Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1895)
OROCEHIES! Y OurGrooeiy Department is com plete, and everything new. Prices to suit the times. Every thing in this line will be sold as close as any other firm can sell. We Buy Produce. Give Us a Share of Your Patronage. 1 I WEST SIDE TRADING CO. V IXDErEXDEXCE, ORE G OX, 0, lx is extremely improbable that the firm tuition taken by he president and congress upon the Vcneiuelaii question will lead t war. Neither country U prepared to turn loose upon each other the "' 1 1 " ... 4 Ktrw at iii iNmiomwi at in.ifindni, Krjm tj0B8 0f war, mid 0 reat Hritaln Orvirmi. aa uiallvr ul Ilia swoua vlaaa. ' " . , ... he (Eutcryvloc. TIll'ILSDAY, hKVKMHKHM.IAM. Publlahrd avarv Tlmr-dny at I nolrutlnta, llk Cuimly, Ontnu, IROWNi BAILEY, Pa F. M. Rnown. Killlar. J. T Kiikis AhiwikI Riltlor. L. At H4lkKl HiMlum Manaaar. is rellv the least prepared of thw two, In spite of the fact that she is the proud "mistress of the Russian aggression in the Kant threaten to change the maps of the world, ami the civil anarchy now ii mono T reiirninn In Turkey la also a menace 1'lm imuillia . . ., i w the pace 01 r.uroje. n open secret in diplomatic circles that Kusso-Turkish war is imtul FAYABLS IN ADVANia, AnvaaTiaiaa Hatm will a aiada know o ApulttiMlUMI. 14Iim all mouuiunKwIloBa W Taa Kmth raiu, lJ()mlHH Orvcua. MtinmiioM. I i::riV,Z:llrMiuMmUmuMW ncnt.and.of courao, it ia under stood that In such a contingency England would be compelled to . rt a a . Thk American eaale has riven her army in ttio new 10 sae the British lion's tail a sham Constantinople from capture. ith twitching and if that unruly ani- this portentous war cloud hovering inal becomes unduly obstreperous lonK th Kuesian-lurkish border, I. ... . . . m its hide will come with its tail. H would be national suicide lor England to engage in a war with Thk Wall street scare over I'resi- the United States. The uplifted .lent Cleveland s patriotic message hand of the Connck is a warning lias caused the sold reserve to drou to Great Hritain not to strike below the $70,000,000 mark. There America, to say nothing of her ex is not nam that frightens the aver- posed frontier along the Canadian aire juouevcrat like a little stiff and British Columbia border. Ot " i i - back talk from Brother Jonathan course, the United States would se to old John Bull. verely sutler along the line of her exposed sea coust, but as soon as Thk editor of thCorvallis Times L(1B could organiie and discipline e about right m the opinion: "hug- ht,r aru,v Bhe woUid eXttct . terrible ish supremacy is not anchored to retribution in the invasion of Can war, but to peace, and in the su- prenyl nour, as the twist grows stronger, the lion's tail will drop between his legs and the warlike ruar will subside into a peaceful hme." In a recent contribution to the Orcgonian, Colonel H. V. Mitchell ada and British Columbia. The final outcome of a war between llreat Britain and the United States would result in extending our northern border as far north as Hudson bay, and practically sweeping England from the North American continent. But we do not believe there will be war be- PRHMPT PAY WINS THE BAY. IT BEATS ALL HOW- A. J. WHITEIKER'J GASH GROCERY suggests that a magnificent silver tween the lW0 Kreat English speak service would be the most appropri ate and suitable testimonial for the citizen of this state to present the "battleship Oregon." "The stale of Oregon," says Mr. Mitchell, "owes it to herself to give the battleship a substantial and magnificent t sti- inn nations of the world. The Venezuelan dispute will le settled through the arts of diplomacy and nothv the stern arbitrament of the sword. War is the last .expedient and should be resorted to only when every other honorable means fails. We believe that the bellig- Jp0"Can Sell Goods so Cheap!. WE ARE ABLE TO 0FFER7THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS: One gal. can of fine quality Syrup 50c. One pound fancy Spider-Legged Tea 25c. One 2-pound package Mush 10c. One can good Salmon 10c. One pound No. 1 Figs 74c. One package Pearline 5c. f-CALL AND SEE OUR GOODS. MA IX STREET, - IXDEPEXDEXCE. Goods delivered any place in Independence and Monmouth. - - 4 m. monial, such as will show the effete U., - kit (k. .1.1. sf HMnn aai. I . t .. . . lias ' i erent temper nrouseu on both bkihk recognize a great compliment" of the Atlantic will result in ulti mate good. It will teach th na- It is amusing to note the ingeni- tio)i of Europe that the United ous efforts of certain leading news- guteg win not permit them to in papers and politicians to start a termcddle with the affairs of the rWe aim to carry a first-class stock' of Hardware, Implements, Stoves Tinware, etc., a stock that will meet the wants of our trade- PLOWS! PLOWS!! WE HAVE RECEIVED a new lot of those 1CANTON and SCOTCH CLIPPER STEEL PLOWS land BISSELL CHILLED PLOWS, guaranteed equal U lany chilled plow on the market. FRAZER & CATTRON e Monmouth, - - - Oregon. em third-term boom for President Cleveland. Granted that the de mocracy have a fighting chance to elect their president in 1896, the popular prejudice against electing a third-term candidate would over whelmingly defeat Mr. Cleveland. No American statesman, however popular with the masses, could suc cessfully carry out a political in novation which was repudiated by both Washington and Jefferson as ixniieil to the liberties of the peo ple and the safety or the repu blic. Western continent, and it will teach us that in the piping times of peace we should prepare for the ponsib e exigency of war. WORSE THAN CHCWINQ 0UM. Vk. Mil KV.u"i.f MMOr.ll rmrt It .lrll bf lu th time, of Charles XII of t Hwe fleu the prvate s.vit.tary f U'unt fjoerla. then minister to EKland, was strongly addicted to the habit of i... timii'a aeouaiutMUco on j....,-. imrlanil. J I wa the I... f . lnmled nroi'Hetor hainwl Hmhrn. Count (Joerta tKk htm to f locKholm and gavo him a i in the cabinet At first the young aoo rotary chewed only white r, but soon acquired a iiai"mr ii' " that had Uh-ii wriuen on. A iieuoo tnaty had Ikhu fonnulat tA U'tween Ituwi and Hwrnton, -.i.ik n,a tiiKtnlieni of Uie aiweiubly i i rn.iri.w XII to acHit. The twsta of the latter waa a treaty which both statca had agreed upon with regard to Finland. Theorigt ..! .,f ihiM tmitv waairiven by Count tkHTta to his young secretary. "j ben tt was called for by the aam.uibly, H ooutd nowhere te found. The aa- M'tubly UIivel tbat it ln oHn ilontnivwl by t Joerta In order toove- i,n,w the ihiu" tHilicy and irtre furUXHa chance U go to war, IJoerU was antUxt, when bis mn're--r mum forward ami confeed having .masticated Un d.wumeiit ll vvHa and sentenml to dejith. Tl, Viir would ifliullv have iwnloued him had he dand In the face of the aiiRry asmiubly. but he gave mm an opiMirtuuity to iih mun uhtohu?. HiKihnui went b Courland with a tetter of reoomineudati.u to the duke Twa Hum of WnwakiiUa. There are two Classen ot men about whom the publio are actually tired nf rratdinir. One Is the tnnn who didu't know it was loaded. The otlier la Uie man who buys gold brieks. A case of the first sort has Just occurred in one of Uie suburb uf ew lork city. Two young men were umtng t-ether at iumiu in Uie planing nnu tn which they worked. One of them found an old revolver and flouriahd it. He didn't know it was loaded, of courao. But the next Uionieut bia companion was dead. An instance of the gold brick idiocy occurrvd at Lyon, la., where a wealthy fanner wud out 12.600 for a brii k worth 18,000, and ia, it goe without say ing, out hU S.COO. How niea who live in this atco can make such bluu- dura jtassve ootnpreheusion. We ad vise Uieui to BubHcntie for a newsa- isr and ty close appucauon 10 it oolumns save theiumdves the trouble of learning by eiperienoe, Omaha World Herald. The San Francisco Examiner ex presses the opinion that Englaud haa more to fear than the United States in the event of a wsr between the two countries. It says: "Eng land may accept the inevitable gracefully or ungracefully, she may do it quietly or obstreperously, but in some fashion or other she will have to recognize the Monroe doc- The remote possibility of a war lrine the kw of the Western between this country and England world- Af we have Baidi hcr cards has lead to a critical comparison lie on the table 8he httg jUHt one of their respective naval strength. gtron(? one hl her ,Hnithe bom It is found that England's navy bftrdment of American seaports. out numDers mai oi me unnea We have five the occupation of btateaiutoi, or in other words Canadai the destruction of British the (ormer has DUl naval vessels and the latter 64, O- FOR- and WAY LANDINGS SALEM, PORTLAND ALTON A : AND : RAMONA. LEAVE DAILY: LEAVE SUNDAY indepenaence, o:-io a. m y:uu a. m. Salem, 7:45 a. m 10:15 a. m. Portland, 6:30 a. ra 9;00 a. m FREIGHT RECEIVED UP TO 10 P. M. This company makes a specialty of quick and prompt delivery of merchandise at low rates of freight. All orders gent through this company will be promptly deliveren, and perishable or fragile freight will receive special and careful attention. Address all communications in regard to rates, contracts or possible loss, damage or error, to A. B. MASON, Agent, box 649, Portland, Oregon. battle-ships, 11 armored coast ves gels and 23 armored cruisers, while the United States has 3 battle-ships, 16 armored coast-vessels and 1 armored cruiser. This comparison shows how weak we are as a naval commerce, famine in the United m t ii vr I ungiana nas ou Kingdom, the precipitation of European hostilities and the col lapse ot the British Empire." The Monroe doctrine is an American principle, it applies to America and Americans. No one power. If we expect to enforce the is g0 Bin a, to pretena that Europe Monroe uoctriD we muai ounu up hag Bympathy with it. We OUT flftVy j A rnonVa na nhrtlil1 rAaaauA tliat al A .. V 5 I a The Oregonian is supporting m 'y0 K,ve d.:j ri..i-j- v...i ungruoKiiiE rcuognuion, nui policy with a vigor of statement whether they recognize it grudingly and wealth of erudition that is at- or not at , f a P"ple which ,a,.t;n, v.J attntl-.n. Mr. Rmtt the Kreat wpubho can and will en- enjoys he reputation of being a force, through the arts of diplomacy, vigorous, perspicuous and brainy " trmo'"lc y arouramem wrifcr, and his editorial utterances OI uie BWOru' " nece88ar' nn the contention between this . , r, . .. . Stockholders' Meetlntr. country and Great Britain evinces B ....... , . i nuiitB. i p rcKu wr Annua ineeilnK patient and studious research into f . i,..,, Z the underlying principles of the National Bank will be held on Tucilay, Monroe doctrine. He shows that January 14th, 1898, between the hours the doctrine has undergone 0 v. h T t " P a Vi P,:lorslof " said Bank. Independence. Ore., fnr th change, commensurate with the purpose of electing a board of directors political and commercial import- ,or lM Z? .-vear Bt,(1 transacting ance of the great republic, since it come before the meeting. waa first nromukated bv President 41 w-r- mjnnawat, Cashier, x U Afnnrne. Tt is for this wider imiili- f a. J . - iV.t D : uim unci, ncuci, dent Cleveland is virtually contend- , 18 eagy mistaken about .. .... i i a indigestion, and think there is some ing. or rather this is a logical de- oth " tronbI(, Thn rnr ;a duction from the premises assumed Tabules. One tabule gives relief in the message. . i Ask any druggist. riclurM ml l.lf la Old -tifU Among the nxwt inUTitiUug of the photographs and drawings ot Uie pointing and aculptun In the ruck tomU of El Kal. or Nekheh, aa it waa formerly called, are thus wokk illustrate the daily life of theauciunt Egyptians 3,000 Ii. C. anl later. Thtire you can see men hunting and Mung, making wine, harvtwting com, plow ing and hoeiug, cooking and sunn. There are reimiwutations of funerals and merry makings, with duncing girls and inUMiciuns, boating on the Nile, etc. At lait oue pictureshows that, contrary to the common liehef. the Egj'ptiuns hail some know Iwdge or porepective. Londou uiobe. Ktht( rbotog;riph on OImmw It is now found that in the art of etching photographs on glass a very satwfnctory result may Ihj aecured by covering the surrace with a solution of gum made sensitive with bichro mate of jxjtanh.and jirinting the same under a negative. AfUr the image has in this manner boon producid, it Is dusted ovor with minium or red lead, and tho ml picture which ia thus obtained is fixed and burned ac cording to the usual process. The easily soluble red glaxs which comes from this method ia treated with strong sulphuric acid, when a whito matte design is produced, and the pic ture appears by transmitted light a positive. Some spweimeus in this une by Uernian artiste are described as exhibiting superior merit, as com pared with thone produced by ordi nary means. New York Sun. Wervous Vul shuuld rMlli th,. tru ana iwrittaiivut run t euudltlua u U louaduV1" Pure Blood ItoMttM tbs hoalth ot tlMU ot the bod, dBi purlly ot lb blood. Th. hoh.I knows lbs standard bloo4 psrliV, Saroaparilla And thrfore It Is tb oab; rsllsbla madlolna for art j.? It wahw tba blood pur aa4 nd thus cures wi'ooa "V' tba bmvos rm sad ronjltnt alavp, mania I vigor, s Uu4 Mlel dilution. nu,uu7(2 wm Bcrotula, Kfm, or aH atim ad all otbsr blood dl asss, SwijT Maka Pure Blood Boaulla prova trr word m W ald. Tttouaaods of voluattn iZ7 monU la fully satablUb la uWSii Sana Mooas he Sure to Get I loods Cures "Iaa aal blUr, ilwp bUr u am Hr In rry way alnt iuIm Hoott HarMrUU.n C. C Di2 lkia 8A Hallna, Kan. HOOd'S rill u all IWar III!, mnk u. blUouMiaM, ska baadarb. UMliftMkia H COUNTY NEWS. Important Hsppaoingi si hnt Trom to Various flelrhbor. hoods la tbs Oonotj Gathered by To Eatarpriis'i Ctu of Ablt OorreipondtaU. Ulf tltH U'MlUMtolftV It ArMHt Uf MTk M I hd.ira uubl nillua nl TOM ia vry un ml luwMktp la lh oihui. l'AItKKK. A rsbla and a Moral. A cock, scratching for food for himself and his bens, found a pre cious stone, on which he said: "If your owner had found thee and not I, he would have taken thoe up and set thee iu thy first estate, but I lmve found tho for no purjKjse. I would rather have one tiarleycorn than all the jewels in the world. However, on second consideration, thou wilt make a good addition to the gravel that is in my craw and may help to correct the slight dyspepsia that has troubled me of late." This said, the cock ceased moralizing and swal lowed the jewel Moral There are a great many people who wear diamonds for their health. Hallo A HoBalMS CtM. They met by chance in the waiting room of a railway station. "My friend," began the man with the valise full of tracta, persuasively, "have you ever reflected on thenhnrt! ness of life, the uncertainty of all things here below, and the fact that death is inevitable?" "Have If" replied the nun in fha baggy overcoat cheerfully. "Well, I should reckon 1 I'm a life inminuiAa agent 1" "Ah um looks as If we were go ing to Lave more snow, doesn't itt" said the other, locking his valise again with a snap. Chicago Tribune. Vnttmpott4mm ki T Kntaraia Parker will not have a Christ mas tree this year. The I.uckiamuts has swollen to the sine of a mighty river. The uniwr Lnrkiamute locecn paist-d by here on a drive Monday. The Literary society rendered i immI urtitrrniii Salurds v nivht to a r, . arge and attentive audience. Miss Lillie Keed, & :udent of the O. A. C, is spending holidays with the family of Ihoiuat Ul- brrnth. Clint and May Bradley cams onto V spend the holidays, lliey ave been attending school st.Mon mouth. "Mre rain, more rest." th Iarkey'a say. So on account of tbs recent rains, Itradley A Hoone r resting. Mifscs Kdith Shaw and Ixr Kichards and Mr. Frank Board man, students of the 0. H. N. S., at Monmouth, are spending tha holidays at I'arker visiting friendi. L1TTI.K JoKKB. Klmt nil. Ihw. M. tail b. Jan. AMHKJNi:i:-H NOTICf- T wlmm II May CiirrD: Nuilinl lirrl ilvrn lhal Jni Al amlr Ima Irannfrrnxl loma fc drd of a lannii'iu all hl imiiwrljf.rral and iriil, ... i,. , m ..r..t, m.Uiii..p whipb Naia ilril ofaiuiliiiiiiiKUl liaa twii auljr MlrrS af rriwd In I he nH,riliif dpviU III l"nlS I'liunir. Himc I or.-Ki.ii; and Dial I liava l"'r ian ll.Ml mi mirh aMiitfiMv by tllliia Ihrrrin " nil iirtli'lrnl. imiiiiI aa by law n-qiilffl. All ih itmiii. Iiavlna rlalma again" Uli. of Jiiiim Alexundnr are berrby nw" I., (irmH-ol iirh r latum under oalli wiini" tliri-w munllia from llii di hrrif. iNtU-d ihla iili dnjr af lnwmiwr. im J, W. KIKKtAMi, Alaa- REPORT Of THC CONDITION or thc INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK. At Inile-wiidi'iire, in the Htatf of Ore gon, at the close oi i)nsiue, Ib'c. 13, 1H1IS. aaancai-aa. Ml" l,Bl !. . t.V t7.tMt SI lim rriim Nul l Huka (mil limrrv AtW a Una rrmii ml lianka ami liiikrra "Z J Iiii rrum approval rmrvaanla " iiuU I 'lmika and ulllrr laull llrma ' VI J, N.iIm ..I Llh.. N.iii.h.1 lUnkl - Krwtlmial Mr ourrrnoy, nlukola and ornta ------ I.AwruL Mohbt Haacava 1 BAHK.via: Hiwla ... a.nw ljvaaMrndrr nolca ' w t (0t m Hwlrnipllnn fund with 0. S. Trfwaurrr, (a mt ciii or cirouuuion; I14,I0 l.wna and dlartitinta iVfrdrana. HMMired and unwuml tf. M. Htuifla iu api'iir rlrt'iilMtlun - rintmtiaiin 0. N. Honda - HtiM-k. awfiirlltra. rfo. - - - itMitkiiic-niiiiM, nirtntiira ann nnurm. Total I.IABILITia laaa axpanaaa and 0,on .TM ll.3S2 l Ml 1W 01 S.ll' " I7i im,m a Oaall.l atiMk paid In nuriiiua nintl LiiilivnlfHl prnSia, im fm i h. i n . - - Natluiutl lMik nolM outalandlna I'll tu tht.p Natlona.1 Halika - a linr tu hum Hunka and baJikara IMvltlrnila unMild - Inrtlvtriual drpialta auli)rt to chrca lniand wrtlHismul drMMll Nut wid bllla radlaouaniad Tout - I. wf?."ny. t!aahlar of tha abornaBiad bank, du a..U-mnly ! lb """fT,1., la trua u tb btU of nir knowll and W. P. lUMtAWiJ.l"'1"' anharrihMt and aworn to brfora to tbia tk day CuaaanT-AUcat: floury robiio. laKAb H.l. Jtmrr.uaoM. W A- lao, . )