagons and a plow, Lucky that I had her then Minutes counted more'h tneh . She aint scared of any bandt Drive her up and let her stand, Doesn't need a hitchin' stap. Never have to say "gid-dap!" She's midlin' size, not big, nor small, It's way and best of all. Her pedigree, I've got it straight, It's registered in our own state; She's from the best of stock all round, A thoroughbred in every pound. The man who raised her and her strain, Proudly gave them all his name, They're what made his reputa tion, And spread it over all creation 'Sell her!" No-not on your life, I'd as soon part with my wife. Money piled up by the cord Wouldn't buy her, SHE'S MY FORD. Two new plays, more people, Great Scenery Maupin Opera House, Sept. 23, 24, 25 Wamic Opera House, . ' Sept. 13, 14, 15 Wapinitia Opera House Sept. 2o, 21, 22 f 1 Popular Prices Reserved Seats on Sale at Usual Place leiing 185 miles in the park, they i crossed into Montana again at Yellowstone and from thereto Idaho Falls, where thev visited Mrs. Hatfield's mother, sister and brothers, from thence, re turning home by way of Moun tain Home. Boice, Idaho, Baker City, Pendleton 'and. lore. ,- Mr. Kelly kept a complete record of the trip. Eight days were spent at Spokane while Dorris was ill. The longest day's travel was 187 miles, traveling at the rate cf nearly 50 miles an hour for about 30 mile. Seven gallons of lubricating oil and 307 gallons of gasolene were con sumed during the entire trip. The only trouble experienced with the car was three punctures, one nceuring before p-actiing the top of Tygh hiH. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Dorris left Wed neskay morning for Portland, yver the Harlow road, to he away until the fore part of the week, when they will return over the Columbia highway. FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties ,' A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON m m m m A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E. The HIGHEST PRICE FOR L-Y John limn, a blacksmith who has been assisting in the Fraley & Vau'leipiiol shop, ptobnbly as re- suit of i.iO 1'rve Se of spurp on his pony Irtsi Friday nOofi, was thrown aiitl ohlv saved beiim badly hurt bv ;i si rup breaking, rel.-asing him from the horse, lie remark ed that anv who could ride the im- imal with ll'.at saddle imglit have him. Joan M'ur ot lollK quiiing iiiAsttry nirl ownership ol the hors'f, riding hhil through out streets, A Stock of Vcivetinn brand goods from the I ' .0 'Inch Ding Co were u-cvivid Frid.n hy the Stunts; Mercantile Co. and ate on display in their window. A movement is said t'6 have been started in I'nrtlaml l connect the Harlow road with Hood River b leaving the old part of that road a few miles east of Summit and aiound the base of Ml. '( WHEAT AT MAUPIN STATE BANK PAY YOUR TAXES AT MAUPIN STATE. BANK ArtD SAVE ALL EXPENSE. EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ. ED TO COLLECT TAXES mi IS! MrS. James lirown, of tviiter Point, Iowa, mother of Dr. F, J. Brown of Tygh Valley, died very suddenly Sunday morning at the home of her son in Tgh Valley, whom she was visiting. They u cently returned from an automo bile tour of Southern Oregon, l'p 011 their return Mrs. Brown com plained of feeling tired, but seemed jhave secured a limited number of 00 o o t 4 thence aiound the base ot Ml. - Hood. 1 We lead - Others follow.. Lis- q ten! At enormous expense weift to have suffered no other effects of large hand painted OIL PAKM- q the trip. Saturday evening she INGS of Landscape and Marine, Q was taken HI, ami passeo away views, wnicu we aiu ivm au- q Marion Duncan came over from Sunday morning despite the eflorts' solutely free to our customers- Kent Monday, hauling wood from here to that place. Miss Dorothy McCorkle arrived home from Madras Friday, having been a Vu". st at life ho'e of Miss of two doctorr, who were called. The remains were taken t The Dalles and prepared for shipment to the Iowa home, Dr. lirown atid sen acco'ivnaiiiiig them. See us about it.- W. H. Stauts & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aubrey are moving 1 1 'th-ii Criterion home- 0 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Everything' in this line SHATTUCR BROS. 4 &0e644044444090004QQ