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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE FOR TAXES. LIST OP DELINQUENT REAL PROP KRTY TAKEN FROM THE 1905 TAX ROLL. nv vlrtn of a warrant Issued out of the county court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk, on the Utti day of December, 1906, under the hand and seal of the county clerk of said county and ex-offlclo clerk of said court, to me directed, commanding me to sell the sev eral tracts or parcels of real property of the delinquent taxpayers named In the delinquent list of snld county for the year ions nr no much thereof as will sfltisiy the amount of said taxes charged therein, together with costs and accruing penal ties thereon, which list of delinquent taxes together with a description of said real Kifiii.twl In the said County of Polk, and State of Oregon, upon which Hie same Is levied, and the name of the respective persons to whom the aforesaid ai nrnnertv is assessed Is hereunto an nexed and made a part of this notice, and more particularly described as follows, to- wlt: James Buchanan Lot 1. block 3, Airlie tax, .24; interest, pen.i , .02; printer's costs, .60; total...? N. A. Chandler Beg. IS chains W. and 2.75 chains N. of NW. cor. of NE. V of Sec. 25, E. 31.25 chains, N. 5.75 chains. E. 19 chains, N. 4.25 chains, W, 40.25 chains, S. 10 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 24, Tp. 6 S. R. 6 W., con taining 40 acres; tax, $2.80; In terest .25; penalty. .28; printer's costs, $2.00 ; total Thos. C. Chandler SW M of NW'A and NW f SWM of Sec. 10. Tp. 9 S., R. 8 W., containing 80 acres: tax. 3.6S ; Interest. .33; 0.8S 5.33 penalty, .37; printer's costs, $1.20; total C A. Clark Beg. at the SE. cor. of H. English D. L. C. W. 39.83 chains, N. 24.53 chains, S. 75 dog. a2 niin.. E. 13 chains. N. 36 chains. E. 27.85 chains. S. 60.60 chains to place of beginning. Sees. 7 and 18. Tp. 7 S., R. 3 W., con taining 196 acres; tax, $21.54; In terest, $1.94; penalty, 2.15; print er's costs $2.00; total Margaret A. Clark Beg. 13.69 chains N. of SV. cor. of E. Da vidson IX L. C. S. 4.56 chains, E. 8.72 chains, N. 4.56 chains, W. 8.72 chains to place of begin ning, Sec. 34, Tp. 8 S., R. 5 W containing 4 acres; tax, $1.15; In ' terest, .10; penalty, .12; printer's costs. $1.80; total G.r.s 7.C3 3.17 Bertha Clodfelter Lots 6 and 7, and W. lot 8, block 4, Catt ron's Sub. of out lot 5, Mon mouth; tax, $3.40; Interest, .81; pen alty, 84; printer's cost, $1.00; total.... W. O. Cooper Beg. 9.90 chains W. of SW. cor. of J. Phillips" D. L. C, S. 28.51 chains, S. 74 deg. 30 mln., W. 23.79 chains, N. 15 deg. 30 mln., W. 21.66 chains, N. 14 chains, E. 28.68 chains to place of beginning, Sees. 35 and 26, Tp. 6 S., R. 4 W., containing 87 acres ; tax, $5.98 ; Interest, .54 ; penalty, .60; printer's costs, $2.00 P. T. Cooper Beg. 16.98 chains S. of NE. cor. of east boundary line of I. Hedges' D. L. C, at post, which Is SE. cor. of Viola Sloper's land, W. 14.50 chains to E. side of county road, S. 8 deg. 30 mln., W. 8.23 chains, E. 15.56 chains to E. line of said claim. N. on said line 8.14 chains to place of begin ning, Sec. 33, Tp. 8 S.. R. 4 W., containing 12 acres; tax, $5.76; Interest, .52 ; penalty, .58 ; printer's costs, $2.60; total , D. A. Coovert et ux. Beg. at SE. cor. of block C, West Salem, N. 10 deg., E. 129 ft., W. 300 ft., S. 10 deg., W. 129 ft., E. 300 ft. to place of beginning, West Salem; tax, $3.45 ; interest, .31 ; penalty, .35; printer's costs, $1.40; total.. Martha-B. Davidson One-third Int erest In following: Beg. at SE. cor. of C. G. Davidson D. L. C, N. 68.54 chains, W. 39.91 chains, S. 68.55 chains, E. 39.91 chains to place of beginning. Sec. 28, Tp. 9 S., R. 4 W., containing 91 acres; tax, $31.03; Interest, $2.79; pen alty, $3.10; printer's costs, $2.00; 9.12 9.46 5.51 total 38.92 D. M. Donaugh SE4 of Sec. 14, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W.. containing 160 acres; tax, $11.04; interest, .99; penalty, $1.10; printer's costs, $1.00; total 14.13 P. II. Diexler Lots 1, 2, 3, block 5, Hill's Add. to Hill's Add., Ind pendence; tax, $2.00; Interest, .18; penalty, .20; printer's costs, $1.00; total T. L. Dunsmore EVi of Lot 6, block 1, Kails City, Montgomery's Add.; tax, $2.70; Interest, .24; penalty, .27 ; printer's costs, $1 ; total J. R. Ford Lots 7. 8. block R, First Add. to Falls City; tax, $2.02; Interest, .18; penalty, .20; printer's costs, .80 3.3S 4.21 3.20 Got 111. Heinz Ni of S. and SJ of N. Vi lots 7 and 8, block 1, Catt ron's Sub. I'M v. of out lot 5, Moii niouth; tax, $1.02; Interest, .09;. penalty, .10; printer's, costs, $1; total 2.2 Rosalie James NWVi of Sec. 24, Tp. 7 S., R. 7 W., containing 160 acres; tax. $11.04; interest. .99; penalty, $1.10; printer's costs, $1; total 14.1 E. C. Johnson Lot 2, block 13, Thorp's Add. to Independence; tux, $5.00; Interest, .45; penalty. .50; printer's costs, SO; total... Clarence Kuhm Beg. 254 ft. W. of SE. cor. of out lot 19, Monmouth, N. 330 ft., W. 1271 ft., S. 330 ft.. E. 127 ft., to place of leginning. Sec. 25, Tp. 8 S., R. 5 W., con taining 1 acre; tax, .81; Interest, .07 ; penalty, .08 ; printer's costs, $160; total Emma B. Iee Beg. at SW. cor. of Hiram Eddy D. L. C. N. 15.75 chains. K. 12.70 chains, & 15.75 chains, W. to place of beginning. Sec. 1 4, Tp. S., R. 4 W., contain ing 20 acres; tax, $4.64; interest. .42 ; penalty, .46 ; printer's costs, $1.60; total Chas. H. Lovett SW of SE and EH of SWK nd SWVi of SW4 of Sec. 6, Tp. 7 S, R 6 W.. con taining 163 acres; tax, $10.25; in terest, .92; penalty. $1.02; print 6 2'6 7.1$ er's costs, $1.20; total ISM John Lucas NH of SWV4 and SH of NWV4 of Sec 29, Tp. t S.. a 8 W.. containing 10 acres; tax, $9 20 ; interest. .82 ; penalty, .92 ; printer' cost. $1.00; toUtl 11.94 ! Wrrsn I "'V" R. R. and L. A. Liggett E4 of lot 5, block 1, Buena Vista; tax, $1.74; Interest, .16; penalty. .17; printer's costs, .0; total C. O. Major Lot 5, block 16. Tal mage; tax. .32; Interest, 03; pen alty, .04; printer s costs, 60; total Geo. W. Mann Beg. 9.50 chains S. of NE. cor. of block 2, Burley's Fruit Farms. W. 29.07 chains, S. 11.64 chains. N. S2 deg., E. 28.66 chains, N. 8.65 chains to place of beginning. Sec. 20 ; Tp. 7 S., R S W.. containing 28 acres; tax. 2.S7 .99 $8.03; interest, .72; penalty. .w . printer's costs, $1.80; total Oregon Cal. R. R. Co. Contract with R. B. Duncan. VV. to of NEW and V and NW'4 of SEVi of Stc. 23, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., contain ing 440 acres; tax, $30.36 ; Inter 11.38 est, $2.73; penalty, j.u . i""" er's costs, $1.40; total Unknown Lot 1 of Sec. 33, Tp. 9 S., R. 6 W. ; tax, .46 ; interest. .04 ; penalty, .05; printers costs. .80; total Unknown Lots 5 and 6, block 11, Thorp's Add. to .Independence; tax, $8.00; interest, .72; penalty. .80; printer's costs, .80; total... L'nknown E. two-thirds of lots 7 and 8, block 1 S., 2. E., Buena Vista; tax. $2.61; interest. .23; penalty, .126; printer's costs, $1; total l'nknown Lots 2 and 3. block 81, frac. lot 4, block 81. Thorp's Add., Independence; tax, $2.00; interest, .IS; penalty, .20; printer's costs, $1.00; total Unknown Lot 8, block 26, Thorp's. Independence; tax, $1.20; inter est, .10; penalty, .12; printer's coats, .X0; total 37.53 1.35 10.32 4.10 3.38 2.22 O. E. Heyn K or NWi or nr. and SE'4 of NEW of Sec. 13, Tp. 6 S., R. 8 W., containing 60 acres ; tax, $4.14; interest, .37; penalty. 41; printer's costs, $1.00 ; total. . 5.92 J. C. Rose and M. V. Hose i-oi t, block 2. Cattron's Subdlv. of out lot 2, Monmouth; tax, $1.70; In terest, .15; penalty, .17; printer's costs, $1.00; total W. and Ida M. Scott Lots 3 and 8, block B, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; tax, .68; In terest, .06; penalty, .07; printer's costs, $1.00; total 3.02 1.81 John Sealey Lot 1, block J ; lot 1, block K, West Salem; tax, .92; interest, .08; penalty, .09; print er's costs, .80; total 1.81 Elizabeth Shipley SWU of NW',i Sec. 15, Tp. 7 S., R. 6 W., con taining 40 acres; tax, $2.30; in terest, .21; penalty, .23; printer's costs, $1.00; total 3.74 leo. W. Shriver Beg. 15.39 chains E. of SE. cor. of T. L. Klmsey D. L. C. N. 61 deg. 50 mln, W. 13.24 chains, S. 28 de. 20 mln., W. 4.12 chains, S. 7 deg. .R to place of beginning, except-1 acre sold to H. B. Tingle, Sees. 14 and 23 ; Tp. 6 S., R. 5 W., 3 acres ; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 1, Ryan's Add. to Perry dale; tax, $2.07; interest, .18; penalty, .21 ; printer's costs, $2.80 ; total 5.06 Feemun Smith, Heirs of Lot 5, block , 1 N 1 E., Buena Vista ; tax, .29 ; interest, .03 ; penalty, .(3; printer's costs, .80; total... Smith NE. of Sec. 26, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $11.04; interest, .99; penalty, $1.10; printer's costs, .80; total.. 13.93 C. R. Smith Lot 24, block A, West Salem ; tax, .69 ; interest, 06 ; pen alty, .07 ; printer's costs, .80 ; total 1.02 Almira Sparks Lots 7 and 8, block 6, White's Add. to Independence; tax, $6.00; interest, .54; penalty, .60; printer's costs, 80; total rank and Nora Tatom Beg. at NE. cor. of Sailing's Add. to Ballston, W. 2.35 chains, S. 4.56 chains, E. '2.35 chains, N. 4.56 chains, to place of beginning, Sec. 8, Tp. 6 S., R. 6 W containing 1 acre; tax, $4.60; interest, .41; penalty, .46; printer's costs, $1.80; total 7.94 7.2 D. S. Tatom Lot 6, block 5, Mon- mouth; tax, $1.70; interest, .15; penalty, .17; printer's costs, .80; total 2.8 Gilbert Tyson Beg. 348 feet W. ot SE. cor. ot T. C. Thorp D. I. C, W. 180 ft., N. 1.96 chains to right bank of Luckiamute River, down said river to a point N. of place of beginning, 8throuKh said place of beginning to N. Bide of county road, northwesterly to S. line of said D. L. C. (except a strip (10 ft. wide fronting on county road), Sec. 21, T. 8 S., R. C V contain In 1 acre; tax, $8.48; Interest, .76 ; penalty, .85 ; printer's costs, $2.80; total 12.89 Mary Price S of SV4 of (except that portion lying R. of Luckia mute River), Sec. 2 Tp. 10 S R. 7 W. ; also leg. at VI sec. line bet. Sees, 2 and 3, S. 20 chains, K. 43.14 chains, to Luckluimite . River, up said river to point due R. of place of beginning, V. to place of beginning. Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 V. ; also beg. at SW. cor. of Sec. 3, R. 160 rods, N. 33 Ml rods, W. 160 rods, S. to place of beginning. Sec. 3, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W., containing in all 113 acres; tax, $10.81; Interest, .97; penalty, $1.08; printer's costs, $3.20; total 16.06 J. Qulvey All of block A, Raker's Add. to Independence; lots 7, 8, 9 and 10. block 2, Baker's Add. to Independence; tax, $.r.76; In terest, .52 ; penalty, .58 ; printer's costs, $1.20 ; total 8.06 U C. Rawley I.ots 3 and 4, of Sec. 2, Tp. 7 S.. R. 7 W., 129 acres; tax, $5.52; interest, .44; pen alty, .55; printer's costs, $1.00; total 7.51 H. M. Reese Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 16, Eola; tax, $3.22; inter est. .28; penalty, .32; printer's costs, .80; total 4.6 C. U Rodgers Lots 1, 4, 5, S, block 4, Sallng's Add. to Ballston ; tax, $3.45; interest, .31; penalty, .35; printer's costs, .80 ; total 4.91 W. P. Tucker SV4 of SWVi and SV4 of SRH. SW'4 of NW14 Sec. 16, Tp. 7 S.. R. 7 W.. con taining 160 acres; tax. $10.20; Interent, .92; penalty. $1.02; print ers costs, $1.20; total 13.34 B. W. Cooper Lots 1 and 2, block 12, Thorp's Add. to Thorp's Add.. Independence; tax, $12.00; Inter est, $1.08; penalty, $1.20; printer's costs, $1.00; total 15.: C. Blechschmidt Beg. (SIS ft N. of SE. cor. of Sec. 7. S. 612 ft., W 884 ft., thence in a northeasterly direction 1 to pUc of beginning, if.U -lT In- hr. this 'nioalirine cm contaln lnterest, "n; penalty. .22; printer's costs, $1.60; total , ........ r.umIv Iiots 2 and 3 of con- Sec 22, TP. 6 S-. R. 7 V.. ...inin. .87 acres; tax, $2.0i In- terest. .18; penally. .! printers ..... 3.46 costs, $!.; umu nmwn Ki of M V nnd nf VEU Of Sec. is. il' 7 S., NV4 R. 6 W.. containing i " tax. $9.20; Interest, .S2 ; pe'llI , , $1.00; total.. .92 ; printer s costs. E II. Cuttron n. i "" block 1. Cattron's Subdlv. of out lot 2. Monmouth; tax, $1.02; in- .... ,A. nrlntAa terest, .09; pemmy, .i", i costs, $1.00; total W. A. Wann Beg. at NW. cor. of block 6, Hill's Add. to Hill's Add.. Independence, E. 6SVi ft., S. 132 ft., W. 5SMi ft-, N. 132 ft. to place of beginning; Prt lots 7 and 8, block 6; tax. $1.20; Interest. .11; penalty, .12; printer's costs. $1.60; total '' 2.21 3.03 Marlon Welder Estate Bog. nt m. cor. of Sec. 24, N. 44 chains. v. 20 chains. N. 6 chains, v. - chains, N. 1 chain. W. 14. u chains, S. 26.67 chains, S. 19 dog., E. 8.25 chains, S. 28 deg. 30 mill., E. IS chains. E. 43.27 chains to place of beginning. Sec. 24, 'Tp. 7 S., R. 4 W., containing 250 acres; tax, $46,001 ; interest. $4.14; pen alty, $4.60; printer's costs, $2.40; total 17.14 F. A. Wester, Heirs ot i-g. ji.ij chains N. I deg. E. of SW. cor. or A. Davidson D. L. C, E. 5 chains, N. 6.1.0 chains, AV. 5 chains, S. 5.10 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 8, Tp. 6 S., R. 5 W., contain ing 2 ncres; tax, $1.61; interest, .14; penalty, .16; printer's costs, $1.80; total 3.71 T5. AV. AA'ileox Lots 2 and A. pan lot 4. block 1. Ballston; and all of block 7; tax. $3.CS; Interest, .33 ; penalty, .37 ; printer's costs. $1.00; total 5.3S J. E. Wilson Beg. 2ll.Il r. cnains and 14.16 chains S. of NW. cor. of T. L. Burlmnk D. L. C E. 28.25 chains, S. 7.0S chains. W. 28.25 chains, N. 7.08 chains to place of beginning; also beg. 20.75 chains E. and 20.24 chains S. ot NW. cor. of T. L. Burhnnk D. L. C. K. 28.25 chains, S. 7.08 chains, W. 28.25 chains, N. 7. OS chains, to place of beginning, Sees. 16 and 17, Tp. 8 S., R. 4 W., containing 40 acres; tax. $24.32 ; interest, $2.10; penalty, $2.43; printer's costs, $3.00; .total 31.94 R. O. Wood a rd N. ot NE'4 and SE'4 of NEVi and NVi of SE Vi and SEV4 of SE4 Sec. 16, Tp. 7 S., R. 7 W containing 240 acres; tax, $16.56; interest, $1.49; pen alty, $1.66; printer's costs, $1.40; total' '2in W. P. Wright Lots 7 and 8, block 20, Thorp's Add. to Independence, tax, $1.60; interest, .14; penalty, .16; printer's costs. .80; total.... 2.70 Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. Contract with R. B. Duncan, EVi of E'a and SWVi of SE'4 of Sec. 15, Tp. 9 S., R. 7 W., containing 200 acres; tax, $16.20; interest, $1.46; penalty, $1.62; printer's costs, $1.40; total 20.68 C. C. Markes Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 35, Talmage; tax, $3.70; in terest, .33; penalty, .37; printer's costs, .80; total 5.20 W. L. Mason Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, S, 9 and 10, block E, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; tax, $6.78; interest, .61; penalty, .6S; print er's costs, $1.00; total 9.07 Andrew Nelson Beg. at Vi see. cor. on E. line of Sec. "C7"W. SO chains, S. 19.25 chains. E. 74.62 chains; thence on a straight line to place of beginning; also beg. at center of E. line of S. Staat's D. L. C, E. 5 chains, S. 4 chains to SW. cor. of E. A. Shirley's land, W. to land of L. Damon, N. to place of beginning, all in Sec. 6, Tp. 9 S., R. 4 W., containing 160 acres; tax, $69.58 ; interest, $6.26; penalty, $6.96; printers costs, "$2.80; total 85. GO R. P. Osburn, Heirs of Beg. at NE. cor. of H. W. Evans' D. L. C, W. 11.13 chains, S. 9'2 deg. E. 6.23 chains, N. lYi deg., E. 10.72 chnins N to place of beginning. Sec. 32, Tp. 8 S., R. 5 W., containing 4 acres; tax, .92; interest, .08; penalty, .09 ; printer's costs, $1.80 ; total 2.89 J. P. Oviatt Two acres, deed not recorded, Sec. 28. Tp. 6 S., R. 6 W. ; tax, $1.62; Interest, .15; pen alty, .16; printer's costs, $1.00; total , 2.93 Arthur (5. Porter West "A of lot 5, 1 N., 2 S., Buena Vista; tax, $1.74; Interest, .16; penalty, .17; printer's costs, .80; total 2.87 Preseott and Veness Lot S, block A, Damon & Haley's Add. to Monmouth; lots 6 and 6, block 24, Talmage; tax, $1.45; interest, .13; penalty, .15; printer's costs, $1.20; total 2.93 F. L. Price SV, of SEW and-SVi of SWVi of Sec. 3, Tp. 10 S., U. 7 W. ; also beg. nt SW. cor. of Sec. 2, E. 40 chains, N. 8.375 chains, W. 40 chains, S. 8.375 chains to place of beginning, Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W. ; also beg. at SE. cor. of Sec. 2, N. 25.75 chains. W. 38.50 chains, S. to center of Luckiamute River, down said river to section line bet. Sees. 2 and 11, E. to place of beginning, Sec. 2, Tp. 10 S., R. 7 W. ; also beg. at NR. cor. of Sec. 2, W. 40 chains. S. 64 chnins, E. 1.50 chains, N. 5.75 chains, R. 3S.50 chains, N. 58.25 chnins to place of begin ning, Src2. Tp. 10 S., R, 7 W.. containing in all alKive descrip tions, 582 acres; tax, $43.09; In terest, $3.8S; penalty, $4.31; printer's costs. $4.40; total 55.68 And on Saturday, the 2d day ot Feb ruary, 1907. nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day, at the front door of the courthouse In Dallas, In said state and county, I will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as will sat isfy said warrant, at public auction, sub ject to redemption for cash in hand, the person who will pay the taxes thereon. Sec 7. TP. 7 8, R- w e .rn: tax. $2.1o, respectively, with accruing penalties, to gether with the costs and expenses of sale, and take a certificate therefor at lowest rate of interest provided per cen tum, per annum. Witness my hand this 24th day of De cember, 1906. J. M. GRANT, Sheriff. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. - 1 l tTVXfK."' - ",E.r?vi m it tpf Vxr&n our 3 BALLARDSNOW LINIMENT will do A CONVINCING PROOF of theworth of a niedlcUje is one wno nas uj --.- .uiiiM aticm CUKK BURNS NEURALQIA,' CONTRACTED MUSCLES AND ALL FAINS. USED SNOW LINIMENT 10 YEARS. V. L. Settle, Richmond, Mo., writes:- "Thisls to cert fy that I have used your Know Liniment for ten years for rheumatism, neuralgia, lamo back, to., and in every case it lias rendered immediate relief and satisfaction." Avoid all Substitutes. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Recommended by STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Notice For Publication. United Slates Land (llllee, 1'ortlaml, Oivuon, January 9, 1907. Notlee is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coimrewi of June a, 1878, entitled "An act for fiesftlcof timber lands in the Htatea ol California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Territory," asextemied to all the Hublie Land Htntis by net of AngiiHt 4, ItHti. Kdvtanli;. Ulcliiiioini.oi iJiiiiaa.euiiiuj ui I'olk, Slate of Oregon, has Uii day tiled in this ottice hiM sworn statement No. 7170, for the pur chase of the Southeast V ot Southeast '4 of See. No. 20 in Township No. 7 nonin, khiikb Wiwt. and will oiler nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and lie- eeiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 29lh day of March, 11KI7. , He names as witnesses: in. k. uaie. 01 khi Iiih, Oregon ; O. P. Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; M. A. Coulee, of Bucll, Oregon ; T. i. Kiehmond, of Dallas, Oregon. Any anil all persons claiming anveraeiy in above -described lands are requested to lile their claims In thisollice on or before said '.Mill day of March, 1907. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed, by the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of A. J. Byers, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned at his home known as the "Spring Urook Farm" near Eola, County and State aforesaid, duly verilied, as required by law within six months from date hereof. Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this 21st day of De cember, 1900. THOMAS W. BRUNK, Administrator of the eslate of A. .1. llyers, deceased. C. L. McNury, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, Department No. 2. Bertha ll. vvooain, 1 iiimtin, vs. l.eon a, Woodiu, defendant, Summons: To I,eon A. Woodin, defendant: In the Name of the State .of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com ulaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the first publication of this summons, to wit, on Die 7th day of February, 1907, and if you fail so to ap- penr aim answerine sum complaint inepiainiin will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to wit:. For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between her and yourself, and also per mitting the phiintitr to resume her maiden or former name, Bertha II. Hubbard, and for such further and other relief as may be equitable. You are hereby further liotitied thai this sum mons is served upon yon by publication there of in the "Polk County Observer" a newspaper published weekly at the city of Dallas, in I'olk County, Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Honorable tieorge II. Burnett, judge of this court, made this 2tilh day of December, lOUti, and this summons was tirst published on the 28th day of December, 1900. CAUSON & CANNON, Attorneys for plniutin". FOLEYSHOIuTTTM Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia Mcyes the Bowels THE new idea ri tin J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son Cimbcr and Tarra Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. to the The new laxative that does not gripe or nauseate. Pleasant to taKe. For J i f t th. cures it can effec, fc Everjr n ITS. SPUAINS. ST " ,- cl)uim stii-P JOINTS. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned administrator ol tlie eslttte of Plato McFee, de ceased, has tiled his final account in said estate In Hie County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and said Court has set tho saino for hearing on Monday, Pebruaiy I, 1907, nt the. hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at which time all per sons interested .ire hereby notified to appear and file objections, if any they have, to saul Until account aim upon their failure to so ap pearand lile objections thereto that said estate be. tinally closed and said administrator ls- ' Dated' at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this 27th day of December, imw Mii LER Administrator of Ihe estate of Pluto Meb'ec, deceased. Sibley & Enklu, Attys, Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT Jl'NE 3, 187S. United States Land OHlce, Portland, Oreg 11, November 211, 191)0. Notlee is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a, 178, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Edward K. Itlessitiv, of Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day Hied In thisollice his sworn statement No. 7121, lor the purchaseof the N. of S.E. 'A of Sec No. 121uT.No.7a.. K. No. 7W .. W.M., and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or btone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk County at Dallas, Oregon, on Friday, the Kith day of February, 1907. He names si witnesses: J. D. McDonald, of of Dallas, Oregon; Arthur I.. Hayes, of Dallas, Oregon; 0. P. Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; Wm. Mcllardy, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deserilied lauds arc requested to lile their claims in this ofliee 011 or before said loth day of February. 1907. ALGERNON II. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land Olllce, Portland, Oregon, December 8, luott. Notl.-e is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 18, emit led "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," s extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4. 1802, Kdward W. White, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this olhee his sworn statement No 71X, for tho purchase of the East lA ot N. K. M and E. i of K. E. M of .Section No. 22, in Township No. 7 8. of Range No. 7 W., and will oiler proof to bIiow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this olllce, at Portland, Oregon, on Thursday,-tbe21st day of February, 1907. He nnini'8 as witnesses: Robert Louden, of Portland, Oregon; W. H. Petrie, of Portland, Oregon; R. F. Louden, of Portland, Oregon; George Connelly, of Dallas, Oregon. Any anil all persons claiming adversely the alsjve-described lands arc requested lo lile llieir clnims in this ollice on or before said 21st day of FY'bruary, 1907. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE Cll C3U6H SYRUP U 01 n 1 j Best for ChHdrea LJ For Sale by Druggists. -DBALKRS IN Cands nu City Property. Laxative Fruit Syrup Sale by BELT & CHERRING TON notice Fort...... 'nil, timber lKiirtVi,, 2. tat IS Ron, Nevada, aurt '" l (i , lllt -extended to.'luLVte &! 1 eomity ol '""i '":r-. Urnt.. "" I ly lilwlinthl r,m,l"'f ol . ...... .... uic Dure in.a , . ""wo -"" oi Keu. No. Hin'iw.. ,' "N.k,, T'"' oiiKht la moreva l .i i ,I'W tiat ,VU treK.n; K "ta TUlowJ WtlUnm Mccarlv .J ffi, Any nmi all wtm , , .V0.'1. H eh, ma l u,!,,,,,,, 1' J "HtW Sunimong. lN!.,kan,X,m,;', I. II 'IV... .1... u iu li l"Hll IT, VI n Mi lo 1). M. U-lmel .., , ni.oveiiHined lieleiidann- I, ,,""", i HtBle of Oreifdii ' 1 i llleil HK.llllHt you I,, u, "toi, and tkiurt. m. or liefore iVwE.'i1!"11"1 ' pillillcHttim n( i i,i. . vim mi, I ir . . run, nun II villi IH1I HI) til ."""""I Ul. "'UIIIWIU, inniiiiiii win iiiki'ii ilnWiiif.!,,. .""; m In oftl.efoliX,S: A part ol the Donation Land ( Sj l' 111 m ami wife, claim No 70 Nut ia Is ' alilp 8 Kouth ut Kh.,k fc wSirt tdS1" Meridian,!,, Polk Cnmav, ow , at a point .) chains Huii h, .1 7 ife Monument No. ;, simaui M M ' 2 V ner 01 ijiock is,,. )( , UinTown 1, 11 ' e' running thelue' South S.Wclmh.s th"""""' S.30 chains, to the Kssl ll ol ', " thence North 3 M l,.t. iiL..' to tho place of iKgiiuiinK tula?? femlanls and cm-h of tffi U?&t' nil did enjoined from claiming my ,,n interest in or to said real nrcmiL:, . i ttiereof. lliereof. " " "IK This summons is published lot M , six weeks by order of lion. Kd K (Wn of the County Court of Hulk (Wty ni made on the loth day of January lain S date of the Urst publication ii 0 Z'Sf . of January, 1!KI7, ami the date ol the , 5 cation thereof will be the 1st .lay ol Qt Attyi. ut'pf Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE J, t'lilleilmateiil,iUi(j. ' Portland, 1111. : UwMiilrai i.( Notice is hereby givin that In wit with the provisions of tho act of Con, June .1, 1H7H, entitled "An act for 11 a limber hinds In Ihe Slatesof Cali(oriiia,0r,-i Nevada, and Washington Territory." u tended to all Ihe Public Umd Hlatn b; if August i, 1.S92, John H. lart,of Portlaiid,w of Multnomah, Stale of UrcRui), has tlili .1 tlk-.l in tliis olllce his sworn utitu 7HS, for the purchase of the Eugt 0! 2 of Section No. ,1, in Township Ko. i Range No. 7 West, and will oiler proof te it that the land sought is more valuable ... limber or stone than for agricultural iidiiw,, and to establish his claim to said talMit: Register and Receiver ut Portland, 0rfju Saturday, the 9th day ol March, l'.ffi. - He names as witnesses: Kdward T. Witii. ' Portland, Oregon; Charles V. Hitman, lf . Iiilid, Oregon; tieorge K. liiiricll, oi for Oregon; John M. Knead, of Portland, Owns ' Any mid all persona claimliur advcrjel above-described lands are reqncate'l to life ik claims in tills ollice on orbelureaaiilMili March, 1907. AI.OKKN0N S, Mm Kegim Summons, In the Circuit Court of tho Male ol (topi ! forCo'.iniyof I'olk. , : Elsina E. Matthews, Plaintiff, vi. life Matthews, Defendant. To Irvii.g MutlhoMS, the above named or , fendant: . In the name of the Stute of Oregon, jn hereby required to apiwar and anawer ibr m plaint tiled against you it; tbe 4. entitled suit in the above m ; Court, nil or before Saturday, March 2nd, the said date being more than six ul date of the first publication of t ill ' : and you will hereby take notice that II o ; so to appear and answir jsld eomukut, ; Plaintill will apply to the Court for tie w demanded in saidcomnhdiit to-wlt: - That the bonds of matrimony now (Jfe between you and IMaintitr be dWfrt, plaintill- be awarded the aire .. minor children May, t loy. LflJJ g , Matthews, that yon be barred interest and courtesy in slid to , the W described property ol plaintill, to wit. in Polk Countv. Oregon and known ai lt ) Bloei 4 in Salings Ad.liUoi. to j Ballston. Polk 'Vl0W,'.,tT ': lug described liece of land i gon, and being in Section VV. M. Ix-ginniug O.K. ' Fast from S. E. cor ' ," la 12 chains, north B. ctiaiua, cniHiolnif a.') acres, and fur l'rmnW'u'- as the Court may deem J ; attorney fees and costs nd o"'' : herein. , .,,.1,1 k. the orJer This summons is pu the Hon. Wm. Galloway, Jiw 0 Court for the Stale of Oregon, for Polk, In the Polk 'oimly Otf vw, t uewspapet ol geiier.l r in Judge 01 " , , I'onotv. Oregon 1M rin ,deini8i''K llrst publication be 1 g 11 .e. . 18, 1907 and last publication Ms j , order of publii alion made ami eiere" loth, 1907. , B gYAli,o h as A PKTKAl . . anis Bed Clora Biossom M Every MW tJ 60 YEAR? aHM EXPEltl,v N tent f re loae" Mann ' Scientific Jim A handsornelT ntaytrj w w-yt g fulatlou of nr "'e',UB, r!!'l Pfl aeiortwwj-r.Jr enr : tour 1 - Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and Chronic ConstfpaS01 I 1