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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1906)
COURT HOUSE NOTES REGISTRATION. The total registration for the prl ru a ry election Id Polk county 19 2359 of which number of voters 1400 are Republicans and 710 are Democrats. The Republican registration Is close to the voting strength of the party i the county, while that of the Demo crats is about 35 per cent less than the vote of two years ago. The registra tlon by precincts, as compared with the 1901 registration, is as follows : No. Precinct 1904 190G 1 Douglas 123 2 JacU-ou 124 1 3 Salt Luke 85 4 Spring Valley 75 55 5 Eola 128 ...127 0 Rickreall 130 ...112 7 South IndeDendence. .172 145 8 South Monmouth 123. ...101 9 Buena Vista 69 78 10 Suver 39 37 11 Luckiamute ....219. ...172 12 Bridgeport 72 75 13 East Dallas 238.... 239 14 McCoy 83 68 15 South Dallas 19G....198 16 North Independence. .238. . . .194 17 North Dallas 164.... 143 18 Rock Creek 25.... 6 20 North Monmouth . .. 97.... 88 Q1 Falls Citv 200.... 272 Total 2590... 235 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J M Wilson and wife to Willamette Valley Lumber Company, 1.82 acres in Dallas, $910. G C Smith and wife to J W DeLap, 10 acres, 1 7 s. r4 w, $109. N H Doty et al toChas KSpauldln Logging Company, 100 acres, 1 9 s, r w, $1. F J Chambers and wife to Chas K Snauldinar Loaaine Company, lan in 1 9 s, r 7 w, $2203. J J McBee and wife to Goo E Cutler, lot in Dallas, $60. W H Conlee to Geo E Cutler, land in 1 7 and 8 s, r 6 w, $500. J U Sumpter to George Swearinger, 23.60 acres, 1 8 s, r 5 w, $400 Margaret Middleton and hd to H E Bergan, land in 1 7 s, r 5 w, $1000. James Plant and wife to Marie Zielke, C8.90 acres, 1 7 s, r 3 w, $3000. United States to G E Waters, 160 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, patent. J J Wiseman to Charlotte Arm strong, lot in Dallas, $900. United States to Saginaw & Mainstee Lumber Company, 40 acres, t 9 s, r w, patent. Julia Ann Ellis et al to George E Sellers, lot in Dallas, $80. T E Caufleld et al to Fred A Koser, land in 1 7 s, r 5 w, $11.50. II R Patterson to L W Robertson lot in Independence, $1. Seth Rjggs to Pierce Riggs, 448.37 acres, 1 6 s, r 4 vv, $1. J W Kirkland and wife to Qeorge F Heck, lot in Independence, $800, L Gerlinger et al to Siletz Timber Company, 10,000 acres, 1 8 s, r 7 and 8 W, $250,000. O&CRRCo to A N Moores, 640 acres, 1 9 s, r 7 w, $3500. H II Jasperson and wife to J L Van Loan, 27.70 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $1850, S M Braley to Lynn E Jones, 42 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $1400.75 E Clemens Horst Company to Chas W Slack, trustee, deed of trust, $40,000.00. A Womer and wifo to Chas Craton et al, trustees, 1 acre, t 9 s, r 6 w, $1. D J Holmes et al to A M Holmes, 1 acre, t 0 s, r 4 w, $1. Anna B Buoll to M II Buoll, 8 acres, 1 8 s, r 0 w, $1 W I Barnum and wife to Emma Craven, 15 acres, 1 6 s, r 5 w, $750. D J Riley to Conrad Stafrin, lot In Dallas, $1000. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable A happy home is the most valunble possession Unit 18 within the reach of mankind, but vou cannot enjoy its oomfortB if you are nitiering from rheu matism. Vou throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those i heiimade pains also hy applying Chain Iwrlain'B rain Balm. One application will nive you relief and its continued use for a short time will brinK about a permanent cure. For sale by Stnfrin Drug Co. Oregon apples are selling at $10 a box in New York. Suffered for Five Years with Kidney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I had dyspepsia and was to constipated that I could not move mv bowels without a cathartic. Iwascured 1 ... I I : ... . . uy iiauiiitTiuina Momacn a ml Liver Tablets and have been well for six months," says Mr. Arthur S. iStrickliitid, of Chattanoopi, Tenn. For sale by Stafrm Drug Co. Human Blood Marks. A tale ot horror was told by murks of human blood in the home of J. VV. VV il lianis. u well known merchant of Bac, Kv. lie write: ' Twenty vears ago bail severe lieuion Imgcd ol the lungs and was near death when 1 began tak irg Dr. Kinn's New Discovery. It com nletelv cured me and 1 have lemained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages Chronic coughs. Settled Colds, and Bronchitis, and is the only known cur for Weak Lungs. livery ooUIu guaran teed by Belt & Cherrington Dniggisls 50u unci lfl.00 Trial boltle tree. Some large tracts of Tillumook couuty land have been sown to oats. Is the Moon Inhabited? Science has proven thut the moon ha an atmosphere, which makes lile in some form uossible on itiat satellite but not lor human ueiugs, who have hard enough time on this eattn 01 ours especially those who don't know tnal Klectriu Hitters cure Headache, ciuous ness Malaria, Chills and ever, Jaun dice, DyBpepsia, Dizziness, Torpid Liver Kidney complaints, General Debility and Female weaknesses. Unequalled as a general tonic appetizer 'or wea persons and especially lor the aged. 1 induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by licit & Chierrington Druggists. Price only 50c. Mrs. D. W. Smith. Whitney, Texas writes Auiil 3. 1UU-': "I have used llerbiue. and find it ihe best medicin for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it." 60c. Sold bv stairm Drug Co. More potatoes than usual are being planted. A Dandy' for Burns. Dr. Bergin, Tana, III. writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended it to mv friends, as 1 am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dandv for bums.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidlv when Mallard a Snow Lini raent is aoulied. It should always be kept in the house for cases of emergency' 25c. 60e and 1.00. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Shaniko is thinking of having elec tric lights soon. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the eeveer winter weatuer both my wite and my self contracted severe colds which speeJilv developed into the worst kirn ol grippe with all its miserable symp' toms, says Mr. J. ft. f,gleston ol Maple Landing, Iowa, "knees and joints ach ing, muscles Bore, bead stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and lever. We begun nsmg Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose ot Cham bei Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip." Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. About 17,000,000 pounds of wool in Oregon this year, bringing about one fifth that many dollars. What good does it do you to eat if your stomach tails to digest the Jood ! None. It does vou harm causes belch' ng, sour stcuach, llatulence, etc When the stomach fails a little Kodo dyspepsia Cure after each meal will digest what vou eat and makes the stomach sweet. I'or sale by all druggists The OnHEBVEtt office wants the print ing you are particular about. Nothing will relieve indigestion that not a thorough digeBtant. Kodol yspepsia Cure digests what you eat, nd allows the stomach to rest recup erate grow strong again. A lew doses of Kodol after meals will soon restore the stomach and digestive organs to a full performance of their functions aturally. For sale'by all druggists. Spring crops generally all right. Devil's Island Torture no worse than the terrible case of es that alllicted me 10 rears. Then I was advised to apply Hucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box permanently u red me, writes L. S. Lanier, of Bugles, Kv. Heals all wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. 25c at l!elt & Cher rington druggists. Men wanted to raeiflc northwest. work all over the The Original. Foley & Co., of Chicago, originate Honey and Tar as a throat and lung medv, and on account of the grea merit and popularity of Foley's Honey ml Tar many imitations are ollered fo io genuine. Iheso worthless unita- una have similar sounding names tewure of them. The genuine Foley' oney and Tar is in a yellow package, sk tor it ami reluse any substitute is the best reined v for coughs and colds, lielt it Cherrington. Health Is Youth. Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age. Herebine taken every morning before breakfast, will keep you in robust health, (it yun to ward off diseace. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, fever skin, lives and kidney com plaints. It purifies the blood and clears the complexion. Ask Blend- your grocer for Bluestem -the famous hard-wheat flour. The most rational remedy for Coughs and Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It acts on the bowels as a mild cathartic expels all col.l from the pys teni. Cuts all phlegm out of the throat, relieves coughs, cold", croup, whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy for child dren equally good for-adults. For sale by all druggists. Lots of coal in Oregon. Don't tie a cough or cold up in jour system hy taking a remedy that binds the bowels. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all other cough syrups. It is better. It opens the bowels expels all cold from the system, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. An ideal remedy for young and old. Children iike it. For sale by all druggists. Spring work in "full blast" all over Oregon. Living indoors so much during the winter months creates a eort of stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in the blood and system generally. Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early Risers. These famous little pills cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify itself. They relieve headache, sallow complex ion, etc. For sale by all druggists. BEST BY TEST '"I have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather." (The nun iml of " writer f JM noKllcitcd Idler niny be hod upon application) Highest Award World's Fair. 1904. The Sign of the Fish A. J. TOWER CO. Boston. U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LIMITED Toronto, Canada Makers ef Warranted Wet Weather Clothing nt I rr v Probably need of more Kill the fruit pests. spraying. If you ever bought a box of Witch Hazel Salve that (ailed to give satisfac tion the chances are it did not have the name "E. C. DeWitt & Co." printed on the wrapper and pressed in the box- The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve never fails to give satisfaction for burns, sores, boils, tetter, cracked hands, etc. tor blind, bleeding, itchinu and protruding Piles it affords almost im mediate relief. It stops the pain. For sale by all druggists. Albany is confident that its de stroyed woolen mill will be rebuilt. Stomach and Liver Trouble Cured. Orino Laxative Fruit Svrup cures stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating these organs ike pills and ordinary cathartics. It cures indigestion and sick headache and ihronic constipation. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or srriue and is mild and pleasant to take. Re luse substitutes, licit & Cherrington. this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREPAID. " ,f K' toZ stitch, double feed, Belt threading shuttle: has automatic bobbin winder and other latest improve ments. This is the A NTI- TRUST MACHINE. Jt is the same machin" agents are akingyon ;ou lor. n attachments go with enrn machine. Sold lor 0111 s push and $3 monthly Write TODAY for free FURNITURE CATALOGUE shmune elegant household goods we will J (Fre'j M Prepaid) on Easy Payments-onr new CREDIT plan. Gevurtz Furniture Gan:sany 173-175 First St., -'OK TI.AM). OK 3" TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar IIayter, Upstairs in Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS, OREGON. A' TTORNKYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set or Abstracts Ir Polk county. Office on Court St. DALLAS, OREGON TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad, Office in Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON Ten per eont loss of sheep in Baker county, estimates the Herald. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lunsrs. "Several vears since my lungs were so badly a fleeted that I had many hem orrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of AVood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. 1 recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the ungs, and prevents serious results from i cold. Refuse substitutes. Belt & Cherrington. A. C. Miller came over Tuesday from Dallas to arrange for moving his family back to this city. Jefferson Review. Attorney at law J. II . Flower, Office next door to Postofflce. DALLAS. OREGON Attorney at law B. F. JONES Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON TTORNEY at law J. L. COLLTXS Main Street, Near Postoffice DALLAS, - - OREGON Hum's This! V.'e offer Cno'rcd Dollars Reward foi ir. mso of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj tiaii's Uatarrli Cure,. V J. CHENEY & CO. , Props ., Toledo, O Wo the undeiaignod, have known F. J. Che ley for tne lust 15 years, and believe him per ect.iy honorable la all business transactions and linancially able to carry out any obliga tions made bv their firm. vVics-ra Tkuax, Wholesale Drujrfrfsts, Toledo, O. uiji.-io, AinnAaoiiaviH, w UUieSMi9 UrUK' eists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly unon the blood and morons Kiirfacaol tne system, rnca, 75c. per botue. Bold by Drumriflta. Testimonials tree. Hull's Family Fills are the best. HARNESS & SADDLES Lot of snow in the Coast mountains et. A Lucky Postmistress Mrs. Alexander, of Gary, Me., who Hops around all sold. Sheridan are about Caught Cold While Hunting a Burg- lar. Mr. Wm.Thos. Lanor.san, provincial vonstaiue at inapieau, Ontario, says: "I caught a severe cold while hunting a burghtr in the forest swamp last fall. Hearinir of Chamberlain's Cough Reme. dy, I tried it, and Hfter using two small Don leg. 1 was completely cured." This remedy is intended esecially Kir roughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a eevere cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite where ever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. has found Dr. King's New Life Rills to be the best remedy she has ever tried or keeping the b'omacb, Liver and oweis in perieei oruer. ou 11 agree ith her if you try these painless nuri Hers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by Kelt & C herrington, druggist. Trice Joe. Grass good and sheep fine in Morrow countv. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block PALLAS ORF.HON Chamberlain's Salve is god for any disease or the skin. It allays the itch ing and burning sensation instantly For sale by Stafrin Prug Co. Taxes almost all paid all over Ore- Ron. ronnrsno:iET"TAit The Richest Man in the World. The richest man in the world can not nave nis kidneys replaced or live with out them, so it is irnportart not to neg lect tnete organs, it roley Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of danger, the srniptons will disappear and vour health will lie restored, as it strengthens nd builds up these organs as nothim? else will. Oscar Bowman. Lebanon Ky., writes: "I have ued Foley's Kid ney Cure and take great Measure in staling it cured me ermantly of kidney disease, which certainlv would have cost me my life." Belt A Cherrington. THE OaiC.'NAL LAXATIV COUirf SYlif KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE H0.EYTA3 t4 Clerw BIumis aaj Boafjr I m Enry aula. If you desire to groom your horse in the proper sty le.a har ness shop is the proper place to buy your outfit. I carry a complete stock of : : HARNESS, ROBES, BLANKETS WHIPS and can fit you out in short order. Also carry a full line of Driving and Working Gloves, at from 75o to $2.00. ALWAYS READY TO DO YOUR REPAIRING. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE HOLLiSTER'S Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy MeJicins for Busy Feopl. BrlnM Golden H-ltli nd Esnewed Vliror. A sp?elno for Constipation. Indirection, Live nd Kiilnev Troubles, l'iniplea. Eozema, Iinpur Blood, Bad Breath, Pluireish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It s Rocky Mountain Tea In tab let form. 8ft cents a box. )nnin k Uoluster Druo Company, Madisoo, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE BEST GOODS!! I carry a complete line at all times of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Libbey Glass. Every article is of high quality and best workmanship hat the market affords. C. H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician Main Street. - Dallas Oregon J)bntist. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby giver. Unit the undersigned hns been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Ellen Smith, deceased, by the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Polk County. All pei sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly vended, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, at the ollieeof the County Clerk of snid Countv, at the County Court House in the City of Dallas, or it t his piace oi nusiness tn vuiiainiug, m Yarn! County, Oregon, within six months from the aaie oi uiis nouee. Dated and tirst published April 6, 191). I'.U L Fl'NDMAX, Administrator of the estate of Ellen Smith, deceased. Address: Willamina, Oregon. Oscar Hayter, attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned mis ocen amy amiointeu administrator of i estate ot r.lcnor tj. l.evens. deceased, bv th'. County Court of Hie State of Oregon, for Polk County. All persons having claims auainst the said esiareiire nerouy nouneci to present the same .in iy vennen.ioeet ner witn the nroner vouchers increior, io ine, at nis residence at ijaimi), in i'ojk i onuiv. urcpoti. within i months from the date of this notice. Hated ana nrst pubusned April ti, l'.ioti FHANK KOtt EI.L, Administrator of the estate of Eieuor S. Levcns, deceased. Address: Dallas. Oregon. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Lund Office, Portland, Oregon. .. . . . March 26, l'.W6. police 13 nereuv Kiven mat in pnm :i. v..c ipiuiio in me net oi Longress of June 8. 17S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, and ashinirton Territnrv " no ed to all the Public Land States by act of August i., josepu i. Aucn, oi rortiand, conutv of Multnomah, Stateof Oreiron. has this this oltiee his sworn statement .So. t.Ml. for the vnase ot tne south one-half of S. W i.of tion No. I in Townshio No. 7 South No. 6 West, and will otter nroof tn shnu.-'ii,ot .. land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land heforo th Keirister and Receiver at Port Inn, 1 on Thursday, the Jlst day of June. " ' lie names as witnesses- A u i)ueu, nrvgon; 4. sici aliister. gon: iarl Cline, of Portland mtth.of Buoll, Oregon, Anv and all persons c!nimini a.i,-A.n7n bove-deseribed lands are requested to file"thoir claims iu this oilice on or Imi'.im .,.. .i ... of June, 16. un) ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. of of Dallas, Ore i Oregon; Jacob 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE U VMM 'I r FOR COUGii FOR THROAT sOUIO THE WONDER WORKER n I OJirt. Li. Ii Arm I "-urjcs CHAS. EBY, SR., oi Elizabeth, III., writes: "I paid out over $160 to local phy. siclans, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED? Trial Bcftles Fret SOLD m HEGOiiEIIDED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON Notice For Publication. Land Office at Portland, Oregon. February L'4, 11)00. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to inai;e final nroof ill support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Comity Clerk of Polk County, at Diilhis, Oregon, on Anril Hi. 190ti. viz: William V. Tillotson 11. No. 1280 for the W. X. E. )i and E. i N. W. Section 17, T. 7 S. 11. (1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reside nee upon and cultivation of said land viz: George I'. Coulee, of Dallns, Oregon: .M. A. Con It e. ot Knell, Oregon ; Ander son Ilinshnw, of Buell, Oregon; h. E. Urnley, of Buell, Oregon. AI.UEKNO.N S. KKK8SKK, Register. Notice for Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. United States Land OHice, Portland, Oregon, December 1.1, 11105. Notice is hereby siven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June :;, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as e tend ed to nil the Public Land States bv act of August 4, 18112, Nellie Hayes, of Dallas, county of Pollc, i State of Oregon, has is day tiled in this oilice her sworn statement So. 0727, for the purchase of the S. W. .-4' ol sec tion No. 8 in township No. 7 S. range No. 7 W.. and will otl'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land uetore the Countv Clerk of Polk Comiiy, Oregon, at his oilice at Dallas, on Mon day, the liith day of April, VM. She mimes as witnesses: Peter Benr. of Dallas. Oregon; Win. Mcllurdv, of Dallas, Oregon; lin McDonald, of Dallas. Oregon: William Hayes, of Dallas, Oreeon. Any and all persons clainun? noveraclv the above-desciibed hinds are requested to file their claims in this olhce on or before snid tilt h day of April, 11106. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. Nancy C. Blown, Plaintili, vs. Cirauville M. Brown, Defendant, Summons. To Oranville M. Brown, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above-entitled Court mid suit within six weeks from Ihe date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: i .oi... .1 f mil.:. .....1 it i uu oi ueiore ine ibi uhj oi .)mu, i.hfu, huh ai you lull so io answer, tor oni inereoi ine plaintili will apply to the Court for a decree as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit: That the'marringe contract now and heretofore exist ing between the plaintili' and the defendant be dissolved and annulled: nud that the plaintlit may have such other anil further relief as to the Court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This summons, by order of the Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the (ith day of March, P.IOO, is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately prior to the 21st day of April, 11106, in the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper of general circulation, published weekly at Dallas, in sain county. The nine ot tne nrst publlca tion ot tins summons is 3iarcn u, niuo. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for Plaintiff Executors' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed executors of the estate of Samuel Coad, deceased, by the County ; Luuri, oi me Biaie oi uregon, lor roiK county. All persons having claims against the said i estate are hereby notihed to present the same duly verified, together with the proper vouchers I uierciur, io me unoersigned, in tne City ol ! Dallas, in snid Countv. witnin six mouths tram tne dine oi tins notice. Dated and lirst published March 2, 11KX!. V. J. COAD, C. . COAD, Executors of the estate of Samuel Coad, deceased. N. L. Butler, Attorney. KING OF AIL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN J H 1 -J fTirp JOINTS, CONTRACTED MUSCCL. SPRAINED mm: !: READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE Erl'o n, Tch -nffliCote? with rheumatism, writes m. Nud, Iowaville, SedewickCo Jr. bout on crutches and suffering f, TeS Sofia S,"' after nsmg three 50c bottles ITIS THW THREE SIZES: 25r. in A WT CP 1 BALLARD NOW UNIMEOT CO. w Ofc i. WT,u . . f m''a'ft iitr- ft.- n"1!" "rm. r SOLD AND RECOMMENDEtTry STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY n n J' SR aid a III Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Btt i for the County of Polk o( fenilint.11' "t""""i11' U,i In the name of the State of Orewnmn. hereby required to appear and S, plaint of the above-named plaiiitlfflntK entitled Court, now on l ie V ith o, nkJ" saitl Court, within six week from he w ' o March, 11KW, the tWte of the T I ,S of t h s sununons, and you are herety i 2 that if you fall to appear and answer p aint as hereby required, the plaintili ft ply to the Court for the relief prayed orl ! complaint, to-wlt: 'iiii That the bonds of ma'rimony now between plnintilf and defendant te q3 and that plaintili' have the care and c2 l the minor children, and her costs and diibit, nients in said suit. This summons is published by thorite,' the Honorable Kd F. Coad. Jndi nt ih.c... Court of the State of Oregon for Polk Cow I made at Chambers in Dallas, Omron h i County, on the 28th day of February m The day of the first publication of suiiimoi f ik uie zhu uay oi aiarcn, iWHi, and of Ihf :i puuucaiion inereoi toe ltn day of April m I J. F. YATES, j Attorney tor I'laiutif I Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the underiis has been duly appointed administrator ofu estate of Moses Allen, rieceasi'd, by the Code: Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk Cotintj. All persons having elaima against then; estate are hereby notified to present the ai duly verilied, together with the proper therefor, to the undersigned, at the ollieeof:!,. County Clerk of said County, at tbel'ooit Court House in the City of Dallas, or it it place of business in Willamina, in Yamti County, Oregon, within six months talk date of this notice. Dated and tirst published March 30, 1906. PAUL FUNDJIAS, Administrator of the nM Moses Allen deceased. Address: Willamina, Oregon. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the ondmlntii has been duly appointed administrator of Ik estate of Mary Ann Melzgar, formerly Mary An Sanssouci, deceased, by ihe County Courtof lis State of Oregon, for 1'olk County. All persons having claimi against Ihe Mi! estate art; hereby notilied to present theut duly verified, together with the ptojjer vouehrn therefor, to the undersigned, at his lawofc in the City of Dallas, in said County, vituian months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published March '2, 19 OSCAR HAYTER. Administrator of the estsie of Mary Ann M, formerly Sanssouci, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersN SnWndnii .h.iw.iiiKmI hi 1m iiiistratiit oi IB estate of John Smith, deceased, by Ihe Court of the Wtate of Oregon, lor 1'olk W All i,.u.,i,a hm lucr elnims Hirillllst m" estate are hereby notified to present tneam duly verilied, together with the properwucM therefor, to the undersigned, nt the' J County Clerk of said Countv. at the WW Court house in the City of Dallas, ora ni.jw of business in Willamina. in '""'".fS Oregon, within six mouths from the dateoliu. notice. ... . 1Mt Dated and first P"8"""' Administrator of the of John Smith, liefesw Address: Willamina, Ofl Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice to Creditors. Notice is herebv given that the nas been auty appoiiueo o..." -f ,., estate of Dick Tipton, deceased, bv i M Court of the State of Oregon, for PoU j" All persons having claims ' ",. nutntu dpd li.r.hv notihed tO prtntlli " duly verified, togethei wit h the -proper , therefor, to the nnitersigiieil, nt theomi i ot sum ohm (1tt the Citv 01 hum, Countv Clerk court House in ine io "'." . y.jisi nlc nf liiiaiiicss in Wlllainiiia. m ' fe County, Oregon, within six months in date ot this notice. . . t,, Dated and tirst publisnen fm Administrator oltjjg of Dick Tipton, dece Address: Willamina, W Oscar naytcr, Attorney 23ACURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Th8 $ 1 .00 bottle contains 2H times the trial iize, which sells for 50 6 PREPARED ONLY AT THB tAlORATORY Ot , E. C. DeWfTT c nnun a w -'HTCAGOi B" or Sale by Druggists. J. G. VanOrsdel&SonP2-00 Trade Marks 'HtH Copyrights Ac AnTon sn(1tr sketch and Oewrtntton nv qnioiiy ascertain our opinion free whether an invitl.)n is probably patentah'o. Commnnifa lM)titncilye.)nBdential. M4NCBDr,K on Patent fni fr. tK1w aveney lor securing patent. t'aretu taken tbrvB.:h Muim A iv tft.u notic, without cbtve, lathe scuntmc mmm. A handsomer HlntTtl wek'T. T ttmi -i- cnlanon of anv (K-ientitic oun;at. Tertsi, a,i a yonr: f-or montha, L 6v14 by a. I newadealero. ruUsNHCo.""-" New York Braacn Oilice, fiS V SW WashUutoe, D. c. DEALERS IX timber ana jam um and City Pre rerty. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. iaxatlyo Payslor the ObW and the Weekly OrtP. n-wr. Iuordertot advantage of this liberal offer. - theOBSEBVB"'"- gubscriwn""- subscription to paid up to date. R. C. Craven, Pres. W. G. Dallas Sii; Vassal Exchanges bougnt & points. Special attenUon lections. The new Laxativc that docs not .grip; or nauseate. Fleasant to taKe. MSI Frail Svrnn Cures Stomach and trouble a. Chronic Const:;-2'" For Sale by BELT & CHERRING TON