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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1922)
ê Your Portrait Free A IR L IE Wanted— Work for Fordson. Light, mile south of ed every inter« s “ up and coming” , Monmouth. under the efficient management of Board and room for one young I’rof. Niccolle, the principal, with man. Mrs. J . X. Webber, third his able corps of teachers. Roth house north of dormitory. the High school and the grades are For Sale—Range but little used, full of work and energetic applica $50 cash. Inquire at tihs office. tion. The whole school is housed I Wanted—Pupils in piano and in one large building, four rooms harp Brices $.75 and $1.50, respect in all, with a large play house and ively. Mrs. Oren McElmurry, Pos gymnasium for use in rainy times. sessor of teaching certificate from the New York College of Music. A visit at the Airlie school show See H. E. Five thousand dollars towards a 315,000 fund for purchasing a perman ent fairground at Klamath Falls waa raised by a committee. The plant of the Eugene Excelsior company resumed operations Monday, after an idleness of several weeks. Extensive repairs have been made. A big picnic is planned by the Yachals farm bureau community for its big annual farm bureau picuic to be held at Yachats July 21 and EXTRAVAGANCE! Have you ever observed that EX TRAVAGANCE has a great |0 do with putting the “ mis” in mis fortune? Generally the one who says he has had nothing but haid luck is the one who foolishly spent his money when he had it. One simply cannot get ahead or amount to anything in this world unless he can save a part of what he earns. Only by so doing can he accumulate the funds that will enable him to grasp the opportunities that later mean SUC CESS. tajde Johns tfosh HE’S THE EASIEST FEL LOW IN T H E WORLD TO FOOL — YDURSELE $ 1 .0 0 opens an account and obtains a Liberty Bell Ban k First National Bank M ONM OUTH, OREGON T ; 1 n» • I F j . Ì1" i M i-T IÌAOO DilIJ J. O. MATTHIS Until further notice the Herald Physician and Surgeon is’giving with each paid in advance P h o n e 573 House 867W subscription an order on F. C. Office; 409-lU Bank of Commerce Bldg, Davidson for a fine enlarged photo Salem Ore. graph of the brarer. Ry a special process in which a |>owerfjl electric light is used there enlarged por B. F . B U TLER traits are made from the same neg ative used in making smaller photo D e n tis t graphs. The quality of the work Poat office bldg. may be judged from samples dis played in the Herald office. Monmouth Oregon The Monmouth Cooperative Slip ping Association will save farmer's money in the sale of livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman's profit. It you have stock to ship notify W. J . Stockholm, Mgr. tf A. M A R A N T H re Insurance, R eal E state and S u rety Bonds Reliable Service Let me mend your furniture or file your saws. J. VV . Howell. 4t DR. F. R. BO W ERSOX For Sale 6 room house, lot 82J x 165. Goodbarn. Located within 3 blocks I f Normal. Brice $1,000. Good | terms. A splendid buy, 7 room house, toilet and bath. 1 acre land. Good | orchard. $2500. A well constructed barn, nearly ! new, for one half its cost. Can be ! worked into a dwelling. 7 room house, 1} acres of land, ! splendid orchard, good location. ; Brice $2200. 8 room house, toilet and bath, j i block from Normal School. Best ! rooming proposition in the city. Brice S2500. Terms. 7 Room house, lot 824 by 330 I feet, fr ji t for family use, barn and chicken house and park. Price | $1800. One of the best business corners in the city, paying big rent. Come in and let me tell you about it. 4 room house and lot. Fruit and berries. Close in. Brice $850. G . T. Boothbv. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON P H O N E NOS. 3333 OFFICE HOUSE iS S Ì W o o d S a w in g per cord Hard wood. twice cut, 90c " 3 times in two $1.16 Kir. tw ice in two80c; 3 cuts $1.00 S. H. H in k le, Phone 2411 When you build Build permanently B u ild w ith fire p ro o f Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule Laavua L o s v s i la d o p a a d a n o 7.38 a. m. 2.22 p. m 6.38 ” 10.26 a. m. 3.18 p. m. 7.15 " Proprietor P a o N B 1104 Brick or Building Tile »iniYSCffP °,FRU l M o n m o u th 7.10 a. m. North Bound 1.50 p. m. " ** 5.10 " 10.00 a. m. South Bound 3.15 p . m . 6.45 ** * RAYMOND E. DERBY Efficient Service Courteous T reat ment A. L. KEENEY F u n e ra l D ira c to r a n d L ic ao a e d E m b a lm a r Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night. Pricca Reasonable Central Clay Products Co. H. HowMany Will Give ; j J________ _ _ W . MORLAN 9821 AND 9822 PH O N ES Notary Public Independence, Ore. Blank Deeds. Mortgages, Etc. One Dollar? Too Long Without Paint A re You Insuring Against Depreciation T HERE’S no middle ground. either your buildings are well protected by paint or they are going to require costly re- ’ rebuilding within a F, ew years. Paint saves your property. It is an investment in long service —not an expense. The expense results from allowing buildings to rot. Paint now. Save repairs. The next question is what paint to use. Use the best. It costs less in the long run. It spreads easily—saves labor cost. It covers more surface per gallon than “cheap” paint. And the best paint will serve you five or more years longer than “cheap” paint. The best paints are scientific in formula and preparation. We've made them for 73 years — to meet the weather conditions in the West. The best materials — PIO N EER W HITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure line and pure colors—are combined in Fuller's Paints in scientifically ex act proportions with long-time (lull. Free Advice cn Painting A sk our agent fo r advice, color card«, etc. Aak the F u ller S p ec ific a tion Departm ent about the moat desirable color schem es, color harm ony au I any other d s t ill* . M aker* of R u obber bber Cem ent Floor P a in t. A I V a r n is h e s , S i E n a m a I , F if t teen v fo r-F lo o rs S Varniah. T s a b a M e W all F in ish . Auto Enam el. Darn and R o of P ain t, P o rrh and Step Pain t, and P IO N E E R W H IT E L E A D . Fuller’s • » P g C IF / C A T t O M H o P u S o s e n e P a in t s ls P u re Poto» Manufactured by W. P. Fuller A Co., Dept. 26, San Francisco Brucbn In IS Clti.s in tbs Wsst M r b o u t M f d . p u n t ln f CUT IT OUT &N0 PASTE IT IN TOUR NOTE Ï00I F u U .r’ 1 S p . t i S c . n o . H o a x Pni.t. m No powerful corporations are behind Pierce; nolody but the plain | eople. His election depends upon them alone. Don’t you feel it your duty to help him in his worthy fight by contributing One Dollar to his expens es? It isn’t much fir any ore to give, but there are many plain people, and if yo l help a little the battle will be won. It will make a clean campaign and elect a clean man. Please send your dollar today, together with your name and address, and the contribution will be ac knowledged by return mail. P utting Pierce in m eans pu ttin g your taxes down! All in d ic a tio n s p o in t in th e s a m e d i re c tio n Help Pierce Win The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one Write your Name h e re ______ __________ Write your Address here____ _____ P u re P re p a re d P o in t SHE THE MEMO IEL0W YV7ALTER M. PIE R C E is making a gallant ** light, almost single handed, to be elect ed G overnor of Oregon. He has no funds to pay the expenses of his campaign. T he issue he m akes is Reduced Taxes, and he promises if elected, to use every pow er v es ted in the G overnor to lessen the taxation that now rests so heavily upon the backs of the people. e l d l p | M (« U a w U f l e n t i O Perkins Pharmacy t ____________ _ ) O reg o n F ir a n d H e m lo c k L u m b e r, L a th , S h in g le s , L im e, C e m e n t, e tc . L - ...................... ..................................... i C u t o u t t h is n o t ic e p in m d o lla r t o it a n d m a i l t o Estimates cheerfully furnished. T. H. CRAWFORD, Manager Piarce-for-GoArnor Campaign Gordon Building, Portland, Oregon Monmouth Lumber Company L. W. Waller, M anager (Henry Takes an Open-face Ride & hile the preas was busy telling of Ford’s , h -w plan to make automobiles in Mexico, Henry was up in Quebec, Canada, with his wife riding around in one ol those old open-faced hacks known as a >"caleches." It was a pleas ure trip. rj > 0 YOU KNOW that ind igestion can be c u r e d , perm anently cured, so that you can eat any . I JiSESHSliS ¿5?5ï525E52SZ5Z5Z5ZSBS25?5ZSZ5ZS2S2S252S2SZ52S2SZSISÎSiSBZS; A Home Institution W e b a k e e v e r y t h i n g we sell. k ;~ s# o f food that you crave?^ It has been done not only o n ce, but in alm ost every case w h en C h a m berlain’s T ablets are used. A n instance: M r. J. P om inv’* V , S tillw a ter, M in n ., w h o had spent o r f $ 2 , 000.09 for m ed icin e and treatm ent was perm a nently i - l e d by these tablets. Chamberlain's Tabi Read your own Herald A ft# 44 r 8 Fresh Every Day” “The Sign of the Rose” Bakery E. B. and Tea Shop A R N O L D Three doors east of post office. | r,i5H5HS2SZ£d52SE52S2Stt!i£52S2‘ifci5cir£S2S2 Light Lunch Served