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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
. ,inne and Pneumonia. , Honey and Tar cures lagrippe t prevents pneumonia. He M hut the genuine in the yellow "ny iti-lt & Clierrington, Pallas; to Dayton tuen have bought a Lame Back. C Ti.ii ailment i8 usually eansed by 1 otimn o( the mnseies ami may be ,hcl"H v Tpplvina Chamberlain's l'ain 10 or three timed a day and rub ;ia , , uarts vigorously at each appli 'l'" fr tliis does not afford relief' '"?" a niece of flannel slightly damp ""Vith Wni Balm, and quick reliei "ilet to follow. For'saleby 'afrin Hrug Co. There is a movement to hold a 3antlain fait at Albany each Fall. Chronic Constipation Cured. n,.n who suffers from chronic eonntW ' V in in danger of many serious ail Ca Orino Uxative Fruit Syrup chronic constipation as it aids . i oiimnUts the liver and lela, restoring the natural action of kVm organs. Commence taking it today Jml .ou'will feel better at once. Orino fixative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate ip urine anu " 'Lose substitutes. Beit & Chernngton, pJlttB; M. L.Thompaon, Falls City. wheat not Injured, but some clover frozen out, by the recent coia snap. Neighbors Got Fooled. I was literally coughing myself to with and had become too wean 10 leave in v bed; and neighbors predicted ,hnt I would never leave it alive; but hevttot fooled, for thanks be to God, I ,ney i trw Dr. Kimt'a New Dib- ,verv It took just four one dollar tmltles'lo completely "Uie the cough and ....... t vihhI sound health." writes vir Kva Uncapher, of Grovertown, Siotk Co., lnd. This King of cough and . 11 ,..iruu It 111 1 healer of throat and id vimranteeil bv Belt A Cher- I-.....!.. hrnsvist. 60c and $1.00. Trial flligi""t ro bottle tree. I Josephine county people are talking bra new courthouse, which. Is badly needed. : The Best Physic. I When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleacant in ..ii'..i t.,ko Cl.iiinlx'i luin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Every box warranted. Get a free sample at Mafrin Drug Co.'s drug store and try them. I The Woodburn Independent thinks the Woodburn-Natron branch will be come the main line. ! A Valuable Lesson. I "Six years ago I learned a valuable lt-pson," writes Joni. rieasanr, oi wag i; r,l "I t.hnn I trail taking Dr King's New Life Pills, and the longer I lake them the better 1 find mem. inev nlwiRfl evervbodv. Guaranteed at Belt k Clierrington, druggist, 25c " ' , - j- - r r" T-fimr w T " fjnr ii si cub ' SNCt,rl A.Iouncement Regarding the - ' roa ana Drug Law. We anou.l 4. Foley's lIonTfffSS ni . u auu 18. Kelt Cherrington. Dallas-M ? ti Falls Citv ' L' ThomPn, Dayton will have Revival n.,. .1 . Bv,ui4 ucw buildings next spring. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have reputation as analysts' o( lhe vanousd leeases ..i. .I,-. ;t COld COIl d be HViiit.l o I:.. K, - '"'IK 111 OI dangerous ailments would never be ... .... ivvery one knows that pne( rnonia ami consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis and all throat, riw! I..... i.i ' . . - '""s mjuuiu are aggravated and rendered more serious ;y men irean attack. Do not risk your life Or take hnnea mh.n ., i - - i, r,; , , . , ' yu nave a cold. Chamber ain'ii nimh pQm.i :i. cure it before these diseases develop icincuy uoniams no opinni, inor phuie or other harmful drug and has thirty years of romituiim. i...i. i u gained by its cures under every con dition. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Henry Proctor, recently reappointed postmaster at Elgin, has held the office 17 years. Even From the Mountains Ballard's Snow Liniment is praised" uir me Kuihj n noes, a sure cure for Rheumatism and all pains. Wright V. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo., writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Liniment, last winter, for Rheumatism and can recom mend it as the best Liniment on the market. I thought, at the time I was taken dowi with this trouble, that it would be a week More I could get about, but on applying your Liniment several times during the night, I was about in 48 hours and well in three days." Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Albany Is actively working for a fruit cannery. This May Interest You. Nonne is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney anil bladder trouhle that is not beyond tne reach of medicine. Belt & Clierrington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. The Western laundrymen met at Albany Saturday, A Stitch In Time will save rine. So will a bottle of Bal lard's Horehound Syrnp always kept on hand save many a spell of sickness. A sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Whooping Uough. Mrs. S . Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "1 keep a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup in my medicine chest, and thank my fore thought many times. It has prevented many severe spells of sickness." Sold by Stalnn Urug lo I uy rittiiiii nfe " ... ..Reductions.. on many lines. Come and take advantage of this OPPORTUNITY to buy what you want cheaper than ever before. A Habit to Be Erjcouro-i The mnihor i . . . and nvmi n V ol uneasiness te Tut inh ly;.,9uKn8. colds and croup, oniol t h. Ch,'1Llre.n 8re sceptible are quickly .red by its uae , Santeneta any teniionnn 1 1 . , ' . H LUu io result in pneu- ? 1 glVen 88 800n a9 ,he fl"t sytDptoms of croup appear, it will pre- ven the attack. This'remedy contains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little niioa f security. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Both Bend ami Minima ora 0f,ii to become county seats, each of i county. Itching Piles. If von are .inninlni&i ...;ii, -. ............ .v. niivi'iic wlio is troubled niih ihl. .....C.'l, you l!an (,0 lam 0 greft,er wihii io ieu nun to try Chamber lain s Salve. If . ---- - twu (iioinilt ICIICIl this salve also cures sore nipples, tetter ami t.. L -I . . ' .' du i iieum. rriee Joe. Kor sale by Stafrin Drug Co. A Washington county vouth killed 13 ducks at one shot and crippled several more. Rising Prom the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, Win. A. Fertwell, of Lneama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking lees than three bottles" of Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Kright's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have trnnhlpil nip far vniira " Guaranteed at Belt & Clierrington, drug gist, rnce oniv wc. More people are talking good roads than ever before. The Oregon G.A. R. will meet in annual encampment at Newberg the last week of June. The editor of the Memphis, Tenn., "Times" writes: "In my opinion Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remedy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, and to my own personal knowledge Foley's llonev ami Tar has accomplished many permanent cures that have been little short of marvellous." Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow pnekage. Belt & Clierrington, Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. On a box of apples shipped to southern Germany a Hood River man paid $G expressage to New York, and $1.75 for the rest of the journey on steamer and two German railroads. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, .wounds, boils, cuts, snrains, or a caBe of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quick! v cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No nse hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every case. Ciaranteed at Bel' & fiherrincrton's drUB Store. 25c. ;.VLany weeping THE rnu3 rn FOR AMD ALL DISEASES H II i I ti il i a mm "Two years ago a severe. cold.settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50C IZk Walnut growers of Washington county have formed an association. Foley's Honev and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly laxative. It is ifiiaranteed. The genuine is in the yellow package. Belt & Clierrington, "Dallas; M. L. Thompson, Falls City. W0MEN-rtiW Robertlne gives what every woman moat deslres-a perfect complexion. It brings that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint 'to the cheek that denotes youthfulness. It will bring beauty to those who lack it; It will retain it for those who already possess It; it -will enable you to successfully combat the ravages of weather and time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just try Eobertlne. Your druggist will glva you a free sample. All drug gists keep Robertlne. OF 1. KIM5S ' nn ypjh Lb A"D mwB 7C-RAT eonnnF M li U li el i 1 1 SOLD AUD GUARANTEED DY jC BELT & (SHERRINGTON. There is no satisfaction keener th&n being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm VroUAEE Sm Of TKI5 IP YOU WE AH "WATEEPEOOP MB CL0TF BLACK OR YCUOVtf n CNMumRTwmsL A.J. TOWH C0.MST0M. MASS.. USA. TOWMt CANADIAN COLLimttiTOlONTO. CAN. Groceries and Provision WE carry all the leading brands of Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas and Spices. Also a good supply of fresh vegetables and fruit in season. .. Crockery and Queen's Ware. SIMONTON & SCOTT, S" ": OSFIEI.D OLD STAND fo) V LUZ? in il il I II" AND $1.00 It J l CCFFECTEA. FUMCa&tO EXTRACTS AbMhitehirtlr. nnwIFlMw; paorrvwo.aKacN. LmJ y Baardtnc nd day ichool for younn lJl. Itualo (l.Mchtliky mttliort). Art: Comili Acadmlo Courts; pcll Inducements. For Information addraaa Bliter Buparlor. 1 1 i