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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1906)
IK County Oiwrw --rrrr ". i nrtiir liiiv It ami butter at jjluestoin jlazelffooa -0ffeLioEHiB Addition, boo II. O. lit-uk,nd8o, ,ru,ta iwwn. f"f Abstracts. Notary V typewriting. Uits'cig.'vrB'd tobacco you want, ,,i 0n Tracy Stunts.' 1,110 - - bythopintor rtrtttho ralmCuro. ' A friHih lino of Aldou's candles jnst ived by Tracy Stoats. 'The Obsebvkr offloo wants the print ;i yon are particular about. Moehennd nugato, also a full line n,me-mude candies. Kkiwevs. ' am kinds of soft drinks kept on iee KTrucy Slants' confectionery store. V9k your grocer for Klucstem ;i;,1(tlie famous bard-wheat flour. : Wheat receipts, load chocks and bop fckets printed on short notice at this .fflce. Try a dish of the famous Wash-jr-ton Ice Cream at Staats' Ice Cream Kirlor. fA full lino of Aldon's chocolates at Jersey's. A neat ice cream parlor. Sfjwev's. ' MissEmma Dempsey returned home Monday from a ten days' visit in iorthind. Every wife should try Bluestein lend flour, in ado by the Iiiekreall Stilling Co. fUseBluestem Blend Hour once, and In will uso no other. For salo at jjpur grocers.' "fry our Sunday dinner. It is es Icially good and only 25 cents. The jottsge Hotel. M-uiey of private parties to loan at por cent on well-improved farms. IlllEV & Eakin. I Not Prappo and crushed fruits lived with ieo cream at Tracy Staats' Mfectionery store . Ralph Carter, agent for Tortland (journal. Leave orders at Belt & Jherrington's drug store. ' When in Dallas stop at tho Cottage jotel. First-class rooms. Excellent juisine. Reason able rates. tChittim bark prices are better. The crchaiits of the valley towns are low offering i Cents a pound. f I will continue to handle Hwetland Son's Ice Cream. If you want the lost call forSwetland's. W. 11. Elms. i ! For as good a lino of fishing tackle jscanbehnd for tho money, call at f.R, Ellis' confectionery and cigar fore. The Lafayetto-St. Joo cut-off cost 43,Gl7, according to figures recently Jiven out by officials of thellarriman fines, I Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Williams ro amed homo Wednesday from a visit frith relatives in Tacoma and Port land. Charles McDevitt arrived home this cek from a several weeks' stay in jouthern Oregon and northern California. Ed Andrews, an o a n , Dallas and is doing WI vallis Gazette. Hon. D. L. Reyt, tho well-known merchant and flouring miU man of nJnnat' a bUBlneM vi9ltr in Dallas, Tuesday. Mrs Ella J. Motager cordially h, vitoa tho ladies of Dallas to visit her store on Wednesday, September c from 7 to 10 p. m. The marriage of Dan A. Poling and Miss RRIe Vandcrsall is announced to take place in East Liberty, Ohio, on Tuesday. Septcmbor 25. W. It. Ellis, agent for the Oregonian and Telegram. Leave your order and have it delivered to your door by tho day, week or month. I have just received a fresh line of "Lowney's" famous chocolates and bon bona in pound and half pound packages. W R. Elms. Do you like to havo your collars broken on the edges? If not, send them to tho Dallas Steam Laundry They will do them right. Don't forget thoso fine pnotos on very flno cards, at $2.50 per dozen. Bust, full figure or group. This is a special. T. J. CIIEKRINGTON. The Dallas Steam Laundry is now at work in tho old laundry building on the college campus. Call and get their prices. They will please you. Dr. H. L. Toney, dentist; graduate of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Office up stairs Uglow building. Hours 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. Examinations free. Phone 45. Albert Martin, a former Dallas boy, will open a drugstore in Junction City. Ho has been in the jewelry business and also Postmaster at that place for mnnyyenrs. Miss Bertha Collins desires to an nounce that her new Fall and Winter street hats are now on display. She will hold her Fall opening of dress hats on Friday and Saturday, Sep tember 21 and 22. Mayor F. A. Lucas, of Falls City, was in Dallas, Tuesday. He is busy making arrangements for the second annual clearance sale in his big store, which will commence next Wednesday. T. J. Clierrington.tlie photographer, will be found in his studio from 8 o'clock in tho morning to 5 o'clock In the evening while the busy season lasts. Call and see samples of his latest work. Mrs. Ella J. Metzger will not have a formal opeuing of Fall hats as usual, but, has on display a line line of dress and street hats, which the ladies of Dallas and vicinity aro invited to call and inspect. " Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Toney were McMinnvillo visitors this week having departed for that city to attend the wedding of Mrs. Toney's brother, Carl Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Grover left for the Philippines immediately after tho ceremony. Horatio Morrison, of Waitsburg, Wash., visited relatives and friends in Polk and Yamhill counties this week. He is engaged in contracting and building in Waitsburg and re ports plenty of work. He is always glad to get back to Polk county to visit the friends of his boyhood days. G. A. GrisWOlrl wna A... I -r, ,. City on a. business errand. Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Kirk, of Roseburg, is vwiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. II L toney. Dr. ami Mrs. P. F. McMurdo, of uy, were Saturday. Dallas visitors, The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Day yesterday morn ing and lett a fine boy. T. J. Boyd, the efficient foreman of the Independence West Side office, visited friends in Dallas, Friday. The Dallas Steam Laundry has a wfigon. A call from you over the telephone will bring it to your door for your laundry. County Clerk Smith issued license to wed to Jeremiah Morris and Sadie Wheeler, W. ft. Ellis and Minnie Robertson, W. M. McQueen and La vena Frizzell this week. Captain V. P. Fiske and J. C. Hayter will go to Nye Creek today to attend tho annual meeting of the Oregon Press Association. J. C. Uglow und Ralph Carter will also go over to spend Sunday. A. J. Barham.ofKennewick, Wash., has purchased W. A. Wash's fine residence property in South Dallas, the consideration being $3500. He will move his family here next Spring. Mr. Barham is a brother of Mrs. A. W. Brown. Mrs. J. H. Holiister was awarded first premium on a water-color paint ing at the State Fair. The picture was judged in competition with many others and Mrs. Holiister is naturally pleased to learn that her work was adjudged the best. Dr. W. R. Allin arrived at his home in Independence, Wednesday, from his annual hunt on the McKenzie river. He killed three deer and had some fine trout fishing. Mrs. Allin visited relatives in Salem and Port land during his absence. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, of Falls City, captured many premiums at the Ore gon State Fair, among them being prizes for the best exhibit grown on one farm, best nut exhibit, and a large number of premiums for in dividual vegetable exhibits. The German Coach Horse Associ ation will hold a colt show in Dallas, Saturday, September 29. The arrange ments are in the hands of J. R. Hub bard, and all horse breeders aao in vited to participate. Ten dollars will be awarded for tho best colt and $5 for the second best. Honry Williams left for Baker City on Monday afternoon having received a telegram from his brother, Albert, conveying the intelligence that ho was in the hospital, having been operated upon for appendicitis. The physicians attending state that he is progressing as well as can be expected. Miss Josephine Armstrong wishes to announce that she will continue in charge of the Art Department of Dallas College for the ensuing year. Miss Armstrong Is prepared to give instruction In Art, Oil and Water Color painting, Pyrography, Charcoal Drawing and Pen Drawing for illus tration. The studio will be opened Sept. 25, at which time Miss Arm strong will receive pupils In those branches. If you want to see the Swell Styles in ies' Coats a n Walking! Skirts Call now at any time. We are showing the largest line in the County and our Prices are far below city prices. We are opening up new goods daily, and we can truthfully state that better merchandise than we are showing this season can not be obtained in this vicinity. THE BEE HIVE STORE f A Reliable Place to T. OREGON vr. j. t UUllUlllfcj Falls City may , have an electric light plant. G. N. Cherrington was a business visitor to Portland, Friday. John Bird returned home this week from an extended stay in tho Capitol City. Fine electric pianos' were shipped to Dallas this week for J. C. Shult2 and Chitty & Bilyeu. E. W. Hinshaw's neat dwelling house in Fir Park addition Is noar ing completion. Clarence Aiktnan and family havo moved from Rock Creek to Falls City for the winter. County Judge Coad and Commis sioner Teal inspected bridges in the Falls City neighborhood yesterday. J. C. Talbott, of Falls City, and his uncle, B. M. Talbott, of Brooklyn, Iowa, were Dallas visitors yesterday. David Calbreath, formerly of Inde pendence, will be vice-president of the new J. C. Lee Bank In Portland. J. H. Albert, the Salem banker, and Mrs. Elizabeth McNary, formerly of Polk county, were married in Seattle, Monday. Fred West left this week for Aber deen, Wash., whore he will take charge of the electric light machinery in a large sawmill. J. L. Castle, the Dayton hardware man, visited old friends in Dallas this week. He says his loss by the recent fire will not be more than $500. , Police Judge Stouffer will go to Ballston in a few days to superintend tho harvesting of his prune crop. The drying season will last about two weeks. Conductor Thomas Burkbeimcr of the evening passenger train from Portland, is taking his annual vaca tion. Mail Clerk E. S. Piper has had his vacation and has been transferred to tho morning train from the metropolis. R. Robinson, proprietor of the Dallas Cheese Factory, arrived in Dallas, Wednesday, and paid the farmers for their butter-fat at the rate of 25 cents a pound. He expected to reach Dallas ton days earlier, but was delayed in southern Oregon. He says there is a constantly growing demand for Dallas cheese and the top price will be paid for milk at all times. A 300-pound cheese from one of Mr. Robinson's Coos county fac tories was one of the chief attractions at the recent State Fair. Klamath basin, where the United States is building irrigation works to reclaim 250,000 acres of land, offers tho chance of a lifetime to home seekers and investors. Not cheap land but good land cheap. Farmers are needed in Klamath county and land can bo had on favorable terms. Write to Frank Ira White, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for further information. Thie Is the time of tho year that our good customers are ordering their office stationery. Don't overlook the fact that the Observer office turns out exactly the same grade of work as is produced by the best printing houses in the largo cities. Let us submit samples and figures on your next job. No order too largo for our capacity, and none too small for our best attention. A. E. Meyer, of the Oberer-Meyer Mill Company, was up from Portland on a business visit this week. He drove out to the mill beyond Falls City and spent a day looking over the plant. He expressed hlmsolf as well pleased with the work done by his partner, Mr. Oberer, In Installing the machinery, and says the mill will be second to none of its class. A market has been established for all the lumber the mill can cut, and ship ments will commence In a few days. John W. Fulton, of Helena, Mon tana, secretary of tho American Angora Goat Breeders' Association, was in Dallas a few days this week. He was hero to help work up Interest in the annual Goat Show, In which he takes a lively Interest. Mr. Fulton thinks It would bo a good plan to hold meetings of the goat breeders each day of the show for the purpose of discussing matters of interest and listening to papers by successful goat men. Mr. Fulton is responsible for the appropriation of $200 by the National Association for tho Dallas show. H. G. Campbell and family spent Sunday with the family of his brother- in-law, J. C. Morrison, at the Horst hop yard. He says tho new hot-air blast dryers In uso at this yard are a great success. Each house has two dry lofts, seven feet apart, and the hot air is forced into the hops from a blower outsido tho building. The hops are dried In about 11 hours, a saving of 9 hours over the old method. Mr. Morrison received a telegram Saturday Informing him that the hop houses of the E. Clemens Horst Com pany at Wheatland, California, had been totally destroyed by Are. J. M. Grant, Sheriff of Polk county, returned home Saturday from Salem, where he attended the annual meeting of the Oregon Sheriff's Association He became acquainted with many Sheriff's of tiie state and greatly en joyed the meeting. The principal action taken by the officers was the adoption of a resolution to the effect that any of the Sheriffs will respond to an emergency call from the Sheriff of another county in case of conditions which makes assistance necessary, While Sheriffs aro under no legal obligations to go outside their own counties, they have mutually agreed to go to each other's assistance when ever asked to do so. 8 8 8 IS 3 S 3 it ft it i it it it it it it it it it 3 it ? .-C ) JrJ laM fw. Cm WAST! IMIIW? IM TNC MICHAELS-STERN INE CLOTHING UlCHACl, STtftN A CO. We ask that you wait until you have seen our handsome Fall Suits before making your selection. DON'T BUY IN A HURRY Best we've ever seen for the money. Better than you've ever seen, unless you have already been in. They came out of one of the best Tailor Shops in this country, The Michaels-Stem Fine Clothing among tho best in the world. The cut is new, the fabrics are handsome and if you look at these Suits, we'll get your Suit Money, sure. If you do n't look at them you'll miss the BEST. In any event, it will be better to wait until you have seen our Fall Suit show, Farm For Kent. Good farm of 147 acres for rent r. R. HrnEAED, Dallas, Or. The Uglow Clothi tip LEADERS IN MEN'S CLOTHING . AND FURNISHING GOODS miii qtdpitt jt, j jt jt DALLAS, OREGON 2 dtnui - jjj M. D. Ellis left for Klamath Falls, Wednesday, in response to a telegram from Dr. Leo Steiner informing him that a good position had been secured for him in the Government service at a salary of $100 a month. Mrs. Ellis and little son will remain in Dallas for the present. Fine weather has prevailed through out the week and good progress has been made in saving the hop nnd prune crops, Many of the hop men finished work this weok and few hops will remain on tho vines after to morrow night. The crop is of ex cellent quality. Trune drying will last well into October. Are You Ready for that New Set of ISHES? We've got them from $2.75 to $20 a set We can also supply any part of a set from our Open Stock Pat tern. We would bo glad to give you prices at any time. MEISER MEISER Albany, Or. Dallas, Or. BEST GOODS!! I carry a complete line at all times of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Libbey Glass. Every article is of high quality and best workmanship that the market affords. c. hmorris Jeweler and Optician Main Street. - Dallas Oregon dt dt L. F. SAVAGE The new music man in tho small goods department in the Allen & Gillert Ramaker Co's. Music Store has added many new features to his business and prides himself In carrying the very best line of Violins Guitars, Banjos, etc., the market all'ords. Ho is adding daily to his sheet music department, which ho hopes soon to have complete. Our repair department is now complete. Briug your repairs in. SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED M L. F SAVAGE, Proprietor. 217 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon O SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA. BAKING POWDER. FUM0RING EXTRACTS A biehito Purity. niMfmwor, CL055ET ft DEYERS POWTUUKI, OKOHi J. A. Lynch's Barber Shop on flain Street Will give you Tir$t-Ia$$ Work and nice Clean Bttb$ PALM CAFE II. V. Andrews Meals Served at All Hours. Oysters Served Any Style. Main Street. Dallas, Or. FOUR CHOICE CORNER LOTS In Hayter's First Addition to Dallas, for Sale. For prices and terms, enquire of OSCAR HAYTER, Dallas, - - Oregon HARNESS & SADDLES If you desire to groom your horse in the proper style.a har ness shop Is the proper place to buy your outfit. I carry a complete stock of : : : HARNESS, ROBES. BLANKETS WHIPS and can fit you out In short order. Alocarry a full line or Driving and Working Gloves, at from 7Cc to f2.00. ALWAYS KKADY TO DO YOUIl KEPAIRIXO. Frsiiik A, utiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE GOOD NEWS! We are better equipped this fall than ever before to take care of our fast growing business. New lines added and every line strengthened. New line of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Coats Very latest fabrics and popular styles. Will show a snappy line of Dress (Joods at popular prices. Our stock of Footwear is very complete, and sales increasing each year. There must be some reason for it. All lines at right prices. 'ollocli's Cash Store WILSON BLOCK Dallas, - - Oregon