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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
J?4 i , VM 4 J 4M MADE PROFIT OF HIS VISIT Unexpected Call of Paderewskl Is Turned to Good Account by Music Teacher. Paderewskl arrived in a small west ern town about noon one day and de cided to take a walk in the afternoon. While strolling along he heard a piano and, following the sound, came to a house on which was a sign reading: "Miss Jones. Piano Lessons 25 Cents an Hour." Pausing to listen, he heard the young lady trying to play one of Cho pin's nocturnes and not succeeding very well. Paderewski walked up to the house and knocked. Miss Jones came to the door and recognized him at once. De lighted, she invited him in and he sat down and played the nocturne as only Paderewski can, afterward spending an hour in correcting her mistakes. Mis3 Jones thanked him and he de parted. Some months afterward he returned to the town and again took the same walk. He soon came to the home of Miss Jones and, looking at the sign, read: "Miss Jones. Piano Lessons $1 an Hour. (Pupil of Paderewski.)" Horrible Possibility. "Our engagement was most roman tic. I was traveling with her party at the time, and I proposed to her in the Far West on the edge of a moun tain gorge." "Oh, suppose she had thrown you over! Baltimore American. Shake Into Your snoea Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet It curee painful, swollen, smarting, sweating: feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all DrucRists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FR1SE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N . Y. True. "What is efficiency, pa?" "A much overworked word, boy," my Turkish railways usually run one train daily. YOUNG MAN. BE A BARBKR. Learn a Trade. Be Independent. Trade taught In eiifht weeks: tools free. Commijsions paid while learning: positions secured. Write for free catalog MOLER COLLI-GE J. Portland. K4S N. 2nd St.: Spokane, K22B MainAve.; Seattle. K109 Main St "USE THE RIVER" Dalles -Columbia Line State of Washington, for The Dalles daily ex. Sunday U p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monday 12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613. Willamette and Columbia River Towin Co., Portland. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Portland's Best Business Training School. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship taught by expert teachers. Fall Term opens Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1915 Many students have already enrolled. Ask for Catalog. Enroll early. A. T. LINK, General Manager. Phone MAIN 5083 ' TILFORD BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON Christening a Motor Car. "What kind of a car has Bliggins?" "I call it a serio-comic," replied Miss Cayenne. "You don't know whether It ought to make you laugh or feel sympathetic." Washington Star. MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Daugh ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From a small child my 13 year old daughter had female weakness. I spoke to three doctors about it and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound had been of great benefit to me, so I decided to hare her give it a trial. She has taken five bottles of the Vege- I table Compound ac cording to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble. She was all run down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not come right She was so poorly and weak that I often had to help her dress herself, but now she is regular and is growing Btrong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Helvig, Hover, Iowa. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, a woman' remedy for Woman's ills. If yon want special advice write to Lydia E.rinkham Medicine Co. (con 11 dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Tonr letter will be opened, read and answered by a womia mi tela la itric. confldeae 1.1 'JIIIH..III.IHIIII.I.H, ,!..!! .'I!.' BEGINNING San., Aug. 29 1 For Four Weeks' Engagement Griffith's Half-Million-Dollar Masterpiece THE BIRTH 2 NATION rounded on Thomas Dixon's THE CLANSMAN 18,000 PEOPLE; 3,000 HORSES Matinee 2 P. M. Evenings 8 P. M. Prices 25c; 5uc; 75c; $1.00. Reserve your seats by mail. Portland, Ore. B1 VI NURTHWEST AUTO DEALER BACK. Three Weeks' Journey Through East Makes Him Optimistic. Mr F. W. Vogler, president of the Northwest Auto company, returned last Sunday from a three weeks' trip through the East. He comes back charged with enthus iasm and happy over securing one of the biggest Reo contracts that the Northwest ever received. This con tract provides for the Belling of 1000 Reo cars and trucks in the Northwest territory, which comprises Oregon, Washington and a part of Idaho. Mr. Vogler says that the East is more prosperous than ever. It seemed to him almost like a new country, the improvement was so marked since his last trip, eight months ago. This con dition in general, he says, is true of every line of industry. There is a job for every man who can handle a tool, while the demand for labor in the fields is enormous, due to the extremely heavy crops. There will be a wonderful crop throughout the East, says he, and pros perity is on her way to the Coast. Even now there is an improved spirit. Confidence and determination, together with the constantly increasing develop ment of our natural resources and the immense foreign demand, assure good times for the West, as well as for the East. Mr. Vogler found his own line in a most excellent condition. The Reo factory, which during the year just past manufactured 16,000 cars, are preparing to build 20,000 this coming season. This is doubly remarkable when one considers how the Reo car is built in its entirety, from rear sxle to radiator, in the Reo plant. It is not, like over 60 per cent of the cars made in America, simply assembled by the factory. He also found that although Detroit, Mich., is the home of over 80 per cent of the cars made in this country, there were sold last season in that city alone over 650 Reo cars, yet the Reo is not built at Detroit, but at Lansing. Thi fact is significant. GOES THROUGH THE MOTIONS But Smokers Will Wonder How That Tobaccoless Pipe Must Taste . to Him. M. Maeterlinck is among those who have freed themselves from the bond age of tobacco by means of a curious artifice. According to his biographer, M. Gerard Harry, "without the help of tobacco he seemed incapable of re ceiving inspiration or crystallizing it in words. If he has not overcome the need, he has outflanked it. Smoking, he noticed, had lost its virtue as stimulant, and instead of rousing the brain to activity, as at first, had come to disturb its functions; so now, in lieu of ordinary tobacco, he fills his bowl with a denicotinized preparation tasteless indeed, but harmless. His pipe is still always alight when the pen is busy, but it is hardly more now than a mere subterfuge intended to cheat and so satisfy an irresistible mechanical craving." London Chron- icle. Faith and Good Works. One Sunday morning a woman who lived in a country district was nearly an hour late to church. Since she wa3 always very punctual, the parson greatly wondered and questioned her at the close of the service. "The horse that we were driving," answered the woman, "acted as if it was going to run away, so I got out of the wagon and walked all the way to town." "You shouldn't have been fright ened, sister," impressively returned the parson. "You should have put your trust in Heaven. "1 did until the harness broke," was the quick rejoinder of the woman, "and then I jumped. The Shell Shortage. A. J. Drexeil, praising the English volunteer army, said in New York the other day: "Oxford and Cambridge undergrad uates fight side by side with coal min ers. Peers' sons and millionaires' sons hobnob with plumbers ami umca. smiths in the ranks. "There are lots of 'nuts' (dudes) in the volunteer army and the kaiser finds them pretty hard to crack, too notwithstanding their lack of shells.1 Unconquerable Impulse. "Pinochle," said Three Finger Sam "is one game there ain't no use o' me tryln to learn." "Too hard?" "It's easy enough. But I can't git over reachln' for a gun the minute some one hands me a deck with more'n four aces in it." Washington Star. Different Ways. "Why are biographers like retribu tion?" "Why are they?" "Because they both bring men to book. Japanese government experts have succeeded in raising tobacco in Korea from American seed. Just It. Clerk Couldn't I sell you a piano- player? Smith No, I married one. Clerk I mean a mechanical one. Smith That's the kind I married. Taking no Chances. Lady of the House If you your face, I'll give you a meal. wash Tramp Better gimme de meal first lady I'm erfrald yer mightn't recog nize me. Boston Transcript CAPONS BRING PREMIUM OVER ROOSTERS Typical Capon, a Wyandotte Notice the Long Hackle Feathers, and the (Prepared by the United States Depart ment or Agriculture.) Capons sell best during the winter months, especially from Christinas to the end of March, and are regularly quoted in large markets, usually at a very substantial premium over roost ers. The high price paid for capons merited because of the excellent quality of their flesh. The cockerel and capon make about an equal devel opment when they are both young, but the capon soon outstrips the cockerel In growth. The capon finishes off and fattens more readily and economically. Cockerels, after they are five months old, usually bring 12 to 18 cents a pound. If held longer than this, how ever, they become "staggy" and are classed as old roosters, and do not bring more than 6 to 12 cents a pound. Capons in season, that is, during the winter months, and especially about holiday time, bring 18 to 25 cents and often more per pound. In localities where especially fine poultry is raised. capons usually Bell at somewhat bet ter prices than roosters, but the differ ence 1b not great. In fact, in the Bos ton market many capons are picked clean and sold as "South shore roast ers. The market for capons depends largely on local conditions, but the demand continues good notwithstand ing the fact that more are raised each year. As capons are not usually marketed before Christmas or the first of Janu ary, they have to be housed during the late fall and early winter. Because of their quiet disposition they stand crowding quite well and have been successfully housed with only two or thre9 square feet of floor space to a fowl. It is better, however, to allow four to five feet If possible. During the last month or month and a half before marketing, the corn In the ration should be gradually in creased until the fowls are on a full fattening ration. For the last two or three weokB It is desirable to shut them up and feed them in crates, for every possible ounce at this stage adds to the appearance and profit. Machine cramming is sometimes practiced the last week with excellent results. Killing and Dressing for Market, The capons selected for killing should bo confined for 24 hours with out feed or water, to completely empty their crops. The usual method of kill lug is known as the sticking method. The fowl Is hung up by the feet, the head held in the left hand, and the whole body stretched to full length. The mouth is forced open and, by means of a sharp, narrow-bladed knife held in the right hand, the blood ves sels at the back of the throat are sev ered with a single sweep. The knife Is then turned and the point plunged through the roof of the mouth to a point just behind and between the eyes. The brain is here reached, and if properly stuck all feeling la then lost Capons should always be dry picked, as they look much better and as some of the feathers should be left on. The feathers of the neck and head, the tail feathers, those a short way up the back, the feathers of tbo last two joints of tho wing, and thoso of the leg, about one-third of the -way-from knee to hip joint, should be left on These featberj, together with the bead of the capon, serve to distinguish it from otlict classes of poultry on the market, and consequently should never be removed. Capons scalded and picked bare bring very little. If any. better prices than other poultry in the same condition. Most markets require capons to be undrawn and tho head and feet left on. If drawing is required the vent should be cut around and tho intes tines pulled out until the gizzard is reached, wbcre it is broken off. Noth ing else Is removed. Cooling and Packing. After picking, (ho c:;rc53S!a are hung In a cool place until the etlmal heat has entirely left the body, when they are paclrcd In boxes of convenient size, holding about a dozen carcr.Bjos. Every attention tihouU bo given to neatness and nttractlvcneiJ, is this helps the sale and the price. If they are Bhipped in warm weather they should be packed In ice. It is e:-:trcinei difficult to make any Bencrtl statement concerning the pro'Jta yielded by en pens. That they do yield n profit in practically all cases is UTid&ultodly true, tut whether the prollt io nili'iclr:;'. to give up to them the li'iio and room tiicy requite Is a question which timet be rcttlcd by each man's cxperlcr.oj cad by iccal coudlt'ons. Cattle Loci-ci Peon Tapeworm Cysts. The of layeworu cysts la the muscles of cattle depends ujion 1 Absence of Comb, Wattles and the Plump, Well-Filled Body. two things, the widespread custom of eating raw or rare beef and general carelessnes In the disposal of human excreta. These cysts are Immature stages of tapeworms, which develop to maturity when eaten by human beings in raw or imperfectly cooked beef. Cattle acquire the cysts solely as a result of swallowing the eggs of the tapeworm, which occur In enormous numbers in the intestinal dejecta of human tapeworm carriers. The propa gation of the parasite would be stopped if no one ate beef unless it was thor oughly cooked, or if human excreta were universally disposed of in a sani tary manner. The prevention of tapeworms in hu man beings and of tapeworm cysts in cattle is therefore essentially simple. Beef should not be eaten raw or imi perfectly cooked. Dried beef, however, may be eaten uncooked with impunity, as tapeworm cysts will not withstand the curing and drying to which this product is subjected. As a general rule, however, uncooked meat is un safe; raw pork is particularly danger ous because it is liable to be infested with paraslteB known as trichinae, which produce the serious disease trichinosis. Persons harboring tapeworms, espe cially if they live on farms where cat tle are kept, should take appropriate medicinal treatment for the removal of the parasites under the direction of a physician. Farms should be provided with Bant- tary privies . (see . Farmers' Bulletin 463, in which variouB types of these buildings are described). Particular care should be taken that human in testlnal dejecta are not deposited in barns, barnyards, pastures or in other places favorable to the contamination of grass, hay or other fodder, or drink ing water. The barnyard manure pile Is a particularly objectionable place, as cattle commonly feed upon the hay and straw which they find there. Carelessness in the disposal of hu man excreta on farms results not only in a high percentage of illness from typhoid fever and hookworm infesta tion, but also causes a great deal of loss to the live stock industry from parasitic infestation traceable to the contamination of grass, hay and other fodder, and water by human excre ment. Recently during the course of single year nearly 43,000 carcasses of cattle slaughtered at establishments operating under federal meat Inspec tion were found by inspectors to be infested with tapeworm cysts in the muscles, so-called beef measles. This represents a considerable loss in the meat supply of the country as car casses affected with measles are whol ly or partially condemned, according to the degree of infestation. Portions of affected carcasses which may be passed for food after removal of the cysts are required as an additional safeguard to be refrigerated long enough to destroy the vitality of any parasites which might have been over looked, thus entailing added expense in the handling of the meat In some cases the meat from affected carcasses is permitted to be sterilized by heat, placed in cans and-labeled and sold as second grade meat The losses because of condemna tion, refrigeration and sterilization are necessarily suffered by the pro ducer and the consumer in lower prices for the live cattle on the one hand, and higher prices for beef on the other. DAMAGE TO POTATO GROWERS Disease Which Causes Dry Rot Spreads While Tubers Are In Storage How to Prevent Dry rot Is causing a grea deal of damage to potato growers. It the stem end of a diseased potato is shaved off brown thrcadllko strands may be seen extending Into the potato. This dis ease which causes rot grows while the potatoes are in storage. When this diseased seed is planted, the new po tatoes In the field become diseased. Much of thlB may be prevented by cutting off the stem end of the po tato, care being taken to remove all the discolored part Then dip the seed In a solution of formalin, 1 pint to 30 gallons of water, or corrosive sub limate, 1 part to 1,000 parts of wa ter. Pla,"e the potatoes In a gunny sack and submerge them for two hours. When removed from the so lution, spread the potatoes on a plat form to dry. Then cut and plant them. After being treated potatoes should not be placed In anything which baa contained untreated seed. WAS QUITE TOO THOUGHTFUL Husband Who Received Basket of Soft-Shell Crab From Wife Saved the Bread for Himself. "Yes, I've heard from my wife and Che's going to hear from me. Down on the shore where she is they have the very finest soft-shell crabs that ever used a nipper, and when they're fried they show themselves for the kindly disposition critters they are. Well, this morning I got word from my wife that she was going to send some of 'em fried and ready to eat. A fine lot' is the way she told me about 'em, and I had visions of about bushel of 'em; so I promptly noti fied friends in the East end that they were on the eats. When the package arrived at the office it wasn't as large as I had ex pected, but I told myself not to be greedy and decided to make a fair division. Division seemed easy, for the package contained two smaller packages. Opening one, I sampled the goods and found them worth while and then passed them around in the office. They lasted three minutes. Then with the other package neatly tied I took a car for the East end. This is where the drama approaches the 'smash.' My wife is a very thoughtful wom an. When she provides a lunch sue provides the trimmings. It was quite a little snack she wanted me to have at the office and Bhe carefully put the crabs in one package and "Yes, you have it! When I proudly opened that package in the presence of my East end friends, I found that it contained four slices of bread I" Pittsburgh Dispatch. MORE REST. Lady You lazy tramp! Why are you not a son of toil? Hobo Because, lady, it Is so much easier to be a son of soil. Progressive. 'Well, I like your cheek!" exclaimed the indignant maid, after the young man had landed a kiss on her complex ion. "And I like yours," he rejoined. "But I imagine I would like your Ilpa bet ter." Whereupon he planted another ml crobe breeder right under her nose. Needed Sleep, 'Please give me the price to get Into a moving-picture show?" pleaded the tramp to the man passing. 'But will you spend it to get to the movies?" asked the suspicious man, 'Indeed I will, sir. You see, since the cops have chased us off the park benches there's no other place we can go to sleep as cheap as tho movies." The Champion. - "What are you boys doing?" asked the man. "Telling lies; the one who tells the biggest gets the stick of candy." 'What? Why, when I was your age I never told a lie," growled the man. "Heres the candy, mister; you win," chorused the youngsters. Pat's Solution. "Plaze, sir," said, an Irishman to a farmer going to market one day "would yez be so obliging as to take me greatcoat here to B wld ye?" "Yes," Bald the farmer; "but how will you get it again?" "Oh, that's mighty aisy, so It is, said Pat; "for enure I'll remain inside uv it!" Tit-Bits. . , It Certainly Would. Flatbush It is said that the letter- carriers in Portugal save themselves much work on Sunday by delivering letters in church. Bensonhurst Would think it might Interfere with his enjoyment of the service if a man in his pew is hand ed a bunch of bills. Base Deception. Rankin That's the greatest skin game I ever saw. Phyle What do you mean? "That show advertises a tattooed man." "Well?" "And the gink inside Is simply cov ered with transfer pictures." For Bachelors. "Why are you unhappy?" we asked the unspeakable Turk. "Here you have just wed a third beautiful wife, "That's all right so far as it goes,1 he responded. "But when I had only two I held the balance of power, but now" The Modern Method. "Your new novel is in some ways bit out of date." "How, for example?" "Well, you make the heroine sweep ihe room with a glance, when today everybody is using vacuum cleaners, Novel Proposal. "Have you ever been engaged to be married before?" asked the young man. "Yes; six times," replied the sweet young thing. "Well, if your hand Is not working lust now I'd like to ask for it." Difference of Opinion, He You are the idol In my heart Bhe That's all right, but I don Intend to have any Idle business la this family. :aBvu-..u.'i. This Baking Powder Keeps Its Strength Tke large can of K G lasts longer than 25 cents worth of other bahing powders but no matter how long it takes the user to get to the bottom the last spoonful is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. K G raises the nicest, lightest biscuits, cakes and pastry you ever atet and it is guaranteed pure and wholesome. mm AT 17 V. A Strategist Downtown Here comes Blinkers. He's got a new baby, and he'll talk us to death. Upton Well, here comes a neigh bor of mine who has a new setter dog. Let's introduce them and leave them to their fate. Life. The Sorrow of It Is there no hope about the Jinks' rich old uncle?" None whatever. The doctor told them this morning he was likely to live for years." Baltimore American. i Dunned a human filter, leaving- Alt'TUHEH the food reaches the stomach It fa snbfaeted to porallarfv churning movement by the muscular walls of the stomach (S Iff Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, page 46). In the liver, kidneys and I it aWfl skin, the blood ifl purified of its waata materials theae organa act Hw umun Churn I B digestive tract and kidney are clogged. Br. Pierce's Golden Meiic&l Blscvery 13 a stomach, liver and kidney tonic by assisting the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the kidneys to act the poisons are removed, the red blood corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active instead of logy, dull and heavy. The "Discovery" stimu lates the stomach, increases action of heart and arter ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has been favorably known for over forty years, Everywhere some neighbor can tell you of the good it has done. Sold by all medicine dealert in liquid or tablet form; or imJ 50 one-cent ttampe to Dr. V. M. PIERCB, Bullalo, Couldn't Fool Her. Where are you telephoning from, dear?" "From my office, dovey." "No, you are not. I can tell the dif ference between the click of a type writer and the click of pool balls.' Louisville Courier-Journal. Sanitary Precautions. "Hey, Molke, and phwat do ye t'lnk of these new sanitary drinkln' cups?" "Sure, Pat, and soon we 11 have to spit on our hands wid an eje drop per!" Gargoyle. NO DOUBT THAT RESWOL DOES STOP ITCHING It is a fact that the moment reelnol ointment touches itching skins, the Itching stops and healing begins. With the aid of reslnol soap, it almost al ways clears away all trace of eczema, Summer rashes, pimples, or similar tormenting, unsightly eruption quick ly, leaving the skin clear and healthy And the best of It is you need never hesitate to use resinol soap and rest nol ointment. Resinol is a doctor's prescription which for twenty years has been used by careful physicians for many kinds of skin affections. They know that Its soothing, healing action is brought about by medica tion so bland and gentle as to be suit- ed to the most delicate or irritated skin. Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap are sold by all druggists. Adv. No Skeptic. "Do you believe that there Is really something which can Invariably tell when a man Is lying? "I know it." "Ah, perhaps you have seen one of the Instruments? "Seen one? I married one." Hous- ten Post Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take. After the Rescue. "What made you swim so far be yond the breakers," aBked the life guard, Indignantly. "I wanted a chance to look at the ocean Instead of the bathing suits." Washington Star. Our Boarding House. "What's the trouble this morning? "S-sh! There's a green waiter on duty and a guy who is behind with his rent got the star boarder's break fast." Kansas City Journal. Rather Pathetic. "Why do you treasure these old love letters of your grandmother's?" "I never had any of my own," Blgh ed the other girl. Kansas City Jour nal. "I think," said Mrs. Thompson, "that children ought to stay home with their motherB." And then, as well as the applause would lot her, she went right on again. Washington Star. Illustration. "That girl ahead of us reminds me of a flower, but I can't recall Just what one " "Oh, look! She's just tripped on a banana peel!" "fJow I know. She's a lady slipper." EAT FISH; CHEAPER THAN MEAT You now have th opportunity, for th small sum of $1.60. of re ceiving one fi-Hith, choice, juicy SALMON, weitthinR from 7 to 1(1 poumlH, delivered to your nearoHt rxprciw agrvnt free, In evt'ry in itance we Kuarantee thfl f.nh to arrive in prime cunrJitiun, as tho b-mperaturu of a tilth, when Bur rourvled with ire, is the mime In either cold or warm wia'hir, an the express comi-anicti k,p put ting new ice on the tinh an fat an lha old ice melti. You ned not Im afraid of the rlnh Rpoilintr; it will not spoil, ait we atmolutely ( it to arrive in from, edible condition. There binr no WHKte to a iih, one would ivrve throe avertttre sized families nice ly, with some to spnra. Send check on your local bank, xpreHa or money order. Commence ship pin ft" Atlff. 15; place your order immediately. COLUMBIA I1VER CHI.VOOf SAUKON CO. 124 TWJ SU Ptkat Of For goodness sake, use K C. 353T3 Her Thoughts. He Why so pensive, dear? What are you thinking about? She I was thinking that if ail the yarns husbands give their wives could be knit up, what a lot of socks and mittens there'd be for the brave sol diers. Philadelphia Record. Maid or Cook. The Wife Do you know that you have not kissed me for over a week? Absent-minded professor Eh! Then I wonder who in the world I have been kissing? Boston Transcript of its waate material theae onrana act the blood Dan and clear onlaas liver. N. Y., a trial box will be mailed yon. A Big Cut. "Hello, Smith," said ,Ione3. "Glad to see you out of the hospital again. I hear they cut out your appendix." "Yes," said Smith sadly. "They did. But that isn't a circumstance to what they did to my bank account." In no more neceaaary' thanSmaltpox, Army experience bss demonatrited the elmont miraculous effi cacy, and harralennesa, of Antityphoid VaccinaUon. Be vaccinated NOW by your phyalclaa, you and your family. It ia more vital than houae insurance Ask your physician, drugcist, or send for "Have you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers THE CUTTCR UDOBATOKY, BEBI'.ei.CY, CAU riosuciN vaccinas ssbuhs uaoia u. s. aov. ucaasa . A Misreading, , Dr. Fritz Metzier, of the UniV(frBitV" of Heidelburg, said' to a heckler in. the course of a neutrality lecture in Denver: "My good friend, you misread me. Purposely you misread me, my good friend. You are as bad as the wife who was disgruntled. "To this wife who was disgruntled a young bride Bald, over their after noon coffee and coffee cakes: " 'I am so sad. Gustav is away on a business trip. This is the first time since our marriage that I have been left alone.' " 'Oh, well, don't worry,' sneered the other, 'It won't be the last' " The Right Kind. Agent Here's a cyclometer I can recommend. It is positively accurate; not at all like some cyclometers, which register two miles, perhaps, when you have only ridden one. Young Lady You haven't any of that kind, have you? Philadelphia Record. Very Considerate. Mistress I shall be very lonely, Bridget, if you leave me. Bridget Don't worry, mum, I'll not go until ye have a houseful of com pany. Boston Transcript. Reassuring. Motorist Are you a religious man? Chauffeur Yes, sir. MotoriBt Familiar with the Bible? I've kissed it 50 times in court- Puck. The first steam fire engine was made in 1829 in London from the designs of Ericsson, the inventor of the Monitor, POR SALE AUTOMOBILES Rebuilt Federal Trucks II A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL In aa good valuo for the money ar a new truck. By rebuilt we mean that the truck la entirely taken apart, each part examined and If neceHHary replaced by a new part made at the Federal fnctory, the entire truck repainted and refinlnhed, and everything nercaaary done to make the truck praotl cully aa Rood a new In every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the aame policy and In terest that we live to all Federal owners. We operate a repair department, In which the workmen are apeclulUta on Federals, our supply of Federal parts Is complete, and the atock room organization high cliias, which Insures the prompt filling of all parts orders. We also operate a Berv Ice department, which Is open day and night, "alwaya at your call." The Federal being a good truck In the first place and protected by a company which Is equip ped and has the disposition to give you service is consequently A 8AFE USED TRUCK TO BUT. If you are in the market for a truck from 111)00 to II4H0, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we cun convinc you of their superior value. GERL1NGRU MOTOR CAR CO., King and Washington Bts. , P. N. U. Ma 35. IBIS WHEN writing to adrartiaan, tin " tioa thia paper. A KJeu&' (