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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
HTX UNT I i iff XL VOL. XVIII DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 6, 1906 NO 4 .FOLK y Ji. V Spring Time-Spring Goods Everything new and snappy for Spring wear. Get in early and get ready for Easter. We are showing all our new Spring Goods now. All the new and fancy weaves and colors in Dry Goods, both wool and cotton. New Greys in plaid and plain. New Trimmings, new Rib bon, new gloves, new Shirt Waists, new Skirts and Jackets. : New Clothing, Hats Shoes, Ties and Shirts : for Men. We are anxious to show you the new goods, aud assure you they are right. Your Money's Worth or Your j Money Back DALLAS MERCANTILE COMPANY i Dallas. Oregon i Get Your Fare Paid to Falls City We can save you your fare on a bill of goods amounting to ($5) FIVE DOLLAKS. Besides you will be sure and get what you want. We are not offering' any 10 days sale but 365 days of bargains out of every year. If you want new up-to-date goods, we have them. If you want bargains in broken lines, we have them. 1 Id rearranging our enormous stock we have sorted out all broken J. ... i . 1 .i ec . " J ! i ; e3 ana ail sneJI worn goons inese we uif oueriug a sauiuiue. ft la as important to save as it is to earn, if you fail to see our Spring line of ladies' ready to wear goods you are missing a chance to save. We have Men's and Boys' Clothing i ma range of prices that Ml rwK itJdUU (til. . . I We are after your trade and we aim to get it fjy honest aud fair dealing and we only ask you to call and compare us with others. ! We pay the highest market prices for farm produce. THE BIG STORE A. LUCAS, FALLS CITY, ORE. STOVES AT COST J Complete line of "Universal" Stoves ! must be sold in the next 60 days to i make room for another line. I j A Guarantee Bond with Every 1 "Universal" Range. sVaughn Weaver Wiseman's Old Stand, DALLAS, - - OREGON FREE LIBRARY NOTES Cash Donations Are Received and More New Books Added to Shelves. rrf r J- f-ts t- Remember Primary Day April 20 and that a vote for ISAAC A. ALLEN for Sheriff will be gratefully appreciated. -ot, L. PEAR.CE "andidate for Republican omination as Secretary of late. Pledged to careful ad "instration of the duties of "e office with strictest econ- consistent -with efficient ervice. W. J. STOWE, truckman, uUn of au kinds at reasonable ft n T 7-7 . y- .- -EZ.A' Buy on O radii? . ffcn Machine for $25 mis "7t,vVi.ih-. drop ... ttnraitn . , ..n Krinf. 1 00- FREIGHT PBETAIO. ball beMlng, lof,V ,titc, double tejea, TR-ST MACHINE. It Write TOMY for fJ ro.Wbi M " bonhold jr"? e. "EDIT t""n Cevurtz "'"'"Sbtlasd. or. mi First M-t r na-i " The Dallas Public Library grate fully acknowledges cash donations of $5 each from the Eastern Star and Eebekah Lodges. A janitor has recently been em ployed, and ladies who are assisting a9 librarians need onlv be at the library in the afternoon from 2 to 5 o clock, and in the evening from 7 :30 to 9 :30 o'clock. ; All Traveling Library books are being withdrawn from circulation for the present. A set of 55 volumes will be returned to Salem soon, aud on April 17 an entirely new set will be re ceived from there. During Mrs. George Gerlineer's absence in California, Mrs. Dr. Mark Hayter and Mrs. Louis Gerlinger. Jr., will have charge of the library. The following new books have been purchased : A Broken Sword King Heroes of Iceland French The Christian Caine Nedra McCutcheon Blix Frank Norris Gulliver's Travels Swift Janice Meredith Ford A Bookful of Girls-Fuller Wings of the Morning Tracy Chinese Boys and Girls Holland The Painted Desert Monroe Raft Mates Monroe St Elmo Evans Gordon Keith Page Little Lord Fauntleroy Burnett Men of Old Greece Hall The Resurrection Tolstoi Bebecca Mary Don nell An Apache Princess King The Bath Comedy Castle The Mississippi Bubble Hough The Grey Cloak MacG rath Tales from Shakespeare Lamb Amy in Acadia Keed Connection With Corvallls. J. M. Staats, superintendent of con struction of the IndependentTelephone System between Dallas and Corvallis, was in town Saturday. He is work ing to secure a commercial wire be tween these two points, and is meeting with hearty encouragement in his efforts. Corvallis and Dallas have had mutual telephone connection through party wires for several years, but the demand for a purely com mercial wire is now becoming of great importance. The expense of the im proved service will be small, as the poles are already up. Mr. Staats found the people of Dallas wide awake to the necessity of the improvement, and received hearty promises of assistance in the enterprise. Monthly Weather Report. TJ. S. Weather Bureau, Falls City Station. Following is the weather record for March, 1906: Maximum temperature, 67 degrees on the 9th. Minimum temperature, 21 degrees on the 15th. Precipitation, 4.31 inches. Snowfall, 3.8 inches. FRANK BUTLER, Co-Operative Observer. E. V. CARTER ASHLAND, ORE. i: -. .. :: ' y v r ' W Candidate for Republican Momination for STATE TREASURER. How to Reduce Your Taxes. Mr. Carter says : "Oregon has never received any of the interest paid od its money. If elected State Treasurer, I will pay over to the state every dollar of interest earned on its funds whether a law be passed requiring me to do so or not This will result in a saving to the taxpayers of this state of from $15,000 to 120,000 per annum. "I am not the candidate of any clique, faction, organization orsociety. Eastern Oregon. Multnomah county and the northern section of the state have many candidates for U. S Senator and for the other state and district offices-and it is a reasonable claim that Southern Oregon isentiUed to this place on the ticket" Observes printing. None better. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH 8VUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE H0NEYTA3 J r..-- mm tflft B1L PR0HIS NAME TICKET Pass Resolutions Opposing Proposed Amendment to Local Option Law. Prohibitionists of Polk county to the number of 16 met in the court house Saturday and nominated a county ticket. V. P. Miller presided over the deliberations of the meeting, and W. P. Dyke was elected secretary. Resolutions expressing disapproval of the proposed amendment to the local option law were -passed, and after a lengthy discussion it was de cided to put out a county ticket. Dr. C. C. Poling, O. H. Cobb and H. S. Butz, the committee appointed to select candidates for county officers, reported the following ticket : Representative Rev. D. M, Metzger, of Dallas. Sheriff A. N. Poole, of Monmouth. Clerk W. P. Miller, of Dallas. Treasurer Elder A. H. Dodd, of Falls City. Commissioner J. R. Fawk, of Rickreall. Assessor Taylor Halleck, of Mon mouth. The following resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote : Resolved, That the licensed saloon is the greatest evil iu America today, and that we declare ourselves un alterably opposed to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Resolved, That we favor the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. Resolved, That we stand for law en forcement and believe that all laws WOULD BAR OUT TRUSTS "Place All Such Combinations of Capital Under Ban of Law, ' says H. M. Cake. "Every combination of capital known as a trust should be placed under the ban of the law ; not only should trust corporations themselves be barred from doing business, but the in dividuals responsible for the combi nations should be punished as pro vided by law." says H. M. Cake, candidate for United States Senator. There is probably no man in the state of Oregon more pronounced in his opinions upon this subject than Mr. Cake, as evidenced by his actions and past utterances. He is not the attorney for, is not interested in, nor does he represent, directly or indirectly, any trust. He believes in the absolute freedom of competition in all lines of business the preservation of the equal rights of the entire citizenship of the country free from interference by combinations of capital. Mr. Cake is a firm believer in the right of the American workingman to protect himself by means of labor organizations ngainst the oppressions of organized capital. The great common people of the country can depend upon it that Mr. Cake is friendly to their interests, for he is one of the common people. He is friendly to every section and Interest of the state, and if elected to the Senate, will do everything he can for the development and prosperity of all Oregon. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE FROn POLK AND LINCOLN COUNTIES. r i X I 1 should be impartially enforced. Resolved, That we favor the direct tirimaru inn hut ask for the extension of its privileges to all political parties. Resolved. That we favor the Local Option Law as It now stands on the statute books and are unalterably op nnaprl t.n the nroiiosd amendments to this law, and that we heartily appre ciate the work or Senator J-ougnary in helping to defeat the Jayne amend ment in the last Legislature. You feel the life giving current the minute vou take it. A gentle soothing warmth, fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Belt & Cher- rlngton. RALPH W. HOYT FOR STATE TREASURER The administration of the affairs of the treasurshiD of the state ia sought by Ralph W. Hoyt of Portland, who, it appears, is leading in the race for the nomination. He is fitted by a long and successive conservative caieer as a banker for the guardian ship of the funds of the state, and his record has never been regarded other than the very best. He believes that the tax funds should be impartially divided among the different banks in each county and that one institution hould not be favored to the exclusloa of all others. This policy was first instituted by him when he was elected treasurer of Multnomah county, and In that responsible post he acquitted himself with entire satisfaction to all concerned. He is a staunch Republi can, and by bis unselfish devotion to party principles and the fact that he has never sought for rewards at the hands of the voters of the state, he has won the esteem of men of influence regardless of their affllliations. Caution Take Noticel On the primary election ballot there will be two United States Senators to be voted for one to fill the vacancy for the short term, and one for the long term. Don't get them confused. Mr. Fred W. Mulkey is a candidate to fill the vacancy (for the short term only.) Bluestem Blend flour buy it and try it. The Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while. You take SCOTTS EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. 1 1 soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT SEOWliE, Aw Writ 1 )yOt si. 3 Qy . ,. . r- j: - m r:r .1 . u W4 Made from Pute Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder of highest reputation; found by the United States Government tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able and is most economical in practical use. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are "cheap." Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold to consumers at the highest price. Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances the powder whose goodness and honesty are never questioned? Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or other adultcred powder to save a few pennies ? ROYAL BAKIN POWDCR CO., NZW YORK J. H. FLOWER FOR REPRESENTATIVE. In J. H. Flower, the people of Polk county have a candidate for the Legislature who is not controlled by any ring or faction. He has lived in Oregon 15 years and in Polk county over four years. He is a Republican straight from principle. He takes an active interest in all public questions and states his position fearlessly. Mr. Flower is a good speaker, and is well qualified by education and experience to represent Polk county iu the next Legislature. He worked his way, un aided, through the law department of Columbia college of New York, his native city, and has met with success in his practice. He favors among other things, taxing franchises; nine months' school for all districts, thus giving the child of the farmer the same advantages as those of the town resident, aud is opposed to four normal schools. If elected, he will faithfully and fairly represent Polk county and do all in his power for the benefit of the state. A vote for J. II. Flower will be a vote for a courageous, honest and able man. All smart up-to-date women of today ; Know how to bake, wash sing and to play; Without these talents a wife Is N. O. Unless Bhe takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Belt & Cherrington. WILLIS S. DUNIWAY Bicycle Supplies f ; ; :.. , " t I CANDIDATE FOR STAT Id I'RlNlbR at Republican Primary, April 20. 1906. "I hereby pledge the people of Ore gon a great reduction of the enormous cost of the offce, if elected, and I de clare upon my honor that I shall seek neither to perpetuate old abuses of the office or engage in new schemes to loot the treasury" Willis S. Dunlway. "Willis 8. Duniway is a man of sterling integrity and thorough knowledge of the printing business." Portland Labor Press. This is the season of llstlessncss, headaches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Belt & Cherrington. For Joint Representative. To the Voters of Lincoln and Polk Counties : I hereby announce myself a Re publican candidate for the office of Joint Representative for Lincoln aud Polk counties, subject to the will of the voters at the nominating primary to be held April 20, 1S0C. 15. F. JOXLS. If you need new tires for your wheel, come and see me. I handle "THE RACYCLE" the best wheel made. Come and examine it and convince yourself of its superiority over other bicycles, and you will save money. C. RISSER, Dallas, Oregon. TTOKNKY AT LAW. Oscar Haytkr, Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill St DALLAS, OREGON. TTORN-YS AT LAW. SlHLEY & EAKIN, The only reliable aet or Abstracts la Polk county. Office on Court St DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW En. F. Coad, Office In Courthouse DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS. OREGON. TTOIINEY AT LAW J. H. Flower, Office next door to Postofflce. DALLAS. OREGON jYttohney at Law B. F. JONES Office In Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON TTORNEY at law J. L. Collins Main Street, Near Fostoffloa DALLAS, - OREGON JgNTIBT. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher ot PIANO Aim OSGAlf Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON CurtJ Cold-, Croup and bping Cou. let CleTor BwM-i- -