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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1906)
COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE Estate of William Kuble, deceased R. A. Jones, T. E. Loban and M. McLane appointed appraisers of estate property in Josephine county. Guardianship of Nellie Kurre, a minor Teter Kurre, Jr., appointed guardian ; bond fixed in sum of $1500. Estate of John E. Davidson, de ceasedpetition for sale of certain real estate at private sale granted. Estate of John J. Smith, deceased Henry Brinkley, C. V. Johnson and D. H. Simpson appointed appraisers. Estate of J. B. Smith, deceased final account approved. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BMGuyetal to Clara L Kinney, lots in Dallas, $890. Jennie Steadman to M Guy lots in Dallas, $1. Irene Zumwalt to Sarali M TJpde graph, 30 acres in t,c s, r 5 w, $5. Sarah M Updegraph to (Hen B Zum walt, 30 acres in t C s, r 5 w, $1G00. Florence Smith et al to George Nelson land t fi s, r 5 w, $250. Lincoln McKye and wife to D Beutluy, 40 acres in t C s, r 8 w, $120. Elizabeth Blacketer to D S Bentley GO acres in t C s, r 8 w, $112. J M Card and wifo to Cephas Nelson and wife, 82 acres in 1 8 s, r C w, $1300. L S Gillette and wife to L S Gillette Co, 4S0 acres in t 9 s, r 8 w, $1200. J L Hanna and wifo to Blanche Baker, lots in Independence, $1. J G VanOrsdel et al to John Frakes, lot in Dallas, $100. M M Ellis and w ifo to W C Brown lot in Dallas, $(i00. The Original Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and Inn? remedy, anil on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are olferetl for thegennine. These worthless imitations have similar soumlini; names. Kcware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow park age. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Belt & Cherrtngton. "To Cuie a Felon" say Sam Kendall, of PhiUipshtirii, K ui., "just cover it over with I'.urUen's Arnica Salve and the Salve will do the rest. juickc.-t cure for Hums, Hoils, Sores, Scalds, Wound;', l'lles, Kczeiua, Salt Khetim, Chaed Hands, Sore ttet and Sore F.yes. Only -.V at licit A Ciicr rington's drug store. Guaranteed. Benton county's grain crop was the best in many years. Men Past Sixty in Danger. More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidnpy and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate eland. This is ttoth painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidrey Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Fort, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cuie I feel better than I have for twenty years, although I am now 91 years old. licit & Cherrington. How to handle the grout pr une crop is a problem in tortious of Douglas county. A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes In most pases a sallow, blotehed com plexion and dull heavy eyes are due to poor indigestion and an inactive liver. Orino Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Kefuse suhst itutes. lielt it Cherrington. W. D. Elkins, of Dallas, was a busi ness visitor in Albany Friday after noon, Albany Herald. Lodge Notice. Naomi Chapter, No. 22, Order of Eastern Star, will commence holding its regular meetings next Tuesday night. All members will kindly take notice. By order of Mrs. Maooir IIavtkh, acting Worthy Matron. WAS A VERY SICK BOY But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. " hen my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel com plaint, but by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we orongnt turn out all right, savs Maggie llickox, of Midland, Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in the most severo cases. Even cholera in fantum is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Many timber-cruisers are scouring the country tributary to Roseburg, and timber values tire soaring skyward. As a dressing for sores, bru'mes and burns, Chamberlain's Salve is all that can be desired, it is soothing and heal ing in its effect. Price 25 cents. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. A Portland man may establish a plant in North Bend to manufacture denaturized alcohol, not from potatoes, but from fern roots. Pain From a Burn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently in great pain from a burn on bis hand, and as colit application) onlv increased the in flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "1 advised him to use Chamber lain's 1'ain halm, and the first applica tion drew out the inllammatiou ami gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself ami recommend it very often for cuts, burns, st rains and lame back, and have never known it to dis appoint. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Hood River anticipates famine next winter. a wood Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsltoro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, says lie nas used every prescription known to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, and says he has never found anything so effective in both chronic and acute kidney and madder trouble as 1-olev s Kidney Cure, It stops irregularities anil builds up the whole system, lielt & Sherrington. Well Worth Trying. V. II. Brown, the popular pension attorney, of 1'iitstield, Vt., says: "Next to a pension, the best thiiijj to get is Dr. King's New Life Fills." He writes: "They keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation find Biliousness-. 25 cents. Guaranteed at Belt it Cherrington's drug store. Notice For Publication. Notice of Final Settlement. V. ,!,. .. iv hr,0,v !Vell Hint till' i .i the . of Marv J. Svron. .i ki.hI hi. tiuat account in the . . '.i,,., .if Hi.-hi Orcein), for Pi'lK i- ...( thai smur.lnv. the tith day ef ivtoUr'. 1-A.. l I he !'r 'it li'o clock in tlie ,.r.-mvnt.f.ii.llay.l tin- Court room ol J ' ..i.llVi,nlrl'.ilirl lius Uvn HMKllllteil by Ino i. ,.i.... ..f ui'i.l i mill us i lie lime and place lor tin- hcarm ni oluei nous tit Hie said final ' cuini and Hie settlement thereof. JAMKS M. Si HON, Administrator of the estate ot Mary J. Syron, deiva.Mil. Oscar llavter, Attorney, Patnl and tiist published September i, r.XV. Notice For Publication. Land iiltioe at 1 ortland, Oregon, Aliens! II, I'.Hlti. V.if-.e is hervbv uivon tiiat Hie follow ine- named settler lias tiled notice of li is intention to mate tins piixf in support of his claim, anil Oi,n s.ii.1 ni.uii ho made before the lictrixtcr and Keccivi r at Portland, Oregon. on Septeinlier M. !'... vir- Kdwurd Hell 11. h. .No. 1 l.-.'J lor i in. s.iniliv. i oiiHiier of See. 1. T. s S., K. . lie natmt. Hie following wit noses to prove his continuous rc-idi-nce mum and rultivation ol sanl land, viz: Conrad Kile, of KalU I'ily, tire- aim: olive Kcddaway, of Kails city, Oreiron; Walter V Fuller, of Hallns, Oregon; John 1' Meponald. of PaH.'S, Orenon. Al.l.KiiNON" S. l'UKsSKIi, Ucitisli-r. Notice For Publication. (I CmZS lUGUMATlSJ.l AND ALL PAUI I) HEAD THIS REMARKABLE CURB I I ATT0RNVATU. Oscau J DALLAS, Gliding, "111 j. . 0Bn,... U V B AT U The only reiicto- ' P'k county. oZT.L DALLAS. " 8L I Snow has fallen on iiills near Baker City. the Elk horn The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strongest animal of its size, the gorilla, also has, the' strongest lungs. Powerful - lungs' means powerful creatures. How to keen the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port imams, U., has learned how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it s grand for throat and lung troubles. Ciiiaranteed by Belt & Cherrineton. druggist, i'nee 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. TIM II EK LANH, ACT JIMC ;i, 1ST. United States l.iit.d i illii e. I'orllauil, (ireijou, September 1'.', l'Ki. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the luoviMons of Hie aei of ('uuiti'sk of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of timber lamia in the States of California, ( (re coil, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all Ihe Public Land Stales by act of Anifust 4. tx'.rj, Nellie E. (i.aiu, of Pallas, county of Polk, 'State of Oreiron, has this dav men in this oihee her sworn statement No- T0.V), for the purchase of the N. E. ' . of S. E i. i; Section No. (i. in Township No S S. of llanee No. ; vt ., aim win oner nroot lo show that, the and sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for acrricult ura imruoseH. and 1 1 her elaini to said land before the liewlster and Receiver at Portland. Ort-von. on Wed :ies.lav. Hie fith day of December, Pmo. hue names as witnesses: I). .1. Rilnv nf Dallas, Oregon; A. K. Toner, of Dftllns, : trefoil: W. V. Fuller, of Paling. Oregon: W. 11. Ileseeker. of Dallas, Oregon. Aiiyiind nil nersons claim in? a lverelv i.ln above-deseri lied lands are i-eiuesten to lile thHr claims in thisotliee on or before s.iid flh dav of December, nxxi. ALdEltNON S. DRESSER, Register. Summons. In Hip Circuit Court nf Mm, r -irr,.,.,,i wile UI1IUU lUCLOry Will lnaae bU,UUU 'r i-oik i ouniy, nepr.riiiient .No. 2, fruit boxes this season. When two strong men come to blows. even if they are well matched, it is not pleasant sight, but if the man who gets the worst of it, will use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve, he will look better and feel better in short order. Be sure yon get DeWitt's. Good for everything a salve is used for, including piles. Hold i .1,, oy ait uruggisiB. A man near Canby advertises tomatoes at 40 cents a bushel. In these days of rush and liurrv courtesy is often forgotten. In the mad pell mell rush of our life things are often done to ollend that we rather remained undone. A hastily eaten meal ami its reluctant headache may cause us social or iinanciai toss. j ne wise man or woman is the one who relieves little ills of this sort by a little dose of Kodol for Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat and puts your stomach back into shams. r)iu oy ail druggists. Jlnlvina Kelso. Plalntiil. vs. lleinv It. KcKn Defendant. io Henry It. Kelso, the above-named defend ant: In the name of the Stale of Oreiron: Vim an- hereby reiiuii'ed to appear and answer ihe com plaint filed inraii'St loll in tin nbiive-eruit toil Court and suit wilhin six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, in wit : On or before the J7lh dav of October. P'lMi: and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof Hie pljintill will apply to the Court for a decree as prayed for in said complaint, lo wit:. That the marriage coiuraei now ami Heretofore existing betwetu nhiintiir mid del'endaiu he niinnluil and dissolved, and that plaintilt mnv have s-u-h other and further relief ns to the 'Court riitiv seem meet and ecUitable in the premises. This summons, by an order of the Hon. Ed. K. Ootid, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, made at Chambers at lianas, uregon, on me nth day of September, HHItl. is served niion von l.i- tlt, iuil.liiii.i thereof for a oeiiiid of six consecutive ami sue cessive weeks Immediately piior to the -Jith day of October, moo, in the 'Polk County Observer," a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly at Dallas in said Counlv. The date of the lirsl. publication of this summons is Septem ber II, 1MH1. OSCAR IIAYTER, Attorney for i'lainlill'. TIMliKi: LAND. ACT Jl'.NE 3, lTS. I niled States l and oltiee, Portland. On-aon. August Pi, piOn. Notice is lierebv eiven that in compliance Willi ihe provisions of the act of Congress of June :i. IS7S. entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington lerrilory. as extended to all tue Public Land Stales by act ol August I. lv.'-J, Maiv K. Hayes, of Pall.-iS. county of Polk, state of Oregon, has Ibis day tiivd in tbisottii-e her sworn statement No Tirjl. lor Hie linrehase of the N. W.' . of N. E. 1 , r-ivlion So. j in 'lonn-hiii No. 7 South, Range No. li West, and uill oiler proof to show that the laud sought is mure valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, audio establish her claim lo said Ir.nd before the Counlv Clerk of Poik Countv, at Dallas. Orcmiti. on Thursday, the Lull day ol Novem ber. l'.W,. she names as witnesses: (i. P. Coulee, of Dallas. Oregon : Klias lliushnw. of Dallas. Ore gon; William Haves, ol I 'alias, Oregon ; Millard Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon Anv and all iktsohs chinning adversely the aliove-descnlied lands are requested to tile their Claims in tins oltiee on or Uelore Saul Mill (lay of November, l'.lilii. ALHERNON S. DRESSER, Register. "I was much afflicted with rheumatism, writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, "going about on crutches and suffering a great deal of pain. I wss induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured me, after using three 50c bottles. IT IS TUB GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED ; have rec ommended It to a number of persons, all express themselves as being benefited by It. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform great deal of light labor on the farm." THKEE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. ST. LOUIS. U. & A. DALLAS, SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Notice for Publication. The town of Wasco him done quite a profitable business selling water to harvesters. This seems to be n uew niunleiml enterprise. Starving to Death. HeeituMj her etonuieli watt so weakened by useless ilriiKgiug that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary II. Walters, of St. Clair (it., (JoIuuiIhih, (.)., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My Ktomacli was fo weak from useless lirugH that. I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was uiven tip to die was I induced to try Kleetric Hitters; with the wonderful result that improvement begun at once, aril a complete mire followed." ISest health Tonic on earth. ftOc. Ciiiaranteed by Kelt it Cherrington, druggist. On n little over a half acre of ground Itosebnrg man raised 4,000 musk- melons. No one would buy a sailboat with sails that could not be reefed. There is always that possibility of a little too much wind that makes a cautions man afraid to go unprovided. The tliinkiiii: man, whose stomach sometimes goes back on him, provides for his stomach by keeping a bottle of Kodol For Dy spepsia within reach. Kodol digests what you eat and restores the stomach to the condition to properly perform its unctions. NolU hy all druggists. Land Ollico at Portland, Oregon, September si, Hint,. Notice is hereliv ihvcn Unit the full i,u- i 11 ir. iinmeil seitler has tiled notice of his intention to make Una) proof in support of his claim, mid that sniil proof will hema.le before Reyisler ami Kcecivcr at Portland, Oregon, on October "I Hum, viz: Horace li. Ilavies. II. E. No l.'i 7:7 f.,r the S. E. 'i. See., as. T. S South of Ibin-'i. u lie names t'ie lollowintr ivitnr 'ssi'H lo nritvi. his continuous residence 1111011 an, I iMilii,--,ii,.,, 01 sum ninii.viz: I nai les A ppleeate, of Itucen Orepon: Andi-ew Ilium, of Roccs. Oregon I lieodore Kiiirinton, of Roeca, Oickoii: Cicilv r. iiiiKocs, 01 Kijceii, iircunn. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Hegister. Citation. In the County Court of the Slide of Oreiron. tor the t'jnntv of folk. In the mutter of ihe estste of Morns Jones. deecaseil. 1 itaion. to Isaac Hneii-s. Ellen Morris, Chm-lollc Roberts, AtniK Roberts, Morris lliitrhcs, Unvid Eonlke8, Mary W heeler, Rok-rl l-onlkes, I lark liastints, Charles llnsutms. Dora burr. Marv t'arr, Thomiis lones, W illiam E. Jones. John 1'. Jones, J. II. Jones, Jennie E. Price, Eob.-rl Jones, ( harks A. Jones, Thoitms Jones, I'ina lones, Eomsa Howen, Mary Woolrich, Lizzie Miller and Jennie tlelder, llreetinir: In the Name of the state of Oreiron, Yon are hereby cited and required to appear in the ('oiiutr Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of l'olk, at tlie ourt Room thereof, at nalias in me County ot I'oik 011 Satnrdav, the 'vJd day of September, 1'.n'., at 10 o'clock ill the lonnoon of thai day, then and there to snow cause. 11 any there be. whv the petition of the Administrator, praying an order direeiinsr him to sell the lile estale ol lahitha Riles, bclong- iiiK to ihe estate of said Morris Jones, deceased. in 1 lie premises iieseiiiK-u as loilows: Hi I'inniiiL' at a point ii.TT chains N'orthof the Sontheasl -orner of the Donation Land Claim! of s. A. Hiiu man, No. ol. 111 'loivnshlp '.I South, of RaiiL'e 5 W est of the W illimielle Meridian, in Ihe Comity of l'olk and Stale of Oregon : thence North -s. It. cliains, with the hast Ijonndarv line of said claim: thence West l'.i.'.H) chains: thence Mirtn 1.1.SH) ejiains : Uieiice West 1:1 :11 chains to the Westerly boiinnary of said Donation Lund Claim: thence South a (leg. :C! lninnies East sfs. mil ciniins. to the true corner of said claim: Ihenee South 22 deg. 07 lmnntes East 7.t'-'.l cliams; thence East r,:t chains, to the place of beginning, and eonliiiniiit.' ui acres, more or less, and that sale thereof may be made at private sale. Witness: The Hon. Ed F. fond Judite of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of l'olk with'lhe Seal of said Court amxe.i. mis II iiny ol August A. I). I'.hi;. (Seal) Atlest: E. M. SM I I II , Clerk. ily A. N. Ilolinnii, Deputy. MAKE NO MISTAKE Mm 1 t m r j 1 Ks. A", Mill 1VA V OILED CLOTHING will give you com- I jJieic iiuicvuuii and long service You can't afford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed The best dealers sell it Boardlnc and rtsv irhnni tn vn,,,, music u.esrhtlzky method), Art; Complei Arademlc Course; sperlnl Inducements. For miormauon aauress Sister BuDerlor. EEEGSIADrN 1 u INSTITUTK Study telegraphy and fit your self for salaried position, with unparalleled opportunity for ad vancement. Railroad construc tion now under way makes great demand for trained oper ators. Takes only 3 to 5 months to learn. Tuition, 3 moa., t$40. Writo for catalog;. Pacific Tel egraph Institute, 5th floor. Com monwealth bids-. Portland, Or. Notice For Publication. Notice For Publication. Ihe Weston Normal school opened with all the students it could nccom- moilnto. Loggers are now demanding from $10 to $11 per thousand for logs on the Columbia river. And the demand far exceeds the supply. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts on Nature's Plan. I lie most successful nieilicincs are those tliat aid nature. Chamberlain's Counh Keinetly acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold and it will 11 1 lav the cotic'li, relieve the lunjrs, aid exitec titration, open the secretions niul nid nature in restoring mo system to a hcalthv condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Price 25 cents Lari;e size, M) cents. Tor sale bv Ptafrii. Prug Co. Sheep at $1.G0 per head, hogs at 7 cent per pound, apples at $3 50 per box, does not look like all the western opportunities have been exhausti-d, says the Pendleton East Oregon ian. Abscess. Abscesses, with few exceptions, are indicative of constipation or debility. W. II. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss, writes, Aug. 15, 11K32: "I want lossy a word of pra we for I la I lard s bnow Lini ment. I siepiMil on a nail, which canned the cords in my leg to contract and mi aliseess to rise in my knee, and the doctor told me that I would have a stifl' leg, so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug store (who is now in Denver, Colo.) lie recoiii iiM'in led a Imttleof Snow Lini ment ; f got a 50c size, and it cured my lcjj. It is the U-st liniment in the world. Sold by Stafrin PiugCo. tiood for the cough, removes the cold, the cause of the cough. That's the work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and lar the original laxative cotiuh syrup. Contains no opiates. Sold by all druggists. Southern Oregon expects to ship about 150 cars of apples, at $2.40 to $3 per box. When you have a cold it is well to be very careful about using anything that will cause constipation. He narticularlv careful about preparations containini! opiates. Use Kennedy's Laxative Honey anil lar, which stops the cough and moves the bowels. Holil bv all driurirists. No finer region for duck shooting exists than Klamath county, says the Kepubltcan. Beautiful Women. i'lump cheeks, Hushed with the soft glow of health and a pure complexion, make all women beautiful. Take a small dose of llerbine after each meal; it will prevent constipation and help digest what you have eaten. Mrs. Win. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Tex. writes, May 81, 11HU i "We have used Herhine in our family for eicht vears. and found it the Itest medicine we have ever used for constipation, bilious fever and malaria. Sold by Stafrin Drug Uo. Since he has been in ofilce tho Tilla mook county assessor has raised timber claims from $C00 to $1,800. Ilepnitmeut of the Interior, Lund Oltiee tit Cortland, Oreiron, Selilemlier S limi; Notice is hereby L-iveu that the full 1 1V i llir n limed settler Iihh tiled notice of his itilciiliiiu io mime n mi l nroo in Minner nf hiu e ,.ii ,,,,, mill mini nrooi mil u. mnde tiefure ioiaii.r aim iieceiver m roriiimti, Oreeon. on (Ictuher i, inn, viz II vn Kei I HU'iiv fnimi r v (Hi,,. niny iieu, n. r.. ivo. 1 i,;;tu inr the S. i nf N. y huh l.ols ;t and I. Sec. 1. T. h s. K IV. Mie IIHllleS tile 111 mviliy u-lln,,ia 1 1 r.rm-.i Her COIltlllllOllS residence lllilin nml enlliv.iii,,,, of mint lmiil, vi: Coiirail Kile, of Kails ( ily, p i-.wunMi neu, 01 r ui is i 1 1 v , iireifon VV. V. I'liller, DiilliiK. ore''im: .1. li Meli,,,,i,i of ImllnH, Oreiin. AUiKRNON S. DKESSKR, tegisler. Notice ot Final Settlement. iNoiice is lierebv eiven t int ('. a f,,o.i n,,,i r. J. Coml execiitord of the esliite nf Sumn,.! i onii, oecenseii. imve i en in he i nnntv c,.,,n oi I lie Slate ol ItreKon, for l'olk comity, their mini Mceoiini ns sticn executors, suit thnl Satur day, ueuiiH-r l.i, i'hio, at the I r of 10 o'clock in. of said dav. has been iiinmim,.,! i.v n, J inlet- of said Court as the lime fur tin. h, !,,,, oi Muji'i iioiin in me sain ii i i ii i necoiint ami the seiiienieni itiereol. All i-rsons are therefore required io appear al sum time and show cum', ii any exisi, vny said aeount should not be iiiiniveu nun me sant executors ilischiirKed. Hated tiiis llfh day of Septemlier. 1!KN1. C. U. ( ()AI. K J. COAH, Kxecutors of the estate . , ofSiiiiiueU'oad.dcceaKed, N, L. Itutler, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the nndersipiied lias been duly appointed adniinislialnx of the estale of William ltnble, deceased, liy the Comity Court of the State of Oregon, for l'olk County, and has qualilied. All iKTKom having claims asalnst the s.iid eslateare heri'hy noti'ie.1 to present the Mime, duly verilied, together with the proiervoueherii therefor, to the undersigned, at her residence in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. tilted and first published September 7, I'Hiti KITH UCItl.K. Administratrix of the estate ol William Kuble, deceased. Oscar llayter, Attorney. The laxa'ive effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and I .aver Tablets is so scree- able and so natural voti can hanllv realize that it is produced by a medicine. Itiese tablets also cure indicestion and biliousness. Samples free at Stafrin lrng Co drug Btore. A son of Dr. Minthorn of Newport is mining expert for the Rothehilds with headquarters at London, salary f 25,000 a year. Notice For Publication. A bath cleanses the skin and rids the pores of refuse. A bath makes for lietter fellowship and citizenship. Not only should the outside of the body be cleansed, but occasional use of a laxative or cathartic oiens the bowels and clears the system of effete matter. Kest for this are DeWitt's Little Karly Kisers. Pleasant little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold by all druggists. TIMRRK I.AXfl, ACT jt'N K 3. lsrs. I nitcd States Land oilier, 'orlinnd. Oreei n, .. . , . August :i, Ci't Notu-e is lienby given that in compliance Willi Hie provisions of the ai t of ( ongre of June ;;, InTS. entitled "An ncl for the tale of tinilier lauds in the stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ulilie l and Stales bv "act of August 4, t ... James M. llurk of News.rt counlv of Lincoln. Slate of Oregon, lias this day tiled in this oltiee his sworn statement No. TiUT, tor the purchase of the; Southeast jMiruieasi '4 ami l.oi l ami 2 (f Setiiou No. 2 in T. X.i. 7 S.. Kange No. !'.. mi.l n oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlK-r or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and toeMabiish Ins claim to aid land belore the Kegisier and l;t-vivcr of Hug olhi-e at lrllaud, On gon, on Thursdiiv, tre Mh ilay of November, limi. He names as nitiie.-es: J.N' Kiee. of (lats kanie, Orepon; K. C. W liitlen.of I'ortiaud. Ore gon; f.s. liryant. of I'ortlaud. Oregon; II. A. luiggau. of Irigiis, ii.csnn. Any and all persona claiming adversely Ihe atMive-tiescntuNl Ian, Is an- re,j noted to tiie their claims in thisottiee on oT beli re htiil sth day of November, Lnni. ALOEKNON" Ik DKFSSFK. Register. TIM UK It LAND, ACT JUNK S, IS7S. United Slates Land tiilice, li irt In ixl , Oregon. July Hi, ItHni. Notice is hereby given that in coinidiaiu Willi the provisions of the act of Congress of .lime 3, 1S7M, entitled "An act for the sale of inniier iiiniis in me states of California Ore goo, ivevaoa, unit w asliiiiglun Territory," ex eniicii loan ine ruiilic l.anU Slates bv act ot August -I. IS'.IJ, Maluila K. lliiisliaw, of Kalis City, county of l'olk, state of Oregon, has this day Hied in liis otlice her sworn statement No u;i-.i, lor me piircnase ot the S. V. i nf X ol f-ee. o. I in lownshtii No. 8 S., liange No. ., anil will oiler proof to show that the land sougni. is more viinitime lor its timber or stntie than for agricultural pin pows, and to establish hercbiim to saiil land bofore the I'egister and neceiver in. i-oriiiinu, Oregon, on Kriday, me inn oay oi iicioner, r.iuti. She names as witnesses: Lee Humphrey, of i.iiins, Oregon ; v.eorge 1 . i;oniee, of Iiallas, ,'1,-p.ui. it, . iiiiisnaw, oi callus, Oregon; utiiio-n .iint-IB, Ol lianas, lircgOll. Any aim an persons claiming adversely the aiiove-ilescrihcd lands are requested to lile their clonus in inis ouice on or belore said fith day oi Lionel , i.nni. ALUKUNON 8. DUKSSKK, liegister LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. 4 7K Jennings Lodge, JSo. 9, stated coininnnications, Second anil Fun rili t riilnys of each month Oscaii IIaytkr, W. M. J. C. II AVTicit, Sec. Ainsworth Cliapter, No. 17, R. and third Fridays of each month. Oscah Haytkk. II. P. Wihus Simonton, Sec. Kf aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E. S., stated 1 meet i tit's Second ami Fourth T ilay? of each month. Mi:s. A i,ii' k Kohr, W. M. Mas. Pai'i.tnh Williams, Sec. Citation. I. 0. 0. F. CliNltA I) 1' rtendslup Lodge, No. 0, meets every Saturday evening in I. 0.0. K.I Jail. h I'AFIifN, N. G. W. A. Avkks, Kec.Sec. In thet'ounty Court ol the State nf iir,..r,.n nir i oik irOillliy. in ine mailer oi ine estate of Marijuis L. 1VO 111 II 1 1 fl, IIHTIIM.-Il. lo Lucy A. Kobbtns. John Ii. l!nbl,iii i: u Kohhins, Mary Hemiis. Oltie Karlev tdi), lialitli 'HHey, MhiuI MuIiIil'. Will in m Tn t , ,,,, tleorgie Walker, May Campbell, Kiln Kraber' it. li. l-.ins, llerinn l-.l is. Corn Miner Klliott, Kred Tatoin, Thomas Tiitoni,' Mark iiiioin, iiajue i iiiom, Jessie liitom, Kiehard II Tatoin, the next of kin and all iiersoiis ii,i..r.,ui,..i in n un eniaie, Kiiuwu ami unknown. Oreeting: in ine ixaineoi tne suite ol Oregon: You are hereby eiled and reuiiired to iu,i-,ir i 1 1, v nuoiy v.niii Lui me oiaie ot Oregon, for the unity oi i-oik. hi ine ( ourt mnm ii.,.r,...( .., Dallas, tn the Countv of l'olk. mi Snini-.!..,, M,.,il.,. I,,, -1-1 IIHU-. .. II, I i. . 3 ' . ....j. , , n, luutiuinii.uiu inreiioon , r , of that day. then and there to show nm.. if O Innril I .Otitic. No ''It I) rf P vc why the prayer of the petition of 'everv Fridn v ovo,,;,,,. ' V . s--s.....g. JjaCreole Kncampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Mond :tv nf nniili month. J. K. Sim.Ky, C. P. A. W. Teats, Scribe. Woodmen of the World, dallas, ATT01lm AT UW El- COAD, f onice iii r. ; DALLAS, ' """"wxi N i TTOKNKY AT LAW. N. L. Butlri Office over Dalla. n,.. !. or Banic, TTOUNEY AT LAW ) 0ice next ,l0nr to p ' I OREfios TTOItNKY AT LAW B- F- JONES i Onice In Cooper Bui(li INDEPENDENCE, . 01!Pn ! -uv 1 TTOltNEY AT LAW f J. L. Collins f Main Street, Near Postofflc, DALLAS. Dallas Camp, No. 200,' meets in their Castle hall in the Woodman liiiildim? every Tuesday evening. . B. M. Guy C. C. W. G. Vassall, istletoe Circle, No. 33, W. (. . A., meets in (heir (!astle Hall, in the Woodman huililiiig every Wednesday eye n in". Mrs. Emma Kekhlakh, G. N. IJ..M. Guy. Clerk. I) KNTIST. M. Hayter, OREQOH I I 6 Mi Office over Wilson's Drug store ! DALLAS, piIYHIOIAN AND NUIIO-EON. L. A. Tollman, M. Knights of Pythias Ufflow Ruildinc. TJnomo i , f Mutual I'hone Main 3d. Bell K l Main G41. I ARMION LiOUOE, NO. !)fi, Iv. Of L'. Meets every Monday evening In itq Castle Hall in .Woodman biiililiiifr visitinp; iviiiftnts are welcome. M. A. Foitn, O. C. G. L. Hawkins, K. of R. S. DALLAS, oregol' i u iifc mm A. 0. U. W. Union Lodge, No. 35 MeetN Firsl and Third Wednesday of each month. II. L. FiCNTOff, M. W. John K. Smith, Fin. rrystal Ixidtfe, No. 50, I), of It., meets wt irstand Third Wediiesdiiy of each month. Mas. V. J. Co a it, C. of II. Miin. Ko. F. Coah, Fin. DELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT HIDE IZZY CHAOS EEP CANONS United Artisans. Assemhlv No. 40 meets Fir.4 TLiivi r,,,,u.i., f .,..i, ,i. .....t . ,,n, It.jf ,11 17,11. 11 IIMJIILU. Willis Simonton, M. A. and Fraternal Union of America Ijodge No. 144 Meets Third Tnemlav 'of each month. W. J. Waonkk, F. M. Mhs. S. E. Morrison, Sec. MORE SCENIC ATTRACTIONS ! Than Any Other Line in the Work j . Tho Only Lino Passing Through SALT LAKE CITY! Enrouto to or from the East Choice of 2 Routes Through ! the Heart of the RocKies Equipment and Service UrtsurpasHff Writo or call on the undersigned (or Information and descriptive literature, W. C. McBIUDF, General Agent 124 Third St TORTLAND. - - OREG08 Knights of the Maccabees. $2. Dallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month in I. O. O. F.hall. Dr. Mark IIaytku, S. K. Com. I. N. Woons, R. K. iwiiac ntve, jno. -zs, u o. T. M., meets "on Second and Fourth Thursday after- nuuii 01 chch moniii. Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, L. C. Mrs. Kosk Fihi.ur, R. k. 00 Taj's tor the OBSERVED and the weekly uregirauu one year. In order to tab advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Ouserveb must be paid up to date. Subscrilte now. Salem, Falls City & te em Railway Co. uny you have why the praynrol tlit- potitinn of Hiliniiiistratorof tlit- atinvu nanifil estate akilll mm tin uiiiiTue llllllioriin luin t0 w tlie Iiereiimfter ili-srrilii'it real properly tx-lonif-ingtn said estate he not erantiil. in.wii- u Riniiiiig at n (Kiint ;o linkn Kast ami 2 ill' ehs North of tlie S. W. corner of the II I. c r tiJ Shreve, Not. No. :,' Cliiim No. . in t':s ii V. of the Will. Mer. tlieimi. Ii.i i!f.'i,.' thenee South U.S.1 ehs. thence North 7S ili-Brees IS iiiiiiuti'h Kat Ji.ri.' ehs. them e Snmh k mi thence West :flu:t ehs. tlieni e Norlh 1:, in'riw .'. lilarc of liesimiinir. exeentinv thercfrnm ti... eemetery anil roail thereto. ilesiTilH'd as U'ein lune at a Point 2.0!! elm. Smith hiuI r no,.i,c i. ... . ol the Southivest corner of Riiiil Shreve 11 '), c thence Kast 2i feet, thence South 118 feet' thence W est feel, thenee North US tot i.I place of lieeimiiiiff. Biiiil mnilwiv l...CTii.,,. from the norlhu'eal corner of tin. l"t .i.. Kcnlicil tract South TiT1, feet lo North siile of sanl roa.l. thenee South 4.1 itetrn-eK W est S ft eh Sooth :i0l ehs. to miilille ol the Comif v ro.i rumiinR liallns to Oixie: the laud herein to he sold Ik'Uii; :i."i :t! aeren. more or l ai.. the North half of the Northeast quarter of See -Ni, the Kast half ami the norihwini nn,m, .i the North hall of the Southwest quarter of Sec i!, and lots :;, 4 and 5 and the South half of tin'. UtllWCSt quarter Of the Sold Invent ni,a.l. ..f Sec. I I. Also lM?iuitiiit, at th u.,i,il,..uui of the John I'ankey 11. 1,. c. Not. No. ;Vvlo. Claim No II, thenee North :i si ehs. thene- Wet .V h) rhs. theiier South S.S1 clis Hi,, m e i Ki v, -j,.7r.. to place of beeinniiis'. exeeptin? aiid niserriur therefrom the followiiic: Hci-innino ehs. North and ii ( lis. W est of the Sotiih- ' iwiiit oi vim i a u Key n. t.. t:. ihenee Souih Ctehs. thenee Wert 7 ehs. tlun.e North 1:1 ehs. incnce r.asi , ens. lo jilace ol beKtnmnsr, all of ins, ,, n-, inilllS IH'llir 111 lOWUslliU Soil t ll of ttaiiKe li West of the Will. Mer. in Polk . mini, wntroii ami coniiiining In all mils hiuiv ur lesw. W itness: The Hon. Kd P Jiiilpe of the County Court of , the state of Oreeon, for the County of l'olk. with the seal of said Court atlixci, this day of August, A Ii.. pm; Attest: E. M. SMITH. Clerk JIISS 1.YIUA Camuioi i. N a Miss KvANtiKi.iNK Hakt, Sec. Buy on GradifF this $60 Machine for $25 UttluHT PREPAID. 'l j8 iiigh arm, drop inu, unn uearing, loeK stitch, double feed, self- threading shuttle: has automatic bobbin winder anu other latest improve ment!!. This is the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It Is the same machine agents are asktngyoultiO for. All attachments go with each machine. Sold for only Ift fAh lllll ti mnntKla. Write T0DT for free FURKITURE CATAtOGUE showing elegant household goods we will ship (Freight caiT raymenw our new mtDII plan. Govurtz Furniture Company IL'Llli Vlni st- POHTI.ANO. OH. TIME-TABI.E EH'eelive May 1. Jailj except Hiindsy, West-Bornd : Lv. DALLAS Teats' Siding., Oilliams , Bridgeport. ... Ar. FALLS CITY .. Eflst-Round: Ly. FALLS CITY'... Teats' Riding.. Gilliains Bridgeport Ar. DALLAS Traim Stop on Signal only A, H. ....7:30 ....7:46 ....7:19 ....7:55 ... 8:05 A.M. ,..10:00 r.t I 13 11 i ; is n 43 j ... KO HIV" ...10:10 .10:16 ...10:3 ! 4:1( 4 I. OEItUNGEIt,J' General MunW"' DYSPEP SIA CURI j x x x j DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The $ 1 .00 bottle co. tains 2 timet the trial aire, which sells for 50 ceeta PREPARED ONLY AT THI LABORATORY Or E. C. DeVVITT a. rnMPANV. CHICAGO. IU or Sale by Druggists. fi Notice to Creditors. Not ire is herehy eiven that the nndeisienci has Uvn apnoinled executor of the ljit ,t and litiiinent of John Jul-Smith deccasiHl h the County Court of l'olk Countv. llrevon ' fi iH-iNona hnvinc elaiir.s arainst "said ,tnte an hen'l.y required lo rt-Hent tlie same d,T Veri ficd s by Ian lei uintl. at the i,ni.v t ,v-t.. Hayter at Itallas, I'oik County, tireeim within six nioiiihs from thi date. ' ' liatevi, Sepleiulvr 21, l',n, B. A. CATHKY. txerutorof Ihe Last will , t,. ment of John Jiv Smith, deivaivd J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son dkai.krs in timber and Tarm uut and City Property. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. 7 v s:jzr r s 7-7 r-,-r-r-. -jf jr-.s. jr. s . r r, . i UJhM . Ml D;n iJLf mm i'lnilltaJ I 4 M A TRAPS - BlreiitTon la probably ;iP,e",,2S,B0ffl!' lions etrictlyHittdeiithil.HANwgpn sent free. Oldest a jiencr fuj 4 COm reW" I'alents taken tbrouB 'ut" tprrtal notict, without cbsni ' 11Jt'4 Scieniific Mt ttgSk A handsomely l""ra;ej iS Branch Oftiee, 628 F BU The new laxative that does not gripe or nauseate. Pleasant to take. m Cures Stomach and Liver Tnvotf o troubleand AUliyo HUH ayrilp ChronicConstlp For Sale by BELT & CHERRING TON