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About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1895)
jjlB LIMIT KKACIIKn. ,MkQO AND SAN r'NANCISCO CALL A HALT ON 8KV8CRAPIR8. Way Ik Tallsst lbs , in ! Many HaapMla tiude. ' .. - v...w aniMara li b iwif htdilnd tall W',,,,r "f hy"'r"l",,K ll'ldliiga, lniiwi always ,,M ,M,,',, 11 ' run Jll, Tribunua 111 tower" wan wonder o f America U'fittn tlmra were many bu I Id t u h nf Ureal height In Chicago, but Wlil'll III bill, tlllig nictrnail u( lint bounding West act iImiiiI thn (uk (if put ling UP sltltu illunti structure tlm result was a lot tif building I hut r km nh n riintigh nearer tlm cloud I Imn tlm "lull low er" to iiinkx It almost liiilgulfi rnnt After awhile, It I true, Nw York braced tip ami within the last few yrai IT ban put up iinn tall building Hint need lintdnfT tlm lint eveu to Chicago' tallest, nuil Ni'W Yorker nHnx urn nriu-rn now brag uw, irw volt, glug, a I'hieago. ,h nmxl to li'. of "' tallest tiMce taibllntt" w"r1''- la Urn meantime t'lil'K' l learned r two about big building tlmt Bllninlll probably also m taken to kwit by New York. In eon, queue of tn it:i tlm aldermen nf Chicago taw'ixl mi ordinance limiting tlm Hht f building. Hun Francisco, too, a adopted a similar ruin, Um argu asr.t hi favir of restriction In-Inn tlm as In I" I' "" I'r.milnenl auiimii Um argument w advanced th" oh ,yo content nm t lint building 'f 3 ad jo ni'iritw. especially when placed Brmw trtU, shut out altogether wmoili light ami air from tlm street as) from IIih lower Ihre or four stories, bis iviiiry only to will attention to jmu irit'i, Ni'W York, tJ how tlm narlnr bow obviously cor r'i thin ml Kin In. Nassau, aitrwt narrow a iKouuuhfitr tlmt It Woulil M tut ailhliiK uiori' jiroi.Mit inu lliau an alley aCbiraunor Inil'til any oilior wwiteru nty, jet it l uin nf H ' tmiiirliit nf ili KulrkcrlnrkiT town. It li unwiM ami Jiutimml foil nf trnrka ami M pni-TiKora diirlhH nverjr lmlni lar. ami "mrt eif th WKU"it iroritirr Nw York aro l-tml almiK ltaltl. Tbw Imlliliinfn, if wlilnh ill Anmr loa Ttai't iKifii'ty'a now hums la tlm tjjlrait. am i hltfli a alimwt to roaka nillKlit at inn iiilay lu tlm rt of tlm Knet m which llicjr Ixirilcr, ami lu muni Jum wm tirn fmiililiK on tlm iiliwalk HM nniwMtry to keep tlm rhvtrln li(hu M J,',"'H tiKrliK lotiiKht. mailer Imw Kliirloiily tlm un may (ild Dm till (if tlm brick and abmo cliff m lino Urn atrw L V(mm yet. tlmro i idimpiioui whim tlm wwitlmr I at H utit Nt Din Ixiitoui (if tliia artificial aajiiu tlmt caiiiuit l othwrwlna tlmn irimi'iiliil to tlm licaltliof thowwbo Mta to cnilnro it. When it i tad rainy, it l of ciiirB moch worv !V Urn kIo"I" in Siuamn 'rw' nJ humidity (if llmaimiwiilmrfl ar both afitivcly iiiuillliin. DanipwH and diirknci. Iiowovor, r Mthfl only arrion dimtdvantiiKMi nn tr which limoiicupMiiiaof '",,' linrtl tithrntravtiKiiiitlv high buildiiiK hv U ll)r. In cf of tlr ami it l" foMd th;it (Irn (Ihw aonmlimca work kiuo lu ovu (lie moat Tiiuntod of "flre- mi r M a n 1 1 ( , i m. m n r i ;, i nun i j i :n rn ni i i "HUI.-AN TRACT HOC1KTT lll ll-l'l'"'. NXW YHIIK. "wf" bnildiiiK tw , ' loll Krcut in altitudinoiia bnildmR8 In thiiBo of more moderate propor- ""H. It ig Inipoamble for ma ('-' "miRiim to throw water to the top oi modern nkTHcrnperH. nd if wbIW oi n l'iO to SftO foet and liiB''r ' ow Mrwla the IhowuKhfMre i nre w Bti.l- n r,A lima of llf" '" certain to follow. 1", we practically no .tree" l'k n New York, and an wen- -J"'y o mnch reaaou for linnj SthtofbnildinR there. m'f.T aerinn. for reatriction dn i&ctairiiiw- lit . ' -r I I Iifc" 1 i wmm wim II. while they mn.t be plain to ( moat cuKiml ohwrvcr In New York At tlm profit time, hownrcr, there a.,,,. 10 lie mi Iiidlcaliori that New York la liklyoon toadnpt h,.K,t rlrlctlona a to hii.liica l,,,dl,,H, and c ll(ielh(.r prolmlile lln.l thn real rwlute owiiera lu the dimii town illatricta will "I'l""1 'J' "Tiuni. movement intliut dl tccllon wiih even Krcatcr vehemence limn thry did in Chic,,,, , Hmi l-'ran-elwMi, iii.e It caiiimt but tend to reduce h" Hf i-ilK viilmiiloi, at which boiiih If the iirimml In held. It will aeeiiianiiiewhat of aplly, how ever, from dim pulnt of view, when all the bl towna of till coiilineiit xlntll I'Mhlbit nkywrnpeia. Tor a number of ytmr now Iniililnr and inventor of new form nf. bni Miiiipmiter Inland atructur- 11 Iron niiilnlcd iiiiikrm have N eiiatrlv- iniilify iiml cheiiHin tlm build liiH of tkyacriiia-rN, and at the prwnt tune It in allium! a cany Mini chimp to put up a 1)0 .tory block a it wa to pnt tip inn. of i) ninrinK a ninny year ao. Nowailay men build biHh IhiiMiiikh In tlm mime way aa they build imn liridKii. liinkliitf iim. of tlm trim irliiclph. uml luactlcally noltliiK upvu end a truwi liriilun n I lie fraiiieuf (he building they iliwlre to erect, t If courim there aro dlf fi relice In Ihe di tullnof coiiHtruclioli of I'I!1k and hiiililinii triimiiw, but not rnotiith toinvulidiilelhecnuiiiirlitiiii, mill Imd It lint Imm'ii fur the dliiciwery Unit the Iran principle I applicuble to bnild lliK It Woiild not have Ihm ii piMnlble to put up the modern kyNcriiir at all. It would lie too much to miy Hrliup that Ihe br' k uml kImiiu in tlm walla of tiiit modern buililniK form ulniply a di uil wuiKlit and iimlivid nf Ktrcuxthi'ii liiK nctualiy wenken the cumpltcd truclnre, lint it la certain tlmt every (me nf thn very late building Would Utiiul ijuiin um (Irmly if the walla Were removed, und. further, tlmt while n hmliliiiK of tlm old tvie, built of brick and Motie, ininlit MMilly be khiikcn down by what In (nriltitinkn couutrlen would be termed a modcritte itliock lino of the bew type would wltlmtuud micli a flun k almmil u w"ll iix the fiitnou light Wooden friiuie bnllillnga of Jaian. Men ay that IiuiIiIiiikm Ilia that occupied by the Manhattan Life Inmirnucn cjiuipany In New York would remain Intact, no fur m the frame K". even if complete- nHslyi a ATTKR TIIUKK WKKK' WollK IN CHICAGO. t ... Tla lni.k iii the will. which in inoxtlv hollow und hence or minimal liKhtiiinii, would undoubtedly fall out of place, but the riveted ateel frame would hmiK toether even if ub- . . .a I....I.I.. ufvalll iected to tlm eveniM hiiiikii." Awilin to ull mx-mnitH, Chicago him never w it wd wiy livelier hu- . . .A&.l...l wiih rtnrilltf tling nmu wan iin""-""" - " Ihe mouth of (Xlnberat the corner of DeiirlHirn and Van Huron street. It w 11 not lie long after lhene word meet the rvo of the render before the tiHher building" tlmt now HtandH on that cor ,,r i entirely completed. 't Oct 13 little had been done. velo dig the big hole for the cellar and Hultfell.irs ,d put down the heavy concrete foun dation,., alt hooKh ft permit ory bnihlmg 2 30 foe. had been .trictive ordinance. On Oct. 13 here 5 ! viMhle a gren. hole in the earth on ;ratreet(n,rner wi,h he., nd ,ere BI) iron beam ""'"''K "P- , 1 L 1 day thcreufter. the hole luid dlH- amlnnMl. and in it plee rose a towering rneworkof iron. ot viHited the loratinn of the lew u lding for n few n. were nghut nt " , , nge, 1,iid.heChic..K.."OWHpiUHr fTtt I tl coiiMnuion of tu l,d out in t ne (hfl be. wouM .n mA wonM a lining of a ecu" .,,,.,, two clmrehec. , clothing store and a very rwiir. Dkxtkk. A Shepherd Hore. . C....nif pm A shepherd at Ch.r- v.k 1t. ahorse intead of B im herd together i - (tlU)d ZZX e beat them on trained dog- hmwU of Brd. and PerU rfP 0,wl in beart. of burden. KOUMANIA'S WOMKN. THt QUEEN'S TRIDUTR TO HER COUN TRY'S WIVE3 AND MOTHERS. Thr Are lUaulirul, CuraMtta, I'Malua l and Kniiilloal-Ta Ttiem I lu th t'raUU Tlmt 1 hrlr Natlo kllll Kitata la ilU of Many Frarful laviulan. A ulrungii, IniIiih la woiiibiiI llul one iiiiikI not forget the eitnuirdl- Bury ndmiitur of vlixn from which ah prung. Thn One), tlm Itomaii. the flolha, th Kellnl, Hlnv and Hni,k Inhnhlted jtoil imiiilik, onn iiiitloti follnwliitf in thn wake uf thn other and all leaving popuhir lin lirnntlon Ih'IiIiiiI them. Thn we hava aiming tia I he Itonmn mat run, with hr rnglu ii) m, her wvere, cliwalcnl feeturea at tlinalihiiif tlm Hlnvla wnimtii, graceful an a kitten and alway ready to umlurgii any Ul an to loyally to her lord. Agitln, wo bnvn the woman of ilnllaa, pure and Inrio ci'iil, living next door to a Tartar diwound ant, renowned fur her iiiirune and feared for her vlmllKtlvn imlllleM. The wife of thn Kill al li. full of iHietry and miiiiiratl- Mom. r'lnally there I the ofTir!iig of tlm I nil Inn parluh oiitiuwt aluo III Ku Mh, the lying and rugged gypy wommi, iN-aiillful a a uliiion or horrible a a wln li, but ,ihvav pli tunwiiio The iM-noly nf Itonmiiiiliiii woineil In been thn iihjeet of illwuiuilcin end admira tion for ninny year, but who know any thing of lit r energy, lieroouriige, her fnllh fuliiKKitf Tim hlKlory of my oountry ia ul niOHt a aenliHl hinik. The relitllonii IhiIwccii tlmwlfnof the gnutt hiiidowiier and thn pmuuuit women are often ex(Uitliiuully gnnd. They go to her will-inner they plivtMi, einliruee lier like a aluter, ak for a red Mower In the garden, a few dni)m of ml for their Imlr, for n hi ny to color check and chin for the Hun- ilny (laiii'n. It Ih Ihe Imrdiwt thing In the World for them to go Into eervleo. They think It demeaning, IluiignrlunHnnil gyp kIiui urn good enough for Klavery. A Hir Miltlier hoy, whom wound I bud numiHl for four iiiiiuMih, illi-d In hi moth er' arum n 1 wiih lenving thn room. The poor woinan cried. Hio wiw very nolny in tier grief. A lady laid her hand eoollilng ly upon herhhoiilileriind aid: "Stop your wnlllugi.. Ia I on try to keep the terrible iiewa of your non' death from the queen fur a few hour." The wouuiii Nulwlded nt onuo. I hnvn -eii wnnu women follow their himlinml Into thn trunnhe before Plevna, mold a hall of bullet, to bring them a handful of fruit, a Utile laundry. When mm beard that her huband hud been wounded, they went aoarnhlng from laza retto to hir.iirct to until they found him. often lifter dayii and week. Tlmn I have kcco them ctandlng iMifore the bed, too much afraid lo tnku a, though their knee trembled. 1 can jrif-i you hut a blrdauye view of tlm ltonnmnWn wiunan. I can lift hut part of U;e curtain that hide her history, ! unknown nod yet mi Intttnwtlng. Sho him played a marked role In t ho development of our country. ThU woman aehloni laugh. Her beauty anon fade In coiiHcqtionoe of hard work and the grcnt nuuiher of children aho Immim. ThelM I wuuetlilng lmpoHlng In her earuwitne, wiinethlng emotion.-):, touching. Let a Mior family have too many young on", the women not bliwsed with oiilldren wlllciuiio forward and adopt the aupcrfluou. They call them their children children of their htvirt. That thl counlry Mill exlm In epltoof tliti ninny fiwirful Invasion ht due to it women alone. The women preserved our language, our religion, our tniditlonK. Do not lie deceived If you w her dance the polonaise or hear her prattle like a Pari lenne. Foreign cult ure hiui not Influenced her. A of old, alio I the emotional, jual ou wife, the pnwdonato mother. The Kmimanlun woman never prate of the Koerlllein aho makea. She think them natural. During the war of 1H77 all of the foreign phyKluliui looked upon her In nKtoiilshment. In peaceful tlmee he rob herself. trve, wear ehuhhy olothe to kIvo lier chlldnm an education. Sho f onnilem and apprehenalvo, her husband's host friend, hut once provoked and injured hi relent lea enemy. A proud Hoiiniiinlun mot her always re mind me of a prince crowned. They ull followed their boiik and hiudmnd Into the teeth uf war. None aUild at home. All bearing the honored title of mother and wife marched in the wako of the army. Prudery? 1'erlKh the thnuKhtl We forgot our weaknesKC. hesitation. All worked for the fatherland. Forty yearn ago one was nHtonlidiod If the women In a Houniiiiilaii salon were not all perfect lieaiitioK. At that time life wus o simple. It 1 a hard life now. Girl of 10 participate In the cares of their par ents. They know full well that roses are Bcaroo in this world. The morrow belong to Konniauia mothers. Carmen Sylva. Meaning of Popular Nainen. Some slgnlilcanue should be nttachod to one' mime, and a linilly named ohlld is very apt to bo Inlluoneed as much hy Its Higiilllcatlon as by the stars under which i. i. . . u tit., kixt. And ho hero are a few favorite names and their origin and mooning: Aiimi. rroni mi m-ur, n..-....-lng a prophetess; Annette, fnnn the French, sweet but sorrowful: Caroline, in., uiili-ltjul: Dorothy. (Vltio. Jlllio, li.....' "t - - fruitful; Kdlth and F.dua, Saxon, happi ness; Frances, Herman, inw; uin-, ln favor; Helen, (ircck, a very beautiful wi'iinan; Ida, cireek, a lofty mountain; Josephine, French, a savor of life; Lucy, ( ...I.. I.itiiniv I.IIII Isn. French, defender jjittiii, mil. p. - - of lier people; Leonora, Polish, victorious; Margaret, Herman, a iwn Fniiich, favored; Mario and Maria, from m. i. ..nil Snniilsli. and Mary, froid He brew, a salt tear or a drop of water. Only a Milkmaid. Mine. Th. llentzon, In her account of Woman In the I nlted States," say that lie first statue raised to a woman In the that of a eertain Mar- 1... u .Iw.rr In New Orleans. This woman liegnn life as a milk seller, to which sho added the sale oi oroati auu uu"f canitf a baker on a very largo senile. She made a considerable fortune, which she devoted to the poor ami was popularly known as "The uvpnnn s menu. ii...u- .,-..f..imillv touched Mine. Dent- inn than this homage paid hy tim aristo f Viw Orl.uuia to a woman who did not know how to read or write. KnaiMi Finlnlue Hmtnty. mi ..tifintntiiristlnl. of Knulish fe- IIH'Vii" .. i... nni nunlnritv of fmlortw, the llimn ""' j - . , .. . .u.... nnulimitlintllllf. IllUO. BTaV mm, ie" i..- - - - and hol eves, light and dark flaxen hair, a well developed bust and a figure of the average height of women and more In clined toMoutneesl han the delicate, sway ing leanness so poiuur w.m elasee of novel writer. OYINQ. Passing out of the slisdow Into a purer lialit, tiilii Iwhind ths nurUtla, tietiina a olearur slulit. Laying aalds llwt liurdim. This wosry mortal cull. (J.HHI wllh tlm world reistlooa Dunn with lis urs and toll. Tlrnd uf all ssrlh a plaything, Hesrtslck anil n-anly to slerp. Itendy to hid uur frlnnds fsrswsll, Wondering why thy wmtu, Paaaing out of Ilia shadow. Into eternal day Why do ws call It dying. This swsvt golug awsyf TJIK IJEECII TREE. There atood In the forest nn old beech trea Her top wa ahutterod by light nlnif, her aidca wero hollow, and pinoca if fnnirua irrew tin lier bark. Hhe wa the oldest of a numerous family, but ho li rid wsn her clulilrcii, aa aoon ai they hod frrown up, full under the wood man' ax. uml only one dntifri'ter re to nlncd to her. Thia daughter wu i young beech tree, with aiuooth bark and heaven aspiring; crest and only 80 yeara old. Tlmt U the liest year for a forest tree. The old treo etill thrrmt out her twlgn sod leuvea iii the si.riiiii. bat alio felt that her lifo vu dniwing; to a clone, for It cost her Krcut utrorinjtoliiil(l tiewir nnriiI.L And Ish-iiiiho she knew tlmt she must die aho felt her love, increase for her bcnutiful daughter. I Snriiur wa iiDiinuu'lilna. The branchea were atill covered with the glit(rinf . . .a I frost, but the nxM ts-gun to uucuri, and tlm u-iirm wind melted the SHOW. Tho river und brooka were welliii( with molted Ice. in llio nicaoowa me ilvery catkins burst from their wrap ping, and the anowdropa peeped timid ly up through the whito carpet of tho forest ground. The old tree irpoketotho young: "To night comes the violcut thaw wivd. It will throw mo down upon my tied of leaves that I have Hcuttered in the course of time, and I ahull go back into the bosom of the mother from whom I cama Yet before I go home I will be queath to you a gift that tho gentle lord of tho forest bestowed upon mo when long ago he Mopped to rest under my l.riini.hi Vnn ahull understand men's winds and deeda und share alike in their joys and sorrow. That is the greatest huppine that cnti fall to ourrlot, but be prepared to txdiold more sorrow than joy " tJo spoke tiio old tree und blessed her diiiiuhtcr. III the night the thnw wind came from the west It buried ships tn tne wave of the ea; it rolled great masses of snow from the mountain that de stroyed tho homea of men in their prog ress; it roared through the forest, und everything thnt was old and weak per ished But the strong trees resisted it It struck the old beech tree to the earth and shook -tier strong daughter as she wisely bent her head before thevblast, and the great wind swept on. Three days the daughter wept spar kling dew for her mother; then the sun came out and dried her tears. Then be gan everywhere such stir and commo tion fbnf. th beech tree had no time to grievo. Her buds swelled and burst and one morning a hundred thousand? trem bling, tender gnn leaves sprang into the sunshine. That was joy I (iolden mllnw urin.rnui.s climbed from the irronnd. Thev nushed their silken leaves out into the broad sunlight. Red and blue blossoms grew up around tlie-prim-ruses, and the sweet woodruff vtocurled its delicate whirled loaves. That was lifa And In thn midst of all this bloom and fragrance tho young beech tree stood like a queen. A nucn onui ner uesi. m her branches and a redheaded wood pecker paid her a visit Once cuckoo came and onco a distinguished squirrel with his bushy tail over his head ran np and down to see if he might not find an acoru. But men sue una not yet seeu thia veiir. 1111 d thev would have been the most welcome guests of all, since she possessed the power to understand tnoir u-nrda mid deeds. After all. one morning came a slender young girl with her long browu braids, who walKea tnrougn tne woods straight to the tree. However, her visit did not seem to be fo the beech alone She glanced at tUo decay ing trees ou the ground and said, "Here is the spot ' Thou she Bat down her basket filled with Way flowers and hack turainst the beech tree with out a glance at its green loveliness. The tree held her breatn to near wnai the maiden would say, but the pretty one was silent Presently from the op posite side uppeared n strong young man. He wore a little round hat with a cnrliug foather like a huutsmmi. Ho crept up cautiously so cautiously tlmt hardly a leaf rustled under his foet T3nt softly as ho stepped the quick ear of the maiden perceived his coming. She turued her head toward him, and the tree thought, "Now she will tly. But thn iHrl did not fly. Instead she sprang toward the youth and threw both arms - .. . . .w r-, l around his browu ucck. My nans i "Mr Kvn!" thev cried toirother. Then they kissed each other pasonately, called each other pet names, embraced agaiu, and the beech tree rounrt it an very tedious. Later thev sat utuler the tree ami spoke of their lova It was an old story they told, but it was all new to the beech tree, and she listened like a enua a fairy tala It was a wonderful sur prise to her. The youth arose from the ground, drew out his knife and begsui to ooma in thn iwrlt nf the trea This caused the beech great pain, but she held as still as a wail. "What is that to be?" askefl the maiden. "A heart with yournanieand mine," answered Hans as he continued to carve. When the work was finished, they both looked at it, well pleased, and the tree was as happy as if a king had huug a golden chain npou her. 'Truly, meu are splendid people," thought she Now the hunter began to sing The tree -bad listened many times to the long of the finch and thrush, but aha beard now for tlm first time loiuethiug very different from bird song. "Liten, linn," said the girl when tho hunt paused in Ida aong. "Your nng reminds um of something. I know people say that lu thn autumn yon go tocrutly into the wisala for gnrna Let the punching go. Tho forester I your nemy. You know why, and If be should meet yon pouching In the wood, then honvensl uiylluiml if you should be brought to me with bullet through your breast " The young mnn bent over the girl, who leaned caressingly on hi shoulder and kissed her lip. "Peoplotalk too much. Don't believe everything they ay, iweethourt " And putting hi urin around her they went ingliig through the forest. When the conple disappeared among the trees, a man In hunter's, dress crept from the bnahea. He carried hi gun on hi hack and a knife In his bolt His fuce was white and distorted. He went up to tho beech tree and beheld the heart that Han had carved. He laughed wildly und drew out his knife to destroy the writing, then, changing hi mind, he thrust the blade again in it sheath. Slinking hi fist threateningly in the di rection where the couple hud disap peared, he muttered, grinding hi teeth, "If I meet you, yon poacher, only once on forbidden ground, yon will have heard the cuckoo sing for the hist time. " With these word he went into the Woisls. And tho tree shook her head sadly. The Ix-ech tree got many a sight of the faces of the children of men in the course of tho summer tho i-or women gathering leaves or dry bark, the berry pickers, foresters and pilgrims. But the most cherished amid tho guests who gathered under her leafy roof were the youth and brown haired maid They made weekly visits to her, spoke of their love, embraced each other, and day by day the beech tree came to love them mora One morning before sunrise, when the mnnn tains were just casting off their gray mist cam, Hans came alone. He carried a gun on his shoulder and step ped as lightly through the underbrush as if he would take his sweetheart by surprise This time his coming bad nothing to do with lovely Eva but the stag comes thi way to drink 1 At the foot of the tree tho hunter paused and stood as motionless as the beech herself. The cool morning wind blew, and the mist disappeared In heavy clouds. The gay birdH fluttered and sang abont the stream. The underbrush rus tled. Hans raised his gnn. A shot rang out ou the clear air. Hans dropped his gun, sprang convulsively into the air and fell to the ground. A man strode hastily from the thicket with a smoking gun in his left hand. The beech tree knew him welL- The hnnteman bent over the murdered man. ' ' It is all over with him," he said, and taking his gun he vanished into the bushes. , The bright sun rose and shone upon a still form with set white face. Sorrow fully the tree bent over and wept bitter tears, and the little robins flew up and covered the dead face and staring eyes with leaves and twigs. In the afternoon some woodcutters came that way and found the body. "He has been shot while poaching," they said, and taking him gently up they bore him to the distant valley. An old man linged by the trea He drew his knife and carved a cross over the heart that Hans had mada Then he took off his hat and breathed a prayer. The leaves of the green crest rustled, for the tree prayed, too, in her own way. For many summers on the anniversary of the death of the murdered man, the maiden came to the seat, knelt down and wept and prayed, and every time she was paler, more fragile One day she did not come, and the tree murmur ed, "She is dead I" and so it was. Years passed. The beech had become a mighty tree. Her bark was covered with browu moss.' The wild vines clus tered about her trunk, and heart and cross were both nearly covered. A man came one day and made a third mark on tho bark, aud the tree knew her time had coma She bore the sign of her de struction she must soon fall Farewell, thou green and sunny forest I She had not lone to wait for the woodmen, who came, and with cruel axes cut into her very lifa . A trloomv. glowering man in hunter's dress, with long gray hair and beard, directed their movements. The beech knew hi in right well, and he appeared to recognize the tree He came close to her aud tearing away both moss aud vine he saw that heart and cross were safe Here it was,' he muttered, and horror shook his very frame "Back, Herr For ester! Back!" cried the men. "The tree is falling !" The warned man stepped back, but it was too late With a deafening crash the beech fell to the ground and buried the forester under her corpse. When they picked him up, he was dead. The beech had crushed his head. And the men stood in a cirele roundabout and prayed for his soul From the German. Mnua Miuiua is the concentrated juice ol several plants which grow lu great luudauce in many parts of south bu- roue. Asia und Africa. The tree which most generously produces it is a sort of ash. The juice exudes from the stem during the summer mouths, as a conse quence of the punctures of an insect that iufosts the tree, but the better kinds of manna, known as "flake man na, " are obtained from incisions made iii the bark. The poorer qualities come from the bark near the roots of the tree The uionna of commerce is obtained chiefly from Sicily and Calabria. A va riety is collected by the Arabian Bed ouins from a species of tamarix, which is used on bread like honey. The word is believed to be derived from the Syriao niauo, a gift, though there is little evi dence tlmt the medical substance now knowu by that name has anything in common with the manna mentioned in tbe travels of the Israelites. CHILDREN'S COLUMN PAPA'S TWO JOY8. Whea baby open hi bias sys Al niornlnir'lde. flint thing Us erics and era to sas papa. In vain laia crib w swlnf . lis wanta hla allppera and was (oeka. Then slater lets bis drsaa, But bo's not aMIafled to start Uuwn stairs with bar nnlasa Bha esni.a him hla faTorod way. Ho down tbo ateps they run, Es clasping tlehl behind her back. Delighted with tbe fan. The breakfast mora becomea mora bright Kow hope Illumes the day, When tn they como, papa' two joy, And morning greetings ay. Her Pets. A small girl who ha an extraordinary fondness for pet and 1 allowed to have a oonnldorable number of them haa recently been lck, and her letter U a friend after recovery tell how her pert fared while h ouuld not take care of them. "I have lost two of my goldfish," b say, "and one of my cat ha died lnee I have Been bice, i mis nor, aim i her children do. She has two sons and one daughter, cat, and there I a grand son, but hi name 1 Belle, even if he la a son. All the other male children hav female names, but fortunately tlm daugh ter ha a name to suit her that Is, Snow ballbut I guess that would do for either kind of cat. The other two children' name are Mollia Gray and Dorothy. The cat that died wa Darned Snowball, bu when she did become grandmother I called her G.nnny. Now, 1 suppose you know all about my pets except my dog, whose oarne 1 Penelope I call him Penny and six turtles, and of course they are all named, and a I had a good deal of trou ble to And names for all of them, why, some of their name don't fit them either. A friend gave me my baby turtle and I had to go a long way to get it. I put It in, a basket with a cover to It and put the baaket on the floor of the car. When I was. almost home a man In the car said to me, 'Little girl, your turtle is going to get off tbe car.' I jumped up, and there he was Just crawling off the back platform. Ev ery one luughed, but I picked him up and. held tho basket on my lap after that, but be triod to get out agaiu. iiiKeoimuaii. New York Times. A Cat's Whiskers. Nature Is an economical dame and never indulges in useless gifts. If she gives an animal or plant au appendage of any kind, we may be sure that it serves some wise purpose. Take a cat's whiskers, for instance, which may seem to you to be merely orna mental. They are organs of touch, at tached to a lied of fine glands under the skin, and each of these long hairs Is oon-' nected with the nerves of the lip. Tha slightest contact of these whiskers with, any surrounding object is thus felt most distinctly by the animal, although th hairs themselves are Insensible. ) They stand out on each side of the lion as well or tbe common cat. From point to point they are equal to the width of tha animal's body. If we imagine therefore, a lion stealing through a covert of wood in au Imperfect light, we shall at onoe see the use of these long hairs. They Indicate to him through the nicest feeling' any ob stacle which uiay present itself to the pas sage of his body. They prevent the rus tling of boughs and leaves which would give warning to his prey if he were to at tempt to pass too close to a bush, and thus, in conjunction with the soft cush ions of his foet and the fur upon which he treads, the claws never coming In contact with the ground, they enable him to move toward his viotim with a stillness equal to that of a snake. . A Pretty Experiment. - A oork that Is longer than It Is broad floats upon its stomach, so to speak. How can we make it float upon Its headf Place one on end upon a table and around it place six others. Seize them all together and plunge them under water so as to moisten them completely. Then re move your band and let tbem take their own position In the water, when you will find that tbey will stand upright, as If supporting one another. This Is because the water that pene trate the oork by capillarity will make them cling together. A Labor of Love. That I a beautiful little etory which la told in a recent number of an English pa per. A man walking along a country road aw a little girl carrying a boy much younger than herself, but who appeared far too big and heavy for her strength. He began talking to her and suggested that the baby was heavy. "Why," said sha in astonishment, "ha not heavy; he's my brother." out toanyeitent In Chicago