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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
7 PolS County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHERi Published Weekly at 11.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. DVLLA8, OREGON, Apbii. 6, 1906 The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ' ronize Dallas people. According to recent dispatches from Washington, Senator Fulton Is not one of those Republicans who care so little for party principle that they would be willing to see a Eepublican legislature meet In Salem and send Democrat to the United States Senate. Senator Fulton has always been staunch advocate of the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people, and it Is safe to assume that he stands ready with his voice and vote to assist in changing the National constitution so as to bring about the greatly desired change. But it is evident that the idea of one party electing a member of another to the senate finds no favor with him. He says, if the dispatch quotes correctly : "I am not prepared to discuss statement No. 1, having given it no critical examination. cannot assume, However, that it was the intention of the people In voting for the law that a Republican legis lature would under any circumstances elect a Democratic senator, or vice versa." J. H. Ackerman for Superintendent of Public Instruction and O. P. Hoff for Labor Commissioner will have no opposition for nomination and elec tlon. Mr. Ackeiman has already served two terms of four years each. He has accomplished grand results for the public school system of Ore gon, and the people, irrespective of party affiliation, desire to have the good woik continued. While the honor of a third term of this important office without opposition is one of which any man might well bo proud, it is really the public schools of the state that uie to be congratulated upon having such a competent man con tlnued at their head. Mr. Hoff has done much for the laboring classes, and has proved himself a worthy and industrious officer. The limiting of the time of voting to the afternoon hours was another rank bluuder on the part of the f ramers of the Direct Primary Law. In precincts like Falls City, North Independence, the threo Dallas pre cincts, and other precincts casting upwards of 300, votes it will prove a difficult matter to give all au oppor tunity to vote in the few hours that the polls will be open. Voters should bo at the polls as early as possible to avoid a rush at the closing hour, and should make a careful study of their ballots in advance, so that they may make no mistakes in marking the namos of the candidates for whom they desire to vote. For probably the first time in the history of Polk county, the Democrats will have no candidates in the field for the offices of County Clerk and County Treasurer this year. No effort has been made in any quarter to arouse opposition to Clerk Smith and Treasurer Beezley, buton the contrary, the voters, regardless of party, have shown a desire to have both continued in office for another term. A splendid tribute of confidence and approval, and one that is well deserved. The Prohibition Ists nominated a candidate for County Assessor at their convention, Saturday, the distin guished honor falling upon Taylor Halleck, of Monmouth. Is this an attempt to root Assessor Graves out of office two years before his term ex pires, or are the brethren merely put ling up tnoir candidate now in order to give him plenty of time to season for the campaign of 1908? INDORSES SCHOOL FAIRS There is 'great activity in Yamhill, Polk and other counties on the part of county Bchool superintendents to de velop county school fairs. The idea is a practical one. The children are supplied with seeds, set to planting and growing things that are of use to the community. All kinds of vegetables and articles of farm produce are to be planted, cultivated and grown by the children, and in the fall, at the county seat, a school fair will be held, at which prizes will be award d. This stimulates the industrial spirit and the schools are made more prac tical, and the idle time of the children is em ployed. They learn to work with their bands, aod their brains are made practical. In some counties the prizes are ex tended to cookery. There is no reason why there should not be given an in dustrial turn to the common schools. The Grange has long contended that agriculture and horticulture should be taught in the schools, and these county superintendents who are making this beginning should be en cou raged. Salem Journal. A Va Tl: '.cahXz Agent. TICKETS MADE UP Complete List of Those Who Aspire to Various Offices In Polk County. The lime for filing nominating peti tions for county offices ended at o'clock Wednesday afternoon. No petitions other than for precinct com mitteemen were'flled on the last day. The following is a complete list of the names that will appear on the primary tickets for Polk county at the election two weeks from today : REPUBLICAN TICKET For Representative B. H. MeCallon, of Dallas J. H. Flower, of Dallas Curtis L. Hawley, of McCoy For Sheriff M. D. Ellis, of Dallas U. L. Frazer, of.Independenco I. A. Allen, of Rickreall For Commissioner John B. Teal, of Falls City For Clerk E. M. Smith, of Dallas For Treasurer J. E. Beezley, of Dallas For Surveyor J. P. VanOrsdel, of Dallas For Conner R. L. Chapman, of Dallas For i ustices of the Peace J. R. Shepard, of Zena Frank Butler, of Falls City II. G. Keyt, of rerrydalo Hardy Holinan, of Dallas Andy Wilson, of Independence For Constable C. C. Garfield, of West Salem J. H. Moran, of Monmouth Marion Putnam, of Eola For Committeemen Falls City, F. K. Hubbard; Spring Valley, J. W. Hodson ; Jackson, G. J. Sargeaut; Salt Lake, D. L. Keyt; South Dallas, G. W. McBee; East Dallas, I. F. Yoakurn ; North Dallas, II. L. Toney ; Bridgeport, J. W. Lee; South Independence, J. Dornsife; North Independence, R. II. Knox Lueklainuto, C. V. Johnson; Eola, C. L. Pearce; McCoy, G. L. Kelty ; Rickreall, W. E. Clark ; Buena Vista, II. M. Nash; North Monmouth, E. H. Hosner; South Monmouth, H. D. Whitman. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Representative W. L. Gilson, of Bridgeport For Sheriff J. M. Grant, of Dallas For Commissioner James Simonton, of Rickreall For Committeemen South Dallas, J. M. Lynn; Salt Lake, J. II. Jones; Spring Valley, W. D. Henry. Statement No. 1 wasn t a winner In Polk county. The voters of old Polk oouldn't swallow that dose of U'Ren- Brownell Populism. It was asking too much. Sales of postage stamps in Portland last month were nearly $0000 greater i. jl. .i. i iiiuu iui (i uui retifHuiuiug monui last year. Oregouian. Due, doubtless, to Millionaire Bourne's effort to break Into the United States Senate. Rheumatism Is cno of tho constitutional diseases. It manifests itself in local aches and pains, inflamed joints and stiff nusclcs, tut it cannot to cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment acting through tho Hood, and tha best is a cocrso cf the great medians Ho o d's SarsapariHa which has permanently cnrc3 t&ovsascs cr cases. For testimonials of remarked. ! cures Sa4 for Book on Rheumatism. No. 7, L Hoq4 Co LowcU, INDEPENDENCE NOTES Miss FlorenceBurton returned Wed nesday from a two weeks' visit In Dallas. Miss Sadie Craven has returned from Southern California, where she spent the winter. Vei n Bartlett and family left Tues day for Walla Walla, w here they will make their home. The women of the Christian church will hold their annual bazaar at the opera house, April 13. G. A. Wileox has purchased proerty at the corner of Railioad and E streets and will build a residence. Miss Laurie Burnett, of McMiun ville, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. I). Whiteaker and Mrs. C. W. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Wagoner re turned to Portland, Tuesday, after a visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Dr. W. R. Allin. Riley Craven and family went to McMiuuvillo, Tuesday, where Mr. Craven will be uiauager of R. M. Wade & Co. 'a hardware btore. Miss Katherine Joues, Mrs. Nell Graves and Mrs. Hattie Henkle are delegates to the Eebekah Assembly. which will meet in Portland in Mav. Notice to Voters. Commencing today and continuing until the eveniug of April 9, Couuty Clerk Smith will keep his office opeu each evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. He d.s this for the accommodation of laboring men w ho have noopportunity to register during the working hours of the day. Register cow and avoid nnoojHUtv on ehvtion day. flvccriue employed in Dr. Pierce's r !;.: ' .i at. enhances Uie meai-C'-J-ii on-' which it extracts and 1 ; ;, mi much l etter than alco L ! ?: v.ild. It clu i'(irt(S fs rvlicinal ji-.,t. -vies cf its own. U'insr a vr'uablo (!.'! -.:iit 1j . .iuive. ."! l.w ,.tk' a'tii anti f.Ts . . V, : ...; (Ten t;y to tii" cfiioacy of l.. Cirrrylj: rU, Gulden Seal rr-Dt, Mono r:xt and ::rcr.Y. root, con t.'.i'! '. in"Cidi'"ii lit din.! 1 ircovc.-y" in t'.'y.- -15 cl:r:M'.ie, or iir- iv.g coughs, 1 ro i.'d, l'. :'-)i't mil hint? affections, fc:- . !i of wl:i' h thf .m iv mis are recoia-nv-.v: I by staudr.rd mei xr.l authorities. In ( ,1 Ciiscr. where there is a wasting flv,-:v cf loss of cpiotite, with wcz'.i r,to!r..-.t!i. vs in tho er.rly ft.iffcs of crn-iiniption, re cm l-.n nodii;!.t that jivrc: Iho act ; r.i avr.iaaMa nutritive end cids the Geiuin Soul rcxit. Htone root, Quce-.i's root i'.nd Blark Chrrrytark in i romotir.T i'i" .'tion a:: 1 r iding up tho Unhand str'-n-th, control;: tho cough and l.rin.':: ;;Untt a lie, ltky condition of tl. J whole system. Cf cor.rre. it must not t o expected to v.or!; miracle---. It will not cure consumption except in its earlier V:gr . It v. i:l cure very severe, obstin ate, chronic coughs, bronchial aj:d laryn 1 trouUe. and cliroi.ic sorO throat with hoa !;'.( :-,e;-.3. In acute couplis it is r. ;l so efioctive. It U i:i the-lingering c:i:':.s, or liioso of long st::ndii;s", even r'.i.-v; acco:-.;;;i:i:ieI by Meedins from 1 that it lina performed its most r .irvelous cure:;. im for and read tho l:;Uc l:oo!c of c:-:trac'.:5, (reaiing of the rrosierties and uk ls of the sevcrrl med . ''.':. root ; that enter into Dr. Pierce's Golden Sledical Discovery and learn ivhy this medicine has such a wide range of -olicatioii in the cure of diseases, It is ?ci,d free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, l.i .'., N. Y. The "Discovery" con tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-form-i: ? drug. Ingredients ail printed on each Lottie wrapper in plain Engli. h. Nick people, especially those suffering f rsim diseases of lon'j ;-tandin. are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, five. All ce; resnondence is held as strictly privato a . i frieiedly confwlep.lial. Address Dr. I;. V. . ieico. Iii!i",':-.lo. X. V. Dr. Dierc.i'a Medical Advisor isrontrec on reeeipi of stamps to pay expense of m:iir.:r.; on?;. Send 21 ono-ceiit stamps f it 'v per "(ivercd, or CI stamps for cloth btr.ihd copy. COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE Estate of F. L. Brown, deceased re port filed and approved. Guardianship of E. E. Arant bond hied and approved. Estate of Ellen Smith, deceased in ventory tiled and approved. Estate of Alsea Bill, deceased in ventory filed and approved. Estate of Harbin Cooper, deceased nnal account approved. Estate of Elenor S. Levens, de ceasedFrank Rowell appointed ad ministrator; Hardy Holman, T. J. Hayter and J. J. Williams appointed appraisers. Estate of Thomas Pearce, deceased semi-annual account filed. Estate of W. R. Birks, deceased ad ministratordischarged and bondsmen exonerated. Estate of S. W. Fletcher, deceased final account approved and distribu tion ordered. Guardianship of Edna L. Brown petition for sale of real property set for hearing May 12, at 1 o'clock p. m. Estate of William McMillan, de ceasedfinal account approved and distribution ordered. . COMMISSIONERS' COURT In the matter of the petition of W. A. Sloan and others asking for an elec tion to bo held on June 4 to determine whether the sale of liquor shall be prohibited in Polk county ordered thtit the praver of the petitioners be granted and that the question be placed on tho ballot. Bond of Road Supervisor in District No. 8 approved. J. R. Moyer was appointed a judge of election in Falls City precinct in place of J. B. Teal, who is a candidate for County Commissioner. CLAIMS ALLOWED ROADS AND HIGHWAYS W T Eakin. $3.11: J H Mulkev, $5.05: E C Kirkpatrick. $4.60: Pohle & Bishop, $19.75 ;0 & W Sewer Pipe Go., $48.90; Percy Hadley, $13.50. SALARY AND EXPENSE Tracy Staats, $17.60: B Wilson. $8.55; J E Beezley, $62.50; W S Cary, $59; A N Holman, $65; H B Cosper, $67.50; J B Nunn, $33.50; 0 S Graves, $102; W A Ayres, $25; J K Guttry, $30; W T Pearce. $53.38: J L Hanna. $39.40; A M Arant, $40.80; A M Trent, $46.18; Mrs U N Lioughary, $11.25; Ed FCoad, $66.70; E M Smith, $140.73; L.Htarr, $151.98 ; J T Ford. $173.66: M A Ford, $50. PAUPER ACCOUNT Mrs S E Robinson. $12 : Gertie Wil Hams, $G;CE Huntley, $58.75; D G nieauor, yn. COURTHOUSE ACCOUNT Dallas Electric Liaht Co.. $25: Dallas Water Co.. $10: Vaughn & Weaver, $1. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Irwin-IIodsou Co.. supplies. $53.15 C G Goad, postage, $04 ; Glass & Prud- nouime, supplies, $lu6.75 ; Dr T V B Embree, examining insane. $2: Belt & Cherrington, supplies. $31.40: West Side, printing, $7.75; W A Wash, printing, $6.30; Observer, printing, Fine Spring Opening. A. grand display of Summer goods was made at the Spring opening of the Dallas Mercantile Company, Sat urday, ine windows aud Interior were beautifully decorated with all the new, fancy goods for spring and summer wear. Dainty weaves and shades in silk and wool suitings were much in evidence. A tine display of the soft, gauzy cotton goods so much in demaud this season was also made. The store is overflowing with new ai d pretty things for the spring buyers. Much credit is due the Company's buyer for selecting su'-h a tine stock of goods, aud, judging from the crowd that was in attendance Satur day, the people enjoy shopping at this popular stoie. Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stallion "Albon" will make the season of 1905 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $10, $13 and $20. W. II. McDaniel is prepared to furnish pastuP for mares. HUBBARD & Mo DAN I EL, Dallas, Oregon. "Lambert Boy 4192." The noted Morgan horse "Lambert Boy 4192" will make the season of 'M6 as follows : Independence, Vd nesdays and Thursdays ; Dallas, Fri days "and Saturdays; remainder of time at Turner" near Airlie. J. W. BROWN, Owner. Card of Thanks. We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to the people of DalIa- for l the ruanv klndness shown during the lat illness and nfter the death of Ilodc! CvSCnSia ClirO our niol,ur. assuring them that their . J f . i assistance as gratefully appnviated. E'JSlU hat you eat. 1 Ma. and Mrs, Fras Roweli. Dies In Asylum. Edward Cluff, a pioneer of Morrow county, and a former resident of Polk county, died at the asylum at Salem, March 30. ' He was about 77 years old. He and his uncle, Dr. Jackson, atone time were proprietors of a store about three miles southwest of the preseut site of Ballston. Mr. Cluff was one of the proprietors of the townsite of lone. At the time of his death, he owned a fine ranch near lone and considerable town property. He had been unable to attend to his own busi ness for several months, haviDg been under the care of a guardian. A short time ago, he was committed to the asylum. He had no relatives in Mor row county, and for several years had heard from none of his relatives. He sometimes said that he had two or three cousins, daughters of Dr. Jackson. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. House For Rent. House for rent. Apply to Guy Bkos. For Sale. White Seed Oats for sale by SAMUEL ORR, Rickreall, Or. Building Material. I am now dealing in brick, lime, sand, cement and shingles. Also carry a good supply of land plaster. Call and see me at the new warehouse in Dallas. W. L. SOEHREN. Eggs For Sale. Fine white Wyandotte eggs, Duston strain ; first pen, $2.50 persettingof 13; second pen, $1.50 per setting of 13. Address J, C. Stingley, Dallas, Ore gon, R. F. D. 1. Wood Wanted. I will accept bids on 25 cords of oak grub cordwood; also on 25 cords of old fir cordwood, to be delivered on or before September 1. 1906, corded up at public school building in Dallas, Ore gon. Bids will beopened April 10, 1906. H. G. CAMPBELL, Clerk School Dist. 2, Dallas, Or. Milk Cow Wanted. Wanted, to trade, baled cheat for a good fresh milk cow. Brown, Dallas, R. F. D. 1. hay Fay ATTENTION!! WHAT? WHY? BALLSTON HAS A Hardware Store subject to inspection. Handling everything necessary to complete this line. Also, Paints, Oi Gasoline and Turpentine. Call and look over my stock. THE EYE CAN SEE BETTER THAN THE TONGUE CAN TELL. Ballston Hardware G; W. HAYNES. WET WEATHER COMFORT "I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker for five years and can truth fully say that I never have had anything give me so much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another one." (nam and address on application) You can defy the hardoct s!om with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Hiffliost Award WrM's Fair. 1904. OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS SIGN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER CO. CSWE?3 Boston. U. S. A. sj! i 10V1KR CANADIAN CO. f JJS&i Toronto. Canada ''iflBRAJ to OF PORTLAND, ORE. Pays SicK Benefits of $40 $50 per month. Pays Accident Benefits class ified according to occupation. Payj Surgeon's Fees Pays Funeral Expenses from 100 to 150. (US us & s (US (OS (KS (is to (KS (US lt lis US (IS to (KS ass as (VS (OS a (US (US tis (KS (KS (KS (KS (KS n (KS (Ks (KS (Ks (KS (KS (KS (KS (S Wasnt That a Grand Sale? i i i WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL TO OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY STOOD BY US, AND WE PROMISE THEM SPLENDID THINGS IN THE FUTURE Look Out For Our New "Ad." Next Week. ft I I I I I LLIS EC BYT Main St., Dallas, Oregon Oi No Medical Examination. Membership Fee, 5.00, par able only once in a lifetime I)ues,1.50 and 1 per Month W. V. Fuller, Agent uanas, uregon. James Withycombe OP CORVALLIS Republican Candidate for Governor "An honest and fearless per formance of public duty a greater and united Oregon" DRINK WITH ME! All the flavors of Fountain and Bottle Soda: Sabsafarilla and Iron, Orange Cider. Mineral Water, Iron Brew and Welch's Grape Jdice, SMOKE! YES All tho loading brands of Cigars and Tobacco kept in stock. CONFECTIONERY Constantly receiving a fresh supply of Fruits, Chewing Gum, Nuts, Aldon's Candies and Lunch Goods. Tracy Staats Main St., Dallas, Oregon INSURE YOUR HOME IN THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION Oregon's Great Mutual Write me, phone ni?, or call on me, and I am at your service. W. P. DYKE Agent for Polk County. Office with W. V. Fuller in Campbell building, Dallas, Ore. Mutual Phone 231. Bell 'Phone 44. Mutual 'Phone 63 GR OCE We sell more and better Groceries than any other store in Dallas. We buy the best values that can be had for Cash, and save the Discounts. We move our Groceries quick and fast, (at cash values) hence our goods are always new and fresh. We are headquarters for M. J. B COFFEE, FOLGER'S TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES AND EXTRACTS, FAMOUS RALSTON BREAKFAST FOODS, QUAKER PUFFED RICE, H. B. AND ROYAL CLUB CANNED GOODS, WALTER BAKER'S COCOA AND CHOCOLATE.. Everything Good and New in Groceries at U. S. Loughary's DALLAS, OREGON HARNESS SADDLES If you desire to groom your horse in the proper style.a har ness shop is the proper place to buy your outfit. I carry a complete stock of : ; : HARNESS, ROBES, We Are Well Armed! 8 t 18 IS' To meet every requirement of the purchaser, with the latest styles and best makes of. Ladies', Gents' and Children's . . Shoes. . . There is honest value in every pair, and we guarantee that they will give good satisfaction. We believe that a nfirsnnn l inenpntinn will make JLANHETSjJWmPS! 3'ou a customer. Prices? The lowest possible and can fit you out in short order. Also carry a full line of Driving and Working Gloves, at from 75c to $2.00. ALWAYS READY TO . Tin vhttt REPAIRING. Fi suik A. Stiles I DALLAS. ORE MAIN ST. Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE Eflective 1 vmb.T 1 Psilj txeept Similar. Wrt-F(oi-nl: A.M. It. Dallas - - i-ir.ism 7; (9 Bridgeport 7 55 Ar. FALLS CITY s (IS tsi Bound: A. M. Lt. falls city w ,-., Rriiiepport 10:10 i.ii'.Iim 10.1,; Ar. PALLAS Tmini Step on Siena! SPECIAL SALE Boy's Two and Three Piece Suits, regular values at $4.00 .b.oo at almost half the g for good footwear. DALLAS SHOE STORE Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Proprietor. Main Street, . . Dallas, Oregon. 8 rr SI W. V. FULLER. REALJSTATE Timber Lands a Specialty If you have patented lands or relinquishments to sell, list same with me. Office in Crider Building Dallas, Oregon P. M. 1:00 1:39 1:45 1:.V) P.M. 4:00 4:10 4:17 4:S5 price. NEW LINE OF LACES Picture frames a new line just received handsome pat- terns at reduced prices. Tile OldS GaSOline EllgineS OurBoast that our lino rJ Ihandlethe om..... i. . .m uie nesr. lioin. never Mml cbt L. OEKLINUER. Jr., vivatral Imager. i hosiery espeeiallv ... and children's has been equalled in Dallas. HackeL Store Main Street, Dallas. Oregon Come and .i . line enzlne , aso ,. " r iarmei TS' Ed. Diddle, Agent, BEST GOODS'! ram n complete w at all times of Jew Watches, Clocks a Libbey Glass. article is of high q and best workman thatthe market affs MORI Jeweler and maul oimh THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE C KENXFDY'S LAXATIVE H I wegon. ! IU Clorer SUmm M